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Do you know of any super-skinny charcters to cosplay as, /cgl/? There don't seem to be that many iconic bean-poles, and the only one I have a picture of is Woody.
Lemongrab from adventure time. I'd love to see that done well.
slondermin - he is a meme
Anything CLAMP related.
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Jack Skellington
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>No Lupin
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Came in here to suggest this guy
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CLAMP male characters tend to be very skinny. Try Watanuki?
Pretty much any guy from Code Geass.
Lelouch should work.
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Please don't.

The Warden from Superjail on the other hand...
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Scarecrow from Batman.
you know he isnt always lean and tall really, his designs and looks changes constantly as all comic villians do.
Also, nice job on the cosplay but that guy really needs to work out before doing this
If tall, Faust (Guilty Gear).
If short, Laharl.
>>6445803 (OP)
Every animu ever?
You could try Nami from One Piece.
Perhaps I should rephrase it; Western characters, I don't watch a lot of anime.
Also Faust from Shaman King.
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Anyone drawn by CLAMP. Dem noodles.
I think you mean basically everyone from One Piece
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Plasticman perhaps
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Not my cosplay, just one I had saved a while back. It bothers me when they do re-designs that don't play into his unnatural thinness. It's the whole meaning behind his moniker.
Off the top of my head.
Watanuki Kimihiro (xxxHolic)
Kyoya Ootori (Ouran)

From a search:
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Anyone from Nana or Paradise Kiss. They're all betti spaghetti's, just take your pic.
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judge death, or any of the dark judges
Just about any young male from any of CLAMP's works.
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That... makes me want to read comics.
You totally should most of Judge Dredd is still up on /rs/.
Judge Dredd? YES.

You should see the movie that came out this year. It was great, though it didn't rate well Stateside because a lot of people didn't realize it was a satire. It also didn't get much views because those that are into Dredd have seen the 80s/90s version and thought it would be the same. Hooo, boy. It wasn't. It was glorious.
The new Dredd movie actually got really good ratings.

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