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Hey /cgl/. I've been looking for a blazer like this, but I honestly can't find anything too similar. Can anyone help me?
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>Taobao: http://pastebin.com/B2KSFQUM
I was thinking of taobao, but I'd honestly rather not have to deal with it. I mean, I'll order from them as a last resort, but is there anywhere else I'd be able to find something?
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Go to a toy store and buy a blazer looking close enough and customize it? Show me dem creative skills ya know.
If it helps, I got my K-ON! jacket from Aeropostale.
Try looking at department stores or at the mall.
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okay why the fuck did i say toy store lol ... must be getting sleepy since its almost 3am.
Toy stores sell blazers?

Hm, I saw Aeropostale as a Google result earlier, but I assumed none of the blazers would really work., so maybe I'll check them out. Thanks.
Haha, nah, it's okay. I was wondering what was going on as well. I assume you meant a general mall or something?
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No i wrote wrong there, sorry.
Departments with cloth! I mean look at the future clock, it's already lørdag!
Haha, maybe I'll go check out Forever 21 or something. They never have anything plain though. Just checked Aeropostale, and there are no blazers in stock right now. I would look for their stuff on ebay, but I'd rather not have to deal with buying something second hand right now.
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Found this at F21: http://www.forever21.com/Product/Product.aspx?BR=f21&Category=outerwear_career_blazer&Produc

Do you guys think it's too low? Should I keep looking? orz
Too dark.
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Seems too dark for her blazer.
Although some of the images are slightly misleading, I'd go lighter if you can find one.
Oh, thank you for the image! And I was just going for black in general, since the art makes the color seem off. I mean, one would assume that the color is black, but it's different in animation, right? Either way, I'll keep the blazer I found in mind while I look for a light one.

Oh, and here's what I have in mind for the skirt and slip.



I've heard some bad things about yesstyle, but I've ordered from there before [only two things from sechuna, but still] and it was fine for me, so I'm definitely okay with ordering from them again.
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Oh, and I was thinking of buying Heelys [I actually owned black/pink ones, but we through them out just recently orz]. I know she's not wearing them in that art, but I feel like it'd be so much fun to roll around at a con in character.

Yeah, some frames in the anime amke it seem black but that image there seems to show it;s lighter.
The skirt and slip will work fine.
I'm not sure if your con would allow those, as accidents tend to happen in them.
So far the anime just started, so one can't really tell Rikka's actually personality.
The shoes are up to you, but if Rikka ends up not being the moe, fun type I'm not sure heelys would work with her character.
Just a thought though.
Hm, makes sense. For now I'll see if my mom still has my Heelys around and keep watching the anime. I'm mostly just looking at a price range for now, since there aren't really any cons coming up for a while.

Thanks, I'll put some money aside for those. Good news is that they can also be used outside of costume, so I won't have any of those kinds of regrets.
girls with heterochromia+eyepatch is now the new trend? um, how original.

/sage for OT rant
Well in the show it's also all make-believe. They're kind of making fun of people who do that kind of thing.
People are already wanting to cosplay this moeshit garbage?

Not making fun of. I mean sure MC right now wants to bury it but I would bet millions of bux that by the end there will be more Chuuni and MC will embrace it as both 'fun' and 'who these people are at heart'
Gosh, that dress is so cute~ I want to wear it~!
I was looking for a better word for it, but you're right. They're definitely not trying to take it seriously or anything. As of now, the anime's just a normal slice of life with these fantasies as the main story.
why not faggot, you got a problem with it? u mad?
It's my chance of being an obnoxious weeaboo scum and get away with it.

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