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best wig for this?
as well, as should i make a body suit and paint it? or just paint body?
If you're good enough at sewing, make the suit in as many pieces as possible and paint as little as possible. Paint will crack on stretch fabric. Otherwise go for bodypaint, but be super careful - it's rarely done well. For a wig, try Arda's chibi wig and then add eight million ponytail extensions and a lot of teasing at the base / hairspray. Good luck.
im green in the sewing department, was thinking body paint, tons of sealing spray.
Another option would be, since the pigtails are huge as fuck, is to build a foam core base and build the wefting around that to reduce the weight but keep the volume.

Also learning to tease the fuck out them to create volume.
i'll keep that in mind
i'm actually concerned with the body paint/ body suit...
what about sewing the patterns onto the suit? or would that look too bulky?
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Well, if you want to be precise. You can always make a ductape bodyform of yourself(it's the poor man's dressform) and put the bodysuit onto the bodyform. Then you stencil on the pattern to the dressform. Take the bodysuit off the dressform, and use the pattern to cut the fabric pieces for the black parts. If you're using matching types of fabric that stretch the same way, when you get them sewn onto the bodysuit, it should stretch and line up properly since you drew them out to your body shape.

Also the other option is to paint the bodysuit when it's stretched over the form, so that the paint won't crack since it's already stretched out. Usually the better fabric paint to use for it is Jaquards textile paint.
Honestly because one arm is obscured, she wears a jacket on the other and only really has her head exposed, I think you could definitely get away with just buying or making a body suit, airbrusing the designs on it with a buddy and then go from there. Paint is a pain in the fucking ass and it kills rewearability of costumes. With a body suit you can throw it on at any time and you will just have to paint your face, and maybe hand if you choose to not have a suit with gloves. You also don't have to worry about any sort of mishaps with the panties in the front or having to wash blue paint off every orifice

My 2 cents
>>6563261 (OP)
Woah, dat character design.
I've gotta know, who's this and what's she from?
If you go the body suit route, try to get a zentai suit with no side seams. I think body weaver has them.

It will look a lot better this way.
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The would be Lady Zozo from the 3DS game Code of Princess. Game plays similar to Guardian Heroes. Not as good as Guardian Heroes but still enjoyable. A little short though but you kind of expect that from a beat'em up.
I really tried to like this game, it was painfully awful
Hey op. I'm working on this costume right now. I painted a bodysuit I got from welovecolors.com. The spandex was shiny, so I ripped the seams and resewed it inside-out so the matte inside is now on the outside. Also, I'm wearing it backwards to hide the center seam, which will be hidden by her cloak.

For the wig I'm using 3 punky xl wigs - one wig each for the pigtails.
Hope to get it done by ACen.

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