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Are there any other brolita out there? I'm beginning to feel quite left out :(
there all dead
...well that's unfortunate.
Definitely all dead and none around the UK (Scotland)? It's getting quite annoying not having anyone else to talk to. I mean yeah there's all the Lolita but for once it'd be good to kick about with someone who knew what I was on about...ya know?
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fb.com/ ivie loli
it need more make up
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We had a brolita/aspiring brolita thread only yesterday, should still be around and not very far back.
I'm 100% fine with male to female transexuals wearing lolita, but I hate the idea of 'brolitas' because 9/10 they look just like they're wearing costume, they're not women (and I don't even mean just by physical body, I don't believe that defines a woman) they are men in a 'costume'.

There's one brolita I've ever known to wear it well and he looks great because he has the body type to pull it off, but let's face it, most men do not.

You look stupid as fuck.
>that feel when i'll never be a cute lolita
Join the club.
Then wear something else , you fucking faggot.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thanks! I'll take a look for it just now ^^
pics & page are not me

I'm a real woman
thank god
The Chicago lolitas banned men from their facebook group. Transphobic asshattery.
Sure smells like brolitajenny in here...
You're just getting equal treatment. If you were a girl, we'd still say you look like an ita.
Theres 2 in my comm. Ones active in the group but rather ita..the other is a gawgous 30 something who never goes to meets because of the decade age gap with the majority & the nonexistance of goth fans.
Do you date girls? Email?
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I find it retarded cute for some reason. Everyone post pictures.
so cute

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