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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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• Event plannan
• Cosplan sharan
• The logo is'nt just a horrifying face
• Dat atrium
• it's a 9 with a horrifying face

○ What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?
○ Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
○ Any great panels/events you've seen previous years?
○ Where are you traveling from? how?
I am still trying decide if I want to just hang out at the Hotel for Friday or Saturday. Like I don't want to buy a badge but just hang with some chill friends of mine for the day.

I haven't been since 2010, how strict are things if I am not looking to go to any actual con events but just hang out in the hotel?
I'll be in the artist alley with my girlfriend and roommate, should be a blast.

Going on a very-low-calorie-diet until then.

I have an entire costume to make and a lot of prints and stuff to finish, waiting on a big payment until I can actually buy supplies.

I'm going as Hiccup from HTTYD, my girlfriend is going to be colonial Jack Frost and my roommate is going to be Jamie from Rise of the Guardians.

Not looking forward to the plethora of shitty Jack Frost cosplayers though.
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Bringing a bunch of Type-Moon costumes. Had a big Oreimo group planned with friends but a good chunk of them dropped out. I'll bring Bajeena anyway since she's a good character to walk around a con as.
I am juice fasting for that. If I am lucky, my costume might fight a little loose by then.
Shit I meant fit not fight.
good luck anon! I'm following the HCG protocol. I tried it once and failed because I had no motivation.

Hoping to shave off a good 20 pounds, although people who have more to lose, lose it faster, so I'll be happy with 10.
Does the HCG thing restrict your caloric intake? That might be really bad for you. Even though I am fasting I am taking vitamins and fiber capsules along with going to the gym on a daily basis.
Got a lot done, just 2 more costumes to do. Clover and Kirigiri are sewn, I just need a few more acessories for them. And I'm waiting on fabric for Elizabeth and my other costume. But I'm gonna start drafting for the other one tonight hopefully.
yeah, it's probably not very good for you.

in the second phase you eat 500 calories a day, but each meal you have to have 100 grams of meat and 100 grams of vegetable, then you are allowed a piece of melba toast and fruit.. So in theory, you're getting all your nutrients (??) but you just aren't eating any fats, oils, refined sugars or carbs.

Basically everything you eat has to be pretty much plain.
Carbs aren't bad for you but rather people don't know how to maintain it properly. I do think lowering the amount of sugar you get is good as long as it isn't high fructose and there are some fats that are good for you. Omega-3 would be one of them.
Bout to go hang out in the games room and then just hit up all dem niggas I know from meeting them at cons and fortune boards all de time. Den bout to get sloppy drunk or stay whiskey neat in ole virginny and see where the anime takes me.
I wish I had a tomodachi or two to hang out with. I do find it rather hard to strike a conversation with people at that con.
I-I hope sempai notices me this year
>What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?

I'll be bringing the same costumes from Anime USA 2012 to Katsu 19. There's a low chance that Inspector jacket will make it though.

>Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
No, not really. If I run into them I will try to take one picture of them,

>Any great panels/events you've seen previous years?
Bad Anime, Bad, Anime Paraliment, Geek Comedy Show.

>Where are you traveling from? how?
Maryland, using Metrorail and Metrobus
How much did ya'll pay for your rooms?
Lucky me lives about a 5 minute drive from the gaylord convention center.
Planning on bringing Kadar Al-Sayf, Ezio Auditore, Switzerland, Abel, and possibly Desmond Miles. Pretty much still have to make Kadar's entire outfit, and I'm revamping my Ezio armor.

Really I'm just looking forward to seeing a lot of bros I haven't chilled with since Otakon 2012, and making new friends. Going to (hopefully) be in two panels if Katsu would get their shit together and announce whether or not the panels have been approved.
I just updated my map guide of restaurants and shit in National Harbor with anything I learned from MAGFest, if anyone isn't familiar with the area yet:
>What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?

Not sure about day to day, but I will be bringing Kamen Rider Wizard (flame form), Altair and Jack Noir. Altair's just getting a reboot, Jack is about 80% done, and Wizard is about 60% complete, just waiting for more materials to come in.

>Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
Isn't everyone on here a cosplay celeb or has been one? We've all had our 15 minutes of fame

>Any great panels/events you've seen previous years?
I haven't seen a decent panel at any of the cons I've been to for the past 5-6 years, no reason to think otherwise.

>Where are you traveling from? how?
NY via the Boltbus
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Reposting my image from the last thread.
>What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?
I literally just finished American Maid and Cruella is a re-wear (only if I feel like putting on all that makeup). The only for sure day-to day plan is that I'm wearing the green Maid outfit on sunday.
>Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
I'm more looking forward to seeing my con friends.
>Any great panels/events you've seen previous years?
I don't usually go to panels or events.
>Where are you traveling from? how?
NoVA. I imagine I'll get a ride from a friend.

I am so goddamn excited.
>What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?
Kaworu with my bro as Mari then we're switching to Panty and Stocking for the rest of the day. Saturday is gonna be Giratina all day. Sunday I might wear lolita. IDK.
>Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
Could care less. I'm here for friends and fun. And a few shots of vodka.
>Any great panels/events you've seen previous years?
I'm not really a panel goer. I have a few friends with panels in limbo, I was invited to one so I might swing by that one.
>Where are you traveling from? how?
NYC. Not sure. Probably megabus since boltbus is almost sold out. I'm also looking into getting a ride down to save a few.
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Thanks! that's really legit, i'll be using this~

Any good spots for photos you've seen so far? I guess that's a good question for everyone
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> What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?
One of them is complete, the other three are around 85% finished. Planning is tentative but probably as pictured.

>Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
Not really. I'm more excited about seeing friends from past conventions.

>Where are you traveling from? how?
Going to take a little car trip from Long Island.
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>>American Maid
angela i loev u
0 US Dollars. I'm a 15-25 minute drive away. Shit's cash yo.
I may throw on my Haku costume for shits and giggles when I go to meet Steven Blum even though I look shit in it.

Other than that no cosplay this Katsucon. Just gonna enjoy everyone else's. Like a fine, fiiiine wine.
>○ What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?
Just Cure blossom and Rabi~En~Rose look like they are going to by my only newly made costumes.
>○ Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
I hope Jnig is going :3c shes really pretty.
>○ Any great panels/events you've seen previous years?
Oh god how to pick up chicks at an anime con. it was the best. quite hilarious
>○ Where are you traveling from? how?
NY by car, totes cant wait! gonna be a awesome card ride c:
I just ordered American flag candies and pins to hand out. Everybody likes free stuff.
Fuck yeah Caren. Know if theres any Type Moon meetups?
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anyone want to chill? I'm going with 3 other friends and sharing a room with them but only one is actually fun. the others are only tolerable for a limited amount of time and don't know how to hang. I cringe at the memory of going with them to the rave last year...jesus christ
i paid 580 for 2 nights but I'm sharing with 3 others and they only had fancy ass auditorium view rooms left :/
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Well, since I dropped Phi in favor of June, I'm pretty much done with costumes, just some minor things to fix here and there. I'm pretty much just looking forward to seeing friends again.
My bf and I will be bringing Ciel (Tsukihime) and young Kirei though don't know which day.
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This will be my fourth Katsu and I am finally living in the DC area I don't have to fly in. Really looking forward to the ball, that was just a really fun experience. Though, this first time staying at the Residence Inn which has a strict ~no party policy~ might be interesting.

Anyway, no sewing machine starting Sunday so its mostly simple/old cosplays
So I'm hearing the masquerade is currently scheduled for 11am Saturday morning (and WCS at 3pm).

This is tentative, I'd think, because the masquerade head also just found this out last night.

What the hell, Katsucon.
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> What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?
Rance most of the weekend. Everything is almost done, just needs to be put together and another coat or two of paint!
> Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
Haha no.
> Any great panels/events you've seen previous years?
I usually don't do panels very often. Excited for the dealers room though.
> Where are you traveling from? how?
Pennsylvania. Shoving a bunch of nerds into my car.
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Looking forward to seeing your Dipper cosplay! If a Mabel approaches you on Sunday I'll try and make it clear I'm from cgl, haha.
Rance! I want to see photos!
We were a group of Rance, Kenshin, Suzume, Miki, Kentarô and Kou.
>cosplaying as a mountie
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Do realize there is a meet up on friday at 10 for everyone going to katsu!

I mean its a good idea if you wanna go and make friends with people to go to this and meet them so your not alone. I dunno what I will be wearing to the meetup yet but ... Ill probably wear my little gull on a badge or something so you can spot me out and if worst comes to worst we can talk!
Any word on the fashion show? Is it a train wreck?
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Oh gosh~ I'm looking forward to absolutely all of these~

Can I schedule some shoots with you or something? Especially the mountie and Milk Tea~ i-i-if you aren't too busy
I love me too.

Stranger things have happened! Let's just say that there is a story behind how that costume came to be.

I haven't started scheduling things just yet, but if you message me on tumblr/DA (google Angela Cosplay and they should come up) i'm sure we can work something out!
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>>6551628 (OP)
sad little bump. My plans have slightly changed in hopes to find ALL the Ronpas to get pictures of/with. I might nix Fionna all together, or just wear her super briefly.

I know a few people here are bringing DR costumes, I really hope we can work something out so we can meet up!

Also if any photogs have some time, I would love to work something else. Especially for the Virtue's Last Reward group, we have an almost full group!
I remember when you were Clover from 999! Will anyone else from your group be returning for VLR cosplay?

We pretty much have the same group again + Voxane!
The June (Leesers) is going to be Phi
Snake (Hayabusaknight) is going to be Tenmyouji
Santa (Tenel Ka) is going to be Quark
Junpei is going to be Dio
annnd our Ace (Solstice Wind) is going to be Sigma.
Voxane is obvs Luna and I'm returning as Clover haha.
Katsucon is holding it's Cosplay Chess on Sunday.

I wonder if there's a chess tournament to decide who gets to play chess with the cosplayers~ I've never stuck around for more than a few min. of cosplay chess, is it entertaining?
It's usually scripted for an entertaining outcome and not a live match. The chess at least, they leave it to the cosplayers to improv.
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oh right i never--

Except I don't know if I'll finish Dust, in which case I'll bring King Kazma instead.
Why are the meetups always so late? It's difficult for locals to make those as they have to leave before they're too exhausted to drive.
I am sorry I didnt realize that! what time is usually good for yall?
Around 10pm
ah, i'm really excited for your kirito! how are you making the swords?
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Dropping this here, though, honestly, my only priorities are Miyuki and Speedball. Faustina just needs a few fixes, and Sheska's sort of part of a group, but it's kinda amorphous[and they already have the principal female fma characters] so if I can't finish nothing's really wrong with that. It's just been really stressful and sad around here recently.

>What's your day-day cosplay plans so far? completed any of them?
As above. Nothing's done yet.
> Looking forward to seeing any cosplay celebs?
Like other people said, I'm more interested in hanging out with con friends.
> Any great panels/events you've seen previous years?
I'm a big fan of cosplay chess, debating entering it.
>Where are you traveling from? how?
Just a county away from National Harbor, I'll probably grab a ride down with a friend -- it's just under an hour away.
There's an event for the meet up to remind people and if something changes and such but the board keeps thinking my post is spam whenever trying to link it. So people can invite you or someone else link it
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>Nurse Washu
I plan on wearing this to my panel on Friday
Most of Saturday
Friday night/Saturday night.

Katsu still hasn't gotten back to me as to when my panels will be, I know they got accepted. As always, the Hellsing shoot's meet up plans are a cluster fuck so i have no idea when we are meeting up. Will there be another /cgl/ meet up this year?
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Wood. I did already wear this at AUSA, just adding Dark Repulsor to the arsenal.
Aww man, looks like my sister can't come then. I'll be sure to come though, look forward to seeing it.

>Katsu still hasn't gotten back to me as to when my panels will be, I know they got accepted.

They haven't sent out acceptance notifications or panel times yet.
It's 4 weeks until the con. How can they not have done so yet?
This is a common pattern for Katsucon, they're the worst around this area for letting people know this.
It's such a pain in the ass to get up to the tiny corner where all the panels are, too. I mostly avoid panels at this con.
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Katsucon just posted on their Facebook page that they have a big announcement incoming.

Everyone cross your fingers for Vic McNignog~~~~!

They definitely sent out notifications at least because a friend was looking for help for his panels because they were all accepted, but we don't know if we can help him yet because we don't know if they conflict with other engagements.
thanks but...why would you tell me that when I asked how much people are paying for rooms?
I'm really excited to see your VLR group!
Was Sinterniklaas the special announcement or...?
Nuh uh. He was on the site/FB before the announcement of the announcement.
I'm really considering going to Katsucon but money is tight so it really depends on if I can find a room to stay in that is well priced. Failing that, I might just go for one night instead of two. Failing that, I'm just not going.

Not what I was expecting the announcement to be, but pretty cool none the less.
I'm okay with this. Seems ot be a compensation for the lack of Japan in Japanese anime conventions these days.
Let me guess, you watched a porn of it?
>Japanese history classes
Huh, good thing I didn't go ahead and submit the historical panel I was working on. I wonder how long they'll be?
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So I found out my Panel was Accepted!
KAMEN RIDER: Celebrating over 40 years of JUSTICE!
It will be Friday, 5:30 to 7 in Live room 3, all ages welcome.
Ill Cover All the Riders,The history, Backstory, The tropes, Costumes, Monsters and suggest great beginner shows for people just learning about it.
So If you wanna learn you some Rider or just see me unleash my Power Level.

Its gonna be a bunch of fun and I have GIVEAWAYS too.
I hope to see some of you Seagulls there
>mfw when captcha: Corte titiesU

I'll court all of your tits. But, for real, gonna drink, play games, and socialize.
If Washu's Tenchi panel isn't at the same time, I'll be sure to show up. I really wanna get into KR since a friend of mine likes it but he isn't very good at explaining basics.
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main cosplay i'm excited for is my genderbent FFX group for saturday, everything else is old costumes or closet cosplay. just finished brotherhood today so i'm beyond excited!
Ooh, that looks great!
... Is there gonna be genderbent Yuna/Rikku/Lulu too?
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Super duper excited and also in panic mode.
I always forget that ordering stuff at the beginning of a school semester means having to deal with the mailroom, which is struggling to keep up with all the books everyone procrastinated in ordering (which I always do too lol).
I'm still waiting on my feathers for Cas's wings, and body paint and wigs to style for Mrs. Toad.
Luckily I have almost everything else done.
Cutting it close again, like I do every year, but I always somehow manage to pull something decent out of my butt in the end.
>Implying i didn't email staff
I emailed them after i made that post and they told me it was accepted, but they weren't done deciding on times yet. So, my Tenchi panel will be sometime Saturday night. Im trying to change it to earlier in the day. Doubt it but oh well!
Oh man oh man I hope it's early enough. I'll definitely try to bring my sis then.

[I should probably use a name or trip but eh...]
They finally got around to approving my panel. It's called The Imageboard World 2. Bad news is that it's on 3am on Sunday.

I'll be surprised if anyone comes to that panel.
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Rewearcon 2013.

Coming with a group from western Michigan, 8 hour drive. The current plan is to get there Friday night which has me kind of bummed; Katsu is my favorite con. I keep going back and forth about bringing Meenah or Marceline since I don't have a lot of time.
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> Good photo locations?

> What's your favorite section of Katsucon? where will you be spending your time?

> How long have you been coming to Katsu? what made you start?
> Good photo locations?
Pretty much anywhere in the atrium. A lot of photoshoots happen in front of the fountain, though.
> What's your favorite section of Katsucon? where will you be spending your time?
Panels and signings mostly, but I got my sister and myself a VIP badge this year so as to minimize wait times and allow us a bit more time to cool down, maybe check out some shoots.
> How long have you been coming to Katsu? what made you start?
I forget, honestly. I know for sure this is my third year in a row, but I can't remember if I went a few years before 2011 or not. All I know is a friend of mine took me to some cons but pretty much only went for the dealer's room and artist alley... Meaning I pretty much missed out on fun con stuff for 1-2 years. But that's getting off topic.
Does anyone else watch Acksonl's Katsu videos almost daily in order to satisfy/intensify their hype?
So for the past few years I've always eaten at potbelly's or baja fresh for Katsucon, but I am no longer a pour college student and will have disposable income this year!

Can I get suggestions/reviews/experiences for restaurants around the conventions center?
Hey, does anyone know if there's a Marvel or gen. superheroes shoot on Saturday?

> Good photo locations?
Almost everywhere. Atrium is the big one, but there are some ballrooms, long hallways, and a view of the Potomac river which makes a great backdrop.

> What's your favorite section of Katsucon? where will you be spending your time?
Katsucon is a big cosplay con, so I'm fond of having a light bite to eat and watching people, and there's usually good anime playing. I'm skipping the ball this year but the new Japanese Cultural Institute may grab my attention.

> How long have you been coming to Katsu? what made you start?
A few years, forget whether this is my third or fourth. Old friend of mine got me into going to more cons than just Otakon.
> Good photo locations?
I love the gazebo area, though not necessarily the gazebo itself.
Also, The Awakening is pretty nifty if soccer moms aren't letting their little ankle-biters use it as a playground.
>What's your favorite section of Katsucon? where will you be spending your time?
I usually hang out on the Gazebo level fangirling over all the awesome cosplays. I also like the artist's alley and dealer's room, so if I'm in a costume that allows me to walk properly, I usually chill there
>How long have you been coming to Katsu? what made you start?
I think this is my....eighth time? Maybe seventh. I've been attending ever since it was at the Omni-shoreham (had no idea that was haunted, btw).
My birthday's february 18th, and my friends were all connies and one day I just decided to go. I've been going every year since.

I get the urge to watch it on occasion....like right now, for example.
He really does capture the feeling of the con. Beautiful cosplays, people just hanging out, goofing around, having fun at an absolutely beautiful location.
Also, it cracks me up watching my friend spin around in a circle wiggling her arms during the part of the video I'm in.
Thai Pavilion. Holy poop it is so good. I'll probably go all three days.
The Pad See Ew is absolutely delicious. And it's never been too super busy whenever I've gone.
Do NOT go to Ketchup. The food was awful and overpriced, waitstaff was rude, and it just was not worth it. At all.
sage for double posting

I doubt you're planning on blowing all your cash at a place like Bond 45[steak], which is easily the most expensive restaurant in the area -- there's a good but pricy seafood place slightly less pricy than Bond. Ketchup is a bit less pricy than both of those[all the main dishes are less than $30] and has a wonderful variety of foods. Public House is a pub about a block from the con center that's pretty nice and has good appetizers and drink deals -- my favorite non-chain is Elevation Burger, which is kind of that whole "fast casual" trendy style. It's got amazing shakes and burgers for a bit over ten bucks. There's also Thai Pavilion that does a lot of great stuff for a reasonable price.

There's a nice Mexican place that I haven't eaten at, and there's a few other sit-down places that I don't remember. hope that helps.
>my favorite non-chain is Elevation Burger

Hate to burst your bubble, but it's a chain.
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...Shows how much I know about Elevation Burger.

Whoops. In my defense I mostly just care about their tasty burgers.
Why does Katsu suck about getting its schedule up?

What are your favorite spots for pictures at the Gaylord?

everyone aims for the top floor by the gazebo

I like the waterfall on the bottom when I'm doing portrait
It's the water fountain area. In addition, the water show usually plays at 7pm, 8pm, and 9pm

That's not the schedule?


I was curious because its been changing.
If it's changing, it's not completely updated. It has WCS judging on it still.
...You know there are WCS prelims at Katsucon again this year, right? Why wouldn't there be judging on the schedule?
Anyone else bringing edibles and some stuff already rolled to share with random people?
Okay so its possible that this is the schedule but its not fully updated and ready to debute? It went from half the blocks being closed to a lot of it being replaced with panels.
Ill just keep an eye on it. Polite sage for ramble.
Oh. I did not know that.
>Katsucon has no restriction on photography using hand held equipment. Our only concern is that such activities not impair the flow of foot traffic through convention spaces.

>However, photography requiring dedicated floor space and/or free standing equipment to include lighting or other electronics in convention spaces must be requested and granted from the convention’s leadership in advance.

>This will ensure that sufficient and safe space is available prior to any photo shoots. If sufficient space is not available, Katsucon will suggest convention provided areas for such photographic actives.

>Professional photography outside of convention spaces, such as the hotel lobby, rooms, or exterior, is outside the control of Katsucon and as such would be subject to the rules and provisions of the hotel itself. Past experience tells us that the hotel management would prefer these activities remain within Katsucon controlled convention spaces.

The Gaylord had best not come after me for taking shots in "non con" areas like the gazebo.

Psh, not gonna stop me from getting people in there and taking shots. I love sneaking into restricted areas and snooping around with my cam and gear anyway.
> photography requiring dedicated floor space and/or free standing equipment to include lighting or other electronics in convention spaces must be requested and granted from the convention’s leadership in advance

in b4 cosplayer revolt
Revolt because they don't want lighting stands and tripods in traffic areas? Yeah, no, that's a completely reasonable request.
So you'd rather everyone suffer and maybe force Katsu to move venues than just accept that the Gaylord might not want you in some areas? It's not that bad, if a hotel staff member says move, move, and don't take up too much space for a shoot.

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