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new thread about maikodolly scammer since >>6422601 is autosaging

Thread on EGL if you've sold to her: http://egl.livejournal.com/18930602.html
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tfw I sold 400 dollars worth of merch to buy my friends dream dress only for this to happen

I just wanted to see her smile
You told to maikodolly, you mean?
i quite like the wig of the girl in OP's pic.

anyone know where to get it?
Yeah, and it's slowly dawning on me that I will likely not get any of the money, or items back.
What a bunch of bullshit, it's like Mabet all over again. It's fucking ridiculous that paypal will even issue refunds for so many purchases made all over two months ago.
mabetgate 2: electric boogaloo
Forgive my ignorance, but who is mabet?
oh child.

back in... 2003? somewhere in there? there was a girl who went by the LJ name of mabet who went and bought a ton of shit from egl (no e_c_s then!) through paypal, then when she went too broke/thought she was a real clever mambajamba, she immediately filed chargebacks on the all the payments claiming her card had been used without permission. paypal sided with the buyer (as it does) and dozens of girls were out hundreds of dollars. as far as i know, she faced no retribution. she got off more or less scot-free, because girls didn't want to/were unsure about calling it in within a timely manner.
Some girl from around 2006 or 07 with gross overspending habits, so much so that she was publicly bitching about a shopping service having banned her because they felt like she was spending so much money she was going to inevitably flame out and stiff them with the bill. Of course she thought they were being nosy busybodies in her personal life.

Sure enough, one morning everybody who had sold her something woke up one morning to charge backs. She said her card had been stolen and her bank accidentally reversed the charges for all her activity for months, but she took so long to pay people back, and had such a flippant attitude about it, people kind of doubted her honesty. I have no idea if she ever paid everybody back.
Wow geez . I wasn't able to use the internet in 2003-2006 so I wouldn't have read about it.
I can't believe someone else would pull the exact same shit, did she think people would forget?
>She said her card had been stolen and her bank accidentally reversed the charges for all her activity for months
wow that's just uncanny
it's a common enough scam. tell everyone your card was stolen and you're figuring things out to buy enough time to where they give up hope/you can close the card and delete everything and get away with it.
the stupid thing about this lie is that i don't think most banks reverse any charges from before reporting a stolen/lost card.
If anybody ITT has sold her anything, PLEASE contact your local authorities and report her. If she is innocent (which let's face it is so goddamn unlikely), nothing bad will happen to her. If she's guilty, you've got a much better chance of getting your chit back that way than through Paypal Hell.
Seriously, guys, if you let scammers off the hook, nobody's going feel safe using the sales comm and it'll die.
Mabet is why I always stagger my sales over several weeks, so nobody ever has a chance to buy too much from me at once.

>Everyone, I'm so sorry about this, I'm currently talking to PayPal and my bank. This was started by identity theft and escalated into this mess xD
When you've left at least one person $3k in the hole, it's not an appropriate time to XD. I mean seriously losing that amount of cash can fuck over somebody big time.
I can only imagine people who didn't grow up poor would pull this kind of shit. You learn to fucking fend for yourself, and know that kind of scam could take food right out of somebodies mouth.
what if she hasn't filed a chargeback against me yet?? I can't really call on a crime that hasn't been committed yet.
Nonetheless I've already contacted my lawyer to be ready.
keep an eye on yo shit
ferp, yeah I phrased that badly, I meant "if you have sold to her and been chargebacked" etc.
this is also partially why i no longer have my paypal account connected to my bank account. i rarely buy/sell anyway, and i've also been part of the community for so long that i'd like to think most people feel comfortable buying/selling with me.
I think anyone has the potential to be a horrible or honest person. There are far more factors to it than rich or poor.
i thought she said all of her charges in the past few months had been reversed
Hey guys. Evedestroys here. The reason I accepted the PayPal through her friends account is that PayPal pretty much told me I was SOL and too bad. Even if she did refund me through her Paypal account she could just withdraw it and I'd have to just deal with it. I messaged her on Facebook ..i told her i was ready to involved the police or take her through coury and thats when she mentioned a refund through her friends account...she was in touch with me through there where she told me the name and address the payment would be coming from. I checked her Facebook friends and there was a girl by that name on her friends and in a lot of her pictures.

Im not sure what else to do as I'm ill and need this money back right away to get to the doctor.

I did a transaction with her back around the exact same day jola did. Both of us were chargebacked on the same day.

She said it was because of her spending too much that payPal flagged the transactions as suspicious and held our money from our accounts til they verified with the account holder.

I have spent a lot on egl comm sales and one day and can attest to the fact that this happens. A girl I bought from had her money from me held while I cleared things up when PayPal flagged it as suspicious.

that's why I was initially giving her the benefit of the doubt.

When I called PayPal about this and asked them if this was something done automatically or if she went and did it. ...they said that the user of that account had to go in and report it as fraud.

My initial thought was maybe her parents filed these chargebacks.

at this point I don't know what to do. I'm extremely sick with bronchitis and have to get to the doctor ASAP...that's why I accepted her payment.
She isn't doing the "friend's account" business anymore though is she? No one else seems to have said anything about receiving any repayment.
I don't believe so. I think maybe she refunded me right away because I immediately threatened legal action against her?
Good luck, I hope it goes through for you and you don't get screwed by the friend...
have you thought of just contacting her parents? it seems she still lives with them, and given how public her fb is I'm sure it would be pretty easy to find out who they are. it's possible they don't know what she did, and would be willing to help somehow... just a thought...
>it seems she still lives with them
She said on the FB post that she doesn't live with them and she lives on her own and that her mom is dead and she has her insurance money.
That really sucks, get better soon. Buyers should realize that sellers aren't selling things just for the fun of it, sometimes they need the cash for real life stuff.
well, contact her dad maybe then? I don't think a person her age would be living in a house like the one in her videos alone...
i hope you get better; i was stunned to see how badly jola got hit.
>She said it was because of her spending too much
What? Before she said it was because her mean evil brother stole her identity and that's why she reported identity theft which caused all her charges to be reversed.
This girl is so full of shit.
I wonder, if after all this mess is cleared up and everyone gets refunded, should they delete there paypal account and start a new one?
I mean, would that be the only way to make sure this bitch does not file a charge back against you again in the future?
You are entirely in your rights to have accepted that offer. I hope you are doing better soon!
Um she said that way back in August when jola and I first had chargebacks.
Yeah, and spending too much according to who? Didn't she say she was living on her own as well?
The only way to make sure she doesn't try this again is to go after her legally and teach her that this shit is utterly unacceptable.
>Conveniently, two separate times, things outside my control happen!
According to paypal. Paypal didn't let the transactions go through because she was spending so much at once
>Paypal didn't let the transactions go through because she was spending so much at once
Months later?
Spending too much according to Paypal, I would presume. Just like with credit cards, paypal monitors your spending activity. If you spend an unusually high amount within a short period of time, they sometimes lock your account/place holds or chargebacks on your payments.
I think you're confused about the dates. For a few people, this is the SECOND TIME in the last six months they've had a chargeback for the same transaction. The FIRST time, it was explained as the result of paypal flagging her account for spending to much. THIS time, it was because she reported her card as being used fraudulently.
She is saying that is what happened THIS time.
Her own words on the Lolita Sales in English FB Group about this most current happening
>I had identity theft
>it was my brother who did the identity theft

Please tell me why Paypal would suddenly, out of the blue, reverse several months of transactions. This girl is lying.
No, they're talking about an incident that happened afew months ago.
Again, I'm not talking about this time, I'm referring to the chargebacks that occurred last summer to 2 buyers. she purchased about $3500 worth of stuff at the same time, so I could actually see how that would happen - I've had this happen to me after receiving too many payments at the same time from the same location. Of course, it made be made up, but it is at least plausible. What makes it questionable is that it's happening again now, but for a different reason.
They're not talking about the months-old transactions.
*may be
No one questioned it happening before. It may have been paypal who knows. But the problem is the same transactions had the same exact problem again.
But she's not claiming that's what happened this time.

Last time, she said Paypal froze her account because she had spent too much--plausible and it happens all the time.

This time, she's giving conflicting stories about identity theft, nothing to do with spending too much.
But that still makes it really unlikely to be true - two chargebacks on the same purchases for two different out--of-her-hands reasons? I don't think so.
These two people were, that's what this chain of comments is in response to:

Several people are questioning what happened in the past, and appear to be confusing what caused the last situation with what caused this one, so others are clarifying for them. What caused the chargebacks last summer is (at least supposedly) different from what caused the chargebacks now.
That's probably why she used the words "claiming," "said," and "giving conflicting stories". There's still a lot of doubt, of course - it's strange that this would happen twice. But people in this thread seem to be confused even about what she's claiming caused the situations.
True I guess people ITT weren't in the other thread, everyone was really clear on what was going on in there.
Everyone's getting a different story from her, so if she's trying to cause confusion she's done it.
is that her in the op pic?
Wearing stuff from jola who has the biggest charge back right now
I didn't say that it was true, so...? I was trying to clarify it for people who thought that she was claiming this current mess is due to her spending too much.
A new update on the mod post:

>UPDATE 2: According to our sources, authorities have confirmed that it was indeed a mistake with her credit card company, if you have experienced a charge back please get in contact with maikodolly to let her know, and, again, please continue to work with paypal to get your money back. If you have received your money back, or if you have not, please message me or one of the mods so we can keep track!

She looks like the person in a group of friends who inserts themselves into everyone's plans. If one person takes up a hobby, then she has to too, but she's totally into it more than anyone else. And to prove so, drop more money than necessary to prove how much she's totally into this hobby! I know this because I have a friend like this. I'm having flash backs of high school.
what. how??
But Paypal told one of the people affected that she contacted *them* and it wasn't on part of a credit card company. Hmm.
Welp. I guess we all know what the majority of the secrets are going to be about next week on Behind the Bows.
ugh, i had a friend like this. it was awful.
Sources as in who? I've already contacted maikodolly, but neither paypal or her have contacted me back.
You buy it second hand and then cancel the credit card.
This thread is rather interesting. I met this girl irl. She is fishy all right. She claims to be a spokes model for the lolita brand maxicimam, sings, mother died, dad seems like he pays for most of her shit, all her web related sites like her tumblr, fb, and everything else doesn't add up. Even her randomly moving to Cali...
I hope they're not taking her word for it. Or taking the word of the facebook sales mod.
I'm going to call bullshit on paypal reversing charges "because I spent too much money". I've spent over 10grand over paypal in 72 hours in the past and they've never reversed my heavy spending. Banks don't reverse charges unless you ask them too, same with cc companies.
Yeah, but I can believe that they would freeze an account. Definitely not reverse all the charges though.
No. different banks have different policy's.

Our bank will freeze any transaction over 500 dollars and call us or we call them to verify its our transaction. And we can call them any time and ask for a reversal on any item for any reason, usually no questions asked. sometimes its because a company wont refund you but you didn't get the item, fraud, etc.

Everyone has different plans with their bank. don't assume anything.
When Paypal freezes your account because they're suspicious, which isn't uncommon at all, is that anyone you sent money to has that money put "on hold" aka taken out of their account until the situation is resolved.

Paypal is basically horribly inconsistent. One time it froze my account because I paid the same seller three times in one day.... but didn't freeze my account when I suddenly spent like $2000 at once.
>spokesmodel for a burando
>famous singer
>dead mum
>identity theft brother
Please tell us more about her IRL. Sounds fucking hilarious!
Does anyone have the link to the info about this from the old thread:

>>6424132 →
>I'd just like to pop in and remind people that you have until December 1st to opt-out of Paypal's new mandatory binding arbitration policy. If you don't opt out, your ability to file a class action lawsuit will be taken away.

The link in the old thread seems to have 404'd.

I'm just paranoid even though I never really use PP but it sounds kind of to me like they want to make it so you can't call out crazy bullshit like this if you don't file some form... I didn't even know that was legal, I thought you had to sign shit to opt out of things like that.

don't forget hafu japanesu.

Appearently she has also visited Japan...

Yeah, clauses like that are actually illegal, and have been struck down in court before. The trick is getting a lawyer willing to put in the extra work.

So how then if it is illegal can they just slip it into an updated user agreement? Does agreeing to it magically make it legal? How do they get away with that?

It sounds to me like if it's actually an illegal clause then agreeing to it should do jack diddly about your ability to file a class action lawsuit.
>light brown hair
>giant gaijin nose
Yeah gurl it's totally believable that you're happa
If any of you actually read the article linked above, it says that these types of clauses are now legal per the Supreme Court's decision in the 2011 AT&T case. lrn2read

So in other words thanks to the supreme court big companies can now buttfuck you and you can't do shit about it?
Someone needs to make a secret about this. I'd love to know the sources or even if its true. I've heard from people in the local comm that authorities were called and backs up the credit card mistake theory but that they couldn't say anything else about it, which is really fishy in itself. I don't understand why people say stuff like that if they can't talk about if.

Funny thing is when she was skinnier she might have been able to get away with it.

Why is "part jyapanezu!" so popular with weeaboos anyway?
I have no fucking idea. I am actually legit part japanese and it pisses me off because I feel like I can't tell anyone without showing pictures of my family to them.

Ugly weebs thinking that being azn makes you attractive. In their defense, Eurasians are usually god-tier.
I'm sure it's been said before but check in with your local police. If she's innocent, she should have nothing to worry about. Sometimes multiple files in the police database create red flags.

In the US, you have 24 hours to get your money back from banks like Chase. If it was a bank credit card the limitations is extended to a month.

What it looks like to me is she found a loophole in paypal and is abusing paypal's system. Credit cards unfortunately eat up that debt which is why interest rates are high. This is why she's lying.

If you don't report it to the police, you don't want your money back. You can always drop a charge later. =]

She's also half japanese, a fashion designer, a singer for country/vk, and she's had throat surgery
Is this Maikodolly or just a white knight sent for her ass?
What? That anon was just saying how weebs make it hard for legit mixed people to tell others that they're mixed without having to show family photos as proof
Yeah because her evil brother is SOO evil to go onto e_c_s to buy up all the lolita for her to wear and post pics in?? Wtfff... shes telling really bad lies....
Nono, the story is that her evil brother committed fraud, and she reported it to her bank/paypal to get his transactions reversed, but "lel paypal reversed everything XD"
It's something companies like to throw in to catch people off guard. Technically, it has no legal standing and you can still hire a lawyer. Like the first poster mentioned, it's really just a matter of getting a lawyer to do the extra work.

Companies try to do shit like this all the time, especially right after they've been attacked legally by a troubled customer/employee. I used to work for American Eagle, and around this time last year they tried to make all the employees sign this "open speech" policy that supposedly barred us from hiring lawyers to go against the company (so that the employee and company could "work things out together"). If you refused to sign it, you were supposed to sign a second document so they could keep your name of file. I just threw that shit in the trash.
They did that shit to me when I worked at a ~well known fast food chain~ *cough mcdonalds* for a couple of weeks.

The first thing I did after quitting was write a massive blog article about how shitty they treat their staff and all the crazy shit they pull, and I haven't been sued..yet~
I once received too many payments from a single area one day (at a swap meet) and all of the payments were reversed back to the buyers without my permission. It seems random, but it does happen.
What you're saying makes no sense...
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I got a message from her this morning finally saying that she was going to pay me back. She didn't message me for all of yesterday despite me sending her messages since 1pm.
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Just your typical special snow flake....as if you weren't already aware. She doesn't stop talking about her band, and when you are around her you'd better be complimenting her/into the hobbies she's into (basically internet celebrities or memes) or she'll utterly ignore you. She dominates the entire conversation....but not even with topics I'm remotely interested. Sorry but I'm not that fascinated with other peoples lives. She wouldn't stop texting her friend and just talking about herself. Super self absorbed. I find it strange that she also tried to sell items to people in our comm after she moved all the way across the country.
She is selling things because she is rather desperate for money about a week ago? Then chargebacks happen, and she suddenly got a lot of money to give to her "friend" to send money to those who got chargebacks? WTF is going on here?
>Oojia Aqua Princess replica? Doesn't she have the real Aqua Princess?
I have received another message from her. She said she will pay me early this afternoon.
I still think it is better for Paypal to resolve this in your favor (unless you are the girl who got paid via Gift payment) instead of getting paid from another account. What is to prevent another reversal?
this is so dodgy!
I am unsure if I will accept it, but I think she is talking about reversing the payments. I asked her and she still hasn't responded.
Question, I was also scammed and she said if I sent her my PayPal, she'll send me the money. However, I already reversed my negative balance because I had no fucking idea what was going on, and I had to use PayPal to buy Christmas items.

I sent her my PayPal, but if she's paying with a friend's account, I don't really want her refund since it might be reversed again later. Can she still cancel the chargeback and re-credit my account with 360? I have no clue how PayPal works anymore, clearly.

Also, is it against PP's TOS to take the money and close out my account? Then I suppose she couldn't try and charge me back?
She probably bought the fake first before she could get the real and now is selling it off because why keep it? That is what I would do.
She got the AP strawberry jsk and the JJ set from me. I was hoping the selling was because she gained weight and couldn't fit the items and din't want to admit to it, but that would be wishful thinking since the strawberry dress would fit a rhino. Le fucked!
>needs rent money
>thousands of dollars in charge backs


Ha I've been wondering that for all you guys that have been screwed over. I think at the very least it looks suspicious on your part but if it works it works right?? But I wouldnt be surprised if it IS against paypal TOS
Jola here - so my paypal is $-3,800 negative balance right now and frozen. I'm considering calling my bank and asking them to freeze my checking so paypal cannot deduct from my checking because the two are linked. i'm not sure that they could do an unauthorised transfer like that to balance the account ... i can't seem to find that info? does anybody know what Paypal does in these cases? I gotta say i'm pretty scared about this situation and need to cover my ass.
From my understanding (I once had a negative balance, but only $300 and googled this issue to heck):

They cannot take money from your bank account or credit card or other card to cover a negative balance, even if it's connected to your Paypal account. However, if a negative balance remains in there a long time--I'm not sure how long, my balance was negative for1 month before I got it cleared up--then they have been known to send it to debt collections.

The way that they "make up" the negative balance is by applying any money you receive to that account towards your negative, not by taking it from your bank.
Never mind, I just called my bank and had them deny any future paypal withdrawl requests. After this mess is over i'm going to close out my Paypal account and if someone wants to buy stuff from me they can do so via postal money order. Fuck this.
I've met Maiko once at a meetup and I can tell you there are a lot of things that were "off" about her
>when she introduces herself she talks in a really fake cutsey voice as if she's trying to be a little Japanese girl
>she's at least 18 but her dad not only drove her to the meetup, he also waited around at the place we were at for the entire time. I could understand if they lived really far away and he didn't want to spend a bunch of time driving to and from the meetup twice... but the fact that he waited inside the place we were having our mertup makes me think he can't trust her to be left alone or something
>she told me she was moving to Japan soon to become an idoru/model for MAXCIMAM. Nuff said

Basically everything about this girl just screams lies and fakery
Thank you. I sill think Paypal SHOULD get my account back in order but I don't trust them for shit right now and I'm not taking any chances with that kind of money.
Yeah, if you're worried I wouldn't take the risk!

My negative balance was my own fault so I had to deal with it, but in this case I don't see why Paypal won't get things in order... but you never know.
I can't help but laugh at the "I'M GOING TO MODEL FOR MAXICMAM" part. Like... ohhh goody, you're going to be a brand model for one of the crappier, low-end brands? I mean I have a few MAM pieces that I like but c'mon now
not true. I've had PayPal overdraft me plenty of times. They will continue to try to take the money (plus) an overdraft fee if you overdraft whist they do. I had my bank put a stop payment on a false pp charge before.
She is lying probably anyway. Just with the whole "I'm half Japanese" thing. No, no you are not.

I think you probably could close out your account, but either
1) They would send your old account to debt collections, which were screw your credit score/likely end in you having to pay anyways, through legal action, or
(2) they'd just put 2 and 2 together and connect your old account with your new one.
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Yup, totally half-Japanese. Isn't it obvious from her kawaii Asian features?
For any PayPal transactions, I highly recommend linking one credit card with a low limit (it should really be whatever you want to limit yourself to spending each month. $500 - $1,000 will give you some wiggle room but won't end you up in huge debt unless you never pay it off) and buy and sell via that card only. I'm pretty sure PayPal can't do shit if a person doesn't have money in their PayPal account, but they have pulled from checking/savings before to regain lost funds so be careful if you use your savings/checking.

I'd advise everyone to keep screen shot/email records of every communication during every transaction, especially if the seller confirms in writing that they received an item. ALWAYS get signature confirmation on an expensive item when dealing with PayPal, it's worth the few extra bucks. I learned the hard way that they do not accept delivery confirmation as proof of delivery, even though their policy only asked for "proof of delivery" at the time. Not sure if they've fixed this since that happened (it's been a good while since I stopped selling on eBay) but I don't like to take any chances.

Cover your ass by saving ALL records from the transaction, every time, and take the proper precautions to ensure you don't get fucked over. No matter how nice a person may seem, remember this is the internet. You do not know this person, and you do not know their history (even if you've met them at meet ups). Treat it as a business transaction every time and keep detailed records EVERY time. Your likelihood of getting fucked over will decrease exponentially, trust me.

I’ve written far more than I meant to, but let me leave you with one final, important note you should always remember ---- PayPal loves to say "we're only the middle man, so we hold no responsibility for the transfers that occur" as an excuse (just like eBay), and their customer service is horrible.

I really think you should go to the police about this. I really doubt she will be able to hand you back the 3.8k chargeback. I hope you can sort it out!!!
>she's at least 18 but her dad not only drove her to the meetup, he also waited around at the place we were at for the entire time. I could understand if they lived really far away and he didn't want to spend a bunch of time driving to and from the meetup twice... but the fact that he waited inside the place we were having our mertup makes me think he can't trust her to be left alone or something

My dad used to do this, he'd always wait for me in the bar of the arcade I'd go to or in the car in a parking lot or something while I was at a concert, though it mostly stopped when I was like, 17-18. I never thought of it as a bad thing, just that he didn't want to drive a lot and is very patient. This makes me feel bad man :( He would wait inside the arcade or go inside to go to the bathroom sometimes like I said but never near our group or around me

damn, is she a giant?
Holy crap, according to animerei on the LJ page over 100 transactions were fucked over by her.
If she were actually part Japanese, she would not be as huge as fucking elronyyar. Even if she was only a quarter or less Japanese she'd be somewhat petite in comparison to the giant she is. I may be prone to chubbiness when lazy but thank god I don't have bones of a giantess.
This. I feel so bad for all this girls but especially for Jola just reading all this. I would be so freaked out. And yes, I would go to the police actually.
Because of this bitch all the regular sellers are going to refuse to ship by airmail and now shipping will cost twice as much because they're now really on edge. Thanks for ruining the comm sales for everyone, maikodolly. Btw, you're a joke with your shitty band and attempts to be ~supah kawahee~. You look like a white old man crossed with a whale.
I'm from earlier ITT, I'm 1/4th and I'm tall but I am very skinny. I know someone else who's body doesn't reflect it but her facial features are very telling.

Shit like this makes me want to get that DNA ancestry profile thing done because I hear that native american ancestry shows up in the results as just "Asian". PART JAPANESE DESU DESU!!!
The police in Florida (where she was living when the fraud ocurred) of the police in CA where she is now? There is one problem right there.
which one is she? the tallest?
To be fair, some people do just NOT look like one of their parents. I know a girl who has a dark-skinned, half African-American mom and a half-Mexican father but ended up being completely white and with relatively anglo-looking features. if you're half- or quarter-something, by chance it is possible to look nothing like one part of your family. That said, it is HIGHLY unusual to not at least have a few of the distinctive features of that less-expressed ethnicity. And given the tendency of weebs to claim this sort of thing, I would definitely hazard a guess that she's just making shit up.
Maikodolly doesn't have any physical characteristics of being Japanese at all though so it's almost funny that she thinks she looks half. She's tall, big boned and has a caucasian face and colouring (eyes, hair, skin tone). I bet you're gorgeous, I'm sorry girls like her fetishise part of your culture.


I think that's the point the anon earlier in the thread was making. It's so plausible that weebs jump on that plausability and say they're part Asian/Japanese and people don't usually challenge it because they either don't care or aren't crazy enough to dig into their family history.
Every half asian I've ever seen, even most 1/4 asians have all had "asian" eyes, even if the eye is a "caucasian" color, the shape is almost always that slim almond asian shape. They can be blond and blue eyed but have an asian eyeshape, that for me is the tell tale sign that they are part asian. If they don't have legit asian looking eyes and lack every other feature then I assume it's weeb bullshit when they say they are part asian.
>I'm extremely sick with bronchitis and have to get to the doctor ASAP
Bronchitis sucks, but it's not that expensive to go to the doctor for it? I hope you get better though, I honestly get it almost every year now.
Yeah, my brother in law is 1/4 Japanese as well and he is super tall and white and blonde. You would never guess looking at him that he is Japanese. My nephew is 1/8 Japanese and 1/4 Mexican and he is pale with red hair. Genetics are just funny like that. /shrug
Oh, and neither of them have "asian" eyes or anything. I can understand being skeptical, especially amoung weeaboos, but it's possible.
The medicine can be kind of expensive, although it depends on what kind of insurance you have. I had a really bad bout of bronchitis last year (lasted for 5 months, ugh), and the combined cost of the Zithromax (strong antibiotic package), and inhaler (for my tight airways), and all the over-the-counter meds for clearing out the mucus in my system cost me like $70, WITH insurance. Without insurance, I imagine it could potentially be a somewhat hefty cost for the prescriptions. If you have a tight budget, the cost of seeing a doctor + the medicine cost might just be too high after an unexpected financial fiasco like this one.
Is anyone else excited that this girl is like PT and Dakota Rose rolled into one? Maybe some Ashley as well. I want to know more about her.
This is true. For me it's annoying because one of my eyelid has less of a fold than the other one so sometimes it looks really strange.
Guys I just had a though. What if her 'friends' paypal is just her paypal instead with her real name rather than this Maiko Fantaji name? Does anyone have her paypal name or other info?
well the people who mailed her items would have her home address, unless she uses a PO box
If Jola is still here, PLEASE tell me you dumped all the money from the transactions into your account so you're not actually out 3,800$ and it's just that you have a negative balance? Not that that makes it better but :/
Update: I just got off the phone w/ paypal, they ruled in my favor on all 5 transactions but since it's s uch a large amount they had to escalate to the supervisor in order to get my account balanced. Apparently the charge was too large to reverse without supervisor approval. That somewhat puts my mind at ease. I'm going to pm an EGL mod w/ the full details asap including Maikos real name and shipping info. I'm still keeping that bank block on all paypal charges though.
I think she said it's just a negative balance and not actually out 3,800.
I hope everyone involved with this takes her to court, that is all the LJ victims, the credit card company and paypal.
Bitch gotta pay.
>all the regular sellers are going to refuse to ship by airmail and now shipping will cost twice as much because they're now really on edge

Yup. I was about to do a sales page this week but now I'm terrified something like this will happen! I'm usually pretty lax on shipping but I really don't want to take the risk and will feel safer just doing it as securely as possible.
You could speak to either and they would advise you or put you through if you need to deal with someone else, I would imagine.
So was this started by the CC company or not? There's so many different stories-- it was the CC company, no it was paypal, no it was maiko going on paypal and requesting it.
Paypal said it was a case of “unauthorized payments”.
but animerei said that maiko requested it, but maiko said the CC company just charged back everything, at least that's what I think

this is such a convoluted mess
pp never did anything...to initiate a chargeback the buyer has to contact the CC company
but was it even a chargeback? Maiko says it was but PP says that Maiko contacted them about identity theft and that she initiated that. Or at least that's what I took away from it
Does anyone have that info?
I can assure you guys when I met her her dad was white so if she's really half Japanese it would have been her dead(?) mom's side of the family.
Maiko says that she contacted Paypal first and that "Paypal must have contacted the bank"

well, then she said that she contacted the *bank* first...

PP won't do chargebacks unless a someone made a claim against you and you lost, or apparently, when the cc company cancels all transactions.
Not fair to make the seller pay in this case, they've done nothing to warrant this after all.
CC company and pp should both be insured, so why the fuck all the negative balances?
Sellers were paid, shipped goods and most of them have proof the package was delivered, I think it's very unfair of paypal.
This is all fucked up and I still believe maikodolly is a liar trying to scam people out of their money and their items.
Hope this bitch goes to jail.
Ok, I'm trying to get the gist of this fiasco!
>she needed rent a week ago and didn't have enough money
>she wants to sell the dresses she bought several months ago
>then she claimed that the dresses she paid for and wore were bought fraudulently
>so she contacted bank/paypal to get chargeback on over 100 transactions 'XD'

Or have I got it completely wrong? She seems dodgy as fuck either way!
It's a little different
>she needed rent a week ago and didn't have enough money
>she wants to sell the dresses she bought several months ago
>then she claimed that someone/her brother stole her identity and was using her card fraudulently
>so she contacted bank/paypal and the bank/paypal accidentally did achargeback on over 100 transactions 'XD'
>she said that she contacted her bank OR paypal contacted her bank OR her bank contacted paypal
>she tried paying people back with a ~mysterious friends' paypal account~
Man, it's such a mess! I feel so bad for all the people that got screwed by this awful person. She really needs a dose of reality!
I need info on the scammer from a few years ago. Wasn't she in Florida too? I think I found a connection......
Yeah....I don't have insurance. That's why I was estimating it'd cost me about 500 bucks (ironically the amount of the chargeback)

It sucks too because im so sick and my lungs and throat are in so much pain that dealing with this has been hell. Now I'm stressed to boot which probably isn't helping the recovery process.
What scammer?
There was a girl who did something similar a few years ago with the chargebacks and everything.
Mabet was Australian if I recall correctly.

I'm really pissed that I missed the deadline to opt out of this for ebay, I had no idea about it =/
Some people are saying they have been getting their money back now.
Chill...Her picture is the OP pic too you know...
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Also her on the right, wearing the Cherry Berry Bunny set she got from me.
hi jola! i think you can ask your bank to possibly block any more charges from paypal, even, to keep them the hell out of your account.
yeah I did that, just in case!
redaznfox? She was from New England, and had a hispanic name
i'm so glad this worked out well for you! you've always been one of my favorite lolitas.
or actually maybe not, there was an LJ entry of hers that makes me think CA even though everything else says new england
I'm so pleased, Jola! I'm really sorry that you had to go through all that though, but I'm really glad it went in your favour. It's far too easy for Paypal to just side with the buyer.
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FYI, this is me (Jola) in the same outfit. Maiko is cuter and has a much nicer wig ... but look at the way the dress and socks fit me versus her. How tall is she?? I'm 5'5 1/2" tall, is she like 6'? Is it the way she is standing? the dress seems so very short on her and i'm seeing a lot of thigh in her picture.
The socks thing may be due to the difference in calf size. OTK socks look knee high on me because of my calves. And diff. body proportions.
This. I'm like, the tiniest bit Asian (Chinese great grandmother or somesuch), and you could never tell apart from the eyes.
I'm jelly of all her brand tbh :/
>the dress seems so very short on her and i'm seeing a lot of thigh in her picture.
Yeah and the angle is off so it may look even shorter IRL. She looks like a giant! I'm 5'8 and this looks shorter on her than it does on me.
She does look quite a bit taller than you. I'd guess at least five inches' difference, given where it cuts under her bustline, where it falls on the leg, etc
She's obviously taller than you, but I also think she's got a bigger bust than you which is causing the bodice to sit higher.
>Maiko is cuter and has a much nicer wig

Okay, the wig but i'll give you, but saying she's the cuter one? I think all this stress has gone to your head, Jola.
This 100% Jola, you are freakin adorable.
lol, i look like a man in the photo i posted (not fishing for complements, it's just a bad photo and the wig frames my face so i have a mannish jawline, moreso than usual). whatever, the scam issue the big deal here, i was just looking at the photos since i'm compiling the evidence to keep in case this comes up again. Is there going to be a Getoffegl post at some point?

*wig bit, ffs.

So it's not a wasted post: I don't know how the US/particular state law would work. Could people still go to the police even if they get their money back? Could/would the police do anything, even if it's just a case of scare talk.

I know I would. Bitch fucked you over, you fuck her over.
do you really think- if everyone gets paid back- she will still be banned?
like, unless they can prove it was something she did with malicious/criminal intent do you really think the mods will hold it against her?

i personally believe she deserves it, especially because this is your second time dealing with it. but it just seems like the mods wont have the backbone for it if it's not 100% proven.
she's banned already. whether or not they'll hold to it is another thing.
I disagree, I don't think Maiko is cuter at all. You dress well and you look quite elegant. She will never have class like you.
i understand that she's banned now, it's the future that i'm worried about.

seeing as this isn't the first time this has happened with her i hope it stays...

It's not the most flattering photo, but you've definitely not got a man face going on there.

I'm not even saying it because i'm biased against her. You take the face, body and outfit as one unit, and you're way cuter.

On the subject of a gtfo: I'm guessing there's a hesitancy because whilst it's pretty much guaranteed at this point she's a scammer, that decision hasn't being unanimously agreed upon and no one wants to appear to be jumping to conclusions.

I for one choose not to because there's still some poor sods trying to get their money back, and those who have aren't out of the woods yet. I feared that creating a gtfo might create backlash from the bitch in question. The last we want is she her to flounce.

Secondly, whilst I believe she's a scammer, it's still unclear how exactly she done it. Her path is still littered with contradictions and outright lies (some of what she's claimed isn't possible) and so people might be hesitant to post until things get a little less confusing. I guess someone could still post all her excuses given thus far without drawing a conclusion thus far mind you, though referring back to my first point, we don't want to make her flounce. A gtfo might make it harder for the people involved should Miako turn around and accusing us of shit stirring.

If anyone posts a gtfo, it has to be a victim. Otherwise there will be whiteknights up the wazoo. If a victim posts, majority will defend the victim at all costs.
There have been so many posts lately by stupid people who can't read properly (mistakenly) correcting people. What's with all the illerate morons?
i think this is true. until it's proven it wasn't her fault, but a mistake by the credit card people or paypal.

since people are getting their money back especially.

it's okay, anon. people make mistakes. no one's perfect.
of course she should be banned, would you do business w/ her? Would you like to be a new seller who doesn't know her history, selling her something just to have this mess happen again? This isn't just one person this situation fucked over, we are talking a LOT of transactions. Besides, if she has all this money let her buy directly from AP and Baby ... if she pulls this sort of nonsense they'll just blacklist her for eternity.

Holy shit, way for me to butcher my mother tongue. Apologies you guys. Remove that 2nd thus far after 'drawing a conclusion' for a start.

It's scary how PP just charged back one girl's money twice. Are different customer reps taking the case each time and drawing their own conclusion or something? Good thing I never had faith in PP, because this shit fest would have destroyed any I had.
ok, fair enough. I can't believe i'm calling for a GTFO post, i'm usually not bitchy but this situation has me incredibly upset and calling for blood. I'm willing to sit back and wait to see how things shake out, at least for now.
me personally? absolutely not. everyone who dealt with this should leave feedback.
from now on i wont sell to anyone who doesn't send me their feedback link- not that i really have much to sell of lolita anymore.

but what if she honestly is innocent? as unlikely as it is it would suck for her. you can't get older prints from Baby or AP. but i suppose there's always Mbok and Closet Child and stuff. but i know people who have literally had their lives ruined by identity theft so i have slight sympathy for this situation on both sides.
but how she's handled it with all her "xD" stuff stops that sympathy from really making me want "innocent until proven guilty"
i think you should post it (you're Jola right?), to be honest. above everyone else you have the most honest say that this was purposeful and not an accident.
Well, i don't KNOW either. right now i'm keeping the EGL mods up to date and they are digging into the issue. I'll abide by whatever they determine i guess. I don't want to be part of a witch-hunt here. But things don't smell quite right to me and if anything solid is turned up damn right it will be going public.
if i were you i wouldn't be open to the idea that it was the same accident twice. like, you're the only person who i'm like "yeah okay no burn the witch" with, everyone else i am open to hearing if it was an accident or not. but because of your issue it's super unlikely.

i'm glad you're fine with going totally public if it comes to that.
The problem with "what if she is innocent?" is that she's giving contradicting stories about what happened.
Especially TWICE I mean for Jola's sake, this girl deserves to be banned just on that account. Like you said, if some newbie shows up and starts selling to her, there won't be a huge public affair like there is now, it'd just be one confused person.
Yeah, so almost $4000. twice? Burn mammajamma.
a lot of people don't really know themselves what's going on when it's identity theft. especially because it's paypal and the credit card she's dealing with. not just credit card stuff.

it's a big mess, like, huge. but i am in no way defending her. just open to the very very very very very slim possibility.

Oh, don't get me wrong I think this shit fest deserves a gtfo. It's just, even if we've all agreed she's a scammer that's not the official verdict yet and a lot of people still think she's innocent. I fear any backlash from her or others might harm the victim's progress with her so far.

I think the time for a gtfo will come, but posting one now risks doing more harm then good imo. Collecting all the evidence, caps and back story at this stage is the most sensible option right now in my eyes.

If there wasn't several thousand dollar still up in the air, I might think differently, I honestly don't know.

Of course, that's just my take on it. It's easy for me to say this when i'm not thousand of pounds out of pocket worrying how i'll pay for my rent or next meal.

This is something that needs discussing. I'm just paranoid because as I keep saying, i'm thinking of the poor girls who still are owed money. The last thing I want is for this chick to throw a fit and flounce entirely. A gtfo might be the perfect excuse.

I'd be interested to hear other thoughts on the matter, particularly those in opposition to my own.
At this point I honestly doubt anyone will come and defend her especially if you can recap all of what happened. Cgl threads get discredited and on top of it they are not permanent.

Please post it, the info needs to get out there. A lot of people including me will back you don't worry.
Evedestroys actually had the exact same issue as I did ... a reversal in August (initiated by the bank) and a re-reversal recently. I got hit for a larger amount, but it sounds like she suffered more due to this mess hitting when she needed that paypal money for a doctor's visit.
The sales Facebook admin is being a dumbass about it. Or at least she was last night.
that's absolute shit then. multiple offensives on multiple occasions is enough for any court of law.

what was she doing?
I still have some of the FB caps, though I completely cut out that part where rocketlaunching was asking her about her money/living situation.
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I'm going to wait until the mods weigh in and hopefully everybody gets a resolution and their money back. She is banned right now and can't do more damage, once we have a clearer idea of what the situation really is we can decide how to proceed. Posting to a wank site might not be the best move right now ... but yeah this needs to go up eventually. I just want to be smart about it an not fuck anyone's chances of getting their money back, and on the slim chance Maiko is not a scammer,

Ok I respect your opinion. I hope you and the others will get your money back soon.

What is with all her xDDD ? She totally doesnt give a shit. Its really fucked up.
Girl is whiteknighting hard for Maiko..especially since she deleted any comments that were not 'facts' on the attention post.
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Holy fuck the mod is fucking stupid. You don't just delete shit you 'don't like' or 'isn't facts' the bitch needs to be interrogated.
She just deleted this.
says a woman who stole from someone
I'm really shocked, but not suprised. She doesn't seem the type to back her own choices. The fb comm has to be the worst run comm in a while.
oh shit, forgot all about that!
This. GTFO Spooky / Charms.
Oh right, that is Charms isn't it.
wait, spooky is charms?
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Not sure if this cap has anything deleted in it or not.
The mods already did weigh in. They believe her, because ~the authorities~ said it checked out. That's the official story as far as EGL goes.
Yes she is. Everyone keeps forgetting that, she told us in a different thread.
>she told us in a different thread
>spookycharms on every site ever
>and i self post at least once a day

sorry guys, i don't mean to like... do that.

i wont say anything else on this i promise. i just find it mind blowing that it's not common knowledge yet.
>she is in a position where she really doesn't have to fix anything

what the fuck!?
>i just find it mind blowing that it's not common knowledge yet.
Maybe it's not common knowledge that a lying thief would want to trip here again.
Sooo, did you steal the choker or did you actually pay $200 for it at a con?

Yea it should be as common knowledge as the fact that youre a theif
She has edited that comment btw.
I feel bad for people who's lives are so boring they have to cling onto something that happened 4 years ago. Get over it, she's a helpful trip now.

what happened?
How did she edit it?
I wonder if she knows that people can view your edits.
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She also edited other comments. You can view the edits if you click where it says 'edited' on the comment.
what the fuck.

there has to be something else going on there. like, there's no way a totally neutral party would be that way
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And another. Wow she's kind of a cunt. I understand the whole 'innocent until proven guilty' thing but she basically said not to piss Maiko off or she might flounce.
oh alright, that makes some sense. same idea as Jola. but still to be that like- weird about it.
TBH I understand what she means and I think everyone is just nitpicking and looking for things to be mad at. She's saying she doesn't have to do anything and can cut and run with everything.>>6429612
the latest from Maiko: I have refunded some people already from my friends paypal, and I called and got the freeze on my paypal lifted, it will take around 48 hours to be lifted, then I can pay back people from my own account, and until then, I will continue to refund people from my friends account :) I'm trying my best to keep everyone updated, and am getting everybody paid back. Paypal had told me that they were unable to refund people back after a reverse, and another time they said they can xDD Either way, you will either be refunded by paypal or myself.
Well it does, but still she is being far far too fussy about this sort of thing. How can we keep our evidence straight without all of it?
People were PMing her about the thread not being ~neutral~ enough and she's literally the ONLY mod for that community. She didn't create it so she doesn't have the power to make more mods. She just tries to make everyone happy, and has her head in the clouds most of the time, but there's really no ill intention behind it.

>>in b4 whiteknight
I understand too, but I feel like she's taking away some of the important evidence.
i understand nitpicking in this situation, it's a big fucking deal. small details are often what can prove or disprove things- nitpicking is the way to find small details.

why was her paypal frozen? just for so much charging in a a short amount of time.
>She didn't create it so she doesn't have the power to make more mods.
Then whoever created the comm needs to extend power to her. Plus, if she is able to access the page, delete posts and the like she can assign someone else to do the same.
>why was her paypal frozen?
When you do a lot of chargebacks, especially due to things such as fraud they freeze your account so no one including whomever was using your account improperly can access it.
Well that person ran off and hasn't been around since it grew exponentially. She's asked a ton of people but nobody's willing to mod that shithole. I seriously don't understand why there needs to be a sales comm on FB.
Alex is stopping with the deletions. I told her it was important for preserving evidence, so whoever thought the thread wasn't *~NEUTRAL ENOUGH~* can go get their pettis out of a bunch.

LJ is too hard for plebeian brains
She expects everyone to be neutral concerning this situation? Wtf?

Aside from that, she has deleted all of my comments but one, and none of them were inciting any sort of drama. Aside from the most recent deletion, they were all made yesterday, and no one was responding to them. Mod is fucking retarded.
looks like you forgot your trip there, spooky. once a thief, always a thief. you'll never be welcome here.
Nonono, she was getting PMs from multiple people complaining that she wasn't being neutral enough and felt that people were attacking her or whatever. She panicked and flashbacked to the last time a crazy scammer happened on the FB comm sales and everyone attacked her and she didn't want a repeat so she listened to the idiots PMing her. That's really all it is.

It's a lot easier for me to sell there than the comm sales

Ive sold stuff faster there than the comm sales

It's not that I dont understand how to use the comm sales, it's just that my stuff sells faster on fb
>She panicked and flashbacked to the last time a crazy scammer happened on the FB comm sales and everyone attacked
When was all this?
Chiyako, apparently recently
more people using facebook than lj= more dresses sold on facebook than on lj
It just seems a lot less safe, and a lot more nooby and cesspool-y
She is in CA, she went to PMX
All of her xDDDDDD in her comments really gets under my skin. She isn't taking this seriously at all. I want to punch her in her fat head.
buttcape here. Paypal has given all the money back to me and my account is back in balance. I hope everyone who was reversed will get their money back soon.
Maikodolly did offer to pay me from her friend's account, but I told her I could wait another 48 hours.
She's used to her daddy giving her everything she wants. The fact that people are out hundreds and even thousands of dollars doesn't register as serious to her. If it was her out money, daddy would fix it~
you are so freaking cute :D you have the exact right proportions for AP.
Any updates?

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