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EVA character references are out. Anybody else planning out new outfits?

Pic related. I'm working on a Misato right now.
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We already have an EVA thread.
>>6419534 →
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does anyone mind if I post some character references sheets?
>should have asked that before oops
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saging because I should probably post these in the other EVA thread
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The other thread is less about the references and more about general EVA fandom'ing/griping.
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ah ok so I'll just continue posting these in here, thanks!
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So excited for new costumes this con season. Would love to do Asuka, though my few experiences with sewing have been poorly done...

Maybe just pants with the jacket and hat? Would relieve me from the heat of a full latex suit, while making life easier for me.
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people still watch evangelion?

I thought religion was a thing of the past
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Come off it, anon. Anno has stated he used Christian imagery because he thought it looked cool, not out of any deeper religious significance.
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no way

the evil robots are called like bible stuff and then some!
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Nice life jacket, brah.
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aaannd I've done
sorry if I've missed a few characters but hopefully these sheets may be useful for someone, good luck!
Where are these from? The premiere booklet?

My poor EVA2 is so ugly, now. ;___;
the fuck is this shit?
A 2d character with 3d lips

Horrifying, I know.

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