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Hey seagulls, haven't seen a thread like that in a while.
When you are booking an Hotel for a convention:

>Are you looking for a room even if it's a local con?
>How many roomates per room?
>What are you looking for when you book an hotel room for the con?
> Which items are necessary for you?.

I always bring an Icebox full of food (Convention food gets expensive) And full bottle of Shampoo and Body Wash (Incase roomates forgets it.
No parties in my room, staffing enough the conventions in my area to deserve a good six hour of sleep.

I organized a few con trips, and it' always 4 per room for me.

So what are your hotel habits, /CGL/, share your good bad stories too!
I'm a cheap ass college student, but I'm super considerate when I share a room with people (change out who sleeps on the bed, ask if those on the floor need more blankets, etc) especially when I myself book the room. I move furniture around if possible to get bed stations set up. ( lol I usually like to pack people in since I'm poor, but I'm VERY wary about strangers staying unless one of my friends knows them)

I also try to get everyone a room key because they do that.

I usually prefer getting a room myself compared to sharing with others even though I would have to deal with the anxiety of collecting all the room fees.

of the rooms I've been in, I've been shunned to the floor, been super cold, not get a room key, been treated rudely, stolen from, have creepy random people that stare at me when I do my make-up early in the morning ( I still remember that...), etc

in my experience though, even if all the people are cosplayers, 6-7 can fit comfortably in a two queen room, 8-10 can fit comfortably in a suite , 4-5 would be fine for a king room and yeah.
I always find these threads odd. Don't you guys in the US have hostels? They are so cheap, everyone gets a bed and stays comfortable. Most of them include breakfast as well. Cheapest I paid was 8€ and the most expensive was 32€, for a private room.

Canadian here, for all the conventions I went to, Hotels only near the conventions centres, from what I saw

At my last convention, we had two rooms, 8 people. It costed 75$ per people, tax include. (Winter time, and the Hotel had a indoor passage to go the convention centre.
Yeah all the ones i've seen its only big expensive hotels near the convention centers too.
>>6653671 (OP)
Usually bring the usual hygene stuff, a cooler for food, and an extra bag/suitcase just for dealer room crap since usually we have too much to fit in the ones we brought. No more than 6 per room, double queen, nothing but friends or cosplayers that are vouched for by friends. Everyone brings food and pays an even share of the room fee. Car pool to the con is one of the funnest parts!
Depends. Only major cities from what I know of have any hostels at all (NYC being the only one in my area that I can think of), and they were shady as fuck for the most part. Not sure where you're from but just using France as an example country, but if France were like the US you'd only find hostels in Paris. And thats it.

US kinda sucks about crap like that, but usually for cons I don't go unless I can volunteer enough to get free hotel room space or I live close enough to the con that I can get back to my house. I don't have a job right now so I gotta save where I can.
When the sinks are outside the bathroom. A must have for rooming with several people.

Though now that I'm a grown adult making money I'm enjoying being able to just get a room with my husband and not deal with crowded room crap.
>>6653671 (OP)
I have a bit of a rules list, but I try to get the best deal I can. My limit per room depends on cost/how big the room is. At AWA I had a pretty big room, with a separate bedroom and originally planned for at most, 8 people. Wound up with 6, three people in the bedroom, three with the pull out bed/couch.

I look for ones with a refrigerator and bonus for a microwave. Always at least two beds, and I bring snacks for friends and big shampoo and body wash bottles.

Also, would it be bad to make a rule where if you drop last second I keep the money you paid? Because the past few cons I've had room drops and then people threaten to drop if the rate goes up more...
>Are you looking for a room even if it's a local con?
If said local con is on a busline or i can get a friend to get me a ride to my house to the con and vice versa, i don't book a hotel. However, cons that require me to go out of town or cross statelines, I am booking.

>How many roomates per room?
4-6 per room. Anymore is a no go.

>What are you looking for when you book an hotel room for the con?
Good reviews, quality of the hotel, price range, and distance.

> Which items are necessary for you?.

Medicnes, health and beuatiful supplies, food, juices, booze, cosplay kit, clothing for casual and formal wear, electronics, extra pillows, money.
A rule like that should be common sense. Collect money in advance and have deadlines like
2 months to con: full refund
1 month: %75
2 weeks: %50
1 week: nothing
Adjust as needed, I pulled this out of my ass because I didn't remember the exact formula.
Varies depending on how likely you are to find another roomie.
Hey, this is >>6653970. Is it true that you can request a fridge for free if you need it for your medicine or is that a myth?
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I've had too many horror stories with roommates. From getting locked out because of sex, piss and poop-related matters, etc.

Usually I prefer to stay in the venue hotel. The maximum roommates I get are up to 6, but on average it's 4. All I need is a room key and at least two beds (and possibly a rollover) and I'm set, room-wise. Fridges and microwaves are nice, too, but I usually go to restaurants and such for con food (except maybe breakfast, then that's when you pack your basic breakfast goods). I have the ideology where if you can't feed yourself at a con, don't bother going.

Always bring:
-Toothbrush (duh)
-Change of clothes (no shit, well one time I knew someone that forget all their underwear, shit was gross)
-Shampoo, Soap, and Conditioner (also hotels almost always provide it, USE IT and even ask for more)
-Makeup (use your own, I've had makeup brushes used and that still pissed me off to no end)
-Condoms, trust me.

Most of all, room with people you get along with. And if you're meeting your roomies via forum and such, get to chat with them online and such beforehand (and if you have mutuals, TALK TO YOUR MUTUALS about them to see how they are).
Generally fridges are free, as long as you request it when you check in.

People prefer to room at the venue itself. That and I have a thing about privacy.
>>6653671 (OP)
>Are you looking for a room even if it's a local con?

Depends on the con. ALA and PMX are close enough for me drive (20 minutes to a half hour), but I staff ALA so I prefer rooming for that one. I'd room for AX if the hotels were closer and more affordable, otherwise it's a 45 minute drive.

>How many roomates per room?
4 or 5 most of the time, 6 if it's a certain combination of people who are space-efficient and unobtrusive. I've been in one with like... 8 before, and man it was too much.

>What are you looking for when you book an hotel room for the con?
As close to the con as possible. Across the street is fine, but I've walked several blocks for a hotel before and can't say I liked it.

> Which items are necessary for you?
Case of bottled water, munchables like granola, dried fruit, breakfast bars, pretzels, poptarts, etc.
>Are you looking for a room even if it's a local con?
There is no such thing as "local" where I live.

>How many roomates per room?
4-6. I'm poor, my friends are poor, and I like to enjoy my friend's company.

>What are you looking for when you book an hotel room for the con?
Distance and price, mostly. I like to be within 2 blocks of the con, in case something happens and I need someone to fetch my inhaler / meds quickly.
Having to call paramedics mid-con is never any fun.

> Which items are necessary for you?
Meds, food, swimwear, water, spare clothes.
I prefer to get hotels that are a little out of the way from the con centre, unless I'm sharing with someone on site. Though are are some pros and cons to this:
+ Much cheaper
+ Which means you can be by yourself or just another person instead of packing everyone into a room
+ Won't be used for parties because it's so far away
- Will have to bring everything with you to the con that you need, or take additional trips
- Can't take a guy/girl back for an easy night
- Only really viable if you're staying in a place with reliable transport (NYC, London etc.)
>Are you looking for a room even if it's a local con?

Yes, with the exception of small conventions.

>How many roomates per room?
In the first few years of anime conning, I used to room alone. Now a days I usually room with at least 4 people. At most it would be eight people.

>What are you looking for when you book an hotel room for the con?
If it's near the convention within walking distance or at the convention area.

>Which items are necessary for you?.
Cash, Camera and Camcorder, electronics, cosplay and casual clothing.
>Are you looking for a room even if it's a local con?

depends on the drive and how many costumes i plan on wearing, if it's just one per day i'll drive but if i need to change getting a room is way more convenient

>How many roomates per room?

4-6 is pretty comfortable and afforable. i've done 9 people before, never again oh god

>What are you looking for when you book an hotel room for the con?

preferably free wifi, 2 king beds, one of those in-room coffee makers, shuttle service to the con if it's not close enough

> Which items are necessary for you?.

all the con necessities, pack of water bottles and some snacks everyone can share
>Are you looking for a room even if it's a local con?
Yeah, it's nice to be on-site all day, especially when it's a con that has events going on all night.

>How many roommates per room?
4-6, depending on the room size

>What are you looking for when you book an hotel room for the con?
Proximity - my friend does the Artist's Alley and likes being close so she doesn't have to lug all her shit around too far
Cost/quality - we don't want some super-rich place, but also don't want a sketchy motel
Washroom where the sink/vanity is separated from the toilet and bathtub. Makes it much easier to get ready in the morning when all the cosplayers doing their makeup don't have to clear out for someone who needs to pee.

> Which items are necessary for you?.
Warm pajamas and cold pajamas. Just in case there's one jerk who cranks the heat/AC during the night.
Make friends with someone who works for a hotel chain, they can usually get rooms as low as $30 a night and all you have to do is drive a few miles to the location.

I do this at every con I go to, $120 for the whole weekend means good time for everybody.
All right, I did the whole 'week before' thing, but people still tried to argue with me. And I wasn't sure if I'm the asshole or if they are.
well yeah people are going to bitch, they want their money back. if they leave you hanging the week before, fuck em. if they didn't want to go they should have said something earlier. i'd say it'd be okay if they found someone else to take their spot but i'm not sure i'd want to trust some random person who just popped out of nowhere.

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