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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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Seagulls, what do you think the cosplaying and lolita scene would be like without /cgl/, tumblr and Livejournal? I'm not sure where all of the cosplaying drama goes besides here, but I am a loli, and a good bit of our drama comes out on /cgl/, Behind the Bows, and other sites. If we didn't have those sites, do you think our comms would be relatively drama free, as we'd just learn to tolerate one another? Or do you think that due to the lack of anonymity, we'd just become extremely brazen and use our personal accounts to let drama play out on Facebook? Or maybe we'd just beat each other up at meets and conventions.
What do you think?
>I am a loli
As a cosplayer, I love /cgl/ for help, tutorial and progress threads. The other cosplay sites are awful circlejerks where people will say anything looks good and recommend coloured hairspray instead of wigs.
I haven't slept in days, give me a break and stop nitpicking.
Coloured hairspray instead of a wig?
...that explains a lot of the horrible cosplays that I've seen over the years.
Before /cgl/ was cosfu. Before cosfu was Cats on Mars. There will always be drama, I'm sure that if /cgl/ were to ever fall, people would be moving onto the do their drama thing on facebook or something else that may pop up.
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Maybe internet drama wouldn't seem so stressful if you caught a nap?
But omg if you brush out the crunchiness it totally looks better!

I once roomed with a girl who used pink hairspray. She stained the entire fucking bathroom (and apparently showered without the curtain, because everything was soaked) and used up all the conditioner that everyone else brought, plus what the hotel supplied, while washing it out.
Huh, interesting.
Well, it isn't all that stressful to me. I was just wondering what would happen irl if we couldn't bitch online.
Also I would love to sleep, but I can't seem to get any good rest when I try.

Damn. Did you guys get in trouble with the hotel?
Forgot to mention that before CoM there was the Yahoo mailing list. It was a hell of a lot more open before /cgl/. /cgl/ just allows for people to troll/start shit anonymously. Drama back in the day was a hell of a lot juicier for the fact that it wasn't anonymous. It was all just sitting back with some popcorn and enjoying the show.
No. It was her mess, so we had her clean it before we left.
Oh wow, Yahoo mailing lists. That must have been some time ago. That drama sounds super fun. I guess now I know what would happen if we weren't anonymous.
Man, I hope you never roomed with her again. That sounds awful, anon.
Honestly, she's not even the worse we've had. She learned her lesson about the hair spray, so she's not a lost cause. (The worst two are definitely banned from ever rooming with us again.)
Yikes. Do you room with random people instead of just going with people you know? Or are your friends just that rambunctious?
No, those were friend's friends, and in our frist years of staying in hotels at cons. Now we have a core of people we know are good to room with.

You know that saying "You don't know a person until you live with them?" Two nights in a hotel is all it takes for some peoples' true colours to come out.
Ack. I'm sorry for your pain.
The community would just be a bunch of people holding it in and unleashing their drama and anger at the worst opportune time.


No one would say anything and just deal with it.
I'm an idealist, so I'm hoping it'd be the latter.
But the drama loving bitch in me really wants it to be the former. I'd love to see girls ripping each other's brand off over the pettiest shit.
Who does this anymore? seriously. That sounds like something from otakon 2003. It seems the really early years, i ended up with people who were terrible to room with.
Drama would still happen, just in smaller, localized groups instead of the national/worldwide scene on the internet. You know, like it did before the internet.

...You guys realize there was fandom and gossip and drama before the internet, right?
I'm a bit new on the scene, so I'm unaware of what juicy gossip could have happened before the Internet. I have no idea what the cosplay/loli scene was even like that long ago.
Well lolita probably not, I doubt there were western lolis in the time before commonplace internet. But cosplay, certainly! Just like there used to be mail-order fanfiction magazines.
Oh wow, I haven't heard of CosFu in years. I missed their snarky lists.
Wow. I've never heard of such. It seems like there's a whole lot about cosplay I don't know.
Thanks for the info, anon!
/cgl/ is pretty much dead anyway, drama is banned and conversation is stale. The scene wouldn't be that much different, attention whores would find other places to flaunt their shit and others would move back to their own communities.
No drama and /cgl/ sucks a lot more. Why can't we have a drama general, homestucks and MLP get their own generals. That way anybody can just hide the thread with the inbuilt plug-in if they don't like it.
A lot more backtalking and reputation-ruining would have to happen in private, I think. Here, when someone gets posted and another comes along to bring up them and their drama, it's quite easy for rumours to spread (or be fabricated). That would have to be done in person or privately online. Passive-aggressive people might feel less inclined to talk about others, while the more confrontational people wouldn't mind using their personal social networking accounts for drama.

I'd probably mourn the loss of brutal critique, and also be frustrated by having to go out and find good cosplayers and lolitas myself- I've become horribly reliant on cgl to bring up new prints and good people to follow.

(Off-topic, but- would anyone be interested in making a cosplay secrets lj? Like behind-the-bows, but for cosplay. I'm sure it has been discussed here before.)
the only thing I remember is calling fat people mega
Oh god yes please. I'd mod for it, this would be amazing.

I think the main problem lies in the fact that nobody in 4chan's administration really knows anything about /cgl/'s culture or history.

Just look at that pathetic mod sticky post, that STILL has the fucking make-believe cancerous board tan drawing as the post's picture.

It's like a fucking joke.
As if /cgl/ is just a weak entity of /fa/.
As if /cgl/ is just "the board with some kyut but lol so insane girrrrls:)".
It completely ignores the cosplay part ("HURR DURR, PINK HAIR=wig=cosplaying!!"), appreciation for costume making, and it generally implies that there are no male cosplayers on this board.
It's just a pitiful stereotype (once again, pink hair = cosplaying, dress = lolita, herp-derp total perfection) that only reinforces those cretins form other boards who come here to make threads asking thinly veiled "girl stuff".

Now, I know, most of the problems stem from the cancerous mind of whoever drew that caricature and thought it was a good idea. But it's still a problem when whoever maintains the sticky genuinely believes it's a symbol /cgl/ could unite behind.

And it's so easy to fix that problem. Just post a picture of a seagull. Like, the bird. It's simple yet effective. It goes well with the theme of 4chan (not taking itself too seriously), and it is a neutral symbol that, I'm sure, all of /cgl/ can unite behind, without any of that misleading "girl board xD" label to it.
>>6650785 (OP)
>what do you think the cosplaying and lolita scene would be like without /cgl/, tumblr and Livejournal?

hidden subforums.

the admins of the most known cosplay forum in spain, cosplaysp, created a hidden subforum that was used to bitch about cosplayers "a la /cgl/". certain cosplayers close to the admins, "the best" and "the elite" were allowed there to bitch at other cosplayers. but anybody were able to read the content if someone from inside gave the url, which was what happened. then the hidden subforum was closed and a lot of cosplayers from the country either retired from cosplay, or only do cosplay hidden in their local cons and post few photos anymore and only in their personal blogs. eventually, the entire forum closed too. now the cosplay forums in spain are like 5 semi-abandoned, shabby forums with no activity, people, tips or tutorials. there's no cosplay community anymore.
Yes. I'm getting behind the seagull.
OP, you forget there was a time without these things. You also forget that there are cosplayers who don't come here or go to those places. Guess what? They're fine!

I doubt thered be more bad mouthing. Because who would you tell? People in your community, and guess what would happen? You'd have to talk to that person eventually instead of hiding behind anon, getoffegl, or btb, and cgl. Because eventually you'd be found out.

Or you could argue there are always other sites.
But I feel like cgl and tumblr are just dramacores.
Stale turd topic but I'm poking it anyway. Only dramawhores feel this way.
Bitch go watch reality tv if you need your drama fix so damn badly. Good god girl.
Soni you weren't even around for the COSPA mailing list. Stop trying to pretend you're an oldfag. I remember when you started cosplaying.
Does anyone have that drawing someone did of a seagull for /cgl/'s emblem?
Just hit rewind to about 2001-2002 and there you go. There was still drama back in the day, even in the early days of coscom, livejournal and what have you (been on LJ since 1998). There were just different outlets. I was an old Cats on Mars poster, though I didn't really go on Cosplay Fucks other than to lurk because Cats on Mars didn't really give two shits if you were fat or ugly, but cared more about construction/materials. We'd jump on people for posting that shit, especially if the costume was well constructed. Not like today where minutely overweight and/or even slightly average cosplaying anything = MYEYESSTOPIT. Cosplay Fucks was more like the bad cosplay threads on /cgl/.

Even before those sites, the drama was still around. But at conventions, people were closer knit because we were happier to see other nerds who liked the same nerdy shit, and it wasn't a beauty pageant. Very overweight people still got laughed off stage (happened to a good friend of mine way back in the day), people still posted pictures of unattractive cosplayers on forum threads. But the majority of people had no idea that people dressed up in anime costumes back then so there were less people causing drama and coming in from the outside.
I totally agree. The sticky seems so "heehee play nice girls!" Stickies on other boards (/fa/, /fit/, /wg/) are far more comprehensive and help to stop reposts. I've been considering asking moot if we could rewrite the sticky and make it more comprehensive.
What reposts do you think don't belong here?
What topics get posted over again that you think never need to be expanded on or that could never change?
life without /cgl/ = just don't go on the website. the drama about a person doesn't mean anything to that person if they don't go hunt it down online. if i felt people were starting real life shit about me based on online shit posts that they read, then i wouldn't care because i wouldn't read the shit posts. lulz
Same problems same shit
So I read this whole thing, and I still don't quite understand why you're so angry about our board-tan being in the sticky, or think this in any way impacts board culture. Just hide it if it upsets you so much? I mean, I'm not opposed to using a seagull, I just don't see the anger.

(You know all boards have these right? And they're all one gender... And /cgl/ does have a lot of girls, and this reputation was around long before we had a sticky.)
>You know all boards have these right?
But it's not like all boards *have them* because every board wanted or needed them. This whole board caricature business is the result of the work of some people, who know nothing about most of the boards they represented in their drawings or, at best, use the information they gathered from a select few who did not ignore them when they perhaps made a thread asking what they want their caricature to look like.

So, TL;DR: they're just fanfiction made up by a minority who believe that their skewed views are able to represent 4chan's boards in an anthropomorphic form.

I am quite certain that even people on other forms find them childish and ignorant with all their make-believe generalizations.
Diff. Anon. I don't see why anyone would get offended by the drawing though.

How it it affecting the board negatively at all?
Oh, that's completely true, plenty of them are inaccurate and they certainly get dated as well (I believe /co/'s is from the "/co/ is love" era, which has, er, passed). I'm just saying I don't see the anger it's inspiring.
In the before time, in the long long ago, cosplayers found other ways to be bitches. Mailing list drama and private locked forums were rife with drama. And because we weren't as connected back then, you could be a cunt and not as many people would know it.

Drama hasn't escalated these days, it has just changed. Back in the day, if you were a huge bitch, people whispered about it but said nothing to your face. Now, if you're a bitch, there is retaliation and people aren't afraid to stand up for themselves and others.

Sometimes it seems like the community has gotten meaner, but there is more balance these days as well. The world is a better place when people get put in their place.
Reinforces the "girl board" stereotype.
Implies that our management also believes in said stereotype, or, at the very least, lacks more profound knowledge of /cgl/'s culture.

>being this autistic

>image was made by a seagull
I...I'm guessing that's sarcasm? But cgl is a girl board, we do discuss stereotypical shit like hair, make up, sewing tips. They put it there because a majority of us like it.
The picture isn't hurting the board. Removing it will not change board content.
Am I getting puunkd skunkd trolld?
Did you know that /cgl/ is mostly girls? And that /ck/ is not? And that many on /fa/ do not, in fact, sport Hitler youths and smoke. And /a/? Not full of sexy traps.

Board tans are meant to be stereotypes. If you are taking them seriously, that's your fault.
Are you the creator(s) or what?

And yes, it is hurting the board's reputation, as I pointed out multiple times but you chose to ignore.

>But cgl is a girl board, we do discuss stereotypical shit like hair, make up, sewing tips.
I see, so you are the cancer.

In the last /cgl/ user survey thread, we found out that about 50% of the user base is male. And other than make-up (sometimes not even that) is "stereotypical girl shit" in context of cosplay.

>They put it there because a majority of us like it.
Says you.

And even if a large portion does indeed have lacking taste, I'm sure they would prefer the more unifying symbol of a seagull.
>I totally agree. The sticky seems so "heehee play nice girls!"
At the time it was put up, that was necessary. The board was 80% drama bullshit and 20% actual cosplay or lolita.

It's a bit better now, so I'm not sure how well it reflects the current board.
No other board takes them as seriously as you do.

And no other board uses them as pictures for their stickies.

Once again - I'm fighting for anything other than the board-tan picture that would represent /cgl/ more correctly and with *dignity*. You, on the other hand, seem to care way too much about having some shitty drawing on there.

Heck, even that green faced thing that used to be there before was better, for all I care.

And, as for the 'girl board' bullcrap, see my post above.
50% male is still a shitton more female than the majority of 4chan, bro. Just because you're a brolita doesn't mean we all are.

Though, honestly. Getting so upset by being called a female, speaking in a pedantic way, believing fictional representations to be hurtful... You must be a fakeboi, no? No one else would react in such a way.

Go back to tumblr, Jessica-chan!
/co/ does. Not for stickies, but /co/ loves them some board tans.
>50% male is still a shitton more female than the majority of 4chan, bro.

This helps me understand you even more. Just because there's more girls here, this is the designated girl board. I get it. Here you go to hit on the girls. So, not only are you the cancer, you're also a non-cosplaying male.

Also, I'd like to point out the irony when you call me a 'bro' in the same sentence.
Without CGL? not much. Don't know about the other ones.

To be honest, CGL is a very small part of the cosplay population. 90% of the cosplayers I know have not heard of CGL, and of the cosplayers I do know not many frequent it. There are maximum a few hundred users on CGL out of tens of thousands of cosplayers.

I've been on this board a very, very long time and can safely say it has made very little impact on the cosplay community. At most a few scammers and some drama is outted once in a while, but whether anyone pays attention or cares is a different story.

As for being an entirely female board, that's up for debate. Almost everyone I know who frequents CGL IRL is male, and its obvious from keeping an eye on anons and trips that at least 40% of the board is male.
>I see, so you are the cancer.
The fuck? /cgl/ has had a girl reputation before it has had a sticky. We have discussed girly shit before we have had a sticky. Sorry that you don't want your hobby to get the evil cootie glow of vagina, but sewing, hair, and make up looks like girly shit to most people.

Don't blame our image as the girl board on the sticky; blame it on 4chan culture and girlphobia in general (where 50%, if that's accurate, is a high percentage of grills, or at least ones who'll admit it).
So does /a/ and /y/.

I still have no idea why you are so butthu--

>I'd like to point out the irony when you call me a 'bro' in the same sentence.
Oh god. You are new as fuck. You are talking a big game about board-tans and crossboard culture and you are new as fuck.
Wrong on all accounts. I called you "bro" because you seem to be mad that you're stereotyped as a girl. So, I figured you were either a guy or a fakeboi. And since you didn't deny being a fakeboi....
>Not for stickies

That about sums up how well your counter-argument worked.

If you like them so much, feel free to post them around as much as you want. But, once again, it is not something that should be in our *official* sticky.

It undermines our dignity, and supports the "lelelel girl board XD" cancerous posters from other boards.

A sticky that you have to hide because it's offensive is not a good sticky. Even if /cgl/ was indeed insane and 90% would be perfectly find with the disrespectful representation, in a liberal society, we should adhere to the needs of the vocal minority, and replace it with a more neutral picture that anyone can sympathise with.

Well, anyone that's a /cgl/ regular, that is.

I'm sure the "girl boardxD"-ists might get offended that the 'girl board' becomes more gender neutral, and more liberal.
No I'm not. I'm a regular like everyone else.
You happen to be on the right board because god damn girl you being overly dramatic about a picture.
Also, /ck/ board culture would not allow it. Ours, don't mind. No, not many boards discuss their tans or would have them as their sticky. So you want to be like them? (Not speshul snewflake mind you so drop it) each board is different in their users.
>survey says
Survey is bullshit and not facts.
>you are cancer
Really? Couldn't come up with anything else to try to disprove me?

Calm your tits sis, a harmless picture isn't affecting our board.

You sound like a sjw though. So...whatever.
>The fuck? /cgl/ has had a girl reputation before it has had a sticky.
Do you know what the word 'REINFORCES' means?

>So does /a/
Doubtful. It did not when I used to browse there.

>Wrong on all accounts. I called you "bro" because you seem to be mad that you're stereotyped as a girl.
You are an utterly disgusting person.

Just because I am fighting for my board's dignity (and not by using arguments worth of a 12 year old like you do) - just because of how *confrontational* my posts are - just because of THAT you deny any thoughts of me being female, because I do not fit in your misogynistic perception of the world, where every girl is a subservient, naive, shy being that is afraid to voice her opinion (because her opinion isn't worth anything, after all, isn't that right?).



If you're a troll, you're a very pitiful one. If not... get out.
>Survey is bullshit and not facts.
So, statistics are bullshit, but what you say is fact.

Well done!

>Calm your tits sis, a harmless picture isn't affecting our board.
Yes, it is. It's not the worst problem out there, but it symbolizes and celebrates the hardships /cgl/ had (or has) to go through on daily basis.

>You sound like a sjw though. So...whatever.
I know there's absolutely nothing I can do to get rid of that label, but I'll just say that I have nothing to do with them and I don't even use tumblr. Of course, you're going to call me that anyway, because in order to come off as the victor of the argument, you have to make it look like I'm some "angry ugly bitch".
It hasn't gotten any worse since the sticky. We were the girl board and we are.

And yes, /a/ does like them. Of course /a/ is not a unified beast and some people probably don't, but they have had board-tan threads and general inter-board culture stuff, and they have a wank-y relationship with /v/.

>Just because I am fighting for my board's dignity
Are you fucking serious? Board-tans aren't an assault on our dignity, they're cute.

>where every girl is a subservient, naive, shy being that is afraid to voice her opinion
Are you trolling or do you honestly have no idea where the fuck you are? Subservient, naive, shy? Does this sound like a goddamned seagull?

Maybe you should stop denying the voice of the other girls that frequent this board and are telling you you're being an oversensitive shit.
>well done
You're basing facts off a survey that people intentionally fuck up. I know because I do it sometimes.

>yes it is
>no its not
Wheels on the bus argument. Just because it reinforced already common knowledge on 4chan- what is it doing? Nothing. But reinforcing what's already known.
What harships does cgl have? None besides the no drama rule

No one has to make you out to be an angry ugly bitch. And the only victory anyone can have is to change the mind of the person they're debating with. Your argument has no ground. You're just saying the girl board shouldn't have a girl board tan. But you're not answering the why not.
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>We were the girl board and we are.


We are a cosplay and lolita board.

We do not bow down to the stereotyping of our board by outsiders.
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>Just because I am fighting for my board's dignity
You have already lost.
>Well, anyone that's a /cgl/ regular, that is.

Yeah, the old "No true Scotsman." But, here's the thing: you have avoided the "fakeboi" comment, responded to the "bro" comment in a way that only a newfag could and are getting upset by something that pretty much only you care about. Not to mention, you seem to take the board surveys seriously, which is just funny. You ooze new. I've been here since '06. Plus, there seems to be quite a few people telling you to shut up. No one who gets insulted as easily as you could be from 4chan, unless you are trolling. Because after just 1 year, most people have thick enough skins to not get so mad at an image used for a sticky. And now that I have used the same logical fallacies as you, I will depart.
Dignity within the context of 4chan.
= As much as the other boards have.
Oh yea? Well I think our board tan should be gender neutral and should be call zhergl. Because ceegeel sounds femme.
You sure do buddy.

>projecting this much
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>As much as the other boards have
Well then, I should say:
We have already won.
>in a liberal society, we should adhere to the needs of the vocal minority, and replace it with a more neutral picture that anyone can sympathise with.
>your rights end where my feelings begin!
This is str8 /pol/ trolling, guys, move along
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>>your rights end where my feelings begin!
Projecting again. This time onto liberalism itself. How nice of you.

I thought you said you were leaving? Oh right, you're a different person.
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Wow. He hid a nugget like that, right where no one would bother reading it. Genius.
CGL is a female board and everybody knows about it
Once again, shaming tactics to keep people from hearing what my posts truly fight for.
>Calling me a male troll because they (singular) can't argue with me on a rational basis.
Censorship like this is tends to happen in patriarchal dictatorships, to demonize the liberal opposition. I hope you're proud of yourself.
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Thank you.

You being with them assures others that that side is wrong.
You wish.

I would actually very much prefer if you lived up to your word and went back to your home board (as you promised earlier), be it /r9k/ (most likely) or /fit/ or /pol/... I don't really care to know.
what does CGL have to do with seagulls? I donnot get it
seagulls are loud and obnoxius and the sound of a flock of seagulls sounds like their arguing with each other, just like the girls here
Just in case you're serious, try saying it out loud.
nope, didn't help

I'm not a native but I can pronounce letters
see gee ell
see geell
i broke it down 4 u, enjoi
but google translate says the g in seagull as g in girl....it's dumb
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why is everyone taking cute shit so seriously goddamn

no fun allowed

next you'll be saying r9k doesn't actually sound like arcanine
u just pulling my leg m8
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i dont even know who is trolling who

i have brought you a peace offering
>I've become horribly reliant on cgl to bring up good people to follow.
>good cosplayers
>on cgl
now you'll say you hate the famous cosplayers with good sewing and crafting skills because they are bad people.
No, actually? Just.... no. I don't.
I started cosplaying in 2001. I was on the tail end of the yahoo mailing list.
ohmygosh are you soni?
I'm your biggest fon

This is what I'm thinking. People will always talk shit, but without Internet and the ability to post anon, they'd just gossip with small groups of friends most likely.

So if you're someone who doesn't attract drama or talk about and spread it, you'd probably be just fine.
I'd absolutely love it if PT and Assley were allowed as well, at least whatever shit they do pertaining to cosplay
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>Like behind-the-bows, but for cosplay
Oh god yes, pretty please?
Weird, I was certain one existed at some point but it fell out of use? At least I thought I'd heard of it, but this might be years ago at this point.
Can you imageine life without television?
how about 'under-the-wig'?
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what ever happened to /DRAMA/?
we had moot's blessing to run wild 'cuz he didn't give a fuck and liked seeing ppl vent or troll all those "COSPURAY / LOLI IS SRS BIZNESS GUIEZ!!!"
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can you imagine life...

...without living?
Sensitive people got mad when our reach extended outside 4chan and hurt their reputations. They made a big deal out of it and whined enough that our mod beat us down.
Like JNig?
ye, just like blondie mcwhore
>It completely ignores the cosplay part ("HURR DURR, PINK HAIR=wig=cosplaying!!"), appreciation for costume making

- Self post threads
- Who should I cosplay
- Progress threads
- Advice
- Convention meetups
- Photo dumps
- Weeaboo horror stories
- Taoboo help

I think I just responded seriously to a troll
/cgl/ is a containment board like all the rest.
If everything moved to facebook wouldn't the drama dim down?
I mean for those of us that aren't underage spazzes and actually have friends and coworkers who check our page that has our REAL names would hopefully censor the shit they say.
Without our anonymity and with our bosses checking up on us we would become passive no drama llamas (not including the autist).
Where there is a will, there is a way. Believe me, I see people all the time posting drama shit. And when they do, I get my popcorn.gif out because people seem to get EXTRA snarky when their names are attached. It's really funny.

There doesn't seem to be much on the drama end of things on my FB feed other than AP begging for money.
Also, to add, if you have a lot of autist/aspie friends, they make for the BEST drama. As fucked up as it is, we all have that one friend we keep around because of how much shenanigans they get into on FB and it's always a good time watching the trainwreck. I personally think all of that is far juicier than the stuff on /cgl/ mainly because people are straight up just putting their name out there for it.
Go lose weight.
Seconding this as an aspie
I guess some people will always find a way for bullshit. Necessity is the mother of invention and bullshit and drama seems to be a necessity to most.

>you have a lot of autist/aspie friends
Once I figure out they're under that catagory they're friend request is ignored or they're delete. I do NOT have time for shenanigans in my timeline. If I want, I go to places like BtB, Lolita Confessions, or getoffegl.
There are a couple on my FL that even though they are dumb as bricks, kinda spazzy, and weebish, they are good people in the end. But holy crap, best drama comes from them.

But yea, there comes a point where you need to say "fuck it" and ignore/delete if it gets to the point of getting mad for their behavior. It's just not worth it.
I only follow PT so that I can see how retarded she is firsthand.
But then she blocked me.
>I only follow PT so that I can see how retarded she is
I think I understand why she blocked you.

I seriously don't understand why people will willingly seek drama. Most of the time, it will come and find you.
If I took the time to invest a front row seat for all the drama that found me I could have made a complete outfit starting by making natural fibers into sew-able material.
drama is a lot more fun when it's not about you
I miss all the tripfags. Especially the guys from Toronto & co they were so much fun:)
But it doesn't! My friends, colleagues and immediate family are all ridiculously drama-free. The only drama I've ever been witness to IRL has involved friends-of-friends I wasn't close enough to to get the full scope without seeming nosy. Drama only happens to other people.

Besides, I don't see why following PT on twitter for giggles is a blockable offense. 99.9% of her followers only follow her for drama, and the majority never interact with her. She realizes this, she just likes the attention. Anon must have rubbed her the wrong way somehow.
me too, especially DQ
sexy DQ:)


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