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boardtan thread

post pics
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>>6428860 (OP)
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>mfw /tv/ is known as the pedo board
>mfw no one wants to cosplay /tv/ because of that
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>>6428860 (OP)

God, why does every generic dready whiteboy have to live on the other side of the country as me, fuck. And why can't they like short stocky pseudo tranies instead of tatted up kat-von-d lookalikes ;-;
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where do you live?
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Florida. In all my 20 years in my city I have only seen 2 non black male dreadies. One was like 13 and the other was just traveling.
Does he even fucking lift?
>not a chick walking around with a strap on hanging out of her skirt implying she's a futa

Idiots don't know how to board-tan.
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i used to live near boulder, co.
you may think that white people dreads look good from afar, but the majority of white people that wear dreads are abhorrent.

I just like the ones that are skinny stoner dumbasses. Dreads on white boys that aren't a rat's nest turn me on so hard and I don't even understand why. Oh well, long hair on guys is my fallback, which is slightly less rare.
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/fit/-player brings me shame.
>tfw you cosplayed as /new/ during Otakon and nobody recognized you

Still fun as hell though. Somebody thought I was an actual press member.
>male /a/
>/v/ with sandals and socks
please tell me the bald fat fuck is /ic/
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Oh look, it's ATIWAB's daughter posting on /cgl/.
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hehehe the actual little seagull is cute
Can we get some of the board-tan designs in here?
Do ALA board tans have any hope at all?
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What the fuck is voldemort suppose to be?
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>still using the old one
actually, the "newest" one has 4x4 boxes in it, with some fugly tranny for /po/

but I only care about the original, so go yiff yourself
those /jp/'s are fakes
no true jp browser would post his picture without his waifu accompanying him
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why would i take a picture of animate objects?

that makes no sense
>/vp/ sign
>as if Voldie doing /vp/ isn't obvious
Come on mag.
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I will post a few pictures I like
Love this picture.

It is.
who's /sp/
as the generic dreaded whiteboy in question, i can say that i am not rasta in anyway,
i got dreads cause rob zombie was my hero when i was kid,
and Kat is good looking,
but i always liked pixie more, and the brazilian girl that tattooed me when i was at the shop was hotter than both of them combined
enzo i do believe
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>>6428860 (OP)
This makes me miss my dreadlocks.
my hair dreads all the time naturally because its so damn curly
I took to straightening mine when I hit seventeen, it was fun while it lasted though. Going to the beach was a cunt though.
joke's on you, my waifu is always with me in my heart
How do you keep it from frizzing up when you sweat?
I keep straightening mist and a comb with me. Damn it I am a heterosexual man.
Tailed fine tooth, I recommend metal if your hair is as thick as mine. I need to go eat a steak and kick a retriever or something.
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"I'm always watching"
Oh u, /b/
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it's doing a lot better than I thought it would, originally it was just gonna be me, desu & pals derping around ALA
That's cool. Who's in the group for sure?
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Masao, Pantsunugerumon, Desu, Kuromu, me, MrFreeman, DrScientist, Obasu, Nekomimi, Scriptfag, Deadmau5, Heysus, lolchaos, Moose, Shannon

there's still a bunch of people I need to check in with too
/sp/ is so hot

closely followed by /fit/

rest is shit

how would you like a slightly muscular short haired hardcore tomboy that doesn't wear makeup and fucks like a demon? Hypothetically speaking.
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sage for self post but here is my /k/
it hasn't really been seen much except for me all hunched over in the group shots
it was pretty last minute but fun to wear
still think this one is hella cute
well done !
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>trigger discipline done correctly
I am proud
i'm from /k/ and i think it's hilarious the way the board exploded when your pics were posted.

i could nitpick a lot of things with both your costume and with your props, but overall it shows effort and it seems like you had fun.
they are just jealous cause they don't have qt /k/ gf
mmmm /sp/
hey mister, i meant no offense to you- though i can understand how generalizing that statement was. the truth is most white people with dreads aren't as handsomu as you are, and the ones i've met tend to use their hair to promote an image of a particular lifestyle. please carry on with your own; they look clean and well-kept.

-swoons- I have such a big crush on /jp/. They're great people.
Sup You-whatever-was-your-trip.
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>>6428860 (OP)
whenever i see this /tg/ this is the only connection my mind wants to draw.
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Hey, hey /tg/-bro...

He is gonna cosplay that I think
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>dat girl in the rainbow socks

gibbe more
How would a girl go upon cosplaying /tg/?
I was considering it, but I'm honestly drawing a blank here.
get fat and grow a neckbeard
Just show up in plainclothes and slap a /tg/ tag somewhere. Worked for half of these so-called 'board-tans'.
jealous fatty confirmed
hey let's see your board-tan!

>"Bag of Holding" messenger's bag
>Requisite shitty-ass long hair
>Angry Marines t-shirt
>Terrible game system

/tg/-man's costume has enough references in OP's picture, pal. Assuming he couldn't bring a butter golem, obviously.

There's no picture of me but I'm from /tv/
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That /jp/ guy looks like a fucking retard.
Why would you bump a completely pointless thread?
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those fucking socks
it should be a federal mandate that all girls wear thigh highs all day every day
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All girls?
man, fuck her for having that dress. i wanted it so badly...
is there a taobao knockoff now?
That's supposed to be a dress?
I bet if she stands up straight half her ass sticks out

it really just looks like a big shirt on her
You tell me!
Its kinda like a shirt dress, it think its long enough to be a dress just not on her lol
Looks like a pretty generic dress.
the candy hearts dont say typical things like xoxo and be mine, it says stuff like drop dead and blow me
that guy shouldn't have been /fit/

no i'm asian myself. no i dont dl 500lbs. i'm only 5'10. it's just he seemed too small for stereotypical /fit/.
it has sweetheart candy on it. I haven't seen forever21 knock it off yet, so it can't be that generic. Looking for a taobao knockoff now
report back if you find anything!
Still better than Lyper, I guess.
Dis is gonna be great. Prolly gonna cause a shitstorm again tho.
I'm excited to see it.
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What's a terrible photo
>closet cosplays.jpg

Peopleon /cgl/ are the worst cosplayers.
My other costume at that con was about three months of work. But yeah, god forbid we ever cosplay something with a simple design.
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>outfit bad enough that no one mentions it, but not so horrifying as to specifically get picked out

Looks like i'll be making it through another board-tan thread unscathed, this thing will haunt us until the end of days. I think the moral of the story is that the people who were lacking in cosplay knowledge really brought down the rest of the group, and it makes me feel pretty badman. The fact that so many of the boards are tough to personify was added difficulty. If we had really gone over the top it might have been a better presentation, but we relied too heavily on comics/fanart for some of the more mundane boards.

do you still hang around here~? how does it feel being immortalized on 4chan?
Are you a cosplayer or lolita?
Don't let it bother you, dude. Boardtans had fun, rest of 4chan is mad, no biggie :3
bump for more
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i must remain pure for my waifu
>pic related
that is why im cosplaying him
ive played, never got huge into it though,
doesnt give as many chances to be evil as d&d does
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Shut the fuck up Canadian filth.

Your cancerous country killed this board. I've always been saying we should invade and annex Canada. It's not like they could resist us for longer than 2 days, as they cannot even live without watching our superior TV channels.
Not who you're replying to, but a knock off isn't up on e-bay either. Entered a few terms and nothing remotely similar popped up.
>do you still etc etc
Dude wtf. Who do you think you are talking to?
and why didn't you sage? Faggot.
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>>6428860 (OP)
moar of her
Show me!

(I'd search, but I have no idea what brand it is and I can't even tell what the cut is on her)
Fucking newfags. It's a guy.
thank you! I think I had more fun in my /k/ costume than any other costume this year, haha. It's not perfect, I could nitpick at it myself. Half my props came from our family range and the other half came from the dollar store.
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do you have a bf? I think you're cute
Moar pics of pink hair shinobi maid
No. Go home vendetta chan.
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>>6428860 (OP)
I still really like this photo
I wish everyone as a group took more in-character photos
Canadian attention whore bumps Canadian attention whoring thread.

More at 11.
>Not using Ennui for /fit/
Get it together faggot. He's our rep to you guys.
You don't get to choose your representatives.
>>6428860 (OP)
>bag of holding
I want one
as do I,
you are super kawaii in it
i got minr from thinkgeek

we should do more sometime
I already threw away my /fa/ costume. Sorry.
Pink hair French maid so kawaii
More pics please
What is her name I must know
Thinly veiled vendetta/10
ATIWAB is the only /fit/fag posting here outside of the "u merlin" raids, so no. And he promised to cosplay. One day... perhaps. I ain't even seen /r9k/ on /r9k/ but I guess he's from there, cos he looks like a transsexual, and that's what /r9k/ is about right? Original stories? Including trans who now feel like they made a wrong decision?
Who cares for all those words.

Please show us pictures.
Oh what? I don't believe you could have seen one but not the other, you're probably a troll / Ennui himself.
....A lot of us don't browse fit every day?
Maybe THAT'S why we haven't seen whoever you are talking about. I've never even heard their names.
Yeah, and that's why you're so moist from just hearing the name.

3/10, >>>/fit/ Ennui, no getting dick wet today.
I don't think you understand the concept of "anonymous," bud. I'm not the person you replied to in >>6437803

I asked you to show pictures. Never said a preference for Ennui. Never mentioned any names.

I think you have a serious complex hun.
Sup Ennui.
>concept of anonymous
Aka dropping trip, L.O.L.
u tell em m8
The pathetic is strong in this one.

Please, please go back to fit. Damn you guys are annoying. Why even bother coming here? If when we talk to you, you just start accusing us of being someone from fit? Do you know how stupid that makes you look?

Well someone clearly has their panties in a knot over Ennui.
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Yesh more of her
Can we go back to what I was requesting before /Fit/ Faggot of the Year claimed I was Ennui? PICTURES OF CUTE FIT GUYS! We need to determine a new potential /fit/ mascot.
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Take your vendetta and get the fuck out.
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Nope, fuck off /fit/, no one gives two shits about you.
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Did anyone else think about how she must have walked there in shoes, therefore she took them off, therefore her socked feet are probably warm and slightly damp with sweat, therefore I want to put my face on them?

I also want to lick the insoles of her shoes.
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I have special eyes.
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I love it
>>6428860 (OP)
What the fuck is boardtan?
We know Todd. We know.
The link is not working what is it
Haha, no I don't. Thanks!
Oh god, that picture. I look huge, what with the baggy pants and being compared to piplup.
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I have building up my folder for this day..
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I have some general /cgl/ art too
omg. Piplup.
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I plan to get a costume like this one day...
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>i must remain pure for my waifu
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fucking todd in /fa/

fuck no, knoch is the one and hes better looking than all those fags by miles
who are /v/ and /a/?
IDK who that is but he seems like a tryhard fag. Todd seems chill as fuck.

I don't know who you are but you definitely didn't browse /fa/

Right. Seen him IRL? No? Then shut up.
Knochen doesn't browse /fa/ and hasn't posted in almost a year now though and doesn't give a shit about the tripfag drama here or elsewhere.

Knoch is chill as fuck too, stop your pissing contest.
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Is todd on this? No? I wonder why. Maybe because he has nothing to do with /fa/?

if you want some gay asian to be the /fa/tan let it be /fa/scist at least
man it's like 50/50 of totally ugly to godlike perfection
that's why I said you didn't browse /fa/ sure he doesn't trip or even post there anymore but he was a popular tripfag for a few years

I'm not the one arguing with you dipshit. I browse /fa/ one the regular since 09
Welp I screwed up. I forgot the quotation marks. Sorry for that dude.
No. You don't get to pick what you like and don't like.

That's the point of board tans to begin with. They're supposed to offend their home board as much as possible. Newfag.
So cgl should be PT? Or Venus? Dakota?
PT. Only PT. The other two have nothing to do with this board.
why so much drama? they are just wearing silly costumes

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