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Last thread >>6575329
You know what to do...
Stop saving thumbnails.
that's not a thumbnail dumbass
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anyone know why these two are so popular?
Which troll is she supposed to be cosplaying?? I can't figure it out for the life of me?
her imperious condescension actually

and Elaroh is a guy according to tumblr.
oh. well. I have no idea who they are but I would not have guessed the condesce at all from that picture.
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is this the same Dave?
Judging by the nose, I'd say yes.
Re: Homestuck at Arisia

Yeah, I think the two panelists couldn't get proper support from the con for a panel but got told at the last minute or something? Arisia isn't the tightest run ship in the world so it wouldn't surprise me, god knows some other panels I attended were obviously last minute productions.

I really enjoyed the panel, though I didn't contribute much. We talked about HS in a more abstract way, like what makes it unique in the history of comics and how the fandom is going to affect the nerd world in the future. Thighhighs ran it with the dude who ran all the comics programming and honestly I thought they did a great job--they steered the conversation well without ever getting primadonnaish and it was clear talking to them afterward that they'd put thought into it (and knew a shitton about comics). It was just a really good time. Shame a panel like that would be next to impossible to pull off anywhere else.

Also, Meenah who was there--if you're reading this, you looked fucking great. I loved your boots.
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Alright CGL I have a question for you that I think could start a good thread for actual cosplay pictures going. Everyone was talking about how they either liked or didn't like that panel cast posted so I got to thinking i'd like to hear more.

So the prompt/question: If you could pick your DREAM CAST for a panel, who would it be made up of? Pretend everyone you want can come to the con. If you can't think of a whole cast, just who would you like to see in a panel period.

For contribution let's make it so you post a picture of at least one of the people in your dream cast. That way you contribute and the thread doesn't turn into 3/4 text again.

Personally I would love to see silencedrowns in a panel but I'm not sure if she even does them.
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I will never understand why Kanaya cosplayers never have an accurate wig. Fuck, actually it's HS cosplayers in general. Ive only ever seen one Karkat, one Kanaya and one sollux actually try to get their canon. Everyone else just throws on a shaggy wig and it done with it.
i'm staring at the woobie eyes on grubkat and i'm actually a little unsettled
A few threads back someone recommended glasses for Jade that weren't as oversized as the usual ones people seem to go for - could I get a repost on that?
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i don't have the exact link for that, but i'm planning on getting these for jade

Meenah at the panel was me, thanks a lot! I wish I hadn't forgotten my trident but oh well. I thought the group was great and just getting to all talk in a chill way was nice and different. Who were you, anon?
i have only been to one homestuck panel...2012 another anime convention... but i loved the eridan, rose, jane, and jake on it... they were all really funny.

Hey! I was a Jane probably no one noticed--I was feeling a little sick and thus didn't really speak up. I loved the points you made about death of the author though!
I don't get the notion that we're supposed to just post pictures with little to no discussion? Like, a few threads ago everyone was talking about makeup and someone else insisted that we only post cosplay and not do that? I'm lost here.
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popcorn can i possibly get your tumblr please?
anime sufferer
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Missed the entire panel bullshit going down, but good job adding in some new faces Rel. The BNFs you do have are actually good cosplayers. I'm not the biggest fan of Cancerously's Terezi, but you had so many to choose from it's understandable. I don't go to panels at cons, but I'll look out for the video. Best of luck
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I think the idea is to have both? Its boring if theres only discussion or only images.
i think people start to complain when they see the thread is at like 66 posts with maybe 20 images. like discussion is nice and all but sometimes it gets ridiculous where there's hardly any images at all and it's just people bitching and arguing
Ah, I like that Jake's wig!
Sure! It's popcorn-pieces
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if it's silencedrowns, you wouldn't want her in crossplay. Have you ever heard her voice? She read a Poe short story for Halloween, and it doesn't sound like what you'd expect.


maybe if she were rose, or made a new costume for another female character.
Yeah, the whole "let's talk about how she bought 50 dicks on ebay" thing gets stale. I can see how there'd be a complaint about that. I like the idea of mixed discussion and cosplay pictures. Maybe non contributors could sage or something...

This Rose makes me so happy to look at.
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ah she was so cute in person
I want that Aradia's skirt and shoes.
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Arisia programming in general is a giant cluster. I had a great time at the meetup/panel/whatever though and it's really a shame there isn't more theory discussion at anime cons instead of just Q&A panels.
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No-cleft Nepeta, yesssssssssss
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hsg, how do you feel about footwear that strays from canon? Or when people cosplaying girl characters wear heels, or Striders in cowboy boots, etc? Would it be acceptable to wear heels with my 3am dress, or should I go with flats?
can't unsee homer simpson as tavros..
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alright HSG, i feel like you guys could help me with this. a few of my younger friends (think like freshman-age) asked me to be their jade for beta kids group. i'm totally cool with that, it's just their first time homestucking and i really wanna make sure they don't royally mess it up. they don't really know how to put on cosplay makeup or style wigs, so i'll be helping a lot with that. we're doing the starter/default outfits (white skirts/pants though, unlike the picture) the dave is a girl, if that helps with anymore advice-giving

SO - what are the little things you see beta kids mess up/things you really want to see them do? any props you want to see more of?
personally, for shoes i wear anything that goes close to the costume or character. if heels help frame your figure/costume i'd say go for it
I prefer canon shoe choices, but I've seen many 3AM Jades use green heels, so if you would want to do that you could.
Kill yourself.
Don't be a prick.
Since the outfits are so simple, you'd have to make eveything clean and precise looking. Sharp shirt designs, and well styled wigs are important. Have the clothes fit them well, and get boys pants foe the Dave and John.
Err, for makeup just don't go too overboard? Since the Dave is a girl, just some simple contouring so they don't look as feminine.
I'd give more advice but I'm on mobile now so it's a pain to type this out ahhaa.
Good luck with your costumes!!
Literally what the fuck.
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Heels vs flats is not a big deal imo. I'd take way more offense to someone wearing lazy or noticeably weird things like sneakers with a formal dress or cowboy boots on anyone. You should be fine in matching heels.

>>6576456 →
Late reply but are there two Katsucon barstucks now? The one I know about is on Friday.
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personally, I really hate it when Roxy is portrayed in heels when she's shown to be such a practical character. But 3am heels are fine, everyone else does them.
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well, Jade actually /does/ wear her sneakers with her 3AM dress...
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Dave's shirt has such an awkward sleeve length...it's not long enough to be at the wrist and its not short enough to pull off 3/4 length.
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she is shown with some sort of green shoe when she initially alchemizes the outfit, however
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Okay. We get it. You really like Felixize.
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sorry, i didn't realize that they were all from the same cosplayer!
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Not in any sort of order, but I'd like these tumblr cosplayers in a panel together: Dirktech, Damaramegido, Godtier-rose, Pawfulmess, Terezimagica, Dersechild, Jadeb0t, Heyitspj, Lapirin, Heirection, Davespriite, Lucillesmiles, Gentlemanlyspam, and maybe Solluxcaptor and Cod-tier. Those people would be my picks, by the quality of their cosplays and their personalities to go along. This was a cool question, anon.
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usopp-n on tumblr has that outfit for sale i think
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if she went out to paint her nails, she could have picked up some fake nails as well. the setting/lighting and the trickster outfit just seems awkward
hahahahaha oh my god are you new here
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You could always buy a white long sleeved shirt and dye it that color.

How are you making the rest of the cosplay if you suck at sewing? I'd think you could make a long-sleeved shirt if you can sew a dress.
Yeah, I saw that and thought they had to be joking, but their inclusion of DM threw me off.
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Somebody loves their BNFs.
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Just because most of you may not like their cosplays, doesn't mean I can't enjoy some of them. I happen to like Heaven's Roxy intro, and Aradia. Solluxcaptor is a great Eridan. Cod-tier makes a nice Aradia (the eyelashes are a bit much, but meh) and Eridan.
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How ratty are Meenah tails allowed to be? I just made one and it's pretty messy. Personally, I imagine them being a little wild simply because it's implied they're bound-up Condesce hair, but I'm not sure if this'd be interpreted as appropriate for the character or just badly made.
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What's wrong with solluxcaptor and cod-tier? They're nice people
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I agree with this list all of these people would be cool in a panel, maybe adding Gardengnostic (missjadeharley) , Kingtomcat Boondollars Ceriene, and Shinjaninja
Depends. Post a photo?
thats so cute who is this source???
pawfulmess makes me laugh. Know her irl she's a rude bitch IMO. Good personality my ass.
That's what I thought too. I know some of Cod-tiers wigs could be less ratty looking, but they're find cosplayers too.
Uh, did you mean to respond to my post?
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>looks at list
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Ignore the base wig, it's a massive WIP.
Just for reference, the tail is about 2m long.
I think maybe you should redo it. Try to make it as tight as possible.
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you should try and rebraid that middle part
it just looks messy since it looks thicker than the rest...
honestly, what bugs me most is how uneven it is? A little messiness could be okay, but that's really unevenly braided.
I personally think if she does Kurloz she could get away with it, seeing as Kurloz doesn't talk?
i like the uneveness it adds like artsy feelto it

Holy shit that wig is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
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is this actual weave? where kind and where was it bought?
so so so pretty
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i know right!
i really like her empress cosplay
If I recall correctly, she can't move her mouth much in that cosplay either without removing the fake stitches. There's a practical reason the drinking faygo though a straw photo exists.
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also a re braid would be good
this is a nice feferi, except for the fact that her contacts are bright blue, and that's pretty much all i can see
Yes that was true! I remember reading that as well.
But yes, honestly I think she makes a pretty darn good Capricorn Troll (I can't speak past photographs though, since we're on different coasts). I'd cast her as Kurloz indeed.

As for the rest thats kind of hard for me to say personally, I'm the sort of person who likes seeing people do different varieties of things so I can't really choose one cosplay over another unless it comes down to bad construction. Plus they'd also have to have good stage presence, which I don't know enough cosplayers and haven't attended enough panels to make an accurate judgement.

Sage for no real contribution
Ehh, they had missjadeharley on a panel and she was actually pretty bad. She's more of a "good picture taker".
I can't stop laughing at that grubkat I actually just made myself dizzy jfc.
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>hey guyz look at my new contacts!!!!1!
Damn I actually like the lighter lipstick and eye makeup even though it's not canon. It looks gorgeous on her.
You cannot be serious.
this cronus' utter lack of contouring should piss me off but it makes them so creepily rubber-faced it works, definitely bringing out the nasty clammy fishdouche
we're never getting away from the coconut head bangs are we.
There were two really good Roses posted in the last thread (and also the thread before I think, I don't remember). They did the bangs really well.
whyyyyyy do so many kanayas and meenahs make zero attempt at styling their wigs

meenah has flippy/curly hair, kanaya's hair is very dramatically styled, why so little effort

if you look like gerard way when you take your horns/glasses off youve really done something wrong
That's a great expression for Mituna though, holy shit.
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i wish i wasn't

That's not even coconut head bangs. Hers are light and feathered in comparison to heavy, straight-cut wig bang nightmares.
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>cosplay jealousy will always kill me so much
>i am getting pissed
>cause i worked hard on my human >casey cosplay
>and a girl at that ohayocon (what >ever the fuck it was called)
>was just wearing yellow with a >casey hood with was good and cute >and all but got like THOUSANDS of >notes and i got like 5
>i am stupid sorry
To be honest, I do it, but I'm 5'2" and my torso is a bit long so without heels I look disproportionate and awkward. I will happily stray from canon with my shoes if it means making me look 50x better. Which is does.
yeah but they're still styled straight across which is nothing even close to canon.
I believe the Casey she is talking about is like 6.
Of course it got tons of notes, tumblr eats up kid cosplayers, especially the Homestuck fandom.

I'd rather see those notes go to a cute kid that a crackwhore looking cosplayer who I can't tell if she's trying to cosplay Casey or Kesha going through her tutu furry scene phase.
source. please.
Do you understand how greentext works?
I'm on my phone, formatting is messy as fuck. It's also been a long time since I've posted so yeah I'm rusty.
How the fuck do you forget how to greentext, though?

You don't even need to post on 4chan at all to understand how greentext works.
The image is you?
The blue lipstick around your mouth reminds me of the little girls who use their mom's makeup and slather it all over their face. It doesn't look very well worked-on. It looks like a bunch of shit you bought and threw together.
Try hard on a legitimate, non-human casey cosplay. That stuff I'd be impressed by, if you made yourself an actual casey costume.
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I saw this on my dash
Okay, honestly, if anyone actually attempted to look up lolita fashion when trying to do a 'lolitastuck', they could probably do something cute, but this? Ugh.
It seems like every single lolita Strider simply wears a Dave shirt and a frilly skirt. It'd be cool to see a Strider-inspired coord or something but that's just lazy and stupid looking.
i don't think they have a tumblr, but their deviantart is colorpsychedelic
i'm laughing so hard i'm gonna puke
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>Dat Jake
>Dat Dirk
>Dat pose
Hahahaaaa oh man shipper feelings like a motherfuck whooooooooooo feels retarded
Sourced it:

What about the casey they're complaining about? Someone was saying it was a little girl or something?
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Oh hey I know this girl
She is pretty young so I suppose you cannot expect too much from her, but she really seems to complain about a lot on her blog and it is kind of frustrating to go through that on my dash. I wish she would hem her God Tier Tavros hood though. (I will say that she does have really smooth Tavros horns so I can give her that)
This is actually kind of cute.
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I'm not sure if it'll post since I'm
on mobile. But she's about 10 or so?
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>only 5 notes
>4 notes on one
>12 on another
>3 on another picture of her casey
>theres 2 on a different picture
>8 notes
>34 notes on the last one

what the fuck
does she not know how to count or something
Those were the number of notes on all the different little camwhore photos and actual photos that were taken
>dat wig
>dat hood in general
>dat symbol
>dat stain

I'd hate to see what it looks like when she puts no effort in something is that's what her "working hard" looks like
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Pet peeve: blatantly girl-cut shirts on crossplays. Please, stop.
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Ehhh still doesn't add up to "thousands"

I think she's just buttmad that somehow a little girl was able to come up with a simple, cute, coordinated, and better design than the hot mess she intended to be a fucking salamander in a cloak.
she doesn't look 10, she just looks small
That makes me wonder, what would you guys think if I made a Rose Lalonde coord? I wouldn't make it a skirt and logo shirt, because I'm not stupid, but would actually make an effort for it.
I was thinking of another Casey then.
That was the one at Ohayocon right?
I felt like I saw the casey in >>6578693 before ohaycon
it could be cute, she is rich so it would make some sense. Especially if you were to put some purple in there like in her Velvet squiddle dress.

Just no God Tier lolita, ugh, that tangerine looking orange
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i'd like to see a panel with slightly but not overly popular cosplayers like Squishyblob, Dersechild, Lucillesmiles, Gentlemanlyspam, Kingtomcat, Vocalcannibal, Virulentmalapropisms, Bittesehr, Leesers, and Porrim. they all seem to have nice cosplay skills, and from what i've experienced pretty good personalities.
my pet peeve with jades is their lack of trigger discipline when it comes to handling guns ugh
Would you actually mind telling me what trigger discipline is?
I'm worried because I'm cosplaying someone with a handgun in the future and when I pose for pictures I don't want to do anything wrong.
Having your finger on the trigger in public, or when shooting.
Whenever you're not shooting, you always take your finger off the trigger. Which...many people don't. http://www.gunnoob.com/HandgunGuides/TriggerDisciplineandControl.aspx
There a little tid bit to help.
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so HG whos gonna be first in line for these high quality signed prints?
Okay then!
Thank you.
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JFC, seriously?
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Everyone and their fucking mother is doing this shit now.

It's one thing if you're super well know, have high quality pictures and probably have some company/ agent trying to squeeze money from you ( I believe that's Jessica Nigri and Yaya Han's case, am I correct?) , but this is just fucking stupid
>7 notes
>have slightly over 1K followers

aka no one is going to buy that shit.
why does Kingtomcat keep getting mentioned? Her homestuck cosplays barely get any attention and nearly every time she's posted here it gets nothing but negative feedback.
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>shoddy gloves
>lack of makeup

I understand they're a cute mituna and their wig as well as their horns are adorable, but the rest of their costume just falls so flat.
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Because she's a pretty good cosplayer? I dunno I guess a lot of us just like her stuff.
I personally like her and think she's super sweet, but okay? Whatever suits you.

In that case, requesting good cosplayers who may not be as well known as some of the BNFs in this fandom? I feel like it's the exact same people being repeated over and over, and I need more people to follow.
Thank you for the list of awesome cosplayers to look at. Half of those I already loved and the other half were nice discoveries.
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It's times like these that I groan at ellanutellacosplay's lack of quality pictures. I feel like she has a lot of promise, but the girl seriously needs a good photoshoot.
Besides her, canwemakeout is very attractive and funny.
And rogueshenanigans is really good-looking and makes pretty good-quality stuff.

I like their blogs too, but idk, it depends on your sense of humor whether or not you'll agree.
yeah ella has a whole lot of potential, and she's sweet as hell too, but she just lacks a quality photoshoot.
Can we get more sort of unknown cosplayers? Especially the ones that need to do a photoshoot, because then I can tell you're vouching for them from personal experience.
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Woah momma..

All I've seen are Roxys from her.
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I think ovenfeels (the roxy) is really really cute. And coincidentally, she's friends with ella.
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Well, she does Meenah.
That is legitimately beautiful. I can't stop laughing.
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She's also cosplayed Jade, Latula, and Meenah. I rather liked her Meenah actually, it suited her well.
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and Jade.
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Source to the Dirk's tumblr?
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I really adore tonantcultist, tastysuey, and transcendentmusclebeast. I wish that tonantcultist had a cosplay tag though, and that tastysuey would get a photographer. transcendentmusclebeast is a really cute horuss though. I don't think any of these guys are all that popular???
because shes really sweet and in my opinion i think they are awesome its ok friend shh
herrr jadeis super cute /)o(\
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Yeah she's real cute.
I wanna be tumblr famous
Like no one ever was
To get notes is my real test
To camwhore is my cause

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