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girl on the right looks like victoria suzanne if she gained 800 pounds.
what do you guys think of girls who are this fat and into lolita? is there any way to make it work?
You know, considering her size I really don't think she looks too bad. The dress sits a little weird in the bust and seems a tad too long, but I'm not sure she could get much closer without the world's most daring tailor.
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>>6615267 (OP)
Being that overweight? Probably not, honestly. The proportions are just so distorted I can't imagine it looking cute.

But I think you can be pretty overweight and still good, pic related
The left is adorable. Much potential.
>>6615267 (OP)
I doubt that anything looks good on her when she's that overweight.
But there are some fatty-chans that looks great simply because they're not as bad as the girl on the picture.
>>6615267 (OP)
Are they even wearing petticoats?

Do petticoats even give as much poof to the overweight?
I think skirt/blouse combos work better on fat girls because the OPs and JSKs tend to give them uniboobs/boobloafs and they just don't look flattering. The waist band makes a nice, flattering silhouette and the blouses can be custom made (I know English Charm makes them to your measurements) to fit their girth without the fabric looking strained like in OP's pic. Fatty-chans can look good in lolita when their clothes fit properly. They just have to let go of their dreams of wearing burando and stick to indie/offbrand.
>>6615267 (OP)
I really don't mind fatty-chans and I think they can look fine in lolita but when your waist is 10+ inches bigger than your boobs it's just not going to work out.
I know a girl who is not quite as big as OP's pic, and she doesn't wear a petticoat. She can't find one that fits her and she stretches brand so it spills over her.
Girl on the right? No. It's not even her weight specifically, it's her body shape. She is shapeless, and even if the dress fits right it won't look good, and just end up making her look bigger. Most girls that size have that same body shape, and it just doesn't work.

Girl on the left is fine though, i think it can still look good as long as you have a defined bust-waist-hip, and aren't overstretching anything.
Nothing really works out when one's waist is bigger than one's boobs, least of all oneself.
>>6615267 (OP)

Cheer up. I'm a guy and I would date you. If you're a good person that's all that matters.
u wot m8
Left girl is very cute; if she only had matching shoes, I would say that is a lovely co-ord.
no no nope
chubby, yeah fair enough that shit can be cute but not elephantine.
you end up looking like some weird giant toddler
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it always looks better if you are thinner, chubby is okay as long s you have a defined waist, but this monstrosity just NO.
pic related
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That girl doesn't look adorable in the least.
I'm sure even lily could shoop better than this, good god.
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>>6615267 (OP)
Kawaii princessu 4 lyf yo

But seriously, her face is so small compared to the rest of her. Maybe she just has some illness that made her balloon up?
She has a cute face, she'd look cute if she lost weight.
She just has a really unfortunate shape, some fatty-chans are really cute, like vanilla blitz, but she has good proportions.
Only in the western lolita community is being fat considered to be okay. To any normal person these girls look not only bad, but hilariously awful looking.

It's always funny to come to /cgl/ and see women attacking attractive women, calling them ugly and unacceptable, but then say that ugly and obese women look good.

Fat apologists, please leave.
>Maybe she just has some illness that made her balloon up?

Yeah, she suffered a tragic food overdose.
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I think it's a lot easier for plus-size girls to look good in lolita if they wear more gothic and classic styles. When they wear sweet, it tends to look sort of... jarring. I'm not saying it's impossible for larger girls to look nice in sweet, but it's more difficult because it is inherently a style designed for thin girls with small boobs.
Pic related. That girl could use a bit more poof and maybe a belt, but over-all she looks nice and put-together. Could you imagine her stuffed into a Sugary Carnival replica?
Every woman knows what it is like to struggle with their weight and we live in a society which is mostly overweight, so naturally women feel the pain of other women who are fat. Seeing a picture of a woman who is gorgeous can lead to jealousy, but seeing a picture of a fat person trying to look good leads to sympathy. We want to believe that a girl who is putting in an effort and probably has gone through a lot of emotional pain in life being that size can look good. The reality is she can't.

The ironic thing about lolita fashion is that many overweight women get into it because they believe that the illustrious clothing and accessories will supersede their normal appearance and allow themselves to look pretty, when in reality the delicate look and shapes of lolita clothing make the fat women appear much worse than normal fashions, not better.

There is no shortcut to beauty and flattery. If you are fat you need to lose weight. You will never look good until this happens. A thousand enabling lolita peers will not change this.
...but almost everyone here seems to think she's fat and ugly.

>fat apologists
should all go to hell, the health effects of that shit are no joke. Fuck looking good, but being healthy is serious business.
For once I agree with you, even though you've been known to praise complete butterfaces in the past.
>>6615267 (OP)
It's a terrible fitting dress, but she has the style down right. In the shoops in >>6615493 you can see that it doesn't sit in any of the right places at all, when scaled down.

Even as a big girl, with a well-fitting support bra and some proper tailoring, and she'd be able to work it. As it is, it looks awkward because it IS awkward.
>>6615267 (OP)
She's so fat she has her own gravitational pull.
just FYI, I made this shoop in 2 minutes. Sure I could do better. But this is sufficient to give you a rough idea of what it could look like imo.
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I think if the construction of the dress allows for the girl to have shape to her figure, she can be overweight for all I care. Pic related.

I think she's cute and has potential, despite the dress being ill-fitting. Fuck y'all niggas.
>>6615267 (OP)
Two easy steps for good cosplay

1. Buy on ebay
2. Not be fat
Is that picture supposed to be beautiful or something?

Fun fact: If you're ever talking about someone looking cute and have to start your statement with "I think" it means she isn't.

>good cosplay
>buy on ebay

how about no?
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>still thinking cosplay is about construction
not that anon, but most ebay stores are shit-tier.
>>6615267 (OP)
that girl obviously needs some shapewear or something, but there's enough variation in the lolita silhouette otherwise that fat girls can make it work for them. i only think fat girls look good in sweet though, honestly. they're kind of like jumbo cupcakes, in a way. it can be pretty adorable.
Fatty-chans can look good in lolita if the clothing fits them.
The girl in OPs picture is an Obese-chan and needs to loose weight and possibly even medical care. That shit is not healthy and it's impossible to get that size eating normal portions. Hell, when I was depressed and basically lived off junk and spent my days eating crisps and chocolate and fatty foods I didn't gain more than a few kilos. They have to be eating a massive amount of food and have shitty genetics to get to that size, or they have an illness.

Lolita clothing needs to fit to look good, just like any other clothing.
Everyone knows that black and dark brown *will* look better on chubby girls than light pink or white. What blows my mind is when they wear polka-dotted or heavily printed dresses. I mean, these shit make skinny girls look large.
Fuck no, she looks like a party balloon. Gtfo.
She looks like a girl from my neighboring comm...
...sorry, I agree with your comment, but I'm pretty sure the word you want is "lustrous".
fat girls in sweet looks like ageplay
those knee highs look like they're cutting off circulation.
Not really, fat girl legs go from wide to narrow at the knee and wide out at the calf again.
But she still should have worn tights, and never wear socks like that again.
I think they might be anti-DVT leggings, the type you wear on airplanes.
she's always so impeccably dressed imo
>with a well-fitting support bra

Her tits are down to her bellybutton, jesus christ. What she needs among other things at this size is a good bra.
well, this is still less tragic than OP's fattiechan on the right

>with a well-fitting support bra
also agreeing with this because a good bra can change a person! A body shaper might help too with defining her waist a bit more.
George is amazing. Definitely the only big girl I've seen doing it well.
>Fuck looking good, but being healthy is serious business.

All people pretending they give a shit about the health of strangers should go to hell. It's okay to admit you don't like the aesthetics of some overweight chick, but piss on your self-righteous indignation and trying to hide behind that fake "concern" of yours because you fear being judged for your opinion.
Yeah, other than the socks I think she's not offensive at all and quite cute. Does she have a tumblr/blog?
No. Just no.

There is no clothing color or style that is going to make obesity look good. It looks horrible and you will not become cute based on what coords you wear.
It's the principle of it. People think it's okay to be fat so long as you "accept yourself" or whatever. It's not. Obesity is a serious health issue and that shouldn't be ignored. Every fat person has the obligation to lose weight.
>this is my opinion and it's a fact!
Nope, not even once sugarcube.
We can argue this night and day but the fact of the matter is it depends on how the individual dresses themselves and the tastes of the other people looking at them.
Why do you keep telling yourself that because someone has a medical condition, that it's your business to tell them what they should do about it?
No matter what you say to yourself, nobody has an "obligation" to lose weight. Should they lose weight? Yes, but that's a different story that's to be carried out between themselves and whichever professional is advising them. None of your business. Ever.

And face it, the only reason people even say anything about is because it's visible and therefore can be judged. Nobody would give a shit about the health of a smoker until they saw them smoking, the same with an alcoholic. Nor would they even give a shit if someone wasn't taking their meds for AIDs or cancer because again they wouldn't always have a visual reference to know about that.
These are all "serious health concerns," but funny, never hear any major outcry about it in any lolita comm. Stop kidding yourselves and take some responsibility for your opinions or shut up.
Chubby lolita here. If she would just get a high quality waist cincher and a proper bra she would look way better. Sure it can't make her arms or legs any smaller, but for people like her who don't have a visible waist it makes all the difference in the world. Also, there's no excuse not to wear a petticoat. If you can find a dress that fits you, you can find a petticoat.
>fat people look bad

Yeah, it's an opinion. An opinion shared by every sane human being on the planet.

You actually think these fatsos look cute? Either you need your eyes checked or you have some serious fat apologist bullshit going on.

Maybe that's why there are so many fat lolitas. Idiots like you brainwash fat people into thinking that if you wear lolita they'll be able to escape into a land where they can become beautiful. "After all, the girls on the lolita community board said I could look cute! I just have to put in the effort!"

You live in a feminist dream world where truth is exchanged for sensitivity. Grow up.
Your "medical condition" costs millions of dollars a year in tax payer money. So yeah, we do have the right to tell you to lose weight. Put down the fucking cheetos and stop claiming being a fatass is some sort of civil right.
None of things you mentioned would stop her from looking stupid.

She doesn't have a coord problem. She has a weight problem. Spend less time worrying about petticoats and more time worrying about burning off those calories.
She's on lookbook and has a blogspot. I think it's called Cupcake's Clothes.
lol why are you so mad that fat people exist?
I'm overweight, well, not too much overweight now, but I was about 25lbs heavier when I got into Lolita. I'm an apple shape with no ass or hips, so I needed a petticoat. I met one girl though who has HUGE hips, a small waist and a big bust, extreme hourglass. She wore classic (handmade) and didn't wear a petticoat because her hips were so big, she just really didn't need one.

You don't know the person's diet. You can assume. I can also assume what everyone else eats. It doesn't mean it's true. Thin people must not eat as much, but it's perfectly okay when they have huge plates of food.

Getting that big isn't something that just magically happens because you eat huge helpings of cake everyday. I went from 130 to 200lbs over the course of about 10 years just from eating a bit more than I'm sopposed to on most days and not moving around too much. Said person could have had any number of things happen to her outside diet alone. I have a friend that weighs around 300lbs and has struggled with her weight for years. While I lose weight easily and fairly quickly from just calorie counting, she's tried all kinds of weight loss programs. But at her size, she can't move around as much. Medication can make people blow up like a balloon, medial issues and disabilities... etc. You just can't assume it's from sitting there eating piles of food. While yes, larger portions are typically the culprit for most people, it doesn't mean they are going buffet style every single day for every meal.
I'm more mad that people like you exist that believe there's nothing wrong with being fat. Your quest for social justice represents an ignorant and destructive outlook on social health and public shame.
>you don't agree with me therefore you're a crazy SJ

lol ok. be careful bro, the stress from being so butthurt all the time might cause you to put on weight.
>every sane human beign on the planet
Bitch, not every obese person is on the dole.
Some people pay for their own insurance premiums. So no you don't. Shut up.
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I find that extremely hard to believe unless she was overweight...You can't get a full poof down to the hem just from huge hips, there would be a drop off after the ass... it would just look like a balloon under the skirt.

>percentage of Medicare beneficiaries who were obese rose from 21% in 1997 to 29% in 2006. A report on the CDC web site concluded that medical costs associated with obesity were estimated at $147 billion in 2008. Medical costs for obese people paid for by third parties were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight individuals.

Your proud obese lifestyle costs this country billions. This is everyone's problem.
So all I'm hearing is that if I keep eating, not only do I get to make you mad but I get to take your money too? Shit sounds like I'm going to Cinnabon.
That's not every obese person. Quit trying to skirt the fact.
Yeah and my tax payer dollars goes towards people who are smokers, alcoholics, cancer patients, drug addicts, HIV positive, and get sick all the time who are on Medicare too.
Wanna regulate their lives too there, Hitler?
You'll get people mad, you'll get their money, AND you'll get [spoiler]vascular disease, MI's, strokes, hypertension, diabetes melitus, etc.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Eat up![/spoiler]

>fat people
>in denial about their condition and its impact
Gee, what a shocking surprise!
>newfriend trying to use spoilers on cgl
Confirmed for troll.
Let me guess, r9k?
Yup you seem pretty mad. Enjoy your anger. I'll be eating some delicious Cheetos.
In the UK at least, smoking makes ten billion a year and costs the NHS two billion. They are literally paying for themselves five times over. Figures are very similar for alcohol. Australia is similar, though I don't have the exact figures.
And yeah, what about everyone else that sits on their ass all day, regardless of body type, uses up tax dollars to trade their food stamp groceries in the back alley for drugs? Or you know, buying lobster and steak dinners on your dime while you scrape by, and are lucky to see a steak, much less a lobster. I'm more mad about that than people being obese.

You want to blame obesity? Do something about the culture that encourages people to get what they want when they want it. It's the reason why we've got ginormous portions, why people struggle with weight loss because it doesn't happen quickly (despite everywhere telling you that you too, can loose 26lbs in two weeks with this awesome magic diet berry that makes you shit your pants if you eat too much grease). Then maybe I'll listen to your bitching.

When a person wants to loose weight, they do it for themselves, when they feel it's right, for their own reasons. Not because you say so. Are you going to stop bitching online because we don't like seeing you bitch? No. So fatty-chan isn't going to loose weight unless she damn well pleases. Them's the breaks.
So what? Just because it happens in the UK doesn't mean that's how it works for the rest of the world.
>regulate their lives
If you have to pay for their conditions, why yes, you should have a right to limit their ability to be an expense. Hence why governments increase taxes on cigarettes, etc. Gov healthcare is a two-edged sword. Fat people should be taxed for every kg that contributes to them being over the normal BMI in the absence of any medical conditions (as long as they take the necessary treatment steps, at least).

That's only looking at all tax revenue, versus only the expenses at NHS level, and that doesn't begin to factor in the costs on productivity. However, I'm pretty sure it would still work out to a net loss for smokers. The reason for this is mostly because tax is the only method government-side that actually works, and it's about time it was imposed on obesity. That way you can reduce the unfair burden placed on smokers and even it out by making those responsible for costs pay for themselves.
Put your money where your mouth is and come to the Southern States. We have the highest obesity rate in America and most of these people live off the Government. I'm not going to give my money to some fat ass who doesn't have a job because they have a weight problem.
So shut your social justice mouth up and welcome to the real world.
Correction: you'll be crying into your bag of cheetos alone in your car where no one can see you because the shame of people seeing you eat so much destroys your soul.

You tell people youre fat and happy but on the inside you're emotionally dying. Same as every obese person.
Man, I'd REALLY love some cheetos right now.

Too bad we almost never buy junkfood.
I'm eating cheetos like a pig currently.

not fat, metabolism's too high for that. just stopped by to say two things:

>cheetos are fucking awesome
>this argument is fucking stupid
Why the fuck would I go out to my car to eat Cheetos? If I want privacy while I eat my Cheetos I'll just stay home.
How does it feel to samefag three times in a row because nobody agrees with you?
I'm one of those people with a "medical condition", I lost 25kg and put 10 back on because of stress, a shitty diet related to stress and being unable to move sometimes.

I feel so much fucking better fpr losing weight, and shit for putting some of it back on. I could lose another 25kg from this point, I think.

I'll never be shamed into losing more than I need to, but I think a little bit of shame about your weight is good. I am not letting some disability let me look and feel worse than I need to.
>but I think a little bit of shame about your weight is good

But what's the point if you're only ever going to lose weight when you decide for yourself that you want to change? Do you think it feels better to lose weight because you feel like shit about how you look, or because you genuinely want to feel better and be healthier? Apples to oranges.
I'll never be a rake, of course I want to look better. I feel a bit of shame for exacerbating a medical condition by being overweight. Losing weight could probably keep me out of a wheelchair for a while longer.
>I feel a bit of shame for exacerbating a medical condition by being overweight.

Well that's a different ballgame then. It's just the way you worded it previously that gave me another impression.
Also a lot of fatties are so in over their heads, they're deluded. They probably need intervention from the government, but I agree not from strangers on the Internet.

Fat acceptance has gone too far, these days.
...intervention from government? Do you say that about people who are addicted to smoking too?
That's going too far. Doctors? Professionals? Psychologists? Yes. Government? Haha no.
Ah well, government-funded authorities, it would work out cheaper than government-funded stuff that's going on now because everyone is so fat. It shouldn't get to the point where walls are getting knocked down to extract morbidly obese people with sores all over.

Eh, well it can be applied to anyone who is obese, considering the strain it puts on people. I might have been born with my medical condition, but I wasn't born with a crazy Dr Pepper addiction (kicked now).

>Fat acceptance has gone too far, these days.

I agree, people are starting to treat it the same as racism and sexism, it is getting retarded. Wanting your loved ones to be healthy is not the same as racism or sexism, christ.
It's one of those things that got out of hand. The original message was "don't judge people for their weight" which is good. But loud SJWs took it too far and now you can't mention fat people at all.

Then there's a knee jerk reaction, because 90% of the time is not about your health. So if someone brings the subject up, evne if they're being sincere, after years of bullshit, the only possible reaction you can have is "why the hell do you care",

>rest of the world.

In the western world, the statistics are pretty damned similar if you want to go by rankings. Unsurprisingly, the US deals a lot more in CVD and HD than the UK.

But go ahead and bury yourself in your cheetos. If you seriously want to go ahead, it's not my problem. But I can sure as hell judge you personally.
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>But I can sure as hell judge you personally.
Uh, no. You don't even know who that person is. Lol. And CVD and HD are not exclusive to obesity. Sorry.
But 99% of the time, it's not about health. People don't like to see fat people. And you know, if that's your opinion, that's fine. I don't like to see people with their pants sagged down to their kneecaps and their boxers/boners hanging out. To each their own.

You want your smoking, drinking, drug abusing, unsafe sex-addicted, relative or friend to live a long healthy life? I don't see anyone shaming them. Posting pictures of people who fit into those groups online saying what disgusting pigs they are or criticizing them like people do with anyone even remotely overweight, or what is considered healthy.

You want your loved ones to be healthy? Let them make their own decisions and choices and butt out. When a smoker decides to quit, they decide to quit. Nobody can force them to quit until they decide. Nobody shames or humilates them into quitting. Same with diet and exercise. When someone decides to eat healthier and move around more (whether or not they loose a lot of weight or not) it's their own decision to do so.

Using concern over health is your way of making it "perfectly fine" to be an inconsiderate busybody asshole.
>>6615267 (OP)

>fat acceptance


Everyone on this thread should do SS + GOMAD.

General you. You know, like, anyone who is obese. But thanks for misconstruing the general you like everyone else who gets their jimmies rustled!

And ooooooh, you're using that obesity is not equated with CVD and HD? Well, gosh golly, with my family history of getting heart attacks at a ridiculously early age and low BMI, I would have never known that! Strange how SJW looove to ignore statistics that show a nice correlation (e.g. obesity with CVD) with a few outliers every which way to their advantage, but nice try!
You can't make anything work when you're THAT big. I mean there's curvy, cute chubby, then there's just...........huge.

This is the problem ,the obsession over health is stupid because if anything it's proven that stressing people out over their weight only makes it worse.

"Health" is a justification for homophobia too due to the high risk of aids.
This this and THIS.

People need to stop pretending they care about fat people's health. They don't. They're just shallow and don't like seeing fatties. If you don't like them, fine, just shut up and stop being a bitch, because it doesn't fix anything. Calling someone a fat cow isn't going to make them suddenly decide to eat right and exercise. They'll do it when they feel like it, or they won't, and either way it basically has no effect in your life whatsoever.

But we do post pictures of smokers in wheelchairs and on respirators, and we do post pictures of drunkards with bloated bellies and haggard faces (suggesting a shitty life that they lived) and their sob stories to scare people away from that kind of lifestyle. Look at high school posters, public health posters, etc. etc. etc. To say that we don't 'shame' people away from other unhealthy lifestyles is simply not true.
Or like those religious assholes who say "I love homosexuals! I really do! I love them enough to tell them they're an abomination and their lifestyle is sick and sinful so they can change."

I mean it's not the same thing, obviously. People actually can change their weight if they work hard. You can't change your orientation. But they're similar in that no one buys it when you try to pretend like you're only being hateful because you ~care~.
There are these two "lolitas" (I use the term lightly because no one in the local lolita comm knows who they are) that I see at anime conventions and they are literally the size of a small car. Even if they were not wearing lolita I would still be shocked at how big they are.

Funny part is they were also vending at the con one year. They requested a middle table when they got their because they found they had been giving an end table (te one next to mine EEP!) They knew no way in hell they were going to fit in that corner table. Thank goodness they didn't try squeezing in next to me D:

I wonder if I can find a picture of them from the con ...
the girl on the left is adorable. you need to shut the hell up
I... I didn't even find their pictures yet... they are like 3x bigger then the OP's photo
>>6615267 (OP)
Girl on the right isn't wearing a bra, and needs one desperately. Wearing one would make a tremendous difference in the shape of her body and the way her clothes fit.

Yes, finding one in her size will be a bitch and a half, and it will be expensive, but seriously? If you can rustle up the money to buy tea parties and a heart bag and the fabric and trims required to make that dress, you can make putting aside the money to buy at least one bra a priority. She can consider it part of her lolita wardrobe, if she has to. And she should get a bra even before she replaces that unfortunate wig (the color's good on her, but that's the only nice thing I can say about it).

Beyond that, I honestly don't think she looks truly horrible. The dress fits her as well as anything is going to; she's not desperately trying to squeeze herself into clothes that are too small. Everything's covered that ought to be. If I have any issues with the dress it's that the neckline isn't flattering, plus it looks like it's too big.

She's making a sincere effort. Yeah, there's definitely room for her to improve, but within the limitations imposed by her size and shape, I think she's doing fine.

I've already named the one on the left dorky-chan, but I think she's cute in an awkward way. The shoes are all wrong, but otherwise I don't think it's a bad beginner coord--she's played it safe enough that she hasn't gone horribly wrong. If her hair was styled neatly and she had more appropriate shoes, she'd look pretty good.
Maybe she's not trying to look pretty, or even "good."

Maybe she knows she's not going to be pretty in it any more than she would be in hideous fatwear from Walmart. Maybe she's wearing lolita for no other reason than that's what she wants to wear, so she's doing it.

I wear mori on occasion, even though I'm too tall and too old for it and it makes me look like an alcoholic cat lady. If pics got posted here, I expect there would be the usual clucking about proportions, and shape, and how all those layers aren't flattering, and am I crazy? How could I possibly think that looks good?

Sometimes I wear clothes that I know are "unflattering"--they either conceal my body from public view, or else do nothing to obscure its "flaws"--simply because I like them and that's what I want to wear. It's not my job as a woman to please all and sundry with my appearance. I'm not obligated to consider everyone else's opinions of my body before getting dressed (beyond common decency). I don't have to attempt to be beautiful for everybody in order to have any value.

And I'm not even a fatty. Okay, maybe a demi-fatty. I *can* "look good" when I choose to. The girl on the right? She doesn't have that option; there's no mitigating that body and creating the illusion that it looks good. So she might as well just wear whatever the fuck she wants, because she's so far outside of the realm of pretty or flattering or "making it work" that she's not going to look good. But she *can* please herself by wearing clothes that make her happy--so why not do that for its own sake?
Overweight girls shouldn't wear lolita. Period. They look absolutely ridiculous in it.
She's not talking about OP's photo, anon. Calm down.
I actually LOVE the shoes. Is there any particular reason you don't like them? I think that maybe a grey would be more flattering, but the style is really cute for this outfit, I think.
I really agree with this. Honestly, this girl almost certainly knows that she doesn't look great and won't in almost anything. But she's doing the best she can with what she's got, and since she's wearing it it must make her happy. More power to her.
They are cute, they're just not very lolita. They could work for a gyaru outfit, I think (not actually that versed in gyaru). Those heels and... it looks like snakeskin? It just doesn't work, it's not cute.
And I realize I contradicted myself here... the first "cute" is more in a generic, western, "cute shoes!" way; the second in a lolita way.

>Every woman knows what it is like to struggle with their weight

I've never struggled with my weight.
cool story thanks 4 sharing

Just sayin', it's not "every woman", that's a weird generalization to make. I don't know your feels, I'm sorry.
So you've just accepted being fat and ugly? Way to go. So brave.
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>I've never struggled with my weight.

Then you're a rare exception probably stemming from having given up. Even young women who are thin are conscientious of their weight.
Nope, different anon: I haven't either. I've always been slim. Good genes.

Any statement that begins with "every woman" and doesn't end with, "is different", is wrong.

Good lord so much bitter and/or trolling
More like you're just another generic cgl'er that wants to nominate themselves for a special snowflake award with anecdotes of how wonderful they are.

>"Excuse me, but your post is wrong because I am different. I just have good genes and am great like that. Did I mention how different and special I am? Because I am."

Next you'll claim that everyone is "jelly" of your genes and that we can't handle the truth.
You're the one making shit u, and it says more about you than it does me.

Accept your wrongness and go into the sunset. It'll be okay.
Oh my god, /cgl/ really is underage
There is a term for women who don't bother worrying about their weight:

Ugly women.
>don't bother

Yeah, and you're not at all projecting.

Natural beauty ftw
Yes, we heard your previous posts. You're a special snowflake and we're all jelly of you.

Post a picture of yourself so we can see your natural beauty and flawless genes.
I like you
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>you're using that obesity is not equated with CVD and HD
No? It's just not exclusive to obesity you dumbass. Lots of older people and smokers have a higher incidence of CVD too. Good lord you're spergin'
yeah, but nobody is arguing that smoking and being old are healthy states of being
>But at her size, she can't move around as much
>You just can't assume it's from sitting there eating piles of food

Contradictory much? If your friend can't move around much, then what else is she doing other than sitting there and eating lots? Also that's pretty sad that your friend disabled herself by eating too much food. Now she's 300lbs and can't move around much. If someone is too fat to even move, then they are NOT healthy.
And you'll never lose weight by trying loads of different diets and giving up. You have to make a lifestyle choice to be heathly. She may finally decide to accept her lack of determination and remain obese but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to.

>captcha = cow dsetsrt
But if you're ostracizing obese people for the same thing that's bullshit. You might as well have a problem with every medical disorder that costs people money ever.
If it's to the point where she's 300 pounds and can't move, then it's no longer within reason that she'll be able to help her own weight problem. People like this need to go to physical therapy and be put on a supervised diet in order to get down to a manageable weight again. Someone's bone structure doesn't change just because they gain weight, they've still got the joints and bones of someone who weighs 130. It's too much strain to handle without care. And these people need real help and not backseat lectures.
>have a problem with every medical disorder that people choose to have, like stds, addictions, etc
Fat = lifestyle choice
>implying everyone always chooses to have an std or addiction
Shut up bitch lol.
Actually, it doesn't matter how fat you are. You can still make small changes/progress to improve your health without the help of a doctor.

425lb Girl attempts THE STAIRMASTER!
Someone CHOOSES to do drugs or have unprotected sex, so yes it is a lifestyle choice
lol you need some schooling
>implying all STDs come from unprotected sex.
stfu, you can do something about being fat, you can get rid of it. It's not something that lives with you unless you are a lazy fuck.
Most STDs are for life and you can only deal with most of them. And hope someone came up with something to help you get slightly better.
Sure, there's people who got raped, people who got 'forced' into drugs, and people with rare diseases that make em fat. Tiny fraction. Very tiny indeed. (Even in those cases the treatment involves watching your food intake. No excuses.)
Great reply. Thanks.
How else do you get a sexually transmitted disease without having unprotected sex?
By having protected sex, condoms don't protect fro everything you know.
Oh god it's you again
>Most STDs are for life and you can only deal with most of them.
Most STDs are treatable, actually. Even the incurable ones are treatable. And, prevention is always the best option.

None of which impacts that both a fat bitch and a bitch who got aids 'cause she wanted the dick so badly and couldn't be assed to use a condom should be equally culpable for their condition.
condoms, dental dams, and so forth don't protect against all STD's. They protect from fluid transfer. Genital ulcer diseases, and HPV (human papilloma virus) can be spread regardless if you are using protection or not.

This is why you get tested after every partner.
source: http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2264/do-condoms-protect-against-stds-other-than-hiv
Yes but most cases of STD's are from people not wearing a condom.
All of you fat-bashing people need to fuck off and die in a fire. Stop pretending that you care about their health and stop kidding yourself that it somehow affects what you pay in taxes. How the fuck would you like it if everyone else dictated your appearance? /cgl/ makes me sick in that half of all threads is stupid fat bashing.
Both in OPs pic look adorable anyway. Haters gonna hate.
Everyone dictates everyone else's appearance. Don't pretend that it only happens to fat people.

Hmm, no, I was saying that CVD and HD is correlated with obesity. I already said my family is prone to CVD and HD with low BMI. Do you even read?
Fat people look disgusting and i'm allowed to express my opinion. They are lazy leeches who are too fat to work or contribute positively to society. They eat so much food that they give themselves disease's - it's fucking pathetic.
yes they are treatable, buts it's still there. Even with treatment your life is still shorten due a weaken immune system
You gotta bash harder because they're so soft, but in all fairness they did choose to make themselves, ahem, a large target.
>it's still there

It's not though.

Fat people don't bother me. Fat positivity does. I can respect other people's appearances. It's when the whiteknights start whinging about everything I start seeing red.

Trust me, it's not limited to you guys. I just got a bunch of posts about how (blank ideology/country/people) is the most monstrous, evil thing on the planet and this one-sidedness without even bothering about rationality and listening to the other side is starting to really irritate me. Judgment my ass. I can more than deal with a reasonable fat person - like all reasonable people they are pleasant and kind and everything I want in someone. I can't deal with you.
The vast chunk are curable with no major consequence, with the power of antibiotics. Modern ARVs mean even HIV positives can expect a normal lifespan, if they stick to their regimens. Pity it's easier to make an HIV positive person take ARVs than it is to make a fat bitch give up cakes and burgers.
As rough as this Anon is, as a fatty in my past, statement is true. I ate too much. It's not even lack of excercise that makes you fat, it's how many calories you consume.
I was really good at eating way too many. I'm down to 1200-1450 cals a day as opposed to 2000-2200 a day. It makes all the difference.

Don't make excuses, make an effort. try the "my fitness pal" app, it'll count the calories for you. Learn to accept and be comfortable with hunger. Don't panic, allow it to happen, you'll be fine. :)
Tattoos, piercings, blood transfusions, and any other circumstance where fluids are exchanged. Herpes can even spread through kissing.
There will always be exceptions. But the majority of STI's happen through unprotected sex.
>I'm down to 1200-1450 cals a day as opposed to 2000-2200
Bretty good! How much weight have you lost on that?

These are as rare nowadays compared to sexual transmission as people with a genuine 'gland disorder'. As for herpes, there's differences between genital and kissing herpes (hsv1 vs hsv2, usually). You'll get cold sores from kissing, and genital herpes from fucking.

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