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Have any cosplayers here had issues with creepy perverts at cons? I usually haven't had much issues but at the latest con I had one really scary one and i'm wondering how other cosplayers deal with it.
>>6415883 (OP)
>Anna the Cosplay Queen

Don't reply, everyone.
why not?
>>6415883 (OP)
I had someone steal my underwear once

fucking punk
Hopefully you weren't cosplaying a strike witches character at the time this happened.
naw I was cosplaying Zolo and I wasn't wearing them at the time they got stolen from my locker
so many fucking times

the worst are the chronic stalkers
>>6415883 (OP)

what agay naeem
A couple of times. One of them followed me around for half the day before we managed to get him kicked out.
>>6415883 (OP)
too many times to mention
I am the pervert...
Was stalked for a full day while in a Harley Quinn cosplay by a dude in a kinda shitty Scarecrow cosplay. Didn't even really realize it as it was a small con, but when we went looking for pics later he is in LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE ONE OF ME from that day. Luckily he seemed not to recognize me in my other cosplays so was safe the rest of the weekend.
I never show any skin anymore when I cosplay. It's like creepy neckbeard moths to a flame.
What do you expect when you are dressing up in costumes designed to appeal to male desires?
99.9% of guys labeled by women as "creepy pervs" at cons are really just shy, unattractive guys that have done nothing wrong. You label them as such because you are socially awkward around men you dont know and its easier to blame men than to blame yourself.

If a guy at a con was a hot asian stud you'd probably let him put his dick on your shoulder and you wouldn't care.
Been stalked while convincingly dressed as a man too. Women can be perverts.
I saw a beautiful panty shot today from this hipster girl. Wonderful feel.

No, some poeple are just genuinely creepy. They overstep the mark. They act like they want to just slot right in to your life after a few sentences. They don't get that they aren't wanted and they hang around when they should just go back to their own friends.
In this case take a proper guy with you for protection.
A guy being "genuinely creepy" is a guy who hides in your bushes at night. What you're describing is simple social awkwardness. Something you probably suffer from too, since the simple act of a man saying the wrong thing seems to put you at such unease.

Or how about the creeps just don't be creepy? It's not hard to not annoy other people.
Or how about you stop persecuting guys for your own irrational fears of men?

No one is trying to rape you. Get over yourself.
How about you understand that quite some people at these cons are autistic or mentally have an issue.

It's just how it is, I might have not been to many cons but I cringe whenever these people moslty homestuck are around me.

Just face it, these cons attract colossal faggots. It will never change

>What you're describing is simple social awkwardness

No, in my case it's been more like social intrusion. Some guys assume they own a piece of you just because they like what they see.


Haha nope. Most guys are fine, and I'm mostly fine with strangers approaching me. But some people just don't know how to behave.
>women still pretending that "creepy" doesn't mean "unattractive male"
Women still pretending that guys dont get randomly hugged and sqeezed in the ass.
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It's more like
creepy => unattractive
but not necessarily
unattractiva => creepy

I dunno, I just be as rude as I can and bitch them away... After having a guy taking dozens of pictures of me and a friend at a con and not sending me a single one later. Some friend of his was apparently making a video out of them, so he naturally couldn't send me them. Uhuh, sure. He onlinestalked me a while after it, too, I mostly ignored him, though. (Just asked for said pics multiple times)
Later I see him meeting me with my friends at another con. Apparently he asked my friend whether he can tag along. Needlessly said con was ruined. Mfw I learn she didn't want him to there either. Bitch just can't say no.
Many a woman have probably 'labeled' you as a creep, right? Listen, those of us with superior social skills can tell what's up. We know you want in our pussy, and polity refuse access. However, you autists can't take the hint unless we do something mean/harsh. Don't make us get harsh with you. Stick to fat autistic woman and let us pretty people be.
If only us stupid woman could realize when a guy is being a creepy shit-head and making us uncomfortable. :(

>>6415883 (OP)
A guy once smelled my hair on the bus to the con. I was looking out the window and could see his reflection as he did it. He had a weird sex face on, and jerked back when I turned my head and acted like he didn't know shit. I also had some random guy squeeze my but in a crowed, but he stormed off all fast and I never saw him again.
>All women are subtle in exaggerating their weaknesses; they are inventive when it comes to weaknesses in order to appear as utterly fragile ornaments who are hurt even by a speck of dust. Their existence is supposed to make men feel clumsy, and guilty on that score. Thus they defend themselves against the strong and "the law of the jungle."
>We know you want in our pussy, and polity refuse access

Woah, you need to get out more kid.
Not really too creepy, but at Youma this dude wearing a knit mask found me 3 separate times during the day and hugged me each time. The third time he kinda rubbed his face against the side of my head. My friends were like wtfff and I was a little wat.

But I haven't had anything super confrontational and serious. There's the one guy I met through cons that thinks we're meant to be together but he only does this online so meh.
>I want to dress like a whore to attract men
>ew not those men, they're ugly
>I better go to tumblr to blog about how I was raped at the con today
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Reminds me of this:

>I'm an ugly faggot who approaches hot chicks at cons and gets mad when they aren't polite enough to see past my uglies and be my fwiend

Uh it doesn't mean automatic good times just because you like someone's look. And if you assume that you're probably one of the stalker creeps. No need to get mad, dude. Just stop being a crazy.
:'(((( someone is butthurt that girls don't like him
Clearly butthurt whore

>dress like a whore
>get stalked
>but y wut did i do
Bullshit, I was present when a friend of mine got his ass pinched while playing Drummania in an arcade. Saying guys don't get creeped on is just flatout wrong.
ITT bitches be full of themselves
>Go out showing 70% of the tits and 50% of the ass.
>Gets mad if someone stares at her
Great logic there mongoloids
What the fuck? If you're going to wear shit like that expect pictures to be taken, I say, you're in public.

Pretty much this.

It seems to be the main difference between Male to female attraction vs Female to male attraction.

Men admit that they aren't attracted because she is ugly. Women call him "creepy" if she isn't attracted.

Girls would be far better off mentally if they would just admit to themselves that if Johny Depp walked up to them and said the exact same shit, they would instantly wet their panties.
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Most shy/awkward men are actually just looking for a loving relationship and girl to cuddle with who shares their interests. It's the smooth talkers who want nothing but some T&A action. Your social skills are honestly pretty fucking bad if you haven't realized this.
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By the Great Khan's name, what did you just blather at me, you filthy mutt? I’ll have you know I was hand-chosen amongst the topmost men by the Kurultai, and have been involved in numerous secret raids across all the known world, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am learned in all forms of warfare and am the greatest archer in the entire Imperial army. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will end your life with precision the likes of which has never before been seen upon this mortal plane, mark my words. You think you can escape my wrath by saying that through messenger? Think again, dog. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the entire Empire and your pitiful hut is being tracked this instant so you better prepare for the storm, worm. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. Your life is forfeit, child. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s without my horse. Not only am I a master of mounted combat, but I also have access to the entire arsenal of the Golden Horde and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable visage off the face of the world, I swear to High Heaven. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, perhaps you could have silenced your tongue. But you could not, you did not, and now you are paying the price for your insolence, you thrice-damned fool. My steed will excrete fury upon you and you will drown in it. Heed my words and know them to be true: your days are numbered.
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ITT first world problems.
I am a guy from /fit/ and /a/ and I've done some decent cosplays. One had me showing off my 6pack and I did get a few fat yaoi fangirls strangely following me as well as some cute girls.

Maybe it's because I am a guy and therefore only get hit on 5% or so as often as I probably would if I were a female of proportional physical attractiveness, but it honestly doesn't bother me. Attraction is not a choice. Resenting people for being attracted to you seems foolish and arrogant.

polite sage
Read this fucking thread. Shy/awkward men are bitter assholes. Attractive men tend to have more positive views on woman. socially adequate people have the ability to see things through another persons perspective, and know why something they said is wrong. This is something beta males are incapable of, as they can't grasp why anything they do can be seen negatively. Hence the, "I'M A NIIIIIIICE GUUUUUUUY" shit. No you aren't. Try blaming yourself instead of others for a change.
I've been creeped on a before, and a few times it was when I wasn't even in cosplay. I don't really care what someone looks like when they approach me, but if they break my personal space boundaries they get shit no matter what.

The first thing that comes to mind was a guy that tried to frot me while I was standing waiting for my friends. That was probably the worst.
ITT nice guys bashing woman.
>Shy/awkward men are bitter assholes
This. Because they're taught "The nice/nerdy/awkward guy always gets the girl". They tend to feel entitled to the girl they want, because that's the way it works in movies and stories.

And at least attractive guys don't sit around grumbling about how they hate all women. There was a "nice guy" (neckbeard with a horrible attitude about everything and severe entitlement) who was wanting me to be his girlfriend. He was a horrible person, so I said no. He just kept telling me that I would "come around eventually".

At least when I told any normal to attractive guy no, they respected that and stopped bothering me.
>It is impossible for a guy to actually be nice. They are all secretly assholes.

Wrong. Nice guys are not bitter assholes. Nice guys turn into bitter assholes once they grow tired of clueless bitches such as yourself.
>>Shy/awkward=nice because I said so

I never said nice guys are assholes. Paradox. You fags who complain about how woman wont date you despite being "SOOOOOO NICE AND PERFECT WOMAN ARE FUCKING STUPID", are assholes. Woman are not attracted to shy, awkward men. They lack basic empathy and blame society for their misfortunes, rather than seeing their own flaws. Rather than hating on "smooth talkers" for understanding woman, perhaps you should learn from them?
Oh, wait, I forgot. You're too perfect. Sorry.
>i'm calling you a bitch because you're a bitch

nice circular reasoning aspie. don't you have cosplayer to follow around while sweating profusely?
The men you are referring to as Shy and awkward usually are nice guys. Very few men actually think in this
way you seem to think they do. Also,
>They lack basic empathy and blame society for their misfortunes, rather than seeing their own flaws.
Is totally wrong as well. Ironically, you just proved that the one who lacks basic empathy is yourself. Hence why I called you a clueless bitch.

Seriously. You don't know jack shit about men. You only get any because you are a girl and therefore don't need any social skills to get laid. The hilarious Irony here is that if you had been born a man you would probably end up being one of the very 30yr old virgins you despise.
Usually it's people who befriend woman and put up the nice guy act in hopes of getting laid, and when it doesn't work they fall back on being nice

Being an asexual male, I like to observe my friends when it comes to relationships. This is the case 80% of the time.

The other part of the time they are actually very pleasant people, who don't put on a mask but just have really high standards
ITT: Trolls trying to troll other trolls, and the idiots that feed them.
All you have to do is read this thread to know I'm right. Ever been to /rk9/? Lots of "nice" socially awkward guys on there. They think in the mentality I described to surprising accuracy. Fuck off with the "all us bitter woman haters actually are nice". You fags have shown your true colors so many times I can't even describe.
Oh boy, your inability to grasp how those men actually think knows no bounds.

Let me explain it to you in retard-proof mode.

Most of the men you are talking about actually go through 4 stages. Some of them never progress past stage 2 or 3. The lucky ones find a decent girl with a non bitchy personality at stage 1.

1. Nice guy. Actual, honest, kindhearted boy next door that wants nothing more than to find a girl to love and be loved.
2. Realization kicks in, bitter stage. this is basically /r9k/.
3. Acceptance and willingness to do something about it. Starts reading pua.
4. Asshole, but gets all the bitches because he knows that talking down to them makes

You in your infinite stupidity seem to think that stage 1 and 2 are the same. This probably leads you to turn down any stage 1 man you find to be awkward assuming they are just like /r9k/. This is hilarious self destruction on your part and I guarantee you will want to travel back in time and punch the shit out of yourself 15 years from now when you realize everything I am posting right now is true.

And you cannot bullshit me by saying this is false. I am a stage 4. I get girls by being intentionally aloof and uncaring towards them. I basically treat women like shit and then reward you with affection when you try to stop me. This method works 90% of the time. Then I pump and dump you.

Women are stupid, predictable, sex puppets. It's all you are good for. Deal with it.
I've had more problems with girls being creepy perverts and I'm female. Admittedly, I do tend toward crossplay so that might be why. I've been grouped several times and asked to kiss several people several times by the same people, which was a bit 'wtf?' ish to me.

I dealt with it by pointing out my staff or security badge and escorting them to meet the head of security. Then I'll rant about it to my friends.

>I think possibly Men notice the badge so don't bother me while fangirls tend to have logic go out the window that the don't notice my badge.
I think it's more of men don't want to be called rapists whereas females will more likely get away with it
>>Being this beta

Most people who are outgoing and shy are like that by nature. Personality does not work in the way you are describing. Most woman prefer men with an outgoing personality, because shy men are ass holes. Also, we don't go for assholes like you seem to think. If we went for ass holes, we would all be dating bitter neckbeards such as yourself.
Again, you are claiming that I think nice guys are assholes. It's a fucking paradox. Get that through your head.

Outgoing men=nice
Shy men=fags (you)
Holy shit. I just wanted to read/sympathise with stalking stories.

All you bitter, creepy weirdos trying to justify your shit need to fuck off back to /r9k/ and stay there.

>ITT utter losers trying to argue girls into looking past their bad points and date them anyway lolololol
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girl pls add me pls
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Being a nice guy versus being an asshole and being shy/awkward versus outgoing are unrelated to each other. You can't really be dense enough to generalize all guys into "awkward guys are women hating assholes and outgoing guys are nice." There are shy nice guys and outgoing assholes as well. The main thing you are getting caught up on is that you are generalizing all socially awkward guys into r9k women haters, when in fact most awkward guys don't hate women at all.
In social psychology, shyness (also called diffidence) is the feeling of apprehension, lack of comfort, or awkwardness experienced when a person is in proximity to, approaching, or being approached by other people, especially in new situations or with unfamiliar people. Shyness may come from genetic traits, the environment in which a person is raised and personal experiences. There are many degrees of shyness. Stronger forms are usually referred to as social anxiety or social phobia. Shyness may merely be a personality trait or can occur at certain stages of development in children. The primary defining characteristic of shyness is a largely ego-driven fear of what other people will think of a person's behavior, which results in the person becoming scared of doing or saying what he or she wants to, out of fear of negative reactions, criticism, or rejection, and simply opting to avoid social situations instead.[1] Shyness also has strong cultural aspects.

Shy men are not fags, they are shy.
Fag men are fags, because they are assholes.

The two are completely different. Shy kids will not stalk you, shy people are passive and want to stay out of the spotlight. This is what their character defines. Either it be from experiences or genetic.

The fags you mention are mostly from on upcomming from bad parently or a mentally issue. This is mostly formed by experiences in their lives.

We can have a full 18 page dicussion of this. As you grow up into an adult you will understand why people do as they do. Ask yourself, why do they act like that, how could they have become like this.
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>As you can see from the gray line, women rate an incredible 80% of guys as worse-looking than medium. Very harsh. ... Females of OkCupid, we site founders say to you: ouch! Paradoxically, it seems it’s women, not men, who have unrealistic standards for the “average” member of the opposite sex.
>implying okcupid attracts many average or good looking guys to begin with

from what i've gathered it attracts far more nutjobs and assholes who have similar unrealistic expectations.
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At anime cons, a guy will be labeled as a "creeper" simply by starting up a conversation with a girl and the girl not finding him attractive. The girl will always have some excuse such as "he was invading my space" or "he didn't know when to quit" or whatever, but really it's just girls at cons being fearful of men in social situations they feel they can't control. You'll notice that 99% of these "creeper" stories never actually involve anything happening to the girl in question except her being paranoid.

It's a funny thing. In normal daily life a woman being hit on by a guy is considered a normal thing and the woman doesn't mind it, but at an anime con the simple act of expressing interest in a woman will procure a reaction as though her civil rights have just been violated.

Contrary to what the media has taught you, men are not monsters and predators. You are not in any danger and persecuting men for doing nothing wrong makes you a bad person. Get over your androphobia and lighten up.
I cant understand this graphic, okcupid should consider changing their usability standards.

To be quite honest the difference between a "creeper" and a normal dude could be something as simple as taking too long to actually come up and talk to the girl, or being pretty awkward about it.

Besides, it's not like these girls are part of a community that's known for being unsocial or anything.
So damn true!
No wonder this post was ignored by females here, because there is not much to argue about.
From women to women
The worst is when people just don't know when to leave and you wind up with a neckbeard following your group around. It makes things very awkward.

There should be rules on this that allow the attractive man to come forward and testify that he hit on her very provocatively thus nullifying her harassment claim if 'creeper's' charged harassment was less than or equal to his. GET ME TO THE LEGISLATURE!
But then you have the people who actually go around taking up skirt photos of people, people have a right to be weary of strangers, just because we're all in costume doesn't mean we're all friends.
My semi-mate does that, its hilarious when you are watching from the sides.
The people do not dare to speak up and they are cringing hard.

Comedy gold if you ask me.
Is he fat?
I might know who he is.
What a cock sucker.

He is, doubt you know him.
I'm in the UK and you type like you are too.
Nah I'm from Holland, we mostly fly over for cons.
So when hes infuriating a group of people, me and my mates go into town to leave him with them for a few hours.

O but I am, Im the most hated person EU west.

inb4 you're the guy I'm thinking off an you're insanely butthurt

No, I live in the US, I just love the fact that this confirms my belief that women don't give second thoughts to how ridiculous their logic is.

My friend is a fat creeper

>Hey I know a fat creeper, is he the person you're talking about?

Well, you haven't given me much to work with, he's fat, yeah..

>Well you sound like you're from the UK from your typing, I am also from the UK it is probably him

I guess it could be

>Yep, it sounds like it's him.

Me: You're making some pretty ridiculous assumptions here

>lol you're probably him! you're the fat creeper I know!

>no capability to consider information from outside a personal bubble
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Probably shouldn't chip in but awwww here goes! You did say 'mate' and if you want to complain about women we already have a board for that.

I shouldn't generalize to women, I just did that to guarantee responses. I wasn't the guy that had the fat friend even, just an onlooker. Even still, the UK is massive, like it's just absurd to even have the 'idea' that the person UK dude was talking about was 'her' fat creeper.
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Lol. If that's the case..

>Our chart shows how men have rated women, on a scale from 0 to 5. The curve is symmetric and surprisingly charitable: a woman is as likely to be considered extremely ugly as extremely beautiful, and the majority of women have been rated about “medium.” The chart looks normalized, even though it’s just the unfiltered opinions of our male users.

>Given the popular wisdom that Hollywood, the Internet, and Photoshop have created unrealistic expectations of how a woman should look, I found the fairness and, well, realism, of this gray arc kind of heartening.

..then the worst of men are a hundred times more equitable than the best of women.
I try to be nice to people at cons no matter which gender or level of attractiveness they have. I have had guys hit on me but i would never be mean to them unless they started getting pushy or too forward, which none really have so far.

I understand what its like to be called a creep when your just shy and not doing anything wrong. I had a crush on a guy down the street from me in middle school but was too nervous to really talk to him about it. My friends took it upon themselves to tell him repeatedly that i liked him trying to get us together. I used to walk my dog, and like most normal people i would take him for a walk around the block and back.... The dude started calling me a creep and a stalker because he saw me in front of his house a few times..... we lived on the same street... what did he expect me to do go through people's backyards so i didn't pass his house?.... that crush ended soon haha

But i dont really like dating much as it is, seems like more of a hassle than its worth at the moment. And i dont want to date someone for the wrong reasons. I have met people i have alot in common with, but they're personality was too bold or out there and it wasn't appealing to me. And I wouldn't date an 'attractive guy' for the same reasons, or maybe we just couldn't find alot to talk about so that wouldn't work either.

You shouldn't label people in such broad groups. Some attractive guys are creeps and so are some unattractive ones. And its the same on the opposite end, there are also good people on both sides.

Just because someone doesn't want to date you doesn't always mean they are an ass or a stick up bitch. But i'll admit i've seen some 'attractive people' be rude to socially awkward shy people, it was really sad.
This sounds corny as hell haha but cant we all just get along?!
If you're going to approach anyone, anywhere, you have to be aware that they might not like it. Sure, it's not nice if someone is rude, or there's a genuine misunderstanding.

But that's not the cases we were talking about ITT. You can't just expect everyone to instantly love you. And if they're making it clear they don't want you around then leave. It's the people who stick around after this point who are the genuine creeps. They're bothering someone who wants to be left alone, and don't even have enough pride to back away and not be that person who's now being a pest.
I believe you put down a good post, this is how I view it in general as well.
>the worst of men are a hundred times more equitable than the best of women.

Why is it surprising that the worst-looking men would rate women as more attractive on average than average women would rate the worst-looking men?
ahahahahah you want to try that again champ
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The creep label only exists so women can not only reject men that don't suit their standards, but make it their fault as well.

It's pretty pathetic.

No one ever wants to be at fault for shit, but that's just one of the differences between genders. Guys rationalize then act, girls act then rationalize.
Woman blame themselves, men blame others.
Women consistently perform insane mental gymnastics just to rationalise a problem they've created so it's someone else's fault. Women are sociopaths by nature and there's no way around it.

Nope, that's more a self-confidence thing, ie a self confident person will consider things to be their fault while a unconfident person will put the blame on others.
>Woman blame themselves, men blame others.

It's funny because women are the ones who blame men for "raping" them when they start climbing on top of guys trying to get one of them to fuck while she's drunk, and blame their bf/husband for not paying attention to them and that's why they cheated.
aaahahahaha get over it

we don't owe you a conversation

why would you want the attention of someone you deem a 'bitch' anyways ?

Most of the dudes here are very self-concious so when they get blown off it's "her fault." A so called alpha won't let that shit bother him, he'll shurg it off and go to someone else just as attractive who will most likely give him everything he wants.
Thank you for proving my point. Don't you beta males have a cute girl to follow around a con? Stare at her breasts so she knows you're attracted to her. Bitches love that shit.
>Thank you for proving my point.

Was your point that women can't take responsibility for their actions?
Look, we don't like being mean. You beta males just can't take the hint is all.
Way to blame woman for your creepy behavior, though. I don't know why she thought it was weird when you went on about your knowledge of female anatomy from Hentie.
The truth is, you woman really just want to be dominated. You pretend you have some vague concept of "standards" -- saying that a man coming on to you is creepy so you can garner some pathetic bit of attention from your peers who have an equal idea (or lack thereof) of what they want. When in reality, all you really crave is to be held down and fucked like the little sluts you are. Just accept that you're not as complex as you pretend to be, and your only marketable trait is the ability to take loads of semen.
Reading all the pathetic excuses ITT: It's no surprise /r9k/, betafags, poor mental health and viewing women with superficial pump and dump terminology all are correlated. Poor mental health and a lack of socialization are related. You are depressed because of your fucked view and equate social interaction with the opposite sex as nothing more than a game to get your dick tugged.

It's no surprise that your inability to fill in the vacuum of loneliness is proportional to your complaining via armchair psychology.
"It's her fault I don't have a GF, WHORE".

Runs to /r9k/

Creates why are all women whores thread.
Kudos to you, thats good thinking
Lol at the fags that think they don't have to improve themselves

Finding a mate is a sexual game. It isn't if you have 'it' or you don't. It's if others have more than you. If you fucking suck, stop sucking more than everyone else, your sexual opportunities will skyrocket when you are no longer an aspie unfit loser and you won't even have to try
was talking to a guy for ages, and he kept asking me to sit on his lap. I didn't. But he seemed nice regardless, so I continued to talk to him. He'd do creepy things occasionally, like throw something and tell me to bend over and pick it up (I was in a skirt). I laughed, hoping he was joking, until he literally lay down beneath me, looking up my skirt. I almost stamped on his face.

You dumb whore.
I'm not a whore. I wanted to think he was nice, because when he wasn't weird, we got along really well.
ITT: Men hiding behind the "nice guy" barrier because they're too fucking arrogant to accept that they have a genuinely unpleasant personality and that no woman wants to be around them.
Adults are talking.
Yet you faggots call us bitchy for avoiding you. Ladies, never give men the benefit of the doubt. Things are often as they seem with men.
We need like a female version of r9k where lonely, angry women complain about men sexually harassing them and how it's always the bitches who get the good guys, and decent guys never give nice girls a chance.
Delicious generalization.
Men, all women are this stupid.
When I take picture of cosplayers, I think that, deep down, I'm always hoping they aren't thinking I'm creepy or something. Especially when I take their picture, thank them, show the pic to them, and then just leave. Dunno.
I had this guy sit at the table me and my friends were sitting at uninvited. He didn't say anything to anyone, he just laughed when someone mad a joke and listened to our conversation. He had a samurai sword. Later, when his friend come over, he had a sword fight with him out of the blue. It was all fun and games until he notices that I was watching. Then he got unnecessarily aggressive in the fight, like he was actually trying to hurt his friend. He hit his friends hand and his friend started to bleed, got pissed, then left. After it was over, he came and sat next to me and told me that he wasn't using his full power. (WHY AM i SO AUTISTIC DURRRRR) He went on about his sword fighting skills and challenged my friends boyfriend to a duel. The guy at our table just laughed polity, and the aspie called him a cowered. He started talking about how true men fight and blah blah blah. It was so embarrassing to watch I can't even. My group straight up told his to leave us alone after he told me that I had nice legs.
Typical beta male view on woman. Ladies, only date alpha.
*whips out dick*
any person that believes an admirer or shy person is a creep or an asshole is, by proxy, insecure, a little anxious to know how to deal with people and an asshole themselves. Being shy does not make an asshole. I know cgl is full of social retards that get by generalizing, but it is not the right way to look at things. if a guy is stalking you, walk up to him, be nice if you can muster it but putting people on a spot typically makes them quit. Same with men. Plenty of fat stupid bitches have tried to fuck with my boyfriend at concerts and conventions. Approach them, if they avoid you and keep on following you and it bugs you sure, call security. No real problem. As for "nice guy" syndrome, it's probably just bad sportsmanship and frustration. We've all been frustrated about one thing or another. They're probably frustrated when they can't approach a woman without her whipping out a lacy bow-y can of mace and being a cunt about simple social interaction.
This thread got pretty sad. As an older anon that tends to volunteer at cons for management I've seen some shit.

For the Men:
-Stop resenting women. For whatever reason. Resenting women will make you an eternal virgin.
-Lack of confidence is just as unattractive to women as women who are fat appear unattractive to us. Attraction is NOT a choice.
-Women are pretty easy if you just talk with them. The less you try when talking with them, the better you do.

For the Women.
-Looking down on men who are virgins makes you look really immature.
-Shyness in men is exactly the same as shyness in women. It means nothing.
-If you dress like yoko from TTGL and seriously expect no men to broadcast interest, you are retarded. I've had to escort people out from cons because of your stupidity.
mm sorry but I can't do that
I can try the confident part but logic is telling me that you ladies are being unfair and I don't feel like letting it slide.
Now go sit on the corner. No dessert for you.
Man's view:
>"I feel awkward around this girl. It's my fault for being socially awkward."

Woman's view:
>"I feel awkward around this guy. It's his fault for making me feel this way."
If you hate woman so, why do you cry so hard when we reject you? Get a 2D wifu, she can be everything you always wanted in a woman.
Personally, I would like it if fags like you would stop talking to me. The conversations are just brutal, and you always seem pissed at how slow it's escalating.
Welcome to cgl. This isn't the place to find down to earth folks as so many tend to lurk.
Read the thread. Full of men blaming woman for seeing their social inadequacy for what it is. We don't ask you to talk to us, so don't get pissy when we're not interested.
Welp, this thread made me hate shy males. So much Chris-chan.
Well if you're talking about women in general then obviously a guy has to try to talk to someone.
Its not like guys have the luxury of waiting for someone to talk to them.
Just saying.

Woman when rejected
>>"I'm gona move on"

Man when rejected
>>"Bitches are too stupid to see how flawless I am. Time to stand outside her window until she realizes my superiority."
Don't be a retarded idiot. That guy was spot on about how men and women think at cons. Or in society in general.
I've just posted something perfectly reasonable and you guys can't even agree on it
tsk tsk
lol no. women don't just give up when they get rejected. they go batshit insane.
2D woman won't see your flaws. Not all men are breeding material.
Woman get rejected
>lol he's probably a fag lol time to post on facebook about how ugly and dumb he is

Man gets rejected
>well I still get to masturbate to the thought
That's why so many men are murdered by their wives in comparison to woman murdered by husbands, right?
Inb4 statistics hate men.
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I bet you those wizards are more likely to have a lower divorce rate and a more stable household if we're talking about being worthy of breeding honey
Why do you keep trying to claim that you would be the better spouse when you hate woman? I don't get it, do you honestly think bitter misogynists would make a happy house hold? Alpha males aren't effected by rejection. Hence why they're never single and are better partners.
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So you're going to marry thugalicious?
Please respond ;_;
ey bb girl ill be your shy man u be my waifu
> shy
> male
Pick one.
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None of them will be your waifu
Time to revert back to your painful existence and overcome the challenges that have piled up
Think of it as your lives purpose if you will
Its going to suck, but nobody said it would be easy
Think of it as cutting your arm to stop the cancer from spreading and you will be mentally prepared for it
I don't know if this is relevant, but I'm kind to everyone who starts a conversation with me at a con (even if they're ugly or a neckbeard or whatever) unless they give me a reason not to (which hasn't happened yet).
I am offended by the presumption that all unattractive males are socially awkward, pussy-entitled, nice-guy creeps.

I'm unattractive and I'm a total dick. So there.
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Being a dick means being assertive anon
As in not giving a crap about what others think
You'll learn to override nature through trial and error anon
Just remember
Only the ruthless get to the top
Also try to sprinkle it without losing your essence.
Think of it as oregano.
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Hey you think you guys have it bad. I often have to put up with people(male and female) grabbing my package at cons or just general stroking but you cant be the guy who complains about such things so I just learn to not mind it, it happens, its somewhat complimentary. Then again some of my costumes ask for rape. Its my fault for dressing that way
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start by disregarding what the people here think
That's right ladies
Your input is worthless
No she'll marry a guy that isn't a self pitying, immature moron.
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What about a non self pitying immature moron?
One of these I shall meet the right one
And I will speak with her parents
and she shall seize to know the meaning of freedom
>feels good being muslim
>see the same person couple of times at a CON

Ok, so the conclusion to this thread is that men are the superior gender.

Case closed.
Heh, I'm a big ass dude and y'all girls seem to be comfortable around me. Then again I do have that reassuring bouncer look to me though.

I do have some issues with these under 18 year old girls trying to bum drinks/sex off of my buddies though. That's the shit I find kinda creepy really.
getting the perfect shot of public matériel is free speech

People like you make me wonder if some of the people in this thread are just butthurt creeps since spooky is wouldstalk/10 it probably happened.

Men should realise that they don't have to be so apologetic for their genders actions, every gender has bad people.
>>6415883 (OP)
Just hide amongst the group
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Is creepy not a lack of social skills coupled with being too in your face and/or threatening?

If so, why all the apologists for the socially awkward? It IS creepy if you can't pick up that you're making someone feel uncomfortable.

says the girl who used to post nude bloody pics eating tampons on /b/
lol dat irony
>the aspie called him a cowered
Where can I find these pictures?

>captcha: genimgso germianus
You can be fully capable of having a conversation for hours and still be called a creeper if you are ugly.

You can be very socially awkward but if you are handsome/pretty, you are a lot less likely to be called a creeper.
Nude? I wasn't nude in them, silly, or is that how you like to remember them? ;)
That's because it's not being hit on that girls find creepy, it's being hit on, uncomfortable with that (in other words, when we don't find the man attractive), yet the guy continues.
>it's being hit on by an ugly guy in the presence of their friends so they have an audience for when they shame and ridicule him

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The conclusion is that you fags are extremely self conscious about how creepy you are.

As a socially awkward person, I would like to inform those reading the thread that we are not all like this.
I haven't actually seen 'em

still funny as fuck that you're that fucking dumb to post pics and then still use the same pseudonym for attention.

What the fuck is wrong with you that you want everyone to know you eat tampons anyway?
That is fine except for the fact that instead of interested/ not interested it has become interested/get out of here you creepy loser
You do realize that, since this is a board about, among other things, talking about cons, we're mostly gonna talk about creepers in the context of a con?

The creeps who have hit on me while I was alone scared me way more, but that is offtopic.
Do all your threads get derailed this hard, /cgl/?
This thread isn't derailed. Its right on track.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to butt in here, but what I get from reading the thread is some of the women seem to think men should telepathically know whether or not they "want" the men talking to them; while the men seem to think women are just being bitchy and exaggerated.

From my own experience at conventions I don't think either mindset is correct. First off, ladies, most men you meet at cons or otherwise, are not creepy stalker rapists that will do something weird to you. You're really not that special, sorry. Also, men, telling women they are either attention-whores or only good as "sex puppets" only reinforces the above idea. As a man who finds that egoistical mindset disgusting, I'd probably call you out on it if you said it in front of me, it's disgusting and pathetic.

The truth of the matter is some women seem to think that wehn they go to a PUBLIC convention filled with hundreds if not thousands of people with (hopefully) similar interests, that others will not talk to them about said interests. If there's one thing I enjoy at cons its talking to people. The people are the best, IMO. Most people I talk to are okay with it, and they enjoy having a normal conversation like human beings tend to do. Some people, men and women, seem to receive talking as "he wants to fuck with/rape me". I leave socially inept people like that alone. IF and only IF I know they've got some type of problem. But, I can bet all you want 70 percent of the women complaining about "perverts" here are happy to be photographed and talked to at conventions, and dare not simply say "no" or "please leave me alone". How am I supposed to know if someone doesn't want me talking ot them if they don't SAY anything?

As a big fan of cosplay, I really enjoy taking pictures of cosplay, good and bad, male and female, at conventions. I'm that guy you see walking around with a camera in hand, asking people for a picture. Most of the time, people allow me to take picture. Sometimes, someone may say "I'd prefer if you didn't" or a simple "no". When I ask "can I please take a picture?". I'm okay with that. Really. You didn't offend me. I didn't go home and kill myself because someone didn't let me take their picture.

Just learn to be honest when you don't wnat someone doing something. Now, I understand and know there are disrespectful, harassing people out there. I've seen them. People who will (actually and literally) stalk a girl or group of girls, EVEN AFTER they've told him to leave. All I can say you should do at that point is what you would do at ANY OTHER OCCASION IN WHICH SOMEONE IS HARASSING YOU. Tell someone to help. Tell a con volunteer/worker. Tell a security guard. Tell a fellow cop. Call the cops if need be. Kick the guy in the balls if need be. Or simply tell someone around you. One time, a girl was being literally harassed by some asshole for hours at a convention. I could see the girl was getting really uncomfortable and when I asked her what was wrong, she let me know. Let's just say I would have been arrested for assaulting the asshole if it wan't for that special circumstance.

Because this post is getting so long, I'll end it here. Women, stop thinking yourselves so special and use common sense, men stop being egoistical assholes. I enjoy lurking this board because I find cosplay to be a great form of art. But honestly you people are turning htis board into a brawl of schoolkids.

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