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Hey /cgl/

So I'm torn right now because I usually can't stand LeetStreet Boys music, but I love this song and video they just released. Really speaks to me and reminds me of my girlfriend. What do you think of /cgl/girlfriend?

Does /cgl/ have a girlfriend, or just a fapping hand?
>>6447060 (OP)
what horrible singing voice
/cgl/ is actually mostly female, so I don't think you'd call it a "fapping" hand...
>>6447060 (OP)

the singer is a huge asshole
speaking of fapping...DAT MORRIGAN *UMPH!*
that was the most terrible piece of shit I've ever heard
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To anyone who likes LSB in anyway, shape, or form.
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Thanks OP! Go fuck yourself!
why? other than because he sucks at singing
I always want to go up to these guys when I see them at Dallas cons and ask them if anyone takes their shit music seriously. But I'm not that much of an asshole.
>>6447060 (OP)
I can't fathom a good enough reason to say why I watched this except the subtitles confused me and I needed to see what this song was about.

This song is so shallow and upsetting. This song is just about a guy who got dumped by a jerk of a girl and then she's suddenly jealous because you're happy with a girl who's into things you like? Do you need to write a song that just sounds like you're those stereotypical girls who date new guys just to spite their old boyfriends then make out with them when the ex is around?

I'll never get those minutes back.

To answer OP's topic. I think dating someone who cosplays as well/with you is fun. Another thing that you get to enjoy something together~
the black guy reminds me of Baxter stockman in the new tmnt cartoon

it is entirely too fitting
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>>6447060 (OP)
This shit is so bad it makes me want to die young.

he always goes after jailbait or really busted girls. it's just sad really. i wouldnt be surprised if he already committed statutory rape.
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Sounds to me like he's the Vic Mignona of the music world.
Why so much hate for them? I for one find them to be an awesome band! You all really hate them for a group that represents your culture.
That was horrible but i thought the animation was kinda cute. :u

hahah what the fuck

also OP that song sucked but it was pretty amusing to watch the animation video. god damn that disgusting voice though. and that song was just... urgh
I kept hoping the video would take a bad turn

>I've got a new cosplay girlfriend
>she's so much fun and she's better than you
>I've got a new cosplay girlfriend
>she's into yaoi and she wants to stick it into the place where I poo

followed by awkward crossplay pegging. I think it would give the song a more realistic feel since all girls are fucking crazy.
Dat jacket. I heard he has his own harem of ouran host club cosplayers.
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There's only one other song that, though very ashamed, I remember. Which is "Yuri the only one for me". A song about how the girl you love is just a butt load of video game and anime similes.

You must be joking.

>it was pretty amusing to watch the animation video
Yeah, I'm quite impressed with the up in skill that their animation has gone~
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I don't know abouut the underage girls, but I wouldn't be surprised. I know him and Sephy's Mom had a thing going and that he fucked her. That's probably where your busted girls porition comes in

Nice video! 8/10

nice try you troll

>represent our culture
No. Go read a weaboo horror thread then come back and say all cosplayers are made equal.
Also you reek of someone who needs to lurk the fuck more.

You reek of someone who doesn't get laid you FUCK! Eat shit and die.
>15 seconds in
>protag devastated to hear "let's just be friends"
>implying a woman telling you she wants to be your friend means you've lost her and she isn't useful

Wow nope not even watching it ironically.
wuss, also moralfag
>hurr friendzone isn't real
Either you are a cunt or just a fucking idiot.
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>"Never want to talk to you again"
>"But lets still be friends."

I love how the lead singer represents himself as this young ~*kawaii*~ teenager, but in reality he's like a 30+ creep in a really shitty wig.
Also, can't you just be genuinely happy with your new girlfriend and not base your entire relationship around getting back at your ex?
why are you in this thread so much
why are you so invested
Why can't you syntax or punctuate?
Why are you so underdeveloped in the English language?
How the fuck did that get over 6 million views?
Anyway, is this song an accurate representation of /cgl/ ?
oh god
dis bitch
Calling someone "useful" doesn't sound particularly moral, it sounds like he's going to move onto one of her friends.
i don't think you're supposed to take them seriously
i mean, all their subject matter isn't very... serious

also from the sound of things i think it was best that i left my system muted
>hurr hurr friend-zone is real

Welp, my opinion of you just changed for the worse.
Don't infest the integrity of /cgl/ with this shit please :(
Eh...it can't be any worse than their 'She's So Kawaii' song.

I think there singer is tone deaf. Still.
Thats because you are a beta or a woman.

Its not like anyone should like smoker anyway.
I saw these guys "in concert" once. (I was 'con photographer')



Oh my god what did I just watch?
I'm honestly surprised this is still a thing.

This group is from like 2005 or something right?

Eh, the song's alright though but their anime style videos are a bit cringeworthy
The biggest mistake of your life.
get a glass of milk and go back to bed
LeetStreet Boys 4 ever!
Sweet Jesus, I am both relieved and confused that I have never heard of these people before. This is awful.
"hari hari yuki"? What ind of weebs are these?

Nice comeback FAGGOT! Only took you 40 minutes!
That captcha took forever.

Probably because they were busy doing other things and didn't consider your post important to get back to? It's probably not even the same person. Meanwhile you were clearly obsessively monitoring the thread, waiting for their response. Nice going.
sephys mom has got it goin on

You have it backwards smoker, the people who believe in friendzone are the betas. More accurately, the betas who don't think women are people but still can't succeed in dating any of them.
The betas are the ones who don't acknowledge the friend zone but are in it unknowingly. Those who understand the friendzone are less likely to continue a relationship where one is it it.
Isn't there an image shot of the band not handling criticism well? I've read somewhere that it happened.
The average person while listening to LeetStreet Boys

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>hare hare yukai
>pronounces it hari hari yuki
I was friends with the girl I am currently dating. Friendzone isn't a real thing, it's just something that undatable people use to convince themselves that they'd have a shot with any girl and blame an external factor of social dynamics (getting zoned) over their own shortcomings as far as to why people don't find themselves romantically compatible with themselves and to understand why they can't "weasel in" to a womans romantic interest through friendship. It's because they are undatable to begin with, not because some social dynamic of friendship with a woman makes her unable to see you in romantic terms and imply that had she not been friends with you, you would have a chance at being with her romantically.

It's also troublingly sexist to imply that a woman's friendship is less valuable than her romantic partnership but that's an issue for another day.

It would be more bearable if the entire song wasn't "MY HOT NERD GF IS BETTER THAN YOU"

Also looking at the band's portrayals in their videos makes me wonder what they actually look like. They make themselves all kawaii and sparkly and shit.

I actually find the girl in that song to be really cute and a somewhat accurate representation of casual female weeaboos (minus the cute, in some cases)
But oh god those lyrics. I've seen some shit.
>song about cosplay girlfriend
>hardly any anime-related cosplays featured
The times, they are a-changing.

I didn't post that sick zinger, but the newfag needs to take their ritalin.
That is horrible, not their worst, but god damn they're trying

I nominate this for this http://pastebin.com/RuUzt5i7
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Its not avatar fagging
I just got a thing
for the most handsome man that ever did sing
and don't report me too soon for the post is sending
Oh the times they are a changing.

Your Right. I don't...wat?
the "band" is one guy, the main singer guy who is +30
Also can't believe this hasn't been posted yet.

Superior waifu song
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This is what they actually look like.
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This is how they draw themselves.

My sides.
So? Also, pretty sure they played live at a con, but I didn't actually go to it so I don't know if it was just one guy with a random backup or what.
K, here's my problem with LSB.

The music videos look cool.

But the music is not good. It has a LOT of -potential- but seriously, it's 3 minutes of heavily autotuned male vocals. Mix in just 60 seconds of clean female vocals (think any rap song that's got a female chorus) into any of their songs and suddenly you've got 10x better music. It's really hard to take so much tenor-male-autotune nonstop.

You cant into music or math.
What's this fuss all about?
It sounds like any other anime song.
I like the animation a lot too!
So wait, she has a bunch of different wigs for all these different characters, yet every single time she has those two stripes in her hair?
OMG, it's all genetics! You act like you never seen it before! Read a book dweeb.
Lol. My maths.
The hair reminds me of Twilight Sparkle.
Catchy music, I dig it!
typical nerds
I am sick and had to literally fight the urge to vomit while watching this.
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>/a/ - oingo boingo - little girls
so good
so much superior drummer.
Oh that's just too perfect
I've been laughing for 5 minutes straight
>implying girls can't be alone
Get out you misogynistic sell-out 'special snowflake' desperate for attention underage cancer.

I wish you were raped by your beloved neckbeard virgin misogynists.
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>>6447060 (OP)
Oh my god, this is a lot worse than I imagined. I know the band is shit but this is their worst work yet. The lyrics, the vocals, the music, the EVERYTHING.
Actually, they just hire an outside animator to do the animation for the videos. It's not someone in their band.
>Friendzone isn't a real thing

Except friendzoning is a real thing. If you believe that a man can take too long to admit his feeling sfor a girl, then you believe in the friendzone.

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