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I'm gonna miss cosplaying.. but I've reached that point where I'm old enough to be the dad of some of the people attending the cons.

I just wanted to pass on that you guys should enjoy it while you are young. Ignore the drama, ignore the points and laughs of the occasional person stumbling into the con off the streets. This is your passion and let no one take that away from you. You'll find that the less you care about people laughing, the less they do it. Do not only embrace your nerdiness, revel in it.

I just wanted to impart some of my wisdom to the next generation of cosplayers, so here are my tips.

1. Play to your body type - I cannot stress this enough, if you are fat then play fat characters.. if you have a beard, play bearded characters or shave. Your body is the basis of all costuming, no matter how good the seam work is people will always notice body type first. Use this to propel your cosplay.

2. $15 is the different between a good wig and a bad wig - That says it all, if you wanna look like a clown then go to party city for wigs... if not then buy from a reputable theatrical wig maker/online store.

3. Bathe... no explanation needed... bathe and use deodorant.

4. Sleep is the difference between having fun and acting like a fool. Have fun but get some Z's while you're at it.

5. Win or lose, rain or shine, the goal is to have fun. Never lose sight of that and never let someone take the fun out of it. your first few conventions you're gonna look silly, your costume won't be the right color, your seams will be wrong, you'll sew sleeves on inside-out. But we all go through it, we all remember making those screw ups and laughing about it. Just remember, today's failure is tomorrow's laughter.

I could go on but I'll end it there. Take care ladies and gentlemen... it has been an honor.

- Ox-Sama
oh, forgot to mention this one and it is a big one.

If you mess up the room, leave a tip for the cleaning staff. The more we appreciate the staff the more the staff appreciates us and the more they will allow anime conventions in their convention halls/ballrooms. Even just a $2 tip left for the cleaning staff can make them feel appreciate instead of crapped on.
This is nice solid advice. I'm no "dad" yet, but being a 21yr old male---god damn its no fun when 13-16yr old girls hit on you.

>even more scary when their parents encourage it then invite you over.

The point of cons is to have fun, that means being open and conversing with everyone. Especially the con staff and volunteers and not be pricks.

Drinking, always fun-- even more fun is to share. Drugs too, but it's always better when they bring it up, not you. Save for a faux pas.

ABC = Always be Courteous.
Proper Hygine If you think you smell bad, then you smell bad. If you think you need a shower, then you need a shower. Easy as that.

TALK. Don't go to a damn convention and not talk. To the vendors and other cosplayers. The first few times you talk and you're the stereotypical 4channer it will feel awkward, so just keep on talking and within the hour you'll feel comfortable! Don't just hang with your circle of friends, invite people to chat with you and your friends, say a few compliments (but don't lie/embellish!)

Oh, and don't sponser the overpriced food/drinks-- better yet go on a food run or even a general retail place that would have a lower markup (e.g. a gas station a block away/convenience store.) They will always have better prices then the con floor, 9$ for a 1$ personal pizza and 3$ for a 8oz soda are rip offs, we know they are and the convention center (not con staff) employees know it too.

Cigarettes are pretty crazy on pricing at those mall like conventions too. 12 dollars for a 5 dollar pack of cigarettes my ass.

Always bring your own.

>inb4 >smoking
Never knew about that, I personally have never cons sell cigs, yet alcohol have been publically available.

>lol 3$ for a long neck bud light.
>walk a block to the grocery store, 6$ for a 6 pack, or 5$ for a 750ml bottle of wine.
>Personally a wine fan, always bring to a con wine glasses and gradually sit at a table drinking after 9pm+, or whenever the shitty rave starts.
>Always fun conversation.
>Wonder how many people have fake id's.

In Atlanta at some ritzy hotel bar, 10 dollar jack and cokes. And of course they're fucking you with actual liquor amount, be jealous, my family owns a winery, free high class wine anytime, anywhere.
Super jelly.
Whenever I'm a poorfag, I just buy everclear and poor it into some apple juice or whatever.

>it's not that bad btw. But I'm in Florida..stupid alcohol % limits.
This thread is smart. This guy speaks truth. If I can do it I I normally split a carton with my friends before we even leave our city.
Hey, OP here and believe me it gets worse when you hit the big 30. I'm still every bit as passionate about anime as I was when I first got a hold of a bootleg copy of vampire hunter D in middle schools when anime was unheard of.

Also, since this has turned into a semi-advice thread allow me to toss out a few more nuggets of wisdom.

Raves = Gropes
If you are a semi-attractive girl and you walk in there you need to know what you're getting into. Every single rave I've ever come near at cons has always included a handful of girls crying and running out. Is it cool? Not at all. Does it happen? Yes, a lot.

Bringing your own food is a good call. Expensive hotel stay can be offset by packing people in the room and doing a run to a local discount grocer on the way. Stock up on junk food but also bring tons of water and resonably healthy stuff so you aren't walking around at 2 am with a gut full of sugar and booze.

People at cons are A) Socially awkward, B) Nervous, C) Total assholes (See Rave = Gropes), or D) Con veterans. Being anything but C is all good in my book. But as was previously mentioned, get in there and talk. Just don't overcompensate, be relaxed and mellow and relaxed mellow people will gravitate toward you.

If the thread stays alive I'll pass on some more tid bits just don't wanna post too big all at once.
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Not being
E) All of the above.
Point well made, all of the above is possible.. as sad as that person would need to be.
How old is too old to be cosplaying? This thread brings up a rather interesting topic
When it's not fun anymore. I think as you get older, however, your interests may change. I'm going to be 30 next month and am considering moving on to sci-fi and costume-con type venues since they tend to draw an older crowd. But yea, there's no reason to quit cosplaying if you still enjoy it. Especially since most of us have more disposable income and don't need permission when we've left our teens.

I feel sorry for the kids thinking 20 is old and also too old to enjoy hobbies like cosplay. What are they going to do when they realize it's common to make it into your 80's.
dood u can be master roshy XD

You have the right idea with going to sci-fi/comic conventions. Both of my parents cosplay at those kinds of events and they have a ton of friends in their 50's and older who still put together amazing costumes.

The anime cons are for the younger crowd, but they aren't representative of the entire convention scene.
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I agree 100% with all of these. Can this be a sticky?
This, a million times this!!!
>>6571221 (OP)
Hey that's my home convention.
Great advice, hope you've enjoyed your time cosplaying.
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>if you have a beard, play bearded characters or shave
>How old is too old to be cosplaying?

well that depends I am in my mid 40's, and went to C2E2 last summer with my daughter I went as Gruncle Stan and she went as Mabel
(STF GF pervo assholes) we had a good time
I would never imagine going and hanging out with teens/20's and going to after parites etc
This guy rules! One of the best Finns I have ever seen.

And as to "cosplay rules"... Have fun, be creative, and try your best to make something that you're proud of. I'm not one for strict lists of requirements for doing something for fun. Bleh.
I never proclaimed these to be rules or anything other than just my personal tips from more than a decade of cosplaying.

Some people do have big enough personalities to pull off cosplaying outside of their body type ect. But if you're that self confident then you'll ignore my tips anyway so no harm, no foul, right?

Lets face it, most people going to conventions aren't that confident and giving them a few general tips to improve their time and efforts isn't an attempt to bind them or strip away their fun. I appreciate your passion, very much so. When people lose their passion thats when it stops being fun. But we all had our first con, we all have had to face potentially going to a con alone, and not all of us have friends offering up advise or tips.
Edit: Meant to say "most people going to their first convention aren't that confident"
So far not a single thing anyone has said in this thread has been bad advice. Also, if you want to win any of the cosplay contests (which have rules) his advice about body types and facial hair is actually a good point.

I saw a fat older guy cosplay as general Iroh and he was awesome. I truly think that anime fans are smart enough to pick out creepy old guys and older anime fans. If you love it there is no reason to stop. I'll be cosplaying when I'm 30, 40, ect.
Aren't you going against your own rule 5 by saying you're too old to cosplay?

You should be happy that you can now properly cosplay the badass older characters in anime/vidya.
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I'm 30 now and going to be cosplaying for the first time since going to my first anime expo in '98.

I've wanted to this whole time but never had the opportunity. Better late than never.

It helps that I can pass for 22.

Getting hit on by girls just barely over half my age sucks though. I'm no pedo and don't want to attract that kind of heat.
>looking younger
I'm so fucking glad I have that edge
>am 26
>go to get 18+ wristband
>people think my ID is fake
Kind of a double edged sword though

Hakim <3
Emma had it SO good with William and Hakim pursuing her.

I loved that he was cocky enough near the end of the manga to tell Emma, "If you get tired of William, come to me"
She says, "How will I know where you are?"
He says, "Ask William."

Dude was a pimp.
>>6571221 (OP)
I'd argue point number 1 to say that you should make a costume to compliment your body type. You can be a larger person and make a flattering and nice costume, you just gotta make it that way. But even still there are limitations to what one can cosplay based on body type. Just don't count out everything just because the measurements aren't the same.

Otherwise, solid honest advice.
Pft. Try being in Utah.
> Percentage limit
> State controlled liquor stores
> Closed on Sundays

Luckily I live about as north as you can get while still being in Utah, people drive to Idaho about 15 minutes away if they want the good stuff.
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Says the black guy who cosplays as asian girls.
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I'm not even that old (only 25) and I feel like I've reached the point where I'm too old for conventions, unless I go just for the room parties, and even then, that's not really my scene.

In a few months, I'll be taking my younger siblings and several of their friends to their first anime convention and I'm going to get to play chaperon and help with costumes.. and hopefully protect these girls from the raving idiots that come out from the woodwork at these things.

My goal, other than making sure these kids get through the weekend without getting lost, hurt, or scarred, is to make sure that they have fun and want to go again.
That's so sweet Anon
Isn't that, like, Mormon Central? No fucking wonder.
You will never know my pain.

And yeah it is, like, Mormon central. But I'm not a Mormon, nor am I originally from Utah, nor am I here because I want to be, so I'm allowed to bitch, rofl.
What I tend to do if I'm going to a con out of state (where taxes are a bit higher)is that the day before, I go to a local discount cigarette
store and stock up on my tobacco.

I tend to get a couple of Black and Mild's, Swisher Sweets, Phillie Blunts, and mini cigars. Usually come out about under $15. Sometimes, some brands like Swisher have a deal like buy two packs of ciggarillos and get the next one free or half off.

Same here. For the price of what the hotel is serving me, it's rather cheaper to buy like a 24 pack, a party pack, a couple of 750 ML alcohol for under $100* (save your money up before the con). combine my booze with others and we can have a full bar.

*Hell, buy some cheap booze and get some nice juices and soda, you don't have to go after the $20 bottles sometimes. Just saying.
1/10 try harder.
>>6571221 (OP)
Fuck that, I saw you at Metrocon and Shadocon and you are the only good Ox King/Overweight cosplayer I've ever seen. Who cares if you're getting older? Just play older characters. You're crazy nice, never turn down a photo, never turn down a conversation, and are always joking around with anyone that even stands remotely close to you. The Florida cosplay scene is such crap, we can't lose genuinely cool people.
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Wow, OP here, thanks for the kind words.

Ahhh Metrocon, I will never forget when my friend who was cosplaying as yajirobe was mistakenly called both Krillin and Fred Flintstone within about 10 minutes of each other. Good times. Pic very much related.
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Like they said, keep going man. You're a great cosplayer, and if you love doing what you do why stop? Also
>old enough to be a dad
Sounds like a good age and body shape to cosplay Daru from Steins;Gate. You should watch this show, I have the feeling you'd REALLY like it.
i bought a carton of cigs in KY and sold them individually for a nice profit at otakon once

>inb4 trafficking

Kentucky is such a great place to stock up on liquor and cigs.
It's about the only thing KY is good for.

Thankfully a couple of local cons have popped up around Louisville and the local hacker space is fucking sweet.

Louisville is truly a haven in a sea of shit.

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