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ITT: pics of western cosplayers that are so good they rival asian shoop idols.

Hard mode: no whiteknighting
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>>6360537 (OP)
>In front of my king
>not a white knight

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Why is your picture so damn small? Also, I'm quite happy to see more Tenchi cosplays.
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Oh wow, that Ryoko wig is beautiful.
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everything she does is beautiful
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Dat waist holy shit.
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>>6360537 (OP)

Uh,Maridah shoops quite a bit.

Is this thread Western counter parts that shoop almost as much as Asians? While most of these pictures certainly haven't been shooped to death, all of them have been noticeably touched up.
>all of them have been noticeably touched up.

she looks half asian

Ok not all, but most. I'm just confused as to what this thread is prooving. The majority of the cosplayers who are popular here in the states definitely shoop, there's no doubting that. I don't think Asians are any better or worse.

Anyone have pics of some of these ladies with no makeup/circle lenses/wigs on? Same with the "Asians".
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This thread is about cosplay content. Take your cunty attitude elsewhere. Not everything on /cgl/ has to be about yelling at and defaming other women.

Also most cosplayers don't process their own images. So claiming they shoop, and being catty about it is a bit missguided.
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Not defaming anyone though. Just pointing out that most of these have been shooped and don't really prove that non asian cosplayers are perfect untouched human beings.
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...and asians don't shoop?

Ahahahaha. Oh god you are a funny little anon.
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but the point of this thread was finding western cosplayers that were just as good as asian cosplayers?
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I was looking at that picture, like.. Oh what a nice scene.
Wait, something's off...
Her foot looks a little odd.. hm... No, that's not it..

When did I say that? I'm saying it goes both ways, but OP post was saying to find Western cosplayers who rival asian shoop idols.

And then we proceed by posting cosplayers of which the majority have also clearly been shooped. I thought the point was to post non shooped western cosplayers who look even better than those with the the shoop.
None of these are shooped, I can tell by the pixels.

Obviously you need to go get your eyes checked.
why does it have to look like a giant tampon? why?
Anime characters look a lot like white people but compared to good looking asians, the good looking white people usually

A) go into professional traditional modeling
B) other job
Is this the best white women can offer? lel
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The clearest thing in that picture is the text.
>western cosplayers that are so good they rival asian shoop
>thread full of shoop'd westerners
>all of my spaghetti
I love her face. When I think of Taiga, I can only thing of this kind of face. It fits the character so well!
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Jesus fucking christ.

The point of the thread is good Westerner cosplays.
Shoops aren't important.

Post pretty cosplays that aren't Asian. That's it.
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Good to see Draco again.
But shoop'd Asian cosplayers aren't good without the shoop. It seems like OP meant great cosplayers that don't need to shoop because obviously shoop'd cosplayers can compare to other shoop'd cosplayers.
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Everyone shoops because no one looks as good as a 2D anyway.
As long as it doesn't make the person look inhuman (ie. those infamous Pretty Cure cosplayers), it doesn't matter.
What do japanese people think of such cosplayers?
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They don't care about white pigs.
japanese people dont even care about japanese cosplayers
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Who is she cosplaying?
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Strange bellybutton.
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oh, indeed. But she's still cute and I'm jealous of her so I guess that makes her okay?
Thanks, but from what series/anime/vidja is it from?
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Because she it looks like that in the game.
Really /cgl/ her fucking belly button?
Not the person who said that but, I don't think she looks necessarily bad or, That her cosplay is shit because of it but, It is distracting that's all.
I don't see the issue with pointing it out.
It's not gross or anything, it's just...different.
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Kami-sama no Memo-chō

It sucks by the way.
How many guys has Maridah slept with? I know she did all of her photographers, but other than that?

Considering if I'll make her my wife or not.
She's my waifu. Go away.
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>this is what you faggots actually believe
Really? Really? You haven't figured out somebody shooped that face on an Asian cosplayer?
Still looks good.
>that feel when it seems lobi will never cosplay again.
I really wanted to see her Ahri.
Yeah I was very disappointed as well
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She's not yours. She's that 40 something photographer's. Idiot.
Bump for more pictures.
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Dude, really? Since she's Saber in my mind, I guess I just assumed she had a bit of Saber's classy personality.
holy shit it's good android 18 cosplay. all of my boners.
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it's so hard to find non-asian cosplayers in my folder
Well, to be perfectly fair, Saber was a bit of a royal slut too. Although she was usually the one doing the dicking, if you know what I mean.
>believing things you read on /cgl/
>ishiggity diggity
1. The relationship drama is vastly exaggerated
2. Still doesn't mean her personality is like Saber's
what anime is this from?
Uta no Prince-sama
hi piplup
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>tfw no pure Saber
Yes, we're happy too.
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>impure prostitute who whored herself to remain the King of Britannia
>not slut
nigga dis aint code geass
Suck Saber's dick yo.
She told somebody to throw it in the lake already.

Is this for real? Did she say it herself?
Please tell me she didn't anon please.
Her boyfriend is a jealous cunt, and he can't stand her cosplaying anymore and being observed by other males. He had her choose between him and cosplay.
from a practicality standpoint the boyfriend is probably a better return on investment than cosplay is
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dame desu!
She is just taking a break from cosplay because it's expensive and she has a full time job now. That's what she told me on tumblr, stop making up things like that.
>implying she would tell a nobody on tumblr the harsh truth
i've seen better
Is that the same cosplayer as the one from the "BangBros" pic, where there was this really cute Konata surrounded by 8 guys who were about to... you know what...
I've been talking to her for quite a long time now, she even helped me out when I needed help making a skirt for a school girl cosplay.
Not saying we are intimate or whatever but at least we actually talk, not like half of /cgl/ who just likes to make up shit about everyone.

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