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Alright people, here's a thread you should contribute to.
Why? Because as much as we love hotel horror stories, we hate when they happen to us.
The basic idea is post someone you've roomed with that has caused you great headache. Whether it was a Homestuck you thought was a friend and got grey all over your newly pressed and sewn cosplay, or That dickweed who didn't finish paying for the room.

-You don't need to use names because, duh. Drama. But if they're pretty notorious for pulling this shit, it's time to out them.
-Personal stories welcome.
-"That's never happened to me, I'm smarter than that." Good for you. Either contribute helpfully or move along.
-Tips welcome as long as you keep the reading tone of it civil.
Do not room with:

> a lolita with a drinking problem; she will puke on her brand and drunkenly blame you

> anyone who asks right off the bat how much money you have; they will constantly pester you for money

> anyone who wants their significant other to sleep in the room, but won't make or let them pitch in for the room fund

(Am I doing it right?)
Ask friends in your local lolita and cosplay comms if there's someone with a history of stiffing people and being a mooch.
There's a girl like that who tried to squirm into our Katsucon hotel room, but the room leaders knew about her history and told her to beat it. She apparently plays the "I have no job. You guys are my friends you should help me. I'll pay you later." cards. Everyone's pretty wise to her now though so I don't think she's a problem to anyone else.
Do not room with immature, annoying assholes who won't leave the room because they're too lazy to do anything and waste your time at the convention.

Elaborate on that one. How is them being lazy wasting your time?
>a lolita with a drinking problem; she will puke on her brand and drunkenly blame you

Other than the actually puking ON something, I know a story about one of these and yes, beware anyone with a drinking issue.
>That Homestucker who...
Stay away from anyone in NYCstuck.
I have heard at least 6 different horror stories over the past 4 East Coast cons about friends who have roomed with some of their unfortunate members.

The stoner chicks who go hard and smear grey everywhere, a fat chick who molests guys that are drunk and won't shower, a whiny feferi cosplayer who slept in her grey paint in the hotel room and some other crazy shit.
I'm all for giving Homestuckers the benefit of the doubt, the the ones from NYC seem to have a lack of comprehension of what hygiene is.
Just warning you guys, if you room with one, there's a high chance they might not bathe.
Not con related, but do not room with the two girls who are only friends because no one else will be friends with them.

While you'll enjoy the pain they bring each other, you'll quickly get tired and embarrassed by how their shitty actions bring everyone else down with them.

This story's pretty funny, actually.

> be us
> DragonCon 2011
> sitting outside our hotel, having a few beers
> roommate in sweet lolita just coming back from a party
> sits with us
> she's already drunk off her ass
> periodically turns away, tucks her head under her bolero, and pukes
> thought no one would notice
> vomit all down side of dress
> manage to get her cleaned up
> dress is stained forever

> next morning

> "One of you shitheads got drunk and puked on my dress!"
I'll add to that:
Do not room with ANYONE with a drinking problem. In the slightest. Even if you're really close and they promised they wouldn't drink or you warned them about drinking. They will drink. At like 2 p.m. They will drink too much and become something to babysit.
Do not room with a stranger you've never met before.
Pretty simple one.
And if you're new and have no one to room with, try to befriend your future roomies so that they don't think you're crazy.
Always clean up after yourself, keep your shit orderly, pay for your share of the room on time and in full.
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>Past AX.
>Ex-friend(tl;dr she was a drama whore bitch who only looked out for herself) books the room.
>Says the room would have a max of 8 people(This was back when I was okay with room stuffing but I still had my limits)
>She packed 12(was going to be 14 but two never showed up, smart on their part) people in the room, many of them people she picked up off the forums.
>One roommate is an out of state douchebag who is very egocentric and won't keep his hands to himself and generally unpleasant.
>Found out after the convention he pulled a whole bunch of shit
>Bragged he was going to steal some of our stuff(and at least one of my ex-friend's dvd box sets went missing), tried to bring some random con whore to fuck in the room and got told no by ex-friend.
>Physically ATTACKED a kid by chocking him against a wall in front of his mother over a cardboard meme sign the kid threw off a balcony.

and the sad part is the guy had the nerve to try to brag about it making it out like the kid damaged some important prop. Until I pointed out that I had roomed with him at the con and told everybody what his "prop" actually was. He tried to defend himself by saying how super careful he was while making it. Once he got told that he was still a fucking psycho for attacking the kid over a cardboard sign, he deleted all his posts.

and this is now why I don't room with strangers, and sure as hell don't stay in rooms that are overstuffed. If it's not close enough for me to drive, or I can't get a room, I don't go, simple as that.
The only reason I come to /cgl/ is for con horror stories.
I was going to greentext, but its just too long....

So I was going to a local con, but I had no girl friends to room with, so, not wanting to pay for a room by myself, I was going to post on my area's cosplay facebook group and noticed a girl was asking for a 4th to split a room with. seems legit. I contact her, switch numbers, etc. etc...everything's cool.

I get there the day before the con, I have all my stuff in tow, and head up to the room number. As soon as I get up to the floor "hey, we went go get lunch, be back." Fuck. I'm not carrying all my shit back down, so I just sit down by the door an chill..as soon as I sit, the room next to mine's dog is going crazy...the lady opens the door, "Uh..what are you doing here? These are my rooms." I explain the situation. Turns out, of my roommates this is one of their's mom. The mom and my roommates younger sister is in 1 room, and we are in the other...did I mention they had the connector door between the rooms?

Great.. i'm 22, and my roomies are a bunch of underage kids with their mom....Turns out the one girl is 17, theres a BIG 28 year old weeaboo, and a normal..20ish year old. Ohboyherwego!

So, what I find out from night 1: the 28 year old and the 17 year old are best friends and are complete weeaboos that have a thing for Shinji/Kaworu yaoi...and they HAD to show me their extensive collection of cutemale/yaoi on the computer. Also, I learned that the 2 (at this point if I say "they" i mean the 17 and 28 year old...the 20ish one was pretty normal and kept to herself) HATED the girl's mom. Apparently she didnt think it was a good idea for her daughter to hang out with someone so much older that didnt have a job or anything going for them at such a late age...shocking. They literally bitched about her at least once every 5 mintues....

Anyways, after a night of bitching and awkward sharing of yaoi, the first day, their costumes are complete closet play, like...jeans and pinned up jackets kinda stuff... cont.

Oh first night I forgot, they made a weeaboo guy friend, he had nowhere to sleep, the mom was all like "MAN IS NOT SLEEPING IN ROOM". Being myself, I kept saying..."guys its getting kinda late" But they kept going on "Oh no, she wont care, sleep on the floor!" Oh man...raged so much hell in the morning...almost lost my room because the mom was going to take daughter home....ugh..underage bullshit.

So anyways, I had no idea what they were supposed to be but their costumes "were totally sweet" (according to 2 people at the con, i'll let you figure out who those people were..)

As soon as my friends got there the next day, I dropped them like a bad habit and only saw them when I came in late at night to take a shower and get into bed.

I didnt see much of them for the rest of the time. If I saw them in the hallways, and they had something to tell me about how the mom was ruining their time and it was so unfair, etc. etc. But before we left, there was a pretty weird confrontation. The mom (who was pretty nice to me, she fed me breakfast) was throwing out old food she didnt want to bring home, and they were bitching "omg..theres starving children in africa..and shes throwing stuff away" So the 28 year old takes a bunch of stuff that she threw out (which most of it needed to be kept cold..so idk how she was going to work that out...) The mom found out and did this whole passive agressive "I dont spend my money to feed you" Apparently she eats all their food at the 17 year olds house...so it was a big deal...idk..but it was weird.

So thats my weird story...not a HORROR story..but really weird and to be honest, from now on...if I dont know someone to room with, I'll fork over the money for my own room....fuck. that. shit. never. again.
go on....
Oh something I didnt mention that was hilarious...day 2, the HUGE 28 year old..cosplayed as a female Lelouche...I did not know they made costumes that big. It was online bought...oh my gawd, I wish I had a picture...she was probably 300 pounds...like..def. hit the morbidly obese line. And no wig...black gel stuff...it was gross and ineffective...but hilarious. It was not lelouche...damn that costume woulda made some pretty curtains...
One time my ex-friend (kinda went our separate ways after this story happened) told me he’d book a room for a con we were gonna go to in the fall, he was only going to charge me $28 for it (4 other people in the room) so it was a pretty good deal imho
So the thing that’s important about this is that this con happens bi-annually, and he made it pretty clear this was a hotel for the fall con.
Anyway, we didn’t chat much about it until day 1 of the con, I showed up with my friend (not going to the con btw) who drove me there and I tell him to go head back home cause it was getting late and it’s a good two or three hour drive. I called up my friend who booked the hotel room and asked if he’d checked us in yet and he said “oh… I booked for the winter con….”
I freaked out cause shit, I have nowhere to stay for three days, this con is in the middle of the bad part of a huge city, etc etc. I wound up crying alone in Taco Bell with all my shit because none of my friends at the con would pick up their phones. I actually was so freaked out I had heartburn the rest of the weekend. But then by chance some people I knew showed up and calmed me down and let me sleep on the floor in their room for the night until I could connect with someone else who had a bed for me.
And when this guy finally shows up the next day he wanted me to pay for the room I didn’t get to sleep in :’^)
Lesson learned: make real fucking sure you know all the details of your hotel arrangements
Hoping to go to my first con this year or next, how do I go about rooming? I think I have a few friends we would want to go, one is apart of her college cosplay club so she's been to cons, but on the off chance I can get anyone. Would it be batter to room by myself? I hate rooming with strangers and I have anxiety issues.
>doesn't feel like going home so crashes in friends hotel room
>he's been my best friend for years and they had space on the couch for me so it's fine
>one of the roommates stumbles in drunk and stoned out of her tree
>this is the first day i've ever even met her in my life
>had promised not to drink or toke because she had a kidney infection plus her antibiotics don't mix with booze
>falls down on my bed all sweaty from rave
>cries and says she can't get up and i need to get her her pills and water and pjs ect ect
>she's supposed to be sharing a bed with another girl i don't know so it's not like i can just switch sleeping arangements
>finally 3 hrs later pretty much have to carry her across the room to her bed
>next morning she's totally fine and life's good

I found out later when visiting my friend in his city that she was still in highschool and a total drama queen in all aspects of her life. Once while at a friend's place she shows up and decides to "model" her new underwear for us, and shows me her tits "so we can compare" LOL NO. Also she looks like Marilyn Manson and dresses like a 2006 scene kid on a daily basis.
For a first con it would probably be better to room by yourself so you have a safe, quiet space to go if the con gets to be too much.
When you get used to cons you can start inviting friends, but be warned that you'll need to be assertive and be prepared for drama, since cons can bring out bad shit in even the most chill people.
I prefer to room by myself if I have the money to, since of course it's really expensive. Otherwise I room with cosplay friends I know and trust.

Definitely make sure you know someone well enough to be able to trust their judgement in a hyperactive environment like a con before rooming with them.
if you don't want to room with strangers then get your own room. yeah, it costs more, but you don't have to deal with anything staying up at night, waking up super early, making noise, digging around your stuff, etc.
These stories are scaring me. Im going to AX this year but my usual friends can't go so i have to risk rooming with people like this. Fuck.
If you can afford it, get your own room. NO drama, and you'd have to take the brunt of the cost for a shared room anyway. Most congoers would rather cram 12 people into a room than pay extra for a 4 person room.
Always check people's cosplay photos for colored hairspray, paint rubbing off, huge fucking props, etc.
It's also good to set a limit on how many cosplays and props each person can bring (unless they have a car they can keep shit in)
This particular girl ruined Otakon for me and I just can't even think about it anymore without seething. She was supposed to be my "best friend" but only caused drama, and I've luckily cut her out of my life now but God, looking back I realize I was a doormat. (Possibly more a general con-horror story but she was my roommate so I'm hoping it's on topic.)

>Otakon '11
>Second year going with this girl, we'll call her H, and the year before she wasn't awful but kind of needy but figure it'll be fine, I've learned to tolerate her
>First problem is that we were supposed to have a third roommate, a friend of H, but she dropped out month before the con so we both have to drop more money. Oh well, shit happens.
>Except then H tells me she couldn't pay half of her part of the room. (I reserved it and told her she could pay me in two installments since she had money problems).
>Bite the bullet and pay for now 3/4 of the room but whatever it's a con, I'll be seeing my bestie, it'll be fun!
>Thursday of the con arrives. H asks to be picked up from the airport because she doesn't want to pay for a taxi. Fine, okay, I drive by it to get to Bmore, figure why not.
>H barely says a greeting or thanks when I pick her up because she's too busy texting.
>Whatever, make excuses, jetlag, the works.
>First night is fine other than my 'best friend', ignoring me after not seeing me for months. Again, whatever.
>Friday, H constantly has to be around me, can't do her own thing, despite being 5 years older and an adult.
>Begs for me to go outside with her everytime she needs to smoke (which is nearly every two hours) when I don't. Doormat-me says fine basically each time.


>One time we're outside and a photographer approaches me and asks for my photo. Flattered and agree, he takes me over to his set up and get photos done while H gives me looks from the table.
>I'm done with photos and suddenly H gets up and asks how he wants her to pose, photographer is obviously confused, but a nice guy so agrees to take her picture despite the fact that it's obvious H is in a thrown together 'closet cosplay' if you call it that.
>We both get the guy's card, thank him, and leave, with H bragging about how she knew she was going to get all kinds of attention.
>Yeah okay.
>Friday night, on the way back to the hotel, which is a few blocks away, H is texting on her phone despite me telling her to put it away and keep sharp, we're in DOWNTOWN BALTIMORE AT 11 PM.
>She ignores me, and gets mugged.
>Drama explodes including her chasing after the guy into a dark alley while I'm freaking out. Don't know if I should follow or what, but H is just gone. Culminates with me finding her two blocks away with police and being taken with her to the station. Feel like a jackass in costume, sitting in a Bmore PD, there for 3 hours.
>Luckily all her stuff is recovered and we're both fine, but still a crazy experience I don't want to repeat.
>Get back to the hotel, mad as hell and still freaked/stressed out. Called my mom in tears because I've never even talked to a cop before and I needed to vent to a sympathetic ear.
>Friend tells me I'm being immature and then ignores me the rest of the night to text on her phone.
>The rest of the weekend is spent with her on her phone texting her other friend and also shadowing me the whole con while complaining I'm not making for good company.
>Sunday, H asks to be dropped off at the airport because she spent all her money on crap.
>Pissed as fuck but still agree.
>Drop her off, she gets out without a word, no thanks, no goodbye.
>Drive off while screaming obscenities at her in my car alone.
Please tell me you got paid for part she owed? And I hope you gave her a piece of your mind for being so ungrateful.
No, I never did. It wasn't worth it to me honestly, I just couldn't stand her at that point. I did tell her she was being an ungrateful cow about the whole thing, and she fussed about how I should have known her thanks was 'implied'. I about kicked her ass right then.
This person obviously doesn't understand anything about manners. When I was young, even when I thanked my family infront of them when opening Christmas presents, I was still forced to tediously write thank you letters even though I said thank you up until my late teens.
>She ignores me, and gets mugged.
Bitch deserved it
>Called my mom in tears because I've never even talked to a cop before

I don't want to sound harsh but god damn. You cried because of talking to a cop? I hope it was more then that.
because i don't want to wander the con like a loner, and if they want to stay in the room the whole time i have nobody to hang out with
I'm sure being questioned by a cop that late for the first time just pushed the stress-o-meter into the "can't handle this" zone. I was going to say the same thing, but hey, sometimes the little things are what push us over
I wander cons alone a lot. I don't expect people to be with me all the time. I don't need a babysitter. Maybe you should make friends at the con.
It's not their fault you had no friends/acquaintances at the con outside of the people you were rooming with, and have some weird hang up about walking around alone. Don't be so dependent on others.
I cried because I watched my friend be mugged, saw her run off into a dark alley after said mugger, get taken in the back of a cruiser to the Baltimore PD at midnight to stay there for 3 hours in order to give a statement while freaked out and embarrassed because I'm in a dorky costume and make up. It was a lot of stress piled up.
I once walked around a con for an hour alone and by the time my friend showed up I had already made a shitton of new friends.
Yeah....I guess.... IDK I'm a guy so maybe this is coming from a biased point of view. I hope she gets tougher skin, the world won't stop and wait for you to dry your tears.
She didn't sound like a friend when that happened...... but okay if it's all that piled up I can kinda understand.
Sorry for sounding dependent, I just have pretty bad social anxiety. I would freeze up horribly trying to communicate with someone I wasn't familiar with or if someone approached me.
don't room with assholes who can't seem to keep a steady partner for their AA table.

for that matter, don't share a table with them either.
Don't room with cosplayers that are sweatshopping through most of the convention days AND are too serious about masquerade.
I have bad social anxiety as well and i stutter a lot and i have this thing where the words i want to say don't actually come out and i literally get stuck for seconds trying to say something and it looks like im fish out of water trying to gasp for air. Just try to socialize with people. You can't possible have it worst than me and i step it up when it comes to socializing.
THIS so so much

I always end up rooming with people that finish their costumes all weekend and never have any fun because they're so stressed out...
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It's annoying as hell, but at the same time I feel bad for them because they're missing out a lot of convention times over shitty masquerade
I had one roommate one year (2009 I think?) that sat in the room and cried throughout almost the whole con. Her friend and I tried everything we could to console her, but she resigned herself to staying in more often than not and watching SVU while ignoring the both of us.
>I didn't finish my costume and I have so much sewing to do!
Here, use my sewing machine! It'll be a lot faster than hand-sewing.
>I didn't bring the right buttons! The costume is ruined!
Well, we're making a run to Wal*Mart for something. We could grab you some buttons--even if they're not perfect, it's better than not wearing the costume, since you worked so hard on it!
>This wig for another costume isn't how I wanted it! I can't be in the group!
We seriously don't care; look at how ghetto our costumes are. You watched me using Fabri-Tac on these shorts five minutes ago; we don't mind if your wig isn't spot-on.
>My friend (our other roommate) won't wear her corresponding costume and it's the only costume I have left because my other two are ruined!
Well, that's because she made plans for cosplay groups since she thought your other ones would be done. If you ask, I bet she'd be happy to change after the gatherings to hang out with you.
>The con is ruined because I'm all alone!
I cosplay alone more often than not. It's not so bad! Just make some new friends.
>No one in this stupid con cares about me!
And then I was done. You want to be sad? Fine, sit there and cry and watch Law & Order and refuse all help and consolation. We're gonna go out and have fun, because that's why we're here. I've never seen anyone so dedicated to being miserable in my entire life.
Sometimes it's not even masquerade though, sometimes it's just for photoshoots. Then it's even worse because it's not like you can't try to plan for photos another year?
OH dude I remember that thread.
also make sure that the person isn't the type to spontaneously invite strangers themselves.
Yeah. That was back when Soni was still posting as a trip. She was one of the people pointing out how psycho he was.

I really wish I had taken a screenshot of the whole thing. I've never seen the guy since that con.
I have a weird rooming story from New York comic con I've been itching to share Seagulls. Not weeb but I guess you can classify it as horror- I would suggest not to room with this girl if she wasn't so ridiculously (uncomfortably) kind to me and if I knew who she actually was...I warned you it was weird.
I don’t go to a lot of different conventions but I’m a regular at Dragoncon and try to make it to New York’s Con when I can. I have family out there I usually visit around that time and it works out. A few days with family, few days at the con it’s a win win. So I figured when I bought my tickets last year it would be more of the same and lodging wouldn’t be an issue.
About a month before the con I made sure everything was in order. I got my costume ready called the family, got my vacation time cleared at work and bought my plane ticket a short time after but as time started to close in I got a phone call from my Uncle saying something unexpected had come up and the house wouldn’t be available by the time the con started because they were going to be making a trip of their own to visit his mother in Law at the hospital who had a bad accident. I was bummed out but I guess they didn’t want me in their empty house and I wasn’t going to ask- I was still looking so forward to the con I decided to not give up and rather than cancel all the tickets, I thought I could contact some cosplay friends and comic forum buds to see if they’d let me pitch in for a room. I only received one response from a friend who told me to contact another user called “S.H.” Who he said he knew would be interested as she was attending and was a fan of my costume. I went ahead and shot S.H. a message but it appeared she didn’t have many post and was mostly a lurker of few words but had spoken via message mostly (according to many later).I didn’t hold my breath and moved on to other sites.
I got various excuses wherever I turned and became more desperate which led me posting an ad on an Urban Exploration site I used to frequent asking if anyone would be attending and if they needed a roommate- that’s when I got my first eager response in the form of a message that contained a phone number and email address with the simple text of: “Hope to hear from you.” I noticed immediately the SN was “S.H.” and the profile had the same avi as on the comic forum. It appeared she was more of regular on this site than the other and she was marked as frequently attending meet ups and had a number of very positive reviews as a guide. She even had a small fan base requesting videos of her adventures but she seemed just as quiet.
Time drew nearer and I gathered up the courage to shoot her an email with some details and my price range for hotels- I asked whether she had one booked and what days she would be attending. S.H. responded immediately. Literally, I got an email within about a minute. It said something along the lines of
“Price is no object. I will attending all days but have the hotel booked for an extra day ahead of time and an extra night for the convention’s end. Arrive a day early if you can; everything will be taken care of. Call me to communicate further. I adore your costume
-Spring Heel”
It was so direct and formal I felt sort of odd and waited a day to make sure there was no other option before responding. I had planned on arriving a day early in NY anyway but was paranoid. I’d be meeting a stranger for the first time in a place far away and with no for sure place to stay. It had bad idea written all over it.
Of course I ended up calling her. She was just as curt and formal on the phone with a kind of husky sexy voice I’m sure would have allured me if I wasn’t under the impression the whole thing was going to turn out to be some elaborate joke at my expense…and was attracted to women.
I was ready to go but asked around the two forums about her history to be sure. She seemed to have a pretty good reputation though she had never roomed over night for that long with anyone. The longest prior seemed just a one. It seemed she was a fan of cosplayers which concerned me. I often wondered if anyone on here knew her---anyway onto the story if I haven’t bored you with all the set up. I got to snooze so I’ll continue if there’s interest when I return. I know this is one of the slower forums
Big Wes. The man is a complete slob, leaves his shit lying around all over the fucking place, walks around barefoot and stepping on other people's shit with his nasty feet, he'll eat your food, and there have been reports of people's electronics going missing when he was the only person in the room for an extended period of time. He's fine in small doses in a social setting like a meet-up, but I can't stand rooming with him or being around him for extended periods of time. /end rant
>Don't stay in the designated "Party Room" if you plan on getting any sleep
>Don't room with snorers unless you have an arsenal of sleeping pills and ear plugs
>Get people to give you a deposit before they stay in the room
>anyone who wants their significant other to sleep in the room... who can't keep it in their pants for the weekend
Go on...
>Get people to give you a deposit before they stay in the room

THIS. I almost got in trouble last year because I had a friend who kept switching options, and when the guy who she friendzoned offered to pay her hotel room so she would be in the same hotel as him, she left us. After that we asked everyone for a 25% of the room price and everything went ok.
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>Book a room four months prior to the convention for all three days and the night before.
>Decide to let three "good" friends and, reluctantly, a friend of theirs stay in my room, since they wanted to hang out during the convention.
>Everyone wants to arrive the night before as well. Cool. Quote them a price two months in advance and they're all okay with it.
>Double check a month before the event; everything's all good.
>The night before we everyone met up, one friend asks me to bring my sewing machine, since she doesn't have one.
>Sure, why not?
>She ends up not using it, opting to keep it together with pins, since she wanted to watch a movie instead.
>No big deal, I guess.
>Uses the stuff that I brought to personally touch up my own stuff the night before, but waits until the first day of the con.
>Takes my buttons and ribbon to add her "details."
>Makes a giant mess.
>Return to the room to find the previously stated mess on the desk.
>Did I mention part of that said mess was in a puddle of hot glue? Apparently, she left the damn thing plugged in and on, causing it to melt an entire glue stick on its own over the course of the day.
>Essentially, the same shit the rest of the time- ditched until someone felt that I needed to personally attend to their problems or whatever.
>Only one of the four other people I roomed with paid their share of the room. Glue gun girl gave me like $15 to "start off." The friend of the friend flat out ignores me when confronted with paying for the room. The last person keeps pushing back paying me for the room.
>These faggots want me to share my room with them for a convention coming up when they still haven't paid for the last room.

Next time I'll just keep my room to myself.
Good on you if you refuse to let them mooch again. I can't believe people have the audacity to act like total shitheels and think they can invite themselves again next year. Then I remember a lot of people have no backbone and will act like doormats again and again.

God. I fucking hate these sorts of people.
Starting to think I'm a horrible roomie magnet because I've got a bunch of stories.

This one is just a huge clusterfuck of worst room situation ever.

>five friends are all 20+, all girls except one guy
>one of their mothers drives them to the convention and stays as a chaperone because of guy friend dating her daughter
>expect to have a room for Thursday night considering I'm paying $$$ and there's five of us
>we have no room for the night, end up having to stay in the convention overnight
>girl's mother leaves to go sleep in the car, refuses to let anyone else do so
>get to hotel Friday, find out I'm paying $$$ for TWO rooms because girl's mother wants guy to sleep away from her daughter
>girl's mother claims the king bed in the second room, makes guy sleep on couch, four of us girls crammed into the second room
>I'm not this woman's child but I'm being forced to call her every hour to check in
>there's a curfew where we all have to meet up for the ride to the hotel room, no exceptions
>friends ditch me and another roomie early on, we find some cool guys to hang out with
>girl's mother spots us all hanging out just talking, some how misses me sitting inches away from roomite and goes back and tells everyone in group that roomie is a whore and tells her adult daughter she doesn't want her hanging out with roomie anymore
>awkward as fuck ride home with girl's mother glaring at us all the entire drive
I remember you telling this before.

I've been lucky, the worst I've ever had was just people snoring or my bed mate zonking out spread eagle so that I had no room and ended up sleeping on the floor.
I had an awkward con with my boyfriend's ex.

>The ex begs boyfriend to room with him at upcoming con
>The room is in my name and we're both reluctant, we have three other friends staying with us so it's not a couple room but still it'd be awkward
>Try to gently let her down as she's a nice girl who's friends with us both at the time
>She spins some sob story about other friends ditching her/using the room to do nothing but drugs/only wants to stay one night
>Friends feel sorry for her and do the whole "it'll be fine" bit. We're doormats and say okay
>She was supposed to just sleep in our room and then go off with her friends but tails us the entire weekend, walks between us when we hold hands, complains about everything, invites herself to stay another night without paying or asking, was just really rude
>Last day of con, I hug my boyfriend and she goes mental
>Sits in corner of hall sulking and crying loudly, if boyfriend walks off she screams at him to stay, which he does to try to keep her quiet from people staring
>Bitches about how dare he make such a scene with me (we'd been going out a year at this point, they'd been broken up two) when they were "obviously going to get back together"
>We all live in the same direction, very awkward train ride home

The entire incident was my fault and totally avoidable had I just grown a backbone and said no straight off, but I was scared of people hating me back then and my boyfriend doesn't like saying no.
I don't take this shit anymore and neither does he, but it was still weird when she was surprised when I said she couldn't room with us the next time she asked. So never let someone's ex room with you, no matter how long they've been broken up or if you're friends with them.
Mother of the year right there.
Yeah, I've posted it a few times in the past on con horror threads.

This one is the same group of friends (plus two more) a year later.

>seven of us in the group
>married couple booked a room for con
>room has one bed and one pull-out couch
>married couple gets the bed, girl and boyfriend from first story gets the couch
>three room keys are given out, discover late Friday that one stopped working
>go to the front desk, get it sorted out
>never realize we had an issue because only two room keys are supposed to be given out per room
>Saturday night girl and her boyfriend say they're going back to the hotel
>another roomie tags along. None of them are in a hurry, they just want to go chill out
>I decide to go back to the room half an hour later to change
>get to hotel, all three of them are in the lobby
>girl and her boyfriend are arguing with the front desk worker, I ask other roomie what's going on
>neither of their room keys are working and the hotel won't let them in the room because they didn't book it
>try to call married couple, they're out having a date night and turned their phone off
>instead of just chilling in the lobby for another hour or going back to the convention, girl and her boyfriend argue more with the hotel worker with raised voices
>hotel worker tells them to chill the fuck out before they call the police
>finally both girls burst into tears and leave the lobby, boyfriend follows them out
>I'm stuck in the lobby to apologize and explain the situation before finally just saying fuck it and going back to the convention
>married couple finally comes back less than an hour later, sorts the key situation out, apologizes to the hotel worker, and then yells at three roomies and bans them from rooming with them ever again
Stayed in a room full of seagulls once. Was awesome until one of the guys got jealous and tried to spread rumors on /cgl/. Friends and I all had a good laugh about it. People on the Internet take things too seriously sometimes.
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Let me just say this in general, never room with anyone that seems sick or is "just getting over a cold" or anything else remotely related to being sick

>rooming with friends
>one girl is coughing a bit, says she's just getting over a cold
>seems fine other than the coughing and brought medicine and cough drops, so no big deal
>weekend goes great, come home feeling great
>week later I'm bedridden and unable to move, temperature spikes to just over 102f at some points
>can't sleep laying down because I cough until I can't breathe
>spend an entire week sleeping up against my headboard and guzzling cold & flu medicine, thinking I have the flu
>still think it's a lingering flu/cold even two weeks later
>talk to other roomies, find out another girl in the room had the exact same thing around the same time I did, she went to the hospital and found out it was pneumonia
>mfw I talk to sick roomie and it wasn't a cold she had been getting over
>mfw even a month later I have trouble catching my breath if I do too much and I have coughing fits daily despite finally going to the clinic and getting medication

If you're rooming with me and you're sick or even remotely look sick, one of us is going to be wearing a mask and now I sanitize my hands every few hours while at conventions. Fuck that shit.
I've never understood people that actually spend most of the con finishing their costume. At that point, why even bother?
No clue. I try to finish mine weeks or months in advance and limit my costumes to 1-2 new ones per con for exactly that reason.
Interesting...I've always asked for atleast 3 keys. My excuse is I always lose one (I like to keep one in the room) and rekeying would put my second person out. They always said it was fine.
Every other hotel I've stayed at had no problem with that but this time we were staying at some sort of extended stay place. Had it's own kitchen and everything.
>the last-minute cosplayer
these people make their plans months in advance but for some reason don't start any of their 3-6 costumes until the week before the convention. they bring entire suitcases of materials, machines and other tools with them and stay up all hours of the night sewing. they also make a huge mess and usually end up not finishing anyways and having a nervous breakdown.

how to spot:
-has too many costume plans
-most of them look out of their skill level or at least questionable
-they brag about not starting anything until the week before
-have a vast collection of 'last minute' costumes
-mention 'is it okay if I bring my machine to the room?' in advance

>the attention whore cosplayer
the enjoyment of the entire convention and their entire mood rests on how much attention and recognition they get in costume. can be a totally nice person but if they don't get enough photos or someone in your hotel is getting more attention than them they get sulky, miserable and turn into catty bitches. they either refuse to wear their costumes and wander around in plainclothes for the rest of the weekend hating everything, or stew in the hotel.

how to spot:
-has an ego or self esteem complex
-picks outfits based on design or flashiness and not character
-always needs a new set of outfits per convention because last ones didn't get enough attention
-is obsessed with views/likes/favourites
-talks about how much attention they will be getting.


>the tripfag
an okay person but a mediocre cosplayer who is more interested in socializing than cosplaying. they pull together costumes for groups they don't really care about to be part of 'the group', so they never end up wearing their costumes more than a few hours. they spend the rest of the convention getting drunk, inviting friends up into your room at all hours and almost always have social or personal drama. despite being really into cosplay they treat the convention like a giant facebook meetup and barely cosplay.

how to spot:
-too many plans, not enough investment in any of them
-always talking about parties and meeting up with friends
-brags about not talking cosplay seriously
-talks about how drunk they will be the entire weekend
Are you basing these off people you know or are you pulling this out of your ass? Because the way your writing just comes off extremist.
Who is this guy? More info so we can avoid them?
Not saying all cosplayers are shitty or all trips are bad, just warning against the undesirable as roommate types.

And they are based off multiple people I know who fit and create the profile.

ok, that's a lot more rational
Basically if those traits fit the person you might want to avoid them. If they don't then you have nothing to worry about.
Most basic rooms just have 2 beds, 1bed and a pullout, or something of the sort right?
Don't the hotel staff just boot you when you try to shove a dozen people into those rooms?
Also do people ever look for just a +1 to split a room in half, or does everyone go for the aforementioned bigger pools to split the bill down quite a bit more?
>mfw I am all of these things
don't room with me I guess

Anyway, my input:
NEVER ROOM WITH SOMEONE WHO IS DISORGANIZED BUT TAKES FOREVER TO GET READY. I got to Hyper Japan two hours later than I wanted to because of this douchebag who apparently forgot that if he wanted to be ready to leave at 11, HE HAD TO GET UP EARLY ENOUGH TO GET READY IN TIME. Most fucking infuriating thing. I then had to pay for pretty much his entire convention because he turned up with £10 and spent that on ponies, leaving me to pay for his food, travel etc because I felt too bad to let him just watch the rest of us eat. He EVENTUALLY paid me back, but jesus, what a douche.
>You can't possible have it worst than me
I hate twats like you

one last person, I'd include myself in this category

>the diva
this person takes cosplay and their hobby. they spend months and months planning out and working on their costumes and take the hobby seriously. a little too seriously. small things become big deals to divas who overdo it when it comes to everything: packing, planning and maintaining control. they have set times when they like to sleep, when they like to wake-up and schedule bathroom hours because they know they're going to take at least 3 to get themselves ready in the morning. when something goes wrong like forgetting a piece of a costume or an event being cancelled, these people have meltdowns and/or throw hissyfits.

how to spot:
-usually in early to mid-twenties and usually but not always female
-good costumes, or at least a lot of investment into the hobby
-make plans months to even years in advance
-don't cope well with change or surprises
-are very strict with deadlines and organization

What if I cosplay for fun, but take my diet, sleep, and exercise regimen very seriously?

I get pissed if I don't get 8 hours of sleep a night since I'm used to waking up at 5
do tell
I'd say you're a little bit of a diva if you get bitchy about it when your schedule is messed up.

As a fellow diva I just try to grin and bear it for the weekend because no matter what SOMEONE is going to piss me off by being in my way when I'm in the midst of my routine and it's not fair to be a cunt about it.

But serious hatred for roommates who stumble in at 3am with some random people they just met, drunk and loud, ruining my beauty sleep. The best we can do is try to room with other divas with compatible schedules.
You just sneak people in
with people you don't know well/are not coming to you recommended by very well trusted friends who are good judges of character.

Shit's been stolen, damaged, 'borrowed', barfed on and god knows what else. Fights have broken out, friendships broken. Bitch slaps have been dealt and drama beyond belief. Even if it costs more up front, room with less people, room with people you know and trust and pay a little more than deal with this shit.

also don't room with couples that are still in the puppy love stages/can't keep their hands off each other/are constantly screwing like horny weasels, no matter how nice they are.

Yea, since I have a job that pays 6 figures I may as well just get my own rooms from now on.

I'll still buy my friends drinks and shit so watevs
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>people who can do this
why are you even on 4chan? shouldn't you be outside, having fresh air sex orgies with your friends that are real, you normal loser normal?
I don't make that much, but it sounds like we'd be good roommates. I work out every morning of the convention and need eight hours of sleep in a bed, and meals at regular times.
Homeless SoCal cosplayer that crashes on his friends' couches and never pays rent. Overstays his welcome and starts to refer to your apartment as "his" apartment. He was running around ALA this year being a big, sweaty mess and was acting like everyone was his friend when he just awkwardly inserted himself into situations with other people. He's almost thirty and he still hasn't gotten his shit together well enough to realize that cons are not more important than anything else in life.
Sorry, this was for
>stayed in a room full of seagulls once
>damn birds wouldn't stfu and shat everywhere

0/10 wouldn't room again
Do not room with a goody two-shoes clean pure innocent Christian girl. Why? Not because they're straight lace but because a lot of the innocent Christian girls kinda have naughty side to 'em and they tend not to understand their alcohol limit. Its not fun trying to clean their vomit off your bed sheets in the hotel room.

my friend, she's really a nice sweet girl but dammit I hope she don't pull that shit again.

(btw, she was just a guest in my room. Not a roomie. I do have a roommate horror story but since i am on my cellphone, it can wait.)

My best friend lost his virginity to a hardcore christian when he was 14.

She thought that if she remained a statue and didn't move in bed during sex, he would be the one sinning and she would still be "saved".

Saging myself for off topic shit
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>throwing the words immature and asshole around like that
How dare they do what they please with their time and money?! Sorry sweetie, but you sound like the immature one if you get pissed simply because someone won't stick with you.
was for

wtf i wanna hear the end of this! anon come back!
Well, everybody knows that Jesus' vision is motion based, like a shark's. If you remain perfectly still, he won't be able to see you. It will be like you vanish off of his Sin Radar. Anything you do while not moving is basically consequence free.
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>Double check your roommates are the age they say they are
It sounds lame but I'm absolutely asking for ID the next time I room with people I don't know well. Especially if they want to drink.
(I ended up in a room with two different blitzed underage kids that I ended up babysitting all night)

>Get their share of the money up front
Girl spent all her cash and just up and cleared all her stuff out of the room sometime during the first night. She got a free night's stay and we never saw her again that weekend

>Be careful of people with large props or costume pieces
I'm not saying they're bad to room with, but "Watch out for my prop!" and "Sorry I need the whole closet for my costume" gets really old fast. God forbid anything actually happen their stuff because you WILL be blamed for it
Almost forgot
>Watch your food/alcohol if you bring your own
I've never made it through a con without half my room food going "missing" or getting eaten before Day 2. Randoms wandering in and snacking is less likely than "I didn't think you would mind"
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Do not room with friends of friends that are weaboos

>Let's call this girl A
>Go to con
>A is running around like a tard from excitement (don't blame her)
>check into room
>A runs and starts jumping up and down on the beds
>period blood everywhere
>trail of period blood follows her as she runs out the room without noticing
>pls no

Also she fucking missed the toilet and got a tiny piece of poo on the fucking floor
I'm 24 and this is how I was raised also...
I still write out thank you cards.. seriously it's the thought that counts especially with old fickle grandparents.
Don't be retarded like me and leave your wallet out. Yes I did it I am not sure if my friends friend stole the 40 or if it was housekeeping. I don't have much money, i don't buy shit at cons so that kind of hurt. Totally my fault but frustrating regardless.
.Also she fucking missed the toilet and got a tiny piece of poo on the fucking floor

How do you fucking 'miss the toiler' while taking a shit? How hard is it to use the toiler, seriously? seriously?
I'm calling bullshit on this one, people like this would be sectioned or on medication right?
Given the recent hotel worker that posted here about an entire shit covered room that required hazmat suits to clean, I wouldn't doubt it.
Don't be surprised. You should see the kind of stuff retail workers have to deal with. The clean up some of the nastiest bathrooms and even worse when they get people who won't even bother going to the bathroom and just shit on the floor in the store.
I remember reading somewhere that this one person that worked in a store walked into a changing room stall and found that the clothes the previous person tried on had been used to wipe their ass when they shit in there. People are fucking disgusting.
sauce? haven't read about this one.
This. My friend's classmate told me about the time she was working at Target in the not so nicest part of town. This homeless nigga just waltz right in Target in the middle of a busy area, dropped his pants, took a massive shit and waltz right back out the door like nothing happened.

I feel for those who work in retail. I really do.

Anyway, here's my two roomie stories. I'm the guy from this story (>>6613667
) by the way.


>Mr. Creeper is known throughout my town for his horrid YouTube series parodying a classic 90s anime series (take a good wild guess) and for creeping up on girls and women for his YouTube Series
>I was still his friend at the time and needed a roommate for the local upcoming convention so I can kill costs
>"Friend" agrees to room with me
>First night of the convention
>Does a horrid job shaving his legs for a VERY shitty crossplay of Ed from Cowboy Bebop.
>Leg hair errywhere doesn't even clean up after himself
>Heard several reports of him creepy on girls at the convention
>Also got super wasted and drunk at a party (He was also underage at the time so it would had been my ass since he was also on the hotel bill I paid)


>Summer 2012
>My crew and I get two rooms (a party room and the sleeping room. I'm under controll of the party room)
>We're a pretty big motley crew of friends from locals cons, school, work, etc. About 10 people (5 to a room). The gay friend brought his boyfriend along (well, his boyfriend at the time)
>Boyfriend hates anime cons (we didn't know until weeks later)
>Throughout the convention in our room, various people shit came up missing like shoes, chump changes, socks, deodorant, etc. We just had a few people come and go that we all know entering
Cannot wait for moar
>entering the room to party with us
>Later that night, my friend decide to invite some people to our room to party despite our missing shit
>Night went on until the next day...
>Gay friend's boyfriend claimed he was assaulted and raped by one of our con friend or a random stranger we meet up with
>One of my best friend's tobacco pipe comes up missing
>Everyone is like fuck this whack ass shit, no more room parties and random people
>Convention ends on a bad note for us
>Few weeks later, my friend broke up with his boyfriend
>Finds out, ex-boyfriend made the rape and assassult up and stole our shit and blamed it on our other friends because he wanted to get out of the convention cuz he hated cons.
>Everyone fuckin' wanted his blood.
>We cut ties wit the jerkass.
>MFW the ex-boyfriend is fucking 30 years old and acting like he's a teenager
>made the rape and assassult up and stole our shit and blamed it on our other friends because he wanted to get out of the convention

I would have kicked his ass so hard, you don't even know.

Alright! SO, Continuing
The con was nearly upon us and I called S.H. again to make sure everything was ready and to set our plans in stone. She told me it was all good to go and she’d meet me at the airport- also gave me the hotel name and how far it was from the convention after we said our goodbyes “it’ll be nice to meet you” s etc. She awkwardly stopped me from hanging up and said in a very out of character tone “Umm…So the night before preview night when we get here I’m going to be attending an event…”
“I need a date, we won’t have to stay long and there will be food and stuff, I just have to make an appearance, would you mind going with me?”
She was doing me a favor so what choice did I have but to say yes.
My plane landed in NY a little late and I was having trouble reaching her cell when I started to panic thinking some stranger had lured me here only to be stranded…
As I waited for what I hoped was her arrival the weirdness of the whole situation started to sink in.
I had no idea what this girl looked like, even when meeting people online before I always at least saw a picture of them. All I had to work from was a stupid avi that was some army of two looking airsoft mask and I doubted she was going to show up in that but I dreaded she was going to…
I sat with my bags for a few minutes when I noticed a petite under-aged looking brunette hurriedly enter the baggage claim area with a duffle bag hanging on her shoulder and a nervous look on her face. We looked at one another and she smiled excited before she approached me, introducing herself shyly as “spring” and shaking my hand.

I was so relived I think I awkwardly half hugged her.

Pretty sure those were actual facts and not rumors.
Oooh culprit detected.....
She kind of repelled from my touch after that like I had cooties. While making our way to the hotel we talked some in the taxi, all the while with her avoiding eye contact and only sneaking looks at me when I wasn’t looking at her (ok she’s just socially awkward. She seems sweet enough though.) When we arrived at our hotel I shat bricks because not only was it reasonably close to the convention but looked way out of my price range for one or two nights let alone three or four. I decided I’d remind her of my budget later to save face rather then bring it up like an aspie while she was getting the key in front of the clerk. When we got to our room (which was very nice) there was only one bed so while she unpacked I offered to sleep on the floor to which she matter of fact replied without looking up
“I was under the impression you were a homosexual. We’ll sleep back to back.”
And immediately changed the subject, asking to see my costume stuff (which she beamed over) and then suggesting we go out for drinks before hitting …whatever even she had to make an appearance at.
>under the impression you were a homosexual

Alarm bells
Sorry about the sage, sometimes I remove it but then it reappears on the name.
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We did so at a little local place and she bought me a drink which calmed my nerves since I was starting to suspect she wasn’t 18 let alone 21; but she claimed she was 22 and from there we walked to another hotel where she donned a name tag that said “Spring-Heel” on it before entering the banquet hall full of people with similar titles.
It was …strange. I followed her around introduced only as her guest while she talked with people (some older some looking really young) who spoke really vaguely about their commonality and never used their real names. It all felt like a front for something sinister or cult like. I ate the food though, there was a lot of it and it was pretty fucking tasty. It seemed like when I parted from her (to get food etc.) everyone kind of talked to her quickly in hurried hushed voices. I was starting to think someone was going to start handing out venetian masks and chanting orgy porgy when someone started setting up a projector and made a little speech about how good it was to see everyone all in one place and how proud they were so many R-el(somethings) had made it. We left before the video started which made me feel really relieved because I had no idea what an R-el-(something) was at the time and whole thing creeped me out.

I started to think she was going to try and put the moves on me on the way there too because we were walking very slow and she kept smiling at me shyly and busying her hands like she was trying to resist holding mine.
Oh you are so gonna end up raped.
>do not room with the friend who drinks and gets rowdy all con
>he will be wasted by six the first day and follow you everywhere, trying to get you to skip out on con events because "this is boring, let's go do something fun"
>he will invite people to the room without your consent, including a bunch of underaged people and some piece of shit shirtless kid in a dollar who is hitting, badly, on other women while his girlfriend weeps outside because "we're polyamory"
>he will absolutely, completely destroy the room out of drunken boredom the second day, smashing chocolate and food into the carpet and walls, shoving towels down the shower drain and toilet, and tell you for a full year he had nothing to do with it
>you and the others in the room will pay an extra couple hundred each, and he will never pay his share
>later he'll drunkenly admit he and a friend he invited into the room did it
>he laughs off all your concerns about getting in trouble with the con because he doesn't care about anything but drinking for three straight days

the reason I hate people who attend cons just to go to the dances, right there
We ended up getting back pretty late and I was super tired so I settled in to crash. While I was laying down just relaxing she chatted with me casually while getting into her underwear (uuuh….Ok….) apologizing for having needed to go to …that thing and asking if I had a good time etc. She brushed her teeth while I subtly stared at her ass and then closed the door with her bag. I assumed she was changing into her Pajamas but when she emerged she was fully clothed in a thick green jacket, a black…what looked like a dancer’s full body outfit, gloves, boots a belt and a small back pack.
(Oh fuck it’s either about to get really kinky and unwanted or she’s showing me a weird cosplay she’s going to be wearing tomorrow)
“I’ll be back later I have to meet up with a group.” She told me.
It was almost one…how much later was she going to be out and more importantly what the fuck was she doing?
I was kind of in shock and don’t actually remember what I said. I wanted to laugh but having just been so tired and suddenly jolted awake but the bizarreness of what she was doing I was at a loss and dumbly told her to be safe or something as she left.
I couldn’t sleep after that and was awake with my eyes closed by the time she returned a few hours later and crept up in bed next to me- her body was so warm it felt like she was against me even though I could feel she wasn't. This was the single strangest moment of my life but the story isn't over yet.

>shirtless kid in a collar, rather
>shirtless kid who tried to bust out weed in a room where no weed was allowed
>shirtless kid who fell off a rail and seriously injured himself, and the general response, even from the drunk friend, was "...good"
Do not room with more than 8+ people!

My group of friends had two rooms and even then we had about 12 people in our room. Even if everyone is nice at this point it's is almost impossible to not step on someones toes, literally and figuratively.

Anyway, the night before the con and make my self a corner and manage to grab the chair to sleep in. So the next night we find out that some of our friends ride to their hotel left them at the con and wasn't answering their phone, so we let them stay in our room (14 people in one room). I go take a shower and find the one of them has taken my bedding and is sleeping in them. So I have to take my blanket and pillow away from them and sleep next to the trash can (the only spot left) right next to the person last minute sewing. The next morning, I find other people's shit in my suit case and some of my stuff across the room. The positive is I payed next to nothing for the room.
I legitimately think people like this don't even deserve to live. What a waste of resources.

Why is it that in a room of 8 or more people, there is always 1 person who does not bathe?

Like, ever. The last time I shared a stuffed room was when some skinnyfat cosplayer didn't shower the entire con, and hung out in the room constantly, to the point where she left a miasma behind and it stunk no matter how long she'd been out at photoshoots.
Found it for ya. It was from Ohayocon.

I eventually had to cut him out of my life, despite the fact I'd known him since high school, because every other person I knew refused to hang out if he came along.

Sometimes you realize the "crazy fun drunks" are just assholes once they get past age 23.

Haha, I forgot about the archives. Thanks.
Jesus christ

I wish it was bullshit because I had to sleep in the fucking bathtub that night. God damn


The next morning I woke up early, or rather never slept at all it seemed like and Spring was still asleep, sprawled out in her underwear and looking peaceful which made me a jealous bitch by the time she work up. My excitement for the con outweighed my exhaustion so I quickly moved on and started getting my costume and make-up ready for the day. Spring did the same with the outfit she had worn the night before with the addition of the airsoft mask I had seen her pictured in. She seemed in good spirits and I was less creeped out assuming she had indeed attended a costume meet up and that was that. All and all I thought the costume was actually pretty cool. The mask didn’t look cheap and obscured her eyes unlike most of its kind – it was also more shapely and she claimed to have custom commissioned it from a friend. It looked as good as any superheroes roaming the con floor in my opinion I wondered if maybe it was some character I just hadn’t heard. We were both excited and friendly on the way there and separated to get our badges picked up. She returned with a pro pass but didn’t explain in what capacity. It was early; we were having a great time when she told me she was going to have to part ways with me for a while. I was kind of sad; I didn’t want to be alone and we were just getting started but I agreed to meet her at lunch. She told me if anyone asked to please claim she was with me all day. I agreed.
your room mate was a terrorist wasn't she?

And then???


Calling it now.
I had a really good time took lots of pictures and attended a ton of panels, but every day of the con went like this- with her disappearing and meeting up later only to spend a few moments with me and disappear until the con was nearly closed. We mostly hung out at night, attended a few parties and returned to the room to sleep uncomfortably back to back. The last night she cuddled up against me and I was too tired and uneasy to roll away. It seemed harmless enough although her face was buried in my neck at one point which was a little much. The next day we talked about the hotel’s cost- as I expected it was s fuck ton. She told me “not to worry” about it and again “price is no object” but I refused to let her pay for it all and ponied the fuck up with cash. Took a bathroom break and when it came time for me to head to the airport (she’d be staying an extra day after the con) she seemed really sad, told me she had a good time and gave me a kiss on the cheek with a hug that went on a little too long and patted me on the back telling me not to be a stranger.
By the time I got home and unpacked I found my cash sloppily balled up in my bag. I assume she shoved it in while I was in the bathroom.

This was not a small sum.

This is probably really bad but i usually dont shower at cons because i really positively hate showering in bathrooms that are not mine. Its a really stupid thing i know but i just drives me nuts. Though if i do a pit check and smell rank i do force myself to take a shower. Im just sayin people may have their reasons. (most likely not but still.)
I admit I'm pretty jealous. She sounds adorable, if a little strange. But then I like strange.

You're straight and seem to be pulling more girls than me. Pity.
I’ve tried contacting her multiple times to pay her but she always refuses. Every once and awhile she sends me a message on facebook and we’re now in this weird relationship where we send these long winded updates about our lives back and forth every few weeks. She favorites nearly everything I put on Deviant Art but I’m not super active on there anymore and usually don’t see it while she’s on. She remains sort of mysterious but sometimes unexpectedly gives me these ultra-personal details about herself. I still am not completely sure what the fuck was going on but after investigating with multiple people online and converging our experiences with her many suspect she’s an RLSH and what I attended was some sort of meeting. It's something I won't soon forget. Quite the bizarre adventure.
...I'm gay.
Damn, was she really that creepy then to turn you off?
Even when she does contact me on facebook it's under the name Spring-Heel with a pictureless profile. I think I've found her actual one but she has yet to add me and her details are all hidden- I'm going strictly by the profile pic and could be wrong.
...I'm a man
Damn. I thought there was an adorable lesbian RLSH who is into urban exploring running around. Now all my dreams are shattered.

Are you a sorceress?
How the fuck did I read all that thinking you were a woman? :(
I am very confused.
I am a gay man. She was a girl. I'm not attracted to girls. My costume required make-up maybe that made you think I was female?
self insertion?
>"[...] which made me a jealous bitch [...]"
> Rooming with a girl, didn't confirm you were gay or not
> Assumed "date" was just fancy word for guest or plus one
Ooh. When I read "I was under the impression you were homosexual," I figured you meant she was disappointed to discover you were a straight female. Did you mean heterosexual there?
I cant use the word bitch?
I mentioned she mentioned I was gay
It was just a fancy word for guest. We were not on that sort of date.
No. I meant homosexual because that is what she said. She was at ease with us sleeping together because she correctly assumed I was gay

For the record, Anon, I gathered that you were a gay male from the story. :/
Thanks, I didn't think I was so bad at writing that I couldn't convey that.
Of course you can, but it's a more female word in my head anyway.

That's what I thought too, I was expecting the story to be SH trying to get into a girl's pants. Generally I think girls sharing beds together with nothing implied is more common (like young teen sleepovers) than guys with guys and girls with guys (although don't ask my opinion on what if so and so is bi/straight/gay cause I don't know my opinion myself... I just avoid sharing beds with anyone). Don't worry I'm not angry, just wish my brain figured it out or there was a sentence that confirmed.
Yeah I basically took everything the opposite of what he meant. It was all rather vague when it came to the writers gender. Honestly could have gone either way (and I read well).
I'm not angry either. Just significantly less interested.
This made me laugh too hard when I read it.
Likewise... I would have actually felt a little strange if this anon had been female, since the way the flow of the story was going didn't give me that vibe at all.
>A "On Again-Off Again" Couple

Ugh! I had the absolute worst experience when rooming with a couple. They were constantly breaking up then getting back together and she was so insanely manipulative. It just so happened that the convention occurred when they were on the outs and were thus "broken up". She spent the entire con trying to find someone to act like a slut with (and succeeded when she pretty much started giving a guy a handie during a panel) to make the guy jealous and he spent the entire con trying to look like he was having fun even though he wasn't. Then to further make him jealous, when we were leaving, she decided she wanted to stay there with this random guy she'd met. Only problem was that I was the only one that brought a car meaning I had to drive the guy back to the hotel, sit there for a few hours even though I wanted to go to sleep, then drive back to the convention center to pick her ass up.
I'm disappointed that no one made an image macro with "I'VE SEEN SOME SHIT" incorporated into it.
I actually feel bad for her she seemed really lonely
I read it all and got the same vibe I think a little bit of what was experienced was an over reaction perhaps
On that off note, don't room with a guy desperately looking for a girlfriend at con.

Had a roommate pout in a corner for a good hour before we could find out what happened, turned out a girl turned him down. He asked her out after only talking to her for 20 minutes and got pissed when he found out she had a boyfriend.

Do you know her actual name?
>Spring Heel

oh jesus

What she's saying is actually spot on for people I know. It's truth.
Do not room with:
Super super clingy. I think this is something that really varies for folks. Like yeah some people really like going to con with some one and sticking around that whole time. But I tend to go to con with the notion that I will be constantly moving around group to group and just because I'm rooming with you does not mean we are doing everything together.

Granted this also means I'm not the ideal room mate for others who like to stick around oner person and wouldnt have fun being dragged along on all my varios wanderings. I once had a friend get really mad at me when she asked to come to con with me last minute, I told her I had made a lot of plans already with people so she had to be cool with that, she said she was, but later retracted that statement and threw a fit when she didnt want to do what I had already made plans to do. When I suggest she go do something else she wanted to do, she didnt take that notion too well. Again I can kinda get it, but we just werent compatible room mates together.

As another person who can do that (and actually frequently does that, I may come to con with a few friends but I never stay in one group the whole time since I like to have my own time to talk and meet new people)

it's not that hard. I mean I guess it varies on person to person but I've never had much problem walking up to people and chatting (so long as it looks like they arent already busy and I wont be interrupting them). It means each year I have more people I'm familier with and get to say hello to.

As to why I'm on /cgl/, easy, it's 3am and I got nothing better to do. Besides I went out with friends earlier tonight. One can do both the internet and social life in balance.
Haha the first time I stayed with some Homestucks, it was actually pretty nice! They got a huge room for AX and they were super sweet, clean, and friendly. Rare, I know.

When my friend stayed with some Homestucks, though, she was kept up all night with their talking and screeching and fangirling and shipping bullshit and she was just weirded out as fuckall. Poor girl.

Best people to stay with: Artists (generally. Artists can be divas too)
Worst people to stay with: Cosplayers.
Wow, this fag is an asshole... way to waste our time with a long winded story about some KIND girl sharing a bed with you. She didn't do anything inherently bad. And yet you feel the need to tell this 'creepy' story about some chick who did nothing wrong?

You are an ungrateful bitch.

Because being on /cgl/ in general isn't any waste of your time in the slightest. Why are you so mad?? It's a pretty weird story
I'm fucking laughing my ass off
wat? You mean people don't normally do that? Most of the people I know are people I randomly picked up at a con.
Heres a story. Didnt so much happen with me, but within my group of friends.

>be last year, staffing AM2
>theres 8 of us staffing, we get reimbursed money that we spend on the hotel room after the con is over
>4 of us in one room, +1 of our friends, but she pays for her own share of the room
>in the other room is the other four
>One of the guys springs it on his roomies that he invited a girl to stay with them all through the con

>free of charge

Dont room with the guy who invites his friends to stay, if they dont plan on making their friend share in the cost of the room.

They got caught and ended up having to all pitch in for the extra person staying there. The other room mates were livid.
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>room with friend who is pretty socially awkward and usually quite shy
>im the opposite of him pretty much
>sitting in room late at night just got back from room party down the hall
>hes not there (im quite surprised since hes a party guy unless its with known friends)
>minutes later he comes in with a rather disgusting looking girl
>I know they are going to try and go at it
>ask if hes ok and tell him he should grab her number and call her tomorrow since he was quite drunk and I know he would regret it
>he starts yelling and screaming about how I never want him to have fun and im trying to keep him in a quote "forever beta state"
>i say "whatever man, ill see you in the morning" and head over to the other party again
>he texts me the next morning saying he is coming back to the room (he left after i left with the girl back to her room)
>the moment he walks in the door he says "i cant believe you let me go with her"
I laughed pretty hard , he did not. I never bring it up around real friends since he would probably die of shame but I found it funny.
Real life super hero???? Just looked this up and I've never heard of it. Whoa!
why didn't they shove it all on the guy who invited the girl?
>he would regret it
I know that feel the next morning
>Real life super hero
I'm looking it up now, seems interesting I got to say.
God, I know one of those. He's in his mid 30s and his only source of income is making suits. He's poor as fuck, his house is filthy and filled with nearly hoarder levels of shit, and his children know no social skills. The only one who bathes regularly is his wife, who he never spends time with because he's planning his next patrol.
Anyone who plans to cook anything more complicated than rice or ramen in your room
People that think its socially acceptable to act like they're from a youtube poop at all times
Oh GAWD, this reminded me of the horrible customer we had at the department store where I work.

She would go into the change rooms and leave used sanitary articles in there. Every month.If it wasn't that time of the month, there would be a gigantic poo instead.

This went on for about 6 months, we never caught her. We suspect she was someone who had a beef with one of the girls or the store. She was a completely different customer who would try to return used underwear full of skid marks though. Some people have no shame.

Sage for off-topic.
I've heard some rather interesting stories from friends about people trying to grill burgers and steaks in their room.
Retail job... never again if I can avoid it.
>You need to return this game system for me, because my kid peed on it.
Ours was some kind of stew. He brought his own camping stove. I don't know much else because I was out and came back to a huge screaming argument because he spilled the entire pot on the hotel carpet
I apologize if this is long but, I've finally gotten the guts to post on here. Never room with someone who wants to make it a date weekend for her and the poor other roomie who doesn't return her feelings. It's probably specific, but rather, try to avoid rooming with anyone who sees cons as purely a romantic prospect...or a revenge site. This event pretty much was the culmination of about two months worth of drama from a specific girl. I still see her at cons and we don't acknowledge each other, but apparently this incident caused her and her friend mentioned here to part ways a few months later since he had been a good friend of us before she had entered the picture.

>girl and her (male) friend last year room with my friends and I last year
>said girl has a major unrequited crush on one of my guy friends
>he tells her he doesn't like her like that, likes my best friend and it is a mutual thing
>she tells her friend that she wants to only go to this con to sleep with the guy friend
>her friend warns me and eventually her mother finds out about this
>parents send her to see her therapist and they still let her go to the con despite admitting all this
>girl also brings deliberately skimpy cosplays to "catch" guy friend's attention
>she pretends to hate him and deliberately insults him in front of everyone on the car ride
>when we get to the con, she calls his crush a slut for wearing a blue wig
>on the way back from dinner, she tells me that she still is in love with guy friend and she wants to get her chance

>she overhears that guy is invited to a room party with his crush and she tries to invite herself
>guy and crush go alone and girl returns back fuming about getting back at him
>best friend returns from party without guy friend, no one knows where he is
>I go to the con and find guy friend having fun, spending time doing karaoke and shit
>return back and girl and her friend accuse me of having left because I was angry with her behavior
>I try to calmly explain I went to go find guy friend since he left his phone in the room
>girl breaks into hysterics and goes to the balcony to cry
>I talk to her and try to get her to come back into the room when best friend leaves the hotel room for a breather from all this
>guy friend returns a few moments later and realizes that no one knows where best friend left to so he runs out to find her
>this act causes girl to break down into hysterics and run to the balcony for a second time, screaming and crying
>I'm trying to get her to come back, friend isn't helping and against all of us now
>girl returns back and she and her friend take the bed and say they are angry with all of us and we'd discuss it in the morning
>we find best friend and sit in the lobby trying to avoid room for another three hours
>best friend and I left in the morning to get some fresh air, resulting in venting out all of our frustrations away from the con
>everyone thinks we've gone missing until best friend tells guy friend and our last roommate (who was sick of them too) to kick them out as we made our way back
>girl and friend wake up all happy and thinking everyone should go to breakfast till guy friend drops the bombshell
>she flies into rage and tries to get aggressive until friend steps in and they clean up and get picked up by the mom
>best friend and I return to the rest of our roomies, the con is absolutely wonderful after that
>she claimed to other people who knew us pretty well that the whole incident started because my best friend and I were jealous of her
>no one gave a fuck let alone believed her since all these friends have known us for years

They never paid for the room and for their passes at all. They were there for only Day 1 of the event. After this, we became more meticulous about getting group money together beforehand.

Months later she tries to reconcile with guy friend, but he never responds. Our regular group is much more closely knit now than before, and her friend is our friend again too.
I always thought the "clean pure Christian girl who then goes out and gets drunk a lot" was a myth
until my best friend got a boyfriend that liked drinking a little too much...
Ugh, girl i roomed with for AN. We were all underage at the time, so her mom was supposed to book the hotel room in January (convention is in May) A couple weeks to the con, after many messages over facebook of me asking if she booked it yet and her saying soon, she sends me a message saying her mom can't book the hotel, she has no credit card. My mom, being awesome, steps in and books it under her name, with the arrangement that this girl, lets call her S, would have her mom stay with us and pay once we got there.

A couple days before the con, she messages me again, saying she now has no ride, and her mom can't stay over on friday. At this point i am freaking out, since i don't live anywhere close to Toronto and she had promised me a hotel plus ride, no problem (with me paying my share for hotel and gas, of course) My mom, being awesome again, skips her night out with friends and drives me to the con, PLUS drives 40 minute sin the other direction to pick up S, and stays with us overnight on the friday

But it gets better. I made this girl a costume, for free, because i had spare fabric laying around and she was my friend. My mother even drove the 40 minutes to her house so i could do the fitting. Now, this costume wasn't amazing, and it wasn't perfectly accurate because I was just using leftover fabric. I give it to her at the con, and say if i have time i'll help her attach the straps and the roses (they needed to be handsewn on, and i didn't have her there to figure out the best place to attach them.)

It turned out I woke up a bit late and was running out of time, so i didn't have time to help her, but i did hand her a sewing needle and some thread. Then she started to bitch at me about how the costume sucked and i was being a bitch and not helping her, and how it looked aweful and was missing stuff ( i had already dicussed with S about it being a bit inaccurate)

Ugh, I feel like I'm that person even though I know I'm not. I got a nasty cold last year just before Christmas, but was over it well before ALA. However, thanks to my asthma, I keep a cough around for at least a week after being sick, despite no longer being contagious (this is what my doctors have told me, mind)--and it certainly didn't make it better that my roommates smoked the whole con, even my inhaler doesn't prevent me coughing from that. I know your story can't have been me, since I had no fever and it most definitely wasn't pneumonia, but I felt awful the whole con since every time I so much as cleared my throat, everyone looked at me like I had leprosy.
Sucks to my ass-mar.
She then proceeded to make my life a living hell during the convention. At least 10 people were trying to get a hold of her, including her mother, and were constantly calling and texting me, but she disappeared and wouldn't pick up her phone. Of course, i got yelled at for this because i was supposed to be 'watching over her'

The times i did see her, she was extremely rude to me and bothering me for not going with her to stuff even though 1. I couldn't find her anywhere and 2. She didn't come to any of my stuff

Also, her mother payed for all her food, her hotel, her ticket AND her cosplays, but she still spent the whole time whining about how she couldn't buy anything, even though she refuses to get a job AND her mother gave her $80 in spending money, which she spent on stickers and food. She constantly says, even now after the con, how her mother won't buy her anything. This seriously pisses me off because I work two jobs to be able to afford lolita and cosplay, and i don't expect my parents to give me a cent for my hobbies.

Overall, worst con i had ever been to. I am never letting this chick even near my hotel room again
Geez, that all sounds like a proper mess. Kudos on the cool mom, though. It's nice when parents really sacrifice their time for their kids.
I was very lucky, my mom really came through.

I'm still friends with S, and she can be fun to talk to and hang out with for a while at conventions. But i will never room with her again
Part one
Book two rooms with a buddy for a next state over con. He uses his rewards membership or employee card and gets the rooms for free. We figured we would get the money from everyone (Though charging them a flat out 20$ instead of what the original cost would have been split). Comes to find out, someone finds out the rooms are free. More people get invited to stay because of a friend of a friend (though they were still gonna pay) buddy is cool and lets them stay. Turns out when I arrive, we have 20 people for two rooms when it was suppose to be like 10 people for two rooms. Married couple and all of the girls didn't wanna room with all the guys so it ends up being like 6-7 in one room and the rest of the 12-13 in the other room. Somehow I get stuck with the packed room. I say this because it was 3 am, I didn't have a key, it was 3am and since I am a considerate person not wanting to wake up people who had to get up early. Fine one night in a hot as hell room (With the cold air on full). Wake up, shower and head out. Saturday night I brought some drinks for me and like two others to drink and relax that night. Come to find out the others in the over packed room, found my drinks and took it upon themselves to drink without finding out who stuff it was or get permission. I come back to a room full of people under 21 (and like two under 18) drinking my drinks. One of the larger guys did a cosplay with latex paint and peeled it all off in one spot on the floor which I assuming has been there for a few minutes to a few hours. The room is already hot and muggy (thick air) with a stench that all of it hits you when you open the door and walk in. Two hours later (sometime after midnight) one of the minors (under 18) which was a girl is completely drunk. They had been mixing some of my vodka with mountain due or red bull. Come to find out she has some sort of heart condition which she CANT have caffeine yet she has had a few cups of this mix drink.
I sort of have one.

>AUSA 2011
> Never been to an AUSA, want to go, no money for room
> Really rich friend says I can come stay in the con hotel with her, free of charge
> I'm so fuckin jazzed
> She tells me there's 4 people plus her, I don't mind
> Meet up with her Thursday night and go to room
> All four other roommates are fucking wasted, There's at least 10 bottles of alcohol in the room still unopened
> They all try to get me to drink
> Underage at the time, don't want to drink (mother is an alcoholic, I don't mind if they do but don't involve me)
> Call me names because I won't drink with them
> this goes most of the weekend
> On day 2 of con, friends come back with me to hotel so I can grab something
> Drunk roommates were in the room ALL WEEKEND and not at the con
> One of them spends the entire time I was there loudly insulting my friends that came with me
> Spent whole weekend avoiding hotel room because they were ALWAYS THERE

I also have one small story about a small con in which one friend of mine spent their entire con sleeping in the room and then partying all night, but insisted we all tiptoe around him as he slept all day. Drove me crazy.
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Gonna have to agree on that "don't room with strangers" thing.

Or with yaoi fangirls, unless they are moderates. I became... friends... with some, and I am one, but you gotta tone that shit down. To give a long and painful story brevity, I seem to be a magnet for girls who like to pretend that everyone is a boy, including me, sometimes even giving names of existing characters to people. Stay away from these girls. They will try to get you to do gay things, and I mean that in every sense of the word. It is a lesbian molestation ride that never ends, justified by their love of gay cartoon sex.

I'd post that Naruto x Sasuke cosplay MST3K video for an example of shit they'd think is cool but I don't even want to look for it, it hurts me.
Part two
She is drunk, passed out, barley breathing, heart beating is speeding up and slowing down and then eventually to a point where a pulse isn't strong enough to be felt. She is responding, pretty much lifeless. Everyone in the room is either worried or already passed out sleeping at this point. Some gets the idea, "hey lets call the ambulance because she might be dieing" (With this is all before we find out she has a heart problem) She barley comes conscious enough for a few moments before again to this death like symptons. One of her friends (like one of the 2 people in the room that knew her which the other was passed out) tells us about her heart problems. I warn everyone that the liquor is mine, I am out of state, I have a room full of minors drunk and one girl who seems like she is dieing. How will this look on a police report that will most likely involve me getting arrested for distributing to minors. Other buddy of mine gets her into the shower and gets her temp down and she slowly recovers to conscious sorta. Eventually up and walking 30 mins later. This whole event happen between 12-5am. I am at the point where I am too stressed to sleep as well as the room being too hot and stinky to sleep. Sunday morning around 7am (before I ate the hotels free breakfast) I come back to the room to people slowly waking up. I make it extremely clear I want this room clean before I get back. If you aren't cleaning, get your shit and go. After breakfast, the room actually was somewhat clean and wasn't that hot nor stunk anymore. I really wished I bitched about it Saturday if I could get results like this. What this girl did really blows my mind. I really have no clue how you cant drink caffeine due to heart problems but logically be cool with either drinking stuff that is high in it (unless somehow she just ignored them mixing it) or not question what is in the cup you are about to drink.
A girl on her period with severe stress issues and cramps.
Had one room with us, worn a costume on Friday for less than an hour, goes back to the room and stays in bed rest of the day. Come back to the room, she is crying about cramps, stressing out about the costume contest and how her costume might not fit from bloating or something. Finally we all go to sleep. I get up early for a shoot, come back to see if people are awake, two of the 4 are gone and the girl is still there trying to make her costume work out for the contest.
I get a call around noon from her needing my help with her costume. I get to the room, she is crying about how she isn't going to make her judging time. I offer to go ask to get it switch, she tells me to do it and I kindly do it. Come to find out, she doesn't even go. She gives up on entering the contest due to cramps and her costume not fitting right. More crying, more stress, ends of laying in bed I presume until late that night (she was in the room the three times I went back). I offer to split ordering a pizza with everyone in the room, me and the two others all are cool with this idea, the girl doesn't want pizza so she tells us she doesn't split with us. Pizza gets there, I got enough for me to eat, the other two split a pizza. When I am about done eating, this girl comes over asking for some pizza which I have none left. She then bitches about how she wanted pizza but wasn't hunger when we were ordering and how now one saved her any or had any leftovers. I told her if she would have offer to split the cost, I could have gotten a whole extra pizza. She bitches and eventually settles for something down around the con. Sunday she wakes up and is bitching about how she wasted all this money for the con and didn't get to enjoy it and pretty much all those lines as we are packing up to check out. Sunday she actually walks around for about two hours before leaving the con.
I have a tiny story
This was last year, I was attending a con with my sister, her girlfriend and two friends of mine, everything was set-up so that we'd be paying my friend who was booking the hotel the fee, I ended up paying for myself -and- my sister (her girlfriend was sneaking in for day only) Now, there were only two rooms, one with two beds and one with a queen size, I took the queen size initially because well, the other two got the single beds. So first night everythings fine, next day, I get kicked out of the room for no reason other then my sisters "I want it"
I got stuck on the couch and being annoyed the next morning due to their yelping.
Pretty much I'm never covering a room cost again for my sister.
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>a lesbian molestation ride that never ends
OP here, sorry to hear about that. It definitely wasn't you though. This was a few years back at a convention in October.
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Don't room with friends of friends unless you find out how many other people will be rooming.

>first time at out of state convention
>friend I'm going with got us space in a room with people they know
>find out it's a suite, thing we'll have plenty of room despite me not knowing anyone and there's only one bed
>mfw there's 14 people in the room
>mfw it's so crowded one guy sleeps in the closet just to have space
>mfw four girls are sleeping in the bathroom
>mfw I spend entire convention anywhere else but the room and only go in for showers
oh god, the stories I have from working at tim hortons.
This isn't much of a horror story, it's kind of boring but I'd thought I'd share:
This past summer my friend and I wished to go to a con that I hadn't been to in a couple years. (Connecticon). Since it's roughly an hour away and out-of-state, we decide the smarter option is to get a hotel room if we want to be there the whole weekend. The room ends up being me, my friend who we'll call Jenna, Jenna's friend Katie, and Jenna's friend and acquaintance of mine, Danielle. Jenna has her head on and everything, and is good friends with Danielle, but Danielle is quite the scatter brain and annoying as fuck. I've never met Katie so I don't really know who she is, so I'm slightly nervous about meeting her. Anyways, a week before the con (shitty planning and stupidity on my part) I'm trying to find a ride to the con, and Danielle is as well. Jenna is driving herself down as her permit disallowed to have any other people who weren't family members (we're all 16 at this point) and Katie's going with her father and little brother, who's staying with us at the hotel in a separate room. Danielle and I, or at least *I* was, freaking out about how we're going to get down there. None of our parents were able to go and we didn't have any other friends who were going. The con starts on Friday and at this point it's Wednesday and we still don't have a clear ride - it's looking like we might have to go on a greyhound bus (which I refused to do until I exhausted all possible resources). That night when texting Danielle, I ask if she could check with others/ask her parents again and she literally tells me "Sorry, I can't really do anything any more, tomorrow I'm going to Six Flags." The entire time I've been frantically asking everyone I could think of for help and this girl literally spent 15 minutes on the situation asking her parents.

I was extremely frustrated because I felt like I was the one taking all the stress and she refused to do anything; once her parents said no she didn't bother asking anyone else or offering any other ideas. I explain the situation to Jenna, and she's the one who suggests asking Katie. I felt a little awkward asking a complete stranger for a ride and was worried who she might end up being (didn't want to deal with a Danielle #2) but at that point, I think it was Wednesday night or Thursday morning, so I just said fuck it. Jenna asked, then gave me contact info for her. Katie and I texted a bit, and she + her father graciously let us ride with her. I offered to drive to her house in exchange for the help, rather than being picked up despite us being on the way. I tell this to Danielle, who lives roughly 5 minutes from Katie. (Danielle and Jenna know each other from middle school but after that they went to different high schools in the area, which is where Jenna met Katie and why Katie & Danielle don't know each other.) I explain where Katie lives - once again, they're about 5 mins away from each other - and she asks if me and my dad could fucking give her a ride there. I was fuming. Not only did she hassle me at the begining of the week, but then she needed a ride to place 5 minutes away? I don't know what was up with her parents - they refused to drive her anywhere for whatever reason. I grudingly picked her up, went to Katie's house, and everything ended up being marvelous. Katie was super cool, her dad was awesome, etc. We had a great ride down. The con/hotel got a little more 'exciting' with Danielle, though.

Let me explain that Danielle is fucking obnoxious and annoying as fuck. One of those really stupid, ditzy, bubbly girls that has shit-for-brains. Jenna made it clear for the few months before the con that we all had to have $50 ready (amazing price, right? Really not all that much if you think of how much they *can* be.) to pay Katie's dad for the room. When we get there, Katie's dad dropped us off at the con first and told us we'd go to the room later. At about 5 or 6 PM we're a little tired and hungry and decide it's time go check out the room; it's Katie, me, and Danielle atm since Jenna has her own car, so she leaves to go to the parking garage and will meet us at the hotel. The three of us get there and settle in, and are having a good time just talking about the con, etc. Danielle goes into the bathroom to try on this supposedly "lolita" dress she got at the con. Katie politely asks if I have the money for the room, and give it to her. When Danielle comes out of the room, Katie asks for her share and Danielle goes "Oh! Oops...oh my god, I'm so sorry. I totally forgot. I spent most of money on this dress..." Technically Danielle could've given her $50 then but Danielle would've have enough money for food + other small shit to buy and Katie wasn't going to force her or anything; they agreed that Danielle would pay later. However, Danielle spent like $80 on a dress that just wasn't even worth it - no matter if it was 'lolita' or 'goth' or something else. She tried to pen it as lolita when the bodice was made out of some weird latex 'corset', skirt part was a petticoat, etc.
Danielle finishes trying it on and while she's in the bathroom again, I get a phone call from Jenna saying she's stuck at the parking garage - in order to pay she has to have a credit card and she only has cash. Katie leaves with her dad to go rescue Jenna and when Danielle comes out I explain the situation. The last time I had talked to her was Anime Boston so we sat there for the next 30 mins just chilling, catching up on life, etc. Because of how annoying she is, while talking I'm also on my phone using the internet, on my 3DS playing a game, etc. After a few minutes this girl just opens up to me about her ex-bf used to abuse her and almost started crying. I mean, yeah that sucks but of all the times I've met her, I've probably talked to her only for a collective amount of 40 minutes and it was only about anime/con stuff. It was really weird. She then went on about how much she loves her current bf and how they're soulmates till Kaie and Jenna come back. To sum up some the way Danielle is, she's just really random and ditzy and strange. Katie, Jenna, and I would be talking about a video game and then Danielle would insert herself in the conversation and start talking about this "really great melon-pan I bought at the con!". She saw a con Jesus and said "Look, he has a death note bag! I'm going to go hug him." and other similar things. ("I love her hair! I'm gonna hug her", "Wow, you're cosplay is really cool. I mean, really cool. I love this. Who are you? Wow." nice and well-meaning but just...awkward.) Because of this, she'd end up getting separated from the group. At one point I called her to ask where she was (we got sep. in the dealer's room) and said "Um, I don't know. I'm in front of the table selling Japanese snacks." There were 5 different vendors selling them.
cont'd On one of the other days, Jenna and Danielle went back to the hotel room because Jenna was switching cosplays. Danielle all of a sudden freaked out in the room because she couldn't find her wallet. What ended up happening was she must've left it on a table in the dealer's room, and a vendor found it because she found it when she checked the lost and found. This most likely was a result of her Doug the dog from Up-esque ways - "Whoa! Death the kid! I gotta hug him!".
I'll never forget. That Saturday, Jenna and I didn't want to eat the gross con food so we walked to some pub across the street. When we were letting off steam about how annoying Danielle was, Jenna, who I was originally afraid to vent about Danielle since I was under the impression they were best friends, says "Yeah I know, ugh. She's my friend, but...the only reason I invited her was to save money on the hotel room." Couldn't stop laughing.

I don't know, my story sounds really lame compared to everyone else's. It's less of a horror story and more of a headache story. It was akin to babysitting a toddler all weekend. I guess I would say,
> don't room with the person that has a mental age of a five year old because you WILL go crazy.
I could not follow this because it was so confusing figuring out which girl was which. Could you use fake names next time?
Don't room with any two people that have some rivalry over any kind of game.

> Friend rooms with his friends that are well into their mid/late 20s. Let's call them Dan and Jon.
> These guys have arguements over Magic the Gathering or League of Legends all the time.
> Both participate in the one of the game tournaments
> Friend invites me to his room to chill for a bit
> We to the room and see Magic cards everywhere, the curtain ripped from the window, and Jon smashing his DS angrily against the desk
> Friend asks what's wrong
> "I lost to Dan in the **** tournament." and Jon chucks his DS at the floor and walks out.
> Dan meets him in the hall and brags about his victory
> Jon ignores Dan and violently takes out his anger elsewhere
> Everyone in the room had to pitch in for the damages from Jon's pussy fit
Don't room with fat people who swear they don't snore and then forget earplugs. They will always snore, and you will not get any sleep.
More like don't room with people with anger problems.
Did Danielle ever pay her share of the room?
14 people in one room? Do hotels even allow this?
Not technically. That's why you sneak them in.

I just don't understand how people can do that to themselves- no one can possibly enjoy that kind of cramping even if it saves a bit of money.
They both have anger problems and they set each other off by being a douche.
Honestly? I would never room with people I don't know. But if I absolutely had to, I would turn down people who have drinking problems have party all weekend, and people like person #1 inviting 3 of their friends because person #1 assumes you'll be totally fine with it.

My roommate and I live a short distance from MegaCon. It's pretty cool, because we don't really need a hotel room. My roomie invited one of her friends over for the weekend of the convention. And, of course, that friend wanted to invite another friend. And THAT friend thought it'd be just hunky dory peachy keen to invite 3 more of HER friends--people we have never even spoken to.

Of course my roomie turned that all down, thank god. I couldn't imagine rooming with people like that, let alone in a hotel room where anything could go wrong, and you can't really kick them out if shit goes down.
I don't think so. I asked just now so I guess I'll find out but yeah, pretty sure she hasn't.

Because poorfags are convinced that they're saving an extra $100 by having 14 people in a room instead of 4. Nevermind that they'll never see any money from at least 3 of those people, and the hotel is bound to tack on extra fees when someone does something absolutely retarded.
Lesson: Don't room with jew-y people
>Room with 5 people, including myself
>2 couples and a 5th wheel
>To keep everything fair, the room fees are split into fifths
>One couple asks if we can split the room into fourths, so they can pay as one entity
>Wouldn't be fair to the 5th wheel or to my girlfriend who's nice enough to pay her own way
>They pout that they barely have enough money for food now
>Don't give a shit. Our shares are $120 instead of $96.

>After 2nd night, the annoying couple invites a 6th person to be in our room for free
>She'll sleep on the floor and has a crush on 5th Wheel, so I let it slide
>Find out she stole a bunch of our food and swag
>She didn't eat the food and she gave away the swag to her disinterested family members (that's how we found out)

All that shit happened on Day 1? Geeze, bitches be crazy.
Yeah, it did unfortunately.

The good thing at least though was that it meant we could still salvage most of the con and it turned out to be pretty good.
Because theyre pussies, basically.
NEVER room with:

>Friend of a friend of a friend who smells of cat urine, uses your toiletries without asking, and gets period blood on the toilet seat, hotel towels and bed sheets.

>Underage Friend of a friend who goes to a room party without telling anyone, gets completely shitfaced and almost gets you arrested.

Now I don't let people who I haven't met at least twice stay with me. Because fuck that noise. Never again.
>She was just as curt and formal on the phone with a kind of husky sexy voice I’m sure would have allured me if I wasn’t under the impression the whole thing was going to turn out to be some elaborate joke at my expense…and was attracted to women.

>…and was attracted to women.

>n-n-no h-homo!
More like no hetero. That poster is a gay man.
Someone should cap this shit, it's one of the more interesting ones I've heard in awhile
Wow that amazing woman was totally wasted on you. I say it's always the best things in life that happen to people that can't appreciate it.
>He is an ungrateful little faggot this amazing woman was wasted on his bitch ass.
God fucking dammit I thought at first that he was a girl and that SH was a lesbian.
I don't know what to do with all this confused, tear-flavored jelly

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