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What the hell happen to the cgl tiny chat? Tonight would be the perfect for it (at least from my end.) I'm totally in the mood to discuss cons,future cosplay and everything else; while i get hammered and listen to ambient death metal... Somebody make one because i'm sure as fuck not going too! (with that line, no one did... Off to page 10!)
It's been dead for a good while now. I miss it. :(
A new one should be made!
Damn it farnsworth!
Are you familiar with the phrase "We can't have nice things"?
thats just silly
I miss it too. Having a crafty night alone and really wish I could hop on TC and drink and chat with the old crew. I used to be there all the time. And it was usually the same group of super cool people. I ended up becoming really good friends with some of them.
whore admin would kick people out to strip for some asian guy
I'd only show up at random. Last i checked in was before Sandy hit. Made a friend or two and wish it was still up :(
Ah, I think its heyday was back in like 2010 or thereabouts. Around 2010-2011 I was there constantly.I used to get ready for work with TC on.
don't be so bitter hobbes
Tinychat went to shit because of /fit/ autists invading in addition to lag issues.
TC started out great but went into decline

Nerdy talk, people showing off their costumes, random collections (Freeman had a shit ton of stuff) and shared stories. Cosplay Truth or Dare and Karaoke were popular events along with Air Guitar events.

>Somewhat Beginning
TC became more progress focused. People worked on camera. The extreme end of this was that people would stream their work and rarely talk which took up much needed camera space.

Room was more social as members were more comfortable with each other. Bad eggs shifted in but left into their own chats or did periodic raids. Saw the entry of more /fit/ people and people who would just stream random anime/game playing.

./cglchat2/ was made and became the new hotspot for chatting leaving behind /cglchat/ to slowly begin dying out despite being more topical. Original room enforced a password and attendance dwindled

Really what happened was a combination of the room culture changing along with the general likeable people leaving after being out. It was kinda sad to see /cglchat/ staples just up and stop coming to the room when you can almost set your clock to them. Kinda sad to admit it but I fondly remember those late night chat sessions and we really felt like a group during our heyday.
I wouldn't mind having a new cglchat.
I think it'd be pretty fun as long as no drama clique bullshit happens
The moment the Sol/Hobbes drama started did the room quality plummet
Because cglchat superstars.

we need to ban men from the chat they cause too much drama

Oh look a misandrist. A species of subhuman that's just as retarded as its male counterpart, the misogynist.

Oh and before you delve into attacks regarding my gender, I have a vagina you cunt.
nah, I don't think it's sexist to say that guys usually cause drama.

Girls cause drama in mostly male places (less so if they are trying to avoid it, but it still will come up sometimes), and guys will cause drama in mostly female places. That's just life.
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Oh look, an autist. A species of subhuman that's always more retarded than the person they attempt to call out.

inb4 "I got the joke it just wasn't a good one baww"
You people are the very reason why cglchat died.
Well, that quickly went to shit.
I'm >>6663391

I'm not saying that men can't exist in a mainly female environment and not cause drama, I'm just saying that it's reasonable that it does.
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actually as OP I find all this entertaining... I'm just very lonely...
I've always wondered if there any /cgl/ related channels on IRC specifically on Rizon?
There was one but it died along with the cgl IM room
Whats stopping us from going at it again. Sounds like the room was doing really good for a long time?
Keepin' this alive
I'd be down to chat with people and whatnot, I just don't have a webcam.
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THIS is why cglchat is dead.
Seconded. I'm probably being an idealist, but I've missed this.
Sadly yes.
obasu posted his nudes one time on /hm/. shit was funny.
You can try making a new one but it most likely won't last long. Back then we had a very tight knit community of anons and trips that have since moved on with their lives and this board just doesn't have it anymore
That's what I figured. I remembered how it used to be before the fall. It's probably gonna be poorly kept now and filled with aspies.
Are you saying that the tripfags made the room better?

I'm gonna call bullshit on that.
tripfags, when accountable were nice folks.
Not all of them were shitty. There were some pretty decent ones, as some still are around here.

I try not to generalize.
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Please follow this old ass tripchart.
We could just make a new one and have power hour fridays or something to get everyone together or something fun.
I really miss TC and would be thrilled to be able to see everyone again without all the bullshit from before :(
>>6661956 (OP)
I'd be down for TC again if it just doesn't devolve like stated above. I was actually thinking about hitting it up sometime this week while sewing. For ol' time sake~
That would actually be fun. It'd be nice to have other people working again and seeing progress live.
Is there another way we could do this besides tinychat? I haven't been on in a couple months but it used to lag like shit.
I blame the ads for that.
Try another browser. Works like shit on Google Chrome - it's one of the very rare occasions I use IE.

But what about Google Hangouts? I've heard some pretty good stuff about it, I'm pretty sure a lot of you at least have a G+ account.
Would anyone one be down to do Google+ chats? I think Heine has some sort of cosplay chat up sometimes.
I wouldn't mind at all. Google+ chats have been pretty good the times that I have used them.
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Yeah, I'd be fine with that. And if someone locks down one hangout, on G+ it'd be easy enough to set up more.
>Bought webcam well over a year ago.
>Never been used.
Know the feel.
Every time I went in, it was nothing mor than a discussion of "oh! I curled 30 pounds tahdai guis! Look at my gains!" Seriously busted out laughing when some scrawny bastard was bragging(hobbes I think?)
Or it was cliquey and new people were dismissed. Seems I missed anything fun.
>Mary Jane

Yeah...I can see why this chat failed
There is group of people from /cgl/ that met through a thread on here a while ago that have google hangouts like every other night.
We all meet up at conventions and a lot of people started dating through it.
It's a good group.
I'm new to google+ and do you have the names of these chats or any way we can get in?
Here's the issue with starting a new room

TC had a community that thrived as you originally had a group of welcoming people who were nerdy, social but still awkward enough that you kinda knew who they were. New members felt welcomed and it was really cool to see someone sign in and then watch the chatroom light up kinda like as if they saw an old friend walk into a bar or something.

That original group became such good friends with the new members that they eventually just stopped using TC and communicate over text and Facebook.

If you want a good TC room then you gotta round up a small group of people, find some way to spread the word you're broadcasting and not be complete dicks while making sure to hit the ban hammer on people who are
If you want a new one, just fucking make one, I'd be down to see what you homos are up to
I just made the ugliest laugh. I'd like to come back to cglchat as long as these assholes aren't there.
Well I just connected to /cglchat and ain't a soul in there.
I'd be willing to do some tinychat or G+ tonight or tomorrow
I would prefer tinychat, because I don't have g+ account.
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I've been sick and didn't want to creep up the chat with my heroin face. I wouldn't mind swinging by for tinychat tonight.
So... anyone wanna do a tinychat tonight?
or right now?
tonight like at 9:00 pm PST
That's kinda late. It's already 1AM over here.
Just went in and saw one person in there but I think they are afk.
Yeah sorry dude I was idling, come back I promise to pay attention this time PROMISE PROMISE
oh man I miss you vm
Well hey, we gotta set some time for tc or something
Maybe tomorrow since it's a Friday night.
Would you be willing to give me your account email/name? I'll add you.
Hey the chat has people in it, get in here!

tinychat dot com slash cglchat
We need more people in here
Hey, been a while!
damn, are all of your computers shit or is it mine

y'all streaming looked like living jpeg artifacts

probably mine, oh well ;_;
Mine is working fine but it could be because of the ads and all the stuff on the badge :OOO
>>6661956 (OP)
We moved over to something that became more costume-centric once >>6662461 started. Once Wes and Iris got too full of themselves, most of the others left.
That was amusing while it lasted for me. My conenction broke and it's in the shits right now.
People are gliching like Youtube poop and broken NES games. ITS WONDERFUL!!!
Why is is down?
Its down for me too, I can't get back in.
did the server go down?
gateway error bleh

we should do this again tomorrow night it was fun
Looks like it's down.

Oh well. tonight was fun but it's dead again.
Maybe tomorrow night we can do this again.
We're back online if you want to come back in. If not then we hope to see you again tomorrow!
Back up!
this has been fun. Goodnight folks and i hope to see you all tomorrow
Are we doing another group chat today?
Any time period?
Wondering the same. I missed the one earlier but I also wanna have a bit of the fun!
bumpan for moar people


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