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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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So here's the thing, /cgl/. I was thinking that I wanted to cosplay Sakamoto from Nichijou, since I really enjoy him as a character. However, he's a cat, and I'm not gonna make a fursuit because the last thing I want is for people to get the wrong idea. So that would logically mean that a gijinka would be the way to go. I've heard a lot of negative opinions about gijinka on /cgl/ - does anyone have any thoughts, or tips on how to do one that doesn't suck?
As long as you don't make the gijinka suck, and the best way to do that is to accurately fit the chracter as a human.
/cgl/ mostly hates shitty "bikini top and booty shorts" gijinkas. If you're doing a male character, you should be safe.

Your issue would be making it recognizable. All you have to work with is solid black with a red bandana around your neck. That might be all you need, but if you're unsure, bring something that references Nichijou.
Maybe have a female friend cosplay.. the girl in the OP-pic (I've never seen the anime, I'm sorry) or have a prop that people would tie to him? Something like that.
Yeah, if you plan on going with a group, or just the professor then you should be good. Only die hard fans would be able to make that connection, else you'll be another kawaii uggu neko.
Good point on the recognizability. I'll have to see if one of my female friends would be up for cosplaying the Professor. I was also thinking that it might be fun to have a few props like the prank gum or a tissue box.

I was thinking that since he's generally a bit haughty and tries to come across as mature, a Sakamoto gijinka would be a pretty snappy dresser. Possibly black dress pants, with a black waistcoat or sweater-vest on top of a white or grey dress shirt? Then the bandana and cat-ears would finish off the look.
That looks good.
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Oh wait, I found something on google

That's pretty much what I was envisioning. I'm not sure about the lab coat, though - although I could make a Shinonome Laboratory logo to go on the back of it.
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I personally like this one, with the same school uniform as the other male characters wear.

Isn't that just Minoru Shiraishi (as he appeared in Lucky Star) with Sakamoto's bandana, though? It's a clever VA joke, but I don't know if it's meant to be a gijinka...
This. I personally like ginjjinkas for the most part, especially if it's executed well.
If you can't find someone, you could just make a professor plushie to carry around. Either way, I think that mostly only fans of the series will know who you are.
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Check out Nyanpire gijinkas, these might help you get some ideas.
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>Professor plushie

GENIUS. I suck at making plushies, though, so I guess I'll have to commission one. And I'm fine with not being recognized by everyone - Nichijou isn't the sort of show that has a huge presence at cons, anyway. I'll be content if people who've seen the show recognize it and are amused by it.

Incidentally, does anyone on /cgl/ know any good commissioners for plushies?
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Was also thinking you could also make a crow prop. Probably could make him from paper or foam, even, if professor is too difficult.

You guys are on a roll as far as good ideas go. I've contacted a couple of commissioners on DA about the cost of a Professor plush, but if that proves prohibitively expensive, I'll make a crow to perch on my shoulder. It'd probably look nice if I kept the cone shape, but used fake feathers. Either way, though, I'll probably keep one of those prank snapping-gum things in my pocket for photos.

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