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So cgl lolitas, do you remember the whole uproar on the "are all men pedophiles?" documentary?

It appears the creator Jan-Willem Breure finally replied to a message I wrote him back then, though I deleted my chat logs since its been so long and I don't remember the message word for word. I think it was something a long the lines of" are you using lolita for shock value in your movie?"

He replied that it wasn't for shock value and to see for yourself. He sent me a private vimeo link that has his whole documentary and gave me the password to watch it.

I haven't watched it all and I'll get it to it later but I found the lolita part...and he described it as lolicon...getting the 2 worlds mixed up.

password = film


23 minutes in about is where he talks about the "lolicon"

Figured some of you wanted to see this for yourself as I did back then just to see what he described it as in the movie.
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>Lolicon is popular in Japanese Anime and Fashion

Nope nope nope nope nope

Did this guy interview trolls of /cgl for this info?
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I can't stand half assed documentaries where they don't even bother to research it for themselves.
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Even a search on wiki would give you better info. I seriously want him to cite his source on this.
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>scrolls down to bottom
>sees lolita fashion as a see also article
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It's already been confirmed that he just wants to make it big by trolling people into giving his page lots of views and "controversial" comments.

Just quite talking about him and let him rot already.
But if he wanted it to be controversial he could have made the video public. Personally I think he just wants to troll the EGL comm because they got the most butthurt.
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The fuck?
>>6381009 (OP)

You should have asked him about deceiving the girl that modeled for him. Apparently he hired her for a lolita photoshoot or something of that sort and turns out he only used it to get a pic for that movie poster. IIRC, the girl was appalled.
oh my god WHY!?
Learn to research...LEARN.
Don't you people realise how retarded lolita fashion looks from an outside point of view?

It's like furries trying to explain why they aren't sick fucks.
Lolita misrepresentation aside, I'm already calling this guy an idiot from a single sentence. I jumped to a bit before the 23 minute mark where he narrates a comment on 16 year-olds being sexualized in the media. Uh, yeah. First off, pedophilia isn't about cruising everyone underaged. It's classified as a sexual attraction to prepubescents, regardless of gender and the gender-based preferences of the pedophile in adult relationships. Sixteen doesn't even get included in the definition of hebephilia, which is the actual subject of Nobakov's Lolita. While it might not be generally considered right by Western standards, sixteen is completely legal in many parts of the world (including a few states in the US) and is historically the age we tend to socially consider girls as young women, hence the whole Sweet 16 importance. It might be highly questionable that we sexualize sixteen in the media so much, but the explanation is certainly not that all men are mentally built to be pedophiles.

I might go back and watch the whole thing to see if he even interviews an abnormal psychologist or sites anything beyond his own observations, but I'm already seeing how seedy this film maker and his documentary are beyond duping a loli into posing for his promo image.

I believe I asked that as well, cause that was one of the bigger problems I had with his way of getting her into the film.
>>6381009 (OP)
I watched from 22 to 26 minutes but there wasn't anything about lolita. Also, the narrator has a weird voice. He sounds like he'd be better at narrating a kid's show.
>>6381009 (OP)
When does the lolita part actually start?
he just lumps lolita in with lolicon as if they're the same thing
I couldn't find anything about lolicon either.
Around the 23:30 mark. I ain't mad, this guy is clearly a moron, nobody's gonna take this shit seriously.
he transitions into it right after the 16 year old models bullshit
Is the girl in the picture even a lolita? She looks like she's wearing it as a costume/for fun which doesn't really help.
You're a lolita if you wear lolita. Isn't the point of it supposed to be fun? This is just grasping at straws.
I think she is an actual lolita, yeah. And she was reportedly disgusted by the way lolita was portrayed in the documentary. But I agree her posing is kinda weird. Maybe that's how he told her to pose? Still, I probably would've walked out then. I also think her face is a little too mature-looking for sweet (not that she's old looking, she's beautiful, but you know what I mean), but to each her own, I guess.
You're not a lolita if you dress up in it once like it's a costume which some people do. What do you mean I'm grasping at straws? I was simply stating that she doesn't look like she's an active lolita enthusiast.
This is kinda what I was getting at, she looks way too mature and her hair and makeup dpesn't have anything lolita about it. It's kinda like when you see those models on Yandi wearing TMNT costumes and you know they don't like/watch it, they're just wearing it for the shoot.

What did he say, did he even mention it?
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I can see how normys would see this lolita dress the girl in the poster is wearing as a representation of babies and children

seagulls-"noooo its a very mature and serious sense of adult style"

kill yourselves, all of you
He never mentioned nor replied to that, he'd probably bring up some BS that they knew and are under a signed contract.
I agree, at least widely on the sweet and OTT styles, toy fantasy and toy parade? They can be easily misunderstood.

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