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For you weeaboos and weeaboos at heart.
I love reading sjw blogs like this. Japan and Korea are terribly racist and sexist, but god forbid a white person eat pocky or listen to kpop, those fucking cracker cultural-appropriator need to check their privilege
>"I'm not racist against whites, I have like 5 white friends!!1!1!!1!!!!1!1!!"
>"exotic/cute culture"
I didn't realize all white people had the same culture that could be described as...exotic and cute...
Let me guess, the people who own those blogs are 15 year old white girls, correct? This shit is ridiculous.
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>"I just find myself attracted to asian guys more than white guys, that's all I'm saying"

>>6425169 (OP)

Geisha makeup on non-Japanese is called yellowface?

Every time tumblr SJW/gender shit gets posted here it makes me so so happy I never joined that
>>6425169 (OP)
> 匿名からの質問: I don't see why don't answer more questions. A lot are legit. Why do you focus only on white when other POC do the same? You know how many black women I've seen dressed geisha? Where is the posts about them? It's okay for them?

>that’s it I’m turning anon off for now

It's both hilarious and disgustingly fascinating how tumblr people apparently just physically can't see what perfect hypocrites they are.
>I'm turning off anon and dodging your question because I can't answer you without looking like a complete fucking hypocrite

Man that girl running the not-japan blog would shit a brick over PT.
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> 匿名からの質問: I sure do feel bad for those white people who grow up in Japan, THEY'RE JUST NOT GONNA FIT IN ANYWHERE ARE THEY? They grew up in Japanese culture, but they're -NOT- allowed to appreciate it because OH GOD THEY'RE RACIST WHITIES.

She replied with this gif.

So everyone that does asskiss is automatically white to her? Wow she got some mad ass weeaboo vendetta going on.
> 匿名からの質問: Hi. I am looking for some advice, if you wouldn't mind offering it (I know it isn't your job to educate me, a white girl). It's regarding chopsticks. I am aware of how to properly use chopsticks and prefer using them to forks and knives. Having said this, I worry that me using them constitutes appropriating cultures in which chopsticks were and are used traditionally. I have a pretty large collection of them given that I tend to use them more than other forms of cutlery. Is this racist of me?

>Are you a troll? Appropriation is supported and made possible by racism, but does not necessarily constitute as racism itself. At least in my opinion. Chopsticks have been and are used as a stereotypical gimmick. Usually to indicate that whatever it is associated with it, is Asian. Really, asking if eating with or having chopsticks is racist just tells me you completely missed the point. Or you’re a troll. Either way you’re just another basic white person.
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Saw the first one yesterday through Riley.

I thought it was hilarious, considering the whole Arkh Project fiasco of a Japanese 'trans' woman (read: crossdresser, because that's literally all he is) wearing a Chinese dress.

The whole Asian culture is the same after all, black people can't be racist.
>go die in a fire
>educate yourself

I don't know why they do this. They need to educate themselves on the ins and outs of human learning and receptivity to information. By creating reactance against a subject, they are damaging their cause in the short-term AND the long run. But they're all 14-year-olds who can't comprehend consequences so I guess that's to be expected, but it still blows my mind that they're so vehemently willfully ignorant.
Saying things like "I'm turning off anon" or "you missed the point" or .gifs or some other unclear answer tells me that they're uneducated, undecided, can't figure out how to answer the question without offending other ~SJ heroes and becoming a victim themselves, or some other degree of insecurity.
what the hell is going on here?

All I see is SJW and a terrible blog reaming people for their interest in kimono
IDK, man. As annoying as some of there rhetoric is, they sure do get a lot of asks that are basically white people whining. You don't see the entertainment value there? It's like watching a train wreck full of mini PT's and people you hate embarassing themselves.
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oh wow

I'm 10 pages back in that blog and so far I've only seen maybe 3 asks where the asker specifically said they were white. The rest of it is the buttmad Eri girl using "white" as an insult the way Gutterface and Aki do with "girl".

Fucking Zutarra.
I don't understand. Don't they want "racist whites" to stop being ignorant? Because in that case, isn't it part of their agenda to explain why what they do/say is wrong? It's like they WANT to find reasons to hate white people and complain about dumb shit.
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I used to think Yukatas were only meant to be used on Festivals and to sleep. Now thanks for that (racist) blog I learned its "important for our culture and all but those horrible white people can wear it!". (Ironically, one of the people whose sent death treat to that girl is Riley).
>bla bla bla cultural appropriation

Why is that a bad thing anyway?
I'd feel fucking proud and happy if I saw someone from a different culture that has no obligation to know about OR like my own culture liking, being interested or even wearing it.

SJ is so fucking sad and insecure, full of trust issues. Can't take a compliment or even an innocent question without getting defensive.
Nah, its obvious the white people must stop their "racist thoughts" by them self, even if that meant to browse pages or ask to people to tell them what SJW doesn't want to hear.
>>6425169 (OP)
Oh god. Then why is it okay for Korean and Japanese celebrities to try to 'appropriate' black hip hop culture?

Right? I'm Mexican and my standard is that people usually don't like anything Mexican but the "food" but when people actually show interest in the culture and go out of their way to learn about it, it makes me really happy and proud /:
ditto. Borrowing ideas and remixing stuff is human nature. imagine how quickly things would get stagnant otherwise?
To each their own, I guess. I never feel...celebratory when white people latch on to another culture's thing. More embarrassed? It's embarrassing.
>>6425169 (OP)
Sounds like when white people are racist and say " haha no no i'm not racist, i have some black friends!"

You sound so stupid and even more racist.
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Because its only racist when white people do it!
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>White appropriation doesn't excist.
>White appropriation doesn't excist.

>Why tumblr
Aren't Korean and Japanese cultures influenced heavily by the chinese anyway?
i remember reading an ask which was someone asking if it was cultural appropriation to wear like scandinavian print fabrics or kilts or things. No answer lol. Inb4 someone says "but those (white-skinned) cultures weren't oppressed!!" peeps need to learn some history. You can't have one rule for dark skinned people and one for whites, because that is the fucking definition of racism.
Yeah, I know -exactly- how you feel. I'm Brazilian and when people know even a little more than "Rio de Janeiro", "huge statue" I already feel happy about it.
Even if they get it wrong, picture it unrealistically or whatever, because that's how human beings are... and this:

Well, it depends. Teenagers or drunk people in Halloween wearing kimonos, native American stuff (amongst some other things)? That shouldn't even be taken seriously.
You don't have to be happy about it, but it doesn't make sense to feel offended either. It's not a joke, they're not mocking it.
I'm Chilean and makes me happy when I see foreign people asking me about my country that isn't about 27F or the Miners problem or Easter Island being a country/part of USA/all but a Chilean city :/
Koreans are just bitter because they have very little culture that isn't chinese. What they do have, they defend to the death (Remember when Dakota said she didn't like kimchi and it got on the news?) Korea is a shithole country anyway because it is just as materialistic (even more so?) and idolises the west, while still clinging to their Confucian, racist, sexist, nationalistic values. Like how 1/4 women over there get plastic surgery to look more westernised while loudly proclaiming that Korean genes are superior.
They must be 15, I refuse to acknowledge anyone older 15 that can be this closeminded and ignorant.

Cultural appropriation has been good for the world on MANY LEVELS. If we were all going to stop wearing, eating and doing things that come from other cultures we would all be in a world of discomfort.

There is a difference between showing cultural sensitivity and being an asshat. I'm indian, I love it when white girls wear sari or let me do mehndi on them because it feels good to share my culture with other people and to know that people of all colours and races can appreciate beauty they might not necessarily understand. Educating others to our various cultures is what promotes understanding, and then respect and acceptance rather than ignorance and hate.

The only time I have EVER been offended by a white person 'appropriating/invading' our culture was when this stupid SJW bitch joined the Muslim club at our school as an 'ally' and proceeded to make every meeting awkward by treating it like Tumblr. We were there to pray and/or discuss the religion and issues with it, stopping every 5 seconds because whitey didn't get it and kept making stupid commentary drove us all insane until we kicked her out.
That blogger probably isn't even Korean. Shut the fuck up with your vendetta.
And what little they did have of their own got stamped out by the Japanese anyhow. Can't believe you didn't mention that since every Korean brings it up all the time. "I'm not racist but Japanese people are x/y/z/imperialist invaders."
>Finnish person here. We were twice oppressed - first by Sweden then by Russia. In a way it continues to this day since every Finnish person must by law also learn to speak Swedish.

Whites can be from oppressed cultures too, I wish someone told these SJ warriors that.

I could go on a crusade forbidding every Russian person from wearing any Scandinavian print fabrics... but that would be really, really dumb, now wouldn't it.
Whoops, seems like I failed with greentext!
I think I like the mod of the Korea one better. The Japan one is kinda really pushing batshit SJW territory.
I'm from Scotland, and obviously a lot of Americans have SCOTTORANDO HERATIJI, and wear kilts and (on the irish side of things) celebrate st. Paddy's day etc. It is somewhat similar to the I'm 1/36th Cherokee princess thing (not completely but you get what I mean)
But you don't see me crying about it. (Scots were also oppressed in history, one of the reasons only like 30,000 people speak one of our native languages, with others dead or in decline)
You fail to understand that it's a racial thing, not a national thing.
you don't understand. that can't be true. white people have never, ever been oppressed or enslaved in all of history and whatever has happened to them doesn't count anyway because they are white.

lets ignore when the africas and middle east had most of the world enslaved, its not like the whole persian empire ever happened.

I'm a 'POC' and I'll say this. enslavement and control have nothing to do with skin colour. throughout history whoever was strongest enslaved the others regardless of race. black people enslaved black people, asians enslaved asians, and they all enslaved each other etc. because all humans are terrible human beings and committing genocide and taking slaves is in our nature.

white people are just the bully that was in most recent history, and also lasted the longest. that's all. if black or chinese people had been in the same situation they would and have done the exact same thing, and we would all be bitching about them instead, but white people just happened to win the race. no pun intended.
Jesus Christ people, I hate SJWs as much as anyone else but you totally failing to see their irony in that last point definitely makes them look cleverer than you.
It's kind of hard to tell with a blog owner as racist as this.
HEY GUISE ITS OK stop getting your white panties into a bunch!

WHITENESS is a POWER structure, an ideology, it has nothing to do with white people.

when people hate on whites, they hate on the power dynamics etc. not white people as a whole
thats why antiwhite racism is ok!

l2politics plez :)

It kind of is.
I can't tell you the amount of times I've seen SJshits get called out on "white culture" bullshit, only for them to backtrack and say "UH WELL, ACTUALLY THERE'S GERMAN CULTURE, AND IRISH CULTURE, AND RUSSIAN AND SLOVAK AND GREEK CULTURE: "WHITE" CULTURE AS A THING DOESN'T EXIST LEL UR SO SILLY"
>CULTURAL appropriation
>Racial thing.


Don't forget this


Given there are retards that actually believe this, I can't tell if you're trolling or not.
When the talk is about CULTURAL appropriation yes, I do assume it is about culture.

Also Finnish people are of different race than most European people according to mtDNA studies so learn your shit about "races".
what are you girls fighting about anyway

It doesn't matter, if you have pale skin, light hair and eyes you can pass as white and therefore have white privilege.
Didn't someone just explain how certain white peoples are still oppressed around the world?

It doesn't matter, if you can pass as white you have white privilege and as such you cannot be oppressed.
Well, yes - exactly. She's not being a hypocrit by having those same views, she's ironically repeating them to show them as ridiculous. She's not hypocritical, because those are not her views, those are views she's ironically showing as racist.

I'm not here to defend her, but at least understand her.
Do gyaru have white privilege?
>white people being oppressed

lololol. No white person has EVER been oppressed and will never be oppressed and if you think they can, you are part of the problem.

Check your privilege and denounce your whiteness, like me.

No, because they're technically POC and POC are allowed to appropriate other cultures.
I don't know why any of you guys get upset over these people.

If you have white privilege you should smile sweetly at them and say 'Yep. Yep, it's great for me. What a shame the structure is against you. I sure am lucky. Life is good.' And laugh at them and leave.

Nothing upsets them more.
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>mfw a white person has an opinion near me

All of you need to check your motherfucking privilege, cisethnic scum
Yep. Yep, it's great for me. What a shame the structure is against you. I sure am lucky. Life is good. Ahahaha. Byeee.

You mean smackdab in the middle of it.
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My privilege is fine, well fed and cared.
That reminds me of that "transethnic Japanese" shit and that "asexual pansexual catkin transethnic Korean MtF transsexual", prince-koyangi or whatever. Shit was hilarious.
All this reminds me of a book I read ages ago that actually envisioned the world if SJW took over the world in the future. I wish I could remember what it was called....
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I don't care if I'm hispanic, those designs are amazing and I am totally jelly of those who get to have it done for their weddings. Do want, so very badly.
Someone from Europe needs to act all offended by lolita. Maybe you could bitch about the macaroons and gothic cathedrals? "Europe is not all fun and games, missy. Many Europeans are not rich, you are stereotyping my culture with this aristocratic shit."
ooh, some of it is based off of Marie Antoinette, some French person should bitch about how tyrannical the French aristocracy was and how oppressive they were. Bonus points for equating it to dressing as Nazis.
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omg someone please do this oh lord
This blog is racist. I'm not even white and this makes me disgusted. They can't help they are born that color just as much as I can't help being brown.

>We should all email abuse@tumblr.com with this link. No racism and no hate from anyone or any color.
This...makes me feel better about the two saris I own. I keep the damn things nicely folded away in my closet, and every now and then I take them out and admire the patterns....but I know if I ever tried wearing them out, I'd get my ass chewed for it. A real shame, indian saris and chinese cheongsam are super flattering and elegant, but white girls get so much heat for wearing them...
>not even white

lol, suuuuure. nice try, honkey. your white tears are delicious. check your privilege before posting next time, ok?
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You can be ignorant all you like but, it doesn't make me white.
You don't find it a bit ironic that your being more racist then the people your upset at?
You do realize that anon was being sarcastic?
you can't be racist against white people. try again, cracker.
I...I didn't know dreads were considered racist if white people wore them...I thought it was just a hairstyle:

I'm sure this anon was being sarcastic as well but some people missed it
This makes even less sense than the other culture stuff. I've known white people/mixed people with very tight kinks in their hair, and they simply decided to go with dreadlocks than to try to relax it. You can't be racist for having a hairtype that is easier maintained in a certain style. Are they gonna get mad at white girls with straight hair because a lot of Asian people have straight hair?
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I'm from Europe and I really like this idea, especially since the whole ''white appropriation doesn't excist but look at all these whites appropriating our culture!!!11!!!1'' thing. Someone should make it a tumblr blog called thisisnoteurope.tumblr.com and go as batshit insane as the owner of the thisisnotjapan tumblr.
oddly enough, no, it wasn't that. same flavor though.
>fiction outlawed
>children have high mortality rate because no inoculation 'jamming a needle into kids is bad guys"
> kids also get stupid names (Happymeal, Gucci-Prada, Princess-Barbie) While normal names (Caitlin, John) are extremely frowned upon.
> webcams everywhere (the more people watching you have sex means more people think you're sexy)
> token minority workers (main characters workplace employs a crippled black dude whose only job is to sit in the corner and ensure the workplace is inclusive)
> 1/16 navaho pride everywhere
> individuals wearing next to nothing, or nothing at all getting mad if anyone bumps into them for sexual harassment (including morbidly obese women who purposely go through crowds just to start fights)
>Shorts and teeshirt considered overdressed and prudish
>religion and gov. are the same thing
Scary book.
Pretty sure everyone here knows the people posing with SJW attitudes here of all places are faking it, but reply anyway as a sort of exercise.
time for our two minutes of hate
>two minutes of hate
Quite, though in this analogy is Big Brother the approval of other anons?

Sounds like a stormfront wankfest tbh.

Irish warriors historically had dreads. So this idea whites must stay out is dumb. Deluded SJWs will probably tell you that's a myth made by white people to make themselves feel better, though. PS Beethoven was black.
Riley is that bitch from DLOB, right? Or is this a different Riley?
It's okay. I mean, blogs like this can send people to attack people 'appropriating their culture' and send death threats and shit. Make their tumblr/dA name known so those people can be harassed every second of every day by loyal attack dogs.

But WS and BadCosplay blogs who do not link to their victims? Pfft. Need to be deleted.

It's just freedom of speech amirite?
The theory behind this logic is white people can wear them, jut not call them dreads.
B/c the term originated in Jamaica or something. idk. b/s.
But they mock white people openly for wearing them, regardless of what they label them. Though conceivably it changes from person to person.
Fuck, this makes me want to check if some dumb bitch has started a "thisisnot[mycountry]" blog, but I don't think I could take all the rage
Yeah, I follow (occasionally check in on) DLOtB and other blogs who made this entire such a big deal and see them doing exactly what they said not to do a lot.
I never expect a SJC/SJW blog to follow what they preach. Ever.
I think you should be able to wear dreads if you want. I mean, if you have the time to get them, you must really want them. So you kinda deserve them.
I kind of want to read this now :/
Considering the main character gets executed at the end of the book for getting his daughter inoculated so she survives a cholera outbreak, and smuggling fiction books...yeah, not my favorite read. It ends implying that 99% of the population is also sick of this shit and are about to start a revolution.
are you sure it was a book, though? are you sure it wasn't just /pol/ on an average day?
Is this the same book where white people become slaves?
I kind of feel sorry for these girls. It must be really stressful to live in a world where you examine every minute thing you do to make sure it could cause absolutely no offense to any group (except whites, men, heteros, cis, etc.). They invent all these rules about when they're "allowed" to talk, or explain, or do things... it just must be very annoying. Maybe that's why they always seem so mad?

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