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So I stumbled across these little gems and I thought I'd share them on /cgl/. The artists name is on the pics. I don't know if she has a deviant art. Anyway here you guys go. Navy officer takes on the Sailor suited soldiers.
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>tfw they would have been cuter with matching naval hats
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My favorite out of the bunch.
now i want them to have hats.
omg these have been everywhere we get it you made a pretty art
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Commander Moon, Officer Mars, aww yeah, they should've gone on this tangent.
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Done and I agree. They all need hats.
Saw these on tumblr, Mars is ma homegurl but Mercury is bitchin! Also agreed on hats!
Too moe for Mercury, I think.
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>not posting Navy Mask
They've fought evil kingdoms, mad scientists and a circus. Space pirates seem like the next logical step.
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>>6603880 (OP)
I actually found someone who cosplayed one of the designs from T-Mode 2012.
Dang, these are cute as fuck.

Is there a Venus?
Wait a minute, it actually came from the Sailor Moon musical and it's completely inaccurate. Yet I thought it looked similar due to the base colors.
No, what Missy did was wear 2 other costume pieces and her sailor moon wig and called it a day....It was fucking Tmode for god sake
this is both hilarious (bow tails! a skirt! thigh-highs!) and annoying, because... really? its the best the artist came up with? not even thinking of something closer to a victorian naval officer's uniform?
He was drawn after all the other ones so I'm guessing the artist did it more as joke because of the request since he's not really a Sailor Senshi...
the more i know
Here's the post with all of them since Venus got overlooked. Somehow.

Jupiter also got overlooked and hers was the best.
So she did! I don't understand OP. Everyone knows there are 9 sailors and Tux makes 10...
Tuxedo Mask isn't a senshi though. He's a guardian of Earth. And the 10th senshi is usually Chibi Usa when they're all drawn as a set.

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