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Ita thread.

Post your ita.
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Tagged as Lolita and gothic lolita.
Poor girl, she seemed so nice and helpful in the post. She'll learn some day I hope.
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I don't understand why people put photos of their rooms messy on the internet. Clean that shit up.
poor dear : <
her hair is cute though
Guro lolita should stop being a thing. I have never seen it done without it looking like a costume. Even if they did look wonderful.
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Oh that poor girl, she forgot to carry tampons in her purse.
not ita, retard.
nothing ita about this, he just is ugly.
Not ita, just unfortunate (a man?)
It often ends up looking like the girl just had a heavy period
spends 10 minutes on makeup, 5 on hair, months getting the dress. 20 minutes on a coord...doesn't have time to pick the toilet paper rolls from her rubbish strewn grotto.
Yeah, it's a man. Not really unfortunate, just a man and seemingly middle-aged.
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crack ho loli
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the only shoot I ever liked for a Guro coord.
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generally bad lolita is cool to post too
whatever the reason
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that looks amazing
I often consider that it would look better if they went for the 'broken doll' look, but that just ends up looking like a costume.
i guess... people these days think mediocre/not perfect/not a pretty face = ita which is wrong... ita means they tried and failed, horribly. Like it's not lolita, not just 'oh it looks meh'.
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turn them into cat paws or something
Yes! Exactly like this; it looks great, but too much like a costume if worn out.
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this image is the definition of ita
well I think the theme of the one I posted above (>>6675190) was 'burnt doll' ? I think it looked great, but it's so obviously themed it is really hard to not make it look like a costume, I agree.
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yep, 100% agreed
I wanna see this being worn by someone other than the model.
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This thread has a lot less vendetta and "people who can coord well but aren't attractive are ita" than previous ita threads I've seen.
Shoop some gloves on him, too.
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I think people who wear ita generally also happen to be (or appear to be) less conventioally attractive in terms of facial aesthetics and body size because they don't 'care' so much about their appearance.

You can have aesthetically or size challenged lolitas who know how to put on makeup, shoop or take pictures at angles to make themselves look good...and end up looking good...because they CARE...They care enough to get good coords, to research and spend time on the fashion.

thus it would be surely a vendetta to see pixyteri in this thread. say what you want about her- but she knows how to pull off a good coord.
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Agreed with others on the "not ita". Not attractive, but the coord itself is very solid.
self post?

it's very much 'casual lolita' or generally 'japanese fashion'
the coord is good

I'm not so sure that's a man though
She looks so uncomfortable, like she knows it looks bad but doesn't want to upset her well-meaning mother.
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are you fucking kidding?
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Reminds me of those "popcorn" shirt things.
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well it's not lolita
nor ita
Not a self-post, pulled off of someone's blog. She called it an ero coord.
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uh I don't think you get what ita is... the girl obviously tried to make a lolita outfit and failed, hence, ita
I'm cringing so hard from second hand embarrassment
pick one
>>6675137 (OP)

you know, that kinda looks like loli underwear.

It would be cute if they bothered to complete the outfit or play up the loli boudoir thing.
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just because she's black?...
Ugh...those bangs...
I do recall seeing this post a while ago on the 'lolita' tag and she did say that the wig cap being out was an accident. After reading that, I wondered why she chose this picture to post up. Why not one when she had fixed the cap
Any more sots of the rest of the outfit, though?
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casual lolita isn't a thing.
Not anymore. She hasn't posted a good coord in a long time.
I mean the bangs need some work and the lace on the top of that dress doesn't look the best but the quality of the wig is actually pretty nice looking and you can't see the rest of the outfit to judge it by that so how can we even be sure that she's ita? I wouldn't exactly just call this picture of her face painful to look at.
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yes she has. she still wears coords based around AP and fairy kei
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here's the "Lolita looks better without petticoats" girl
sigh. this girl should never give out advice. ever.
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Iron it, longer apron, better hair, maid headdress,better shoes, lose the sleeves,lose the glasses and this could be milky ange territory.
is that a wig or?....
File deleted.
milky ange is still kinda ita-ish
this actually looks like a girl just trying on a dress at a con.
not a wig

are you seriously trying to post this in an ita thread? seriously?
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I wish
All we can see is an ill-fitting coat, hairbow, and lollipop. That's not a coord at all, and doesn't help your case.
she looks so uncomfortable...
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But that looks pretty much flawless...?
ugly =/= ita
Wow, did she really label this as lolita?
>assuming that's why you're posting this here
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isn't that a kotobuki tsumugi cosplay?
I love that print, it's so cute
Did this come from the GLB?
Nothing wrong with this coord, retard. It's just a man.

She looks so uncomfortable... I just want to hug her, rip that shit off, and put her in something that isn't an abomination.

Me too, but somehow I'm not feeling like it'll be any better.
This one wouldn't be so bad if her hair was better.
oh Casie. Should've known she started that.
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"I'm a strong sjw and I don't need no petti"
that's so rori
her whole stance on the petticoat "issue"..

>>6675137 (OP)

Lol, looks like ribbons are coming out of their nippless.
"I got big bad cyberbullies guiize"


How long has she been in this fashion? What has to be wrong with her head?

Wear a fucking petticoat, and no, most very long OPs are technically not lolita, although people will wear them with lolita accessories. they fall in that middle ground you see with JetJ.

Give me this. I can fix it with a seam ripper and a couple days of sewing.
youre fucking with me right
>a goddamn EYE PATCH
Not even the bangs. You can see her wig cap and the wig looks like it's falling off.

I could forgive the eyepatch if it were decorated somehow and matched her outfit (I mean, pirate-themed and guro lolita can look great for events if you do it right), but it looks more like the kind of patch you get from the doctor when you have Bell's Palsy.
>dem wrists
how skinny is she holy shit
I think this is the tumblr girl who did the sickly looking asuka in the plug suit... she is skinny, but she does makeup and angles and certain poses to make it even more noticeable
I do remember in the post she said "fixed the wig right after I took the photo" why she uploaded it to tumbr.. no idea.
The dress looks like it has nipple bows. That ribbon looks like it's spewing out from her tits.
That is Erica's dress from Umineko, turned into a true lolita dress, I'm guessing?
She probably did mean the other kind of lolita.
cute as hell
fuck you anon
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Dumping some pics of a 2ch ita thread.
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her JM stamp stockings do not go with her JetJ dress. she has such lovely pieces but most of her outfits are abominable!
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ok, I don´t like her either. But this is not ita, I don´t think that she ever be an ita, her outfits are just boring cause she use the whole set always ( never mix, never experiment, never use offbrand). but not ita
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there are ita threads on 2chan? what area was this?

seriously. we get it, you ate up the rosaire drama. let it go.
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i couldnt care less about the rosaire drama. its only my personal opinion that majority of her outfits are ita. she experiements with tights but its not working for her. she has fat legs.
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I only find the archives of them when searching 痛い combined with lolita terms.
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If you think those are fat, I'm afraid to think what kind of anorexic sticklegs you find normal, nevermind skinny.

Ewwwwa. At least I get the comfort of knowing no matter how much she defends herself, she looks like a bag of dicks.
ugh. it really was stressfull looking at.
>says she's been wearing lolita since 2005
>been wearing shit lolita since 2005
a recent "pettiless" outfit

I'm done.
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This isn't ita at all. Gtfo vendetta-chan.
Pretty sure that his is a cosplay.
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She actually used to be far less insane, and wore pretty decent kuro coords. Then, suddenly, she felt the need to become a special snowflake, emphasis what a hipster artic photographer she is, and generally be annoying.
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>say what you want about her- but she knows how to pull off a good coord.
Hell no. Part of being able to coord is picking things that fit you and don't make you look like an old fat woman dressing up for child pornography.

Genuinely distressing. Girl probably almost passes out every time she stands up.

Also I think you'd be surprised how "conventionally attractive" a lot of the people ITT would be if they just learned how to do their make-up and hair in a more flattering way.

Agreed, best ita thread in a long time.
>that image

I actually like that in a cosplayish kind of way. It reminds me of Cardcaptor Sakura. I wouldn't wear it, but the childhood nostalgia still makes me think it's really cute.
"Please god no get off of me."
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Ugh I fucked up my post,

>Also I think you'd be surprised how "conventionally attractive" a lot of the people ITT would be if they just learned how to do their make-up and hair in a more flattering way.
was a response to

This chick looks like Lena Dunham trying to be rori.
this is what tumblr does to people.
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"Cosplayish" lolita: not even once, sis.
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I agree with

god awful for lolita

but they would be really cute as dresses a cute loli-ish character wears

shame neither of them are
It would be really cute as a witch costume
I saved it. I don't know when on earth I'll ever use it, but it's hilarious.

Damn, that's worse than DollDelight's shit.

That looks like it should be worn by a mage or something.
She'd look better if she stood up straight. That poor posture is doing no favors for her breasts.
What breasts?
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This girl goes to cons in my city
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These guys too.

I agree with the witch thing. It would make such an adorable halloween costume. Hnghh.
Oh my god...that dress...thing...
What the fucking hell...
Is there a stock photo of that anywhere? I'd like to see what that was intended to be or...if it really is just that...
It looks like there's a kid's hula hoop supporting that skirt, and the material over it is kind of seethrough. Maybe she was going for a mermaid look? I dunno. Her dress looks terrible. The boy just looks like he's at a formal dance for like... junior high.
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>My coord for Kera Snap at MaruiOne Shinjuku ~ Angelic Pretty Dream Fantasy Salopette

This isn't ita, but she's wearing it far too low, correct?
Lure them somewhere and kill them. I feel bad for the comm that has to put up with them. Do they at least act alright?
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She made that fucking dress with a hula hoop. I know it. Look at that bright fucker sparkle.
I've always thought that's ok for salopettes...? Kind of cute, even? Plus if you're like above 5'4" most salopettes you kind of have to hike them down. I'm curious what other people think.

Also, that's a boy.
He looks like he's wearing it too low, but it looks good, overall.
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Thanks for the laugh.
eh... and let me put it this way, they want to form a massive 'cuddle group' for keycon.
here you go, furry sweet lolita hybrid.
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Oh god, this guy.... He's so fucking irritating...
It might be the case here, but not every outfit using items made for lolita is intended to be a lolita coord. Those outfits that aren't are never ita.

People need to bear that in mind.
she had it tagged 'ero lolita' ...

i guess maybe you don't realize that people pull things tagged as 'lolita' for these threads.
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It's not 'casual lolita' or 'generally japanese fashion' either
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I have more of his....'co-ods'

hasn't he posted on /cgl/ before?
Oh boy, that's an understatement.
Yeah, he came looking for help but rejected all of the advice we gave him because it apparently was too much work or some shit like that.
yes, he posts big TLDR about his life story and how we'r all horrible people
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To be fair, we kind of are horrible people.
yeah, but he's on 4chan, what does he expect?
>being on 4chan gives us reason to be complete douchenozzles to everyone
and he still comes back. He could just ignore it. I've been trying to give him advice for years when he asked me, not a damn thing has sunk in.
He basically just wants you to validate what he wants, not actually help.
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the far left. Same. Exact. Pose.
That is so tragic...
How did she even get into Disney wearing lolita? They don't let "costumey things" in. Also this is just really boring and not that ita.

>"This isn't so bad, what is anon talking abo-- oh..."

>implying that's what she said
People on 4chan tend to be assholes. End of story. It doesn't give us permission to be assholes, but it does create an environment in which you can say whatever you want without consequences.
You can go into Disneyland in lolita as long as you don't resemble any of the Disney characters.
Huh, okay. I heard a few of the Central Florida lolis got some grief for it.
I haven't heard of that, but maybe it might have been because they were taking pictures with some of the tourists. You're not allowed to do that and if you do it enough, they will ask you to leave.
Oh, that's reasonable. I can see that happening a lot down there.
I saw some people recently wearing them like strapped skirts vs a salopette. It's a matter of it being placed right for it too look good.
oh sorry, didn't know you were a mind reader and would therefore know what she actually meant. how stupid of me.
>able to understand nuance
autism pls go
that's right. Know your place, bitch.
thanks for inadvertently proving my point tweedles'
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Anyways, let's get this back on track.
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Alright I'll dump what I've got but by now I'm sure you've seen em before
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I thought sweet lolitas with stuffed animals was weird, but gothic lolita with stuffed animals is even stranger.
Good lord, wtf is going on there. She made that dress look like a burlap sack.
>>6675820 #
It's supposed to be an Erika costume, from a Taobao store called yuyi (which has quite a bad rep) But yeah, not that it is well done for a costume either.
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This is a personal favorite of mine. She calls it "rainbow lolita" and she is everything wrong with the world.
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everytime I post this a million white knights come in and whine how she's gotten better. Blah blah idgaf I still think this coord is ita as fuck
it's Pink Zombies. She made a shitton of these abominations as her "lolita fashion indie brand line"
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well fuck my folder is on my other pc. Here's the last one I have-this famous one
Aw man, that's my friend.
I'm going to be another whiteknight and say that she has gotten a lot better and that I think that was some cosplay of hers and not lolita.

God bless anyone who has ever bought from her.

I still maintain that this house should be condemned. I feel bad for the girl.
yeah, it's a cosplay, pretty sure she never tried to pass it off as lolita, but w/e

I...cannot understand how someone can be this bad. Obviously the pink atrocity made her dress out of the shiniest most halloween fabric at JoAnne's.
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Did you not gather from the post that she made that was a joke outfit? She wasn't actually going to wear that...

What is she cosplaying as?
the classic eyeliner of ~XxMisunderstoodGurlzzxX~
She thinks that because she put all the tumblr trends together she was kawaii.
This was for dress-like-an-ita day, I'm fairly sure.

Which is actually coming up soon, yay!
If she got better, does she not think she's the "reincarnation of the Marquis de Sade" or whatever anymore?
Is this seattle?
What's the story behind this girl?
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how did she think this looked good
>mfw people think I was serious about that outfit
Sauce on why everyone think she's so nuts, please? I'm personal friends with her and so far she's only said one thing to me that's like "...what?" so far. I really want to know why people think she's so damn nuts because irl or online she doesn't seem that way to me at all.

Probably some Chobits thing?
I thought that was rabbit777 for a moment
no one asked for my opinions but i'm providing them anyways.

wtf are you wearing you look like someone ate a 70's witch and threw it up on you
actually not that bad, unfortunately she's rather unfortunate looking and it's wrinkled
lace monster
i don't know what's going on here, but no.
whites are... really off-white? it looks dirty. the actual garment isn't awful but would look better on someone else. needs wig. and makeup.
why is the majority of the blood there? it looks like it's been menstruated on.
nope. this is badass. you go dude. you rock that milky berry, sir
the seams. the lace. the wrinkles. the... everything, oh god :(
is that... velvet? i think... the hair/hat is cute? but oh god dat dress.
oh no... little bo peep called and wants her embarrassing outfit back
This outfit is mega cute. Not ita at all
i hope no one decides to wear this...
that kind of... maid-y, black and white lace with the bonnet look never works out....
i just... what? did she go out thinking this looked acceptable? why those arm things?
bar maid from the middle ages in some fantasy story that no one likes
another black/white lace misfortune. no one can make these look good...
i've seen worse. the op doesn't need the blouse though... there's a lot going on here and i can't keep up.
no petti. aaaaaand i lol'd
because she's got a nice body she could pull this off. fat girl couldn't. still not the best choices but its hard to look shitty when you have a hot body.
marilyn manson concert is down the road. why that brown? :(
The poster explicitly said "this isn't ita".
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coord is okay. not the best choice of socks or foot wear but not horrible over all. i've definitely seem worse.
it's like she's going for santa's little loli, but... he's gonna go with a better dressed candidate. s santa lovins for you, gurl.
eye patch. you better believe that's a paddlin'
those boots. party city wig. face. 'nuff said.
pt. also 'nuff said
if she thinks that's lolita she is mistaken. cute as a... mid spring look though.
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How's it feel to know that everyone hates you?
I...kind of like this dress. Not in a lolita coord, but if I ever felt like dressing up as a cute succubus or witch, it would be perfect.
no it's labeled ero lolita on her fanpage man
dress could be cute if it was worn with other stuff
why so sandwhichless? but not loli.
i know it's kuro buuuut it's still too much black... maybe it's just her. she looks like a black hole.
are they mentally challenged? i feel bad picking on mentally challenged girls...
aaaaand fuck you too.
porn promo pics
this editttt, can we just? oh my god.
vendetta, this is cute.
ugly collar, would look cuter with a wig and makeup
She claims to be French when she lives in Georgia

She wore nipple tassles, a garter belt and a upside corset to a con and called herself Lady Loki

She has no idea how bad she looks

She thinks she is a reincarnated French man
She's clearly delusional
i don't particularly caaaaaaare~
but on that note i'll quit cuz i'm bored of it now and there's a lot left.
You win. I give up.
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That's actually quite old. She's much better dressed and has lost about 70ish lbs I think. (Girl in black) We all start somewhere guise.
I dunno, looks more like a sissy than an ita to me.
you don't know lolita, do you?

for helpfulness:
YES! That's exactly what I thought! Seriously why would you put blood on your apron right on your crotch!
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>today’s casually creepy cute me … I’m happy today. I swear it! *a kee kee kee*
I can't stand this girl, she's like a little goblin
Outfit aside for like a second, why does she think that damn hair looks good with anything at all? It looks like a crispy sponge or something.
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look at it up close
1) She does live in Georgia, but she was born in France. Is that really so unheard of? I live in Georgia and I have a couple of friends that were born in France or another European country and moved here for whatever reason.
2. & 3. Okay, not really gonna defend that.

4. Where did she say this?

I'm sorry if I'm coming off as a whiteknight, anon. On one hand, she is my friend, but on the other hand, I really don't get why everyone thinks she's so nuts, and I'm terribly curious.
I kinda want for her to die slowly.
Hey ladies, I made this blog and I've been following this thread closely for material. Check it out maybe? Might be worth a laugh.

....why did I click that thumb. Oh god...
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looks like someone puked "kawaii" all over her head
I was too distracted by her kyary merch to care about her goddawful hair. Argh I want those!
it looks like yarn...
kill it with FIRE!
Ooh, following. Nice going, anon.
kyary merch? isn't that just creepy cute mameshiba? that sanrio dog that's a soybean?
yarr harr fiddle dee dee
do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
and you are a pirate

It's a collab Kyary did with them.
I hate this girl for her ita with the passion of ten thousand exploding stars

my kingdom for a cute black loli in dreadlocks
please post every buttmad ask you get
BE the cute black loli in dreads, comrade
you and me both, comradette. you and me both.


What the everloving FUCK?

I know. It's like, there's a decent handful of GOOD black lolis, but she and those hugely fat girls who always show up in these threads just eclipse all of that good work and everybody just thinks of that image when they think of black lolis.
there arent any good black lolitas though. theyre all just average.
that poor little asian chick..
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That is really depressing.
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or people could just not respond to such an obvious troll
>scanning from top to bottom
>"eh, this isn't so horrib--what the fuck is going on here"
>Arigatou gozaimasu!!!
She deserves every bit of bad fortune that befalls her.
My boyfriend just said this to me:

>What do you call a bad male lolita who is in the cold and also Mexican?
>a brr-ito
I laughed a bit.
too bad it doesn't fit.
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I think I have a mission to at least DRAW something like that......

To be on topic, have some milanoo ita.
You need to work on your commentary. That shit is uninspired. Either just post images or get better
Just posting images is good honestly. Unless you're really funny, less is more.

As much as I can't stand her, and her co-ords are underwhelming to me, this is NOT ita.

That poor model.
I've actually seen pictures of her that weren't Bodyline modeling pics, and she's super cute with gorgeous hair, and her own wardrobe and dressing skills seem a whole lot better than the ita shit they made her wear at the Bodyline shoot.

Oh lerd, rocky horror turned ita.
I chuckle'd , your man is a funny guy.
I'm not always trying, sometimes its 4am right before work and I'm just killing time posting. I'll keep that in mind though.
Okay we can't be talking about the same person.
>never mix
>never experiment

She just tosses things together like nobody's business. Clashy prints, wacky silhouettes, it rarely looks good but nobody can say she's boring/doesn't mix.
whenever i see these threads i get reminded of the first two co odds i ever attempted and how painfully ita they were!
i'm kind of glad i knew almost no one at that time and very few pictures exist.
she just throws on as many things as she possibly can to show how rich she is and how many pieces she owns, that's all.

>gtfo vendetta chan
that is hilarious, seeing as she has been proven to be a bitchy backstabbing liar? is that you lingozero, or perhaps octavekitten?
Goddammit this girl makes me rage. She looks awful all the time even though she has all this money and her husband is a photographer and stylist.

I hate her co-ords too but even though they are bad they are still not bad enough to qualify for ita.
She's a stupid cunt though, she can buy all brand she wants but she can't buy a new personality .

Uggghhh I know, right?
Her hair alone makes me rage, that combined with everything else is just grrrrr.
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seriously, your vendetta is getting tiresome.
Amy Winehouse? I thought she died.
Lol help I've fallen and i can't get up
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This girl has gotten a lot better since this picture, but yeah...
What's ita? I'm new. Looks like ugly girls that think they're hot?
An outfit so bad it hurts to look at
Kinda mismatched, but doesn't look too terrible for casual lolita.
Girls that are trying to be lolita and failing miserably.
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Not really ita, but why do some people feel the need to photoshop themselves so much they look like a plastic doll? Girl in picture looks like she's been meitu Xiu Xiu'd into oblivion.

Looks like Kery Katona, can't unsee.


Alright, here's the story everyone. Pull up a chair and listen.

Alright, she's a he, but I'm nice to trannies, so we'll call her a she.

Now, she asked for advice, and /cgl/ pulled together and gave it by the bucketload. Instead of actually listening, she pulled out all these sob-stories about how we're apparently ruining her femininity (?!) by telling her she needs to learn how to do her makeup, get a wig to cover that nasty-ass ratty hair, and get some better fitting dresses and a petticoat.

When everyone tried to tell her that she needed to follow the basic fucking guidelines of lolita if she wanted to avoid looking like a hot mess, she pitched a major hissy-fit and deleted the thread.

I, for one, can't look at her without feeling...unclean. Like I need to wash my face or something.
I'm not sure what that purse is supposed to be, because it's so misshapen... Is it a bat? Is it a Wu-Tang Clan symbol? What is it?
I don't see it on the site anymore, but I'm pretty sure it's the dog purse Bodyline had. Look a bit closer, it's shaped like a Scottie or some other terrier.
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Ah, same person, found the old image now.
I'd wear it in a goth outfit. Not goth loli, just goth.
This is fetish. Note the collars. I HIGHLY doubt this was meant to be a serious attempt at loli.

Direct quote from girl sitting next to me:

> "Wha-is that a...OH! That's her arm! I thought she had a rainbow lobster or something in that basket."
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I just keep looking back and forth trying to figure out how the fuck this works but I just. Can't.
Hey, Venus posted on one of this guy's videos!
This girl is really, really cute, but I think it's pretty sad how she feels the need to shoop her skintone lighter. Looking at her older photos (where she still looks adorable), I'm fairly sure she's mixed, but you'd never guess it looking at her newer photos.
All his videos are so boring, what the heck.
That's a girl?
that looks good for milanoo, it at least isn't a sports shoe
They're for titillation so just being a boy in a dress is the important part.
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This girl.

Looks ok to me, you sure this ain't a vendetta?
This just looks like really shitty photography.
she looks ok-
She looks like my 50-year-old alcoholic aunt at a costume party. Pics of her after improvement?
nothing wrong here. go away vendetty-chan.
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the... tan thing... does she mean the cut-out between the choker and the dress? what the fuck?
I only follow these threads to see if I get posted in them and I'm so glad I never did.

Sage for shit.
she would look better with a cardigan or bolero, but otherwise she's cute!
is that woman on the left wearing a replica? there's no way she's fitting into brand. nevermind she also looks like someone's mom goofing off and really needs a wig...
i'm still disappointed there -isn't- a wu-tang purse.
As far as I know, there is no replica of that print, but I've seen a lot of other heavier/bustier girls wearing it. You don't need to be a size 6 to fit into brand, but as you get to that size, there are less options to choose from. Plus, you can't exactly tell measurements from photos, but I'd say she's somewhere around a 43" bust or so, that's where a lot of AP back shirred stuff tends to completely max out at (others have been known to go bigger though)

Its both. Its the real version that has been chopped up and sewn back together with replica fabric.
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Isn't the hula hoop thing a Milanoo petticoat?
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February 2013
Still not perfect, but she's definitely getting better. She wears gothic and classic more now.


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