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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>browse /cgl/ the year of its inception
>almost entirely cosplay, little to no EGL
>come back years later
>most threads are EGL, some cosplay scattered here and there

As an outside perspective I'm curious as to what sparked this change.
It is kinda weird, isn't it.

I mean, I do enjoy egl as well as cosplay, but my understanding is that it's not nearly as popular as it was a few years ago. So, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for it to be taking up most of the board.
I only browse the egl threads. I close the cosplay threads. In my feed over 70% of threads are closed. I would recheck my math or rethink the word "most"
lolita is more accessible that it was when the board first started, with brands now shipping overseas/having english websites as well as cheaper offbrand alternatives.
This board is now 65% EGL, 25% makeup and beauty tips, and 10% actual cosplay.

I seriously think that it's because a lot of people just buy their costumes anymore, so a lot of those cosplayers don't really have anything actually constructive to add to this board. Also, /cgl/ has a really young population. I get the feeling a good half of this board are females between 16-19, and because they are young/new to the hobby they have nothing really substantial to contribute other than weeaboo horror story threads or how to look good.
I'm looking at the catalog right now and the first 8 threads, save for the Animal Crossing one which doesn't belong to this board at all, are EGL related.
I think the thing is that cosplay threads tend to be on a more general topic (the progress thread, cosplay from a particular series) and so they last longer and have more posts than the lolita threads, which tend to be short-lived and on very specific topics.
OP here. That's a very good point. I hadn't thought of that.
This reminds me of how badly I want Homestcuk to go away. I don't understand why out of all the series people cosplay from, they are the only group that thinks they need a constant thread. When Naruto was popular there was never a constant Naruto thread.

Why the hell do you people need to constantly talk about Homestuck 24/7? Go the fuck away.
Look how retarded you are. You hate a thing, so you want that thing to be EVERYWHERE, rather than contained in one place where you can avoid it. Ever heard of quarantine?
moot conceded that this is primarily a womens board, j fasion wasn't being accepted anywhere else, followed by the removal of most of the dramu.
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I don't agree with the anon saying most that frequent egl are mostly underage, because lets get real, cosplay and lolita are expensive ass hobbies and unless these anons are swimming in daddy's money I don't really see how they would find this board interesting. but I do agree that most underage anons only come here for the con threads and weeb horror stories.

we made it relevant by making lolita dress patterns, and cosplay patterns nonstop
While they do talk about the series a bit, many of the threads revolve around cons, meetups, costume advice and picture sharing. Dare I say the Homestuck threads are the most ontopic threads next to the progress threads
I know about quarantine, I know that /vp/ and /mlp/ exist for a reason, I just don't understand how fucking egotistical you have to be to think that your special little thing needs a topic 24/7.

I'm still not used to General threads. Generals are something that only really started on 4chan within the past two years. I never remembered constant General threads like there are now back in 2007.
>hey guys look at me i hate homestuck look guys am i edgy am i cool do i fit in yet lolz are yu lookin ya BAN HOMOSUCK lmfao
So you'd rather have a series you hate in all of the threads you read, rather than in one thread you can close? Yep, full-on retard. It's funny because most Homestucks I know are smarter than most of the anti-homosuck faggots I meet.
>stop talking about things that I don't like!!!!
I'm not saying to ban Homestuck, I'm just saying that I don't understand it. I honestly just don't understand it at all.

Maybe I'm just too old at this point.
The series isn't for everyone, and while I can get seeing something you don't like pop up on a board you frequent all the time, it could be so much worse.

At least they seem to try to keep to themselves, right?
The Homestuck threads aren't that bad, if only because they stick to one place.
Anyone sensible can easily ignore them.

The only other option is to just outlaw them completely, and since it is unlikely a mod would do that it would be up to board consensus to spam "gb2tumblr" or however people insult that fandom until no one posts about it anymore.
But that shouldn't really happen, because Homestuck threads are actually on topic and self-contained, and /cgl/=/=/a/.
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The content is different, but at least the board is still active
Considering how they talk mostly about cosplaying, any mod who would try to remove them from the board would have to be- to borrow a phrase from the comic- pants on head retarded.
My take on the more EGL is due to the change in /cgl. We've been desginated as the japanese fasion board cause fuck if /fa wants anything to do with it.

I think another part of is less and less people are posting con picturs or people are waiting for the best photo's to come out from the private shoots. I think we also have less topics unless it's some cosplay dramu.
I think lolita looks stupid. Especially sweet, dumbest shit ever. The influx of threads is not something I'm happy to see. Also since it's supposedly a fashion why not move it to the fashion board now that we have one.
Have you ever actually been to /fa/?
Yes, its pretty terrible.
You guys all completely forgot that back in the early days of 4chan, this was a NWS board. It was mostly for posting skimpy porn cosplays, asian girl super-moe cosplays, and etc. I think even back then talk about conventions wasn't as common (I remember Moot opened up a special board /con/ for some big cons he'd attend, like Otakon.)

Now that you can't post generative organs or breasts of cosplayers, the demographic of those who would (men) moved away and a female demographic moved into place and along with >>6932823's points about Lolita Fashion being more available, changed the demographic and thus the posts in /cgl./
Well there you go.

Also remember when people with actual talent like Precious and Volpin used to post on here? Remember when Volpin stopped posting on here because somebody with sand in their vagina called him a faggot with no talent?
Yeah, I remember when I first found /cgl, half the front page was ALL HAIL QUEEN KIPI and I didn't come back for 6 months. Weird times, man.
People got fed up with LJ. That and it started to become more and more acceptable in the Lolita community to openly admit you went to /cgl/.
I remember back in the days when we had no mods, we had tons of cosplay drama threads. There was tons of cosplay tripfags who contributed to ruining the board. Since those aren't allowed anymore, we don't see them as much.
Actually, it usually depends what time you come around from what I've seen. If it's right around when a big con is happening, you'll see more cosplay stuff. If you come around the time where one isn't happening in the immediate future, you'll find more lolita stuff. It seems to fluctuate pretty evenly between the two.

But that's just my own experience.
If there are people enough to keep it alive without pointless bumping by talking, I don't see why they shouldn't. It's like not being a Taobao shopper and then bitching that the Taobao thread is here all the time.
Also depends on the time of year.
Right around the time schools let out came the influx of terrible grammar, spelling, and civility and with it a horrible amount of gullible posting.
It isn't restricted to this year alone either.
It seems to follow this pattern usually. Saturdays some kids come on and we have more cosplay threads up I've noticed.
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I think this is the reason too. Most of the /cgl/ users verge on the age from 16 to 19 so they don't really have anything to contribute other than beauty tips which now make around 30% of the board's content. I really don't recall getting any good advice in help threads recently when I'm asking about more advanced prop-related things, other than "make it out of craft foam and modge podge lel". Damn, even the progress threads have almost exclusively only people posting pictures of themselves in wigs and that's supposed to be a WIP photo.

And judging from the threads we have a lot of tumblr casuals who just come here to lurk and comment on subjects they have no idea about. The posts that go something like "I'm not a /cgl/ citizen, but YOU'RE ALL WRONG". Criticism, and I mean actual criticism and not just vendetta bashing, is met with a "WHO ARE YOU TO SAY WHAT PEOPLE SHOULD COSPLAY THEY'RE ALLOWED TO COSPLAY WHATEVER THEY WANT YOU FASCIST SCUM YOU'RE WHAT'S WRONG WITH COSPLAAAYYYY".

And the people who come from other boards who start threads with the fucking oldest reposts in the internet ("LE HORRIBLE COSPLAY FAIL THREAD XDDD LOL SAILOR BUBBA"). And I'M GONNA DO MY FIRST COSPLAY CGL HOW CAN I DYE A BLACK WIG WHITE ???? threads instead of just using a help thread.

I actually miss the drama threads, at least they attracted a lot of cosplayers to this board who in turn contributed to the other threads while browsing. They kept the board interesting and everyone loves some justified drama.
I've been here a while and I can say I do agree with the shift in interest but it seems to balance out still.

I doubt anyone from tumblr wanders over here just to start shit. They know they're hated so they stay away, the threads that usually start shit tend to begin with "So /cgl/...are you or are you not full of whores?"

Despite the warning not to engage in this troll feeding these threads keep popping up and its just tiring.

Maybe someone should start a thread for more advanced cosplays?

The whole drama threads, I dunno I do agree in that they are entertaining but there are other sites off this for that and I can understand if it irritates some.
Oh fuck I do not miss that.
The drama threads were stupid as rarely it was justified. People who just post a random cosplayer and go "I heard he's a creep" when brarely anyone on the board met him at a con or they would post people ASKING if there's any drama with them.

Not to mention the drama days were wen the /fit/ trips pretty much ran the place and kept bumping their circlejerk threads and pushing all the on topic stuff to the bottom
/vp/ is a very active board anyways. I always lurk betweet here and there.
I honestly barely ever see any of the shit you're describing in the first two paragraphs, only ever other people complaining about the same thing. The only place I tend to see 'WIP photos' of wigs is in mail or ...gasp, wig threads, progress threads are almost always armor or sewing progress. I don't know what progress threads you're looking at.

You're right on the money about the crossboarders though; these are the threads that annoy me because they push other threads off the board and there's always a ton of them. If anything the crappier content comes more from them than anyone on cgl- underageb& or otherwise. (I still don't think it's a mostly 16-19 crowd though; even though I'm sure they hang around I do think CGL is still more college aged, so like 18-22 or so. It probably has more underagers than any other board, though.)
The drama threads were fun because they were what made /cgl/ unique. If you wanted to Anonymously talk shit on a cosplayer like a coward, you came to /cgl/. No other website had that.

The whole tripfag clusterfuck thing with Hobbes didn't start until I think maybe 2010, and I agree, that was pretty fucking annoying.
and at least there's still le canadian tripfag circlejerking

although kind of a shame that you chased DQ away just because her brother was dumped by le Voldefart
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>still going on about this
I thought you said you would stop posting Dee-Kyu.

Or is this nixnax doing some whiteknighting for his Canadian masters?
Yeah, /cgl/ is the only cosplay site where I don't see that shit in progress threads. It's pretty common on coscom, but not here.
As a person who used the original name of Anonymous of College Park, MD. I want to tell you my side of the issue. /cgl/ was used to be a board dominated with cosplay topics, cosplay photos, and cosplay construction, with egl and other related topics on the side. Slowly through the years the cosplay side of /cgl/ has been reduced with the popularity of EGL and focus on drama and tripfags. This reached to a peak around 2010 -2011. I know this because I archived a lot of threads of /cgl/ from 2008 to 2012 (which is available in the YS Archives for the most part).

Now a days most of the cosplay construction is in dedicated threads and in convention themed threads.
less cosplay threads are being made due to the fact that the sticky answers many newbie cosplay questions that clog up the board. Not to mention popular threads like progress threads, cosplay suggestions and help threads stay confined to only one thread at a time for easy browsing. Add to this a huge ban on vendetta threads (no more PT, Jnig or other lulcow threads) and a less active tripfag population the board was purned of a lot of its bullshit.

Outside of the old standbyes, the other other cosplay threads that get noticed are convention threads and photo dumps with everything else made only getting 10 replies before fading away. We have had a few unique threads in the past that did well (the difficulty rating thread and the pose thread) but those topics are so centralized that they can't be relevant for long.

Of course you get a few oddball quirky threads such as people posting as a character but I doubt that's gonna happen anytime soon given the new board rules.


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