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I saw this book being pushed on one of my LJ groups. What do we think of it?
If you need to buy a book to get cosplay ideas you're doing it wrong
It should be more of a cosplay photobook. People love Cosmode and other cosplay mags with photos and some tutorials but marketing this as an idea book seems kind of silly.
What gets me is I saw the authors of this book on a ton of boards looking for people to submit photos, tutorials and all that. When I asked how much they would pay for contributing to the book they said nothing. So they get payed for the work every one else submits to the book...great.... no. That is why I did not send anything in as they are ripping off other peoples work to make a buck.
I was provisionally accepted to be in it and I'm glad I researched before making my decision because this is true, none of the people featured in the book are being paid. The vast majority of the "ideas" in this book are submissions of cosplay photography and neither the cosplayers or photographers are making any money off of it. I retracted my submission because the idea of a couple of people making money off of the hard work of hundreds of cosplayers and photographers did not sit well with me.

It's like if you wanted to sell a photo book and just filled it with pictures from google images.
They are offering a 50% discount to buy the book for those in it. It is a VERY common scam in the modeling community. It's called a look book. Most of the people who buy it are IN the book.
Sorta but not really surprised to see Yaya on the cover. She may not "profit" from it monetarily but it still makes her feel relevant.
A friend of mine is the one doing this book. How dare you guys hold your noses up at him. You have no clue who he is. For shame! You are petty as hell, if you are in this for the money, well then you are in the wrong.

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