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File: 1352922651386.jpg-(117 KB, 427x548, 33a9a919488bd922d53b1f3f1cf88585.jpg)
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Why is Smile Precure chara design so fucking beautiful?
All Pretty Cure designs are beautiful.
No exceptions.
Yes!5 chara designs disagree.
In theory good, in practice Toei skimps on the budget
>>74721657 (OP)
I love March and Beauty designs.
I love his designs. I loved them in Mashiro-Iro and TWGOK. But for some reason I don't find them so good in the actual episodes, maybe it is because Toei's budgeting or something like that. Although all the official art is fucking beautiful.
I think you mean Futari Wa and Splash Star instead of Yes! 5.
Both of those are good too

HER designs.
Why does Yayoi have so many sex partners?
>Not a slut
Pick 1.
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All Precure designs are great.

Except for Yes 5's
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> You know, that Yayoi girl is really popular
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Yes5 designs are cute aside from Komachi., it's the piss poor budget that hurts them most.
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I knew this was coming. ;_;
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Did you preorder me yet /a/?
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That was their intention from day 1. Do you really think that making her a Yellow, which generally is the most popular Cures, a shy otaku, who draws and has almost no confidence on herself a coincidence? As much as I hate using the term Yayoi is Otaku Pandering of the highest caliber.

>Not liking Yes! 5 designs
Fuck you all.
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pls help they said my friends won't be released if I don't sell.
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you call that milking?
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Why would you want those anyway?
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I can stand the hair but the eyes are a dealbreaker. They don't do it for me. Karen's kinda got the same thing but not nearly as bad.
Statues are cool. Not everyone likes to play with toys.
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>Except for Yes 5's
What's wrong with her eyes? She's got that frail, motherly thing going on.
Improper aspect ratio doesn't help.
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> yfw Bandai produces Princess Form Cure Peace and then gives the movie power up to Peace
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I guess I just prefer Nozomi Rin and Urara's. They've got more of a sparkle. I don't really care for Yes5's "mature" eyes.

That too.
>Red Cure
Enjoy your cardboard.
>>Not liking Yes! 5 designs
But they're so terrible. It has that disgusting off-white/beige color that you see in white clothes that haven't been washed properly.
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Hate on Suite all you want, but they had some gorgeous art direction.
>Enjoy your exclusive
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suddenly y5 thread

Nozomi best pink my2c
Why are Yellow Cures so best?
No merchandise out for suite pretty cure whatsoever?
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It's a Shame Suite had an episode budget of 500 yen and a pack of smokes to feed the animators. They were so cute and frilly.
My ranking is Karen > Rin > Komachi > Nozomi > Urara

Not to say those in last are awful since the team as a whole feels a lot more well-rounded compared to Smile's team.
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Good taste.
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I hope you like statues, and I hope you liked Ako, and I hope you like extended shipping times because of holidays.
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At least the stock footage was great. Except for the final group attack.
because its the last thing you'll ever fucking see!

i dunno anon, what do you want me to say?
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Sure, but Figuart Zeroes are shit-tier figures. AlphaOmega or MegaHouse or bust.
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Suite still looks better than Yes! 5 and Fresh ever did.
Show the pussy too.

Also, ZERO Coppe is pretty neat. Comes with those victory faces.
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You may just have a point.
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Why is she such a shitty figure?
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>Rin's face
How can a person draw that and think,

"Yeah, that looks fine."
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Because she was released in a time before the Cure Sunshine figure. Before Bandai's sculptor's learned how to into moe.
oh god those faces
they've got this kigurumi-thousand-yard-murder-stare thing going on
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>Show the pussy too.

They almost added it to the show. Not as puffy, tho.
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But the GoGo figures are actually pretty good aside form the lack of accessories. Passion's just shit and has a tiny face.
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I'm glad they revamped their design in GoGo. It's such a shame that Yes5 was one of the series that got fucked over in terms of animation budget.
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Yuna's skirt is slowly evolving into a Heartcatch skirt.
When you're paid about $3-5 an hour to draw lineart after lineart hundreds of times, I believe you stop giving a shit.
So is Omega now the Yuna show or is it just the only thing people talk about anymore?
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Omega is the child abuse show now. No joke. You tune in to watch 13 year old kids get beaten up by 20-30 year old dudes for 20 minutes.
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So if I liked heartcatch, I would like omega, right?

Not exactly. Completely different, really. Omega is girly shounen, but shounen nonetheless.
i want to lick not-nagisa's salty eyebrows
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T-they're not that salty...

And precure is a show about 14 years old girls get abused by 1000 years creepy alien.
Charts out of date now since GoGo 30 is out.

The only thing I agree with you there is Urara being last. I generally don't like Yellow's as much as the others. Smile too, Yayoi's at the bottom for me but I like her more than Urara.
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They don't get abused nearly as much. Well, they used to in Futar wa and SS, but has gotten a lot tamer.

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