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Evangelion Rebuild 3.0 launches in t minus 2 days. I think we need an Evangelion cosplay thread.
guess not
>>6419534 (OP)
Would bury my face there
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Post whatever you have OP, and people will pick up from there.
If you don't have anything, then find some
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Sure why not. Gunna post Mari my waifu.
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You sir, have god-tier waifu taste. I can't wait to get more mari.
>>6419534 (OP)
Is this shit supposed to be hot?

She is hideous.
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It's an obvious self-post because she looks old and haggard. Old thread but baleeted so she she decided to bump this dying one.
Oh, sorry about posting then. Bye pretty azn Mari.
holy fuck that's such a terrible photo of MJ. She looks so old.
Sad and shameless samefagging.
She too is my waifu... and I am a female. Never have I ever thought I'd have such feelings for a woman.
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>>6419534 (OP)
Oh hey, would you look at that.

My goodness, there sure is a lot of Maryjane hate today. And by a lot I mean from like two, maybe three people.
How's your herpes?
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I would still tap dat ass.
wait wait.. i'll edit that image later, gotta get done with my ranked play.
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This is the only Evangelion I've saved.
And I'm not even sure why.
no please
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Need to learn howto glass effect... should have done it before i merged the shit.
>>6419534 (OP)
Why the fuck is her skirt so short? I hate it when cosplayers sacrifice accuracy just to be ~sexy~
>I want attention but can't get positive comments, so I'll just be a troll and revel in the negativity. Daddy never paid attention to me.
Haters gonna hate... Keep the sexiness coming MJ.
Seriously, how is her herpes?
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Fuck yeah.

Because of every single plugsuit cosplay up to now ending up a complete and utter failure khara actually designed new plugsuits that are easy for lazy fuckers to make using standard cosplay methods and materials.
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It's just sad that people will manage to fuck up something as easy as this.
Can we get some evangelion cosplay up in this thread?
MJ have you bought an eye patch yet?
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Please stop giving her attention.
Yeah, i'd hit her
With a shovel.
My dick isn't a shovel, stop being jealous.
..or post pics of yourself
> easy
So you want to get herpes and some bonus STD? Nice!
Best video ever.


That was beautiful.
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I'm so excited for 3.0! Anyone have any idea when a sub will be out? Also I really hope it does come to theaters over here.

As far as cosplay goes I really hope to do a Mari plugsuit next year.
>Bumping a self-post thread
a month if we are lucky
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Oh that's not to bad! I was expecting a lot longer. Hopefully we do get lucky and a sub will be out shortly. Or at least at the beginning of next year.
We wont be seeing it until blu-rays come out. A month if we're lucky by anyway from 1-4 months from now
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You honestly think that's a short skirt? Go to a high school these days and tell me that's a short skirt.

That's the standard length of a skirt, as far as I know.
Maybe at Slut Highschool where you're from.
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I do think kids nowadays, especially girls are becoming too sexually centered and revealing way too much. The reason for my comment.

In any case I still don't find OP's picture skirt too short. She's just breaking the # 1 rule of wearing a skirt: don't bend over. If you're wearing a skirt and make a pose like that, you'd be stupid to think people aren't going to see something.

Anyway, enjoy some more Asuka cosplay.
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>Waiting for subs.
You're in for atleast.. 1-4 months as you said, since most subbers will wait for the blu-ray quality, dont waste time on getting a camrip and cause cancer in your eyes.
The group that'll do it is... UTW or Commie, maybe Hadena.
And after some time Coalgirls with their 72gb version for sure or THORA.
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I was just thinking that it's time to get cracking on my Green Mari suit. but hey here's a pic from this weekend and my Pen^2 kigurumi
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I think I'd rather wait the year or so to watch the dub. I'm not a fan of the evangelion japanese voices, and I'd kill to hear Tiffany Grant's amazing voice again.

Although, the last two times Rebuild has been in theaters, has it been subbed or dubbed?
I'm just waiting on 3.whatever the fuck is the final version
Again, maybe at your slut schools with shit principals. Also, she is barely bending over but we can all see up her skirt. Not that it's a bad thing (it makes up for her old looking face) but let's get real about the length of her skirt.
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There should be dubs out i guess, but i dunno.. i prefer watching with japanese voices.
Google em if anything.
Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo ~ or Evangelion: Quickening
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The camera is posed way below eye level. If you were standing next to her and the height of a normal adult human, you would not see that (unless you're standing far away, maybe). The top fabric of her skirt would cover it if the camera were at a higher angle.

Also, please don't say I went to a "slut school". I went to a private school where dress code was strictly enforced. I'm saying that I feel kids NOWADAYS are dressing way to skimpy. Also, our girl's uniforms were just a bit longer than what is in OP's picture.

Finally, let us suppose she WERE wearing a short skirt. Is she not allowed to? Why do you care? I'm supposing we all understand we live in a country where people can dress however they want. Considering we're on a boar where people dress up like cartoons I would have though this was obvious.
I meant whatever the extended cut is numbered, like how we got 2.22

Because I seriously doubt 3.0 won't get more footage
You would definitely see the top of her skirt. Even looking at the picture, it reached the top. Even at eye level, you can see her butt cheeks. And I'm caring because you're caring people said it was short which it is but somehow you're offended for this slut.
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Okay tehn, I see we're not going to reach an agreement. I still believe the angle of the picture is making the skirt seem shorter than it is, but seeing how irrational and ansgty some people are on this board, I won't go against your opinion.

Also, just a thought, but you stop throwing the word "slut" around, it takes its meaning away and is a terrible thing to call a woman. Just thought you should know. Have a nice day.

It will definitely get a 3.33 version. It's become somewhat of a bad cliche with this series.
Hey Asukafag, you're a slut.
No, I'll continue to call her a slut which she admits that she is. Also, she has herpes.

Okay, sure.
I wonder how many dicks have been inside her

more than 20?
cannot unsee the white shoulder details that go onto her chest totally looks like bird heads and then the wings going down her arm.

Probably. Should've capped the thread where that one guy came here screaming after she gave him herpes at the con.
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I'd watch it raw but I have such a hard time watching things raw. I get frustrated that I don't understand aha. At least it won't be a year, I can definitely wait for a few months. Thanks so much for the info.

Oh god it's so adorable! Good luck with your suit!

How long did it tkae you to put it together? It looks great.
I believe it was only like a day. I kinda made up the shape as I went. I started with a kigu pattern I found here and then just did all that out of the black and top stitched all the details.
Hopefully I'll finish the neck plate soon.
seriously this is the most comfortable thing ever.
how would these be any different from a regular plugsuit? I don't get why you think these would be "easier".

It looks really good. Especially for a one day work.

Keep up the good work!
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I'm going for a Jerseysuka, but I haven't seen references and am not sure if she's wearing her plugsuit under that.
Most likely is wearing it under.
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Working on Jersey Asuka as well anon. How are you going to do her button(s)?
Yeah, plugsuits are one piece (Mari's green one being the apparent exception)
She can't just be wearing the lower half

(Off the subject but I bet an official cat-hat is made within weeks)
We already have the eye patch, so I'm betting you're right. I'm positive we'll get the buttons. I wouldn't even doubt they've already got to making the damn jacket.
can you get a plugsuit with bandages in necessary places?
Subbed camrip is out.
Gunna wait for the DVD rip though.
I do wonder, where this picture is from.

I'm ashamed to say I haven't been following rebuild very much.
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more of these sheets please.....? I'll post the older ones I have
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Did you get that through a Facebook page?
If so, it's fake. What it really is, is a camrip of 2.02.

Booklet from 3.0 premier.

Another person is uploading them in this thread: >>6426176 →
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last sheet I have
No problem. I usually try and follow the nyaatorrent rule. If it's not there, then probably not real.
Thread is dead.

anyone know the title of the book wiht the 2.0 art?
Never mind. I found it out.
some sort of booklet handed out to theater goers i believe

Sounds like you wouldn't know hot if it was sitting on your face.

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