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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1352683671041.jpg-(86 KB, 1280x720, 638463848.jpg)
86 KB
>come here from /a/ because I wanna see cosplay from recent anime
>front page is 70% off topic thread
>no anime cosplay thread
>cosplay is called cosplay & EGL
There's something very wrong in this place. Anyway, where can I find a place where people actually post cosplay pictures? Bonus if they have pictures of recent anime cosplay.
It's all thanks to shitposters and trolls from other boards. All the good ontopic posters left.
/fit/ runs this board
File: 1352686406715.jpg-(112 KB, 366x550, 1330044208927.jpg)
112 KB
Why not make a thread about posting cosplay pictures instead of making another off-topic thread?
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617 KB
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96 KB
Because fuck you. I am addressing a specific complaint.
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644 KB
Got a particular anime you want to see?

If it's too recent though, it'll be harder to find.
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156 KB
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97 KB
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72 KB
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120 KB
Anything from the past 2 years is ok.
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71 KB
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68 KB
That... Limits me severely.
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120 KB
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65 KB
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189 KB
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117 KB
Not enough? Post anything cool then.
File: 1352687114180.jpg-(99 KB, 400x533, 1276648635329.jpg)
99 KB
This is kosher right?
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223 KB
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234 KB
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323 KB
I'll see what I have.
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29 KB
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131 KB
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167 KB
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527 KB
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74 KB
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86 KB
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41 KB
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138 KB
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154 KB
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68 KB
Quite literally here to save everything.
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39 KB
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174 KB
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177 KB
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185 KB
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104 KB
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350 KB
Request and I'll have it, most likely.
File: 1352687873699.jpg-(552 KB, 965x865, 1286254939412.jpg)
552 KB
Looks like Shuckle's got you, I am going to bow out and start cooking dinner.

Hope you will return in the future.
File: 1352687927193.jpg-(165 KB, 599x900, OH CECILLIA YOURE BREAKIN(...).jpg)
165 KB
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26 KB
Damn that looks pretty nice.
oh god
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177 KB
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114 KB
Shuckle you're a pretty cool person, keep going.
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107 KB
Anything you're after? Favourite of the season or something?
Nothing in particular, I like getting surprised.
File: 1352688363923.jpg-(116 KB, 1200x900, Pan's Labryinth cosplay.jpg)
116 KB
>I like getting surprised.
File: 1352688486686.jpg-(535 KB, 805x1094, Okami.jpg)
535 KB
>anime cosplay

nope. Vidya for you fagets
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183 KB
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332 KB
Have some magi then.
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55 KB
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608 KB
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49 KB
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268 KB
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345 KB
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160 KB
Watched the film yesterday- good shit.
File: 1352688667764.jpg-(202 KB, 650x974, 1351625406510.jpg)
202 KB
more vidya
File: 1352688695707.jpg-(59 KB, 334x500, 1295762343102_f.jpg)
59 KB
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1.09 MB
shameless selfpost
Got it downloaded.
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133 KB
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214 KB
More of this?
File: 1352688760354.jpg-(100 KB, 416x640, strike-witches_lynette-bi(...).jpg)
100 KB
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134 KB
vidya overwhelming
File: 1352688861727.jpg-(49 KB, 424x640, 1298149161176.jpg)
49 KB
why can't I hold all this vidya
File: 1352688894757.png-(452 KB, 399x597, kinimarimasu mother fucker.png)
452 KB
Lets get curious.
File: 1352688918944.jpg-(154 KB, 716x1116, regalia_of_immolation_2_b(...).jpg)
154 KB
so much vidya
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552 KB
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73 KB
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243 KB
we /tg/ now
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71 KB
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92 KB
I got this.
File: 1352689194100.jpg-(82 KB, 640x480, 1296342699318.jpg)
82 KB
aww shit found some more vidya
This Chitanda looks pretty nice.
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169 KB
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1.82 MB
Self posting- do excuse.
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404 KB
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248 KB
Think that's all I have. Been fun ruining your animu thread OP. Now post more cosplay picks damnit.
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75 KB
Lets get lonely~
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410 KB
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139 KB
HAHA! time for more vidya
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99 KB
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401 KB
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157 KB
...just one more.
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60 KB
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341 KB
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180 KB
vidya sure is fun
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495 KB
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199 KB
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130 KB
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137 KB
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81 KB
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161 KB
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And just so I don't finish with Steins;Gate, have some Queens Blade.
Where do you guys get these pictures?
>>6405055 (OP)
I came here from /jp/ because I want to see Elegant Gothic Lolitas
The front page is 70% off topic threads.
No Elegance.
/cgl/ is called /cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL.

There's something very right in this place. Anyway where can I find Elegance?
File: 1352690110378.jpg-(276 KB, 708x1064, ec60e1378c14e282e0a772b51(...).jpg)
276 KB
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132 KB
And that's me done, hope you enjoyed.
Thanks for the pics.
File: 1352690336694.jpg-(26 KB, 532x357, Patchy 04.jpg)
26 KB
http://www.deviantart.com/ (Mostly awful- some great stuff though)

Several other Japanese blogs and on occasion, tumblr.
Thanks that's some great stuff.
On the first page when I click on the pictures I go to some sales page, what is that?
Do you see < ダウンロード >?
It means Downlaod, click that and you'll get to see the larger image.
Forgot to mention http://worldcosplay.net/ , which is fantastic.
My god damn sides.
File: 1352692379115.jpg-(68 KB, 1280x720, 638486743,.jpg)
68 KB
This is exactly what I was looking for.
File: 1352693263599.png-(740 KB, 640x960, Cat the best.png)
740 KB
And one more, because Cat's the best.

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