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Let's add more

The Watchful Boyfriend: Has little interest in anime but attends cons to be with his cosplaying girlfriend. Often regulated to bag holding duty, he keeps a watchful eye on his better half and is ready to swoop in and quickly stop any guy talking to his girl if he even thinks she's being hit on.

The Cosplay Statue: These people tend to root themselves into one location (and often one pose) in an effort to get their photo taken without the hassle of walking the con halls. Sometimes you wonder why they even buy a badge

The Nertworker: Cons have a lot of people and these people are ready to try to connect with the massive web of convention heads, industry people and voice actors to try to bolster their own status. Sadly these people usually get what they want.

The Danceaholic: Armed with a boombox, these people are willing to throw down the sickest break dancing moves this side of nerdom. For the most part they're pretty good dancers but their biggest threat is con security

The Instrument Player: Finally putting their years of expensive lessons to use these people finally apply their their knowledge in the classics to play the instrumental covers of weeaboo music. Expect to hear covers of Cruel Angels' Thesis, the Mario Theme, Zelda music and Tank! no matter what the instrument is held.

The Diet Cosplayer: Not to be confused with a cosplayer on a diet. These people decide to grab single items of characters (Naruto headband, simon jacket etc), mix them with their normal clothing and walk to the nearest gathering expecting tons of photos.
>>6670187 (OP)
>The Cosplay Statue
I actually asked one if she wanted to do an impromptu shoot and she said no. Passed by 15 mins later and she was still there just getting hall shots.
>>6670187 (OP)

Homestuck should be one. You can find those fuckers anywhere these days.
>The Nertworker: Cons have a lot of people and these people are ready to try to connect with the massive web of convention heads, industry people and voice actors to try to bolster their own status. Sadly these people usually get what they want.

Why is networking a bad thing? I mean, yes, it can be viewed as sneaky, but it's how things are usually done in the convention and entertainment circuit. Working from the ground up is a fool's errand and will usually end in failure.
I've turned into the person stuck in the merch booth. At least it's usually a 10x10. But still, crammed full of merchandise.

At least I get to do networking with other vendors. Making friends with fellow vendors is a life saver.
>>6670187 (OP)
The Bees: Fucking hell, weren't vuvuzela's banned two years ago?

The Con-Stank Coverup: Thinks Febreeze in socially unacceptable amounts is a suitable substitute for showering.

The Snackaholic: Spends the entire con munching on overpriced Japanese snacks bought from the dealer's hall. Puzzlingly common in Southern California, despite demographics.

The Banshee: She's just spotted her favorite character, and has alerted everyone in a five mile radius with the most earsplitting screech ever. You had better hope that character isn't you, because she might overlap with...

The Husbando-Seeking Missile: Target locked, critical impact is imminent. Run and hide, you poor, poor motherfucker.
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The trifecta of 3am con goers

> The panel junkie
Never leaves the con space, ever. Lives for the opportunity to bring up his feels and theories.

> The Overnight gamer
Marathoning the Metal Gear Solid In the middle of a large hall is his idea of socialising. The one person watching probably fell asleep hours ago.

> Still riding a high after the rave
"You guys are so cool! all of my friends are so lame! they went back to the room right away. What does this guy do? holy shit! but what does it DO?"
But what KIND of Homestuck, anon? Because you have:

Chaos, Unsealed: lumpy horns and unsealed troll grey. They don't care that their makeup is all over their costume, and they probably don't care if it's all over yours as well.

The Contained: Has donned body stockings or sealed their makeup to hell and back in the effort to look as pristine as possible. Can be easily identified by their attempts to stay as far away from unsealed trolls as you are.

The AU Clusterfuck: If you're Casual-Fancy-genderbent-trickster-bloodswapped-humanstuck ___, you're probably enough of a social misfit that even the Homestuck fandom won't take you. That's saying something.
Crying Bathroom Girl: Whether she's been dumped or duped, alone or aided by her lackeys, a large portion of the bathroom is dedicated to her wailing and texting during the long hours of the con night.
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The Misconstrued Creeper: Lonely autistic guy whose awkward attempts at conversation and weird facial hair is confused as creepy sexual advances. Exaggerated stories of his crimes will be heralded on Facebook.

The Tragic Prostitute: Cosplays half-naked but is ironically outraged when men give her sexual attention for it.

The Coslita: Lolita who only wears her dress outdoors once a year to impress people at anime cons. Still insists it's her lifestyle fashion.

The Hermit: Travels hundreds of miles to attend a convention, spends all his time in his hotel room.

The Bum: Goes to con with no money. Mooches food off friends, sleeps on the floor, and is always asking to borrow somebody's badge. Usually seen getting kicked out of something.
The Cos-Crammer: Brought 5+ costumes to the con and is going to make sure they get at least a 2 hour photo session in with every single one. Probably has a costume from some obscure show you love and care about, but good luck finding them when they only walk around con in for an hour or so until they change.

The Parent: Accompanying an underaged weaboo usually at a distance of 20 feet their child has set. Ranges from clutching purse/wallet with a look of mild fear/disgust or clicking tons of pictures and talking with cosplayers with genuine interest even though they don't know the stuff. The latter usually receiving the occasional "Mooooooom, quit it you're so lame!" from their child.

Button Battalion: Seriously how many artist alley buttons do you need? Has combined value of $200+ spent to cover their hoodie/hat/messenger bag.
>The AU Clusterfuck

Oh god this is a general con trope now. Everything and anything has been turned into a genderbend, sailor scout, gijinka, raver, lolita or some combination of the above.
The New Photographer: Just got his first DSLR! Time to use it!

The Photographer: Usually just the girls.

The Mega-photographer: same as above, but now with giant honking gear and wishes he had another pair of hands to hold it all with.
>The Bum: Goes to con with no money. Mooches food off friends, sleeps on the floor, and is always asking to borrow somebody's badge. Usually seen getting kicked out of something.

A variant on the Bum, The Phantom: who the fuck is this guy and how long has he been in our room party? Does anyone even know him?
The Mooch: Forgot cash, forgot hairpins, forgot a lot of things that would normally be understandable, but in a large amount. Now is asking to borrow something constantly.

Hotel Seamstress: Didn't make 2/3 costume pieces before arriving at con and is now going to keep you awake while they hammer away at the sewing machine at 2:30am Thursday night in the hotel room while you try to sleep.
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is there a joke? i'm not sure I understand

what does "ussually just the girls" mean
> The Queenbee
Can be spotted among a group of other younger girls guarding their superior mistress. Don't even make eye contact, they will never be into you and are only like each other. For the most part.

> The Raver
No they don't know any anime besides Pikachu and Zelda, and by that I mean just those two words, not who they actually are. "Zelda's the green elf guy right? Like my Triforce tramp stamp? Wanna see my light show? Fuzzies! Kandi! It's all Pikachu themed! He's my favorite!" They don't actually know how to dance and are usually under age.

>The Neckbeard
Found talking about game reviews and fake gamer chicks in a circle of other overweight virgin men. They can be seen glaring at attractive women.

> The Idol
Not really an idol, they just think they are. In reality though they are just unfortunate looking cosplayers who somehow got enough 'fans' on fb they assume the convention is running for them alone and have to update their fan page every second of the convention.

> The Drunk
The people regretting they ever came, or can only enjoy themselves with socially awkward people while under the influence.

> The Fake Drunk
Usually the loudest one wearing a tie on their head. Any excuse to get into a cosplayers pants or just trying to get attention from friends they are trying to impress.

> The Sexy Cosplayer
Usually the most fucked up bitch there. Wait here in /cgl long enough and you'll find out why.

> The Elitist
Will be recognizable on the internet mainly, looking down and mocking every cosplayer but themselves. They are known to be the first to get with the best photographers and put up as many pictures of themselves because everything to them is a competition.

> The Crossdressing Man
He appears in a cosplay of a cute/attractive girl, but doesn't shave and wears a creeper smile. His wig is usually falling off his head, and he likes it that way.
Sorry, should read "usually only photographs the girls." If you were to somehow follow a dozen photographers and tally how many of each gender cosplayer they photographed, it'd mainly be females.
The Wanderer: Doesn't remember why they go to cons anymore. They used to be fun right? They can still be fun, right? Drifts from panel to panel, hall to hall. Talks only to "oh, yeah, I kinda remember you from '95. How's life?" Buys exactly one thing from the dealer's hall in a futile effort to convince themselves attendance was justified. Drinks enough to sand down the edge of sorrow, but not enough to smile. Maybe it'll be better next year.
"Hot" Nightwing, is that you?
well I'm accounted for >.>
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Alternative nomenclature: "The Ghost of Cons Past"
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Ugh, I know guys like this on facebook. And it's not "mainly" for them, it's 100%. Every photo they take is of a sexy girl. Every. One. Branch out a bit, guys.
Yeah, I used "mainly" just for the off chance that one of the 12 might photograph more than just the girls. Very, very small chance, and probably only if the photographer is female to begin with.
>The Coslita: Lolita who only wears her dress outdoors once a year to impress people at anime cons. Still insists it's her lifestyle fashion.
major pet peeve
>ever watching FLCL

>someone's mum (who's not into anime)
>ever watching Spirited Away

>casual bf
>having the best taste in anime (irony?)

Pick one for each.
not the original creator, but even my southern, catholic, judgmental mom has seen Spirited Away. The average weeaboo's mom will likely have been dragged to see it (and probably liked it/tolerated it more than the average anime).
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LOL This was me at Kamicon, but with a point and shoot. And yeah a lot of cute girl pics.
...I feel like I'm slowly becoming this one. Oh god.
The lonely hikki: will spend hours making awkward small talk to a dealer/artist. It is their only social interaction in the foreseeable future.
I could see ravers liking FLCL for being so "lol randum" and the normalfag boyfriend liking Cowboy Bebop as that "edgy cartoon on Adult Swim".

Thats me. I also drink a lot and normally have sex with one or two ladies before the weekend is out.
The Archived Obsessed: Beware if you follow them on FB or tumblr as they will spam photo uploads of cosplay "progress" shots despite how little progression was made. Considers showing a fabric store receipt and ironed fabric as progress

The "Planner"/Tagger: These people have more pictures uploaded of characters they want to cosplay as than real photos of themselves. You always hear about their plans and about their suggestions but never seen them buy a scrap of cloth. Also guilty of posting group pictures and tagging their friends for cosplay groups that will never happen.

Guy with really awesome camera equipment: Never uploads photos

Guy with shitty digital camera who can't hold still: Always the first to upload
>The "Planner"/Tagger
Oh god I know so many of these people. All they ever talk about is "I'm so gonna cosplay this and that and I already made all the plans!" then a week afterwards it's the same with ten new characters.
>Ever wonder why dealer booths have only two One Piece figures

Most One Piece collectable sell out as soon as they're put up for pre-order online. Especially the figures, Amiami crashes almost every time they're released. It's amazing if a western seller could even get anything that isn't a tiny trading figure or some generic merchandise from Funimation.
I know I'm guilty of that to some degree. It's like this list of cosplays I want to do, before I realize yeah my time is more limited.

what's slightly worse is when you dont enjoy tagging yourself for 'future cosplays' on facebook (cause hey, it's not all I'm into, and I have friends and family on there who arent into it either so why spam their feed with photos I'm tagged in)

and then have your friends tag you constantly in photos of future cosplays with them before asking.
I actually make the shit I say I will but take a long time. I just made some stuff I have had planned for like 3 years. I've got a lot planned, but it is reasonable to the point where I'll have it all done.

Got a nifty name fr my type?
Fucking this. I don't understand why some fellow vendors won't even chat with you. I'm often getting food for my neighbors by Saturday, and we're best buds by Sunday. If a con's especially slow we just chat the whole time. The coolest people at cons are the staff or vendors.

>The Networker
I worked with one of these guys. Kid had no people skills whatsoever and had just turned 18. He was constantly telling me how he runs a business with his dad and how he has all these connections and jobs out of state. He found it more important to tell me this shit than interact with customers. The sad thing was he never told me what the business was and all of his friends hated him.
>The "Planner"/Tagger fixed:
Buys ALL the cloth needed for a costume as soon as they decide on the costume and now has 5 yards of pink satin or orange fleece they can't use on anything else after they flake.
The hug me
>No costume, normal wear, has sign around neck
>with 'free hugs' lettering

I saw at least 20 of these last time I was at comiccon
OH GOD. That's what I'm becoming. Except that I only attend cons I staff now, and I at least have a large amount of people to hang with. But if I'm at a con by myself or get separated from some friends I end up like this. Wandering around, hoping to find a friendly face, hoping to find someone from the same fandom in a sea of homestucks and whatever else is popular and I have no idea about. Where's the Utena? Where's the Lain? Oh, is that Digi Charat, nope, Tohou... I think with some random cat ears. FML.
>tfw i cosplay Utena and Lain

Please be my friend we can be sad at cons together.
This. Last Katsucon there was so much Homestuck, Adventure Time etc that I was actually glad to even see Bleach or a couple decent default Vocaloids. I'll take what I can get man.
>>6670187 (OP)
Man do I wish Martin was at every convention, I would do horrible, terrible things to get my ASOIAF books signed by him while wearing my Dany cosplay....nerd sigh...
I feel bad for the "hug me people"
at the last con I went to there were 2 hambeast casual MLP cosplayers with these signs, as they were walking by I heard one of them say: "no one is going to hug us because we're ugly"
they don't really bother me that much but they're kinda depressing to watch
>Guy with shitty digital camera who can't hold still: Always the first to upload


My camera is a hand-me-down and I have very shaky hands ;_; Hopefully I'll take some better photos at naka-kon.
Uhhh....no, those make perfect sense

FLCL is pretty entry-level, and raver types might like it for its weirdness

Miyazaki films are about the only anime a parent will have voluntarily watched at all

Casuals have seen Cowboy Bebop because it's popular and on Adult Swim
The Plushie Reminder: Instead of using a character's signature prop, they opt to use a plush of their character mainly because their outfits are so lackluster that outsiders need a bit of a "mental push" to identify them.

The Chained Student: These cosplayers will grab whatever school uniform they can cookup however for added flair expect some chains, collars and spiked wristbands (neon dyed hair is optional) because hey, there's probably a character or Jrock band that wears something similar.

Shitty Youtube Blogger: Like the cosplay photographer except these people's camera set ups come with microphones and is ready to interview cosplayers that come their way. While it's understandable to be somewhat excited being filmed, remeber that there are only two outcomes for this.

1. Your interview footage is going to be very boring to watch with either the guy awkwardly passing the microphone back and forth or speaking from the camera looking like some bad viral video

2. Video will look ok but be uploaded 2 months after the con past the point where peole stop caring about con footage as there's a newer more exciting con coming up.

Expect to never be notified of the uploads and have a hard time searching for vids on youtube either way.

The Room Partier: They don't cosplay, they don't go to panels but these folks are quick to turn their hotel room to the coolest party this side of nerddom. Common practices are to show off their collection of alchol that they are brining as well as behaving loudly come party time.
Guy Cosplaying "In-Character" - Does not believe in the phrase "show not tell." Instead os simply letting the costumes quality be the ultimate indicator that they are cosplaying, the have to LOUUUUDLLLLY PROCLAAAIM that they are the caracter, mainly due to the fact their costume is so subpar. Not content with learning poses, these people yell out character quotes and even try to do a character voice despite the fact NONE of this shows up in photos. Treats polite compliments as full acts of praise

right there with you man...

I wander about looking for anything I recognize which is why I end up with only 40 pics at a con instead of the 200 I used to.

I'll also take pics of anything that looks nicely made even if I don't know what it is from which is again why I only have about 40 pics

I cosplay Anthy. Can we be friends?
>the cosplay statue
I've been that one before. I was tired of walking around, so I decided to rest somewhere and people would stop by and take my picture.

>The Cos-Crammer
I know a friend like this who brings, like, five costumes or more each time. I limit myself to three cosplays maximum to prevent me from becoming one.

>The "Planner"/Tagger
Also going to fess up to this one. I have a lot of planned cosplays, including ones that I was going to do in a group with friends, but I've begun to narrow it down. If I lose interest in cosplaying a character or if my buddies no longer want to do a group then I remove the photo.

>The Husbando-Seeking Missile
Fucking lol'd
my brother is a proud Phantom.
>>6670187 (OP)
This is stupid, I have never been to a cosplay convention (yet) but that's like "fifteen people you will see at a motocross" 1. People with tattoos drinking beer
Or "15 people you will see at a Marilyn Manson concert"
Kids wearing all black with their confused parents....

It's like no shit... That is the scene. It's stupid to try and elevate yourself above these people because to every other scene you are just "that scene"
>has never been to a convetnion
> clearly does not understand the joke

Why are you even replying then dipshit?
That girl who's like 14, but wearing incredibly slutty cosplay.

People who are only there for "the rave"
I think the obviouse overtone was unity... You Ganna try and tell me this board doesn't spend 90% of its posts on disenfranchising each other? Didn't think so
also FLCL is only 6 episodes and they play it on adult swim

Except that most con ravers have the absolute minimum of anime experience. Mario Kart is probably the least-entry-level thing they're familiar with. Expecting one to know of FLCL prior to the con is like expecting the middle-aged manager of your local Target to know of Madoka Magica.
you crazy dude? I watched FLCL in high school YEARS before I went to my first anime convention.

Anything that played on adult swim is fairly entry level, unless it didn't get played that much. And FLCL got played CONSTANTLY.
Do you know how many Haruko cosplayers you see at Raves?
how oddly specific..
Protip: it's not a fashion to you if you only wear it to cons
ah... that was what it was like at my first con. hehehe, this is spot on.
The Tortoise.
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So it's suddenly wrong to make fun of con-goers? Did you read the thread? Half of us are admitting to these stereotypes. Why are you even on this board if you haven't been to a convention? When people go on /a/ and admit to watching maybe 2 anime, they're not treated real well. Same goes for you. You obviously missed the joke.
FLCL is not even close to being an obscure anime. I have no idea why you'd think that way.
Tumblr go home
>>6670187 (OP)
descriptions are a bit long.

I'll add..

>Out of towner that doesn't have a hotel room

You'll know by the smell.
Mr Cardboard
I think that's the point they're trying to make.
The Sewing Snail?
>Guy with really awesome camera equipment: Never uploads photos
Yup, that's me. Well, I'll send it if people request them but I don't post them all publicly. The ones I post are the "good ones."

Gotta have standards.
I'm trying to think of one for military types.... I know theres that one asshole that wants to correct me on my gear (which is perfect but he insists otherwise with this 5+ years of MURICA STRONG experience) anyone else know what im talking about? Kind of like a cosplay snob but with military gear?
The Seagull: Generic early-20s Caucasian girl with a face slathered in makeup and wearing red lipstick. Typically found wondering the halls alone, may be seen at a panel or two. Wears nonspecific cosplay.

Reminds me of that Desert Storm America Hetalia cosplayer who goes to every SoCal con in the same outfit. He got up at the masquerade at Yaoicon and gave some big America FUCK YEAH speech. I'm always scared he's gonna go postal.
I love it. (samefag here btw)
armchair commando/mall ninja
my favorite is the space shuttle door gunner.

although if the guy really did serve i guess you can't really peg him as one of those...
Sage for off topic but OH MY GOD THIS GUY. That was such an awkward masq skit... Patriotism is one thing, but I think everyone in the room was dying from secondhand embarassment.
I'm almost certain he didn't. Listening to him talk for 10 minutes....the dude wreaks of weekend warrior, at most. I know I can't talk since I'm not in the military but if he is, he is Army Reserve and has seen 0 combat, despite his many claims to being 'on the front lines'. He smells like shit, looks like he got hit with a shovel and likes to act out his CQB moves on you.
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brb crying
Need to take in the other part of the statement for that joke. They have a shit load of anime girls because that's what sells the best to these guys.
Met one of these guys at my first convention, he actually turned out to be okay and apologized for his friends when they got all uppity when I wouldn't give the guy a hug
Is there a name for those meme-obsessed cosplay goers who wear a troll guy face mask and yell "YOU JUST LOST THE GAME TROLOLOL" and spout out other annoying memes

or lord, at this point I suppose they're probably from le readdit
Oh right, DUH

also I meant convention not cosplay

how many of these guys are there though
like fucking 10 at the least?
>>6670187 (OP)

The Cosplay Snob: Spends the entire weekend visibly bothered by being around other fans, despite being a fan enough to cosplay themselves. Will roll eyes and sigh if approached, even for a photo.

The Opinionated Rage Machine: You better not be cosplaying a character or series they don't like, because they'll sure as hell let you know it and why.

The Gratuitous Yaoi Couple: Tongues out, straddling each other anywhere, anytime, but especially in the middle of a crowded hall. Usually overweight teenage girls.

The Meme Shouter: You'll hear him "lose the game" in a crowded hall. "Trolls" other congoers by being generally annoying. Wearing a meme shirt purchased at Hot Topic. Usually in his 20's (aka WAY too old to be acting like that)

The Alcobrony: Highly intoxicated and wearing pony ears, he'll do everything he can to try to get you to attend his brony room party. Don't do it.

The Bitter Trivia Master: He's a real fan, unlike you, and he'll prove it by smugly asking you useless trivia. He liked what you like BEFORE it was cool. His mission is to seek and destroy film adaptation cosplayers.
You wrote this just as I was writing about the same guy here >>6672226 I couldn't think of a particularly good name for him.
well I'm really fucking glad I wasn't the only person thinking of that guy because if it is anyone I want to push down a flight of stairs it is those people
>Guy with really awesome camera equipment: Never uploads photos

Just needed to say: I'M SORRYYYY!!!! ;_;
>The Husbando-Seeking Missile: Target locked, critical impact is imminent. Run and hide, you poor, poor motherfucker.
I want somebody to draw this but as a Predator with heat vision.
Holy shit you got spot on; especially with
>Gratutious Yaoi Couple
>Cosplay Snob
>Meme Shouter (i've ran into so many of these guys, always yelling THE GAME and almost knocking security over by running)
>The Alcobony
Waah I never been to a brony room party, what's it like?!
I'm guilty of the bottom one. I literally took picture with my shitty cellphone. Not an apple nor blackberry nor galaxy. Just shitty. I was just so excited though..
>The Planner / Tagger
oh my god I have one of these girls added it drives me crazy
*con rolls arond*
*next con announced*
IMNA GO AS _____!~!
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>still shouting "the game"
I just fucking can't with these people. It was embarrassing in 2010 but at least they would get reactions from equally unfunny nerds. Now they do it and don't even get a groan; it's brutally embarrassing.
danceaholics always are the best
My girlfriend did this to a friend one night. drove her fucking crazy
>clearly hasn't seen Joe Goes
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>>6670187 (OP)
>The Cosplay Statue
Gotta add that they're usually found on staircases, in parks, or in gazebos and usually suffer from a severe case of space entitlement. pic related is a cosplay statue in its natural habitat.

The Parkour addict: goes to the con only to run around like a maniac and advertise his subpar parkour club/training facility. Often fakes interest in Assassin's Creed to draw fans and runs panels about "learning to fight" or "action posing". biggest threat is con security. competes with danceaholic for territory.
WTF is that not a tent?!
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I did this once a while ago... except the sign said Free Brofists. Turned out strangely enjoyable and made quite a few friends.
Mr. Taxi: Drives 8 round-trips to the airport in one weekend. Fuck you guys.
I don't wear lolita ONLY to cons, but I hardly ever work it in to everyday life. I'm way too self conscious. At least I don't pretend to be a lifestyler, though.
That feel when number nine on that list
I don't know if this would fit in with that, but the guy that brings ALL of his weapons to the con and doesn't even wear them with a costume, or has a shitty made-up costume to be an excuse to show off his plastic guns
>The Alcobrony

A cousin perhaps of the Heavily Inebriated Brohou?
It appears that the Alcobrony may be the Heavily Inebriated Brouhou's Southern cousin.


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