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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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How do you react if someone chastises/mocks you for playing pokemon?

My recent situation with this:
>Be in college
>Have a good group of bros, a couple of which also play pokemon
>One of them doesn't get why we still play it. We don't care. We keep our powerlevels in check anyway
>Get to like girl
>Be talking with her yesterday
>"Anon... Is it true you still watch Pokemon? [pokemon hating friend] told me you do..."
>"Oh really?"
>mfw I don't even watch the anime but only play the games
>mfw neither should be an issue for her but it is
>mfw meeting that guy that evening in our hall of residence
>mfw people actually give a shit about what games you play and judge you based on those games

Yes I'm mad.
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>>11396017 (OP)

Also forgot to add that he asked her out today. Sneaky motherfucker. It's like grade school all over again
Sucks anon. Best thing to do is shrug it off but that can be hard sometimes.
should have said: what? you don't?
Did she say yes, if so then you're pretty beta bro.
>mfw people actually give a shit about what games you play and judge you based on those games

Don't pretend you don't judge others for things YOU don't like or have a negative perception of. Sage for hypocrisy.
It's the same shit as ponies. If you want normal people to respect you, you have to hide your powerlevel. As far most people know, I'm a hardcore sports fan who loves working out, and that's it.
>>[pokemon hating friend] told me you do...
alright, i guess he wanted to fuck with you or something

>>he asked her out today
welp. that's why he told her. kick his ass

Oh hey I know how the dating game can be. If she said no, fine. The fact her opinion on me shifted based on a guy badmouthing me for playing pokemon though? that's bullshit.
If she can't respect the fact you play this then you shouldn't be with her man. She'll get in the way of catching em all.

If I knew the person beforehand, my opinion wouldn't change. Honestly. I'm not 12. This girl knew me for months, yet this minor thing changed her view of me.
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>She'll get in the way of catching em all.
but wait, why did you just say "no"? you wouldn't be lying, because she asked if you watch the anime, and you don't. if you would've said "no, i don't know where he got that idea from" or something along those lines, she'd probably believe you

I told her I don't watch the show and I only play the games. That was enough to turn her away.
Just say "I play the games still, but its because me and my brother always used to play it and ever since I moved (or he moved) we always get together and play when we see eachother. Its become a tradition"

Her panties will be wetter than a poliwag.

Well it's obvious she's about as deep as drying tidal pool. Why do you even like her?
Girl spotted
Don't listen to the fags telling you to lie or make up a story. You like what you like, and if some chick thinks you're less of a man because of it, forget her. It's just a game, someone who's worth it won't give a shit.
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>>11396017 (OP)
Wow, OP. Your "friend" sounds like a real douche. Bros before hoes man. That being said, the girl seems shallow if she'd judge you just for liking Pokemon. There are plenty of people with childish/nerdy interests, but as long as you're not a complete neckbeard/sperglord, it shouldn't be an issue. You'd be surprised how many people in college like Pokemon, but hide their power levels.

So, yeah, best thing to do would be to forget about both that friend and that girl. You don't want to date a girl who's critical of your interests anyway. Fuck bitches, acquire Pokemon.
Told my entire degree class on the first day via a mini presentation how Pokémon is my ideal business model and my main inspiration.

Everyone loves me
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>Her panties will be wetter than a poliwag.

aww yeah
I wish that everyone on vp lived on an island together
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>>11396017 (OP)

mfw I have a similar guy in my hall who makes fun of me for it while he plays CoD

When the /v/ manor goes up, we'll get our own wing.
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>>11396017 (OP)

T'is a cruel world

and you just take it, right you passive aggressive faggot?
>getting mad
last time someone asked why i was playing a kid's game i just shrugged it off and said it was fun
Once someone finds out you like Pokemon, you have two options. You can be apologetic about it or you can take it like a man and be entirely comfortable with it. If they're so closeminded that the idea is entirely unpalatable to them, you'd lost the moment they found out anyway. But if there is any chance of reconciliation, showing that you are proud and comfortable in yourself can show them that it's nothing to be ashamed of and could end up with them respecting you more for it.
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>mfw I have a degree in Japanese, so that's my excuse for playing Pokemon and watching animu
Gotta practice somehow.
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>>11396017 (OP)

>Start going out with girl
>Be shopping with her
>"Hey babe, you go ahead. I just need to go into Gamestop and buy a game."
>"What game, Anon?"
>"The new pokemon.'
>Her face sinks
>Tells her friends
>They all mock me except one of the more attractive ones
>"You play pokemon too, Anon?"
>Been going out with the more attractive trainer since BW2 came out


Why should I give a shit? I'm more social than him. I may play pokemon, but unlike him I get out while has a pc rig for Call of Battlefield Modern Marines in his room of no sunlight.
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>hworrying about what other people think of you
>year of our lord twenty hthirteen
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This. A real alpha wouldn't care what others think about his hobbies.
I just ask them "are you still in high school or something?"
People don't care when I do because I'm black.
>>11396017 (OP)
You can catch em all if you want to
You can leave that friend behind
Because your friend dont pokemon
And if he dont pokemon
He aint no friend of mine
>year of our arceus
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>Playing HG
>Nigger: You still play Pokemon?
>Me: Yeh, it's fun
>Nigger: Ain't that game for kids?
>Me: I don't know anything about that shit
>Nigger: Oh
>Nigger: Can I play a bit?
>Me: Sure

For the most part people are just curious. So long as you don't act like a fucking sperglord, your interactions with people who don't understand why Pokemon is fun should blow over fine. Your ego is making you believe that people give a shit about your taste in gaming. It's because you have an internalized doubt within yourself, a feeling deep down that this game is for kids, and you should feel childish for playing it.

If you remove that doubt, then you'll do just fine. And if some 2troo4u gamers start bitching about your playing this game, just walk away. They are shallow and pedantic
it's probably fake, but i want it to be true
>>11396017 (OP)
There's an easy solution - don't care.

Here's a simple fact - the people who think they're "nothing but kids games" are wrong. It's not simply a matter of opinion - they are, flatly, wrong, and you know they are.

So the only question is whether you'll be able to get them to see that they're wrong. If there's a chance and you care, give it a shot. If not, don't waste your time. Whether they know it or not, they'll still be wrong and you'll still be right, and that should be good enough. If it's not, then the problem isn't the games or the people who underrate them - the problem is your own lack of confidence, and this isn't the place to address that.
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>>11396017 (OP)

Been there dude. I (a social guy in shape and academic) was apparently too nerdy for a girl as she got to know me upon going out.

mfw I saw her recently with a generic meathead with no prospects beyond ultimate frisbee
Got to agree.
>high shcool grad
>the mc tells the people what you'll be doing after high shcool
>here's anon his plan is to become a pokemon master
>get bitches in the grad party

Mah Niggah as long as you're not a pokefreak it's all good in the hood. My friends teased me when I watched MLP as well but I didn't care and they haven't mentioned it since.
MLP is completely different don't even compare the two
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> My friends teased me when I watched MLP
You deserve everything you got.
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I believed your story about getting girls until you claimed to be a ponyfag.
>comparing pokemon to MLP
>pokemon a game that we played as kids and still continue to play
>a fucking little girls tv show/toys that you got into as a man
>get the fuck out and never come back
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Not everyone is like you.

Fellas, fellas, let's coincide in peace and harmony for once.
>implying Pokemon and MLP aren't both aimed at little kids but have an older fanbase too

Whether you like it or not, they're more related to us than you think.
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>peace and harmony
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Pokemon is aimed at people for all ages.
MLP is aimed at little girls.
Back to /v/ ironic shitposter.
>Out in town with friends
>Female friend has to go buy something
>Shop is right across from GAME
>Tell her that another friend and I are going in GAME while she gets her stuff
>Female friend and other friend look at us in disgust
>We don't really give a shit and go look in GAME
It happens every time we walk around town; it's not as if you need us to go into the shop with you.
"Yeah, I still play Pokemon. It's a fun game."

Honestly nobody, even "normalfags", has ever given me shit for playing Pokemon. As long as your life doesn't revolve around it it shouldn't bother people, and if it does, fuck them.
>get new girlfriend
>her friends scope me out on facebook
>see that i put occupation as "Pokemon Master" for shits n gigs
>one day she asks me to change it
>says her friends think i'm weird
>politely inform her that i want to be the very best, like no one ever was
>she doesn't get the reference
>dumped within the week

bitches don't get in the way of my pakimens
-Aimed at children 6-14, slightly more to boys but not very much
-Has video games that any person who knows anything about video games knows that they are good

-Aimed at girls 3-9
-Has only a line of pink and purple figurines
What a cunt.
You did good.
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>doing the exact thing this thread is about not doing
you get into pokemon young, and stay in it, plus it's monsters blowing each other up

middle age men who are either fat as fuck or straight out of auchswitz get into MLP which is about colurful ponies and friendship, as female as it gets

die pls
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>implying Pokemon isn't targeted at different audiences in different countries
In North America, it's pretty much targeted at preschoolers and elementary schoolers while also catering to fans our age with the video game tournaments. In China, it's only targeted at boys instead of both sexes. In Japan, it's intended to be an all-ages game.

The difference between Pokemon fans and ponyfags is that most people who like Pokemon or who enjoyed it as kids are completely well-adjusted except for the occasional neckbeard. On the other hand, most people who like MLP outside of its intended audience (little girls) pretty much fulfill every negative stereotype people have of them.
This Anon speaks the truth.
We're all hypocrites here. Back then I use to report any furry porn threads, and later fapped to them.

That being said, I would have said something along the lines of...

"Yeah I play Pokémon. Big whoop right? Hahaha."
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Kill that mother fucker, one thing its making fun of a thing you enjoy/like doing, like playing games even if other people they they are for "le kids", but another thing, its using that shit, turning around a girl you like, and asking/backstabbing around you.
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>>11396017 (OP)

You know, just because the board came from /v/ doesn't mean we have to be a bunch of assholes. I would imagine we have the capacity for a little more understanding and tolerance.
I support this fucker right here, ditch her, there is plenty of girls out there, and with luck, you may meet a pokegirl
No, better. Go up to him, and say "Oh hey man, thanks for letting be borrow [INSERT POKEMON GAME HERE]" while holding up the box or cart
>>11396017 (OP)
Pokemon are always more loyal than any human could be anyways.
And then kill him?
Doesn't sound like a keeper to me if she can't just learn to understand and accept something you do, but it more or less sounds like your friend is just being an asshole and stealing your poontang

Idk what to tell you anon, but my personal advice would be to just keep on living. As long as Pokemon doesn't define hours of your day and restricts you from being a generally nice individual, you'll do fine with somebody else.

Just fuck that friend. I knew guys like that in high school that shit all over me for just being the slightest bit different so I never dated anyone popular at my school. He's the real problem.
You must have not seen the show itself. While it's not brilliant, it's better than most stuff out there on TV (then again, that's not hard).

I'm just saying that there's no point complaining about how people who ridicule you for playing pokemon are faggots, but you do the exact same thing to ponyfags. Just ignore them rather than trying to put them down and you'll be less butthurt in life.
le epic meme xD
ITT: people bitch about shallow assholes that care if you play pokemon, and simultaneously ARE shallow assholes that care if someone else watches MLP.

My irony meter is about to break
you could also plant pony merch around his room
make fake screenshots of fucked up porn in his history
kill his family
as long as you get back at him brah
I'm straight-up honest about it. I don't go about advertising it, but if it comes up, I don't hesitate to tell the truth. I figure if they're gonna judge me for my choice in video games, they're hardly worth socializing with, anyway. And as a result, my group of friends is entirely composed of people who aren't assholes and who genuinely like me for me. It works out pretty well.
Who gives a shit? Everyone still plays pokemon, I'm fucking almost 20 and I still play it.
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Gee, I wonder who could be behind these posts...
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Pictured: You "friend"
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This nigga.


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It really doesn't matter if people judge me for playing pokemon.
The'll just find something else about me they don't like.
the irony brainless, dont get caught in it
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>kid i met at college ripping on me for still liking pokemon
>he's a hardcore nostalgiafag, 2nd gen doesnt even exist to him
>in a boring lecture
>pull out ipod
>start playing emerald
>cute girl i met earlier behind me says "omg is that pokemon?"
>i say yea
>"you have a belossom? i love her!"
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"You like pokemon?"

"Fuck yeah."
yeah this
>flying to florida alone
>already in my seat
>couple sits down next to me
>we have polite conversation
>in the air
>i pull out my DS and start playing white
>guy i just met 30 minutes ago asks
>"do you seriously play pokemon"
>i look him dead in the eyes and say "no"
>continue playing
>"what, you don't like having fun?"
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this would be me
i take it you were basedgod in that situation?
People say they shouldn't be judged for playing pokemans then harass me for watching mlp

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This. I don't see why people think it has to be a dark secret. If they don't like you for something as trivial as playing Pokemon, then they probably wouldn't like you in general.
not gonna lie, felt a bit like based god. never realized how many people still enjoy pokemon or at least dont care if you play
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At that point, I usually get on the floor and walk the dinosaur.
>Be a massive Pokefag
>Own seven of the movies, games from all gens, several plushies too.
>Roomie gives me shit for it, he is a Gewunner all the way.
>Two of my friends are kind of into it, and another is more into Pokeymans more than I am.
>Had to stop hanging out with a Smogon fag because he literally made fun of my playstyle constantly and mocked me for even watching the movie and show as a kid.

I will take what I can get, I suppose.
mirin' neckbeard
Why do you assholes even ASSOCIATE with people who find something as trivial as HAVING FUN an issue?
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is this you OP?
why do fat people always wear tommy bahama shirts
Looks like my highschool
Because you have to associate with people in certain roles, and you can't choose the people filling them.
I didn't get this when I was a kid, but somewhere along the way, in adulthood, I figured out something really simple - the sort of people who will judge you harshly because of something ultimately trivial like an entertainment preference are assholes. And they're actually doing you a favor by exposing themselves as assholes right off the bat, so you don't need to waste your time on them. And the people who aren't assholes about it aren't assholes. You win either way.

nope. Not what I meant. You can do what you HAVE to do with those people, but it's not like you have to make small talk about things you like
You an asshole bro?
The quads prove it; this guy knows what's up.
The trips prove it; this guy gets it too.
pay someone to got to him in front of her and say "oh man thanks for borrowing me your my little pony dvds, your collection is so fucking huge"
And just because you don't try to make small talk with them doesn't mean they won't try to make small talk with you.

It doesn't even have to be people you're forced to interact with regularly; >>11396791 didn't sound like he was trying to make small talk with the couple once he pulled out his DS.
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>playing Pokemon on the bus
>black guy comes up
>"Lol is that pokemon"
>he takes out a Gameboy Color with Crystal
>other people actually have Advances and SPs
>All of a sudden I feel like a nextgenbaby with this DS and Black out the one fucking day I don't bring my SP with me.
The hero /vp/ needs but doesn't deserve.
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they don't like Pokemon anon

they like memories. Stay cool nigga
True story

>Few months ago group of friends get back into Pokemon
>They all want to have some tournament among us
>Best friends says I should join in
>Havent played a game since gen3(this was a few months ago)
>Get back into the games, generally enjoy them
>Tournament passes
>Month or so later one of said friends has some $1000 camera taking pictures of ugly insecure girls and sleeping with them
>"Aw man anon i get so much pussy now"
>He begins to tease me for playing Pokemon when just a few months ago he was harrassing me to let him borrow link cables and shit.
>Break his camera. on purpose
>Be a douche about it and start teasing him "What? Are you going to cry? Hahaha, come on. You know if it werent for that thing you couldnt get laid because you're so fucking lame to talk to."
>Tears run down his face and other people have to hold him back as he tries to attack me
>Just smirk and continue playing Pokemon.

I like to fight douchebags by being my own special brand of douchebag.
This is exactly how I feel, if it comes up and I'm part of the conversation, I'll talk about it. I have the same group of friends, and although we don't like the same things, we don't rip on each other about them.

This is more true for how I absolutely love SNSD.

sheeiit muh nigga
I would usually be on your side, but I would have fought those people holding me back just to tear your eyes out of your head.

500 dollars is alright.

1000 dollars isn't alright.

how much pussy were you getting bro?
>Breaking someones $1000 camera because they were being a dick to you.

I'm sorry but you're the dick here.
I think it may be a little odd for a game like Pokemon to define your entertainment/leisure tine when you're past 21, but if it is really something you just casually enjoy, I have no issue.

Just don't let the games define you OP. It is fine to enjoy it, but it is a turn off if you let it get to a point where you'd rather choose the game over the girl.
pokemon is aimed for all ages like most stuff nintendo puts out

mlp is aimed at little girls.
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you're a fucking idiot
Are you seriously implying that you should choose a female human being over what entertains you?
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you sound like the type of person everyone is thread is bawing about. pls go
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>I occasionally carry my SP around because I can't play Emerald on the DSi that I play my gen 4/5 games on
Sounds like you're the real prick here, bro. Instead of bring aggressive, just be assertive. You didn't have to break his camera and probably ruin your friendship just to make a point.
Even if you weren't trying to make a joke, that was pretty funny
I was getting pussy from one girl and one girl only. Also, I did feel bad about breaking the camera.

Basically during the "fight" what happened was he was teasing me, I got tired of his shit took the camera and dropped it lens first on the ground then I gave the typical sarcastic "Oops".

I like showing pricks that there can be even bigger pricks around.
>>11396017 (OP)
>be in highschool
>pokemon DP comes out
>"Anon you still play pokemon"
>"Yeah I like it, good for passing time when theres nothing else to do"
>"dude no one plays that anymore"
>fast forward a week later. EVERYONE is playing DP except that guy
Never really made fun of for it. It was sort of a nostalgia vs non-nostalgia thing in High School. Everyone plays in Uni.
>it's only O.K. to be a wishy-washy milquetoast
>it is a turn off if you let it get to a point where you'd rather choose the game over the girl.

At that point isn't it irrelevant whether it's a turn off or not? It might turn off a girl we've already specified you don't care about?
No, I wasn't trying to be funny. I just know that feel of being around people who put pussy on a pedestal 24/7. My friends, my fucking parents, everyone. People never understood why I locked myself in my room, and had fun every single day of my life with things I bought, than going out and talking to a bag of flesh that doesn't entertain me, and spending the same amount of money on. i mad
>Platinum comes out
>beat it in 2 days
>beating E4 with underleveled team during lunch
>small crowd gathers too watch
>friend who also plays comes over
>"holy shit already? Anon is a fucking beast."
Felt cool for a good 5 minutes
Wait, can any of you explain to me why it isn't just the truth? Most girls act that way about that shit. I'm sorry, if you can't compromise with anyone about that stuff, how can you expect other females to do the same.
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>be at college enjoying lunch
>decide to sit outside and play on Black 2
>training team when a girl in my class notices me with her friend
>come over asking about class at first
>they notice my game and ask if i'm playing Pokemon
>respond with nod pretty casually
>her friend admits she likes it awkwardly and mentions she hasn't got BW2
>surprised but recommends it if she gets the money
>start talking about it until girl from class wanders away uninterested
>three days later her friend finds me with White 2
>tells me girl from class has been making comments that she's childish and about me too
>tell her she isn't worth the time and should find more open minded people
>become friends after that and talk about most things without judging
>turns out she likes animes, games, films, etc I like
>girl from class still walks past and feels the need to judge silently
Just goes to show, huh?
once again, you're an idiot

You sound like the kind of person who wore their pants at their knees in Highschool because you hoped it made you 'cool'
You're still wrong for breaking his camera.
They don't call her Squirtle for nothin'.
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It's not the same as ponies. Don't any of you faggots say that again. Pokemon is about battlan, tradan, and circle jerkan. It uses a lot of math equations, probabilities, intelligence, and mind games. A high skilled competitive game. Not a piece of shit little girls show that grown men watch to get into little girls pants. Most Pokemon players don't have anything to say about the Pokemon anime, because its irrelevant and a piece of shit.

shes a dumb bitch anyway, anon

There are plenty of awesome girls out there.
Just speaking truth about that stuff. I'm sure there are many people on this board that have issues with liking girls but know some of their hobbies would push her away.
Good for you, man. Some girls seem to merely live to torment their peers, and proper nerd girls tend to be their prime targets.

It's slightly different for MLP man. Pokemon doesn't go out of its way to make itself a subculture and shit.

You can't tell me that they're the same
Oh no, I totally know where you're coming from. The way it was worded though, was kinda funny seeing as how a woman can't be as entertaining as the material things you enjoy

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