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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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Can we get a Katsucon thread going
Like an photo thread, since the other one is just:


Yeah sounds good
>>6633474 (OP)
Is that Bane wearing glasses?
I had only heard two people complain throughout the whole convention about that. The rest seemed to only be upset about the gazebo.

also, later, I will post a photobucket album. Took lots of photos this time around.
Bump. I didn't get to go this year and want to see some pictures
Didn't get all my shots online as quickly as I would like, but they'll all be here:


Thursday and Friday are the only galleries up at the moment. Feel free to repost whatever you like since I'm on a plane and can't attach anything too easily.
Oh God he is.
What a douche.
One of the funny moments of the con for me was the Katsu securty and the Posé club bouncer thinking I was a plain clothes PG County cop coming to arrest some white boy from the con the bouncer had pinned to the ground. I just told them I'm here for the con and PG County is right outside.
So what's this I hear about a cosplayer getting her outfit ripped up by the Jew kids?
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Working on some photos! I didn't take as many as I usually do but I'll post what I have!
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Gosh I love them, even if their group is a bunch of "only WE can cosplay idolmaster!" bitches.
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"Only we"? Says who? In any case, full agreement of the Yuuri Twins. Truly, the gems of our area.
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Got some
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these girls are quite cute and the outfits are nice, but something about their faces makes me think they might have FAS.

Which is funny as most them look far too old for their respective idols. The Futami twins, Azusa, and Yukiho all looked fine, the rest not so much.

The idol "fruits" group did look a tad better overall.
Katie (who is the worst elitism and bitch wise) especially looks haggard and awful. She is too old and hard faced to be a kawaii young girl.
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wtf are you smoking, I met Katie and she isn't so much elite as doesn't go gag over shit tiered costumes like homestuck and other bullshit. Sounds like someone is butthurt that katie didn't kiss their ass.
Honestly I think they've got great animu faces for the characters they choose, and I think this is especially true for their idolm@ster ones.
God forbid anybody over the age of 18 enjoys idolm@ster. Provided it isn't a close up I don't care as long as they don't look like the power girl in that other thread.
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You must not know Katie very well. She's one of the biggest egos on the East Coast and was the subject of much drama due to her attitude and canon-possessiveness for years.
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i just died and went to heaven

please I must know who the albert cosplayer is so I can make them my forever husband.
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I'm not sure who they were, but they were both amazing!
Age has nothing to do with it. Older folks generally make better costumes with experience under belt, but they're still trying to portray a bunch of pre-teen to teenaged idol girls. No one is immune from criticism anyways.
I actually know Katie pretty well, and I could say the same to you. I'm not saying she doesn't have a big ego, but most cosplayers do. Who the fucks cares of people have egos and doesn't want to be friends with everyone.
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more of this group?
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Ukraine how is it that I was supposed to do a shoot for you and end up getting a beatdown in magic instead?
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What happened with Jews thats having everyone in tears?

Lawsuits fix everything bro
Sexual assault on a Scanty cosplayer in broad daylight.....also they where just little fucks
See >>6609205 →
Try to keep it to that thread so this one stays un-shitted up.
What character is this?
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I'm sorry bro I don't know ;__;
Maybe next time! I was really all over the place!
It exists? I guess there are more fans of the Hikari club than I thought.
What is this supposed to be?
the DS game 999
main characters of the DS game 999
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Federico from AC2
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I just couldn't help myself

They're like kawaii aliens
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I know, I was excited when I saw it!
Last pic, I'll try and post some from the AT gathering once I get to it
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you dont know how upset I am I missed this
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does anyone have pics of doxiequeen, her costumes looked amazing and I wanted to show my friend who sews.
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hahahaYES. Apparently there was a JD running around but I didn't see him
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a rei Q already?
that was quick.
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>garret hunter.jpg

Actually, that's Hagakure from Dangan Ronpa.
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I think that's the joke
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Oh, sorry.
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Oh, what cute outfits, I'll just zoom in without reading the text...
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Naaaah, really?
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So THAT'S what Stocking looks like when she eats too many sweets.
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HSG is over there bro
>>6630932 →
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would cuddle
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and that's all I got

OMG it's the Swag Guys from the con rage panel
I like Green Ranger's ass.
Ichigo Kitty recently told a group in a southern state that they couldn't cosplay the same outfits as them, it made a big kafuffle over Facebook and their public Idol Master event page.
wtf, deets?
This thing. This thing right here. Gorgeous.
This is delicious.
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Kinda wish I took more pictures
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Proof/caps? IK is a favorite subject of mine, and the fact that the Twins were involved makes me even more intrigued.
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Got more
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I've always thought that Zelda-Link was the quintessential couples cosplay.

This pic has changed my views.
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Just not the same without the giant pencil.
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And that's it
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That Kanji indeed.
I was happy at how much good Persona cosplay there was this weekend. The whole group with that Kanji was really legit.
oh no he's hot
>dat Sayaka's breastplate
Perfection. Usually people just make it out of fabric, mostly sateen, so it's good to see a few actual breastplates once in a while. And hnnngh, looks so good.
I was a part of the Persona cosplay, just not sure if the "good" part. Reddish-orange hair, hand-painted headphones. Haven't seen any of me put up yet, though I didn't make it out to any shoots.
Those boys really look adorable. Good job on the make up.
Why do the claws only come out on this age subject with IM@S cosplay. No one is this buttmad over Madokas being too old or Sailor Senshi being too old.
>persona 2 cosplay

OH SHIT wish I could've given this person a hug.
As well as one of the chillest ones that I saw at the con. :D
(disclaimer: i am far too chubby to be him, so mad props if he's reading)
I guess that's /jp/ at its best. IM@S has that kind of fandom who likes to rage about their pure and young 3D waifus no 2D pig can ever get right (only a handful of asians). And of course, none of them have played the game which makes them posers, and if they say so, they're obviously lying.
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still not home yet, my home province is a frozen wasteland that one cannot simply fly into

until then i'll post some photos that don't need as much balancing
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League of Draven, my favorite shot for sure. Had some trouble linking a Facebook album from Zyori.tv, but once photoshoots of an Ashe and Lux cosplayer are processed I'll get those posted.
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ferst prise
the kidds fabric choice baffles me
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> this
> not a single Dota cosplay

ruined muh day
Fucking love Chrono Cross
At first I was baffled as to why Fox Gloves didn't get first, but when I came home and re-watched the skits it seems like there's had too much "in between" time, walking around and just literally moving from prop to prop. Karmaluna, though not perfect, did a good job of filling up their time.

Fox Gloves also had an English voice over. I feel they would have won had it been entirely done via music and dance and not had the voice over.
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What if Bulk was Red Ranger
Inb4 LunaLadyofLight drama

On topic, dat shiny fabric for Kidd = nope.jpg
Only for one line, though.

The one on the left is a bigger girl but I was very impressed by how fluidly she moves. WCS only wants the ~beautiful~ skinny girls, so I'm wondering what this team's fate will be.
Ugh I would like it so much better if she actually wore the female uniform for the genderbend rather than the skirt with the male uniform top.
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WOAH. is dat sum ssx coplay?

>looks at filename
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Agreed. Bigger girl or not, she kicked ass in that dance performance. Her movements were wonderfully fluid, and she was in complete control of her body. You can tell a lot of work went into the skit from both of them. Congrats ladies.

Now more pictures, dammit!
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It was a good weekend for lesser done Sailor Moon groups.
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Does anyone know more about the non-WCS cosplay contest? I didn't stay for it, but I heard that night that they chose to not give out a best in show award this year? is that true?
I'm actually really impressed by his pose...it looks really simple, but it gives just the right impression.

Not a ninja, that's an awesome Priss from Blade Runner.
You heard right, they did not give out a best in show, they decided to give out seperate best presentation and best craftsmanship awards.
wow, was the masquerade really that bad? hasn't there always been a separate best overall presentation/craftsmanship there, or is that another con?
I wonder if WCS sucked all the talent out of the masq this year for it, cause if no one skit was good enough to be the best of the rest, that's pretty bad.
Except it's not the male uniform top, it's just a blazer. The male uniform top has the same zippers the female one does.
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So from what I heard, apparently there was tension between the con and the youth retreat that resorted in tearing of costumes up to $10,000 in damages. That's what I heard but then again this is the internet and an extra large side order of exaggeration comes with every drama story.
I'm really not sure what the judges were thinking, though I barely got to see the masque because my entry was one of the last.

The idea behind best in show is best skit + best craftmanship, I guess they decided no one was worthy of both? Unless the judges themselves came out and offered their reasoning on the matter, I have no idea.

Here's ACP's coverage on it: http://www.acparadise.com/acp/cons.php?cyid=4971
- BBYO is going to Dallas next year
- BBYO blocked access to certain elevators
- BBYO blocked access to garage on check-out day
- BBYO blocked off the gazebo on Thursday and part of Friday
- BBYO threw stuff at cosplayers
- BBYO made a human chain to keep BBYO on one side of the hallway and Katsu on the other
- Katsu attendee threw a beer bottle off a balcony onto the BBYO side of the atrium
- Katsu attendees, by their own Tumblr admissions, threw yelling shitfits at Gaylord employees over all of the above

- BBYO ripped clothes off a Scanty cosplayer
- BBYO engaged in some other form of sexual harassment
- BBYO rent-a-cops manhandled cosplayers
- BBYO caused $3,000 in damage/$10,000 in damage/completely destroyed four rooms
- BBYO banned from Gaylord
- Katsu attendees had to make a human chain around a Prussia to stop her from being assaulted
- Katsu attendees started a fistfight with BBYO staff
- Secretary of State Yaya Han liberated the Gazebo Strip
- Katsu attendees heiled in front of BBYOers/drew swastikas on things
Did you go to IC/AZA/whatever was at the convention?
* What was the general impression of Katsucon?
* What did your staffers tell you about Katsucon/staying away from Katsucon?
* Did anyone get sent home for anything related to Katsucon?
* Is the Scanty thing true?
* How many people snuck into Katsucon for the rave/dealer's room/panels/etc.?
* Did anyone wreck rooms?
* Did you actually do community service on this trip?
* Did they catch the Katsu person who threw the bottle?
* Did anyone goosestep or sieg heil at anyone you know?
Doesn't that mean you're underage?
If the Scanty thing is true, fuck BYOB.

>>- Secretary of State Yaya Han liberated the Gazebo Strip

Deleted because being monitered
>> Secretary of State Yaya Han liberated the Gazebo Strip

I AM DONE. I cant stop laughing.
>being monitered


Underage Jewish seagull posted that all the BBYO speakers made jokes about not bringing their "anime suits" to the "comic con" and the attendees laughed, that the Jewish kids don't like cultures other than their own, that someone told him/her a Katsu attendee said they wanted to "kill all Jews," that the Jewish kids did three hours of community service on this trip, and that he/she wouldn't be surprised if the sexual harassment/Scanty stuff was true.
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Possibly my favorite find of the weekend. Hook version of Tinkerbell.
There is a group on facebook called aza bbg ic 2013 or some shit like that. (i think you might have to be invited to get in, im not sure)It is well alive with some awful stuff about you guys. They are talking about threads on 4chan as well so you can expect a new wave of cancer for a bit. From the page:

>There all weird and smell terrible
>On one hand there is a transformer and on the other is a trans in a pink dress
>perhaps this is why we cant have nice things

>tfw someone else tells my joke much better than I possibly could

Except you forgot the word "Occupied".
>It is well alive with some awful stuff about you guys. They are talking about threads on 4chan as well so you can expect a new wave of cancer for a bit.
Oh lawd, this should be interesting.
Damn, image limit hit. I've got some hilarious screencaps from that BBYO group.
Hi little shitbags who attack teenage girls and throw water bottles at people?
-$250 in damages and that was in total from both cons, not just BBYO
-Not all the BBYO people gave Katsucon goers heck and thought badly of the con. I was having difficulty opening a bag of food, and one of their leaders helped me out by giving me a pair of scissors to open the bag and a ziplock bag to keep the food in. She also made a light hearted joke that I needed to find somebody dressed as Superman to get the bag open as she'd seen a few and seemed interested in the con.

Post them here: >>>6609205 →
It's auto-saging.
I really want to find out more about this. Ichigo Kitty was pretty rude to me at AWA but I've never been able to dig out more about what exactly she does. I've just heard she's a cold bitch.
>>6636705 →

New thread.
Aw snap, Huntress Wizard from Adventure Time!
>- Secretary of State Yaya Han liberated the Gazebo Strip

Lol. Nice one.
Holy shit, I don't think I've seen a Yugi wig that good before. Wish they'd worn a little more makeup, though.

I loled.
That's the thing that always bothered me about Malinda-chan. Her wigs are good but she never wears any makeup. Even when she cosplays a girl and even on her damn wedding day she didn't wear makeup. Maybe that's just her style, but she would look better with a little color.
she's nice once she warms up to you and I think she's more shy around new people than anything else.
I don't really believe that "you can't cosplay what we're cosplaying" thing
I am lurking through the group page...and this one kid is all I'M A RAPPER IN A GROUP NAMED SWAG PUFFS....wut,.

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