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On Sunday night I hosted the second 4chan Q&A/PMQ session here. Thanks everyone for contributing 4,000 posts and hanging out for 7.5 hours—it was fun and I hope it was informative/entertaining.

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I have gotten direct approval from Moot to make this thread. He requested it be e-mailed to him when it has adequate responses, so please be civil and articulate if this is an issue that concerns you.

There has been a lot of discussion lately on /q/ and in the current q&a concerning what content is allowed on /cgl/ and what is not. /cgl/ as it stands pertains to only two niche Japanese fashion subcultures. It seems to be a bit of an unspoken rule that /cgl/ has adapted many of the other j-fashion subculture threads that /fa/ apparently does not tolerate. However, these threads are inherently off-topic and as it stands technically do belong elsewhere. A recent purging of these kinds of threads (along with general skin care/personal beauty threads) have left a number of users upset, with requests to officially expand the allowable content of /cgl/ to include j-fashion in general.

Do you want j-fashion threads in /cgl/? Why or why not?

Please note that changing the name of the board or creating a new one is not an option and never will be. This thread is to simply address whether the majority of /cgl/ would be happy or upset to include other Japanese fashion subcultures as official in-the-rules on-topic discussion, or whether they belong somewhere else.
if this is really from moot directly as a thing why isn't a sticky?

anyway- there is no where else J-fashion threads are acceptable. it's common knowledge /fa/ has zero interest in them, and it makes sense for them not to. j-fashion isn't fashion for the real world, even in Japan it's seen as something teenagers or weird people do.
j-fashion threads should 100% be allowed.

as for skin care and stuff, i don't really think that belongs here. i mean, i love those threads, but they aren't related.
but i don't know where else it would go. there is no "beauty" bored. /fa/ is the closest to that, we're a close second, but neither is technically right.
There are certain things that may be considered "off-topic" for a board but are constructive and cause more help and tie-in to board-related things. Examples of this would be otome threads, pre-con beauty regimens/make-up threads with cosplay or lolita-inspired looks, and lolita polyvore threads. Examples of this would NOT be "proud Asian cosplayer" threads, basic girl hygiene/fashion/intimate threads (started by /r9k/-trolls or otherwise), and gossiping about random tumblr-users.

It's a fine line, but I would venture to say that certain other j-fashions are board-related because they share certain aesthetics as lolita.
>I have gotten direct approval from Moot to make this thread. He requested it be e-mailed to him when it has adequate responses, so please be civil and articulate if this is an issue that concerns you.

Proof please. Why you and not a mod?
I don't know how I feel about them, I like a jfashion thread here and there but I would hate if there was a flood.

I think this board however would benefit from clear and consise rules/guidelines of what CAN and CAN NOT be posted, that way you can stop some of the cosplayers bitching about the lolita threads not being on topic etc. like the kpop shit for example, someone said a mod said they were allowed ONE thread, but I couldn't find any rule or anything about it.
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Because he is busy and/or this is not a pressing issue for him. As proof here is him asking me on AIM to make this thread.

Read the Q&As. No one is saying this post is from Moot or he forced it, he didn't believe there were enough people who wanted J-fash stuff on here and OP is showing him the audience for it in this thread.
I think since there's no place for general care threads they should go here. Skincare threads occasionally pop up in /fa, but they're more geared towards men, make-up is a thing of it's own. Since alot of lolitas have wear/ are interested in J-fashion as well those threads also belong here.
I want J-fashion on here, and they need to stop deleting the beauty topics too!
Adding to that, most of the threads that aren't WAYWT are aimed towards men's fashion,
Since /fa/ is fairly useless if you don't have a penis or a Hitler youth haircut, I'd say yes. J-fashion hits a demographic that isn't mainstream enough for /fa/. We already talk about one Japanese fashion here, why not accept the other, "less" popular J-fashions? If everything is contained and remains fairly less shit-posty, alright.

I second what Spooky says about make-up threads. They aren't terribly relevant, but this is probably the most female heavy board on 4chan, make-up threads are even less relevant everywhere else.
I think j-fashion threads should be allowed.

I mean, lolita is a j-fashion, as I said over on q, why is lolita on this board and all other j-fashions sent over to /fa/ where they are not wanted?

I also want makeup threads to stay. Makeup is a really important part of cosplay and lolita.
what the fuck is mootchat?

it's obvious troll threads should not be allowed. we need actual mods here who are here constantly, not just responding to random reports.
however, if "pre-con beauty" is allowed general hygiene will have to be too. as some people will say it's for con related for them. i don't believe there is any weekend without a convention happening.

i agree with this. i also don't understand why /cgl/ treats lolita like it's not on topic so much, it's literally the other half of the title.

k-pop doesn't make sense for why it's allowed. i have never been to /mu/ though. but still like, that's not even fashion related at all
>but they wear cute clothes
then allow k-fashion as well. but k-pop discussion belongs on /mu/
Mods are global.
Janitors are individual.
Get it right already spooky.
omg i'm sorry
it's like 3am
and i wanted to go to bed an hour ago
but Zombie U is downloading
I would really like an official OK for j-fashion threads because the strict focus on ONLY lolita and cosplay encourages crappy threads about lolcows who are only related because they call themselves lolitas and/or cosplayers.

Not saying that this can't happen with j-fashion, but I feel like if we add another topic that can be here, people will be less bored and less prone to make drama threads. (Maybe I'm just naive...)

Also /fa/ doesn't want j-fashion and I can't justify making a straight up /jfa/ because it would be pretty dead.

I like the beauty/skin care threads because ultimately I think that it's relevant for cosplay purposes. They have been extremely helpful for me and I feel like my make up technique for pictures is a lot better than what it was before.
Mootchat is moot's AIM handle.
mootchat is moot's official aim sn. And by general hygiene, I meant more or less avoiding a shitposty "hurrdurr cgl girls are so gross, stuff comes out of their vaginas!!" thread masquerading as a general hygiene thread.
what a silly screen name

this is actually like a good point, i don't know why i didn't think about this.
a lot of people use their real hair for cosplay and lolita so hair threads are legit. same for makeup, your face is part of the costume.

how have circle lens threads done? because those should be super allowed.
trolls will be trolls. you can't avoid them. there will always be someone to say your vagina is gross for discharging.
I'd like it if they were allowed.
I think general j-fashion goes well with /cgl/ and is definitely not welcome on /fa/. I'd like to have it as on-topic for /cgl/.

Also agreeing with that hair and makeup threads are actually /cgl/ relevant (because if you're cosplaying or wearing alternative fashion, you need to be wearing makeup and styling hair or wigs), but that general "lol y are u so gross" hygiene threads are not relevant. I also agree that things like gyaru and mori girl and whatnot are far superior to threads about random "lolcows" who happen to... cosplay or wear lolita. I'd rather have general Asian fashion be on-topic than general mocking of people who have an interest in /cgl/ type things.

I'd also like more deletion of /pol/ and /fit/ and /r9k/ trolls.
j-fashion threads. yay.
I'm with this anon. Honestly? I tried /fa/ Bland styles, in the end, weren't my speed, and that's all /fa/ does, with a huge emphasis on male style. I think J-Fashion threads would be pretty lively here and it's not a far stretch away from /cgl/ as it is. Hell, we already dip into it now and then.
I don't think that was their point.
Allow these:
>j fashion
>johnny bravo
>beauty, make up, skin and hair care
>asking about how to dress up or match outfits.
>photoshopping threads

Stop these:
>tfw no gf, how do pussies smell
>/fit/ here why do you not have a bf
>all women are sluts
>all cosplayers or lolitas are sluts
I would love for there to be a female version of the /fa/ board made. We have /s/ and /hm/ gender segregated for our NSFW body talk, but for some reason the SFW body talk is not divided in such a way. The lack of a /fem/ board is why /cgl/ gets so much offtopic discussion. All the girl talk gets directed at /cgl/ as it's the only female-centric board and the boy's clubs on the other boards throw shitfits and spam you out.

If the creation of a new board is completely off the table, then yes, expand the board topic of /cgl/ to include different kinds of fashion, beauty, makeup, hairstyles, etc. Here is the only place you can have relatively troll-free and reasonable discussion on those subjects.
This too. Can we please get /fit/ and /fa/ the fuck out of here? I'm sick of "lol what did Tumblr do today, SJW suck". They are so fucking off topic and bring out the worst people on the fucking planet.
yes. i second this motion.

makes a good point, all that tumblr stuff and other random shit is because girls have like two options- /cgl/ and /soc/ otherwise it's a main dominated board to the point where if they know you're female they will just disregard you completely.
Absolutely yes. There has been a decrease in Lolitas and a lot more interest in other japanese fashion in general recently, and frankly I don't see how a fairy-kei thread or a gyaru thread or anything else is different than a lolita thread.
/fa/ doesn't accept it. /jp/ doesn't accept it. /cgl/ is the only place where people are actually interested in it. It makes sense to expand the rules.

Would also be okay with a board that allows japanese and korean fashion and music. Since we post about these things all the time it would probably be at least somewhat active.
also seconding this. I think a /fem/ would be fantastic, although I'd be worried that it would be a target for trolls.
Creating a /fem/ board has been discussed before on /q/ and is not an option.
>johnny bravo

I still don't get why he was banned/driven out. Yeah, his posts were roleplaying/avatarfagging and on the surface might seem to be pointless, but his threads were geared specifically towards talking about cosplay, self posting your cosplays, upcoming plans, basically encouraging lots more original and board-relevant content to be posted. JB threads were some of the most productive I've ever seen and actively made the community a more positive place by telling people they were making a good effort and their cosplay was appreciated.
I'm curious as to why but I feel like I know the answer, and that's so fuckin sad.
which is why i say we need more /janitors/ who are actually involved in this board. so we know what is and isn't actually part of "/cgl/ culture" and what's stupid vendetta-fagging or trolling.
I think we need a 'girls general' board to keep cgl on topic.
Otherwise make /Fa/ stop being dicks about j-fashion, makeup and lenses ect
Agreed. A lot of people self posted in there without fear of being ridiculed which I thought was fantastic.
Then /cgl/ should be expanded as a board to contain all aspects of female presentation as well, then. Unless moot wants to try and change /fa/ to be gender neutral (practically impossible) then /cgl/ is literally the only board where it could be successfully discussed, and is already discussed here with some frequency/acceptance.
That's a horrible idea. The idea of 4chan is based off of anonymity. If Moot were to bring on a /fem/ board that concept would be ruined, not only that, but 4chan is rife with misogyny. There is no way in hell it would be able to survive without massive hoards trolling the board. Even /cgl/ has it from time to time, but we have enough in common with the other boards that it isn't all THAT bad.

Basically, making a /fem/ board would just be like sticking a target on your back and asking beta men to pick on you.
Can you tell him to make some sort of key word thread search for each board?
That way when people want say a progress or taobao thread in /cgl/ or ex: waifu thread in /a/ they can just search for the key word and the threads with those key words will pop up or something
which just makes the process easier than sifting through 10+pages to see if there's already a thread about whatever
I say the general skincare/beauty threads are relevant to this board.

As for J-fashion, fine with that.
Yeah. How would one become a /janitor/?
Let's be real, /cgl/ doesn't get the rampant misogyny threads from time to time. That shit's like everyday. ALL the time. I can only imagine how awful it would be on an outwardly female oriented board.
Yes for J-fashion, this board is already meant for lolita, what's wrong with expanding it for all j-fashions?

I'd also like the makeup/skincare threads to stay as well, I enjoyed them a lot and they are essential for lolita and cosplay as well. I've learned and given advice from those threads and they've always been really great, and usually keep on topic pretty well.
But people can do that by going to archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl

Maybe it should be mentioned in the sticky that this can be used to search...

But applications are currently closed.
>The idea of 4chan is based off of anonymity.

I don't get what about a /fem/ board makes you think that there won't be anonymity? It will basically be what's already on /cgl/ but without people saying "this is not board relevant". (Has anyone bought this hair product before? Any tips for buying/applying BB cream? Co-ord thread, WAYWT thread, etc.)

And yes, creating a girl's board will make morons go crazy and start spamming. That's why mods and janitors exist. Every board gets spammed from time to time and solutions have been made. /mlp/ was a massive target when first made, now it's carrying on pretty well. /vp/ initially had lots of NSFW material posted on it, they did a big purge and set down firm rules, and shitposters eventually gave it up. It's infuriating that females existing should be a "controversial" topic at all, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried at least once.
.....sure, why not? Beats seeing WAYWT and PT threads every other day.
Sorry OP, but I don't think J-fashion belongs here.

I think /fa/ should have to take it.
Honestly, it happens on every board where a female makes herself present. Either way a /fem/ board would be just awful.
second this

A /fem/ board would be nothing but a tripfag/namefag popularity contest filled with the most annoying edgy 'ermagerd im on da 4chans and im a gurl~! worship me!' types.

/cgl/ does okay because it has a purpose, cosplay and lolita. If you just make a board where girls have nothing to talk about, it's gonna turn into a shit hole the likes of which /b/ probably wouldn't even believe. Besides, girls don't need attention JUST for being girls and on 4chan. If they can't find a hobby that is relevant to any of the boards then they can just go back to tumblr.
Sorry to repeat myself, but board creation and/or extreme suggestions that would change the board entirely are not feasible and will not happen. /fem/ will not happen and is a bad idea for every reason you can think of. Changing /cgl/ to something of a "girl exclusive board" would make as much sense as changing /fa/ into /male/. My assumption is that a positive result from this thread will at the most add a "other j-fashions are okay too" rule to the board that will give janitors and users better guidelines on what is acceptable content here.
Technically /fa/ should be moderated properly to allow topics of beauty and the like to be discussed there.
On the other hand, can OP report back to moot with PLEASE CLARIFY OUR BOARD RULES AND ENFORCE THEM. #2 and #3 being in direct contradiction of each other invites ambiguity and confusion as to what is actually allowed, and whatever mod/janitor we've been assigned is doing a piss poor job of managing these threads. Ashley gets deleted and three threads of PT stay, threads carry on alright for hours or days before suddenly being nuked, OPs are irregularly banned and given wildly varying reasons for the ban, etc.

Either drama is allowed, or it is not. This matter really needs to be decided and set in stone. I know moot likes to be lul so funneh and do silly things like party hats, putting music on and changing the board names/descriptions, but the rules should be a serious matter.
It would be like a mix of /soc/, /fa/ and /b/. Creating a board for girls is like creating a club that says NO BOYS ALLOWED.
/fa/ knows nothing about J-fahion.

We are cosplayers and lolitas. I'm sure that a lot of us wear, or at least know about, J-Fashion.

Either it goes here or gets its own board. But I don't think giving it to /fa/ would help anyone.

I feel like janitors/mods should channel all their focus into getting rid of the troll manbabies' shit everywhere and we shouldn't overwhelm them with changing the rules because they obviously can't even handle the board as it is currently.
Annnd it's already started.
Please allow J-fashion and makeup/hair threads.
/cgl/ has developed it's own board culture that includes these.
Isn't Johnny Bravo a bit redundant when we have compliments sandwich threads. Those threads you would get more compliments from everyone who posted as opposed to JB
I honestly never liked the drama. It shits up this board quickly, and then since everyone is in a "fuck you all" mood people don't feel safe posting things for critique.
Well, shit. That sucks.
We're not asking for /cgl/ to be a girl exclusive board. We're asking for it to be a clearly girl INCLUSIVE board, seeing as pretty much every other board is a boy's-club-no-girls-allowed zone.

Hair cutting, styling, dying. Makeup choices, where to purchase, how to apply. Contact lenses. Wigs. Jewellry. Dress general threads. Coordination threads. Room decoration. Body shapes, face shapes and what styles match you. General fashion stuff like reputable suppliers, how to use certain websites (taobao needing guides in particular), what are you expecting in the mail, I've just seen this particular item put up and know the community is interested in it. All of these threads and more are not technically /cgl/ related but this is currently the only place where they can thrive. There is a demand for a place to put this kind of material - if it's not gonna be a /fem/ board then it needs to be clearly allowable on /cgl/ instead.

I really enjoy /cgl/ over others boards for that reason. There's a huge array of things this board has to offer, I think all (or most) topics are generally tied in with cosplay and egl in some way or form anyhow.
Pretty much every aspect of "presenting yourself" is valuable for cosplay and lolita purposes. Even the behaviour-type threads like con horror/weeb horror/ita can be informative to help people better conduct themselves whilst dressing up and meeting others. All we really need is a thumbs up from the boss because if you start something like a BB cream thread now, you'll get replies telling you it isn't board related. But there is literally nowhere else to take it, which is frustrating.
I don't mind J-fashion in in cgl. However it is slightly disturbing to me that K-fashion and in fact anything belonging to Korea is allowed to permeate in cgl. I find J-fashion related to CGL purely on a cultural basis as most cosplay and lolita originates from Japan. But things related to Korea are not and don't have any business in cgl.

In my honest and (believe me I have thought about this) opinion, j-fashion should be allowed to be discussed in cgl.

However things related Korea strongly need a board of their own. Let's not lump these two countries together. Capisce?
Jfashion, beauty threads should be allowed. About the drama... I belive it should be allowed as well. I mean, we are girls, we love drama and even if you forbid it, it will keep coming.
Also I don't see the problem with the kpop as well. We have one thread a month, why all the butthurt?
I don't disagree with you as make-up, accessories and hair/wigs are obviously things that tie in deeply to both cosplay and lolita fashion. Where I disagree with you is the notion that these are female-exclusive subjects and that is the reason they belong here; they belong here because they are /cgl/ related, not because this is a "girl board." Just my two cents.
I really don't see the problem to include all of this (except misogyny troll threads), /cgl/ is SO slow it takes days for something to fall off the last page. I think enough people here share interest in other J-fashions besides lolita, it doesn't make sense to have an extra board for one j-fashion and shove the others somewhere else where they aren't appreciated, and it's con wear, and it really only is the odd thread here and there.
We only really have one big beauty thread at a time and it's often filled with questions about cosplay or lolita make up, so relevant.
I don't even mind the drama as long as it's contained in one thread per lulzcow.
Dress/fashion generals, jewellry threads and room decoration threads in particular are not /cgl/ related but this is the only place capable of housing them. Even somewhat acceptable stuff like mori or fairy-kei will get posts telling them to get off the board. What we really need is clarification of if these things are allowed or not, and if not, where else to take them.
I agree. Pointers are given to guys about makeup and hair stuff for cosplay things when they ask.

I think the argument got all muddled in anons trying to defend/oppose a /fem/ board which is a moot point because it's not happening.
Please, for the love of god, leave nitpicking the rules for the time being and assign us someone to stop the shitposting. Proud Asian has been here for years at this point, it's fucking ridiculous.

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I find Japanese fashion and beauty/skin/hair care threads relevant to this board, with two points: /fa/ does not want us "shitting" up their board with our "weeaboo" stuff; /cgl/ is the place I would feel is very fitting for mori/j-fashion as it does cover lolita; anything else, I would feel is just another genre of j-fashion (i.e. if you allow one you should allow more). The second point is that most of the time in the beauty threads I see a lot of recommendations for Asian skin products and as it stands, cosplayers and lolitas should get tips from fellow cosplayers and lolitas to keep skin looking clear and nice for shoots and cosplay purposes.

All in all, I come to this board, not only to see cosplay and lolita, but also to see mori, visual kei, skin/hair/beauty threads, and make-up threads. It's just kind of /cgl/ culture at this point.
I'd do it but applications are closed, apparently.
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I see all j-fashion relevant; it shares the same base codes as lolita, why wouldn't it be?.
And I see all well-structured threads on 'self presentation' as key resources for both the Lolita and the Cosplayers. The anon who said our faces were part of our costumes was right. The dramu needs to be more on topic that whatever tumblr user is causing the most SJ butthurt at the time or whatever.

/fem/ is definately a dumb idea, it'd be a ghetto for women. Lumping us in with /fa/ is also clearly a bad idea; they hate weaboos and women.
I just wish there was a /hb/ board for health & beauty, where we can discuss all our skincare questions and discuss make-up of every style, not just lolita.
I think what we really need is an /altfa/ board where jfash, kfash, western goth and lolita etc could thrive.
/fa/ loathes everything that isn't mainstream and knows shit-all about women's fashion, and /cgl/ could become /cos/.
Are you seriously so butthurt you can't just be like "oh okay." instead of hating the screen name? It makes perfect sense, Charms you dumbass
I would love this
YOU love drama, and if 4chan is ANY indicator, that's not a female exclusive joy.
This please
Then i guess we need a China board too for Taobao. hmmm?
>Also I don't see the problem with the kpop as well. We have one thread a month, why all the butthurt?

However infrequent it is, it isn't board related, at all. We don't have Jpop threads, why Kpop? I understand wanting to get all your interests into one board, but it's just not logical. Take Kpop to the music board, because that's where it belongs.
Not everyone loves drama. I'd like to see all threads that single anyone out deleted, they get rid of attention whoring.
>However things related Korea strongly need a board of their own. Let's not lump these two countries together. Capisce?

Moot doesn't make new boards on a whim like that. Yes, this board is Japan-centric but that's because cosplay and lolita are both Japanese things. Nothing from Korea excapt maybe Gangnam Style has the level of popularity worldwide that cosplay & lolita do.
I also think that a fem board is kind of a silly idea. /cgl/ isn't a girls only club, we just happen to have a lot of females. That doesn't mean that males are picked on or pushed around, though. Cosplay threads and mail threads are just as relevant to them as they are females. They're accepted here as well. Our beauty/j-fashion/skin/hair threads aren't accepted anywhere else, though.
>makeup and hair care etc should be allowed
And the reason is NOT because other boards won't take them.
The reason is that these threads are board related. It is not because the rest of 4ch doesn't want these threads. It is because such threads make up what /cgl/ is about.
It was already stated several times that they're not changing the board names or making new ones. I don't think this is a great idea, either, because /cgl/ is slow as it is. Dividing the board up like that would literally slow each down to a crawling pace.
Just because you like kpop does not mean others do. There are people who dislike or are uninterested in kpop here too. Kpop has really nothing to do with cosplay or lolita.
It is irrelevant.
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J-Fashion and hair/makeup/beauty threads definitely belong here. /fa/ doesn't want them, and they'd just get trolled at /jp/ or /b/. Beauty stuff is /cgl/ as well, makeup and wigs are as important as your outfit itself!

Also, more deletion of trolls from other boards:
>"tfw no gf"
>"all girls are sluts"
>"/fit/ here do u even lift???"
/fit/ friday/weightloss threads etc should not be allowed by the way.
There's seriously no reason those couldn't go to /fit/
All of the "What do cosplayers/lolitas think of ____" threads need to go. I'm tired of fake surveys being offered and then just trolled to shit because people are too stupid to realise that "do lolitas like pissing themselves" is just bait and keep replying like it's any kind of legit discussion.

Don't forget >tfw no qt.13 loli gf
"Feels" is being shitposted on multiple boards, most noticeably /fit/ and /cgl/ I think. moot said in the latest PMQ that he tried to do something about it on /fit/ but there was backlash (probably from the one guy posting the fucking rubbish, good job mootykins), so I guess it's being left to fester for now.
Add WAYWT threads to the stop list, they're never Lolita/Cosplay/J-fashion related anyway, just a bunch of /soc/ fags hoping to post their latest photos for praise.
>Also, more deletion of trolls from other boards:
>"tfw no gf"
>"all girls are sluts"
>"/fit/ here do u even lift???"
>"tfw no qt.13 loli gf"

Yes, all of these need to fucking go.
Thisthisthis. All of this.

I don't think /fem/ would be a good idea because it would be all trolls all the time and "female discussion" is just such a broad topic, how are you going to moderate this? If it's a board for and about women, wouldn't "why are vaginas so gross" and "what would I need to do to get one of you (sluts!!) to date me?" be technically on topic? A 'good' troll can make a thread that's not overtly misogynistic or insulting but still trolls the shit out of a board. At which point is something against the rules? The line would be much fuzzier than on /cgl/, where you can just outlaw any and all "tfw no gf" and "vaginas are gross" talk because it's obviously off topic.
The point of /fem/ would potentially be /fa/, just feminine-oriented. Makeup, hairstyles, general ladies clothing, jewellry, etc. Not just "vagina central" or "females only". If anything, females or FTMs can go to /fa/ for masculine fashion advice, a female-/fa/ board could potentially have any number of males, traps, crossdressers, drag queens, MTFs, whatever and whoever want to discuss feminine fashion. Just because it would be a board centred on looking feminine does not mean only genetic females would be allowed to post there.

So you want to make a girl version of /fa/? That's not gonna happen. Just go to /fa/.
And get redirected straight back to /cgl/.

Oh well, then. There's not gonna be a /fem/ board just to cater to females, and especially not just a "girl version" of an existing board. Yes, /fa/ sucks, but that doesn't mean you should get your own board because of it.
i disagree, I like the waywt.

Liking them isn't an issue, they're off topic, just like Tumblr threads. That shit belongs in /soc/.
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I think you've got a pretty good idea of what most of us want now, and I hope this will actually go through and improve the board.
Jfashion/makeup/hair/skincare/circle lenses are relevant and should be allowed. All of these topics are usually kept to one thread at a time and are super helpful for both cosplay and lolita.
We'd also really appreciate a janitor who's in the know about /cgl/ culture and can nip troll threads in the bud even if they have the word 'cosplay' in the title. Shitposting is a much bigger problem than random off-topic fashion threads, in my opinion.
I agree with these. Keep the J-fashion, hair and makeup, general beauty threads, WAYWT threads. They're generally productive, and board related, if only tangentially. Get rid of the 'tfw no gf' and sugar daddy shit.
I'd love J-fash threads. A lot of people from lolita have migrated toward mori and the softer gyaru styles lately, it makes a lot of sense.
And I love J-fashion threads.
>>6427922 (OP)
Yes, I think J-fashion threads are quite appropriate for this board. A lot of fashion trends from Japan intersect with lolita fashion. Even if technically j-fashion threads weren't allowed, if this also remains a lolita board, hybrid fashions like mori- or dolly-inspired loli would get posted cause they fit with the lolita theme. And then lolita brands have expanded so as to make clothes and accessories that aren't technically lolita, e.g. Angelic Pretty makes a lot of products that are used for decora or fairy- or pop-kei, so people would still post these. Gyaru brands often make things that sweet lolitas buy and use, and vice versa. So we might as well allow other J-fashions.
Agreeing with this. You have to remember, lolita fashion is driven by its brands, and its brands cross over to a variety of styles. Therefore, those other styles, along with the evolution of fashion and the overlap of various trends into lolita and--don't forget--the design of anime and cosplays in general is inherent to this board. You can't have one without the other, because lolita fashion follows Japanese fashion, and Japanese fashion is welcome nowhere else. A general aesthetic goes along with this that needs to be supported, because there's about two people out their who wear lolita or cosplay all the way 100% of the time. It all has to do with each other in the end.

I'm not big on the drama personally, but so long as it's 'oh this person general' and not completely just calling someone a fag I think it's unavoidable. On the other hand, the massive quantities of "Proud Asian Cosplayer" or "Why are all women sluts" or "Why are you so fat" threads need to stop. They don't pop up time to time; they're pervasive, off-topic, and obnoxious. We could do with far less of those.
Yep. If you want to pose in your latest skinny jeans, baggy shirt and hat, throw that shit on Tumblr or /soc/, that's not related to /cgl/.

Unless you're wearing cosplay, lolita or (if it goes through) j-fashion, that shit doesn't belong on /cgl/.
I think the j-fashion threads should stay.

I mean where else would they go? And they're still fairly relevant to the board, whether you're in cosplay or lolita (which is a j-fashion anyway) you have some degree of knowledge about other j-fashions.
Yes I think jfashion and beauty/skincare/hair are appropriate to this board, as there isn't any other board to accommodate them.
tumblr doesn't provide useful concrit from people who know the style.
This board is kinda slow so there is def. room to broaden the range of allowable topics.

I'm all for including j-fashions. If we start getting a bazillion different fashions crowding out cosplay then we can have this discussion again about allowable content. But for now there's room for more.

I think make-up is an essential part of cosplay, just like sewing and contact lenses. Allow it.

Allow photoshop threads too as long as the stuff is related to what's accepted here. One of the best things to ever come out of this board was hover lolita shops.
I really want j-fashion and general beauty threads to continue. They are really constructive. Without those it is mostly vendetta threads over here
Yes, because WAYWT threads are totally about 'providing useful concrit' and not just circlejerking tripfags vomiting out their lack of decent clothes.
I agree that different J-fashions are appropriate. I see a lot of people wearing different j-fashions other than lolita to conventions (where people cosplay typically). Beyond that, skincare/beauty/makeup is also very relevant to the discussion at hand. Beyond making costumes, makeup (especially for us ladies) is a big part of our cosplay/j-fashion routine, and to some of us, just as important as the costume itself. I literally plan my makeup just like I plan my coords and costumes. Skincare is a big part of that as well, as without well-cared for skin, your makeup is just going to look crappy, especially in photos. I find these threads to be extremely helpful.

Irrelevant, because WAYWT threads aren't about crit, they're about showing off what you wore today. It's /fa/ or /soc/ but NOT /cgl/ related. If you REALLY want to selfpost on here that much then I suggest you start cosplaying or become a lolita/gyaru/mori girl.
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Yea, cause we all have the cash to dump into a new wardrobe.

Then I'm sorry for you, honey, but WAYWT still isn't board related no matter how badly you want it to be. The only way it would be is if all posts in the threads were cosplay or jfashion, which probably won't happen. Put on your big girl panties and stop whining about not getting what you want.
Korean music does not belong here by any stretch of the imagination. Korean fashion, maybe. But I have seen K-pop discussions go down on /mu/ and the threads aren't always dominated by shitposters the way J-fashion threads would be on /fa/.
Then go to /fa/ or /soc/ and post your normalfag outfits there. That is where they belong.
Perhaps someone could go somewhere and make a poll for all these options? I'd do it but I know fuck all about that kind of stuff. I think it would be neater and easier to handle than to have to comb the thread for countless repetitive opinions mixed with hollow arguments and opinions.

Anyone interested in this idea?
>implying the local tripfags wouldn't just ask their Facebook friends to vote for their dumb ass shit to stay because 'it's so important for me u gais it makes me feel better about my daddy abusing me'
Then don't. But don't post your jeans-and-tshit on /cgl/ because it is completely off-topic.

I'd enjoy WAYWT threads if they were like daily_lolita/mori/gyaru/fairykei/cosplay (why not?)/whatever but with concrit. Unfortunately, the way they are now they have nothing to do with /cgl/ and should go on /fa/ or whatever. I don't care if your top is Liz Lisa, if you've styled it in a way that makes you indistinguishable from any other white chick at the mall then it's not Jfashion and does not belong here.
Go back to facebook or tumblr or whatever the hell you attention whores came from.

This board has been losing its purpose because you cunts care more about normalfag girl bullshit than actual cosplay.

This is a valid point. There needs to be some kind of moderation on tripfags, too.
I don't see why that's necessary. The question was
>whether the majority of /cgl/ would be happy or upset to include other Japanese fashion subcultures as official in-the-rules on-topic discussion, or whether they belong somewhere else.

And the consensus is pretty much "Sure, that's cool". People have brought up other issues but that's not what OP asked about. If there are hordes of anons out there who disagree with this, I don't see why they'd post in your poll but not in this thread.
It's been done before on that /cgl/ Idoru bullshit, it's going to happen again. Even if it would be done on /cgl/ in the form of a thread, people would just insist that they should post their votes in threads, so there is no possible form of moderation. WAYWT could stay if they were J-Fashion/EGL/Cosplay, but sadly, they're not, as is evident by the current WAYWT thread.

>old granny in normalfag clothes
>God in normalfag clothes
>unknown tripfag in normalfag clothes
>more normalfag clothes
>floral normalfag clothes
>normalfag clothes everywhere

Nothing posted there is remotely different from the shit I see 15 year olds wearing on the streets here. Save for God, but that's just a suit.
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idk what fucking rock you crawled from but you should just get the fuck out. WAYWT, fit fridays, j-fashion and drama threads ARE FUCKING PART OF /cgl/ and have been for a really looooong time.

What we need is a mod who isn't a piece of shit and knows that he should delete threads like "tfw no gf" instead of the ones I mentioned.

I guess you're right. It became easy to forget there was only one thing in question given that so many things need to be fixed.
That's why /cgl/ is so shitty.

Get out of 4chan already.
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Just because they're been here doesn't mean they are BOARD RELEVANT. They've been here because /cgl/ has no real moderation.

WAYWT is /soc/ or /fa/, fit friday belongs on /fit/. This is fact.

If we kept a bunch of non board related threads so that a few people can treat /cgl/ like their little coolgirl 4chan selfpost clubhouse, then what's the point of having separate boards in the first place?

>waah but I'm a girl and /fit/ and /fa/ are mostly guys and /soc/ has too many other girls that selfpost and are prettier than me and I won't get as much attention!
>but I want to be able to spend all my 4chan time on /cgl/! I've been coming here forever, how dare you suggest I start adhering to the rules! Can't you just let me get away with it if I complain and say I REALLY want it really bad?
/fit/-friday threads can go back to /fit/, WAYWT threads belong on /fa/ or /soc/ unless people actually start posting Jfashion. I don't know what you mean by a really long time but in my experience they're a relatively new phenomenon.
Drama, though? Drama is forever.
I highly agree
Totally agree with this. I would be delighted to see a WAYWT thread filled with people wearing recognisable J-fashions and looking for con-crit, but the reality is it's almost always just shit that could very easily be posted on /fa/ or /soc/. I'm a daily lolita and I've never even posted in one of the threads because that just doesn't seem to be what they're for nowadays.
I feel as if we should make the board cosplay EGL and J-fash.
>room decor
We welcome this in /diy/
To /soc/ with it unless all posters are in cosplay or j-fash
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not anymore, according to the "muh ontopic" anons and the retarded mod PT threads and the like are now offtopic and totally not /cgl/ related
Keep the J-Fashion and makeup/skin care/beauty threads. I get a lot of helpful advice from /cgl/ in these areas, and I'd like to continue to come here for my interests outside of lolita.

I like the WAYWT threads but NOT if it includes jeans and a t-shirt or something. Maybe specifically J-Fashion and Cosplay WAYWT threads. Things like, "today I tried out mori girl, any advice?" or "I'm here at Anime Expo, and I'm dressed as Miku today." Things of that nature.
I agree with this guy. At that point, we might as well have LOLFEMALERANDOM/B/

Because that's SERIOUSLY all it has been is undercover female/b/ with dress up. There needs to seriously be some things that are completely removed from /cgl/, because it REALLY does not belong here. You newfags may think that it all has it's place here, but no. It does not. It removes all willingness to actually post related content on the board, compared to things that will either troll you women/get a rise out of you, or unrelated things because that's more in the vain of your interests than say...cosplay or lolita. It's limited, but if you don't like it you can always find a new board to post it on.

Look, we know the world outside of this board is scary--but you need to venture forth and stop shitting up this board. If you look around at this board a little more, there is more text and less photos. It's not normal and it didn't used to be this way.
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Hm. I think I could learn to live without PT threads if the rest of /cgl/ improves, but if bullshit troll threads get to stay and our queen keeps getting deleted then fuck that noise.
This. I also think that weaboo/con/fabric store story threads should be allowed. They're on-topic and a fun break from some of the other threads that are always around. Plus, I have never really seen shitposting in those threads because people like them and want them around.
What about Vocaroo threads? There seems to be three types

Type A: Simply says its a Vocaroo thread (most common)
Type B: Roll and record (rare)

Vocaroo, crush and tripfag appreciation threads really don't have a purpose either, IMHO.
Even if people record board related content for vocaroo?

Crush threads are stupid so I agree there

Well honestly I don't understand what vocaroo really is, but why not just post the board related content on the board itself?
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Yep, I wouldn't count on it though. By visiting other boards it seems that many others have had problems with the mods deleting threads that are considered irrelevant when they're not.


Current mods will get their asses kicked by moot and things will return to normal, calling it.
I don't see as many Vocaroo threads these days, though. Kinda glad about that, they were pretty stupid and almost never board-related.
Things that should be allowed:
>Altfashion in general.
Threads about western punk or retro clothing and so on are rare, but they're not welcome on /fa/, so I think they might as well be allowed in with the jfash.
>Makeup/skincare etc.
It's a big part of these fashions. It's necessary.
>Drama threads
It's a big part of /cgl/ and a lot of people enjoy it. As long as they keep to one thread per person, it should be fine.

This needs to go:
>tfw no gf/are all lolitas whores/vaginas are gross etc
Just leave
It's very rarely any form of alternative fashion. It's just compliment fishing. Go to /soc/
>Crush threads
Pointless circlejerking
>/fit/ friday
Why do those threads even exist, it's like a miniature /fit/ outside of /fit/. Just fucking go to /fit/

On the fence about:
>Room threads
I've seen them on multiple boards, but they don't really belong anywhere.
guys, op is a liar. this is from the chat with moot held earlier on q today

>Moot, is there anything being considered regarding the expansion of rules of /cgl/ to include J-fashions other than just Lolita?
No. Nobody has asked fort his and I don't see the point, since we already have a general fashion board >>>/fa/.
speaking of cgl issues, is anyone else having to wait like 30 minutes before they're able to post another image? I post an image, then get the "you have to wait to post again" message for about 20 - 40 minutes. Is it just me? I can post text just fine after the 30 seconds are up, but with images I'm having to wait a long time.
>Threads about western punk or retro clothing and so on are rare, but they're not welcome on /fa/, so I think they might as well be allowed in with the jfash.

They're not Jfashion, though, they're fashion. Just because those threads are not welcome on /fa/ doesn't mean they're unrelated to /fa/ and should be welcome on an unrelated board, /cgl/.
I would love a /fem/ board, that's why I started to go to/cgl/ because it was a girl board.
It would get trolled like there is no tomorrow though...
You're right, but what would be a /fem/ board that would not be called /fem/? Maybe like/XX/? or /f/? or/vag/, /Y/. I don't know, i agree alot of off topic threads should be off of/cgl/ but I love talking about female topics anonymously.
>/XX board
This idea pleases me
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Then you need to get the fuck out because this isn't your allgirlclub. It's a hobby board for cosplay and lolita that just so happens to be predominantly female, not a girl board.
Me too... I love that there's a place I can ask for makeup tips, alt fashion tips, relationship troubles (from a female perspective), etc. But at the same time, I feel like it makes /cgl/ terribly off-topic. If there was another board I knew was populated mostly by females, I'd use it all the time. I know it would get raided constantly, but I don't even care, it would still be really useful.

Question: why does there need to be a gender specific board just for girls?
Answer: there does not need to be a gender specific board for girls.

And what's to stop males from posting on a female board? "Oh, you're a guy so you have to get out". Yeah, that's a GREAT idea. Can you imagine the level of "THIS IS OUR BOARD TAKE YOUR PENIS AND GET OUT!!!" ?

I don't see why there needs to be a GURL BOARD, it's like, oh we're women and we have vaginas so we need our own special space to do things where people know we're special and they know where to find us to shower us with attention, hurr.
>makeup tips

>alt fashion tips

> relationship troubles (from a female perspective)
/adv/ Yes, there are girls on there too.

What is it making you people think that /cgl/ is an ALL girls board and that therefore you should be able to import your offtopic girl problems as a result?
Would you rather fems keep spamming /cgl for makeup advice, period stories or relationship troubles?

If a fem board means less period horror stories I'm all for it.
The fuck are you on about, stop embarrassing yourself.

It's fine to get into a board because it's more female oriented and that's what anon said. Don't spaz the fuck out about allgirlsclub

I would rather they stop acting like they have to have their own girl space on 4chan for that shit. /cgl/ has makeup threads, keep it to those and it'll be fine.

Period stories are pointless and relationship advice can be taken to /adv/, or better yet, take ALL that shit to another website altogether! What an idea!

I'm not saying NO GURLS ON MY CHANS, mind you, I'm just saying that you don't deserve your own board JUST for being girls.

I'm not on about it being mostly female, I'm aggravated at all the tumblr-minded attentionwhores that think they deserve their own damn board for their vaginas. You want vaginas go to one of the porn boards.
This issue is that most of the boards on 4chan really are not female-friendly. If the population is 98% men, asking a female-related question get no responses other than tits or gtfo. I don't think it would need to be a female-only board, it seems silly to have to segregate things like that. But on the other hand, I can see the appeal.

...i feel like you missed some crucial stuff in the thread. lrn2read then come back, sweetie.

But what's the real point to an all female board? The other boards are hobby related, and a gender isn't a hobby.

>does my vagina look weird?
>are my boobs too big/small/pointy/saggy/veiny?
>how to I get a smaller ass/thighs/etc.?
>am I pretty? please tell me i'm pretty

I just... don't get the point. There are other places for girls to talk about their girly things. But anyway, it's not like a fem board would ever happen anyway, moot already said he wasn't renaming or making any new boards anyway.

I feel like you're the only person who is opposed to this because the same unrelated reasons keep getting posted. Yeah, a girl board isn't gonna happen. But please, just shut the fuck up. It wouldn't be "you're a guy so you have to get out." Have you ever seen that on cgl? No. No one is saying guys wouldn't be able to lurk/post there. What wouldn't be allowed is trolling JUST BECAUSE it's a girl-centric board, or anything along the lines of "well, i'm a guy, and i think any girl wearing/doing X is a huge whore." You wouldn't get banned for being male or whatever ~*~*misandry~*~* you're worried about. A girl will get TITS OR GTFO'd out of /b/ and 99% of the other boards on this site. And no one except you was saying anything about "so people can find us and shower us with attention." Grow up, seriously.
I also think Asian fashion in general should be /cgl/ appropriate. It would generate more activity, and probably help keep a lot of the people occupied so they don't go looking for drama.

Skincare/beauty are also related, since cosplay and fashion are heavily based on your physical appearance. Nice skin, hair, or body helps to make for a better photo always.
Fair enough. I suppose there are a lot of hobbies that are STRICTLY related to one gender, but often lean that direction. Vintage clothing, tumblr-usage, feminism, female health issues, and of course, gossipgossipgossip. So, for that reason, I think it might be useful - it would give women a "place" on 4chan that isn't /cgl/, and that's random but isn't as grotesque and porn-filled as /b/. But it's just a hypothetical conversation, I know it would be highly unlikely to ever happen.
*AREN'T strictly related to one gender

>us women should have our own board because we're women and the other boards r meenz to us
>omg you disagree that i should have a board dedicated to my gender you're a buttmad retard!

This is why nobody takes you Tumblr bitches seriously. That website makes every token attentionwhore into a narcissist that thinks she's entitled to a sclice of everything just for having a vagina. Get over yourself and go back to posting "unintentional" instagrammed myspace angle clevage shots.

I don't have a tumblr, instagram or cleavage, just like you apparently don't have the ability to read? Stay mad though.
Oh my god, how are you this stupid. And how is "you must be from Tumblr" this overused? How is it fucking possible this site has gotten so sad? Yeah man, we all must be from Tumblr. At this point, I'd rather be associated with them than the obese basement dwelling socially retarded stereotype you're fucking perpetuating every time you touch a fucking keyboard.
Just abandon the thread, guys. Everything that needed to be said about OP has been said.
Why do you want a /fem/ board so bad? Shit would be embarrassing, Jesus, can you imagine? It would turn into a shitshow in five seconds flat. Besides, I know 4chan is basically all male all the time outside of /cgl/, but imagine how stupid it would be if there was a board for manly men and their manly grooming and other such manly things. I don't get why we can't just leave our makeup/skincare threads here. They're fun and useful and they don't take up a whole fucking board.
/whore/ would so rapidly degenerate into another /soc/ you would not believe it.
Are you one of those irritating bitches who goes to parties and then squirrels away all the girls into another room to have girly time because you're a bit of a cunt?
Obviously you've never had a period. We get them once a month (some unfortunately more) and there's a shit ton of stories to be told.
None of them would fuck you either way, so I don't see the problem
>but imagine how stupid it would be if there was a board for manly men and their manly grooming
I lol'd a little bit. But isn't this basically /fit/ and /fa/?
Literally is. Beard grooming/whether or not to grow one/do-I-have-the-right-face-shape-for-this-beard threads are common and acceptable on /fa/. As well as grooming discussion and hygiene
Fine with jfa as long as it's moderated properly.

But please no more WAYWT, PT and the like, "human doll" look, room decor, fit, etc. Just because its been here for a while doesn't mean it belongs here. They just encourage shit posting.

And moot, if you do see this, please remove rule 3. I was here when you added it and change the board to /cgl/ - all drama all the time, and I thought it was hilarious then. But is shit posters are using it for a basis of their posting.
You may have a point about /fit/, actually, but I wouldn't say /fa/ really serves that purpose. They do have female fashion threads, it's just that they're full of hipster bullshit.
No, they're usually threads about what kind of girl they'd date. So twee fashion threads mostly about what a woman would have to wear to get fucked by them. Twee or really basic women-in-menswear or a Uniqlo sampler outfit. It's not women talking about style.
/fa/ is only that way because of the demographic.
At a guess I'd say men seem more likely to be clueless morons about appearance, hence why we get male "what shape is my head" "what haircut should I get" threads constantly.
J-fashion: yes
alt fashion: yes
makeup/ skincare: yes
bodily function threads: no thank you
general misogyny threads: no thank you
Why no PT? Talking about PT is the same as talking about any other cosplayer.
qt3.14 threads
>Moot, is there anything being considered regarding the expansion of rules of /cgl/ to include J-fashions other than just Lolita?
No. Nobody has asked fort his and I don't see the point, since we already have a general fashion board >>>/fa/.

/fa/ sends jfashion people here more often than not. We know what we've become.
How does room decor lead to shit posting? Those are some of the most benign threads in here. They ARE relevant to lolis (for many lolis decor is just as important as their outfit) and to cosplayers (workspaces, storage ideas, etc...)
Seconding this.
J-Fashion: Yes. Most Lolitas also wear other j-fashions, and it's something that many cosplayers have an interest in as well. It's a niche not at all support by /fa/

Makeup & Hair: Yes, because even the basic presentation stuff still applies to Cosplay & Lolita/J-fashion.

Tumblr social justice blogs that have no relevance to cosplay/lolita: No

E-celebs that have no relevance to cosplay/lolita: No

Bodily function threads: No

General alternative fashion: No

K-Pop/Jrock/Music: No, unless you're cosplaying one of the musicians.
Combination of fellow anon posts and my opinion.

>Make up, Skin and Hair care
>Coord help / WAYWT
>Photoshop threads
>KPop - one thread limit
>Kawaii room decor

Don't allow:
>tfw no gf/bf
>all women/cosplayers/lolitas are sluts
>Tumblr/social justice blogs that have no relevance to cosplay/lolita
>E-celebs that have no relevance to cosplay/lolita
>Bodily function threads
>Tumblr/social justice blogs that have no relevance to cosplay/lolita

Can we get rid of the "post your Tumblr url" threads as well? If anything, it should already be disallowed under the global rules about advertising.

>11. Advertising (all forms) is also not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", stream threads, etc.
>WAYWT threads
Guys, I know this may sound shocking, but we have a whole board just for fashion!
/fa/ already has regular WAYWT threads too, so all thread starters on /cgl/ should be redirected there.
We've been through this.
Wow that is shocking!

My opinion still stands. Have you read the thread?
J-fashion should be allowed because where else would it go? Better here than to shit up /fa/ with fashion they aren't interested in. Furthermore, lolitas are often interested in multiple jfa genres, not to mention those who have no interest in lolita at all will also have a place to post.

Beauty threads should also be allowed because being involved in cosplay/fashion subcultures involves looking one's best.

Plus I also think that if beauty/alt jfa threads were to be disallowed, then they would just be replaced with more cosplay/lolita shitposting. I'd rather keep a circulation of worthwhile content that most people appreciate.

And I like us all being together. I want to sharw the board with you gulls, I don't want us to seperate...
It's called the catalog.

Yes. I want jfash in /cgl/. It is far more relevant to /cgl/ than /fa/.
we need jfash in /cgl/ it'd help weed out the offtopic threads

there are 15 offtopic threads on /cgl/ right now
Oh my god.
/fem/ would be the best board ever.
It would be like.
Genderbent r9k
And then /fem/ and /r9k/ users would become better people from understanding each other.
Seriously, they're on /fa/ all the time. We do not need them here. They seldom even relate to jfashion. I would much rather have a "Post your most recent cosplay/lolita addition". The skirt you just got at Wal-Mart is not relevent to cgl, sorry.
>/fit/ threads
Fitness is as much a part of cosplay/lolita as skin/hair care/makeup. Most women here are trying to achieve something drastically different than the men of /fit/. I don't know very many women taking stacks. Half of you saying "hurrdurr g2/fit/" have obviously never even been to /fit/
It would be an interesting board to try out, but I can't see it lasting, and not just because of the misogyny. Women are catty bitches.
If you don't cosplay/wear lolita, why do you even trip? I do like having trips, as it helps to keep track of who knows what about their shit.
>Gurl tlk tiem
It's not as bad as it used to be, but it goes without saying that it doesn't belong here.
who the fuck are you
no it would just be more shitposting than /cgl/
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>better people
>understanding each other
>not all raids all the time
I want to visit your version of 4chan. It sounds wonderful.

OP, please just allow jfashion and please, please get us a (better) janitor. It would help so much.
i think cgl should just be a board relevant to japan-inspired looks plus all costume-play. because cosplay is dominated by anime and games that originate from japan, as an extension of that, j-fashion / lolita and threads relevant to improving the way you portray a character (so yes skin care, hair and things of that nature) should be allowed.

i also think kpop has a big enough fandom that it could benefit from a board that focuses on all things korea-related. but that's just my opinion. /mu/ board is dominated by indie and classic rock fans. and kpop in so many ways is more than music, it's become kind of a lifestyle for some. i think it doesn't fit in /mu/ ironic as that sounds.
General makeup/skincare threads are relevant to cosplay and lolita because if your face looks like shit, your cosplay or coordinate will look like shit. And just keeping your face clean when con times comes around is not going to work. Cosplay and lolita requires a lot of upkeep in areas other than the clothing or costume. Ditto for hair and wig threads.

Many people dress up in jfashion at cons too. You can swing that as being relevant to cosplay and lolita. I personally think it'd be fine to have other alternative fashions on this board, but I can understand why it'd be messy and why the majority opinion would be to disallow alternative fashion.

But we all know that /fa/ hates anything that's not hipster guy fashion. What's the point of forcing all of us over there? You'll just start ANOTHER conflict and we'll be having this same discussion over on fa. It solves nothing. I think it will be easier to change opinions here than it will be to change opinions of /fa/.

Also, I personally like threads about internet celebs like Dakota, VA, etc but I don't think there should be multiple threads of them all the time. Keeping stuff in one thread is a good rule regardless of the topic.

The stuff of tired of is the male vs female wars. No one cares about how creepy guys are or how slutty girls are. We have the same damn thread over and over and over again and it's annoying.

And please don't get rid of taobao threads. They would never fly on fa.

I agree, and would also like to add that they seem to be few and far between and there is only ever one of them at any given time.
There is no reason to divide 4chan's populace by gender. There is no need for a female board. If that happened then there should be a male board too, to be fair. I don't agree with special treatment based on gender. The stuff in OP's post is *generally* considered by /cgl/ to be on topic anyway (based on the responses), so really, cool your panties guys.
I don't think there should be a fem board either. I just want the stuff that is currently on cgl to be allowed on cgl. If guys want to make a male jfashion thread or a male skincare/makeup thread, then by all means. The problem is more that these types of male dominated threads are not common, and so we're kind of neglecting them in our responses. At the end of the day, if you're a guy and you post about wanting to dress mori in /fa/, you'll be laughed out the same as if you were a girl asking the same thing.
Keep the Jfashion threads and keep the beauty threads
I am all for j-fashion threads. Since lolita and cosplay.

Beauty thread are going to be kind of confusing. However all trolls are obvious.

No shit talking threads unless they are pointing out scams.

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