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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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For some reason the previous thread asking about why Male cosplayers were less in demand that female cosplayers was deleted even though a very civil conversation was taking place.

To summerize the first thread's points to why people think so.

- More female cosplayers than males
- Male cosplayers are ignored by many photographers and their photos are not circulated
- Outside of cosplay, it's more likely for men to save cosplayers of women than the other way around.

The latest point involved people saying that male character designs are either extremly complex or brain dead simple. That notion was being questioned
the moderator for this board is just retarded in the brain sometimes and deletes the most random stuff.
That sucks, it was a really good thread too. Hopefully this new thread can get the ball rolling again.
We need more than one.

Seriously the dude comes on /cgl/ for like 20 minutes a day, deletes one thread he's supposed to then deletes a bunch of responses (that were relevant) so it makes the thread convoluted.
>not sucking mod-kun's dick like a good subservient bitch
Time to do ...something... this post.
I can see the clear distinction in this because "dress-up" used to be more normal for girls.
cosplay also includes a lot of sewing and random crafting like jewelry and clay shaping that didn't really appeal to guys, so men are a little late to the game.

In this hobby, one has to be "pretty" or amazing looking via skills to get attention.

It is hard to find men in this hobby that takes care of themselves properly to look "pretty"
so they are usually stuck with trying to have good skills.
The same can be said for women, but their society grew around the idealization of beauty, which is why there are 80% more products geared toward women featuring "beauty enhancing."

Most famous photogs are dirty old men (they would agree with me with this lol but they're all nice people) they will take loads of pictures if the cosplay is amazing or beautiful and the person has a great personality to work with in general.

Lastly, costuming as fictional characters can be seen as a fetish. Both men and women usually save pictures of cosplayers because they're hot.
On the other hand, they also save pictures if they just look amazing and gain inspiration from it.

Women save more picture of women cosplayers though because: women cosplay more, there's no pretense of being homosexual for thinking another women is fabulous
Cosplay favors "female" skills such as proper makeup, wig styling and sewing.

Of course there are plenty of men right now who have learned these things but they are in the minority.
I said this before but cosplay men should be given more love as we can encourage more of them into the hobby
that's going to be a mission for all the ladies because they are going to be the ones who might be interested in doing the work needed. taking photos, circulating them online, giving more guys incentives to cosplay. guys, as previously noted, are not going to do that for other guys because we just don't care for it
ITT: truisms and troll bait

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