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I fear the time has come /cgl/

Already the other boards have come to us seeking help, soon they will arrive in droves! Now is the time for Halloween General! let us be thankful that at least this year people are asking questions more than a week ahead.

Anyway, post your Halloween questions here! We will do our best to help you but please keep in mind a few simple rules:

1: /cgl/ is a slower board, we are not /b/ or /a/ or even /v/. your questions WILL take time to be answered, sometimes several hours can pass before you get a reply. Don't panic, this usually means that someone is beginning the search for information to help you, or you have simply posted during a time when not may users are online. If you get rude about having to wait, we will not help you.

2: You are not going to make a custom movie quality Batman TDK Mecha Thunder suit with full armor, functional props, and lazer powered codpiece in less than two months for under $100 with no previous costuming experience. It is not going to happen. Those sorts of costumes require skill, time, and most importantly MONEY. This late in the game consider easier, but still awesome options like Adam West Batman, or Freddy Krueger or something original that you come up with on your own! If you ask us to help you make a medieval knight in time for the Saturday ball with a $20 budget, we will not help you.
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3: WE. ARE. NOT. GOOGLE. Do your own research first, THEN ask questions. If you honestly can't find what you are looking for it is fine to ask, if you don't know what something is called it is fine to ask, if you need some better search term ideas that is fine to ask, we know a few terms that are not common knowledge or we may have an easier option to achieve the same look you are going for... But if you ask us "HELP, WHERE DO I BUY A JASON MASK!?" we will not help you.

4. Unless someone offers, /cgl/ is not a place to ask for a commissioned peice. Most of us are busy with our own projects and honestly there is not enough time to take on someone else's. If you ask, not only will we not help you, we may not even reply to your post, leaving you hanging for as long as it takes you to figure out you are screwed.

5: Halloween is all about fun, but a lot of us take costuming very seriously. This is our hobby, our stress relief, the one thing that helps us disconnect from the high pressure situations of life. Like some people paint, collect model trains, read, or build tiny creepy doll houses, this is what we do. We don't (for the most part) call your hobbies stupid, so please respect ours a little bit if you would be so kind. And keep in mind that because we so often take this shit seriously sometimes we go a bit crazy about the quality of your one time use Halloween costume. We will honestly help you to the best of our abilities, but sometimes the best of our abilities will be more than you are looking for.
someone needs to sticky this until Nov 1st

There we go, try to keep it on page 0 and hopefully it'll get done tonight or tomorrow.
as op, I would like that. If only because I remember last year, and the year before that
I will not let this thread go below page zero! this is the bump of ages!
Bless this thread.
Oh and please

1. How much time you have to make or find what you need
2. How much can you spend
3. What is your skill level (never made anything or you cut hair or you work with wood)

That will help the regulars on here know what to prescribe without having to ask basic things you should say in your first post.
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Me and my (twin)brother are gonna dress up as Prince Gumball and Princess Bubblegum for Halloween.
We finished making the costumes but we're having trouble with the crowns.
We've seen tutorials on how to make them, but they're all made of paper and foam.

I found this picture, it's Prince Gumball's crown and that's exactly what we want the crowns to look like but we don't know what material it's made of. Obviously not just hard paper.
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Looks like craftfoam to me
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Foam. Not the 2mm craft foam, but looks to be around a 6mm or a quarter inch. To paint, you have to seal it first and then paint with acrylics. Or you can go the vinyl over foam method, but if you're only going to make small things, then paint is better. Use multiple thinned layers of pvc glue (white glue) to seal. For high metallic gloss, use spray gloss or enamel.

Important thing to note is that both the glue and paint have to be applied to multiple thin layers to come out smooth and shiny. Don't be surprised if it takes more than a week between coats. This shit won't be done in a day.
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that looks like craft foam. If you get the thicker kind and heat mold it craft foam can look fantastic. All the metal bits on this where done that way.

Take the craft foam and hold it over a burner on your stove, like 10-12 inches away for about 30 seconds then I'd wrap it around a drinking glass to get the shape there. I'd wait to cut it till after it's molded as sometimes it stretches a bit. Now there are a lot of ways to seal the foam before you paint it but you need to seal it. My favorite way is to use Puffy Paint, like what you used on t-shirts in the 80's, just paint it on with a paint brush and allow 2-3 coats to dry. then coat it with acrylic paint in the color that you need. I usually add a bit of fabric medium in my paint to make it more flexible and less likely to crack but it's not necessary.
For things like the attached photo I then do a black wash to make it look aged but I don't think you need that for prince gumball.
yeah that looks like craft foam to me. Anyways you could make the crown out of cardstock/posterboard or craft foam; those seem like the best choices imo. Sealed craft foam would probably be sturdier.

I'm not sure what other materials you'd have in mind?

I've done some research on my own and making my own armor for halloween. I've gotten down pretty much everything, choosing the vinyl over foam instead of the plastidip and spray paint method, but the problem is that I'm looking into using better foam than camping maps.

I've heard good stuff about both volara and micro/mini cell foam. Both are cross linked polyethylene, closed cell, so very close to eva/craft foam but I'm not sure if it's comparable. Googling brings up little beyond making foam weaponry for LARPING, so I would like some input for the density, heat molding, and durability of these foams before I order.

Mostly because from initial online review, volara and mini/microcell are better cheaper options than craft foam for costuming.
>Don't be surprised if it takes more than a week between coats.

What I meant to say was don't be surprised if it takes more than a week to coat, since you have to layer thin layer after thin layer, allowing it to dry between each other. To look good, you need about 5-7 layers minimum of a 2:1 ratio of water:glue (should have consistency of milk) as well as a thin layer of acrylic paint (about 3-5+) depending on the brand.

If you want something to really bring out the shine, liquitex flexible gloss varnish is the bee's knees.
I've been known to sit there with a blow dryer, painting, drying, painting when in a hurry. It works.
i have a question for you guys/gals.

I had done some research, but i couldn't find what is the name of that transparent plastic sheets.
i've used them before, also, but i can't remembrer the name... something alike polyethylene...
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That was fast, Thanks guys!

So a few questions. As for sealing, do you think Mod Podge would work?
And once set, would the foam become stiff or would it still be super bendy? I'm worried that once I put the gem on, the crown will just flop down.
'Transparent plastic sheets' is kinda vague. Is it flexible? How thin or thick does it come in? What part of the costume did you use it for?

I'm more used to polyethylene being referred to as foam but initial googling gives me this:


Which looks like regular ziploc bag material. Or something you can buy from the dollar store like those clear case files.
Depends on the thickness. Craft foam is usually 2mm thick, so its not gonna hold up well if you want to put a big heavy gem on it like bubblegum. It will stiffen, but I advise you to double up. IE, instead of special ordering a large sheet of thicker craft foam, just glue the 2mm sheets together using hot glue (press flat) and use that instead.

Mod podge can work, but I heard it cracks more easily since it isn't as flexible as careful layering of pvc glue.
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I most likely won't have this done by Halloween, but I plan on wearing it to many conventions, so I want it done as well as I can make it.

>Is there a way to connect chain mail to leather other than punching a series of holes in the leather? I get the feeling that might not be too sturdy.

>What sort of paint would give a nice, metallic look on some prop armor and how should one go about sealing it? I'm in the process of fiber-glassing those shinguards.

>And now that I think about it, if anyone has a glove tutorial saved anywhere, I'd sure like to see it. I've never made gloves before.
it was pretty flexible, about 2mm of width (fuck my engrish)

i used it for the internal structure of a saiyan armor.
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Is it impossible to find a cheap lace front wig?
For Halloween I am trying to put together a Callie from Ugly Americans cosplay. I will be spending quite a bit on Ben Nye so I was hoping to get a ebay wig or something.There are no lace fronts on ebay in a color similar. I doesn't have to be really nice, just not Party City quality. Where should I keep looking? I don't think I can use a non lace front one...can I?
are you using real chain mail or aluminum? If you're concerned about looking accurate- steel mail is generally worn as a shirt underneath the other armor. If it's just aluminum, you won't really have a problem attaching as sleeves because it's light, though if you are using upholstery or garment weight leather, you may want to cut and glue a small strip under your main piece to reinforce where you punch the holes. I usually use heavy duty contact cement that you get in hardware stores. Don't worry- you won't see it

Though I guess if you were really opposed to the idea, I'd make a chain shirt that just went down to your nips
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Hey there.
Im looking to make a set of Catwoman goggles from TDKR (Im sure this has been asked a million times, I scrolled back trying to find anything.)

I looked around on google quite a bit only to find bulky, oddly proportioned halloween props.

Has anyone had an success making these or have any idea where to start?

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For anyone planning on doing anything with images on t-shirts/other clothing items (looking at you homestuck) and doesn't want to paint/sew this tutorial is nice. i made my daisy shirt without sewing

Step 1: carve the raised parts out of craft foam (heat gently to shape, seal (with something like gesso) and paint)
Step 2: attach fabric to the back for fabric areas (such as above the eyes). Glue this on, and use fabric stiffener or interfacing to make it not floppy.
Step 3: attach to your face however you want.

Check this out for tips on working with craft foam http://entropyhouse.com/penwiper/costumes/helmsdeep.html
For craft foam painting, I'd suggest using a latex based paint as opposed to acrylics. Acrylics will crack over time, since the foam is bendy. I made a chest piece less than a month ago and now it's completely cracked and ruined. D:
I really like using fabric paint on the more bendy/stressed parts of craft foam armor. It's meant to be flexible, so it won't crack over time.
What method of sealant and undercoat did you use? Latex paints are more flexible, but even it will 'dry out' and crack and peel over time. It's just the nature of the beast, especially when you use foam around areas of impact and bends. Same with fabric paint like another suggested.

How you lay the base and seal afterwards determines more about the longevity of the paint job more than the actual paint, imho. It's what the paint adheres to. Most of the people I know who do full body armor like the iron man suits use a combination of methods, including heat sealing, pvc glue layers, and/or something called plastidip, which coats the foam in thin rubber.

That's why I use the vinyl over foam method for projects that I see myself using over and over. It's more expensive, but you get more use out of it and the vinyl, with a quick spray of gloss, will last longer than paint jobs and look overall better if you're aiming for a smooth plastic look. The hardest part is trying to trying to place the vinyl over the curves and god help you the spheres, which takes practice to perfect and stretch vinyl is expensive as it is.
Never made one, but I do recommend using a base to form that rigid shape ( kinda like this modified plastic mask http://axis33.deviantart.com/art/Superhero-Mask-Tutorial-261305497) then layering it with craft foam before sealing and painting it a deep rich black. That in itself won't be difficult, but it really depends on the details and you have to have an artist's eye to lay down the foam.

Or you can do a leather mask but leathercrafting takes more skill and money to pull.
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It's kind of ironic that I'll be Gene Wilder Willy Wonka for Halloween. My jacket and wig came in and I found the perfect flowered shirt as well a bow tie. The cane I already had and the top hat i still neded to pick up this weekend so I'm about ready to go.

For Halloween I'm handing out Hersey's minis with little Wonka Bar labels on them.
this thread is good
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> For Halloween I'm handing out Hersey's minis with little Wonka Bar labels on them.

This is so cool!

I was at Sakura con and I saw the Hunter from Jumangi there handing out chocolate gold coins to people who answered his trivia. Questions like "What is the Hunters name?" and "What is the rhyme that summons him?"

You should make more for cons in the future and do Willy Wonka trivia!
Wait! I meet that guy! I got 2 out of 3 right when I talked to him at Sakura Con!

I do love the idea but I don't want to steal it.
Can it be polypropylene plastic? That's what's usually made with general plastic craft sheets.
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>Is there a way to connect chain mail to leather other than punching a series of holes in the leather? I get the feeling that might not be too sturdy.
it depends on what gauge leather. you would also have to attach it in proper spots so it hangs well

>as for chainmail
chainmail is not difficult to make, its just really time consuming.
if you go to your local farm supply or hardware store you can pick up 200m of 14 - 17 gauge galvanized steel (aluminum is also available) electric fence wire for like 40$
depending on how large you make your rings, you can make a full hauberk and coif with i would say...2 rolls? im not super sure, it depends on how big you are.

>pic showing how to make chainmail
all you have to do is find a steel dowel of the diameter you want your rings to be. i find it a lot easier coiling with help though

thanks guys.

any ideas how to do the top goggles and make them flip up into the ears? I suppose I could still use the foam for them and then wooden dowels or something and an led light?
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To help this thread up, I'll just put random info that is likely going to be asked:
Body/Face Paint:
-Some people have used thinned acrylics or watercolor but be warned that 'non-toxic' does not mean safe for skin, especially around the face. I advise you against doing this and use official body and face paint from reliable vendors and companies, especially if you have sensitive skin. Other than the dangers, it generally looks bad if you just want more than a small tattoo for an hour. Plus, easy to rub off on people around you, which they may not appreciate.
-Speaking of sensitive skins, always text out your paints. Have a small spot on the inside of your wrist and leave it there for twice as long as you plan on wearing it. If the skin is itchy, warm, or red, don't tempt fate and leave it. Generally, if you can wear eyeshadow or liquid fondation, body/face paint is safe. The most 'kid safe' brand is called snazaroo, often used for kid's face painting, if you're really paranoid.
-Trusted brands of face and body paint: http://www.sillyfarm.com/store/index.php?p=catalog&parent=188&pg=1 . Most of them can be found at other stores or places. If you go 'offbrand', then you risk getting it from china and spreading toxic leads/chemicals over your face.
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-Cake, Liquid, or Cream? Well, it depends. If you're used to painting with liquid, then liquid it is though be warned that it is easier to leave streaks. I would use liquids for detailed face painting, like designs and tattoos. For mass coverage, cake is the better deal since you can 'build' color more easily and be more conservative with your application, though you can easily make designs with a brush (think water colors). Cream just doesn't hold a lot of advantages compared to the last two and thus are a bit rarer and usually in pencil/stick form. Grease paint is mostly for very thick, heavy coverage.

-How much should I get? Depends on your application. In my experience, you get the stronger color with liquid because it's more concentrated but it's a dick trying to get it on even coats unless you're practised so it's more wasteful. Plus it dries out. If you're going for something more lighter, go with cake since you can cover more area and you can reuse it like a dry water color palette. If you're only going to cover face, neck, and hands, an 18ml cake or a 1oz liquid is plenty. Your entire body? That's gonna have to figure in how big and tall you are. SillyFarm usually have descriptions of how much coverage each product can offer, from 100+ faces to 1-10 half bodies.
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-How to apply? Clean and dry area of application. If cake, add water bit by bit until you get the consistency you like. If liquid, squeeze into a small dish. test color on the back of your hands and do a couple of test strokes to get the feel for it. Application is similar to makeup so stock up on those cheap cosmetic wedges you can find at any beauty supply section. To make it even, start dabbing and 'peppering' the area from the center out until you get the color you want before moving to another area, making sure to blend. Let dry and then either add more color to shade shadows and add highlights (advised to make it more realistic) or you can add finer designs with a brush, like eyeliner or eyeshadow on top of your base coat.

-SEALING. Please, for the love of god, seal your work. Not only to make it last longer, but to prevent it from rubbing off on other people. Most of these paints do not rub off easily after they completely dry, but better to be safe then sorry. There are some brands that carry their own sealing spray (mehron, kryolan), but in a pinch some hairspray can do it as well. Be careful about your eyes.

-Have fun! Body and face painting are not at all difficult and actually quite fun. Chances are, unless you're doing a full body coverage, you'll have some stuff leftover that you can paint on your arm when you're bored or want practice. If you want to do more stuff with it, get the rainbow palettes and watch some videos.
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This tutorial does not include PAX paint, liquid latex, or zentai suits as alternative ways of coverage, btw.

If there's anything wrong or needs to be explained, feel free. I haven't played with the stuff in a while myself and most of my experience was dealing with long lines of kids at art festivals and school carnivals.
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Basic overview of transfering pattern to foam, sealing, and painting:





Iron Man/War Machine basic foam construction: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheHeroTutorials

More advanced construction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvtF9Xfcr_A

Vinyl over foam method: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vugy-x0hiGk
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Foam comes in different thickness with the regular craft foam being around 2mm which is floppy and good for things like joints, but not good as a chest place or shin guard. Either double up or head for the thicker foam like 4mm-10mm. In general, the more flexibility you want (like fingers and neck) the thinner the foam while those with less mobility you can get away with thicker (like 10mm for the chest or back).
EVA (like those in camping and yoga mats) is the most common after craft foam but make sure the texture is what you want however nearly any foam in the 'closed cell foam' category will work like polyethelene or polyrethane sheets. If you want the smoothness like craft foam, look for crosslinked polyethelene foam, like volara or minicell/microcell. All of these should be easily heat shaped as long as they're not 1-2" thick.

Very few places carry foam thicker than 2mm and even fewer in large rolls. You can either go to your autoshop, wal-mart, home improvement stores, or sears to get camping or anti-fatigue foam mats such as this ( http://www.sears.com/best-step-antifatigue-foam-floor-mat-black/p-00914118000P) or this (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trial-Camping-Pad-Blue/16783660) or you can go online to find various thickness like ebay (http://stores.ebay.com/Wandy-foam) or online shops like (http://www.foamforyou.com/Closed_Cell_Foam.htm) and (http://www.foambymail.com/closed-cell-foams.html). The big advantages that come with online shops is that they can usually give you one big sheet or roll.
Hauntfag reporting in for make-up questions and links for materials.

First lesson:Don't buy from Scream Team.I have experience.My friend got one,had me do the paint work and all-He paid around $80 in total a month ago and it is ALREADY falling apart.Foam latex is tricky,but other companies do it better and for less.You're better off paying a little more for a cold-cast foam appliance(I have a set of cold-cast goblin ears that have been used for 7 years with no issues) or silicone.
Cosplay tutorial list with lots of stuff covered from pattern and jewelry to wigs and boots: http://cosplaytutorial.com/list.php
Noooo.Nooooo.The only way acrylic is even remotely safe on skin is if it is used to make home-made PAX.
PAX is a mix of Pros-Aide adhesive(a good thing to have on hand in any case) and acrylic paint.It's mixed in a 1:1 ratio and generally works best in an airbrush thinned slightly with water.
The adhesive helps the pigment stick and flex with skin instead of flaking as regular paint would.
Note that it can also be bought pre-made.

(FX Warehouse is spectacular for most SFX needs)
> Hauntfag
Knotts in CA?
Nah.Midwest haunter here.
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I was hoping you wouldn't ask that. Wooden dowels won't work since it looks like it'll have to curve to your head shape. If you don't know how to make a mold and resin cast, then I would suggest scourging for a cheap pair of sunglasses you can use the frames for, then dremel and shape it with a careful layer of craft foam or paperclay or even a combination for two. The top goggles are gonna have to be molded too, or you'll need a clever way of shaping some foam (maype neoprene rubber?). I'll need more reference to make sure.

All in all, it's gonna be difficult. If only because you want the top goggles to flip and that's gonna take a fitting. If anything, this is a test of creativity more than skill. My advice to you is to get plenty of of references and plan ahead by dissecting each piece then scavenging around the stores to see what you can get 'premade'. It's the same mindset of making iron man's arc reactor from a cheap sink strainer like pic related.

Just a few here to get anyone started.A few different color wheels can actually set you up for quite a few characters.
With one bruise wheel I made up 10 people into mangled victims of a car wreck(first paying job back in high school.)The colors in a bruise wheel are varied in a great way.If you don't have a burn wheel,the red and yellow can be mixed and blended into a nice torched flesh look.A light brush of the purple and blue around the eye-socket can fool people into thinking you've been injured(same day as the wreck job,did a bruise for a kid that asked.He apparently got grounded when his mom realized it was just make up.)
Invest in some color wheels and basic colors.
(Next post,basic colors:Ben Nye lovers' edition)
I wouldn't do it on the face, but a small amount of acrylic is generally safe if you want to use it for a small design. It's along the line of acrylic paint in PAX, and I've seen some people use it who don't want to pay 10$ for literally two strokes of paint for less than an hour. However, don't plan to do it if you're out in the sun since it gets cracked and the skin can be stained for very long time afterwards.

Of course, this is fuck all if you're even a bit sensitive since they're not meant for prolonged human skin contact and forget about it if it's for a kid.

Generally, yeah you can use a little bit of it if it's for a small bit of time and you don't have high expectations at all, but body/face paint is always and forever better and safer.

Btw, from my general experience, even if you use body and face paint, the color might 'stain' your skin a bit (a day to a few), particularly the reds. That's also part of why testing it out before slathering on is important.
If you can find one of those halloween/masquerade type masks with a headband that flip back,use that.There's a headband with a little hinge that allows you to flip the mask forward or back onto the top of your head.
Like this.
This is true.I'm a dork and prefer PAX personally just because even for a wee design I know it won't go anywhere until I want it to.
Red stains no matter what it is.I've put red over thick clown white and still had a red tint on my skin while all the grease has washed away.Red is a stubborn pigment in any form.
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So I want to be this terrifying guy. Although I have a couple of issues.

1. For his chest...thing, do you ladies believe it it would be acceptable to get a Facehugger and paint it black, put it on my chest, cover myself in dark paint, and have them blend that way, or hand-craft some kind of...thing to take its place?

2. In regards to his weapons, do you think it would be better looking in the dark to use craft foam or wood? It's not a matter of weight, because I'm relatively strong and have endurance, but just appearance.

3. Do you think for Halloween that the wiring crap would be necessary? I'm going with a Dark Souls group who might care, but passerbys wouldn't know. However would someone who probably doesn't know this game be more intrigued seeing the wiring glint off of a streetlight or would the absolute darkness seem cooler?
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I'd prefer a durable steel, but I'll probably end up with aluminum because steel is a bitch to find in my area. I initially planned on making the tabard a sort of closed shirt, whereas the chain bits would be arm and leg pieces that strap to the clothing.

But that reinforcing idea is pretty good.

The chainmail is actually the least of my worries. I made myself a mandrel for coiling wire (pic related), and am fairly confident in my ability to sew. I'll have to make some prop armor for the helmet, shin guards, and wrist cuffs, though, which I've never done before.
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Haha, I'm almost the exact opposite. I've done a bit of body painting and a lot of face painting but never used PAX, though heard good things about it.

For the thread, if anyone wants to 'fit' a certain body type that's not a fat suit, you can take two zentai/lyrca suits and makea muscle suits by sewing the padding to certain places. It'll be even more realistic if you have an airbrush handy to shade the areas.
This is just my basic kit and it works for zombies,realistic deaths,vampires,Silent Hill nurses,etc.
Death Flesh-A pallid flesh tone.The perfect amount of discoloration to bring out illness or recent death.
Maroon-A good deep red.Works just as well to sink and madden the look of eyes as stippled around the mouth of a craze vampire.
Misty Violet-Another good eye tone.The hue is the sort you get with severe sleep deprivation-also good for the lips of a drowned victim.
Sallow Yellow-A good highlighting color for illness and death.
Bruise Wheel-For all the reasons I stated before.A good mix of colors(including some of the individual ones I mentioned).
Sallow Green-A good stippling color for rot and decay.
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I realize now I have no real official art of Solaire...

Shit, nigga.

For those particular weapons, wood would offer a better texture and durability. The blades are supposed to look old and battle-worn, but not squished, chipped, or whatever. I've seen bad things happen to the most careful of people. You could also try using cardboard.
(Also just noticed I wrote Bane Nye.dohoho)
A big chunk of stipple sponge.-It can be cut to any size you need and is the best tool to have on hand for textural blending.Example:My basic running behind,5 minutes to be ready vampire requires it.Death flesh all over,misty violet on the eyelids blended out into maroon in the rest of the eye socket.Maroon around the mouth.Fire red,fresh blood and a bit more maroon stippled around the mouth and cheeks,down the throat.It gives a crazed look and the mixture of reds on the mouth area gives an impression of fresh blood spattered over older kills.

All the sponges in christendom.-Triangle wedges are my preference.

Q-tips-Good for putting make-up around eyes,adding details on latex builds and other prosthetics.

Toothpicks-Little lines like veins etc.

GOOD brushes.-You want a nice assortment from fine-liners to big fat brushes suitable for slathering on latex and adhesives.
Brush-cleaner-Especially with Pros-Aide,always set your brushes in cleaner as soon as you are finished doing all your make-up.I cannot count the tears cried over high quality brushes loaned out and left plastered to tables by pros-aide.

Powder-Baby powder works but translucent setting powder is a gem.This form of sealing is best used on grease particularly clown paint.
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1.) Not unless you modify it. Your guy looks hairy and if you try to do this just by painting yourself black, then you'll look kinda stupid since the texture's gonna be off. How's you're physique? If it's already similar (don't lie to yourself if it isn't), then go with a zentai suit or even a scavaged wet suit so you can pad and shape out the physique and sculpt the chest thing and glue it on then paint that entire thing black. Then get some crepe wool and glue and texture the entire thing for that hairy look.

2. It depends on your skill level, but I advise foam if only because most wood will have a 'texture' to it and even if you think you're strong, it looks more impressive if you can lift those things around effortlessly. Just make sure you're able to construct and weather it to look real.

3.) If you want accuracy, then go ahead. After all the work I suggested, it'll probably nag at you to do everything and not do the easiest thing to finish it.
Bondo-Even I don't always have this.It's a mix of Pros-Aide and Cabosil powder.It is amazing to have for prosthetics as a tool to hide edges.However,and I stress if you don't know what you're doing DO NOT MAKE IT YOURSELF.The cabosil is dangerous if inhaled as it will irritate the lungs and be present for months afterward.

Random latex pieces-If you don't have a mask-making friend to snatch some from,get a bit of latex and paint it across a sheet of plastic or something.Use different objects to give it skin or scale or whatever textures and let it dry.Cut it up into haphazard chunks to be used later.
I used this technique last week when I forgot my SH Nurse mask.I took a large slab of latex,trimmed it,glued it over one eye and part of my forehead and cheek and painted it up like charred flesh.Simple and effective.

A few bald caps-Never know when you'll need them.

Gelatin-Yes,jello.Look up a few videos.You want a nasty effect?There you are.It drips,looks generally lumpy and just eugh.Very grotesque.Good for complex burns.

An inspiration book.-You don't need it,but it will save you on a bad night.Just go searching around online,buy MUA magazine-compile yourself tutorials and photos of looks you love.If you want,turn to CSI make-up or actual crime scene photos if you need to know what certain type of death looks like.I've found the more subtle,realistic death make-ups elicit terror better than OTT B-movie effects.The look of actual death and sickness pulls at those very primal run away/vomit emotions better.
I've never seen THIS before. Thank YOU for that.


1) Well...he's not hairy. It's just odd concept art. I'm built a bit thicker than him, but not by TOO much. I think regular should be fine.

2) I work with wood all of the time. However you do bring up a good point. The person I quoted earlier with the cardboard might be something I needed.

3) Alright. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Seagull.
Here's a little gem since I know he's still a popular pick for Halloween.

Buy this and save on people nit-picking your scars.
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I know you can use sandpaper to make clothing look distressed, but is there an exact method for doing it?
Basically get a good grit of sandpaper and go to town.Rub at the fabric to get it fraying.If you want a bit more damage,take a lighter to the edges of neatly cut holes.It will curl and fray and generally look nicely ruined.
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For Halloween, I want to go as a female Green Lantern. Some of the women ones look like this or are a rip-off of the movie's version (which looks bad in my opinion).

However,I kind of want a more body-suit looking outfit, like so: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3055/2719119232_9f1545e53d.jpg

I'm not exactly sure what to use since I've never really dabbled with this. I don't want a slutty-Green Lantern costume. I would like one I could wear to future cons. Also, I want a mask for the costume, but I was thinking about making my own. What materials could be used to create that? I was thinking a kind of molding... Or if you have any advice/experience with making those kind of things I would appreciate it.
Oh god that girl that you linked to... I would hit dat so hard and she wouldn't even need to take off the costume since it has a convenient crotch zipper.

lol I saw that, but I just wanted to give an example of the suit-type I wanted.
Woo hoo Knotts Scary Farm opens tonight people! time to go party and get crazy in the mazes with the monsters!!!
I wish Knotts luck and many peed pants.My haunt opened last week and we go til November.Longer than any season I've worked.Gonna die.
Arda wigs has a couple inexpensive lace front wig options. They also have some wgs designed specifically for gravity-defying spiky styles like Callie's, so you should definitely check there!
And I hope you're wearing pink tights instead of ben nye-ing your entire legs. Also, SEALANT SPRA EVERYTHING.
Depending on where you live, I've found that a lot of urban hair/fashion/beauty stores have a shitton of lacefronts and for ridiculously cheap. While their colors tend to stick to the more neutral/natural spectrum, you might be able to find a nice shade of red somewhere too, since red isn't that uncommon or radical a color anyway.
I did check that out, but the wig is like 60 buck as apposed to something I could get of Taobao. I might just give in though. They have a good color in the spiking wig so it might just be worth it.
I was planning on using tights and sealing it. I don't want to be like Slutkip. My only worry is that I won't be able to mix the body paint to match the tights well. I'm sure it will be okay though.
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It would help if you chose a particular GL to start with. There are lots and lots of them. That one you have pictured is Arisa's costume

which is hilarious to see as a sexy Halloween costume. by the way.

If you want to make your own GL for funsies you should start doodling costume ideas on a bit of paper, remember the more details the harder the costume will be to make, you can always add more after Halloween. Full body suits can be difficult to make as they take a lot of fitting and sewing, if you do not want to sew it is possible to cobble together pieces to make a nice green lantern, I did this for my own Gal Gardner and I thought it turned out pretty good.

as for a mask there are lots of ways to make them! I am a big fan of craft foam for little face masks but you can always do something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TETSsxXoFBg

I would spend some time looking up mask making on youtube for some more ideas.
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i wanted to get some zombie-like contact lenses, and i did find some on ebay, but i does anyone know if they'd be safe?
Here's the link:
I do not suggest buying lenses off of ebay
I really wouldn't risk buying cheap offbrand contact lenses on ebay. It just sounds like a bad idea. Her feedback is 99%, but she's gotten 16 negatives in the past month. There's just something unsettling about it compared to more reputable sites and brands that do offer some quality control.

All in all, your eyes need to be taken care of. Despite being a penny pinching asian jew, they're the one area I wouldn't try to skimp out on, because the potential consequences are too great just to save a few bucks.
yeah that's pretty much what i considered, i just needed someone to tell me not to cheap out. Other than that, these seem like the best bets,
They're kind of pricey, but itll be nice to be able to see afterwards
Is this real life? This actually got stickied? HOLY SHIT THANK YOU BASED MODS!

Just a word of advice for anybody buying wigs! You should try to buy wigs at least 2-3 weeks in advance if you're buying them from ebay or something! Most places are from China so the shipping takes like 2 weeks.
Another word of advice- don't buy party city wigs. Just please don't. They look terrible.
I'm going as a fairy for Halloween. My basic idea right now consist of a corset, frilly skirt, wings, and ribbons in my hair. Any ideas or inspiration pictures for a good way to pull this off?
What to use for realistic fake blood?
-Do I need to seal it?
-Can I seal it?

I know fake blood recipes but I want to know what cgl uses and personally enjoys.

I plan on using it on my face.
Also interested in this. Need a loooooooot of blood. Really. a fucking lot. so I need not too cost-y.

Honestly except for the materials making a leather mask is pretty much the simplest thing you can do out of leather, since it's a simple shape you then heat form.


for what it's worth their spiking wig really is fantastic for vertical hairstyles like that


sounds really basic. you could always try attaching your wings through the back laces of the corset so you don't have elastic bands around your armpits. if you want a big fluffy tulle skirt, they're dead easy to make even for beginners and there's a million colors of tulle. get some really cute shoes that match, and decorate them with matching ribbons
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How do I tomato?
>Honestly except for the materials making a leather mask is pretty much the simplest thing you can do out of leather, since it's a simple shape you then heat form.

Yes, but the amount of detail is gonna take a lot more skill then just heatforming, especially the raised areas. In that case, it's better to use craft form if only because leather is much more expensive.
Get red footie pajamas (they have some for adults) then add a simple hood. Add green detailing with fleece/felt/choice of fabric.
Ask /a/, some lesbian fujoshi is bound to make one this year
I'm planning to go as a slashed up Jurassic Park ranger.

I need to learn some special effects make up for the dinosaur wounds but does anyone have any other ideas for this costume? I feel like it would be sorta bland.
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ben nye blood is my favorite, it dries after a little while but remains wet looking, though big drops will remain somewhat gelled for a long time and there is a risk of it rubbing off on something. The good news is that is it water soluble and washes off almost everything! I have even washed it out of white cotton, but that is not a guarantee. As for needing a lot of it, my friend bought an 8oz bottle three years ago that we have used constantly and liberally on us and our friends and we have not even hit the halfway mark, you would be surprised how far that stuff can go! even so here is a link for a 16oz bottle if you feel like painting a house with it or something...


I keep saying it in this thread but youtube is a great place to look up sfx makeup tips! Here is a fun and easy one for a big ol' bite wound, but you can find lots more that are even easier, though you may want to practice first.

to make your costume pop a bit more, maybe consider some small props like a dino egg with a baby raptor inside http://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Lost-World-Jurassic-Park-Hatchling-Figures-lot-complete-set-/28096972090

perhaps have a torn backpack with some printout guide maps, you could have dino teeth embedded into your skin, you could use a jurassic park flag and use it as a bandage on your leg http://www.ebay.com/itm/Jurassic-Park-Movie-Action-Figures-Sign-Banner-Flag-B0035-/150903255073?pt=L

the possibilities are endless! In fact I am now jealous of your costume idea... I may have to steal it at some point
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wow, ok, 4chan just ate my two paragraphs of ideas for your ranger costume.

OK, lets try this again! To make your costume pop you could have some small props like a dino egg with a baby dino in it.

you could have a dino tooth stuck in a wound, you could have a torn backpack with printed map guides inside, you could use a Jurassic Park flag to tie up a wound on your leg. You could have a whole back story for your ranger and you can build your costume around it.
Thanks Anon for the advice! I had to go to work, but I wanted to make sure you knew it was greatly appreciated!

I'm not very creative at my own designs, but I shall give it a whirl. :)
/cgl/ :

Making Halloween fabulous this year.

Me gusta~

Girl with the Green Lantern costume again:

How do you all go about finding the right color for your shoes? I'm wanting a simple pair of green boots (maybe knee length or a bit shorter), but I'm worried that it'll be off color or I won't be able to find any. Are there tricks to coloring boots or something that you all have mastered?
Angelus paints work wonders on shoes, as long as you're not buying something like suede. You can mix them together to get custom colors to match your fabric, too!
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no problem! and YOU CAN DO EET!

YES! in fact there are lots of ways to color your boots! Some people prefer to make a boot cover for their shoes, there are special leather paints you can buy online and they come in many many colors. Also, if you are in a pinch you can use a floral spray paint which you can find in any craft store, this is the method I use because I am lazy and often forget about footwear until a few weeks before the event.

I will talk about floral spray paint because it is the one I have the most experience with. To begin clean your boot with acetone, this removes any dirt or oils that may remain from the factory. Use masking tape to cover any parts you don't want to paint, Then spray on a very thin layer of white paint as a base, it is very important to let it dry. After the base has dried paint on a layer of your main color, let it dry, then another thin layer, dry, thin layer, dry, rinse and repeat until your shoe is evenly colored all over. Then, if your paint layers are not too thick already you can use a clear overcoat to help seal your shoes.

this is not the best method for painting shoes, but floral spray paints do not crack often and is widely available. The down sides are that in high stress parts of your shoe it will wrinkle and crack after a lot of walking, and the paints come in limited colors. The picture is a pair of shoes I painted to match my fabric for a cosplay.
Just buying it.
There are many pre-made bloods to buy based on various needs.Clotted,thick blood;semi-drippy fresh scab;runny squirty blood.Pick your need and begin from there.
Ben Nye(I use a lot of Nye,so sue me) has many kinds alone.
Three Nye bloods.Scab,thick and caps.
Also this hella cool stuff;
I love the blood powder.Add water and bam1Blood everywhere.

It takes only cursory searches to find any type you need.I stick with Nye for availability as most stage and theater stores stock it,Kryolan and Mehron(also every good.)
Thick,runny blood.
Corn syrup
2 drops blue food color
1 drop red food color
1 drop yellow food color
Simple and quick.Drip the food coloring into the corn syrup and mix.My favorite container for this mix are those dye bottles you can get for hair with a long,narrow dropper for a cap.With those,you can easily deposit the blood only in the areas you want and if you need a large swathe,uncap and paint it on.
(The blue and yellow are essential.They give the color a more realistic hue.Straight red is full on B-movie and will only serve to look like the person has severe anemia.)You can do any color you wish with this,as well(good for any gory Homestuck ideas).I personally have normal red,black,and green.

Spray blood(use ONLY to gore clothing)
Rubbing alcohol(your typical drug-store bottle)
2 drops Red food color
2 drops blue food color
This one is intended to be brighter than the previous as it is meant to mimic fresh blood spatter,nice and light red.Use a spray bottle(you can get ones intended for spraying plants or at beauty shops,DO NOT reuse one from a cleaning product.)Mix the alcohol at a 3:1 ratio with the water,just to tone the smell,basically.you need a strong alcohol content to help it stick.Drip the food colors into the alcohol-water mix,seal and shake.Easy as pie and a splendid addition to any costume that is just too clean.
Why don't you just buy actual Wonka candy to give out?
Does Wonka even make chocolate anymore? Aside from those expensive Wonka Exceptionals. I miss the classic Wonka bars they used to sell.
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I'm going to be Hawkeye from the Avengers movie. I already made the vest myself, but I'm having trouble finding pants that will work. They don't have to be completely accurate, but the main problem I'm running into is that all of the military/tactical pants I find always have tons of cargo pockets, which is definitely very innacurate. I would like to find a pair of plain black tactical pants, preferably with the kneepads in them (I have the straps and buckles to sew on myself). I would preferably like to spend $50 or so at the most. If anyone has seen anything like this, I'd appreciate it!
If the only thing stopping you from getting a pair of pants is the pockets, can't you take a seam ripper and take them out?
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My wife and I decided on Red & Pikachu. Not my favourite Pokemon, but I'll be handing out candy that evening so Pikachu will be very recognizable to kids. We'll probably recycle the costumes and wear them to the reboot of AE this fall.

Try looking for sport pants? Those look more like something a football/rugby/some sport I'm too much of a nerd to care about player would wear than army gear
Well yeah I could throw out nerds and Laughy Taffy, but where is the creativity?

Sadly they don't make them any more, only Wonka Exceptions, and they are hard to find where I live.
Try Motorcycle riding pants.
All excellent suggestions, thank you all so much!
this makes me happy.

I also second removing pockets.
I'm gonna be Daria for Halloween. I've got the wig, the glasses, the jacket, the undertop, and the boots all figured out, I just can't find a good enough skirt. I thought it would be pretty easy to find a simple black, pleated miniskirt, but everything I look at is either a sexy schoolgirl mini or made of chiffony fabrics, neither of which would be great for Daria.
Any help would really be appreciated!
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If you can sew at all, there are lots of pleated skirt tutorials. The one I'm posting I've used before. It's pretty decent and easy to follow.

For materials, I would either go with a wool or a sportswear twill.
Sewing definitely isn't one of my strong points, but that tutorial looks easy enough, so I'll give it a shot. Thanks a lot!
awesome. thanks for those ideas!

could also buy a pleated uniform skirt (like what high school girls wear) and cut it shorter and hem it

Wow! Thanks again so much guys! :)
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I plan on being a creepy porcelain doll (so original, I know) but I'm having some trouble finding a good dress for the costume.

I want some big frou-frou thing, even lolita-style would work. Preferably long-sleeved and under $50. Can you help me, Seagulls?
are you asking for style suggestions or for us to do your shopping for you?

Just hit up thrift stores, you'll find something.
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Going in a costume that implements a mask and a trench-coat.

Hopefully I don't get accosted by the cops.
Those look like regular black pants with tactile chaps on them. Just make the chaps separate and wear them over pants.
What skirt would you recommend for a lumpy space princess cosplay?

Been thinking of maybe a pettiskirt but I'm not sure where to find one
you could try a purple bubble skirt~

a big fluffy circle skirt with a petti underneath
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I decided I wanted to be Rainbow Dash for Halloween. However, I am stuck on the wig.

I was finally able to find a cheap rainbow wig (synthetic fiber), but of course it was made for women (I'm a guy). I'm not intending to cross dress, so I'm looking for suggestions on how to make this wig have a more masculine look. Modifying, styling, etc.

pic related: the wig on me
get a new wig, that one is shit
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I require a simple women's trenchcoat pattern.

Preferably one that ends above the knees, because it gets hot down here fuuuuuck.

I'm googling around for one anyways, but if anyone just happens to have one on them, that'd be fantastic.
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I'm new to costume/cosplay making and I'm hoping to make a Spidey cosplay. Could you guys give me some points on where to start? I'll gladly look up what you suggest and ask better/more detailed questions if the need be.
I can appreciate that, and I agree with you. But this is what I have t work with. Any suggestions on what I can do to this wig?

The wig looks shitty so the wefts probably aren't dense enough to cut it short. Maybe pull it back in a low ponytail?

Start with a blue (black?) zentai suit and add the detailing on top.
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basically, I need pic related.

this particular pattern is out of print, however.
Any of these what you're looking for?
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Thinking about getting together a smile cosplay together. I want to use a red tie and white button up shirt instead of the weird brown shirt he has in some of his other pics. I found bandages and need to buy some more. Now I need to figure out what kind of face paint I need to get. Any suggestions?
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oh shit, first one's perfect.

thank you so much anon ;___; YOU'RE THE BEST.

If you're just doing the red on top of your skin, get a refill sized kyrolan or mehron water activated color cake. they work like watercolors, so they're pretty simple to apply and easy to clean off mistakes. spritz a little hairspray on top to keep it from smearing
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hmm thx for that little tip. Anything else you want to suggest to me? Hoping I can pull it off in time for halloween.
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I got a plush ChestBurster from Alien for my birthday, So for halloween I'm going to cut a hole in my shirt and wear a jacket most of the day and right at the most opportune time, I'm going to start coughing up a fit and pretend to have a seizure. Then, I'll shove this thing through the hole.
I'm a small white girl with light pink hair.
5'2 105 lbs

Can anyone suggest something for me?
I'm down for whatever.
This girl and get a pipe.
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forgot the pic
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Try this one out.
Both are cute, thanks! But I have no clue who they are.
I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for me; I want to wear a costume at work this year but I have to wear a hairnet as I'm in the bakery department. The only person I can think of is Elli from Harvest Moon but I'm worried about her long, poofy sleeves getting dragged into icing, etc..
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first time ever cosplaying here, and I want to make a link outfit for halloween. i don't want to buy a costume and i have no idea where to start

also, pic related. its me. i want to know if i would look good in a link costume also. im planning on dying my hair
For starters, don't dye your hair, get a wig. Also, how are your sewing skills at the moment?
b-but my awesome hair ;_;
i've barely ever used a sewing machine but i thought i would be fine since the outfit isnt too complicated...

Unless you're actually bleaching it with bleach from the drugstore, it's not going to look good. normally I'd say even then you need a wig but most people don't take halloween as seriously as cons.


Make modifications as needed
thanks~! i'm pretty dead set on bleaching and dying it since i dont want to spend money on a fake ass wig when ive got hair that already fits the bill

also one last question, does dying your hair affect your hair at all? i don't want my hair to lose shape if i dye it.
as long as you're not using that fucking spray on color

depends on the shape your hair's already in

use the conditioner in the box as directed and use conditioner for the rest of the week
You can get a decent wig for around $15 online. That's only a little more then the cost of getting bleach anyways, and you won't destroy your hair in the process
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Not a question of material or tools, but how should I assemble the shoulder and torso together when it's done?
Ebay, wig-supplier, there's a lot of different options. Do a little bit of digging and keep an open mind you'd be surprised at what you can find.
Kamui has a tutorial on how she attaches her armor, you could try it the way she does? Basically velcro and buckles galore. REDUNDANCY.

Okay, thanks!
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Thanks, now I just need to find big sheets of craft foam. I mean BIG sheets.

>dat german voice
I looked around a bit, and I think that with a little bit of skill, the Saber fate/zero wig could actually be styled to be a link wig. Of course, there are probably 1000 different wigs that could do the same/better but that's the first one I stumbled upon. And it's only $11.50 before shipping
Might help you

Corn syrup, cocoa powder (like you'd use to make chocolate milk--don't forget to shake the container), and red food coloring makes a really great fake blood. The cocoa powder adds a bit more substance compared to when you use just food coloring, and depending on how much powder you use, it tastes like hot cocoa.

Maple syrup is a suitable replacement if you don't have corn syrup, but it's runnier, takes longer to dry, and you'll smell like pancakes for two days.
if you don't know any characters then you should just dress nicely.
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>umm I dunno what these vidya gaems are all about but I like to dress up and I'll get lots of attention xD
Oh man seriously?
How do you expect us to suggest a character that would fit you if you block out your face?
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Sorry if this has been answered already.
Does anyone have recommendations of places to buy coloured contact lenses from? I've looked it up, but I just keep getting pages about the dangers of buying bad contacts.
The person i'm dressing up as has brown eyes and I have blue. I wear regular contacts, but i've never bought this kind and don't want to buy from the first store that pops up on google in case they're poor quality/overpricing/what have you.
Hi, Kryolan makeup question here.
How do I get the color to look quite light?
I tried:
1. Using less water (doesn't really help)
2. Using a large brush (helps a little, but super uneven and if I add additional layers it becomes darker than I want.)
I bought the lightest color I could find, but it still is too dark. Tips?
Hairspray, I can attest, does work.
What exactly are you using? Cake makeup? To get a thinner (less opaque) coverage, you actually will want to add more water. Of course, if you're trying to change the color altogether, you can mix in some white.
Haha thanks! It's my first time attempting to sew anything, it's not perfect, but overall I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Add white. Use a sponge.

I would look on Pinky Paradise and Honeycolor. Get an eye test first and know your base curve (if the base curve on the lens is too different it wont fit) along with your eye prescription.
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>know your base curve (if the base curve on the lens is too different it wont fit) along with your eye prescription
I've got those! Written down someplace...
Thanks so much! I'll check those places out!
It should be noted that those two are for circle lenses. You can always ask your regular eye doctor for color contacts (freshlook is my favorite for normal color contacts).

Youknowit is also a good site for specialty colored contacts.
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I'll check there as well! I brought up coloured contacts when I first got my glasses- my doctor straight up told me not to try it. Where i'm from this sort of thing is considered really weird, but I think i'll be able to get away with it for halloween. Thanks so much!
Okay same hat is failing me. That's Kago, right?
hi seagulls, /sp/artan here
I want to go as Heisenberg from Breaking bad for halloween. If anyone watches the show or knows who im talking about then hit me up with some information or opinions on what i should buy
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My boyfriend and I were actually going to be Jesse and Walt for a con. We were planning on carrying around Los Pollos Hermanos buckets full of blue rock candy.
you can get some here: http://www.wired.com/underwire/2012/07/breaking-bad-blue-glass-candy/
OR if you are any good at candy making (it's harder than it seems and can be dangerous) here's a recipe

Also, I'd recommend wearing a hazmat suit, which you can get on ebay.
> our stress relief

I lol'd heartily, because cosplay is a huge source of stress (except for when its done and I can enjoy myself)
Last year I went as the white rabbit from Alice in wonderland,this year I plan on going again. The only problem is the makeup. Last year I went and bought both liquid and cake makeup recommend by a SFX artist that the Halloween store had hired on for the season. I believe both were Mehon. Now I wanted a white that made it actually look like I had white skin and told her that and that was what she gave me. I tried both. Both were a nightmare.
The liquid streaked and only covered when caked on. When it was caked on it cracked and looked awful. The cake would not build at all, barely covered at all and also cracked.
So now what I need to know is what exactly should I get for a white rabbit face makeup? Brand, and type included if possible, price is not a issue.
First,I suggest this if you don't have a nose piece.
I recommend Pros-Aide to stick that on for maximum hold and longest wear.
For the make-up I'd suggest your typical clown white of which Ben Nye and Kryolan have very good versions.It takes some practice to apply smoothly but basically,di your sponge and go over each area dabbing it on in circles so if spreads out evenly rather than streaking.Seal with translucent powder or a Final Seal type spray.
The other option is an aquacolor cake.
I actually have that type on right now in black and white that was applied at 6pm and made it through nearly 7 hours of sweaty haunt acting in a very warm room.Not one smudge or crack.The fact it requires water and dries quickly after application makes it great when you need a base color and then details/designs on top.
What color are you trying to get?I'll have a hunt around if you let me know as the color you want may already exist if not from Kryolan then possibly another brand.
(But yes,more water=lighter color.It'll thin a lot though so do a few layers to acheive the right color and still get coverage)
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Hello friends,
I'm not sure if you guys do this, and if you don't, then PLEASE ignore my post, but I'm looking for a little input as for who I should be for halloween this year. This is me in the photo. I am 5'5'' (165 cm for those on the metric system) and 115 lbs. (52 kg). I'm looking for any ideas at all, with the exception of anime. I'm a /co/mrade and sometimes a /v/irgin, so that may give you all an idea of some of my preferences. But really, I'm open to any ideas.

Again, if you guys don't do this kind of stuff, then, by all means, ignore this post and excuse my ignorance.

Thanks dudes. Cheers!
You look... familiar. Do you live in Texas?
Nay. I am from New York City
Forgive me then. You just look like somebody I've seen before.
Thank you so much

I have one more question. I am wanting to get a white wig for the costume. Are there any stores on Ebay that sell like the Fantasy Sheep wigs or such that would ship in time? I would get straight from Taobao but the shipping fees would be very pricey for a wig that I would only wear once a year and I am currently spending all my money on halloween so I wouldn't be buying anything else.
I meant to add stores that people have bought from before and know are okay. Not just stores in general.
Epic cosplay wigs.
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am I creepy

is there anything I can do to make this more creepy

I am not cosplaying a character, I just want to be creepy
Uh.. I'd suggest maybe applying some white makeup around your eyes first. Maybe a little grey/black under them as well. It looks less creepy and more distracting to just see all that skin at the eye holes.
Well, it would help if you narrow down your preferences and what kind of budget or skill experience would help.

If you want it to be easy, how about tyrone from gravity falls?
No, that picture isn't creepy at all. The white face is very obviously shopped and the wig looks tryhard sadara. There's no makeup at all around the eyes (that I can see) so it just looks like amateur hour after watching jap horror movies.

Do you want a creepy photograph or do you want to be creepy irl? There's a difference since a photograph you can manipulate to cover flaws, but if you want creepy irl, just go for the zipper face or an unzipped mouth tutorial on youtube. Usually gets good reactions from people who don't know it.
It's a $30 mask+wig.

I'm not rich.

Any tips on getting those cheap-ass wigs to look less tangled?
Nothing can save a cheap ass wig. Also the costume looks cheap, so I guess you got what you paid for.
Hey gals, the husband and I plan on going as Kiki and Tombo from Kiki's Delivery Service.

His costume will be easy and is practically things he already has but I am running into some trouble with Kiki's dress.

I plan on just making a simple dress but i can't for the life of me decide if it should be a light black or dark purple.

Sort of a silly question but I was just wondering if y'all have any input on it, thanks!
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That's really weird because you also look a lot like someone from california.
I lean towards black. Just not a very rich dark black, but a subtle one. Or a very dark-almost black purple.

Reason being that she's a witch and the stereotype is black. The purple coloring can work, but it's like a highlight of black used in animation like navy blue.
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Now that I think of it, what about a navy blue?
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Can anyone recommend some cheap stores? I've searched F21 and H&M for a cheap red and white long-sleeve striped shirt for Wally/Waldo but no luck. I'd rather not thrift (but would if I can't find anything.)
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Hey, /cgl/. My girlfriend is making me be the Once Ler for Halloween (yeah I know, but I love her too much to say no) and I need a wig. I'd just buy one from ebay, but ever since paypal started asking for social security numbers I try to avoid that. Do you guys know of any alternatives? I'm looking for something hopefully less then $20, since it's just a Halloween costume.
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My town has a zombie walk, and I'd really love to do a Spitter from Left 4 Dead but the makeup seems really ambitious and the only example I've found was a youtube tutorial that looked like shit. Any tips?
>not using credit card through paypal without signing in
Sure thing! Ideally, I'd like to be someone from a cartoon, animated movie, or cape comic, who isn't particularly obscure (i.e. something a normalfag might be able to get). My budget is unlimited, and while my experience with the medium is minimal, I have a good deal of acquaintances who might be able to help me out a bit (I go to an art centric school).
I like it, I like it. I could roll with that, but I'd like to hear some other ideas if you don't mind.


Well, presently, I'm going to a semester school in California if that helps. But maybe I just have one of those faces.
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Sorry if it's been posted or if it's in the sticky, been gone awhile haven't kept up with much sorry seagulls, but I need some good fabric sites.

Looking for something with just a bit of stretch.

Thanks and apologies of sage.

Pic not entirely unrelated.
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Painfully unoriginal, but I'm planning on cosplaying as Alice Liddell Mcgee version for Halloween. I'm also hoping I could sneak into Knott's Scary Farm in this costume and take some awesome shots there. I'll hide the costume with a peacoat, probably. SMUGGLING COSPLAYS FUCK YEAH inb4 an employee sees this and saves it for future reference
I won 50 dosh at a costume contest last year by dressing as Rebecca Black in a car. I'm thinking of going as Gordan Freeman or Slenderman this year.
Anyone know how to do a faceless mask thing for Slendy? I got 3 weeks, and cash to burn. any suggestions to make either?
I would just buy a white zentai mask rather than go to the trouble to making one. I mean, it's fairly easy to make if you had the right fabric, but since matte white lyrca or spandex isn't common, you'll have to get it online anywho.
If you're looking for stretchy pvc, latex, or spandex, I usually go to mjtrends. Every once in a while you'll luck out in their clearance section.

Fyi, shipping is a bitch though. Kinda high.
Where can I find a Fionna shirt? Its surprisingly hard to find something so simple
Search for '3/4 sleeve, v-neck' or replace v neck with a scoop neck or not have it at all and just go through the search with 3/4 sleeve shirts.

If you can't find any in the exact color, just go for white and dye it.
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I am planning on wearing a sakura from street fighter costume. How important is it to wear the red chucks in ur opinion?
Guys how do I go to a Halloween party? I have never been invited to a party before in my life
Check meetup.com to see if any groups you're interested in are having a halloween party meetup.
considering you can just get the knock offs for around 10.00 or go to target- it shouldnt be all too expensive.
Id say go for the entire look.
This probably won't be very helpful if you can't sew, but I found a long sleeved basic shirt at Walmart in the exact color for $5, fitted it, and fixed the sleeves.

Oh, and striped-socks.com has the greatest socks on the planet if you're having trouble finding socks for her.
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I really want to do something superhero-y and something with a cape, but I can't think of anybody! Anybody have any ideas for female superheroes with capes? All I can think of off hand is Supergirl, Powergirl, or Raven - anybody else have any suggestions? I'm not opposed to doing genderbend or Fem! versions either, it's all good.
Batgirl? Or, um, wow. Never thought it'd be this difficult to think up.
Miss martian, emma frost, scarlet witch, storm, princess projectra (sensor girl)...
Sweet, thanks for the ideas guise - it's not like I haven't googled anything, google is just giving me shit links when I type "list of female superheroes with capes" in the search bar :(

Forgot all about Birds of Prey though, looking at Misfit as a halloween costume - easy and colorful :) Thanks for the push in the right direction guise!
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It's my first and only Halloween in the states at the University
What should I go out as?
5'10, 150 lbs, hair not too different from Edward Cullen or Garfield Spiderman
Build is slenderish
Rather cartoon & movies related than anime & manga
Skill level? Would you rather buy or do you have experience in prop making, special effects, sewing? Budget? I'm assuming easy modo since you're listing your hair, which implies you don't want to do anything more complicated than a closet costume (IE, regular easy to find, cheaper)
Also, Joann's puts their patterns on sale all the time (other than the 40% perma-sale). You often can get them for a buck or two if you come in the right weekend. Since Halloween is close, they'll discount the patterns to move fabric. They have copies of their fliers on their website.
Craft foam and eva are both closed cell polyethylene (or polyurethane) that can be easily found online from different vendors that go by 60" width and cut to the foot. If you want a slight texture to it, look for polyethelene rolls like:


If you want that smooth craft foam finish, look for cross linked polyethelene foam like volara or mini/microcell. They will come in the roll too.

Best part is that they are cheaper as one big sheet rather than small craft sizes. With different widths. And the site I linked to offers free samples if you email them.

Seriously, if you're into making foam armor, those camping mats are like low quality teir.
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I'm making a Ghostbusters halloween outfit and I was wondering if any of you know how to make and/or acquire the little valve piece that goes on the leg to connect the hose to.

It seems to be a rubber or plastic piece that is sewn onto the leg of the flight suit. I ordered the suit and they don't come with this naturally.

On top of that, I have to dye the belt I got a bit grey. How does one go about dying such things? Do I just soak it in like a bowl of the dye or what?

Oh! And nametag! I want to get an embroidered nametag (black base with red letters like in the movies), does anybody know where I could get this done? Would a local fabric shop or perhaps a Michael's do this? If not...where should I look? Any place online?

Lots of questions but this is the first costume that has been this complex to put together for me (and has cost this much). I normally just shove on makeup and become a zombie.
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I was wondering what anyone's experience with zentaizone is. I found a catsuit there that i could easily and quickly alter for a Black Widow costume but i wanna know if they're reliable before i order.
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Hey guys, Deadpool of /b/ here.

I need a favor. I need links to sites so I can buy a highquality deadpool mask for good ol holloweener. Or, a site so I can make my own. Time is short, money is...not really an issue. Any help I can get will be loved, respected, and filled with pancakes.

Black or dark grey around the eyes.white out your neck to match the mask.
It looks like one of the Little Apple Dolls so perhaps look them up and pick an outfit?

On another note..$30?Yeesh.The Halloween Express near me has that mask for $10.
For not-quite accurate but still nice-

For more accuracy,it'll need good blending and a bit of a paint-job to get it right there's this.
Looks pretty damned awesome.
Oh, MORE water. There we go. Guess I wasn't watering it down enough; that makes sense.
It's purple, btw.
It's for a night elf, and I know for a fact that Kamui uses the same exact Kryolan color and when I've seen her wearing it it's much lighter than I've been able to get it.
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Alrighty, my local con is a bit picky about hard wood (which I'm ok with, wasn't planning on using all wood) it's a safety issues as always.

If you can't see, there's a gap where the smaller blades jut out, the idea behind the blade is when it's not being used the small blades are concealed inside but when drawn the blades will switch out. I've done some testing on small models and figured it would be really tricky to pull off so I'm not asking how to work the mechanics, but hey if you want to give it a shot, then by all means.

What I'm looking for is suggestions on materials and how to go about. Since this sword doesn't follow a symetrical design the pvc pipe can't go all the way through to the tip. I was thinking of using a mix of housing foam insulation (hard blocks) and thin sheets of white pine for more support. I have already printed out the design and it's 65 inches in length (has to be reasonable size). I've looked for tutorials but none really satisfied by questions for this kind of sword.
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> cosplaying LMAFO with my buddies
> party box puts on '"orry for Party Rocking" in the elevator on the boom box
> other friend takes out battery operated multicolored light
> start to dance in elevator
> every floor we hit we are just dancing away
> we are meet with mixed audiences
> so people laugh, so walk away in disgust
> no fucks were given
> our faces when

Cosplaying as Ash, friend is Cosplaying Gary Oak
> get off of elevator with friend
> gary turns around and points at everyone just as the doors close
> I lol'd
Glad you got it.Aquacolor is lovely but lightening takes ages because without enough layers you end up vaguely tinting your skin but can still see it.
Good luck.
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Hey /cgl/, /x/phile here with a question/help

I kinda need some help on a cheshire cat cosplay (I know, how original right? ) And after looking though pages on google I haven't found anything that seems not too crazy (full body paint and so on) and not too plain ( Purple top, bottom with the signature pink and purple ears and tail) So I come asking if you have a better idea of what I can do?

I do have a pink short wig that's decent quality. I have no real sewing experience aside from patching things up by hand and Im a bit limited on money, most I could probably spend is around $40-$50 on this if Im lucky.

Also Im kinda a heavy girl too so skimpy would look horrible on me, if anyone could help me out I'd really appreciate it!

>pic related
its me with the pink wig
Decades of obsessive Ghostbusters fans have paved the way for you.
would it be insensitive to be Lucille Ball but with abusive-victim black eye and bruises?
Jack Sparrow? Seems too dificult.

If you don't cut your hair you could be Han Solo.
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This seems like the best place to ask this question so here goes.

I'm planning on doing a sex robot costume for halloween.
>Link and pic related

I'm going to use some air vent ducts for my legs and arms, but what would you guys suggest for the pelvis, torso, and head? I was thinking some cardboard boxes wrapped in aluminum foil, but that seems flimsy and I want this costume to last cause I'm going to use it on several different occasions. Also I'd like to know how I can get the theme song from the video without all the background dialog if anyone can help me out there too, that would be awesome! Also, wondering what you guys would suggest for hands and feet as well.

Cardboard with metlic spray paint.
>Jack Sparrow
I agree. That would be difficult for someone like me to pull off.
>Han Solo
Badass, dude. Now that's an idea I can get behind!
I'm looking to go as Harry Dresden (From the Dresden Files books, not the shit TV show).

Problem is, I want to do a hollow design at the top of a wooden staff that I can pop a red glowstick into to get the glowing runes, but I don't know the best way to do this. Foam or something would be easier to do for the hollow section than carving the wood itself (Especially since I lack the equipment to do that), but I'm afraid it'll look like shit and look like an obviously different part.

Any suggestions /cgl/?
it doesn't need to look completely seamless; paint and blend it well enough and i doubt anyone will notice
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What kind of costume should I wear to get girls to want to have sex with me?

I'm not talking about cool intelligent girls. I'm talking about young dumb and slutty college girls. There's obviously going to be huge parties with lots of girls dressed like whores. I need to look my best to even have a shot at some of that action.

I was thinking of going as the Driver from Drive. Bitches love Ryan Gosling. Either that or a 70's disco dancer with really really tight pants.
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If you have the body go as 300 Spartan
If you don't no one is going to have sex with you anyway
This. You have to have a great body, and wear something to show it off.
I am thinking of doing a spartan outfit this year (male) but have no creative bone in my body. Any suggestions on how to come up with a decent costume? I was looking on amazon and it seems like there are a few costumes that I could do or just add onto. Any input would be great.
I'm thinking about buying a custom Zentai suit from ZentaiZone.com. I have all my measurements figured out (or atleast I've done them by myself) to make sure I get one that fits.

What has been your experience with buying Zentai suits? Should I be wary of anything?
/fit/ guy here with otter mode body.

What are some good costumes or characters that show off my gains.
Psycho from borderlands? Skyrim Forsworn? Or something more general, like a caveman or a spartan warrior.
YES. This is my favorite video from wkuk, like, ever,
Do you have experience with molding leather?
Waiting for a response. Don't mean to sound impatient, but my local hardware store is having a sale on wood and other stuff that ends in a few days.
Giant big props need a skeleton. Even if it is an assymetrical design, you need to work out a decent framework or else the chances of it snapping in half is much much higher, especially if you plan on actually holding and waving it around. Pic related is a mockup I did, assuming you want the holes in the blade to be seen through (I can try and make a mockup of a manual mechanics along the line of a slide lock kinda thing, but it'll take a lot of experimenting and I can't guarantee it'll work.

Things to keep in mind:
-The handle and main support near the bottom of the blade should have plenty of support. Use thicker components to maintain stabability. Double up on the handle if you have to.

-Every connection needs to be reinforced. Either with lots and lots of hot glue or epoxy or anything that can be secured. After you complete the skeleton, wave it around and just get a feel of the weakpoints.

-Larger props, even made up of foam and cardboard are heavy. Physics play in when you try to wield it because the further the object is held away from your body, the tougher it is to hold up. So make the tip the lightest you possibly can, keeping the heavier stuff near the bottom/handle for more stability.
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forgot pic
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21 yr old male with some engineering/ modeling skill

would this project


be too adventurous for my first Pepakura?

just the helmet
No, not really. It's do-able. Just be patient and meticulous, otherwise it will look shitty. and post progress pics!
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How would you go about making a mask like this one? I was thinking it would have to be plastic, since it needs to be transparent, but I have no idea how you'd mould it. Red projections are not necessary (or physically possible, as far as I can tell).

This isn't strictly Halloween-related (I doubt I'd be able to make it by then anyway, if at all), but it would probably be a waste to make a thread just for this.


Are you really really sure? Fiberglass is nasty stuff dude and, unless you've worked with it before, I wouldn't do it for my first time.

Go to the rpf forum. They have tons of iron man and pepakura feedback and helmet making and progress pics. You can gather the info and see for yourself which one is the best to work with.
>"Hey do you take costume commissions?"
>Yeah sure! What would you like?
>"I want a full lady thor dress with helmet, hammer, boots and accessories"
>Cool, I'll go price out materials for you.
>"I need it by halloween"
>...That's pretty close. I could probably do the dress or props, but not both.
>"Oh and my budget is $50."

I really wish more people understood how commissions work.
I've recently found an easy way to do a screen print if it helps anyone. Just buy yourself a picture frame (from the dollar store or a thrift store) and a really small fabric mesh. Stretch that over the frame while stapling it in place. Afterwards, use just regular printer paper to cut out a stencil, place it underneath, and use acrylic paint to scrape over the top.


A bit like this, except you don't need plastisol ink, since it has to be heat set. And a squeegee can be replaced with some thick folded paper, or anything really. It makes things simple for sharp edges and smooth paint.

If you do two different colors, make sure to do two separate stencils for each color and that they line up right.
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Nothings going to help that cheap wig. You probably could have gotten a good cosplay wig for about 15 buck off of ebay if you looked hard enough. I suggest dark black makup around the eyes, maybe with some on the eye holes of the mask as well (just slightly) to make it look cohesive. Jab some blades into the mouth. It reminds me a bit of this picture
It's not specifically Halloween-related, but does anyone have that chart with a bunch of dye colors and how they come out on different fabrics? My pictures all got bahleeted recently.
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Yes! Thank you!
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hello /cgl/
some person from /co/ here

I have enough money to pull off a half decent Penguin
>at least I hope I do
I found the vest, a good bowtie should be innexpensive enough for me to get, I already own the suit
and I purchased two tophats for from amazon so I'll be able to choose between them

but I'm having trouble on finding the right nose
which nose do you guys think I should go with?

also what is the best way to glue something like one of these to your face temporarily?
one of the nose descriptions said to use Spirit Gum
how difficult is that to use to someone who isn't too experienced with it?
Spirit gum is really easy to use. It should be in the same type of container as nail polish, you just get a bit on the brush and apply it to your skin then put on the prosthetic and pat it down until it feels secure. To get it off you either use the remover they give you, or just do what I do and gently peel the prosthetic off again. Just make sure you test a dab on your skin before you apply it for real, some people get adverse reactions to it. You could use the spirit gum for the monocle too if you decide to go Arkham City style with the bottle jammed in your eye.
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alright thanks
though I'll be wearing the costume to campus as well and since I'm nearsighted I'll have to take off the monocle to put on my glasses for class
but I'll remember to make sure I don't have an adverse reaction

but what about WHICH nose to pick?
the first one looks good, but not big or long enough
the 3rd is realistic and long enough, but honestly I'd prefer a bit of a more beak shaped nose for my look
the 2nd one has a variety of noses (including a beak one) but isn't as realistic and tries to use a strap or something to keep it on your face (which I guess I could just cut off and use the spirit gum to keep it on my face)

but which do you guys think is more Penguin looking?
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I'm considering this witch's nose for the costume
>you think it would be too much trouble to paint out the wart?
>that wart is the only thing I see wrong with it
Using a concealer that you already own should work
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Hey I'm looking for a Deluxe Space Ghost Costume for Halloween, if anyone knows of a place or anyone who has one that they want to sell please let me know!

If you are willing to make one for me let me know and we can discuss how much it will cost.
... what's a concealer?
that just a usual makeup thing?

I was simply gonna go to walmart craft section and ask the person who works there some help
>I'd pay for whatever paint and brush they'd use to cover the wart
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I'm a girl, but I want to cosplay the doctor for halloween.

Does anyone know of a wig that would work for his hair style?
Get Pros-aide,not spirit gum.Trust me.Much better adhesive for an area like the nose where all the movement around your mouth translates to the skin around your nose.
With spirit gum it will plop off quickly and leave a nice line of itchy,rigid dried adhesive.
What is the nose made of?It it's generally soft you could actually trim the wart down to a little bump that would be simpler to paint over without it being huge and obvious.
the other kind looks to be more expensive
but I can hopefully make room to get that as well
idk it doesn't look to be in the description on ebay
but I think that's the one I'm gonna go for, so I'll find out how easy it might be to trim down the wart
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My friends and I are planning a Captain America USO girl group but I can not for the life of me find a pattern for the top and drafting my own is didn't work
There's a USO girls costuming group on Facebook- maybe you could check them out and see if they've got patterns you could use?
Do you happen to have a link for it? I'm not finding it with facebook search
I had some trouble finding it myself. Hopefully this will help, though!
Thank you so so much!
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So this halloween I've decided to go with being the majestical Princess of Hyrule aaaaand i've run into a few issues..
1) The majority of Zelda cosplay costumes are ridiculously over-priced (along with the majority looking extremely tacky).
2) I'm about to move to a different state so my wallet isn't really feeling the ridiculous costumes mentioned above.
3) I work CONSTANTLY, leaving me little time to work on aforementioned costume. (Doesn't mean I won't try!!!)
4) It's really freaking hard to come up with an idea for the costume at this point in time.

I'm definitely feeling a shorter dress. Not skimpy. Possibly thigh length (originally I wanted to go with a tutu). Along with maybe a purple corset. Trying to mash this all together is making my brain hurt.

this is the kind of dress I have in mind
Kind of, is the keyword here. Completely open to suggestions.

I need some input. Help??
Are you... trolling?...
now now, remember this is a thread meant for the other boards, and just for halloween. For most people "close enough" is more than good enough.

that being said >>6263128
I... have no idea how that dress could ever look like Zelda really. I guess you could make a themed dress, like have a purple corset, gold tiara, opera length gloves, gold belt, and elf ears... Gotta make sure your hair/wig is styled right as well.

i would choose a better dress though, five buck says that goes no further than your ass.
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I know most of you don't like GLW's but this wig is the closest thing I can find that I'd like for my Halloween costume.
Has anyone ever ordered this? How is it?I'm hoping it looks exactly like how it does in the picture, and the reviews make it sound fine, I just want to be extra sure.


You do realize the models wear the actual wigs, right? Guaranteed you'll have to do a bit of your own styling since it comes out of a bag, but it's the same wig that's in the picture.
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Have you considered doing a simpler version, like Skyward Sword or Wind Waker?

Either way, I would try to cobble together something from thrift store pieces. You could assemble something that *suggests* her Twilight Princess ensemble from a big white skirt, long purple tank top split up the middle, and white gloves. Cheap-o costume jewelry pieces can get hacked up and glued back together for the crown and other jewelry pieces, or use craft foam, or some combination of the two.
>female Green
I thought that was a bad Sailor Jupiter
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Here's a fake blood tutorial, thought it might be relevant
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Anyone have any good tutorials or suggestions to go about making this sword? Time isn't an issue (obviously as long as it's done by halloween) but I'd like to keep the cost down.
Any suggestions on making a dragon head that is either a Venitian style mask, or ideas for face paint or anything like that? I have the rest figured out except the head. Thanks!
Few questions, /vg/ native.
1: Does hairspray work with wigs, as the character's hair does not occur in nature?
2: What props should be used for cosplay? I was thinking of having all the "pop-out" limbs and stuff, but then I realized I'd have like a wagon full of extra limbs, stands, and stuff.
Start with a Venetian-style base mask, of the sort that you can get at pretty much any party or Halloween store right now. Sand the surface to give it some tooth, and use paperclay to form the dragon face shape you want. It'll be easier to get a snout if you start with a mask that has a long nose.

Once it dies, sand it and paint it. It'll be heavier than the original mask was, so you'll need to swap out the shitty elastic string for a ribbon tie or a wider stretchy band.
1. Hairspray works fine with wigs. Use the cheap mega-hold stuff; you want something with plenty of lacquer, which is what holds strands stiff. You want little or no conditioner/vitamin E/moisturizing/anything other than lacquer, because wig fiber can't absorb those like real hair. It'll just sit on the surface and shittify your style attempts.

2. Think about that question and ask it again in a different way.
1-Thank you.
2-Which props are worth making?
I doubt I can carry the ones for every move.
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Does anyone from the UK have any experience in Han Solo outfits?

I'll be searching round the charity shops over the weekend but it would be a big help if I could get the black jacket from the high street ASAP.

Here's moi visage if you have any ideas.
Never posted to /cgl/ before or posted my face on 4chan for that matter.
Apologies if it belongs on /soc/
I would try somewhere like H&M, or if you budget is bigger, one of these shops like Barbour or Jack Wills, for the jacket /trouser combo. He kind of dresses like an arse, look in shops you'd normally be embarrassed to enter.
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Hello /cgl/
I am looking into a costume for Halloween since i'm going to a party.

Last year I went as Rorschach but that didn't work out very well because I couldn't see shit and neither could I drink without taking off my mask.

I'm not sure what I should go as so i'm just looking for ideas that would fit me
Any suggestions and idea for costumes are accepted.
Pic related, it's me.
What do you guys think about brown-colored skin (close to mexican) with dark brown hair going blonde for a cosplay? Do you think it will look good or is it not worth it?
>with dark brown hair going blonde
>going blonde
Wig. Wig wig wig wig get a wig get a wig wig wig.
And yeah it's fine, though you will want to find a shade of blonde that looks good on you, because not all blondes are made equal. Find something a little darker so it doesn't look washed out against your complexion.

Don't know if you're still around, but there are definitely some better noses out there.

I found this one on etsy

Also woochie's devil nose looks like it could work, but it might be a little wide at the base...
Hey /cgl/, can anyone recommend some patterns that could be used for a nurse uniform? I'm thinking a dress shirt maybe and just extending it longer? I'd like to do a nurse cosplay (maybe one of Miku's) but I'm really knew at sewing so I feel like I'd probably need a pattern...
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The branches aren't a problem.
I was thinking on going with a body suit but I am not sure on how that would work out, or what material I should use. I plan on using Ben Nye but I would rather not be actually naked.
new* dammit.
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sweet thanks man
I honestly already bought the witch nose earlier
but it was pretty cheap, so luckily if it doesn't turn out as good as I want it to be I don't lose too much money
I'll bookmark the page and if the nose comes in the mail fast enough I can change my mind and get the other soon enough for my sister's costume party

also side note
which do you guys think I should go for?
The Penguin is obviously suppose to have black hair and it probably slicked back
>but as you can see it's currently reddish brown and curly as all hell
I'm thinking I could get that temp hair color stuff you get at any party store
and either borrowing a hair straightener or getting my hair cut short enough that people won't pay attention to it not being straight
well if you think you could put it together you could go as The Comedian instead.
>domino mask so you can drink and if you smoke you have a cigar on hand already

if you're willing to lose the beard and grow out the moustache a little better you could go as Deadshot
>though to put together a costume like that fast enough could be complicated

you could go as Hal Jordan Green Lantern
even if the movie was a flop, chicks still dig Ryan Renolds
and costumes & rings are incredibly easy to get
>I'm sorta just assuming you're a DC fan, sorry if you wanted a more wide variety of characters besides one comics company
a body suit may work out fine
I've seen some that work out amazing
why last year (or was it two years ago) one chick was in this Eve body suit (like adam and eve) and it looked perfect on her
it fit her skin perfectly, both size and skin tone

are you able to color a body suit? cause you just get a pre-existing one (like an Eve costume) and simply color over to match that color
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So, I'm thinking about modifying a large green sweatshirt to make it fit snugly and putting some black appliques on the hood to be creeper-chan this year. (I'm planning on wearing black or green shorts and similarly colored tights to keep my bum warm)

What I'm unsure about is what I should do with my hair- almost all creeper-chan pictures have different hair colors, there's not really an official design. Would it be okay to just have my hair by itself (it's brown), or should I get a colored wig?
Also any suggestions in general?
Honestly, I've seen so many designs with different colours/styles it would probably be okay if you used your real hair as long as it isn't too long? I've always seen art of "creeper-chan" with short hair rather than long.
It depends on how much time you were planning on not wearing the hood though- if you keep the hood up it's less of an issue, where as if you feel you might be wearing the hood down, a wig might generally be better. Wigs pretty much always look better than using your real hair.

What I was going to do is get a short green base wig, then buy cheap clip-ins of 2-3 different shades of green, so it looks reminiscient of the pixel-y body. I thought it was a fun idea. Sadly I've no pictures to explain it better because I'm not doing the costume until '13
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fatty here

i dont know what to dress up as

It's Halloween. Slather on some blood, put on some torn clothes, and go as a zombie.
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>those pants
>that chin
>that yellow

One of the best episodes IMO
I'm a tall thin guy a shaved head. Any costume ideas that can take advantage of this?

Charles Xavier
Aang (maybe)
Dude from Delocated (The Hilarious crazy Russian one)
Children's Hospital clown
He could grow a beard and be adult Aang
I was considering going as Hiesenburg from Breaking Bad. I guess I would need to grow a goatee, not sure if I have time or not now
Was worried about the texture and it looking like skin
I'll be doing freddie from cromartie high school for halloween and AWA this weekend. I'm good on everything except the glorious mustache; mine is okay, just not think enough.

is there some kind of makeup I can use to make it seem fuller? A coworker suggested an eyebrow pencil, but a second opinion would be nice.

Can't post any references from my phone
Someone from Futurama.
you could be whatever you want to be
it all depends on if you want to be something accurate and completely in character
something comical or simple
or something everyone will instantly get and be like "oh cool you're ____"
so im going to a party as one of the baseball furies from the warriors. but there may be people attending the party who i have previously had run ins with and i dont want to have a bat that could cause harm to him/me. so baisically im looking for a realistic but safe way of making a baseball bat
so I don't go on this board very much but my cosplay buddies are forcing me to join them on their little halloween cosplay thing so I had to get a costume ready.

I ended up buying most of the costume but I'm having trouble finding the boots for the character. The guy wears knee high combat type boots and i'm wondering where I can get these? I tried military surplus but they didn't have them where I live and normal shoe stores don't have the same height of boots.

Was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction?
I get a lot of cosplay shoes, especially boots, at thrift stores like Goodwill. so many nearly perfect boots for like $10 man...
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Making Twilight Princess Link, I'm having trouble getting the chainmail shirt that goes under the tunic.
Pic: you can see the chainmail on his chest, under the sleeves, and at the bottom of the tunic
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My BF and I are going as Ash and Pikachu for halloween and for a small UK anime expo in december

I wanted to know a few things that google isn't being very helpful with:

Where can I get a simple yellow hoodie, pleated skirt, vest and stockings from for cheap?

And does anyone have any suggestions on how to make Ash's jacket? I have no sewing machine since I can't afford one on my budget and can only hand-sew things, just so you know.

Thankyou in advance people <3
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I made a thread and then realized this was a halloween question, I guess. H-here I go.

I want to be an owl for Halloween. I adore owls but I usually neglect Halloween, although I think this is my year.

My basic plans were to get some sort of brownish hoodie/sweater and add on wings to the sleeves, and maybe a tail to the lower end of the back. Essentially, I want to make an owl hoodie that could still be functional outside of being an owl. Then I would like to make a mask similar to the drawing I did, picture related.

Now, is this even worth trying for someone with no sewing/crafting experience? What would be the best way to go about doing this?
I say go for it. You could just attach the fabric to the lower seams of the sleeves and then to the bottom corners of the sweater. It might look a little more flying squirrel, but people will get the idea.

If you don't want to sew, getting an owl kigurumi might be the way to go. They're awfully cute, and fairly inexpensive.
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I've got a mum with some experience and I believe we have a sewing machine somewhere, so this is definitely doable, I hope. Thank you for the response.

On the note of a kigurumi, holy expletive, do these ever look dorky. Plus, $60 + tax and shipping pretty much pays for any supplies I could think of + the effort of trying to figure out how I'm going to get this to work. Plus the fact that I'm male, and it seems a bit feminine.
Where are you looking? Kigurumis only run around $30 with shipping.
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I thought it was a brand! And all of the images on Google seemed to come from the same website.

Another anon here. That one is more expensive because it's Sazac brand. Sazac is basically the most expensive. However Kigurumi Shop gives out $10 coupons nearly every day so that'll knock the price down.
Hey, a buddy and I are gonna do Henchmen 21 & 24 for halloween. First cosplay. How do.
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I'm not sure I even like the look of it! My goal was to make a sweater/hoodie with owl wings that I could wear out and not look absolutely ridiculous. I want it to do more than just grant me the privilege of dressing up for Halloween.

Even that aside, I'd feel sort of dumb going out with a kigurumi, even for Halloween. I don't think they're my style.
Sorry, wasn't trying to say "Buy this or else!", I was just pointing out why it cost so much.
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Oh gosh, no worries. It's best that I got my opinion of not wanting to buy it - regardless of price - out there, just in case the other guy came back. So, thank you.

You seem very pleasant. I like you.
can anyone recommend a good (easy & inexpensive) material to make a Zero-Suit Samus jumpsuit out of?
You haven't learned the first rule of cosplay?
Good | Easy | Inexpensive
You can only pick two.
apparently i haven't, since i have no idea where to start
can you offer a spectrum suggestion of what to look for?
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Your choices are down to stretchable fabrics which usually are narrowed down to spandex or vinyl. Spandex is the more 'friendly' of the two (though stretch fabrics in general are a pain in the arse) and is more breathable but often does not have the right look unless you're just looking for an undersuit. Btw, you can try to research different 'blends' of spandex: nylon/lycra is shinier than the matte cotton/lycra blend. If you want that shiny glossy look to it, pvc/vinyl is the way to go but look specifically for the stretch (4 way over 2 way for more comfort) that might be called 'wet look.

The only place I know online that sells the color is: http://www.syfabrics.com/Browse.aspx/Fetish-Wet-Stretch-Vinyl-PVC/225

Btw, it takes about 6-8 yards for a full bodysuit, roughly.
thanks for the info
>Black zentai suit
>Craft foam for mask with thin red plastic for eyes
>Craft foam belt and accessoires
>pipe cleaner antennae
>savage cheap yellow raincoats for fabric material
>Gloves and boot covers from leftover raincoats.

Now google.
>Where can I get a simple yellow hoodie, pleated skirt, vest and stockings from for cheap?

Google it. These are simple easy to find items. If you can't honestly find it in the bright yellow, buy them in white and dye it.

>And does anyone have any suggestions on how to make Ash's jacket? I have no sewing machine since I can't afford one on my budget and can only hand-sew things, just so you know.

Take a blue vest. Take a white shirt. Seam rip them so you can sew the collar and the sleeves to the blue vest. Hot glue/sew yellow appliques details.

Making one from scratch isn't difficult, just tedious. If you want, I would just fake pieces of it by having the top row of the neckline as heavy wire so you can wear it as a necklace that drops into your shirt, and the rest can be attached to the shirt itself.
Nvm. In that design, you can easily attach it underneath the shirt so it'll still look layered.
Why don't you just spray paint a plastic baseball bat? Base coat brown + acrylic washes and details = wooden like finish.
crepe wool? Not a makeup technique but with proper application it can give you that look.
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Anyone have any advice for me?
that's a very short hair style
i'd recommend just tying it back and focusing on the rest of the costume
why not simply get your hair cut and shaped like his?

unless your hair is really far off, it'll grow back and you could fix it back to the way it is now soon enough
>trust me, I spent highschool forced to get my amazing afro cut off at times, but it always came back to me
>and a good large white afro is most likely rarer and harder than the hairstyle you have now, so if I got it back many a time you can get your whatever again too

I wish I could, but I'm currently bald ...
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I've gotten just about everything I need for my Halloween slenderman outfit. The only thing I'm missing is a solid white, see-through, featureless mask, like the pictured zentai mask.

I'd just go ahead and buy the zentai mask, but I'm unsure of its ability to let me see. I will be on drywall stilts (for slendy's extra-tall profile) and out in the dark, so visibility is my top priority.

So... Will the zentai mask cut it? Is there something better to use? I have good vision, and could probably do OK with any type of mask, but it'd be nice to hear some opinions.
I honestly can't find any that are just plain yellow. I found stockings, but can't for the life of me find the rest. To ebay, I guess.

But thanks for the advice on how to do the jacket!
1. why is a girl bald?
2. why not go as a female character who IS bald
>moondragon from marvel
>eve basically at the end of V for Vendetta
>rule63 Professor Xavier
those are my 3 examples and I'm sticking to them
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I saw at my local party store they had body suits of every color
if you're willing to wear one of those I could find their website link and you could buy from them to deliver to your home
My friend recently bought a red zentai suit and said she can see out of the mask, just that everything obviously has a red hue. She can't see GREAT, but she can see and maneuver without smashing into things.
oh wait ... is a skin suit the same thing as a zentai suit?
>I never knew it had a technical name
>I've just always called them "body suits" and I think the local party store actually labeled them as "skin suits"

well either way I say go for the skin suit

You can use a hot needle to poke larger holes near your eyes so your visibility will be better.
>be 17
>At College
>Invited to Halloween party, dressing up encouraged
>No idea who to dress up as or HOW to come up with a decent costume

ideas anyone? Help a guy out?
well if you wanted to be just something everyone's gonna be like "hey cool"
you could go with a standard that's easy to get/make
>Pirate, recent blockbuster movie character, famous horror icons (Jason, zombie, vampire), etc

if you want to do something right, be honest with yourself and go with something more to your build
>want to be Joker in his tropical outfit from the killing joke?
>well you better be relatively thin with a smile that goes for miles
>but if your fat ass sit around 220 and you're not outgoing enough to do a joker costume justice, you're better of going for The Penguin

so man, what you want to be?
We need a male /cgl/ and a female one. These whores are shitting up the place.
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but those whores look so damn hot
sure guys can sometimes pull off a cool or funny costume
but ... damn that's hot
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I love Cromartie High, and I love Kamiyama. I look a little like him too.

However, how can I ensure that I look like Kamiyama and not just "some white guy in a Gakuran". It would work better if I was in a group, and the others were dressed as the other, more distinct characters.

Also, how easy is it to get a Gakuran? Should I construct one?
Head's up, if you're looking for unusual costume fabrics, check out Distinctivefabric.com and use the code HALLOWEEN2012 for 20% off your order. Only until Oct 15.

They have the cheapest silver 2 way vinyl right now. On clearance for 6$ a yard and then you can apply the 20% coupon for extra savings.
Simple costumes like that you will either need a group or look spot on like him. And I mean, clone look a like.

If you can rope one other someone into being the robot, you two can probably get away with just that.

>That feel when I have no friends.
Official quality gakuran? Likely need a proxy and pay top dollar. Basic costume gakuran? Easy enough if you do a search. The trick is finding a reliable cosplay commissioner with custom measurements, which is pretty much nigh impossible to be done in less than a month. If you have sewing experience, I would go that route since patterns are available online.
Then be the robot. And make friends for having a distinctive and fun costume even to people who don't know the series.

If you go with the gakuren, people are thinking 'white guy weaboo alert'.
I'm doing a pirate costume for halloween.. Anyone know where to get a nice tricorn hat for possibly under thirty dollars? I'm not too worried about it being ~super quality~. Brown would be the best colour.
They usually have a lot of pirate gear at Halloween stores. You can get a cheap one and then color it (spray paint? Fabric paint?)
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>I'm currently bald

You chose the wrong regeneration then, pic related.

And if you want fancy, just buy the ribbon/ostrich feathers separately and hotglue it together.
The truth of the matter is, while not entirely possible, super short hairstyles are the only exception that makes natural > wig. Because the closest thing you'll have is a lacefront wig, but they're made mostly for cuts that show the hairline.

In order for you to fake hair, you need not only the right materials, but the skill. This isn't your run of the mill SFX novice either where you can just apply latex and splatter blood willy nilly. We're talking full on makeup artist with a specific skill set.

Choose someone else. For real.
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I made a tricorn out of craft foam, hot glue, fabric scraps, and shit that was just laying around my house. Cost me no more than ten bucks, and it only cost that much because I wanted to add a chain to the hat.
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does this help at all?
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Hi! I have aspired to be this sweet mofo.

I have three questions though;
1. How do I make his lips look like they are sewn together? If it's impossible than that's fine but I want to be as canon as I can.
2. He has a skeleton suit type thing. I want to applique his bones. I don't have a sewing machine though, so painting them on was my second choice. The only problem is that the paint might bleed. I might be able to borrow a sewing machine from my school's production dept. but I would have a very limited time to use it.
3. I am a girl with c-cup boobs, so I will need to buy a binder. I have no idea what type I should get, or really anything about binding and crossplay in general.

I assure you i will make this the most quality homestuck cosplay you have ever seen. I will also make sure my body paint is sealed to high heaven.
1) I would use some sort of string/yarn/whatever and stick them over your mouth with either pros-aide or spirit gum. Both should be readily available at a costume store. I would personally go with pros-aide because then you can apply it over the string and make it look like it's actually going into your skin as opposed to just...sitting on top.

2) Fabric paint won't bleed if you do a careful job/use stencils and apply several layers. Fabric glue sticks to fabric, but dries and sits on top of it instead of sinking in. Get something that dries flat and flexible (Tulip brand is the most common). Alternatively, you can mix craft acrylic with fabric medium (craft acrylic dries hard, but the fabric medium will give it flexibility). Might help to paint it while you're wearing the suit to account for stretch.

3. T-Kingdom is the most popular brand/company, I think. Check one of the taobao threads- someone posted about another decent binder they got from a seller. Honestly, most binders should do the trick. Try to get one that isn't too bulky though since the outfit will be skintight.
As far as putting the bone design on the fabric: I assume you will be using a stretchy cloth material? Use plastidip. It's the only thing that will stretch with the material without breaking or cracking and still keep nice clean form. Cut out bits of cardboard and put it in the suit as to prevent bleeding through to the other side, then either paint on with a brush (you can get buckets of plastidip and do this but I don't recommend it) or make a stencil and spray on plastidip. 1 can is 10 dollars at your local hardware store.

Good luck! I love that guy so you do him justice you busty rascal you.
I don't know anything about the character
but judging from the image it looks like a standard skeleton outfit (without using the mask)

then face paint, a large black wig (maybe 70s or 80s style wig)
and idk if you'd get the exact same horns, but I do see plenty of horns at the party store makeup section
not sure you can do the eyes, unless you get some sorta custom contact lenses or something
Hey I have no clue what it's called but I'm basically looking for something that's black and would cover my hair and ears or whole face just like a cloth or spandex mask. If you guys know what I'm talking about here's a video with it please disregard the music what I'm talking about is at 40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hehTeqXcxqg

Sorry if it's a stupid question not very good at anything costume related just wanted to get into it and have fun.
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Oops, I didn't see this.

I'm trying to make a cat version of these Toxic Bunny gas masks. Basically, I want to attach cat ears instead of bunny ears to a gas mask.

But I have no idea what material they used for the ears or how they attached it?
Can anyone give me some tips or where I can buy materials?
The guy in the video looks like he used a shirt. You could get a zentai mask and just cut as much f a hole in the face as you need. That would be the cheapest alternative.
>>6268926 wasn't me

I guess I'll have to pick someone else then. I'm bald right now because of medical reasons.
Hey guys. I'm looking for a full face mask that will contour to my head. Something simple so I can function normally but my head is like a silhouette, absolutely nondescript. I thought maybe of cutting the head off a morphsuit, but I wanted to get some other opinions. Any suggestions?
Anybody know where to get a suit coat with coattails? I'd prefer it to be inexpensive, but... I understand how these things go.

get a zentai mask

Ooh, that looks perfect. Thanks!

aww yeah shorts!
whoops wrong thread
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I have never made a halloween costume before and have nuo experience in any craft but a friend wants to dress me up as a woman and to save my skin told her that i am dressing up as a knight.

My only two materials will be duct tape and some boxes that i have ripped apart, sure it will look horrible but i think that is some of the charm in a costume lile that. I will make it by taping over the box pieces and the tape itself and not directly to the skin.

My question is if you think this will work at all or if i should prepare the lipstick.

Picture related, it's my armor.
No, it will not work. AT ALL.
On the bright side, you're only limited if you want super short hairstyles. Even actors in professional studios tend to grow their hair out because the cost/effort to have fake passable short hair isn't worth it. Anything pass the ears can be done quite easily with a lacefront or regular wig.

Search swallowtail jacket if it helps with your searches. Otherwise, what did you expect from us when you send /cgl/ looking for general stuff? Do your own shopping first and if you have any questions about the shop or site itself (past the initial reviews), then feel free to ask.

>sure it will look horrible but i think that is some of the charm in a costume lile that.

No, it'll just look like some cardboard with duct tape. There's no charm. It's just cardboard. With duct tape.
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Sup seagulls.

So this is my first time taking halloween costumes seriously. This is the stuff I have and my end-goal. I'm not really asking for masses of advice, just any hints or tips to get things looking good.

The main issues so far are:
>Working out how to make the needles. Current plan is to buy a bunch of 10ml syringes and use those. Of course, without the actual needle part.
>Making the mask have a shape to it. The painter's filter mask im using will help me shape the mouth of it, but im not sure how to do the scowl. Maybe building something up behind the 'eyebrows' to make them fold correctly.
>Making the hood/poncho. A buddy suggests faux-leather to make this, but i think it'll be a total dick to work with as i've never done it before. Any suggestions?

Anyway, just thought people might be interested or have seen Scarecrow costumes before and might be able to give some general advice.
Hey you know you can buy old gas masks from military surplus stores for cheap
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if you wanted to avoid getting in trouble have having actual needles on your hand
with halloween in the month a lot of places sell those pens that look like syringes

>get the yellow ones to make people think it's the fear formula in liquid form
>or get the red one so when you poke people with them or scratch at them you leave a red trail like you broke skin
>when you poke people with them or scratch at them
Another anon here but since some people can be stupid (not saying you are Sigmund) anyone using this kind of stuff, please don't stab people with these things. In fact don't touch them at all with them if you've got the pen tip out unless they ask or you tell them you want to write on them. It's less chance of someone getting sick from having ink introduced into their blood stream or accidentally hurting someone.
In fact he just shouldn't dress up as that monster at all. Why do people insist on cosplaying horrific disgusting freaks? Cosplaying is supposed to be fun and cute.
well I didn't mean hard actions on random strangers
nothing that would actually break skin or hurt someone
merely light touches on friends who wouldn't get upset if you made a tiny mark on them
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cause Scarecrow is the motherfucking bomb?

>and it IS halloween
How does that even make sense with what I said? It's the same as if you were toting around a wooden sword or something. Just warning people to use common sense.

Ah, I see. That's much better. Sorry, I've just seen way too many "I didn't think they'd get hurt!" incidents with costume props.
Dress up as canon Scarecrow then, not some video game monster.
these are both stupid posts.
stop it.
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What 'canon' scarecrow? Costume design is always relative to artists and stuff.

Yeah it's all fun and games until thinks that toy gun is real and stuff
>also colored smokebombs would be something cool to use while in a scarecrow costume
>but that has some very obvious negative repercussions
I'm guessing this is cream makeup, right (no experience with this, sorry)?:


Would it be okay to use if I seal it with this?:


I'm only painting my face for a cat costume.
should have gone with the woman
The picture I posted? Very likely it's the cake pallette since face painters for kids tend to use cake more than liquid.

Here's a tutorial:

Yes, that seal is okay, but in all honesty if you only want to do it for one halloween night, sealing can be optional if you only apply to the face and don't plan on rubbing it throughout the night. It should last a decent time as long as you apply it correctly.
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Hey, /cgl/. I'm planning on updating a makeup thing I did for a contest to make it look less shit, and I figured there could be something or someone that could help. How do I make this less terrible?
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A second picture, in case anyone wanted that.
Steam Powered Giraffe?
Sort of. Originally made the character for the contest they did, and liked it enough to attempt to work on it. I'm planning on bringing it back without attempting to define it rigidly as an SPG fancharacter.

Basically the grey is matte, in an attempt to resemble an industrial rubber, and the bronze is shiny because bronze. I've also got a dark brown I attempted to do detail with, and a black pencil for the same thing.
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I will tape all over the cardboard so you won't see it. Also i know it will look like shit but at least my friend will have something to laugh at. I guess i will drop it if you guys are serious about it being impossible.

I just want to make something myself.

I don't care for the looks i only want to know if some has experience of something like this falling apart as soon as it was put on.
Ah, nothing for me huh?
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I'm planning to dress as Murdoc Niccals for halloween.

I already have his haircut, I'm growing my nails out, and could easily find similar clothes. There's just two things I need:

1. The cape. A purple/red reversible "Dracula" cape. I don't really sew so was wondering if it'd be possible for a novice to make one.

2. The bodypaint. I've zero experience with face/body paint so I'm not sure how to pull it off. Regular run-of-the-mill costume shop facepaint has this really thick, greasy look that I'm not into. I want it to look a bit more natural. I've heard alcohol-based paints do a good job but I know nothing about those.I need olive green skin w/ reddish-pink around the eyes.

Any tips or recommendations?

You may be able to look on ebay, but it's definitely doable for a novice. There are some tutorials out there I'm sure.

Look into Ben Nye in terms of body paint - shit is great. SEAL. YOUR. PAINT. SEAL IT. GET A FINAL SEAL. THIS ISN'T A JOKE. SEAL IT.
>I don't care for the looks i only want to know if some has experience of something like this falling apart as soon as it was put on.

Then go ahead and do it. All over duct tape isn't gonna fall apart easily at all. It'll just look like a joke costume so if you're gonna go for a joke costume go right ahead. It's not impossible and won't be the worst thing we've seen.
Sorry about nobody responding. This thread is really, really long. If I were to make a cheshire cat costume that was simple/cute, I would do this.

Get 2 pairs of striped pink and purple tights (stockings). One you will wear as tights, one you will wear on your arms. Cut out the crotch (the size of the hole depends on what you want the neckline to be like), and wear it like a shirt.

Now, you want to have purple fuzzy ears. Follow a simple tutorial like this http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Furry-Cat-Ears, and it will work. For the tail, there's info in this thread http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=160314. It will be slightly more difficult, though, if you want it to be striped.

For shoes, you could either do purple or pink heels, or striped thrift store boots (leather is easy to paint).

As for the dress, I would recommend something simple. I wouldn't even do stripes, since there'a already a lot of stripes. And the pink wig is great! Good luck! :)
Capes are easy to make. If you want that stiff collar, look into interfacing or even wire to hold it up. It's a matter of cutting the shape then hemming the ends.

crtl+f body/face paint. This thread is full of info on the stuff.
...but only smart chicks have actually seen/enjoyed Drive for the amazing masterpiece it is.
I'm one of them and I'm butterface as fuq. Go as an Avenger or something.
Apologies for not replying earlier.

I've already got a mask that'll work for this. I didn't want a full face gas mask because of the lenses and general shape of them not matching that of scarecrow's face.

Thats a genius idea, i'll see if i can get hold of the yellow ones.

Because its halloween and Scarecrow is the best batman villain. See: >>6271039

Don't worry i wont stab anyone.

There's so many different versions of scarecrow now, I had to pick one. As im going with a group of ~10 people who are all doing Arkham Asylum style villains (some with prison jumpsuits, some with their more characteristic costume), I chose this one. Plus this one is more recognisable to the general populace.
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Z-Suit Samus planner from above
I'll be using a spandex "morphsuit" (pic related) and now i need to place the glyphs on the suit
what can you recommend for that?
Just wear a good fitting suit.

Say your David Beckham or something.
Just dress your best and come up with who you are dressed as at the end.
>dressing up for halloween

are you guys fucking 12?
dunno about everyone here but everyone i know dresses up on halloween to go house parties or raves

if you had any friends youd probably know that
Halloween is the best holiday fuck off

Geez guys. It's not like this is impossible or anything. Maybe impossible for it to look good... but for something fun and only having to last a night or two?

If you have any art skills, look here anon.


Get yourself an art knife and make a couple versions until you get something use-able.

Also look at actual reference images of armor, the met has a lot of cool pieces.


Just leaving this here in case you hadn't seen it already.

>linking pictures on 4chan
>linking pictures
>on 4chan

>saging a thread that's a sticky
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Does anyone know of any tutorials or tips on making a slouchy witch hat? I'd need it to be sturdy enough to decorate, and I'd like to be able to shape the brim. I'm a bit of a beginner at crafting but I presume this wouldn't be too difficult?

Sorta like pic related, but that one's made of steel. I'd probably be looking to make mine out of scrap leather or something.
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Anybody have a tutorial on how to make Deadshot's scope on his mask or how to attach it to a lycra mask?
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here's a side reference
As a tip, you can use some thin wiring (floral wiring) and sew it on the inside as well as along the brim in order to keep it's shape. Just turn the hat inside and keep the stitches tiny. If you plan on distressing and weathering it later, all the better to hide the wiring.

Velcro? The deal is that your scope is gonna be heavier than the fabric so it'll cause a drag on the fabric which does look awkward. To help prevent it, I would actually put a smooth base beneath the mask that attached to something more stable.
I was gonna decorate the crap out of it anyway, thanks! Do you think I should still use some interfacing though?
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Hey y'all. I was thinking about going as Vegeta this year. I know i need to cut weight yet, but i have another week of bulking left to do. Anyways, i haven't been able to find anywhere that has a decent looking armor. I don't care about the blue suit, i just need to get the saiyan armor. Does anybody have any advice?
Well my shitty webcam doesn't really give a good picture and i know i need moar size, thanks for that advice.
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Yes. No costume advice, just moar pictures please.

Make the armor. And don't go as Vegeta.
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Hi /cgl/ guys... I'm looking for tips on how I can possibly make the best looking Kabal costume I can for Halloween. I have most of the clothing and access to certain items needed however I am not sure how to construct the mask and some of the accessories. Any help offered would be much appreciated. Thanx for your time and consideration guys.
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Well i would just be like a standard saiyan, because DBZ motivated the hell out of me as a kid. And are you a lady?
no i'm a guy
post more
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well it's always good to be 'mired
but, yeah. Does ANYBODY have an idea what would be good material for making Saiyan armor?
craft foam
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thank you stranger
i'll check that out

I found this tutorial:


Something about it seems a little "off" though. Might just be me.

Yes I am. And yes, I mirin'. I go to the gym and sneak peeks at boys like you.

Le sigh. Only reason I said no because

>dat hair

because of dat bod, I'll research for you.
Replyin' to mai post.

Pepekaura. Get yourself some card stock, unfold, prepare your origami. Fit it to your body.

Bondo and sand. Rinse and repeat until it is to your liking.

Paint it to your liking. Voila. Chest armor. Let me see about those shoulder pads.
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! actually, all i really wanna get is the armor that's just like the vest part. You are a fantastic person, and i love you. When halloween is over i'll post pics of me out and about

I have the link to the pepakura file, but I can't post it here because lol spam link.


Email me, and I'll email it to you.

And this femanon would enjoy that.
If you're using leather or pleather or any thick upholstery grade fabric, you don't need interfacing. However, anything less and I would advise for it to give it that look of additional thickness. Wiring will hold the shape, but nothing replaces the actual look of it, ya'know? The wrinkles and stuff.
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rightey-oh, i'll do that.
well i gotta say thanks one more time before i turn off the internet today
Do you even lift?
Anyways, Just saw the new episode of Dexter, been thinking of doing Dexter for Halloween! What does cgl think?
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I need suits for a Sentai team.

Does anyone know where I could get a couple of hoodless, handless Zentai suits for a good price? It seems like every time a find a site with a decent price (29.99 at the absolute most) it's some sketchy Chinese wholesaler with a notorious reputation.
buy the set, cut off the hands and hoods, sew the edges
>buy the set,

from the sketchy Chinese wholesalers with reputations for botched orders, identity theft, and never delivering their products?
or just a color spectrum of spandex/lycra suits
that's essentially what you want, right?
i skipped over the part where you said sketchy chinese people sorry

I mean I've found plenty of American/UK sellers online, but they're prices are ridiculous and they don't offer customization.

Cutting off the head and hands and sewing the edges would work fine, problem is I don't know how to sew and I don't know how much a seamstress would charge for that (there also needs to be a few other modifications).
what's your definition of ridiculous?
Anything over 29.99.
can't help you then sorry
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>wants quality custom zentai suit
>2-3 yards of fabric
>spandex is roughly $10.00USD a yard
>two to three hours minimum sewing time at say $6.50 an hour (bare minimum wage).
>rough general estimate: $33-49 USD
>thinks over $29.99 is ridiculous

really now.
See this: http://victorchucky.deviantart.com/art/kabal-mask-187115360

Flexible tubing can be used. Craft foam for everything else, including the sword. Plenty of tutorials for both.
Yeah no. Can't help you then.

Full body suits typically take 5-6 yards minimum and spandex/lyrca ain't gonna be cheap unless from a chinese wholeseller in bulk (we're talking hundreds of ft bolts). This isn't counting the sewing time nor does it include international shipping, which if you need it by halloween then you're pretty much boned.

The only way you can get it that cheap is to go to walmart o second hand store that will have some stock. My walmart actually has some, though their selection is pretty shit and the quality is subpar.
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I just had a brilliant idea, I'll purchase a whale kigu and walk around.

Alll my dreams are coming true
Don't know anything about their quality but I found these:


They also sell through Amazon so I'm assuming they're reputable.
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Going as Spike Speigel this year. First time dressing up in about 10 years (I was a shut in child). I've got almost everything I need, but I'm having trouble coming up with the jacket. I found a couple that are close enough(?) but I would need to add straps. Thoughts?
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The only reason this one is an option for Spike's coat boils down to the lining on the collar. The color I think is too dark. I would make this myself, but I'm not particularly skilled.
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This year I decided to go as Judge Dredd because the movie came out and it reminded me how much I loved the comic and, not to mention, the costume in the new movie looks pretty cool.

I've done a little research and I think I can pull of the bulk of the costume with Motorcycle Riding Armor, but things like the helmet and the pauldrons and pads are going to need me to make them by hand. I saw the foam armor links in >>6251034 's post and >>6251031 's post, so I THINK I have a prett good idea of what to do.

Plus I found someone's site who has made the helmet before and I'm guessing I can do the helmet from a motorcycle helmet.

(Link to Helmet: http://www.2000ad.org/?zone=dredd&page=costume&choice=helmet)

All that said, I'm not sure I really like how that dude's helmet turned out. It looks to round to me. I was hoping /cgl/ might be able and willing to give me some (more) advice on this.
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Thank you... I found a CPAP mask I'm going to modify along with some crowbars from harbor freight. Was thinking of gas line fittings and brake line for the smaller tubes on the face section. That combined with coloring my hair and the clothes I have already, it should turn out wicked. Hopefully it wont be too much of a hassle. I'd really like this to look good and I'll take pics and upload them as well since there isnt much info to be found on the interwebs. Really wish there were more pics of the construction of the mask. It would be helpful to have just a little more reference while I'm piecing it together. And anyone else with other ideas are welcome as well... I can use all the help I can get.

Also, should I refer to the Foam Armor Tutorials for the Badge and Belt Buckle as well?

Also, the gun. Should I convert a nerf gun?
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ok so, spike is more difficult than most people think. but if this is your first time and you are planning to wear this for Halloween then jaket #1 is fine... though if you have time I would try to sew on the extra bit spike has, and sew on the folded arm bits to match.
this looks kinda close
but are you able to undo those sleeves?

like in the picture here
you're probably gonna want a bit of a wrinkled look
>not to mention it'd probably something a little loose fitting for better movement for action bits
>even if you yourself don't know martial arts and aren't gonna be throwing any punch or kicks halloween, it is still something to possible consider when thinking about the character
If worst comes to worse, Milanoo has cheap "lolita" dresses. You can definitely find something for about 50 bucks.






Milanoo is essentially a scam. They rip off other designs by giving a picture to a shoddy seamstress. You will get a product that looks NOTHING like what you ordered, and will probably look like pure shit.

They have plants that spam blogs and communities with fake praise, and other store-fronts to try to get you to fall for them.

To ANYONE looking for a cheap costume online, please look up the website and find reviews, especially ones with pictures from the receiving end.
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All the sites I've looked at and eBay-Am I really going to have to drop $100+ for the Jack Skellington kigurumi?
Tried Taobao?
No, I don't go there. I honestly can't navigate it. I know I'm missing out, people get some great clothes there.
I'm aware it's shit. That's why I said "if worst come to worse"
Remember, this is a Halloween costume. If the person was going to reuse this for a con or something, I'd never recommend Milanoo, but I think their stuff is bearable for something of this level.

Honestly, I don't even think it's worth it for a cheap costume. Especially for general clothes.

It would probably be better just to go to a thrift store or a discount outlet, and buy tons of random shit, than to give $50 to a shady business that will probably give you a shiny pink potato sack.
While I do agree with you on that point, there should be a warning that the pictures shown are stolen and there's a possibility that what you receive is nothing like it. And with customer service they way it is, as well as the foggy shipping times, there's a real possibility that she won't get it in time for halloween. Rarely milanoo won't give you anything at all, but everything else is up to airs.

I would actually recommend getting a cheap party city lolita-ish costume with some fluff or ebay for that matter, rather than milanoo, as long as she checks the review and makes sure the quoted shipping time is at least a week before halloween.
It's a specific kigurumi so, yeah. Unless you can just create your own kigurumi base and add the skellington detail. Someone here should have that tutorial for you.
so last year i did codex (no one got it) year before i did poison ivy but i have no idea where to go this year.
i could probably swing a credible dark phoenix but would like something a little more out there

just saw something you might like
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ok i'm getting this (z-suit samus) more together
but i'm stuck on how to make a Paralyzer
should i add onto an airsoft gun, recolor a nerf Recon, or what?
Best bet is some kind of Airsoft gun. I would avoid one of those nerf guns everyone uses.

I already have the hair and have been wanting to do this for a while. Where'd you find the jacket/shirt/bow tie if you don't mind me asking? I've never been able to find any that were reasonable
Really want to do a nurse/guro style for halloween! I kinda did a bad guro a couple of years ago (I used paint to 'bloody' up a dress, but it came out too pink, and leaked through to the other side so I had to do the back as well or else it looked dodgy).

I'm stuck between: http://www.fanplusfriend.com/servlet/the-182/Sweet-Lolita-cln--White-Ribbon/Detail



Plus I don't know if I've left it too late, as the availability is 'make-to-order'.
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What about the nurses from Silent Hill... Wouldn't take much to whip one of those up pretty fast.
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Hi /cgl/ and thanks for the Halloween general.

I'm looking to make a Naked Snake suit (Metal Gear) but I don't want to lazy out and wear only BDU's. When I googled naked snake armor I got art from the game Peace Walker on the PSP (Links why you no work?)

The one on the far riot with the heavy riot gear was pretty cool but I kinda prefer the prototype sneaking suit (again links)

I've got the funds to go all out and the time and diligence to pull it off and I'm well fit for a suit like that. How should I proceed, I'm not even sure where to begin purchasing the auxiliary stuff like the military gear straps and what not. Also, I am aware I'm probably gonna have to mold some stuff (Styrofoam?) to get the suit to look like that, any tips or guides are welcome...thanks again /cgl/.
I forgot to add the word 'lolita' in there... Plus 1. I wouldn't feel comfortable cosplaying them when I've only actually watched the film and 2. Would NOT go well with my body type (weird big lower hips). Thanks for the suggestion though :)
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pic related, here's the heavy gear but I'd rather make the sneak suit if possible.
Nurses are always sexy... plus I'm sure you could find an outfit for cheaper somewhere that would look just as sweet and sexy that would fit your specific body type. Out of curiosity, would your nurse have a speciality of some kind?
what would you recommend making the other parts out of?
the reason i was considering the recon was because that's essentially just a paint job and i'm most likely going to a street festival and the police are gun paranoid
Good luck with the police my friend. make sure the barrel is orange tipped and its brightly colored... they may let you get away with it then. However be ready for some asshat cop to detain you just because.
they confiscated a lot of props last year, mostly swords and canes
Can anyone link me to a bustier tutorial? I'm attempting to do a burlesque version of a character and would appreciate tips :)
http://www.studs-and-pearls.com/2011/06/diy-bra-to-bustier dot html
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What color wig should I go for with Wildberry Princess? I'm not sure if I should match the face color or the berries? I don't have any experiance with dying wigs and don't have extra money to spend on another wig if I fuck it up. I'm gunna be using balloons for the outfit itself
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Thank you! I might just end up making a fitted bodice with the bra using this tutorial if I can't find anything else.

Maybe I'm wording it wrong, but all the "corsets" I've seen have been underneath the bust when I want it to completely cover my boobs as well. Overbust corset?? Bustier?
Something like this?
http://www.spicylingerie.com/ey-5833 dot html
>http://www.spicylingerie.com/ey-5833 dot html

Yes! I haven't been able to find any patterns when searching for "burlesque corset" however, just the under bust ones.
I found this... Dunno how much help it will be.

http://www.ehow.co.uk/how_7819007_make-simple-under-bust-corset dot html
Look up "Victorian overbust corsets"! I hope you're ready to mess around with boning.
Hey /cgl/, I come to you for some help making a custom movie quality Batman TDK Mecha Thunder suit with full armor, functional props, and lazer powered codpiece in less than two months for under $100 I really have no previous costuming experience and want to WOW my friends this Halloween. What site can I go to for supplies?

lol DYEL faggot?
>>6250463 (OP)
sure is buddy...
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I think I'll be a harlequin. Make-up or mask?
nice file name
make-up, for easy breathing
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Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. Plus I always wanted an excuse to shave my eyebrows. I'm just afraid of looking like an idiot (pic related).
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As a hardcore Sakura costumer myself, I say incredibly important. It's just one of her trade marks y'know? Pardon the self post.
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I've asked /diy/, and was told to ask you guys, since you are much better at costuming than they.
I have been searching for a pattern(blueprints?) for this sweatshirt, and wondered if anyone here had one/knew where to find it/ or had any tips on making it myself?
How well can you sew?
Fairly well. I just need a pattern, and then I guess I'll need to fit it to my size.
Sweet thank you. What materials do you think would be easiest for that sort of thing? Any tips on stitching the extra bits on?

It's rather unclear on the website whether or not the sleeves can be unfolded. I will definitely take that into account though. I would like the option. And I will definitely order a size up from usual.
Well, for the base hoodie, you could use this (omit the zipper obviously) http://mccallpattern.mccall.com/m6614-products-23007.php?page_id=103

I don't have a pattern for the armored bits, but i'd do something like the beginning of this tutorial: http://entropyhouse.com/penwiper/costumes/helmsdeep.html I'd also use some medium weight interfacing, on all the armor.
Thank you kind Anon. Its quite a bit above my skill level, but if I don't try something more advanced, I'll never get any better.
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halloween costume idea
found this pic, got inspired
need more ideas for cannibal jewelry
> if you where going to make jewelry out of human bone what whould id be like?
>or shoud i ask /b/
make the hat out of felt or some other soft things... then shape it to what you like, then use white glue on the inside to make it hold its shape
Wood support skeleton out of 1"x1/2" for blade and grip wood dowels rod for hilt
then high density expanding foam for body
cut to shape
Bondo for finsh and paint
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was thinking adding something like this...
also.... im a guy so how do i make this all .... well.... less female
I'm not that bothered.. I don't like wearing short skirts as I don't have skinny legs. I was more looking for an opinion of which of the two dresses are better.
You're fat as fatass, just admit it.
I don't like wearing something that reads: please put it in my ass~ <3

Does that make me fat as fatass?
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Hello everybody

I would ask for suggestions or ideas for me and my gf, we need ideas for 2 sets of costums

> she is skinny with good figure long redhead
> Im half-latino, tall and thin, hair like jim morrison

she thaught maby we could go as wilma and fred flingstone, but Im to skinny fot that

any help?

pic semi related, not my gf, but that type of girl
Sansa Stark and Robb Stark.

I love you!!
thats a great idea!!
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any other suggestion?
Rosa and Cecil? only if you're in the mood for a challenge.
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I think that is too much
maby with more time
Hello /cgl/! I would like to cosplay as Castiel from Supernatural. But I'm having a bit of trouble with the trenchcoat. Do you know any place where I can buy one? (I think online, since I live in Europe so unless you know a store here... And I checked my local H&Ms they didn't have them.) many thanks!
Try a thrift store?
...uhm did I mention I'm gonna need special instructions for the chest area and back because I'm going as a lolita female snake?
... how you gonna do the beard?
Can I conveniently put my left side hair end on my upper lip and right side end on chin?
So I just had the best idea. You know those robo-collars the dogs had in Up? I want to make my dog one for Halloween, with pre-recorded sound bites that I can trigger remotely.

The only problems are that she's a black lab, not a golden retriever, she'll probably hate it and get freaked out by the voice, and I have no idea how to do wiring, let alone remote-triggered stuff.

Should I do it anyway?

If it will upset the dog, don't do it.
Actually I'm 5 ft 1 and 7.5 stone, I have just some weird body silhouette where the lower pelvicy bones (??... Not the hip bones)) stick out much further than normal for girls, so with small tits and a waist I have huge thihgs. Anything skin tight on the thighs does NOT look good, whereas poofy skirts that flare from the waist and end about 1-2 inches about the knee are much more flattering. Body shapes are more than just weight.

Seriously wtf was that typo


Looking at that image, it's the widest part of the femur that gives me big thighs. Even when I was 14 and 6.5 stone I still had big legs. If I had 5 stone... I imagine I'd still be cursed, but look like a skeleton everywhere else.
I'm exaggerating when I say she'll freak out- she's a very patient dog. Most likely she'll just put on her sad face, flop down on the ground, and give me the pitiful eyes until I take it off. But she loves kids, so think of how awesome it would be to have her greet trick-or-treaters!
One of my friends wants to go as a guy from the show "Sons of Anarchy". Is there a cheap way of getting the signature patch on to a leather jacket without actually buying one? Could it be printed on to something then sewed on?
Jo-Ann's has printable cloth in the crafts/diy section that you just run through your regular inkjet printer. Not sure how durable it will be, but if it's just for Halloween you should be fine.
Thanks a bunch, will check it out.
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I'm thinking the skeleton might have to be a bit smaller though, since the sword is fairly thin. (hence, being named Needle)
I'm inexperienced in making props and using these materials. While I will try to research as much as I can about them, is there any advice you'd like to give me?

Additional info: blade is about 24 inches long, sword is about 30 inches in all.
Can cgl help me decide if this is appropriate?

I'm working on Halloween in a bingo hall so its full of nice old people. I was planning a full on zombie costume by zombiefying some old work clothes (rips contacts, full on latex wounds and a lot of blood).

But I'm worried that it's too gory for a bunch of old folks? Should I go zombie or go with my second chioce which is Melanie Daniels from "the birds" with birds attacking?
They'll love Melanie. Do that one.
Definitely do Melanie. It's much more clever, especially if you stick fake birds all over you.
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I usally go all out for halloween and I'm a huge hellblazer fan. this is the first year I think I can pull it off (thx /fit/). Any tips on props or gimicks that really will sell the deal.

also any other /co/mrads know what brand john smokes. I don't recall it ever being mentioned.
These old folks are not sheltered. They lived their lives and many probably had their fair share of war and gore.

However, I would be tasteful about it. A zombie might make things more interesting, but I'm sure they'll appreciate something that doesn't remind them of death. Either way, dressing up as something (as long as it's tasteful so nothing skimpy, offensive, or guts hanging out) is better than nothing.
> I don't recall it ever being mentioned
Silk Cuts
I'd say to check out Sock Dreams but most of their items are one-size for people that weigh between 90-160lbs
hey /cgl/

I want to make a mask out of fabiric and wire, I have sewwing experiance, but what gadge of wire should I use, I want it slightly flexible but not something that will collapse in on itself if I decide to take it off. Also, if any of you know what a good one way seethrew fabiric is could you inform me. Money is not an issue but i'd rather spend less then $100 on the materials.

The mask is going to be an assasins creed ; assasin recruits mask from revelations if you're interested in knowing.
Oh my fuck you suck at spelling
I know I do, take heed kids, my spelling is what you get for dropping out of school after grade 9 and taking an apprenceship in smithing.
Maybe drop them an e-mail?
Like, if they've ever had any other taller people ask about or review their items. Looking at their site some of their tights look pretty cute.
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So it's probably cliched as fuck by now but I've been wanting to put together a plague doctor for a few years now but have never really gotten around to putting everything together. Most of the kit seems relatively straightforward, but the biggest issue is obviously the mask. Anything half-decent for sale costs a heck of a lot so I'd like to try my hand at making one myself, but I can't really find any half-decent tutorials. The mask will obviously make the whole costume so I want to make sure it doesn't look too obviously like a homemade mess. Initially I was thinking maybe building something out of cardboard but that seems like it'd look really phoney. Paper-mache with cheesecloth or burlap maybe, or something with plaster? I'm definitely looking for a bit of a frayed/beat-up kind of look.

Also trying to think of ways to incorporate incense or herbs. Historically they'd have stuffed the beak with herbs of course but I don't want to be breathing in that stuff all night and most of the alternatives I'm thinking off seem like they might be too catholic priest-y. Maybe that's a good thing though.
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you're gonna ... do a reverse beard comb over?

nah man that sounds like an awesome idea

haven't personally tried making one, but a tut for the mask: http://thehappymaskshop.tumblr.com/post/16701412525/blighted-beak-mask-tutorial-team-fortress-2
For a good hold,get the Got 2B Glued freeze spray.Works like a charm.Only recently had to re-do a friends' wig that had been stuffed into drawers and suitcases for 5 years with no touch ups til now.
Either an eyebrow brush and loose eyeshadow powder that closely matches the color of your stache brushed in,or mascara also in a closely matching color.
Both will darken it up and make it appear fuller.
Found this in Spirit.
Also shorts.

For the mouth,spirit gum or pros-aide would work(I always prefer pros-aide for stronger hold and flex).Get thick black thread,upholstery thread would work well.The best bet is to paint a line of adhesive above and below the mouth and set the thread across.If using pros-aide,remove the thread then set it back down once blow-dried to being clear and tacky.Once the thread is on,dot a little more adhesive over the ends of the thread and dry again til clear and no longer tacky.
For binders,I use Underworks.
I suggest the tri-top.Go for a size smaller than your measurements fit for best squish.I have one and at DD it gets me pretty much flat with only minor adjustment required.

gOoD lUcK bRoThEr, HONK
these would be great for the hand
They have a retractable needle so you cans till have the scare factor of the needle without any damage to anyone.Easy to take apart too.
My suggestion on the mask is one I saw used a few times to great effect.Get one of those basic,cheap blank white opera masks and attach the burlap to it.That way,you have a base to shape it over that will hold.
Get suede for the poncho/hood.Hancock's even has it all on sale currently and it is far easier to deal with than vinyl or pleather and will have the right sort of drape to it.
Kill suit?(brownish-grey thermal,black pants,gloves,syringe)Killing time?(smock,gloves,blood spatter,face mask)
Which one are you wanting to do?
If anyone is doing an SH nurse and wishes for movie-esque mask please track me down.Please don't be another bandage headed mess.
And tea-stain your dress.Vein your arms and legs.Don't coat yourself in blood.
going for steam punk outfit this year, something kinda simple. I've got a basic idea for the main outfit but am confused what accessories would go well with my outfit

the general play is a mid sleeve white blouse under a nice corset with an asymmetrical cut skirt and some knee high boots

sorry if this is a boring costume but i trust cgls judgement and i'm bad at conceptualizing details


you look likes that. and you're not being Bane???
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original reason for coming here.
I just checked to see if this was asked yet but didn't see any.

im looking to make a Bane mask, because the Halloween store ones are awful!!

id like to make it without casting latex stuff at all.

so I wonder if I take a paper dust mask, like for painting, etc and add on to it with tubing. (pen tubes, bendy straws.) I assume I could use modelling clay or that light weight sculpty stuff to attach the pieces/bulk it up, then make the straps out of craft foam. seal and spray paint the whole thing black, then go back for detailing.

does this seem possible and do you have any other ideas???

ooh, take a picture! I'd love to see you giving out candy dressed like him.
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Hiya cgl!

Not necessarily for this Halloween, but for some future costume -- I have a purple shimmery cape (think Ozymandias from The Watchmen movie, pic related) that I'd like to re-use in another costume.

I'm looking for some more ideas/options, if anyone has any.
Shredder (from TMNT, like the 80s movies), or Magneto from X-Men are some possibilities.
It doesn't have to be a specific character either.

I've done costuming/cosplaying a moderate amount before. I'm not afraid of a sewing machine, or some prop making (mask, wooden sword, etc.) I won't call myself an expert, but feel free to suggest moderate-difficulty things as well. ^_^

Thanks for letting me pick your brains! Any ideas are appreciated!
why not give out candy that actually has the Wonka logo on it?
like laughy taffy, or wonka bars?

>also pics when complete please. I always loved gene wilder in that movie and any cosplay of that would be awesome
I'm ideally looking to make a full-face mask but that's a decent launch point at least, thanks

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Sweet, this is perfect.

Does paper-mache work decently well with rough-patterned cloths? Otherwise I guess I could try patterning the plaster layer
what do you mean?

Go with the color of the berries. You can use some light pink accents on your makeup like your blush and lips. Maybe add the stem as a hairclip.
I mean if I were to use burlap or cheesecloth or something like that instead of newspaper would it stick in place or just fall apart?
>We need a male /cgl/ and a female one. These whores are shitting up the place.

because you cosplay to NOT meet whores?
wtf is wrong with you man
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Hey /cgl/! I'm going as a Hurl Scout this year. A couple questions:

1. Helmet. A friend gave me one to use - it's made of some sort of matte black plastic (sorry, I don't know much about these things!). What's the best way to paint it green?

2. Fake tattoos. I do want them to look as realistic as possible. I was thinking about using henna, but I know it's often hard to trust "henna" from a store. Someone suggested using a surgical marker... any other suggestions?

3. Patches. Is there anywhere I can buy realistic Girl Scout patches (especially the number ones), or do I need to get them from the actual GS organization? Can regular people even buy them?

Thanks for all the help you've been giving so far!
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How would I go about getting one of these? I can't seem to find anywhere that makes custom masks, and I don't think I am skilled enough to make it on my own without it looking like complete shit.
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another picture for reference
they're called kigurumi (like the pyjamas), google or ask /jp/
It really counts as one of those? Even if the entire thing is just like a thin plastic thing? I googled "kigurumi" and they look like they cover your entire head and have a wig attached too.
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I want it to be in the same style as this, if possible
Besides searching up plastic anime mask, then they call fall under general kigurumi because it's like an offshoot of a mascot character, but instead of animals it's...anime.


If you want it that specific style with just the plastic, there really isn't a name for it. You'll just have to put in search terms for plastic anime masks and see what comes up.
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I'm planning on going as Raichu and my boyfriend as Pikachu. Does anyone have any good Raichu gijinkas? I can't seem to find anything all that great
1. If its plastic spray paint.

2. I've bought Indian henna from ebay sellers but it comes out a dark brown and looks very different from a tattoo. It also doesn't stay very well defined and can be either pale or very dark depending on skin type, I love the stuff and use it a lot in summer. I don't know for other types of henna though.
Maybe look into temporary tattoos like those ones everyone had as little kids, I'd be damned if there isn't some one doing realistic looking ones by now.

3. I have no idea sorry
How old is too old for trick-or-treating?
When you can't wear a mask or are too tall.

When in doubt, hold a baby.
idk depends on the group of people you hang out with
>there is a limit if you're trying to do it by yourself

who cares if you're going trick or treating or not
my freshman year of college I simply got into costume, went to class, then hung around my room watching movie marathons on tv
>I was a hobo clown
1. Spray paint. They make some specifically for plastic.

2. temporary tatoo paper. You can design and print it out on a regular printer.

3. ebay
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hey /cgl/
that guy working on The Penguin costume here
>sorry, wanted to show the costume in progress and the only camera I have is on my phone

just wanted to thank the person who found that great hag nose and posted the link for me
I now have every part of my costume (except the pros-aide adhesive that's still in the mail)

I just wanted to know (since the fake nose has a different skin color)
what kind of paint or whatever should I use to fix the nose to the right skin tone?
>and how hard is it to apply? I don't trust my art applying skills and if you can buy the stuff at Walmart I'd prefer just paying the person in the crafts section to do it for me
I'm obviously still undecided on what to do with my hair

I'm obviously gonna lose the beard and mustache to fit The Penguin's clean shaved look

but I'm still undecided between the choices of
1. borrowing a hair straightener, using hairgell to slick the straightened hair back, and then using temporary hair color to make it black
>which is the most accurate way
or 2. getting a short haircut, temporarily color the hair black, and assume nobody is going to notice the hair isn't 100% accurate
>which sounds so much easier cause I've put too much into the costume as it is
>and hair will simply grow back
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Anyone with a guide .jpg or link for heat molding some foam? I'm guessing that's what I'm gonna need to do for the armor and I'm gonna have to do a good paint job on the foam as well.

All I know is that I'm gonna need a heatgun...
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Suggestions for:
6' 3"
Very slim build
Short Dark Brown Hair (willing to dye)

I kept thinking Slenderman but the bodysuit facemask Idea doesn't work as well for me
I was also considering pop-culture references and or classic movie characters, but I'm coming up with less than I'd like
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Hey /cgl/!

Im going to be Prince Phillip for halloween. The trouble finding is the boots. Ypu can pretty much imagine Link OoT styled boots and get the picture. Any know secrets to finding boots like them? Even close to look like them? Id rather not have just a shin high cover that looks like a boot.
Ok so this is technically for an event in Nov but I'll ask here. I'd like to make a set of hoofed covers for a pair of doc marten type knockoff boots I own. They only need to go to the knee at highest as I am wearing knickerpants over them. And if at all possible I'd like them removeable, these boots have a slight heel so they can fasten underneath. I already did a hell of a lot of searching to find something of the sort but all the tutorials online are either for furry pants with shoes attached, the shoes being sewn/screwed together, or they are for those fetish pony boots which look painful as fuck. Any help?

Something like these. Medic or Soldiers but leaning to the medic. Still like the idea of going around the entire calf however. I could use new black leatherish shoes anyway...
Any tutorials for miniature sailor hats? The patterns I've seen only come with the whole outfit.
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scarecrow is well known for the tall slim build
The jacket I bought for about $120USD. I bow tie was as easy as going to Jo-Ann Fabrics and cut out some green silk fabric. The flowered shirt i found at an antique store.
DAMN 120 on the jacket alone?
I think that's about the equal to what my Penguin costume budget is
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so, /cgl/
Who do you think I should go as?

Brown eyes (Green in the center) Curly Brown hair (although I'd be willing to cut it.) 6'1", and about 130 pounds
I'm the guy dressing as Spike, and you actually look quite a bit more like him than me. I jelly.
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This is driving me crazy, I can't decide which shoes to get for this costume. I feel as though heels would look best but that simply is not an option for me. Which ones should I chose?
punk boots
After doing a little more research, I found they are actually masks made with the "vacuum form" method. I found some manufacturers who would probably do it, but they have a minimum order amount of 500... at least I know what to look for now though.
Yeah, I was told to do spike, but I dont really want to dress up as an anime character, despite his apparent badassery
Taking ideas for:
short straight black hair
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hmm ... ever read the comic Preacher?
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I have not but I'll look into it. Im a pretty big fan of /co/mics anyway, so this is a cool concept.
I neglected to mention I have a reasonably big budget, around $300 if this costume is going to be amazing/last me a while
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with that kinda cash you could get an amazing pinhead getup
Ah, Thank you! I'll use this idea, now I just need to get my hands on a nice looking dress.
Whoa, thats really cool! I'll use this tutorial, thanks!
You don't necessarily need a heatgun, but it's one of those tools that if you plan on doing a lot of foam, then it's really handy to have around. Most people make do with a hairdryer, popping it in the oven for about ten seconds, or heating it over the stove.

If your foam is thin enough, you can help it keep it's shape with some floral wire glued to the back. Hec, even for thicker foam you can use floral wire to stabilize the shape.

It's the combination of heat + pressure. Heat it until it becomes soft (some foams react by becoming more 'shiny' like it's melting a little) and then mold either with your hands or pressing it into a shape. For example, you can use a helmet and press the heated foam over the helmet to get a nice curved shape.
Just to say, when I say heating it over the stove, I mean do not let it be in direct contact with your heat source. It melts very easily. You will feel the difference between foam that isn't heated and foam that is.
Vacuum forming will require more skill and materials than one would want for one thin plastic anime mask, including how to sculpt so you can get a clean pull. As well as painting it.

You're not really narrowing your search down. It's like saying 'hey, this mask will require an elastic string'.

Here's an ebay search for example. If I had to reduce it that much by having it ignore that many terms, it's not gonna be easy to find.

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How do you get hair to do this... swoopy thing with the bangs?
blow dryer
Lots of patience, careful hands, and semen.
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Need boots like this.
How do?
I would assume instead of semen I could use a hair gel maybe?
Anyone know where I can get this PDF file for free? I want to make a spider man costume for holloween.
Peruse the forum for ideas.Been in the SP scene for a while and find that it's best to look around and get your ideas together rather than try to ask others.
If all else fails and you live near a Target,I just got a nice skirt that may work for your idea.Black sheer top,comes to about knee-length in front and near my ankles in the back.For $20 it's a nice piece.
I would suggest an actual respirator.Pick up one of the smaller ones and attach to that.The paper type won't hold up to all the modification.Craft foam for connector bits and straps is good.
Don't paint the helmet.Make a helmet cover with a star on the side.A Jammer cover.Look on any derby site that's what we wore no paint.
Get some Sculpey and mold the hoof out of that.Once baked and painted,attach that to a boot cover of whatever material you wish.
I'd suggest a snap closure button one under the boot and one at the back of the heel to hold it on securely,though taught elastic will do in a pinch.
Pomade/styling wax and just move it into the right position.Maybe spray a little aquanet to hold it after.
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so i am a male and im planning as dressing as a generic asian schoolgirl for Halloween, i already have feminine features but i just need tips on make up / clothing etc..

im planning on going all the way(shaved legs, panties and everything) also i want to make my skin really pale
not the same person but i always thought it would be neat to do a preppy boy take on a space ghost costume.

like, white chinos, white polo and either a yellow ascot or a yellow sweater draped over the shoulders. maybe some worn red leather bracelets?

what do you guys think? would people know what i was?
Enjoy dat social stigma
what is that supposed to mean ?
bump for response
well Link outfit is more/less a mideval sort of deal

have you tried finding them through sites that sell outfits for renaissance festival?
>idk about where you live but locally the ren-fest is going on right now for me
>if it is going on locally for you, maybe try hitting up the place or finding out from the source itself where to buy the boots
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Hey guys, first time in /cgl/. I'm looking to go as a Rocket Grunt for Halloween.

Simple enough really, should be able to do it with things that I have already or can get from local shops. Thing is, I'll obviously need to be putting a big red (or orange) R on a black T-shirt. Is stencil and spray paint the way to go, or what?
probably stencil if you want to keep the shirt/coat (whatever the R will be on) for day to day wearing

probably isn't too hard to find a place that has an ink printer and let you bring in some of that transfer stencil paper

>are you planning on having any fun props with your costume?
>like maybe some toy pokeballs with little plush poochyenas in there
>or whatever pokemon a rocket grunt usually has
I'll just be buying a cheap black shirt, so I'm actually not bothered about 'ruining' it with the R. Would going at it with spray paint turn out OK?

In addition to the shirt, the outfit will be:
>Black trousers
>Gloves, probably white rubber ones
>Wellington boots (sprayed grey)
>Belt, sprayed grey
>Black flatcap or newsboy cap (finding those around here [cheap] might present a wee bit of a challenge)
>Maybe a Zorro type mask, or sunglasses

As for props, I was thinking of cutting an old skipping rope to make the whip they brandished in the early games, but that might be a bit overboard, I dunno. Getting a toy pokeball or Pokemon soft toy seemed like a good idea, but I'll probably drunkenly lose them.
Fucking shit, Renaissance! How did i forget about that. Damn thanks man!
Have a costume party coming up next week, the theme is 911. That means anything from the police to hospital personnel, you get the idea.

I know there are many easy costume available within this category, however I'd like as something "outside the box". Having trouble with ideas maybe you can help me out?

I am a man, therefore:
inb4 sexy nurse
>they're always one of the first to go

>if you are black, go as the coroner from the Final Destination movies
society dislikes cross-dressers
go for it anyway
what's your current skin tone?
i honestly don't know how well spray paint would work out
>I'm here for advice as well and just have nothing better to do
but I'm guessing you'd want something very solid and straight
so I'd say go with one of those papers you can iron onto a shirt
>the name of them escapes me, but I know you can buy them at walmart

as for drunkenly lose a prop
just don't break the bank on it and who cares
>I'm going as The Penguin
>and if my Dollar Store stop having them, I'd have bought like 5 tiny $1 umbrellas
>my plan was if I bump into any Batmen on halloween I'd be all "oh you've caught me batman, just give me a second to SURPRISE UMBRELLA" and distract everyone by opening up and throwing a crappy umbrella as I run away
rocket grunts don't wear masks or glasses
i would recommend taking a pokeball
it would be easier to recognize then
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i was inspired
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Are Jedi robes too much effort for law school frat costume party? If no, should I bring the lightsaber or is that asking for it to get smashed?
If it's one of those nice glass ones, DONT bring it, srsly just pick up a cheap plastic one at Target.

If that's you in the picture, nice job on the costume!
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Gonna be Link for Halloween.. got my wig and costume ordered, trying to do my make-up (pic related) and need to get some elf ears.

Where do I get decent looking boots for cheap, though? (From UK by the way)
How cheap are you looking? There's these from Shoe Zone;


You'd just have to get rid of that awful faux fur stuff. They have cheaper boots, but those ones seemed the most appropriate. >.<
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I'd like to do Morrigan for Halloween. (or Lilith, not sure yet) And I have a few questions.

1. The tights, would fabric paint be the best for doing this? If so, any fabric painting tips?

2. Wings, what should I make them out of? I've seen fabric, plastic, craft foam, etc. Not sure which one would work the best. Opinions?

3. How would I attach the back wings to the leotard?
ah, I'm a guy so I'll have to convert into guy sizes, but thanks~ <3

Best Morrigan wings I've ever seen, made out of hula hoops bits and fabric. The creator goes into more detail about what she used for it.
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Looking for the Korean site where you could buy many different full body animal suits. Pic related.
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Sorry if this isn't the answer you are looking for, but I got this one on Ebay. Just search "kigurumi".
Those are called kigurumi pajamas. I don't have any recommended shops for them though.
Not Korean site, but still good.
hey /cgl/
Just wondering if anyone knows where one can acquire corpse paint? Preferably in Melbourne, however I'm fine with online too.
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First and last time ill post my picture on 4chan, anyone think I can pull off a decent mugen?
From Samurai Champloo? Yes.
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Sick, thanks.

Ref for those who dont know who he is.
Hah thanks!.. although I feel my hair is still somewhat short.
aww man that is just beautiful
after easily failing an accounting exam today, I needed that
>set as wallpaper
Hi everyone! So, I want to go as a hipster for Halloween, but I don't know what to wear (because I'm not a hipster). Can you guys help me out? I'm probably going to shop at places like Goodwill for the clothing, and I have a budget of $40-$50. I'm not sure how much it'll cost, but I'd like to buy a fake goatee and mustache and spirit gum too. Any tips?
Use this as your muse.

Actually yeah you can.
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Hey guys. I'm trying to recreate this helmet for Halloween, and I've been getting mixed answers from friends on how to approach it. My current idea is to get some chickenwire, try to shape it, then find something to cover it with like sports tape or paper mache. Then I thinking covering it in model magic, letting that dry, and then sanding it or something to add to the bone effect. Then I guess paint it with something. Am I completely off the mark here, or do you have any better ideas?
thanks for the compliment i'm glad you like it
Dress as russell brand.

hopefully there is some chick dressed as katy perry.

Just make sure you put some cardboard or something in the shirt before you spray, so you don't wind up with a big backwards R on your back.

Spray paint should hold up well enough on the boots and belt for the night (likely wont last in the long run, but I'm guessing you don't really need it to), but I'm not sure if it'd work with a shirt.
I'd say have a backup shirt just in case. Some alternatives are to just cut out a fabric R and stitch it on the shirt as a patch. Or to buy some iron-on transfer paper, print out the design, and iron it onto the shirt. Might need a certain type of printer for that though, I'm not sure.
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>I'm probably going to shop at places like Goodwill for the clothing

That's the way, just attach "$120 American Apparel" tags to everything.

And yeah, spirit gum's the way to go for fake facial hair.

Don't forget to pop the lenses out of your glasses.
http://makeupdirection.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/colour-chart.jpg i would be golden bronze on this chart

You can get your makeup done professionally at a lot of salons if you're willing to put the money down (and get it done publicly).

Otherwise, there are a ton of tutorials on youtube.
o.o I'm so sorry anon. It must be your mad make-up skills. xD They have a guy's section, so I'd imagine they have the same or similar boots in there.
Bagg knitwear, obscenely short shorts, hair style that looks like a leftover from your scene kid phase, and make sure you huff at everything, stare moodily into a corner everytime a song comes on that isn't by The Shins, and take Instagram photos of your shoes and everything single thing you eat.

Brightly coloured trainers are good, too. And chinos.
Chicken wire/papier mache sounds good. I make all my masks that way. If you want something less... papery, I'd suggest using fabric instead. You can get a fabric texture that feels slightly closer to bone than paper does.

Make sure to drink only the obscurest of microbrews.
From a Starbucks up.
Im either thinking Iron Man or Waldo.
If my friend is dressing up then we'll go as Mario and Luigi.

You could also go as one of those "HOLY SHIT I FOUND- wait, no, it's just a guy in very similar clothing designed to throw me off, and oh my god now I can't stop looking at him when I try to find the real Waldo" not-Waldos.
Just get every detail slightly but noticeably wrong.
Man those guys piss me off.
wally > waldo
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DUde, you could totally pull off Nathan Young from Misfits.
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wonderful idea, makes things so much easier and keeps our annoying anon stuff from crowding your board *thumbs up*
I've decided for 'all hallowed's eve' I'm going to go for a guro-lolita/ broken BJD (ball jointed doll) look and was wondering if you guys have any ideas for making elbows look jointed. I had a quick google but no dice, thanks. ~a frequent lurker :P
I have seen a few people use black rubber bands or hair ties to simulate a jointed doll look. two on the wrist, two on the elbow. I wish I had the picture for you to give you a better Idea of what I am talking about, it looked pretty neat.
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I want to do a Snork cosplay for halloween, I've gathered everything but I'm missing the backpiece. What makeup effects can I use to give it that torn flesh look and what about the spine? Any ideas?
im not sure who the character is but last time i needed to do torn flesh/ wounds i used pva and tissue (too much of a cheap skate to buy liquid latex ect) then blended it with makeup/ facepaint. turned out alright as well and if you wet the tissue first you can give it a bubbly ravaged look :P
that sounds pretty spot on, you could probably paint it with some light aerosol sprays and a touch of acrylic or something to give it a bit more of that weathered look. Can you create the cracks with the model magic? if so you're set.
Thanks! The liquid latex seems like the best option, I just need a lot of materials to get it done it seems.
Glasses without lenses, converse or some other flat shoes (preferably laceless), tight jeans and yeah spirit gum for the facial hair. Don't forget your fedora!
They sell those, but they're pretty expensive $70ish is what I found. If you can find a cheap pair of those knee high boots that look similar you can just make buy some fabric and the buckles and put them together.
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I wear prescription Wayfarers and I'm trying to think of costumes that they'd go with (I'm a guy, average to slim build). Pic possibly related, not sure how easy it'd be to find this kind of suit.
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Forgot the pic.
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>Wayfarers? Like pic related? if so, blues brothers, MIB, anything in that vein.

thanks! i love seeing what other people do with steampunk
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I'm doing Nurse Joker for a Halloween party and going to be wearing a wig, any suggestions on how to style/paint/alter the cheap costume ones? I was thinking of getting a brown curly costume one and working some green acrylic through it to give it the stringy greenish look, but not sure if that'd actually work or just end up with it being green-brown dreadlocks?
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I think I'm going to be Snape. Gonna start gathering materials for it this weekend.
You probably don't even live in my state, but you need to stay at least 500 feet away from my girlfriend at all times.

come to my state anon, I'd love to trick or treat you.
So I wanna dress as Rainbow Dash to amuse the kiddies at work on Halloween. Problems are 1, do a lot of kids even know Rainbow Dash? I don't have any kids around to judge, but is Hub actually watched by kids? and 2, I imagine it will be brony bait to have an actual female cosplaying Dashie. How do I avoid being attacked/glomped?
No one is going to attack you. Do you work in a fucking zoo? If they don't watch the show, just tell them you're a My Little Pony anyway and if they don't get it you're still wearing a fun costume and everything's fine. Anon, worry is stealing all the joy from your life and you need to watch that.
You're not gonna get attacked. I'm assuming you're gonna do a human rainbow dash right? Then yeah, not a lot of kids will recognize you. If you want kids to know you, dress like a more well known character, like velma/dalphne from scooby doo?

> I imagine it will be brony bait to have an actual female cosplaying Dashie

Hate to break it to you but the vast majority of MLP cosplayers are female. Bronies mainly stick to buying merchandise and, if they did cosplay, it would be more of a slap on a wig/wing kinda thing.
Yep, insane beta with occasionally severe anxiety. I work in a store that sells ponies and am aware of several bronies that come through. Basically I'm more worried about them causing a scene while I'm working than of actually being physically assaulted.
Believe it or not I've met kids that have no fucking clue who Scooby Doo is. Though by all means, any other current cartoon characters kids would like that are easy to pull off? I was considering a Monster High Frankie one but her outfit is far too close to slutty-schoolgirl for my bosses.
>Believe it or not I've met kids that have no fucking clue who Scooby Doo is.

Those little heathens.

But if they don't recognize Scooby Doo, I really don't follow what kind of cartoons kids watch. Maybe you can do a princess bubblegum or marceline? Adventure time is kinda well known, but it's the only show I know off bat that has human characters and kids might sorta know you.

When in doubt, just wear a penguin suit. Kids love penguins. Or any mascot character, really.
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Hey guys. I've decided on Iron Fist for Halloween this year, and the shirt is easy enough, but how the hell do I make this mask? I have no experience with this kind of stuff.

The mask doesn't have to go over the nose, it just has to cover the eyes. I'm just going to cut out the eye holes, so I don't need to learn how to make that. But, just... how do I put it together? Do I just buy some yellow spandex fabric, measure my head, cut it out and sew it up? I feel like I'm missing something.
naaah sounds about right for a mask that's basically a bandana
cool. Thanks.
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What are the best materials I can use for making a Darth Revan mask? Silicone? Fiberglass? should I buy a Styrofoam wig head?

pic related: what I want to make
how experienced are you at making props? honestly with as simple as the design is I could see just craft foam being formed with a bit of heat to make the shapes. google craft foam armor for a better idea.
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Hi /cgl/

bit of a request, i bloody love halloween, and normally go down the topical route for it.

Last year me and a friend were Gadaffi and a Libyan Rebel, and the year before i was a Chilean Miner.

This year however, i have no idea. Not much has happened. Anyone got any thoughts on topical costumes, or funny ones. (Looking for the WOW factor, or the "Fuck, its a .... factor)

Any and all help considered - Cheers

Pic related - Its my costume last year
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First time posting in /cgl/. I'm tackling a pokemon trainer red costume. Already got the hat (in picture) and am going to get embroided. Gonna be getting a black shirt later today, and eventually black hair dye, only thing I'm having trouble with is red contacts and a red/white jacket. Any advice ?
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What I'm going for.
Mitt and Barack
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I cosplayed Red this year at a con. Instead of embroidering the design on the hat, I painted a button and safety pinned it on. Pic related. My hat.
For the jacket, I bought two different jackets and created a Frankenstein monster. To make the little button part that goes across the chest, I used the same red material from the red sleeves that were removed from the red jacket.
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Forgot my jacket picture.
Also forgot to mention the contacts. I ordered these,

They arrived in about a week.
Thanks a million for the info. I'd rather do the embroiding since I was just planning on doing a green circle. and so the jacket you just sewed yourself ? I'm not that big on sewing but I could give it a whirl. What about red contacts ?
Wow. those are perfect.
Get a wig.
Yep, the jacket is homemade. If you suck at sewing, just ask someone else who at least knows the basics, because it's a really simple project if you do it the way I did. It was also quite cheap as I found both jackets at a thrift store.

They really are, and they're very comfortable too. I recommend them definitely.
Forgot to mention, that I suggest this too. I got a wig for my Red cosplay (mostly because I wasn't willing to go black) because you just don't want to end up with flat, greasy hat hair.
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Hey /cgl/ Would really like to go as Travis Touchdown this year. Only problem is I have absolutely no idea on how to make the beam katana. I've looked around online and can't find any comprehensive guides. I saw one guy who made a really nice one but he did't give any details at all. I have limited artistic/desigining abilities but my sister is REALLY good at those sort of things and I'm sure if I called her and asked her she could help me make it.

Does anyone have a guide on how to make a beam katana that lights up?
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As always, thanks for being awesome with all your help, /cgl/.

I'm looking at these boots from portal 2 and wondering how in the world I'm supposed to do those white, plastic-y looking parts? The best I'm coming up with is cutting up some plastic folders and painting them white, then attaching them to a shoe. It still begs the question of how to get them nice and shiny, though.

Think it's apparent I have no idea what I'm doing, ahaha.
A very glossy enamel spraypaint, like for model car kits, could work. No clue on the construction though, I"m mostly a repainter not a prop builder.
oh, that's awesome, thanks! I see that home depot has some, which is great since I can start immediately. I'm gonna sit on this thread for a bit and see if anyone has additional suggestions for construction before running out.

Alas I'm a Britfag, so no one here would really get it.
Thanks a bunch again. all really helpful, I just got back from getting a black shirt and jacket from a thrift shop. My hair is a bit grown out so I was just gonna spend the 10 bucks and dye it. gonna be wearing the costume to halloween horror nights.
hmm ... sorry I honestly don't keep up with politics (even my own) so idk whats going on in britfag-land

perhaps you could have some costumes of the queen and some royal guard outfit you guys could fall back on as defaults?
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So who can give me some bald make up tips?? I'm Walter this year from Breaking Bad (thanks to the other anon in this board I found out about that cool rock candy stuff. I was just going to crush up some blue jolly ranchers, but that looks like a better idea).

I bought this cap and I made that beard in an hour or two with some careful cutting and what not. But I asked the Halloween guy some advice on make up to make the baldcap look like it was my actual skull and he had no idea. I watched some youtube vids and they dont show you HOW they did it, just what kind of things they used. I tried to use some of my make up to at least see if I can blend in the hair line edge, and no such luck. It just like there is a line around my face.

Tell me your your beautiful bald secrets /cgl/!
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This might help you anon:

That kinda helps. Thanks! But what are they using???

I don't have any bald tips, but if I may, can I suggest that you bind yourself. Your costume is simple and very nicely thought out, you make a cool looking Walter. But you're clearly a girl and your boobs ruin it. Just saying. Take that with grain of salt. I dont know how comfy wearing a bind would be if you are going out to party.
Jimmy Saville, Carry a doll around with you the entire night, or attach it to the front of your trousers
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hey beautiful seagulls.
I'm searching for a Star Trek dress like this one, but in gold. Everything I've found is in blue and red, and I want to be a 63'd kirk for Halloween. I also want the dress for future con use. I've searched a lot, but the only gold dress I can find is a sheath dress, which I don't like. Price is not a problem. I also know how to sew, but I'm not very good, and I would much rather buy a really well-made dress than I would like to try my hand at ruining good fabric. If you can help, that would be lovely. Thank you.
A bald cap is to protect the hair underneath. In order to look convincingly bald, you wear a prosthetic that can pull if off, usually made with latex, or makeup and paint your way into matching your skin.

If you don't have experience with this, then it won't be pretty.
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How hard would it be to make my own cloak and hood with the hood being a separate piece of clothing. I'm looking to be a necromancer. I already know how to do the makeup and the props I have in mind, but was wondering about the cloak or robe itself. I am trying my best to do this all hand-made. I want it to be pretty plain, with just a slightly lighter color trim at places like the neck arms and hem ( i thin that's what the bottom is called?) Alternatively if it's too difficult for a newbie How would I go about making a coat like this, or even just making a regular coat look more like this?
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My homemade Driver jacket :3

No according to this >>6288779
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Hey /cgl/ where would be a good place to find/make a templar helm that i can make to look like solaires? Spirit and party city suck ass.
I'm working on making a Cyclops visor (X-men) that glows. I've read some guides on it, and most involve led strips and soldering. This is something I COULD do, but don't have the tools or space to do easily right now. So, does anyone have any other ideas? I was thinking on finding an led strip or something that already has a battery pack, and just putting those in the visor and running the wires down to the pack clipped to my pants. But I can't seem to find many led stips already attached to battery packs. So, any ideas?
Hi /cgl/,

I want to be David from Prometheus for Halloween this year. Research has led me to what is called a Chinese Tunic Suit, or more commonly a Mao Suit or Zhongshan Suit. I've tried ebay and Google shopping and the best I can find is a company in China that makes them custom for a little under $300 US.

I'm looking for better (cheaper) options, where I might look locally, where I might find sewing patterns, etc. Any ideas as to how I can get one of these, basically.

Thank you!
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Forgot the picture -- This is what I'm looking for.
>going as bane

you could try this shop for the tunic:


soz that it's not the exact shade of gray though

the search term for it on taobao is " 中山裝"
Cool. It doesn't have to be perfect, most people I know won't get it anyway. I can't tell if that price is in yen or dollars :| Chrome's built-in translate is hit-or-miss.
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OKay I got a question.

I want to be Deadpool. Should I just buy the costume pre-made, or buy two Zentai suits and put them together?

And does anyone have any suggestions as to what to look for for a good quality Zentai suit?

it's in yuan, and 85 yuan = about 13.5 USD, but the shipping cost is prolly gonna be an extra 20 bucks depending on the agent you use
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I think I'm going to be "hungry rebel girl". My hair isn't really long enough or pretty enough to get into a similar braid to hers though.
Anyone recommend a good cheap wig? (i'm not used to buying them)
also general advice is good. I'm thinking lots of contouring for my face and then going around and rolling in my garden for 10 minutes.

Not sure if I should get a tan or not as she's described as dark sinned in the book but in the film Jennifer lawrence is pale.. idk
So, I went into a thrift store today and did some shopping. Among other gems, I found a brand new plush Moishe backpack. This gave me the idea to be Max for Halloween and wear Moishe on my back. What do you think /cgl/?
I like after Halloween candy sale.
Thanks for this. It looks awesome, I'm just kind of weary of dealing with an "agent" and how long it could take for the item to arrive and that it could potentially be unlike the picture;

Anyone have any good US-based Taobao agents they can recommend/good experiences?

ORRRRR sewing patterns? I'm going through McCalls catalogues but not seeing this pattern there.
There's no way your eyes are actually that pretty a color.
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Hello /cgl/, first time poster here. Sorry to add to the slew of halloween newfags but here's a problem I've been trying to solve through google searches and looking through the various threads. I'll be patient with the responses and am fully aware that my costume idea wont be Hollywood quality and all that but im sure you guys can help me.

In a couple weeks, I'll be participating in a Halloween-themed motorcycle charity ride. It will consist mostly of sport bikes stunting (wheelies, stoppies, drifiting, etc) and very little freeway riding since we are going to be riding in our costumes and dont want them to get blown apart. My idea is to go as a devil/demon. I've already got an awesome pair of wings, tail, and pitchfork but all I need now are an elaborate pair of horns to put on my helmet. I want them to be BIG. The best idea of what I'm looking for is the horns on Loki's helmet from the movie Avengers. I've looked through some tutorials and already have some good ideas on how to make those (but would love any tips you guys would have as to what I should use to make them), but now heres my question:

What would be the best way to attach these big horns to my helmet that will ensure they remain attached throughout the ride but at the same time be able to remove them from my helmet after Halloween without ruining the finish/paint on my helmet? Is there some kind of sticky pads, double-sided tape, suction cups, glue, etc. that will create a strong enough bond but at the same time be (relatively) easy to remove from my helmet and not leave any lasting marks or damage? Since Im sure your answer will depend on what the horns are going to be made of, I havent yet started on the horns so any suggestions on what kind of material the horns should be made out of would be great too.

More info and details will be provided if you need them.
>Pic related, my helmet and the kind of horns I was thinking of.
Update: http://www.ebay.com/itm/GREY-BDU-COAT-COATS-POLY-COTTON-RIPSTOP-BATTLERIP-PROPPER-F5454-/22109717397

Close enough. THANKS!
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I need a Han Solo blaster. Or something that looks like a Han Solo blaster. Or a toy gun. Or a gun. Or a bit of plastic that looks like a gun.
Amazon "han solo blaster." For $60 you get one in the right colors, for $30 you'll have to paint it yourself.
Anybody in iowa going to anime zing costume ball?
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How would one go about recreating the Demoman Flak jacket? Is there a certain garb I could use as a base or starting point?

I'm thinking that creating the Bandolier and Grenade Launcher would be tough to recreate, but I can settle with a good old Bottle as a weapon instead.

I don't need it to look 100% SO REAL- just good enough that people would recognize who I'm dressed as.

If it's too difficult I may just go as Barret from FFVII, since it seems that would be easier.

[spoiler]pls respond[/spoiler]
So I'd like to do a Bride of Frankenstein as an electrician/mechanic getup. Here are my concerns:

The wig. There's one I dig but kinda iffy about the quality: http://www.spirithalloween.com/product/lady-monster-wig1/?UTM_campaign=Search:SC:Bride%20Of%20Franke

Next: The skin. I'm going for a green body base and want to see about how to do skin stitch lines as if I really have been sewn together. And I also want make some "occupational hazard" scars and burns with some bloodied white gauze wrapped around a few of them. Besides spirit gum and maybe latex, what else should I grab?

Finally, I would like some feed back on what would be better: a toolbelt with electrician gear or a tool box that I can customize myself?
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See those little eyepieces? Between being /fa/-grade "different" and generally antiquated, they're far enough off the map that when I go to an eyewear store my inquiries only produce confused staff. What kinds of specialty shops do you think I should be checking? Second-hand places turned up nothing.

Online places are easily $100 and up. I don't need a legitimate vintage pince-nez, in fact most aren't these tiny circular variety or low-bridged, ideal for my Negi Springfield. I'm not sure how to build a fake pair, though, even for a one-night prop. Should I try finding a guide for such a thing?

In the meantime I'm eyeing a few ebays, some UK sellers seem to have them for $20-30, but I'd prefer a properly examined pair from a shop or such.

I don't know why I'm even trying this hard, when I'm totally going to cop out on the wizard's staff.
try searching for "small round reading glasses"

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Unless you have experience with sewing spandex, I would buy it premade even if it is a little more expensive.

I have bought from these ebay places before
and they are fairly cheap, but the shipping is slow.
If you really want to keep costs low you could get a tie on ponytail from the mall or sallys beauty supply and braid that. As for tanning, that is really up to you.

If you make them out of something light enough, like foam coated in something, there are some glues and tapes that are removable and could feasibly hold up some lighter horns. I would go to a craft store and browse through their glue section and see what kinds are available, and more importantly what kind of glue removers are available. http://www.kamuicosplay.com/p/tutorials.html
there are some ideas on how to make foam horns or stuff...

BAM http://greenzaku.deviantart.com/art/TF2-Demo-vest-blueprints-147224941

I have seen worse wigs for halloween.... Unless you want to go through the effort of putting together a wig on your own that one will be alright, though be warned it will photograph terribly and will be shiny. If you are dead set on that wig use some baby powder on it to dull the shine a bit. Also my vote is for a tool belt because it will leave your hands free for whatever.
As for makeup
As >>6285623 said, use rubber bands for the joints, then use an eyeshadow darker than your skin to blend it in.

Be careful though, make sure you get rubber bands that aren't too tight for your arm/wrist circumferences; and make sure to loosen them occasionally to ensure proper circulation.
I can't seem to find the help thread and I'm too lazy to make one, so I'm asking it in here.

I recently bought a dance leotard/catsuit thing for a Hero suit, and it fits great everywhere except my hips. I have a bit of junk in the trunk so it stretches the crotch area and gives me a cameltoe which is horrible.

Any way I can get rid of this without having to buy a new suit? This one fits perfect everywhere else, so it would be really annoying to have to buy a larger size and alter it like crazy.
Thank you! I was >>6290806. While I was waiting for a reply today I got an idea from a friend of mine to check out this craft store that apparently is responsible for a bunch of parade floats in my city. Didnt think they would bother with a small time customer but I'll take what info you gave me and see if they can guide me further. Thank you /cgl/
Thanks, I'll look into this, I'm just worried about the shape retention of craft foam, and the ability to give it a worn metal look to bring the mask to life.
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I can't seem to find the Help Thread, so I figured I'd ask here.

This bow tie I have for an 11th cosplay has a satin sheen. Is there any method of dyeing or what not that would knock some of that shine down? I'm trying to keep most of my costume looking like it's been worn for a while.
I just want to say I love all of you soooo much

I forget why I know this site exists, but I hope that helps.
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I'm trying to put together a Selene costume (a.k.a. Underworld) for Halloween. So far I have found everything pretty affordable EXCEPT the corset part of the costume. The only option I have found is a $200+ version on Etsy. This is a little outside my comfort zone for a Halloween costume, especially consider it is only one of the many pieces I will need, but do I have any other options???
Unless you make it your self to lower costs (which means a lot of time spent finding materials and actually constructing it, not to mention that it will probably be out of your skill level) I think you would be better off compromising and opting for just a plain black corset, minus the celtic design.
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This board is surprisingly slow for October time right now.
Anyway, I heard from a pal that sharpie on see-through plastic creates a surface that you can see through from inside but not from the outside when used for a mask or something like that. Did anyone try that before? Does it work?
If you want to make it stiff, just glue some floral wiring in the back to force it. If it gets bent, just rebend it or glue on some more wire. Make sure you hotglue a bulb at the ends so they won't poke through.

Note: the thicker the foam, the stronger the wire. However, I won't use anything stronger than a coat hanger.
What happens is that a sharpie would be so streaky and uneven that there are gaps you can see through but, depending on how dim the room is, it'll be difficult for the other person to see to you unless they're really really close.

But since sharpies don't go smoothly over plastic, it'll just look awful. Like...a sharpie colored over plastic. You can hold it up to the light and still see through it.
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I'm working on my Deadpool costume currently. It's almost complete except for the feet portion:

The suit is made of spandex, and to my knowledge, spandex won't do well on concrete without tearing apart. What do you suggest I do for the feet portion of the costume, but keeping it authentic? Or should I just pussy out and get black boots?
You could do black spandex boot covers around shoe/short boot bases.

Thank you very much, >>6291582 here.

Seems rather simple now that I have an idea and measurements. I'm going to do my best to fine-tune the rough sides. I'll stick with the Bottle to keep things simple, too.

This can totally work.
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How could I make a Dali moustache?
I'm on a pretty tight budget this year so I figured going as my fav artist would be a nice, cheap change.
I googled fake moustaches and the like but there seems to be no Dali-ish versions.
So, if you can help me I'd like to know how I could make one and how I could keep it attached to myself.
Thank you /cgl/!
Get some fake hair extensions. Clip to size

Get clear glue. Make sure it dries absolutely clear. Then use it to shape and hold your moustache. Kinda like hair gel.

Alternatively, you can get real hair get/spray/glue for better effect.
Oh, make the moustache before you put it on your face. At the base, use some latex or spirit gum to attach.
if I made a mimic chest costume who would laugh?

need serious responses here
that would be pretty badass if you did it right
My girlfriend wants to do a couple costume this year and I seek your help. She says she doesn't want it to be scary, but more so awesome and I'm willing to put the time in to gather supplies needed. I can't really sew or make it, but I can buy necessary pieces.

Anyway, what's a good costume for a 6' guy and a 5'1" girl? The size different can play a role in costume choice, but doesn't have to.
Make a giant stroller and put your GF in it dressed as a baby.
You could dress like a suspicious guy with a trench coat and always look around when pushing her.
Although that would be hilarious, it'd be troublesome when going to bars
Oh bar hopping.
In that case be the star quarterback and have her be the slut cheerleader. Done.
Why don't you go full black clothing with a hat and go as Heisenberg instead?
Not a bad idea. I was thinking Misty and Ash too. Thanks for the input, gives me an excuse to get a jersey
Unless it is star quarterback Ash and slutty cheerleader Misty then don't even bother.
Ah so this is what trolls are like on this board. Gotcha.

Don't think my girl would be down for slutty outfit anyway.
You asked for a couple costume for going to bars.
There is nothing beyond strong man and sexy girl costumes that work for bars.

Super easy to understand pattern, I'm a novice and mine came out just fine.
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Used the foam method described in a link here to make a knight costume for my dog. Pic related.

Noticed a bunch of places recommend using hot glue, but really contact cement is the only thing that's worthwhile.
Well it's a house party, but bars are always at the end of the night. Bars don't always mean grinding on random bitches, bars =/ clubs
Thank you dear!
Sorry that I'm late but thank you kindly for the answers...Gonna add the YT vid links to my favorites and watch them!

In the meantime, I'm gonna go get my shop on for the supplies!
yes, I know the difference between bars and clubs, and I'm certain I've been to more of both than you. That is why I said slut costume for bars. Unless you go with a group of friends, you and your girlfriend are going to look lame as fuck dressed as Ash and Misty.
But now that you changed it from bar to house party, then your costume idea works. Good luck and use Ash's old hat

Lolwut. What kind of bars do you go to? Sure it's halloween, but not every girl will be dressed as a slut. Also, it's his girlfriend, why should she be dressing to attract other guys?

Anyways, the Ash and Misty are fine. It'll be cute and recognizable that everyone will know who you are.

You could also do some Supers, Supergirl and Superman, or Wonder Girl and Nightwing?

Ohman, just thought of a cute one, Batman and Robin, with either her being a cute Robin or switching it up and making her Batman and you Robin?
Aw, how adorable.
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So, my roommates and I are looking for maid costumes, black/white.
All three of us are male, and trying to find something in time for Halloween.
Something similar to the image/amazon link.


We've checked local stores and online, and we're really not finding anything that will ship in time for Halloween, other than one site from japan:

~$50 is our price range/costume.

What do you guys recommend for shopping locations?

28"/71cm waist
34"/86cm bust
72"/183cm height

30"/76cm waist
34"/86cm bust
72"/183cm height

34"/86cm waist
37"/94cm bust
72"/183cm height
(previous poster here)

Forgot to add that our location is Minnesota, USA.
I want to be Morrigan from Darkstalkers but can't sew.... Is there another way to achieve her bodice? No idea if it'd be possible to just cut a heart into a leotard or bathing suit without ruining the integrity of it? Can anyone offer any help?
Hey miku cosplayers and others, what's a good place to buy pvc/wetlook thigh highs from that's cheap? I bought a pair once from ebay but it was basically a giant shiny sock-like tube. I don't mind if the quality is whatever, as long as it actually fits and is shiny.
dude, post pics! there are never enough demoman cosplays.
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Hey /cgl/, I'm trying to get/make a Jesse from Breaking Bad costume for Halloween, but I cant find the gas mask he uses besides the legit ones which are a couple hundred bucks.. So any suggestions or help?
If you can, find an axeman surplus store. They often times have gas masks for super cheap.
I live in Manhattan, they don't have any near me
i can feel the real lolita's on this board squirming all the way down in Aus (myself included haha) maybe try bodyline.jp their stuff is pretty cheap and they've probabbly got maid outfits or something similar, i dunno about the shipping though.
(same poster again) here try this http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/showAll.asp?type=lolita
If you're trolling, you definitely got me.
They're looking for black and white maid costumes, not lolita dresses. Try this: http://www.bodyline.co.jp/bodyline/showType2.asp?type=cos&subType=Mai
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I'm looking for something to be for halloween, which characters do you think I could pass for, /cgl/? My hair is a little bit longer now, about and inch, and I am able to put it up about an inch and a half.

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What I thought of the moment I saw your pic
I'll check it out in more detail once I'm back from class.

Thanks for the site!
It's like I'm really watching Wishbone
did you try amazon or ebay?
Here again.
Found this:
for $50 with shipping.
Might end up going with that.

Thanks guys!
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Just finished ordering the rest of the accessories for my outfit this year.
Might be a ArmA: PMC/DayZ hybrid but when I'm able to show it at AAC, I'm hoping I can pull off the look.

Though on Halloween, I'm going to see Andrew Jackson Jihad so I might just wear a mask or some shit.
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Demoman outfit is a challenge! I search for tutorials and examples and I get TF2 Blueprints and Crafting recipes only.

Which of the weapons would be easier to create?

I'm thinking the bottom one, since it looks like 2 PVC pipes would serve well as the barrels. The stock part baffles me though- no idea what to do for that. I don't have powertools or ANY tools at all. I have no idea where to start for my material shopping list, either.

I'm thinking Home Depot/Rona/JYSK for PVC Pipes, Sand paper and tools, and maybe Sears/Walmart/Sportchek for Yoga mats to make the Flak Jacket. If all else fails I'm sure I could just buy a black vest and touch it up some in lieu of creating the Flak Jacket by scratch.

Tutorials and step-by-step video's would make it possible though, since I do have about 3 weeks of time. Sorry to keep pestering you folks.
Yeah, all the masks are way to expensive
Are you even looking? What is your budget?
50$ on ebay: hhttp://www.ebay.com/itm/3M-6800-Full-Face-Reusable-Respirator-Emergency-Mask-Gas-Size-Medium-/11096
This one is 41.99$ and free shipping: http://www.ebay.com/itm/3M-6700-Full-Face-Respirator-MASK-NEW-IN-BOX-FREE-FILTERS-/271077170355?pt=L
You can also take this 15$ paintball mask: http://www.ebay.com/itm/JT-Paintball-Mask-/170919967815?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27cb9fbc4
and this 8$ respirator: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Twin-Cartridges-Respirator-Proof-Dust-Paint-Filter-Mask-/221116661489?pt=LH_

Unless you were only looking to spend 10$, in which case here you go: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NIP-SWIMLINE-KIDSS-YOUTH-SIZE-SNORKELING-MASK-94721-AGES-4-NEW-/251164781904
could anyone help me find a decent black suit spiderman costume? im 5'8" 137lbs. usa

like this?
also comes in medium, though i think you might be a small.
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Alrighty, so my boyfriend and I want to go as Tesla and a Tesla coil for Halloween.

We've got our costumes pretty much figured out, except that I need ideas on how I can make a hat/headpiece that resembles the doughnut shaped top portion of the coil. So, any help or advice would be much appreciated. I'm not creative and I have no idea where to begin.
I ordered a corset from Corset Story for my Poison Ivy costume. What's the best way to go about attaching the leaves, gluing or sewing? And if gluing, which glue would be the best?
you can use an aluminum air duct.
its usually used for an tesla coil toroid.
Sewing takes longer, but is more forgiving for posing (I would recommend the double-leaved stems for time's sake) and sewing at joints in an upside-down "v" fashion.
Glue is faster, depends on material. If synthetic fabric, heat warping is possible with hot glue. ("Smelting") If it's a cotton, dotted superglue or hot glue should work, would recommend individual leaves for that, not stemmed, as they fall off more easily.
I'm thinking of going as supes in a suit with the superman shirt under. I've got the glasses and hairdo, and my girlfriend calls me superman so it works. What should she be? She can be lois, but that isn't too fun I don't think.
Sweet Jesus, thank you sir.
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does anyone know of any decent wig stores that could get me a wig in time for halloween? no specific wig really, im just doing a generic 'sexy' costume to go out with my roommates and i dont really want a new wig for the occasion. it can be a bit on the pricier side since i intend to wear it after halloween too.
all i can think of is where i normally get my wigs, prisila and ebay etc but none of them could get to me in time.
I've bought two wigs from HelloCosplay so far and they always get them to me in about 7-10 days.
I'm working on a Riddler costume and I don't know where to buy a suit green enough.

All the ones I can find on eBay are either too dark or like some kind of LMFAO 2tight4me thing...
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Any clever costume suggestions for a fatanon?
Preferably cheap and/or easy to put together.
I was thinking about going as Michael Moore
but (un)fortunately I'm not fat enough.
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This is not the finished piece, this is just the headgear. I'll find something else to go with it in time, but I just have one problem with this. How can I find an easier way to see out of the bandanna? I can see out in this photo, but barely, and it kind of hurts my eyes for more than about 30 seconds of wearing it. I was thinking maybe half of eye shapes at the top of the bandanna where my eyes will be when I wear it.

Maybe I am just a guy making up characters based on weird shit he's bought over the years, but a slightly 'gangsta' guy I knew once told me that if an average street thug or this pulled a knife on him, he'd definitely give his money to the person wearing this. I haven't let go of it ever since. That touched me.
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If you were slghtly muscular as well and were willing to shave your head, you can try Nappa.

If you can grow a good beard, you can go as a dwarf. Maybe Salvador from Bordlands? I don't know.

[spoiler]Gabe Newell[/spoiler]
I got my order in like 4 days and they're nice quality.

>cheap and/or easy to put together

Also, triiips! Praised be the BASED GOD.
Keep the suggestions comin'.
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Dishonored was released in the US yesterday, and I'm loving it. I decided that I would like to try one of the characters for Halloween, and eventually take it to a con or something.

The Outsider (left) wears what appears to be a thick white collared shirt with a brown, possibly leather jacket with metal buckles. It has two distinct rings on its left hand. It wears normal looking blue jeans and black boots with a white line that appears to curve to the heel. It also has entirely black eyes, and dark smudges around both.

(You meet this character pretty early on in the game, but the text may or may not have contained spoilers, so I blurred it as a courtesy.)

I'm going to start looking for the jacket, which I believe will be the hardest thing to find. If anyone has seen anything similar online I would really appreciate getting the link from you. Same goes for the rings, or boots. The jeans shouldn't be too hard to manage.

If anyone's interested I can keep you updated on my progress.
I'm interested! I'm loving this game too. I was thinking about adding it to my to-do costume list. I would really like to see your progress.
dearest /cgl/, big brother /fa/ here

where get leather aviator jacket for a kamikaze costume for <$100. Willing to pay more if it's /fa/ and could be worn as everyday wear.
Fattish guy with beard and long ass hair. Any idea of a character I could be? Video games is preferrable but whatever

I also have a group that'd like to do a thing together
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Alright guys, my New 52 Red Robin isn't going to be done in time for a halloween costume party this Saturday (Waiting on a few pieces I ordered, and don't want to wear an incomplete cosplay)... I want something ridiculous and over the top perhaps. I have 3 days until the party, and I'm quick with sewing and construction, and pretty resourceful so money isn't an issue either. I'd like to keep my natural hair (No wigs or helmets) since I'll be terribly wasted and don't want it in my way.

Nothing that needs ridiculous props I can't sew preferably... I like themed or generic character ideas I can give personal touch to, but I want something that isn't overdone if possible. Something recognizable, or something people will understand without blatantly telling someone who/what I am.

Here's my suggestion sheet info for pics/likes/etc, but chopped off my cosplay part. Some con related info not relevant.

I'd like to use my new 13" black combat boots that I bought for my Red Robin, finding any other footwear this late would be retardedly hard(And boot covers suck shit.)

Thanks guys!
You a Resident Evil fan? You could probably pull a Piers Nivan cosplay together easily enough by going to a few army surplus stores.
Huge fan, yes.Sadly there's no surplus stores in my area, and the gear required to pull off that character would be extremely terrible to be drunk in. I wanted to do a rule 63 Alice but decided I'll do Retribution next year.
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Alright /cgl/, what do I go as for Halloween this year?
what is on your fork
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Hey there /cgl/, thanks for making this thread.
I read the first few posts, and I did as much research as I could before posting, but still wanted to run my ideas by you guys.
Here's the plan: Mumm-Ra! The not-quite-everliving. I want to go for the hunched mummy version like pic related.
I figure the first step is a Mummy costume, which the internet suggests I make out of white cloths, torn sheets, and a hot glue gun.
Next is the possibly expensive bit, the red cape. It seems like a common item in costumes, but do you folks have suggestions regarding purchasing one beyond checking a local costume store?
Lastly, I think I'm going to paint my hands and face blue instead of buying an expensive mask that I'd have to further alter. The only problem would be I wouldn't have those iconic red eyes. Any suggestions how to pull that off?

Thanks to anyone that took the time to read this. I'm mostly looking for feedback for my basic plan, and I'd trust you folks more than anywhere else on the interbutts,
hey, i have some questions about loose socks. I'm going as a zombie school uniform girl for halloween and I'm tempted to get some socks, but the only ones that will arrive in time are 120cms and 90cms.

the 120cm ones are a lot cheaper.

I'm tempted to get them, but I'm worried about them looking too OTT or bunched up. I have relatively short legs so I don't want to go overboard.

Can someone give me the lowdown on what you personally feel the best length for loose socks are?

If you want to do something quick that would look cool
You could just go as some kind of Halloween default
>perhaps buy a cloak and put a jackolantern on your head
>BOOM you're the headless horseman
>get some axes to dual weild and go completely headless (no pumpkin) and you're him from the tim burton Sleepy Hallow movie
well I'd say pick someone in your weight class
>me personally I'm fat, so I'm going The Penguin
>though that's not cheap if you want to wear an actual suit/vest

If you're willing to buy from the party-shops and costume stores (and are a lil bit on the tall side) I'd suggest Leatherface from Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Um...a piece of pancake...and actually I'm eating it with a spoon.
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So, I'm thinking about halloween costumes and right now, the best idea I have is to go as a pokemon trainer. A version of the original one, ie. Red, ie. pic related.

Now, the only real parts of the costume that may end up being difficult are the hat and the vest. I'm not exactly a handy or craftsy person and this is the first time on this board. I've never altered or made clothing.

So, any ideas about how to go about creating these items? Should I just get a red baseball hat and spray paint the white pattern? (is that even a thing you can do to clothes well?) As for the vest, is it best I look for a red vest to alter to have a red collar and lining or should I just make a vest from some red and white material? Are vests easy to make?

I googled a bit and I'm having a hard time finding a tutorial, so I'm sorry if this tries your patience. Appreciate any advice.
Jesus, there's someone asking the exact same thing up top.

Well, that's embarrassing, I'm sorry.
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any idea what this kind of hat is called? other than beanie. also, do airsoft magnums look real enough? i figure the chambers might look silly and might just go with an m9.
They're skull caps. A beanie is actually the little hat with the propeller on the top.
>also, do airsoft magnums look real enough? i figure the chambers might look silly and might just go with an m9.
As for the airsoft guns, I wouldn't know.
thanks, i just kind of thought beanies and skull caps were the same thing.
I guess i was wrong, but is there any name for the design on the hat?
its not hard to just find a black one, but i cant find any that look like that one.
More expensive airsoft guns are commonly replicas of real guns, and often look just like the real thing. Some even have blowback so that when you pull the trigger, the slide functions just like a real gun would. They are typically required to have an orange tip so that law enforcement knows they are not a real weapon. I've seen blowback pistols at Wal-mart for around $70, but you can also try online stores like Evike.com.

If you just want something that looks like the real thing and don't need the slide to function, buy a cheapo plastic one and spray paint it black (but keep the orange tip). Oh, and don't walk around with an actual gun, even an unloaded one, on Halloween. That's just asking for trouble. Shop the orange tip out later, avoid hassle with cops.
Hrm, use the existing purple as like a liner to a blue robe? That could work. Didn't even think to consider that possibility. Thanks!

Suppose I should have added that either male or female costumes work.
well i was mainly asking about how revolvers work, since i dont know how airsoft guns deal with the whole revolving aspect.
i will probably just get a cheap plastic pistol anyways though
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I'm being Mabel Pines for Halloween. I need to know what kind of lights work best when sewing them into a light up sweater, and how hard is it to sew that kind of thing? Google it's really helping me.
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Should I go as Johnny Cage?
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Hi there.
Can someone give me a tutorial for an eyepatch like this?
I ordered one from J-list but they borked my order.
>get gauze pad
>get thin bias tape
>glue together
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I'm thinking about maybe being a silent film actress in grayscale. But I have no clue how to put on makeup to that shade, are there any tutorials or tips?
Look at homestuck tutorials, they're everywhere. You just need to find a lighter shade of paint to use.
And make sure you seal the paint after you're done so you're not getting grey all over everything.
Anybody mind answering a question for me?
I want to make a tunic out of a big t shirt, and I was wondering, If I cut the hem on the bottom to get a different shape, will it compromise the integrity of the shirt?
also where can I find mens tights?
It's, not something I've ever had to buy before.
If you cut the hem to get a different shape, then that's fine, just make sure you hem it back after you're done. If you don't know how to sew, then go get some iron-on hem tape, just make sure you follow the instructions carefully or you'll end up ruining your iron.
Just go get some white leggings in the women's department, they're stretchy and opaque, so they'll probably be fine.
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Anyone have ideas for a Halloween costume with a helmet/mask?

I wish I could make a costume like pic related, but I don't think I can get the right supplies.

I made a mau5head two years ago and really liked the feeling of some sort of headgear while going out. I'm thinking something from a popular movie, video game, or musical artist.

Many thanks in advance =]
bah.. my friends are all scrattered to the four winds and shit again this year... no Halloween party in sight.. Though I do have a con in Nov.. Or maybe find someplace to go Halloween.. I dunno

With my beard the way it is right now.. I'm thinking Laim Neesan movie Ra's Al Ghul (who I based it on) or Dr Orpheus...
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>>6250463 (OP)
Fuck it. I'm kind of drunk and in dire need of some honest. I've never done this sort of thing.

There is a local con happening right now and I'm debating whether or not to go. If I do attend I'd like to go as Tony Stark.

Can I get away with it /cgl/? Be gentle. :/
I'd say go for it, you'd look better than all the 15 year old girls trying to do it with their eyeliner beards at least!
Also you're a cutie, btw.
Oh man the eyeliner thing bugs me. I understand a girl having to do it but when a guy doesn't even bother to grow out the facial hair it irks me to no end.

Also thank you very much for the compliment :) I don't want do a bad cosplay.
>>dat filename
bravo sir
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i need some tips on how to pull off brian fantana from anchorman

i've already got the suit down i just need help finding a proper wig

im thinking about getting a brighter colored wig but im not sure on how to dye synthetic wigs
question, a prescription of 0.00 means it doesn't fuck with your eyes right? It's basically the contacts with the color and no eye corrections?
question, a prescription of 0.00 means it doesn't fuck with your eyes right? It's basically the contacts with the color and no eye corrections?

Also lol, Chee Mei Ling...are these contacts from South Korea or something.
Any good way to seal wonderflex after it's been painted that doesn't involve spraying anything? Long story short, made something with Wonderflex, realized that if I bump into anything too hard the paint will come off, bought some kind of spray-on sealer, but it runs and looks like crap when it dries, so I'd like to find some kind of sealer you can brush on or something, if anyone has anything in mind.
hello fellow /cgl/ers.
can you guys throw some halloween ideas at me? female, thin, 5'6'', and120lb.
i kinda wanna use one of my cosplay wigs...i got a short,bob-styled green wig, a long white/grey wig, a very long (39inches i believe) red wig, and a medium-to-long pink milkshake wig(i cut it so i don't have the exact length)
anything is appreciated!
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I'm planning on dressing up as a pierced nipple for halloween. Any suggestions on how to assemble this/how it should look?

I'm thinking of getting a hat that looks like a baby-bottle top and dressing in fleshy tones. Then constructing two rods (tinfoil + papertowel roll) and putting them on either sides of the nipple (on my head).

But my problems:

How would I attach the piercing-ends to the nipple-top? I don't think glue or sewing would work...
Is there a way I can make this snazzier/better? Perhaps dressing in gradients of flesh tone? I may cover myself in fake tattoos too, but I'm not sure yet.
I'm sorry but all I can imagine seeing is someone dressed loosely as a pierced dick. Dare I ask, why a pierced nipple? If I had to dress up as one, I'd make a round fleshy foam costume that I just slip from under with skin-tone sleeves and pants, and with a pierced nipple plushie in the middle. Throw on some stray "hairs" even.

But to answer your question, I think it would be best to attach a plastic hair band under the nipple hat, which the piercing can be attached to so it's more sturdy than flimsy on the hat. I hope it's not too confusing of a suggestion...
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dear /cgl/,
I need your help!
I know this dress will be a bit difficult to get pulled off right before halloween (it seems like a lot of work if you look at the details closely Q^Q), but I'd love to wear it to a shoot or even a con after Halloween too :3
Actually I have got no problem with sewing the dress itself (have done similar ones before), but I just can't think of a way to make the figures at the bottom... are those embroidered or printed? someone told me that they are already on the fabric...
could you please tell me how I can make them as close to the original as possible?
thanks in advance!
Fabric stencil, maybe.

pls help
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I've ran out of ideas for others, but what does /cgl/ think?



Why do you keep self-posting your vids?
Ok guys, first time in /cgl and fist time cosplayer so please bear with me as I have no idea what I'm doing.

So here's the deal, I'm making a costume of no face from Spirited Away. I have already gone to the fabric store and I picked up 7 5/8th yards of a black stretchy fabric that seems very similar to the fabric used in pre-built store costumes like ghosts except maybe a little less stretchy and a little thicker. I also have the paint for the mask.

What I really need help in is making the mask. I have no idea how to make it. I have been told to get some packaging foam and heat it to mold it into the shape of the mask, but that doesn't seem to be working out for me. Is there any other kind of material I can make the mask out of?

Also, I need help getting or making some black gloves that go to my shoulders. I have little experience sowing things so I'm completely lost.
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Here is our Army of Two costumes. Salem and Rios.

Army of Two: Auschwitz edition
Or you could go the not-as-nice-looking-but-still-serviceable method of painting a piece of cardboard to look like the mask.
If you can't sew or are new to sewing, gloves are probably one of the worst things you could try to make. There's a very, very small margin of error, as they're so tight, and the seam allowances need to be smaller than normal so that your fingers can fit in all the right spots. Check ebay/amazon or other likely sites to find the golves, but you wouldn't want to make them.
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>/mu/tant's first time on /cgl/
>looking for costume ideas
>you are all so nice
Ah shit, I didn't think that I'd look like a pierced dick. I'm dressing up as a pierced nipple for an inside joke (it's just for one day - not for halloween night).

I think I get what you're saying about the hairband. Any suggestions on finding the nipple hat? I can't seem to find one at a nearby costume store so I may have to order.
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I've made a terrible, terrible mistake, you guys.
>looking at platform shoes online
>only sizes available are either 6 or 8
>wears size 6-6.5
>goes for the size 6, obviously
>"oh I'll just stretch them out a bit if they're a bit small"
>get package in mail
>rip that shit open and gleefully unearth new shoes
>try them on
>holy fuck they are painfully tight
>they feel like when I try to wear size 5.5
>try freezing water method to no avail
>try wet newspaper method to no avail
I'm wearing them right now in hopes that they will stretch out, but jfc even sitting down they are making my feet cry. Normally I'd just give up on them, but these are needed for my portal 2 costume: heel-less shoes.

Is there no hope? :/

You could take them to a cobbler and have them stretched. Worked for a friend of mine.

Take them to a shoe repair shop. Lots of malls have one. Or you can look one up nearby.

They will stretch your shoes for you for about $20 or so.
Does anyone possibly have the pepakura file for the bioshock splicer masks? I've been looking around for it and can't find it. The papercraft blog link leads to a dead mediafire page. Or just a good tutorial for a splicer mask would be nice (preferrably bunny, but any would work). I keep finding really shitty tutorials.
Any tips for 1-night hair coloring? I want to cosplay as wesker but the only thing i'm missing is the hair color since my hair is black.
Hair color spray.
And seriously make sure it is sweat resistant, because otherwise it will get everywhere and look really horrible

Is that a legal requirement where you live?

To have the muzzles of realistic looking toy guns or replica firearms painted orange?

Its an internationally recognized demarcation of training or dud fire-arms.
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Thanks for the tip, makes sense.

One thing though, looking at it more closely (pic related), crafting foam will be too round for this armor...it's tight looking and has really concave shapes. Would I need to buy really thick foam and shape that or will I need some sort of putty that I can put on top of the foam and then sand down?

Also what do you guys recommend for painting the foam, I was gonna go for a different texture scheme on the armor...the shiny and smooth look is rather ugly imo...was thinking of using clear glue and adding bits of sand, then spray painting the sand with a onyx black to give it an ablative coating look.
Alright, so I'm looking to throw together a sexy pikachu costume this year. I've been scouring ebay, but I'm finding it hard to find small, curve-necked dresses with plenty of cleavage that are a plain yellow, and I'm absolutely clueless about the different types of tops that I should be searching for if I choose to go with a skirt instead of a dress.

Legwarmers, gloves, ears and tail are obviously easy to take care of (I'm using a pikachu hat from hot topic that I already own), but I'm having a really hard time figuring out what to search for in terms of a good sexy yellow dress or top/skirt combo.

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I'm going to be Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time for Halloween. I have friends who are going to be Marceline, Finn and Jake.

I'm having a ton of trouble with my dress. I'd like to make it myself because it's a relatively easy design, but I have zero experience with sewing and I don't know anyone who would really be able to help me. Unless someone can convince me that I can make a decent dress as a beginner, I'm going to have to buy and alter one. Any ideas? I've been searching ebay and the rest of the internet for hours but I really can't find anything close enough. I don't want to spend much on the dress... under $30 would be ideal. I still have to buy a wig (speaking of that, if anyone has links for good PB wigs that'd be awesome too) and everything, and I'm not looking to spend a fortune on this costume.

Oh, and a side question - should we dress in our characters' standard outfits or should we base our costumes on the 'What Was Missing' episode? I've found a website where I can buy Marceline's rock t-shirt that Bubblegum wears as pajamas, and I could wear that over a pink dress like in the episode. But it would probably be less recognizable.

Thanks in advance!
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Here's the t-shirt I'm referring to

I'm likely going to wear her standard dress, though. The other thing is just an idea.
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I plan on being Raven from teen titans for Halloween in her white outfit.
I know how to make all her accessories but I'm worried about the leotard.
I am not the thinnest girl in the world. I'm not huge but i do have a fair amount of chunk going on.
My main worry is looking gross in the leotard. Do you have any tips on keeping that from happening? I already plan on wearing a smoother under it.
No idea if they made nipple hats, but they probably do if they have gimmicky fake super large boobs.

Try looking for beanie hats, usually if you leave some excess on top, it'll gather just above your head so it'll look like the nipple while the portion worn on your head is the areola. You can sew and adjust the beanie hat to look like a nipple, and just stuff the tip.
Haha, we did Ao2 early years. Before they were buff. :p

Yeah, we risked having them taken off us. I had 3 replica hand guns also, luckily it was a cool police officer that pulled us. He told us to get to where we were going in a taxi, and stay there.

I ordered a pump action from the US but it didnt get past customs. I think now they have to be 50% a bright colour unless you have an airsoft skirmish license.

Either way went down a treat. We had syringes (oral use) loaded with different shots in our vests. People kept asking for pictures and even with the mask on i couldnt help but smile for them haha.
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This Halloween I really want to be wilfred, but I can't afford to spend $100 on the official costume. This is the closest thing I could find http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007FZHE5W/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=39095

but I would need to make a bigger tail, ears and gloves. Or I was thinking I could find material similar to Wilfred's costume and make it with a pattern. Any suggestions?
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>sewing boyfriend an ash ketchum vest for Youmacon coming up
>halfway done
>suddenly realize no idea where my pikachu hoodie is
>can't find it anywhere
>need a new pikachu costume

Would wearing a kigurumi be horribly sloppy? I can't find any other alternatives that would fit me well. It's either too tight or XBOX HUGE KIGURUMI.
kigu as sloppy? well a hoodie doesn't exhibit much more effort than throwing on the kigu...
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I need your help /cgl/!
I'm trying to piece together a Rainicorn costume for holloween,.
So far i have a wig and a matching tail
I also was looking at this dress but would like to find a better one with vertical stripes.
I would make my own but sewing machine is down. Please help! I'm a tall size 14
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Ok /cgl/ a few questions...
1) any idea on design of the body parts? Mostly the main body how should it fit?
2) Aesthetically, should I wrap the pieces in something, then drape the fabric on?
3) Where should I get the creepier fabric?
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I want to make a No Face costume/mask. What materials could I use to make the mask? I want to avoid paper machie/plaster if I can. I was thinking more along the lines of paper or fabric. How do I create the "frame" of the mask and of what material? Low-Moderate skill level.
Generally, how authentic looking are costume bullet proof vests? I need one for something i'm putting together
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all I can say is that I've created a fake bulletproof vest for my robber costume from Payday: The Heist. basically it was made of dark blue fabric with one layer of foam between it to look thicker, then I attached some buckles to it. as far as I can tell it looked quite normal.
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Well, I'm a bit late to the party. But, that's besides the point.

This Halloween, I'm planning to be Silvia from Viewtiful Joe. I know I want to make the helmet out of paper mache, but my big issue is the visor. I'm not sure what material I should use for that. As for the hair on the back of the helmet, I'm thinking I could get some individual packs of wig hair from a beauty store in my area. Anyone have some suggestions?
In this picture I need help getting material to create the visor.

What should I use? I've looked around for black tinted film but come up dry in all the stores i visit? what would work best for this?

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Hello friends,

How would I go about making sleeves on a normal dress shirt puff out like they do in kyary's outfit here in the picture? I'm doing a genderbend kyary for a halloween party in a couple weeks.

My budget is around $50-$60, most of that probably going towards fabric, and probably the pants, and also paint materials for a prop microphone. I can do some basic stitches with sewing but I don't know a lot of tricks more experienced seamsters would probably know. I'm willing to spend a couple days working on it if I can get everything together at once.

Also, I was planning on sewing the pink/darker pink materials right onto a dress shirt I have lying around because it looks like it's one shirt in the music video. Would that be okay?
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you're welcome <3
Black plastic folder or paper divider from an office supplies store, cut to fit.
I've been staring at this for a while and I'm at a loss on how to read this. Am I supposed to sew on the dashed lines or are those where the creases go? If that's the case would it be safe to assume I sew on all of the solid lines?
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Wow, been a while since I posted on this side of the website. It actually looks civil now compared to years ago.

Anyway, trying to put together pic related, and although this isn't really for Halloween, I figured this is the best spot I could find for advice on it. I have a black costume cape that I've had for a few years and I wanted to convert it for use in this, saving funds and all that. I figured with standard red dye the colors would end up matching the dark red necessary anyway, because lol color science or whatever. Problem is, the cape itself is polyester, and apparently most dyes don't like the polyester.

So, is there a way for me to dye my cape to the red that I need without damaging it, or am I just gonna have to bite the bullet and find a new one/make my own?
The picture shows how you would "open up" an existing sleeve pattern to make it poufy in each of the various ways. For the one you want, you'd take the middle piece - cut the existing pattern into bits the way it shows (on the solid lines), and draw yourself a new pattern from the 'expanded' version (the dotted lines). Cut the fabric along that pattern, the big/dottedline one.
>plastic folder
Not the poster you're replying to but holy shit I would have never thought of using those things for cosplay materials. Many thanks! Sage for lack of contribution.
Sup seagulls.

I'm in the market for a character i can easily impersonate in a 'THUR' style. That picture with the shitty Avengers group. Any obvious characters i can make out of cardboard or easily accessable materials?

Failing that i'll just do a cardboard box with GUNDAMM scribbled on it or something.

Or any funny cross-dressing. Male, 90+kg
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Last year I went as Charlie Sheen, it was a huge halloween party at a bar. Celebrities / current events topics are always very well-received at parties. I thrifted some khaki shorts, a bowler top, then wore some loafers with tall socks, and I carried a baggie of baking powder in my pocket the whole time, stopping frequently to "do a line" of the stuff.
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Hi, y'all! I was wondering if you guys could help me out. For Halloween, I thought I'd go as a plague doctor. IT's getting a little bit close to date, but I have most the supplies and a tutorial or two bookmarked, so I'll be okay on that!

My question is: Is there a way to poke breathing holes into the mask without it looking horrible? It'll be made of aluminum foil, paper mache, and duct tape. Thanks a bunch!

A pokin' stick idea would help to, I was going to get a dowel rod and paint it, but I think it'll look bad.
Where the holes in a bird's beak would be...?
Actually I would highly recommend using car window tint found at any automobile accessories store like AutoZone

It works much better than paper dividers and folders. Easier to see out of, harder to see in.
Haven't gotten any feedback on this one yet. Anyone?
imo you should try a cincher, it hides the fat rolls pretty well
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Anyone know where to pick up a simple baby mask like So?
The best kind of halloween costumes are the ones people have to ask you about.
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I decided I want to be Adam West batman.

Can you help
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I'm planning on going as the Summertime Lovin' guy with the song on repeat all night

How likely am I to be punched in the face?
I would dance with you all night.
ah thats what i meant by smoother aha I couldn't remember the right word for it. Thank you!
Glad I checked this thread again. Thanks for your recommendation!
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Heyo, for halloween, my friends and I are gonna dress as the Beatles on Abbey Road. I called dibs on Paul... who is barefoot on the actual album. Any tips on appearing barefoot without actually doing it for a whole day?
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Here's the prototype for my costume. Bear in mind I will be shaving my head/chest, I just want to wait and do it closer to Halloween.

Also, I need to find some kind of cargo pants.
nice work, you made the mask yourself?
Nah, I'm not good with my hands. I just bought one.
I'm looking for a Karkat wig. Any suggestions? I scoped out the stuck on homestuck cosplay tumblr for some advice but I want to know what you think. Also, while they had a couple of suggestions I liked, they all took 30+ days to ship and I dunno if it's possible at this point but I'd like to get it for Halloween. Is it too late for that?

It sucks because my hair is actually the style I want but I'm blonde. Everyone says that I'd probably want a wig anyway.


Anyone know what wig this Karkat is using?

It's perfect.
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Hi, I really need a good costume idea for Halloween. Going to this party and the theme is anything dead. Can anyone help?
Here is a pic of me, if that helps.
Was thinking Marceline from AT but would like something more horror.
Any help would be appreciated
You'd make a pretty good Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas.
I'd 2nd the sally thing

but then again I'm a sick perverted bastard and you're very pretty
perhaps a zombie stripper from the movie Zombie Strippers?

also a bride of Dracula costume should be easy enough for any girl to setup
if you wanted to make this a lil more effortless
Thanks for that. I did have her in mind.
Gonna do it!
Cheers :)
Honestly. Its sounds like they are to small period. If they hurt while you're not standing up then that seems to be the case. If they hurt when you are standing on them, meaning that the foot is flattened out, then the stretching should work.
I am a black male, in his late teens. Can't find anything iconoic to dress up as. Tried to come up with cosplaying ideas but can only come up with buff/big black characters. Any suggestions /cgl/?
No racism is allowed outside of /b/.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
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Oh you

Alrighty so now I'm confused as fuck, pic very related...there's no way in hell I can make something that seamless out of craft foam but it makes for good reference material.

I've got the foam and I'm sure I can heat mold the larger "jutting" pieces like the shoulder pads as shown in the figurine pic but would I don't know how I'll be able to mimic that compression look with just foam.
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Hey seagulls
I just got my first sewing machine and its going pretty well.
I was hoping you could help me pick a fabric for my Heather vest cosplay. It looks kind of like a durable fabric you'd use on like a puffer winter coat, right? But I have no idea what thats called.
Also, do you think I should make the vest really boxy or nice and tailored? This is kind of important to me cause I have a weird shape (long legs short torso) and would like to look decent in it :[
Thank you =)
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This year I have deiced to go as Nikola Tesla, but I have never had to make my costumes before so I have no clue where to start.
I love that idea!
If you don't want to sew I think those items you could find pretty easily on the internet. If I were you though I would get something tailored that looks nice. Then you've got to deal with the hair and the moustache. Whats your haircolor and lenght? Can you grow that stash?
Hairs a dark brown and I'd say medium it comes to an end right above my eyes. And for the stash it's a no, I've never been able to grow facial hair that fast.
Then just grease your hair back and put on a fake stache plus fancy outfit and go
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How do I into a Skylantern for Halloween?
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/cgl/ I need your help, working on a Riddler costume and my suit is too dark for my hat or my hat is too bright for my suit.

not expert costume person here but
get a black suit coat, paint green question marks on it same color as da hat
Has anyone seen this costume in a men's small from a site? http://www.oyacostumes.ca/French-Sailor-Costume-image.jpg
how long would it take to learn how to knit sweaters?

bear in mind that this is for a cosplay long down the road. i already have my halloween one put together.
I think the first option sounds best. It'll be easier if you have a friend to help you but it shouldn't be that difficult to straighten and slick your hair back. I don't really have much experience with hairgel but I'd recommend using hair wax and slicking your hair back with a comb. I imagine it should be similar using wax or gel.
45 bucks
jerry curl megaman.
you could use oil filters as the bombs in the bandolier. bonus get them for your make and model car and have filters for years.
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Needing a tutorial on how to make that hair front flip so that it goes straight up. I'm a girl but I have a boy cut and I'm doing Norman for Halloween so I'm in need of a way to do this with my natural hair (also products I should use, ect.). Any help will be much appreciated!
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Help, /cgl/

Im looking for a really cheap way to go as Snake from MGS1, i only have the bandana so far but im stuck for most other things.

Bear in mind im in the UK so i could order stuff online aslong as its from here.
Oh god. The first thing that came to mind when I saw your question, & this is honest, is "Someone somewhere on the internet has probably done a Jersey Shore hair tutorial"... I'm pretty sure one of the guys on that show has ungodly jelled hair that looks just like Norman's.

Why does this exist??
... For Halloween. & I refuse to accept any other answer.
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Alright, /cg/, I need some help.

My girlfriend's throwing a Halloween party and she's going as Totoro. She wanted me to go as No Face like >>6313428 but I'm not sure if I can pull it off.

I was thinking about going as Bane since I have broad shoulders and it would be easy if I just did the vest.

Any advice on a costume that's Totoro-related or a No face costume would be appreciated.
not sure if someone else might have asked something similar, but i'm looking for /cgl/'s opinion on this

this late in the game (two weeks until "the night"), what would be the best method to make the Elite Knight armor from dark souls?
I was thinking pepakura, but i'm having a very hard time finding a printer or plotter in my town that can print on cardstock in multiple-square-foot segments.

i can use some belts, borrow a friend's sword, and make the tapestry thing from some cheap fabric at hobby lobby and an iron on transfer, that isn't a problem.

also, i don't have any experience making armor, but i've made a few relatively large papercraft things in my time.
I very quickly learned that paprecraft sucks for very small intricate things, but is great for larger things with fewer tight corners.

also considering craft foam, but i'm not sure how i'd lay out the patterns in 2D such that they would smoothly bend into 3d
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and here's an image
what i'm mostly focusing on is the arm armor, helmet, and shin guards. i'm not too concerned about the gauntlet (in fact i might use this template i found on der youtubes)
and just paint some tough posterboard, without even using metal at all
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So, went to the dollar store for my costume this year
found this bear hat
What kind of costume can I make?
My first thought was R34 pedobear
But anything else
you could make a pretty awesome barbarian thing
rule 63*
mayhaps if I can make/find a cheap furry skirt thing and some armor and bear claws
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Hey /cgl/.

I'm trying to figure out something to do for Halloween. I've been Kurt Cobain before, was pretty fun; brought a shotgun and tied a little belt around my arm, yellow striped t-shirt, perfect. This year I can't think of anything.

Someone suggested I go as Alex from A Clockwork Orange, or as Link from The Legend of Zelda. I'm not set on either of those 100%, so I'd like to know if you guys have any better ideas.
I would go with A Clockwork Orange. It's easy to put together, and will take very little effort other than gathering clothing. Link is really overdone and usually looks really bad unless you're an advanced costumer. Plus, A Clockwork Orange is awesome! Make sure you post pics here when you finish the costume
anyone know if Sintra board can be bought in a store or whatever?
this shit is expensive online
I'm really undecided on WHAT to do this halloween, but I have not a large budget so I've sort of just decided on ghost pirate. I don't like how it sort of the point of throwing things together, but I like pirates and really strongly think halloween should be about dressing spooOoOoOoooky.
I can sort of get the pirate part down, ad I'll get a black contact for under my eyepatch and maybe do some kind of injury on my neck.

But does anyone have any tips for "ghostifying" clothes? eg making the clothes I'm gonna wear look all white/grey and ghosty? I want it to look good!
where can i find craft foam on the cheap? its ten bucks for a 9 by 12 sheet at joanne fabrics website
Try amazon.com, I've gotten it pretty cheap there but with shipping... Also Micheal's caries it, not sure how much it is. With a 40% coupon, that should bring the price down. I believe it was less than $15.
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Working on a Halloween costume based on the assassins in Dishonored after I discovered that I already had a close enough coat.
Thinking about buying some dark dish washing gloves, mask will be from an army surplus store, and like everyone else I could tips for making knee high boots. Checked Goodwill but everything had thin heels. Thinking of going to a leather goods store and digging around in the scrap for materials to rig something passable.
Super awesome pic related.
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This is my Willy Wonka cosplay so far.

I just need to jacket and wig. This has been one of the most expensive cosplays I have ever undertaken. I don't think i ever will do anything else this expensive ever again
too fat, not charming, creepy face
>The best kind of halloween costumes are the ones people have to ask you about.
this is what annoying pretentious attention whores actually believe

Haha nice idea though! Didn't think of that.
hahahaha. looks like you ate your fucking chocolate factory, fatty.
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>tfw you've just started on designs for your costume and don't have any idea what materials you're going to use

Yeah, I was busy and now I've gotta rush it...fucking fuck fuck.
Looking for a cheap and easy costume idea I could do in 2 days for some Halloween events coming up, and possibly use it for an Anime expo this weekend.

My thoughts right now are a Ninja, perhaps a red ninja? Though I have no idea where to start, but I do have a sewing machine (With a bit of experience) and some money right now. Besides that, I'm open to ideas.

It doesn't need to be awesome, just something that's decent. Tutorials on how to do said ideas would be appreciated. If it matters, I'm 5'10, 160lbs, and my hair is all buzzed off.
you could be jesse pinkman from breaking bad

but >160lbs
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so guise, my bf is like obssesed with asians (im hlaf blck/white/cherokee) sooo my gf gave me the idea while in a halloween store to dress up like one! so i ordered a really sexy lingerie komono robe type thing from ebay. now i need accessories and stuff! idk what to do though to make my outfit super legit for cheap! i need allll the ideas you can throw at me! everything from outfit to makeup& hair! the colors are bright/goldish yellow and hot/bright pink! anythign will help thanks(;
thats my outfit so far :p
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>I've been Kurt Cobain before, was pretty fun; brought a shotgun and tied a little belt around my arm

at first I was excited that you cosplayed Cobain, then infuriated that you fucked up the costume with those added things.

Cobain is such an iconic musician, that he can be recognized without all of that crap. The shotgun was especially in bad taste.

I will save my Cobain death conspiracy theories for another time though.
look up real geishas
can anyone tell me how best to initially make foam armor?
like, how do you get the shapes for the templates in order to cut the foam?

should i get pieces of paper and make a mockup using those, then transfer to foam?

maybe get a pepakura file as a base? what?
how are you preparing to face the day when you come home and see your bf is going balls deep on and spraying his man juice all over some kinky asian btch?
>thought it was altair
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What do you guys think?
Duno you only posted head band and contacts,
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So I dunno if this has been asked before or if it has been asked here already, but ill give it a whirl

OK, so im thinking to go as super saiyan goku (pic related). Im just going to chop a convict jumper in half for the bottom and find some blue material for the rest. Boots, i guess some navy gum boots?

However, im stumped on what to do for the hair. I figure i need a wig, but how would i go about fashioning it to look super saiyan-ish?
A simple google search brought this video up. Results look to be pretty good. Personally I'd probably go with got2B and a hairdryer.

What would you suggest?
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Alright, I'll put this out there. I have no skill in cosplaying but what to put in some effort this Halloween. Obviously it has to tick boxes like recognisable, generally easy/cheap and something I'd enjoy going as. I'm still researching myself.

I'm thinking like Link, Mario, Ash Ketchum, somebody from Futurama, Larry David, those kind of things. Any suggestions based of my face/body type though?
Hi, /cgl/. I've plumbed the pastebin and have a few good ideas and paths from it (so thanks a ton for that), but I do have some questions and would like whatever helpful advice concerning topic I'm wholly ignorant of.

My friend's throwing a masquerade costume party, so I want to go as the King in Yellow, inspired by R.W. Chambers' collection of the same name. A brief description of the mostly undescribed character is:
- Tattered yellow robe
- Pallid mask, which is frightening to look at, but isn't actually a mask

So I've found some great patterns for a cloak and robe (though I need some tips in making them tattered), but I'm trying to figure out how to do the mask. I want to buy a featureless white mask to wear for the masquerade, but underneath it have my face be pallid and covered with cilia (imagine maggots). How should I make and attach the cilia, and how do I make sure wearing a mask doesn't ruin the rest of my face? I'm thinking of putting the mask on a stick, especially because I don't like masks that are hoods or bound tightly to my head.
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I want to make a Resident Evil 5 Executioner costume
i've encountered 2 problems
problem 1: what can i use for the head? i don't want to cut holes in it that would look rather stupid >.<
problem 2: how can i attach the nails?
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wow so many hivemind! im also going as no face. doing a paper mache type mask which ive already started earlier this month so its really tough and hard by now. its essentially white glue, water and strips of newspaper/brown paper bag. these covered a big balloon, which i popped upon hardening. from the balloon shaped mache, i halved it and combined it. the surface will be smeared with wall putty then sanded as per friend/designer's recommendation. im still not sure about how to attach it to my black drape-y cloth
look for a matte style hair clay or any combination of those words on google to see what brands are available in your area. my country is crazy abundant with this product and the hairstyles here are animeish. it's hard to get remove tho. require so much shampoo and sometimes soap with tons of lather.
Need some tips on simple werewolf makeup please.My boyfriend and I are planning on going as red riding hood and the big bad wolf, but I have no experience whatsoever with anything other than zombie makeup. HALP
I actually went pretty full-on with the authenticity of the clothes and shit, but I brought on the rest of the shit because it was a party. I'm a very big Nirvana fan, know a lot of history beyond the obvious, but it is just for fun.

Sounds good, yeah. I was leaning away from Link due to how silly most non-professional costumes look, too, so Alex it is. Cheers /cgl/!
What about J.C. Denton? All you need are shades and any old long black coat.
>mfw i checked online for Sintra board, and it's like $50 for an 8.5x11 piece

>mfw i called a local sign supply place, and they have any size you want, and a 2 foot by 3 foot piece is $11

ok so
what if i made Soul Edge
but then
used this (the darting eyeball, specifically) on my phone, tucked into the hilt
so it would be soul edge with an actual eye

how baller would this be, on a scale from nigger to "dayum"
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oh and this is soul edge
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Hey everybody, first off wanted to thank this community for offering their expert assistance. I am trying to assemble the design exhibited by bunny dude #1 in this picture. Also on youtube as "fashion monster." Don't care about that instrument, just the whole fadanglesmash. If anyone knows how I could fashion this from materials or know of any resources to get them, I would be very much appreciative. Also I'm living in Shinjuku next year so this will come in handy.

Black, large white polka dot slacks;
Furry, bunny headdress.
Similar jacket (optional) I might do a vest.
Make-up tutorial :\
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Try contacting the lady that runs this website.


She already makes bunny hoods though I'm sure she'd be up for a commission if you require a large, fluffier one. Link below is the list of bunny hoods she already makes.
Okay I just tried to post the link but apparently fucking 4chan thinks it's spam. Anyway, picture related is an example of her stuff.
Just a quick question here: I'm looking to get together some stuff for an Indiana Jones costume but I've run into a bit of a roadblock when it comes to the proper shoes. I'm not entirely sure if Indy wears loafers or some sort of boot, and I can't seem to find any decent pictures with my Google-fu. It doesn't have to be an exact match, but I would certainly like something reasonably close, since I may end up taking this as a convention outfit as well.

TL;DR - Indiana Jones shoe style?
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>Going as frank the bunny
Too unknown or cool?

I did the Riddler a few years back and it was one of my favorite costume I've ever done. For the jacket, I honestly suggest going to the Salvation Army or Goodwill and get a cheap, women's(this is important) dress jacket. Reason being you can find their jackets in much brighter colors, but it also has a more defined hourglass shape to it and shoulder pads, which the Riddler tends to have.

My question, I'm thinking of being the Doctor(Tennant's) for Halloween, but honestly can't decide if that's lame/too overdone.
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Everything except the chainsaw looks pretty simple. Bucket for the helmet, paint, and cardboard or something a little sturdier for the eagle, but I have no clue what to do for the chest armor. Any ideas for that or the costume in general?
chest armor looks like a super simple foam thing, it's not even shaped at all, just curled into a bell shape.
go out and get some craft foam from an arts and craft store like michael's.
just make a simple vest shape out of the stuff, roll it up, hot glue to fasten
the shoulder pads are probably a really basic banana shape, look up templates for armor shoulders

are you seriously going to go as giant nazi man?
>>6325940 thanks
Yeah, if I actually get off my ass and make it. Why not?
I'll probably leave off the bottom shoulder pads for better arm movement.
How do I flaming Nazi chainsaw?
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I was thinking about buying a grey morph suit and cutting out the mouth.

any other tips???
probably just a cheap lighter with the little flame dial set to max, mount it at the end of the chainsaw and take the button assembly out of it/mount it next to the chainsaw's trigger
posting my costume

What does /cgl/ think? I just made a Halloween thread on /co/ to get their opnions
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fuck it would help if I posted the picture right?
Where did you get the suit?
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Here's the second costume I made. The knight costume was actually for my other dog, but I had her model it because she tolerated it better at first. The scuba costume is hers. They're both therapy dogs so they'll be wearing them when we take them to the children's home tomorrow.

The orange boots are actually hiking boots and the orange BC under the tank is a doggie life vest; I already had both prior to making the costume. The scuba tank is an empty butane torch tank that's been repainted. The mask, tank strap and dive gauge are made from eva foam. The mask seems to be a little uncomfortable but it's not meant to be worn like an actual mask except for pictures, how it's worn here is how she'll be wearing it most of the time, which she doesn't seem to mind.

Sorry for the crappy picture quality, my camera broke and I had to use my phone.


Thanks! Hopefully the kids will think so too.


Haha. I wish I would have remembered wishbone, watching it would've given me more costume ideas.
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Here's one with the mask on.
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And the dive gauge.
Your dog is awesome for putting up with this. How does she not shake it all off immediately? Every time I've seen people try to dress up their dogs, the dog totally doesn't tolerate it.
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I'm going to be going to a few events this year as a plague doctor using my same outfit as last year (see pic). I've made a few additions: a few more bottles, better boots, a feathered shoulder guard, etc. But what I REALLY need is a medical arm band. Does anyone have an image for a quick how-to on making arm bands? Or any tips on making them?

much appreciated, stay cool /cgl/
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here's a side view of the original. The shitty skulls and feathers I had on my side were a type of voodoo tribal idea I had but in the end it really ended up being a hassle.

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final picture
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The life vest and the boots she doesn't mind because she's worn them plenty of times already while swimming or hiking. The scuba tank and gauges I don't think she can really feel through the life vest. Since the knight armor is very similar to other doggie vests and made of foam she doesn't mind it either. Believe it or not she actually likes wearing vests, probably because it usually means she's going to get to someplace fun.

She didn't like the helmet at first, but once she realized it wasn't interfering with her she didn't mind it. The mask she doesn't like very much, but only when it's covering her face like in >>6326555 >>6326559. When it's just hanging off her neck like >>6326549 she doesn't mind it.

Pic is of my other dog, the one that will be wearing the knight costume tomorrow.

that's awesome. I wish my pekingese was more social and wanted to have fun like that, but she's got little man's syndrome so badly
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I'll probably be going as a Stalker again, honestly. Might do Borderlands Psycho for my next con, but Stalker is already assembled and ready to throw on in <6 minutes.

Any ideas on how I can improve it? Oh, also, the patches have been sewn on since the taking of this.
get out of here Stalker.
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Just be thankful I look like a stalker;
This was my "Maybe I have what I need already" attempt
get a real gas mask
call around local pawn shops, and ask if they have any old military stuff, you might get lucky
i scored an almost unused iraqi gas mask from like 95' for $20. side mounted canister, looked awesome

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I was thinking a gas mask/goggles combo like the guy in this comic. I'd achieve the look, but not worry about fogging up my eyes too much.

Think I'd be better off with just a half mask over the mouth? Aiming for more of a lower - mid tech Stalker rather than full combat zone vet.
lower face gas masks are not common, check ebay, i think there are some on amazon too, but the costume kind, not a legitimate gas mask
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I'm doing a JC Denton from Deus Ex cosplay.

I am wondering where I'll find this baggy coat and how I can make the vest.

something like http://www.amazon.com/Charades-Matrix-Man-Leather-Costume/dp/B002LUMXQG/ref=pd_sbs_a_5 for the coat? It's not blue enough is the problem.
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you have to get a tube of some sort and fill it with baby blue glowsticks. The DRAGUN TOOF SORD will be a little harder
I'm cosplaying as Lupin III

it was only like 60 bucks. It works pretty well, the mask kind of has a weird expression though doesn't it...
Anyone have experience with latex masks? Got a couple in the mail the other day for a couple costume, but they're slightly flat/saggy as compared to a more robust/well rounded look that I'm hoping to achieve for the costume. Is there a filler of sorts that can be used to help mold it? Hope that makes sense.
Ok i'm making a Zero Suit for halloween and need some help
I've already decided to use a blue spandex jumpsuit because it's easy, but I can't think of how to print the glyphs onto the suit
my first thought was sharpie, but it wouldn't show up bright red on the blue spandex, and i don't have easy access to a sewing machine
GBFans member here, I can definitely vouch for what >>6257858 is suggesting. We've got a great community ready and happy to help.

The leg hose is something you can either order off ebay (and get ripped off by recasters who sell shit products), buy off people at GBFans (the only person currently selling is in Canada, so you probably won't get it in time for Halloween), or going to Lowe's or Home Depot and piecing a decent-looking approximation together out of various parts. I've heard that PVC pipe and door stops work wonderfully together in this aspect.

The belt itself isn't grey, it's khaki. They used old WW2/Vietnam era Army pistol belts in the movies. If you want to dye it to look aged or because you like the idea of it as grey, you can look into Rit dye, or just use a grey spray paint primer in light coats to keep it from getting too stiff.

The nametag can easily be found by looking at eBay. I recommend the user Katarra for her GB1-style nametapes. Her GB2 ones are pretty inaccurate, so be sure to specify you want GB1. She'll customize it however you want, be it with your name or one of the characters from the movies or shows.

One overlooked detail is the elbow pads. I recommend getting white volleyball kneepads and using the grey spray paint primer to color them properly. You can also add a black box on the inside of the elbow joint if you want a little extra movie-accurate detail.

The key fobs they wear can very easily be made with products from your local Michael's or Tandy Leather Factory.

Small details add up quick. They separate the "just threw this together for as little as possible" from the "could've been a stunt double" costumes.
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Hey /cgl/!

I'm am going as feministryangosling.tumblr.com, but I'll be dressed as The Driver.

After searching online, the jackets I saw were authentic replicas and out of my price range, because they would break $200 with shipping. Where could I find something closer to $40, or less?

Here you go, mate.
>"A: Dear Blinkballer, Sorry, we are out of stock & orders for Halloween are closed. Thanks & Regards"
Read it in the Q&A on the item page.

Thanks though BAWHSTON. You're a mate.
How much did it run you?

Looking to frugal on my Driver costume.
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work in progress
Gotta remove the belts from the shoulder piece and attach it to the vest. Then a whole list of other shit.
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I'm trying to make some fantasy style antlers.

Moderately sized and branching without them being too heavy to actually wear.

I saw a tutorial using wire hangers, model magic and acrylic paint. That's kind of the plan now, but I wanted a second opinion if you guys can think of any alternate ways to go about it or things to help make them look really awesome after I actually make the base.
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I've seen them in sex stores.

On the subject of thigh highs, will fashion tape work in keeping them up?
Expanding foam and paper mache. Kamui has a little guide on her blog, I think. You's have to carve the shape on the base once the foam dries but it's very light.
you's? ugh, it's too early.
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Hey, /cgl/, been trying to make a few accessories lately, but I'm a bit lost.

First prop, just a glossy white square for a hat. Something similar to a Naruto headband, only white. Been thinking of getting some white craft foam, sealing it with watered down glue and covering it with a glossy finish, but I was wondering if there's a better method. Maybe even a place where I can find scrap plastic or something in that shape? It's a simple rectangle that curves slightly around the forehead.

Second, making ear pieces. Planning on getting some circular lid, covering it with dark foam. Then I'd put a 2 inch lens in the center and attack some painted drumsticks for the antenna. Really, what I'm wondering is: where do I find some decent convex lens-shaped things that can be painted, how to attach the drumsticks without them bending out of place, and how to keep them on my ears? Thinking of breaking off a thin headband from some old headphones and attaching them to it.

Any suggestions?
File deleted.
I'm guessing you're doing Quote.
White craft foam is fine for the hat, you can seal the shape with glue like you said and get some paint that leaves a shiny finish.

When I made his headphones, I built them from scratch with craft foam, attached the things to a black plastic diadem and used some old motorola cellphone antennas which i got on ebay for like 2 dollars.

I attached the antennas with a combination of strong glue and toothpicks which I kinda stuck into both the antennas and the headphone thingys. Maybe not the best solution, but they held OK.

Pic related how I looked, but I was reaaally short on time so it turned out pretty half-assed and half finished. If you want I can draw to explain the headphone-making better.
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Didn't resize it, my bad.
god you look like a faggot

You're perfect...

>10/10, would drug, tie to bed face down and assault with a the polar star dildo whilst dressed as Curly Brace
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After meandering through ergi, I found etsy which had a lot of options as far as fur and ears.

thewunderkammer customized ears; however the rest of the headpiece is lacking. If anyone knows anything about, or where to find, furry hoodies and how to fluff them wildly instead of the greased look, please help.

There are black tail coat jackets on ebay for $25~
I have a pair of cat ears just like the ones in the pic except they are all white (I bought them at a con).

I was wondering if you have any suggestions for a poorfag (bills kicked my ass this month) of how to compile basic items from my closet and makeup box to be a cat for Halloween? Not going for sexy catgirl and not going for furfag. Just a cute cat costume that the kids coming to my door might appreciate.

Of the top of my head I have:
-black eyeliner
-tan foundation
-a multitude of different lipsticks and lipglosses
-hair ties
-hair clips
-glittery eyeshadows of many colors

Thanks in advance.
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here's the pic, sorry
Me and my friend need costume ideas.

Preferebly matching, from a game/movie whatever.
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I'm doing Gravelord Nito this year.

Does anybody have any advice for increasing your height?

My feet aren't going to be visible underneath the costume, and I wanted to add a foot or two in height to go along with the bulkiness of the skeleton cloak.
Cool, I really hate expressing manliness and general dick waving.
Thanks for the interesting compliment spoons.
stilts are your best bet
get a few second hand classroom skeletons and take them apart, arrange the bones on your costume
use lots of that celephane strip stuff...the kind you put in easter baskets, find some of that in black, or make tons of thin black silk strips and stuck them everywhere

you might need to use a fat suit as the basis, since you need to be wide as well as tall. just make sure none of the fatsuit is visible beneath your big cloak and black streamers and bones
>Cool, I really hate expressing manliness and general dick waving.

wow, you are edgy too
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If this is what you meant, it was a pretty quick amazon search. Seems like it'd work out fine.
Needs Vodka.
Does anyone have a good pictorial on how tto make fake wounds with liquid latex?
I had one a while back that involved layer with shredded toilet paper and stuff, but I accidentally deleted it since last year
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Hello! I'm going to be David Bowie this year. The image is the outfit I chose--I have the leotard finished, but I'm wondering what I should do for the fringe. I was thinking of using a beaded curtain. Do you guys have a better idea?
anyone have resources on scuffing or scarring armor, but without weathering it entirely? specifically painted eva foam armor
i'm looking for the seen some shit look
not the this is going on craigslist look
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any idea where I can find a hood/neck covering type thing? going as a plague doctor, which was talked about a bit in this thread.

So I wanna be the lizard from spiderman (not the one from the new movie, though.)

I got the lab coat and purple jeans, but im just not sure on how to go about making the head and tail.

Any ideas?
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where can I find Misa's stockings from Death Note online? I have the rest of the costume, but the stockings are hard to find for exact, can one of you lovely seagulls help?

>going as Misa.

Wow it's like I'm really in 2006.

If you have that exact costume does the place where you got the sleeves have a similar pattern?

nah fuck you, Misa's a fun character to cosplay as.
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Hi i want to cosplay as this version of the iron fist, my questions are, how can i make these kind of shoes? and what is the best tactic to make some supports for the collar? or it would be enough to just sew some foam to the suit?
seriously, just buy yellow flats.
get a roll of iron wire from home depot or something, you can form it and stick it to the yellow things to make them stick up
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I'm thinking of putting together a Rorschach outfit for halloween. Have I left it too late? My plan is to buy the mask from the Forbidden Planet in town and then scour charity shops for a double breasted trenchcoat, fedora, shoes, etc. What does Rorschach wear under the trenchcoat?

Also I have no idea what I'm going to do on Halloween, so this may come to nothing anyway.
probably not too late, since you're just assembling what is basically an outfit
you might need to make compromises though, other people are scouring goodwill right now for probably similar things

as for under the trenchcoat, probably just a plain shirt, don't forget the puffy scarf thing
I want to make a decent-good Dr Doom costume. I'm not predicting to be done by halloween, but I'd like some advice on how to go about this.
the mask is going to be interesting.
consider looking for patterns online, or get the pattern for an iron man mask and adapt it for DOOOOM
make it out of sintra, since foam will probably not look right
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Hey guys so I'm going to be King Ramses from Courage the Cowardly Dog for Halloween. I have some ideas as to how I'm going to do it, but I'm wondering if there's an easier way, or some easier materials I am unaware of that could be easier/cost way less.

I think I'm going to buy a green bodysuit, cut the head part off, and buy a dark green or brown fabric, cut it and sew it on (Never sewed before either, but it's never to late to learn...)

Lastly, that leaves the head and hair. I guess I would buy a bald cap, and somehow glue the hair to it. I guess I would buy a red clown wig and than cut off the hair and glue it to the bald cap. How would I get any hair material to stick in that form?

no help sorry, but if you pull that costume off i want to have your children

this, take pictures please.
whats the green bodysuit for, aren't only your hands and head exposed?
also maybe if you built the hair around some wire it would hold shape?
Do you think a robe would be better?

And yeah good idea with the wire. All I need to do now is somehow attach it to the bald cap
How do you guys make your masks?
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i would use robes myself, it looks more robe shaped to me than a bodysuit
and don't forget the gauze!
There is nothing unique about that character. You just want an excuse to dress up as a hooker.
Best way to look bald?
Skin cap.
that mask is shit. i have a deadpool suit as well but i've been looking for a mask for a long time because all the ones i find look like absolute shit
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Any tips on making a piece of headwear like this? I have no idea how I'd do it and make it look not lumpy/shitty.

Also, I don't have a shitload of money (20 dollars-ish)
I already have the caution tape
Hi I'm trying to make my own Goku costume and I'm having trouble with the boots. Apparently Uggs look just like them however they're expensive as fuck. I can find look alike's for 15 dollars however not in blue.

Is there anyway I can dye them blue or does anyone know of some cheap slippers/shoes etc that look like his I'm planning on using electrical red tape on them for the lining.
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trying to do Sweet Tooth From Holy Musical B@man...and ive been having a hell of a time finding a decent wig... would spray painting a white wig work? and if yes what would u say this color was, blue, turqoise, blue/grey?
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Will costume cigarettes fit into a cig filter like this? I don't know of a place nearby to buy any and I don't want to order online if they won't fit in there, otherwise I'll just buy a real pack.
What kind of costume ones?
You mean candy ones, or otherwise?
Like this I guess:
I have literally no idea because that listing is so vague you can't even see the package they come in
You'd probably be better off getting a real pack.
Ok, thanks for the input anyway.
Pretty sure under the coat he wears pinstripe suit jacket that matches the pants. That might be tough to get just for Halloween though, as well as a little unnecessary.
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hello /cgl/ i seek help on costume ideas, since im overweight i always build big bulky armor suits and such using the pepakura method i've pulled an Alphonse Elric and made a warmachine suit for a friend but i have no idea on what to do next, someone i know can make metal weapons like swords or axes and such and told me he could make me one as long as i bought the materials (roughly $50-100) but i have no idea on what to do next.

I was thinking of making a Cyan Pile armor and get the sword but im not sure, if anyone has an idea im all ears
question; how did you get the top of al's helm to be so rounded with craft foam? wouldn't it bunch up around the edges?
i used a guide similar to the one posted here
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Okay so it seems that Philip J. Fry hits all the boxed for me. My biggest problem is I have no idea what to do about the hair.

I doubt I can dye my hair because its black and I don't want orange hair or chemicals on my head. So I would need to buy a wig. But I would presumably have to gel the top of the hair, and cut away the rest? Does anybody have any good suggestions of what wig to buy and how to style it?
Never thought I'd like having ginger hair.
pls helps /cgl/

also, used google, didn't find anything except advice for people who have black gums because of medical conditions
try a shot of black food dye, it'll hit everything in your mouth, including gums
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Hey, I need some help making a PRLR/GoGoRed costume. Time is not an issue, but I'm just wondering how to make the suit and helmet, because it is killing me. Pic related.
I'm going as Thanatos this year, but does anyone have any idea as how to make the helmet and coffins and what material is best for it?
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Sorry should've provided a picture as to what I intended to go as
I want to do a facepaint makeup for halloween
I'm all right at drawing, so I think I might be able to pull it off, but I need some inspiration/help

Anyone know of any cool facepaint tutorials out there?
Oh wow. That is above and beyond what I was thinking of. Thank you so much!
More with this level of quality would be greatly appreciated. I'm searching too but all I seem to be coming up with is; "lol smear eyeshadow everywhere!"
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Sup /cgl/, I was hoping to pull off a dopesmoker costume before the end of the week.

I can make the tubes and other props easy, but I have no idea how to start searching for a hooded robe or those leggings. Help would be much appreciated, short time frame but all i need is to be able to quickly order a garb/fabric. Thanks in advance.
holy shit that's awesome
wrestling with myself deciding whether or not i should invest in some decent makeup and get my friend to make my face "hollowfied" underneath my helmet for a true dark souls costume, so that if i ever take my helmet off i can scare the shit out of a few people at least.
or just make them hungry to beef jerky
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Okay so my friend bailed on our partner costume so I'm throwing together a last-minute Mamimi costume from FLCL. I was able to find most of the costume at Goodwill, but I still need a wig.
TL;DR: Are there any last-minute wig shops?? I've scoured amazon for hours and can't find anything on prime that's even remotely similar to the color I need. Should I just dye my hair?? Heeelppp
Have you searched the wig shops in your city? The style is normal enough that you stand a decent chance of finding what you're looking for in a regular people shop.
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I have zero costume making experience, but I want to be The Grimace. halp
Oh boy, you're never getting that suit done in time. Unless you want to do a Grimace gijinka or something. But that seems kind of gay.
As long as the fabric looks similar to this, I won't mind if it's fairly shitty.
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so hey /cgl/, /co/ here and i'm looking to cosplay as this version of Spider-man for next year's NYCC. Problem is I have no idea where to start. I have no experience making things but I want to do this justice. I was thinking for the pants I just get a pair of slim fitting chinos and the shoes are just dress shoes. But I'm less sure about the upper body. I've thought of breaking it up into Gloves/Coat/Mask and if I do that I'd probably get a pair of red Leather gloves. Could anyone help me figure out how to approach the Mask and Coat? I'll be posting a shot of the back, too.
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and now for the back
They do sell red leather jackets(like MJ's Thriller) if I'm not mistaken, just find a local embroidery shop to do the spiderman symbol.

The Mask, buy a shitty regular wool ski mask that fits(not too loosely) and then you could try sealing the fabric with something that makes it hard and then painting with red acrylic over it.
Well that takes care of the front of the jacket, but what about the Blue and Back of it? And I'm a bit worried about a Ski mask looking too cheap. I saw great spidey masks at NYCC that looked like morphsuits with the white where the eyes would be, but I have no idea how they did that.
look up how to spot-dye leather
also you're looking for the head piece of what's called a zentai suit, not really sure how you'd do the eyes though, maybe just concentric pieces of construction (white on black)paper taped to the ere area?
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Hey, thank you for all of your advice on body paint. I was about to post this picture and ask for help but it's completely covered! You saved me from looking like this on Halloween.
Thanks anon you've been a great help. I've got a good year to figure out the mask so I'm sure I'll get it.
honestly you could complete that thing before halloween if you know where to buy all the parts. the only stuff you have to "do" is make the eye pieces, dye the leather, and make the spider symbol out of something like craft foam and glue it onto the jacket
Yeah but I want to take the time to put real effort into it. And finding the right jacket's gonna take a while because it's one of those side button types.
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I want to cosplay as a container of Cup Noodles. What material should I use for the actual noodles?
long, thin strips of fabric perhaps, i forget if cup noodles are flat or round. maybe silk? get a 4 foot strip at michaels or something, and just cut it into 20 or 30 thin strips. Foam would be too springy

you'll need something that flows easily and people can just pick up a big handful off
She has one for a skeletal face as well. You should also check out Petrilude's Halloween tutorials. Misschievous has some good ones as well, but they're not full face paints and focus mainly on eyes.

Depending on what you want to portray, you could probably just google whatever you want and then look for facecharts.
Same guy, pretty much set. Now I'm only wondering where I can find 100mm ear cushions. Or at least find out the material those cheap headphone ear foam things are made of so I can try to make them myself. Don't think craft foam would work, but you never know.

Would rather buy them in person rather than online, too, if anyone can suggest any commonly sold stuff. I really can't figure out where to get that foam, at least in that shape.

Heck anything really, I just don't like the look and feel of floral styrofoam on my ears.
Going as Niko Bellic no idea where to find his jacket. Any help?

Could you post a pic he's like my favourite character :D

If not do you want the jacket in the official art? It looks like a track jacket... But that's not really helpful
Does anyone have any tips for creating patterns for sewing?
I'm good when it comes to having a pattern, but I have searched high and low for anything even moderately resembling Princess Leia's white gown in the first movie, and can find nothing :(
How could I achieve that effect of the white skin chipping off, revealing the red stuff?

I guess I need some really aggressive make up that doesn't go off easily... any advice?
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forgot pic

I would definitively recommend going the cheaper route (using PVA glue) as latex would be too rubbery to get a chipped look. Dry the glue and toilet paper with a hairdryer and then chip away carefully.
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i am so frightened of interfacing this jacket! I've modded a boiler suit because fabric stores nearby did NOT have what I wanted at all, and I've got some firm iron-in stuff, but my general idea was to do the cuffs, collar, shoulders, and zip? does that make sense? how do I interface properly?? i've never winged it before and I'm seriously worried. What shape do I even cut for a shoulder piece?

The worst part is I can't finish the damn thing until I've got this step done! I'm doing the orange stripes in fluoro jacket and it's not heatproof so I have to steam the interfacing in before I can add the stripes. Ugh.

Suggestions? Motivation? I just really didn't want to do a pleather jacket like every other Mike cosplayer but now I'm kinda wishing I had.
are you sure that's how it's done?

the pic to me looks more as if they just applied some thick makeup, let it dry and chipped parts of it off
Hey dude, just tossing out ideas. I've never tried chipped makeup, try both and see if they work! I'm sure if you messed around enough with stuff enough, you'd get it.
I'm going to be Captain America. I'm going to get a blue helmet and paint the A and wings on it, a Cap'n tee shirt, suspenders, jeans, white long underwear and red gloves.

It will be great
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what's the best way to put these glyphs onto spandex?
I've been sick for the past little while with bronchitis and have had no time to work on a costume. I have a party I'm attending on Saturday. Any quick costume ideas for a fat chick? Preferably primarily made of stuff I can pull out of a closet or make rather easily through modding. I can't sew. I'm a terrible person for asking so last minute. I apologize, seagulls.
talent show contestant
just pin a number to your shirt and spend the whole evening showing off
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I'm trying to make a Finn costume for halloween and i cannot decide how to go about making Finn's hat and backpack. my initial idea for the hat was to get a white hoodie, and wear a shirt over it and sew ears onto the hoodie. still outa ideas for the backpack. anyone got any ideas?

>tl;dr how to Finn?
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Hello, I'm wondering if anyone knows where I could buy an Ichigo Kurosaki hollow - form mask and his bankai-form cloak in Europe. I've found lots of cheap masks that are being sold in US and China, but the shipping from there will take more then 9 days, I guess.
I was also thinking of creating the bankai sword out of paper mache, shouldn't be too hard, due to it's easy form.
If you could answer my questions or post any suggestions, I'd be more then welcome. Thank you for reading.
I wouldn't recommend sewing ears on a hoodie, There are plenty of <b> EASY </b> finn hatt patterns out there.

AS for the backpack, there's this one http://www.instructables.com/id/Adventure-Time-Finn-costume-Backpack-functional/

and this one


These are extremely easy patterns that can be done very cheaply.
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Found the jacket at a thrift store for about $8, it cost maybe $3 for the iron-on material for the scorpion.

I got mad lucky with the jacket, but it's a little small and it's not really the same style if you look really closely, but it'll do.
Spray painting a shirt
if no, then give an alternative that looks similar
What the hell should I go as guys?
the same thing as every other person
I'm asian so I'm going to be Captain China.
What should I wear... any ideas?
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I have a few suits of chainmail/scalemail I've made, but I was also thinking of going as either Private Pyle, from Full Metal Jacket, or Officer Farva from Super Troopers. Pic is my newest suit of armor, still need helmet and gloves.
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Kelly Bundy...

I realize people will probably have a hard time placing who I'm going as without an Al Bundy, but could anyone suggest one of Kelly's more iconic outfits or accessories? Pic related. It seems like the one that's most seen by people.
I'm going as Daria for Halloween, and I have everything pretty much sorted, but I was just wondering about the makeup: should I wear a nudey-beige coloured lipstick to match Daria's lips or should I just leave my lips bare?
Hey /cgl/, I need to hire someone to make a costume. This isn't a last minute Halloween situation, but I do need to hire somebody, can anyone point me in the direction of a good costume maker? Or trusted? Thanks!

Are your lips that far off from Daria's? If not, I would say go bare. If they are far off, maybe a matte lipstick, and blot it. Then again, maybe you should wait for other opinions first.
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I'm not sure, they're quite pinkish? Here, have a picture.

Yeah, same person again. I wouldn't use a lipstick. I just looked at a picture of her for reference, and I feel like you don't need to put anything on them. Since you're fair complected like she is, I think the right hair/glasses will be pretty spot on. Making your lips nude might just look odd, unless you're trying to be 100% authentic (or as much as you can be with a cartoon)
Yeah, I'm trying to go as accurate as possible, but like you said, nude lips probably would look weird, because it's probably not going to translate well from cartoon to real life. That's the answer I was leaning towards, I was just looking for a second opinion. So thank you for the help!
I knew a guy who went as no face and just put a balloon on his head and a cloak all around him.

just a thought.

>tfw scrolling all the way up to post your reply
I hope you get a Olympus XA too
Probably late to the party here, but you can always put cardboard on the soles of your feet and then wrap your feet in shipping tape. Unless you have hairy feet or it rains, you should be fine.
it works, actually, pretty well. if you want a clean design on a shirt you can handpaint it with acrylic mixed with fabric medium and that looks hella tidy

buy fabric spray paint and you're all set dude
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Just about complete the ensemble here; just missing a crucial part: bunny nose. I've searched high and low, but everything bunny nose I found has a pair of buck teeth with them and too large. Is there a way to mimic this with makeup?
looks like a little mound of makeup-stuff enveloping the nose area
maybe look up face sculpting on youtube?
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Is there a way for me to size down a long purple jacket that i bought at a thrift store that's too big, yet the perfect shape and price for my Purple Rain costume? I'm going to mod it with studs on the shoulders
Can post photos if needed. It's a thin sort of slick material, but wanted to know if any of you fine people have experience with making long coats smaller ^_^;;
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Depends on the style of mask I guess. Traditionally those long grooves you see in the sides of the beak in Venetian-style plague masks would have been cut open, which is how they made sure the air being breathed in while wearing the mask would be 'purified' using the herbs stuffed into the beak. Depending on what you're making the mask out of that could be an option, and you could even stuff some spices and things in there if you were feeling particularly adventurous/anal-retentive about history.

The poking stick is really simple, I just got a dowel from Home Depot and whittled it with a thick-blade craft knife to shape it into a slight taper and give it a more rustic look, then I wound some coarse thread around it and sealed it with a glue gun to make the handle, eventually I'll run a lighter over the thread to burn off the excess stuff sticking out. No need for paint or varnish.
I'm using a black balaclava and a black hooded robe over that. Might add another open robe on top of that too but I haven't decided yet
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so on my deadpool costume, the crotch area is really..... snug....... as in: you can completely see my dick and balls. any tips to fix that? would wearing a cup work or would it look ridiculous? i've never worn one
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Try looking into dancer belts first. It will look nicer overall. If you can't find one though, a cup should work.

I only have a little bit of experience with spandex, primarily from my own trial and error, but for my own costume I had to hand-paint on all of my symbols using a mixture of acrylic and fabric medium to make it stretchy. It's hard and painstaking, particularly since you can't get it ANYWHERE else, but if you try to iron on you will end up with a royal mess and your design will stretch way out of proportion. Also it's best to paint while the spandex is stretched, or else you'll end up with the same problem. My paint has held up fine through conventions and looks great photographed, if you're worried about such things.
Helloo, I'm dressing up as Dave Grohl for Halloween and was wondering if there were some cheap easy alternatives to binders?
What would be the most efficient way to bind from objects at a drugstore or at home?

What size is your chest? Generally bigger chests have a harder time getting away with the ACE Bandage/double sports bra method than smaller ones.
oi, its a c-cup. Hopefully that's relatively small :o
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what does it take to get a damn response on the replica prop forums?
my thread has like 265 views but not one answer to my question. and you cant self bump more than once every 24 hours

What was you question? It may be a question that few know the answer to. Also, which section did you post it to?
Should I risk wearing a good wig to a party?
I probably won't be drinking, but I'm scared to risk the off chance of vomit in a pastel pink wig.
it was this
in the replica movie costumes forum, which also covers video game stuff so it seemed like the right place to post it
perhaps taking it to an alteration shop?
maybe ask a local drycleaners for shrinking clothes tips? I mean they would know what makes what material shrink
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>>6250463 (OP)

How cliche would going as The Driver be?

Just need the jacket.

can you guys please listen to this?

Sound like a weak effeminate male.
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So I'm planning on going as Finn for Halloween and I already have blue jean shorts and a blue shirt so I'm going to be making Finn's hat, backpack and sword from scratch and I would appreciate your guy's help.
I'm going to be using this tutorial for the hat:
I'm wondering how I would print out this template http://archives.frederatorblogs.com/adventure_time/files/2010/03/finn-hat.pdf used in the video cause I only have a normal printer that prints on standard size paper.
Also I'm not sure if I should use this backpack tutorial:
or this one
For the sword I want to make the demon sword (as seen in pic) since Finn will be a popular halloween costume and most people will use the golden sword http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120912043521/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/f/f6/Fu.png and I wanna have my costume stand out in some way. I couldn't find any good tutorials on making the Demon sword online and If anyone knows any good ones I would appreciate it.
I found this tutorial on making the golden sword that I could use as a last resort but I would preferably go with the Demon sword or something else, maybe even the multi-dimenshional sword http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110411103060/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/a/a3/4dmnss
word.jpg but that may be difficult.
If you guys have any other tips or experience making this costume or alternatives tutorials or ways on how to make the costume a little different since so many people are going to be going as finn (robot arm finn, giant hero finn etc (budget is like 30 bucks max but keep in mind that I already have a lot of the materials needed.) etc that you would like to share I'm all http://i.imgur.com/PE3pR.jpg?9606

He doesn't have wear jean shorts, he wear plain blue pants.

And any of those tutorials would work fine. The video tutorial you have for the sword could easily be adjusted to make this sword. It's a very simply concept. Or, you could use the pink insulation foam method.

Really, it's not that hard.
I'm putting together an Ace Ventura costume for Halloween and the hardest thing to find is the red and black striped pants he wears. Are there any around the internet?
Okay, so it's really late going and I need a costume. I can't get anything from the internet and I've moved countries so don't have any of my usual clothes from years past. What can I do that's relatively easy to pick up the components for from a capital city?
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I'm going to be alice from the american mcgee games. I want to order a wig from cosplay.com's site (cosworx) since actual partycity wigs are shit. Will the cosworx wig get here before halloween? I'm in the USA.

If it doesn't can anyone recommend some good temporary hair dye, that wont stain clothes or come out if it happens to rain? Thanks
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Got this football helmet as a base for a costume helmet. Took off all the extra crap and now need to cut pieces out of it. Normally I'd use my dremel but it's 3000 miles away and I'd prefer not to have to buy one. What are some common tools I could use to cut through the plastic while leaving a decently clean edge?
One of those mini-hacksaws?
Go to pawn shop. Buy real ones?
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Ooh, I didn't consider shrinking it... the tag says it's 100% nylon though so i think that's a no go.
here is a crappy phone pic, it's a lot bigger around on me than it looks here, most of it is behind me. I was considering just bringing the seams on the sides in. I'm not a seamstress by any stretch and don't want it to look like crap!
me again, I did find a shop nearby that does alterations so i'm gonna pop by tomorrow and see if it doesn't cost me an arm and a leg and/or they can do it. Thanks for the tips
...would I be better off buying some sort of one piece thing and painting it? I sorta made the armor out of craft foam already and my military harness and straps came in...it was much easier than I thought to make the vietnam era STABO harness snake wears over the armor but here's my question:

I have the armor divided in pieces, I made shoulder pads, knee pads, shin guards and forearm guards and I'm currently dividing the chest piece and back piece in half for mobility purposes....but how do I wear it? Would I have to glue it on to black fabric or strap it on myself? I don't quite have figured out how I'm going to apply the armor pieces to myself.
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I just went to a disney villain party as a hyena.
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Are there any tapes/paints that I can apply to spandex and that will stay there well, but still let me remove them?
This is just awful.
> we are not /b/ or /a/ or even /v/.

/v/ is faster than /a/
Idiot that's new to spray painting here. I have some wooden stuff I want to paint, like beads and discs. Got some Krylon gloss spray paint, but how should I go about it? Does mixing glue with water act as a good primer for wood too? Should I just ignore the primer and just add a few coats of spray paint until it's the color I want, since I'm only going to use it for like a day anyway? I don't really understand 'primers' much.
I wouldn't do glue and water thing on wood. Save yourself the time and invest in a primer, which will cover wood grains and provide a better surface for the paint to stick to. I've learned from my lesson of skipping the primer and I regret it: wood grains everywhere, no matter how many coats of paint and sanding. Just prime it first, sand it, optional second prime coat before painting.

And wait between coats so they dry fully. You'll create paint puddles if you just keep spraying and spraying, or not give the coat time to dry.
is there anywhere you can just buy this hoodie?
besides etsy?
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hey all you undecided guys out there
I know this is kinda last minute (being only one week before halloween) but I have a request for someone to do a costume that I will reward you with $10 if you do it
>I'd do it myself but I already have my costume together and spent all my money on that

since the comedy central show MashUp has been coming on for the past few weeks I have just been IN LOVE with the TV head people
and if I hadn't already put my costume together I would do it in a heartbeat
so instead I come to maybe one of you out there who think they can pull this off in time

if you do pull the costume off, take a picture of youself (with timestamp) and I will reward you with $10
>I can't actually send you $10, but just show me your amazon wishlist and I'll get for you something from it that's $10 from it

>picture and youtube link for reference
>probably cheap to make if you know already own a suit or paintball gun and know where to get an old tv and rabbitears
>get old tv
>remove guts + screen
>put tablet (yours or a friend's) into the screen area, put some black tape around it incase the tablet screen is smaller than the tv screen
>get a friend to make a video loop of that face with it occasionally blinking
>start video, go to party
>bump into shit cuz you can't see anything
Going as Max from where the wild things are - being lazy and ordering a costume
is mehron's fantasy fx liquid face paint a good one for full face makeup?

any advice for it or is it just the same as any other liquid face paint?
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Looking for costume suggestions, preferabley cheap. I was thinking maybe Alex from Clockwork Orange, or something based around a suit (maybe just an ad man). Or I may just trap up.
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I was considering going as the joker, but I don't know if that's overdone/old. I actually have some decent costume ideas but this is one of the few ideas that my stupid friends will actually understand. I already have this cheap purple dress and I would wear a green button up shirt underneath with green or purple ripped tights and of course i'd do the makeup. But then again I don't want to be one of those girls who do a slutty/girly version of a costume and looks like an idiot so idk.

Any more suggestions? I'm a redhead, slim and would preferably like a costume relating to a good film.
You totally look like Sam from Moonrise Kingdom (it's probably just the glasses though).
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hey guys

I'm going to a halloween party and I'm planning to do Walter Sobchak, I've got most of it sorted but I just can't for the life of me find a suitable pair of glasses.

Sadly I've kind of left it too late to ship some from America or China, since there's a bunch of online sellers with them, but as a disorganized Ausfag, I need to find somewhere I can get them at retail here.

I went all over my local area trying every Glasses Store, Department Store, Chemist, and even some other Specialty shops, and just nobody seems to carry those sorts of glare reducing yellow lenses, let alone in the right style that I'm looking for.

I even tried a gun range, and they have stuff with the yellow lenses but it's more sport shooting stuff, closer to safety glasses than anything.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to where I might look to dig up a pair of these, if it's Australia specific that would be great too.
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Ohai /cgl/

new here, but my google-fu is strong, so dont feel like you have to dumb down what youre telling me, I just need some advice. I want to do a haloween costume for the comedian from watchmen, doesnt have to be terribly flash, but I was wondering what the best way to go about it would be, just need some pointers in the right direction
many thanks
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If you DON'T go as clark kent I will all respect for you and punch you

>since you look to be early 20s you'd best using clark kent from a story where he is younger as a reference
>like Superman Earth 1
I was gonna say "maybe gun shop" but then I completely read the post

I'd say dig a lil deeper into the budget to maybe get the speedy shipping from amazon?
>idk the shipping situation for non-americans so not sure if this is even an option
>that crushing feel when Halloween isnt celebrated in your country
Sup /cgl/, I'm looking for ideas for a Halloween costume, It would be great if I could post some details and you could suggest some ideas.
>between ottermode and built
>short hair
>decent looking
>need to be let into a nightclub
>need to be able to dance
>can't get too hot because of MDMA
>ideally something easy to make/ready made and just needs a few adjustments
>something cool that can show off my muscles/jawline (not shirtless though)
>between £20-£35
>not bane
Thanks guys
Go as a Spartan from 300, OR, any character from the Spartacus series, look it up.

If it's halloween you'll probably get let into the club in costume.
Okay guys...I need some help. I didn't want to have to come here because you bros are busy as shit, but it is what it is.

My girlfriend tells me TODAY that we're going to a halloween party SATURDAY, costume mandatory. I don't have a lot to spend - my budget is 100 American, 150 TOPS. I'm a pale blond white guy, 5'7'' 270 lbs.

If I had more time, I'd throw together some cheapass kamen rider shit or something, but with essentially two days to work, I have NO CLUE what to do, especially with limited funds and zero experience with this kind of thing.

I don't want to look TOO fucking shitty, but I'd rather look kinda thrown together than like I just bought something premade at a halloween store.

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Hello seagulls,

I'm going to be switching between Captain America (Bucky rescue suit) and Selina Kyle (masquerade version) this Halloween weekend/ for Halloween events.

I've got the costumes down but I need a little advice on poses? I don't think my costumes are on par with the stuff i've seen you guys make but just on the off chance someone wants a photo.. or even just photos with my group.

>tl;dr Need help with poses!
Quick question:

What is the kind of paint used to paint simple clothe fabrics called?

Got a plain blue t-shirt and just wanna pick up something cheap to paint a design on it
uh, fabric paint?
call your local michaels or hobby lobby, ask for the cloth department, ask them what's best to paint cloth with
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>5'7 270 lbs
>being morbidly obese
>any year

I was prepared to do so when looking at their site but then it turned out that there's no proper australian site and the overnight shipping they were offering was for america only.
I was 280 a year ago.

I fucked up, sue me.
hmm .... I know this is possibly the worst idea ever but .... getting normal clear glasses with that frame and using an orange highlighting pen???
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If you were to make a cosplay recommendation to this girl (pic related), what would it be?
>Lost 10lbs in a year
/fit/ here, that's pathetic.
thank you for your input
(not that poster)
what is the best way to paint on spandex, or is there a much better way (that is reasonable simple) to put a design onto spandex?

>The Supreme Court will soon hear a case that will affect whether you can sell your iPad -- or almost anything else -- without needing to get permission from a dozen "copyright holders." Here are some things you might have recently done that will be rendered illegal if the Supreme Court upholds the lower court decision:

>1. Sold your first-generation iPad on Craigslist to a willing buyer, even if you bought the iPad lawfully at the Apple Store.

>2. Sold your dad's used Omega watch on eBay to buy him a fancier (used or new) Rolex at a local jewelry store.

>3. (cgl example) sale of used Lolita clothes or copyrighted costumes/character designs
that is indeed disturbing, but NOBODY is going to enforce it if it passes, and it'll be repealed very fast as soon as it enters the public eye
i hope you're right, but at least one person will probably be arrested before people realize what bullshit it is
what will happen is
>it gets stealthily passed
>nobody notices
>a few people get arrested
>it gets splattered all over every fucking blog ever
>the backlash is even worse than SOPA
>basically every congressman ever has to come out and appeal they thing if they want to be elected ever again
>shit gets horribly fucked
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I am someone from /fit/ who has never made my own costume before and now I have been left with the task of making one of a phoenix. I have no idea where to begin and the internet appears to be failing me. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

>pic related
>I'm a guy btw
Thanks for adding that you're from /fit/, that really helped me get your costume together for you.
pretty sure that's code-word for "don't worry guys, I'm not a morbidly obese land whale and I can fit into most of your costume recommendations." no need to get upset.
Peace Walker Snake still here, a friend asked me why I don't just wear a leather jacket or something and strap the armor on top of it...at first it sounded like a terrible idea but I might actually be able to make alterations to a black jacket and strap the armor pieces on it. What do you seaguls think?
>lost 10 lbs in a year
/b/ here, that's pathetic even for me. Especially at that weight.
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So I recently decided to cosplay Marceline and I have everything ready for it except the wig. Does anyone know of a good quality, QUICK wigshop that I can order from and I can receive the wig in time for Halloween?
You're going to have to go local for it. No one ships that fast these days unless you want t pay out the nose.

My suggestion to you is to go to a beauty supply store (NOT one of the many fly by night costume shops, get the LONGEST wig they have and then buy as many packs of extensions you can buy. Weft em, sew or glue em in and be done with it. Though, if this is SPECIALLY a Halloween costume that you will never wear again, then any shop that has a 'godiva' wig will be just fine
If you're in the States, Epic Cosplay has a campaign that can get it to you by Halloween.
Not so pathetic when you're taking two separate drugs that make you gain weight.

Thanks for the tip, though.
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Hey /cgl/,

In this entire huge thread, I haven't seen a question about costuming as a black & white comic character [eg. Eve here.]

I'm planning on white spandex, white clothing etc. with facial features and some shadow spots (under breasts, just under chin, knees) I can sew black fabric or use black paints being no problem to mimic.

But I'm stumped for the ink outline of my actual body because of course - the black lines only make sense from one angle and no sense at all the moment I move or change direction. Are there any work-arounds? Some sort of cosmetic that, idk, reflects light hitting it directly but absorbs it a lot at sharp angles to help at least suggest the ink outline? What do? /cgl/? WHAT DO ~.~
/fit/ here, need some ideas pls

>5ft 10 (king of manlets ;_:)
>just a bit over ottermode
>dark Hungarian skin, brown eyes, short brown hair
>wide shoulders, longish arms
>banes/leonidas' need not apply
well she's obviously okay with showing off to the public
so any slutty version of any character

Just buy the dvd that comes with the hat. I found it at FYE. Hat acquired. I also saw Finn's hat on sale there as well.
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I'm 21 - too old to trick or treat, but since I haven't done anything for Halloween in quite some years (haven't dressed up since before I transitioned to female, unless you count wearing hospital robes two years in a row . . . as an inpatient in the hospital), I feel like doing a costume of some sort.

I have 2 ideas for myself for Halloween. One is Carrie - pink prom dress, flower on my breast, and covered in fake blood, simple, but messy, I'd be trodding blood all over, so I'd have to stay outside my apartment lest it become a sticky haven of fuck, but it would also be kind of inconvenient to wear. Though I think it would be awesome.

2. Pinkamena Diane Pie, particuarly inspired by Cupcakes - pink top with her cutie mark on it, med-length pink skirt short grey skirt (probably the latter), pink fishnet leggings, combat boots (just because I haven't got any pink shoes laying around), blood all over my hands, scalpel, rock hammer (for breaking ribs) and a butcher knife or cleaver in my belt or something (string of a bloody apron, maybe?), and straight hair either dyed pink or with multiple pink extensions (I've got too much hair to cover it up and wear a wig, not sure if I should dye it, but pink extensions would be enough to give people an idea.

Or maybe Punkie Pie? I'm blind in one eye, and it's got multiple scars on/around it and the lid, so maybe I could dress those scars up with some crusty fake blood, and pretty much the same as the aforementioned outfit, minus weapons and apron and keeping combat boots with fishnets

the question remains - a punk version (even steampunk goggles or something, for shits?), or a serial killer version?

Anybody got any feedback on what idea they think sounds more interesting?
Maybe I'll be the girl pictured in my pic related tattoo

Lawrence of Arabia?


What budget? What are you interested in?
If you douse the Carie outfit in faux blood and let it dry for a day you can wear it out. Use hair spray to keep "wet" and glossy.

For punk versions, just use safety pins, tear and burn the clothing, put light vomit stains, make-up stains and patches.
Also congrats on the transition, I'm a transwoman myself
Thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind. I think I will go for Punkie Pie, cos I haven't got the weapons, but I've already got the pink top w/ cutie mark, pink fishnets, and a pair of combat boots that have kicked a lot of ass. The only things I need are some fake blood (corn syrup, food coluring, bit of flour to make it crusty), and a couple more pink extensions.
Nice to see another transwoman around these parts. hope your transition goes well/continues smoothly/gets better (pick one applicable response).
>I'm 21 - too old to trick or treat
get a group of like 4 or 5 friends, get either somewhat tipsy or high, and just go for it. it's SUPER fucking fun
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My Link costume is coming tomorrow! Finally! SO I decided to practice my make-up.. is it too feminine? I am naturally a guy, but am pretty feminine/trappy, sooo.. I was thinking of being like a fem-ish Link.
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>I am naturally a guy

Jesus if thats true, then come over here.
Yeah, and we all turn your asses away from our door, because past thirteen, it just becomes freeloading and obnoxious.
that's fine, i'm certain your neighbors are not quite as tight assed about a holiday where you dress up as stuff and ask for candy from random people
Aizen from Bleach....
>>tfw scrolling all the way up to post your reply
Try "ctrl+home" or "Fn+home"
instant top of page, substitute "end" for instant bottom of page
No, really, it's still pathetic. Normal person can lose 2-3 pounds a week, no matter what meds you're on, 10lbs a year is just fucking lazy.
is it toon link? If so, it works
What's the best way to darken/dye facial hair? I'm dressing up as Tony Stark, but my beard is more medium brown.
just use a shitty temporary spray in dye that they sell in drug stores around halloween.

or you could get a demi-permanent dye from sally beauty supply
hey guys, put together a shitty last minute costume, but I need my hoodie like two shaders lighter (so it's a white-grey as opposed to the dark-grey it is now) what can I do? bleach it?
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Trying to throw together a quick Red costume. Anyone know where I can buy one of those red and white trucker hats and buy/ put together his red/white vest thing? The rest of it is pretty easy. Thanks
Also, preferably not online since I dont believe I can get it to ship on time
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Not sure if anyone got back to you, but I suggest trying one of the characters from the American anime Boondocks. Specifically Huey Freeman or Stinkmeaner; or Uncle Ruckus (no relation) if your friends get the satire and you feel willing to commit. Season 1 for best idea of personalities. There's also Afro Samurai - and the Boondocks homage to it. Pic related.
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Testing some eye makeup for my Lollipop Chainsaw costume, should I keep it more "natural-esque" looking or go heavier a la Nigiri? Also any tips for dark circles (concealer seems to do nothing for me in covering them up) and anyone know good ways other than ratting to make my hair look fuller (its crazy thin and I cant afford a wig before Halloween)?
Your makeup looks pretty good already (please don't go full jnig on us) but you need to punch it up a bit more. Try more contoured brown eyeshadow (and more of it), more blush, brown eyeliner on your lower lash line, fake lashes, and more mascara. Make sure to use a really shiny lip gloss too; if you can't find a good color, use lipstick and clear gloss.

Try putting in some super cheap wefts that match your hair pretty well in the center of your ponytails and then putting your real hair over, or use those hair donut things right under your scrunchies!
You know, you're going to need to post pics of you in costume with your makeup done.
Quick opinion: Halloween party tomorrow night, going as Lola Bunny. Will iron on rib knit/wife beater tank work okay or should I look for a regular knit tank?
regular knit

also, anyone got advice on painting on spandex?
I want to add some white details to a morphsuit, but I don't want to destroy the suit in the process. Is there any tape/paint I can use for this?
I want to dress up as Dave Strider from homeshit. I have everything, but in order to finish my cosplay I need a wig.

only problem is, i have slightly tan skin. and i'm wondering whether or not to invest money on a platinum wig. will I look like shit if I try it, /cgl/?
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Made this in a couple of hours. I honestly just had this shit lying around. Only had to take apart a couple of pelts. I know my hair ain't long enough for viking standards, but how can I make this more viking like? Also, any tips for hair, or face paint?
you'd actually make a fantastic robb stark
seriously consider getting a bolt of cheap cloth and a pattern for a cloak, crown the cloak with the pelt, boom.
How tan are we talking
mexican tan
What colors should I use for a zombie make-up.
I have tan skin and I think white may look too weird.
rot colors
Hey guys! 2 quick questions.

I'm being Walter White for Halloween and I already have pretty much everything I need for this simple costume.

1. Is there some relatively cheap way to make my skin look older? Like add some wrinkles or something?

2. I can grow a nice goatee, but my mustache is a bit lacking. I've been growing it out for a while so there's enough hair there, it's just a lighter color than my goatee. In the past I've used mascara or eyeliner for costumes to buff it out a bit, but I was wondering if there was a better way to do this.

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Agree with the Robb Stark, your hair would be perfect for that and you already have armor and fur.

Yeah, I was thinking Alladin, although i think I'm more on the light olive spectrum then really middle eastern dark.

Not to sound shitty, but budget is a non-issue, was also thinking psycho from borderlands but I have no fucking idea how to make or where to find the mask.
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yes sir/miss! <3
People are going to assume you're Robb anyway, might as well roll with it.
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>tfw fetish for pigtails
Hey guys,

I'm going as a waitress from True Blood (don't look like anyone from the show in particular) so I got my outfit all set and I was thinking of adding bite marks to my neck.

Anyone experienced with stage makeup and the like have any tips? Much appreciated.
Im making a Rorschach outfit (already made a post earlier). Any thoughts on either of these as the coat?


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I'm going to tack on to this post because I'm looking for advice on something similar- specifically the shoulder plate. I have all the craft foam armor tutorials but i'm not sure how to get that nice, bowlish shape using a flat piece of craft foam.... I'm not that good spatially. Any tips/suggestions for an alternative? Also where would be a good place to look for a gear harness like that? I don't think I have the time to order online anymore.
It is possible, but you need to hide the seams of the pieces that make up the rounder shapes.


This will give you the basics. You're not doing a helmet, of course, but the basic concept is the same. Use an indirect heating method (hairdryer/paint stripper/heat gun/ stove top/ etc) and press it against something round and smooth to help the shape. If your foam is too thick, you can 'force' it by lining it with some floral wire.

Ah, thank you! Do you think I could coat the whole thing with something to hide the seams? would laytex paint or something like that do it or would i want an undercoat and then go for the color that I actually need?
Depending on the foam, you'll have to either smooth it over with very little bondo or you can try the tape method if you're using hotglue.


Check to make sure your tape can tear off cleanly on the foam you're using.
Oh! And for foam if you're planning on painting it, you'll have to cover it with some kind of primer so the paint can adhere better. There should be some different methods in this thread (just crt +f for foam and go down the searches).
would PVA glue seal + two coats of plasti-dip + plastic primer + paint + glosscoat hide most of the seams of two foam pieces not entirely touching? or would i need to do hot glue seams to fill all those gaps, and then all the other layers on top of that
>two foam pieces not entirely touching

I'm not sure I follow. Do you have an example? Most gaps can be prevented by clean cuts, good patterns, or angled cuts for corners. If you have a large gap, then you need to fill it and sand/smooth it to an even surface to hide it. No matter how many coats of anything you put on it, you need to fill the gap beforehand.

Hot glue is not a good filler for gaps because it melts the foam and hardens the area around it. Unless it's a raised edges, it won't be 'seamless' no matter how much you try.

The reason the 'tape' method works is because the two pieces of foam are attached so that there was no gaps. The hot glue helps form the foam into the shape, but is squeezed towards the inner side of the armor. The tape on the outside prevents leakage.
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well, i would have used the tape method of i was aware of it, but the piece is already assembled so that's out the window, and i couldn't find a good way to cut nice 45 degree angles into the foam pieces (many of them are curved and somewhat thin) without horribly mangling the edge

here's a crappy image of the seams, my phone's autofocus is complete shit
God damn you're fucking cute. I keep on coming back to this thread to look at your two pics.

I'm creepy, I know
Yeah, from that picture, I don't think there's much helping it unless you want to cover the whole piece in resin, fiberglass, paperclay, and/or bondo and sand it down smooth using the foam as a base. It'll just be easier and cheaper to make another one from scratch.

Sharp blades are a must if you want a clean seam. Even if the foam pieces are curved, the pattern itself had to be flat so you could make an angle cut. It doesn't even have to be 45 degrees (though a mat cutter would be great), just needed to cut enough from both foam edges to touch together without crunching.

Sorry bud. What you can try is remelt the foam using either the tip of your glue gun, a lighter, or a heatgun, to smooth it back down but it takes precise work and some skill. Or you can try getting a very sharp pair of scissors to try and cut it down.
>remelt the foam

No! Meant to say remelt the glue. The glue that's sticking out. You should try to avoid melting the foam.
that's what i've been doing anyway, running a bead of glue into the seams and then lightly swirling the tip of the glue gun spread it around without damaging or shrinking the foam. or just melting it in there then using a scrap piece of foam to quickly spread it
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I broke down and bought one of the costumes from Party City. Fortunately the bodysuit fits just perfectly. The mask, however, does not. It looks similar to the photo here. When I tie it around my head the bottom part of the mask lifts upward.
I don't want to punch holes and move the string anywhere. Is there a material/glue/clay I could use to hold down the bottom part of the mask to the tops of my cheeks for a more fitted look? I COULD use spirit glue or something but I would like to be able to remove the mask every now and then
You're a great Wonka! I really like the vest. (And ignore the cunts here, they're just in a bad mood)
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>dat awesome Alphonse costume
Just add a cape and you're Rob Stark.

Not a viking but you already have 90% of a rob stark costume and you look like him
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Haha, it's alright! I was originally gonna be a school girl for Halloween (pic related) but I like Link better. Going clubbing tomorrow, will post pics of how everything looks! <3 Enough of my spam for now though, ha.
>I'm naturally a guy

I quit at being female. You are so much better at it than me. Really, you are adorable.

I love the way you did your eyebrows, but I think you need to tone down the liner/eyeshadow. I like the shape you were going for but it's too much, I'd try a thinner line in the same winged shape. It would still be girly but far more believable.
Pshh, no, I just put a lot of effort in because I don't get to feel so free all the often! But thanks for the compliment <3 I'm sure you're just fine.

As for the tip, thanks! I'll try it. I agree, I think the eye-makeup look is too 'sexy' for Link at the moment, hopefully your advice will make it more natural, but still feminine/anime-esque. Thanks again!
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I'm curious as to how this girl did the blood. I would like something similar that will not drip all over my clothes. Maybe it's really obvious but I'm just so stupid with these things.
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I'm going as a weeaboo with whatever's in my closet (Hot Topic-esque things from 2007, tutu, goggles, cat ears, bunny hat, catbell necklace, chains, armwarmers, etc). Can someone post good weeaboo ideas?

A Yakui for your troubles.
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Grab all the nerd shit in the room that you fucking can. ALL OF IT.
lump it together in one big monstrosity.

Bonus points if you have a maid apron, cat ears, a naruto headband, and shitty rainbow armwarmers
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So this year I'd like to go as Thanatos for both Halloween and the next expo. Problem is that I have no idea what material to use for the helmet that he has. Anyone have a good idea that I could use?
About craft foam, is this the kind of stuff that's incredibly flexible and thin or is there another variation of it that is hard and durable? I live in the Richmond Hill area of Markham, Toronto and I've been going to many Micheal's, Walmart, and Fabricland looking to see what this material actually is and no one seems to know.
Rob Stark it is. Funny coincidence
Haha i'm guessing you don't watch/read Game of Thrones so you don't know how badass he is.
Here's a quick summary:
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Here's what I've got got far. I'll probably post a picture later tonight after the TF2 update.
As far as I'm aware, craft foam is ordinary foam sheets. You have to apply something to it with glue, such as gauze, in order to make it more stable
Craft foam is well...craft foam. More technically, it's a form of smooth closed cell cross linked polyethylene foam with a high density. There are different variations (such as volara/microcell) but they come in different thicknesses. Offline, craft/hobby stores will have it usually in 2mm thickness while you can get something similar to 6-10mm as camping mats, yoga mats, or those interlocking anti fatigue mats for garages. Online, you can get a greater variety of thicknesses and, depending on the foam, you can also get in in large rolls.

They're useful costuming materials because they are flexible, easy to heat mold, readily available in most stores and cheaper to boot. There are some made for mats that are more 'durable', but they are definitely not meant to be hard. These props are for show.
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Hey /cgl/, can I get some help making the Psycho Mask from Borderlands? Thanks.
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How would one make this cloak without it dragging on the floor and making a tripping hazard when your arms are lowered?
Making it shorter/measuring it with arms down.
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Okayy so tried on costume.. Will do full proper make up tomorrow, this was just a quick 4 am job, haha.

Sorry for shitty quality, too.
whoops, I accidentally fell in love.
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+10 Originality
omg dont do that!!! Bonered then saw you were guy
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So is /cgl/ just a circle jerk for these pretty girls in cosplay? Seems like it
not all of them a girls, lulz
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Hey, /cgl/, /fa/ggot here. My girlfriend regs here and recommended me for help.

I was wondering if you guys could help me locate a store that still sells "Finn's Golden Sword of Battle." It seems that it is no longer being distributed as a new line for toys has come. But Im thinking that some less frequented stores may still have some left.

Is there anyone here that has seen/ purchased one recently, and would be able to give me some advice on locating it?

Thank you all for your help :)
Target has these on clearance right now (at least here at several of my Targets). They're on the ends of the aisles near the back of the toy section.
ok i have a problem a question
problem: i can't figure out a good way to put the Chozo glyphs onto a blue spandex suit
question: if i cut out colored duct tape and put it where it's going to be while the fabric is stretched, will that work?
Well the lot of you convinced me to start watching it, earlier. I do indeed approve of this character. I'll probably not have time for cosplaying as him during tomorrow's party, unfortunately.
Getting off the bus tonight I saw a DJ Dead Mau5 walking by. Then on the way back to my apartment, after stopping by the liquor stores, I saw a Finn or Rule 63 Finn waiting at a bus stop on the other side.

Is this my neighborhood or a damned anime con?!
I feel old.

At least online I've seen Toys R' Us stock them.
Zombie walk today /cgl/, what a theme I could go with? Zombie bride? Zombie civilian? Zombie My Little Pony? The possibilities are endless!
I always wanted to go to a zombie walk in crappy zombie makeup, bad zombie acting, and a sign wrapped around my neck that says "still alive please help"
>basically I'd be a guy pretending to be a zombie cause he doesn't want to get eaten alive
well if you know what you're doing with armor and you want something big and bulky

check out the video game Monster Hunter
and make yourself some Hi-Metal Armor
tons of health, but 1.5x hunger
>then all you need is a large iconic weapon like a hunting horn or a great sword and you're ready to roll
i was thinking of going out as David Bowie, but i might look too gay which i'm not
my second option was Lou Reed in the Transformer era but it's too normal
any idea for a musician costume? or something along thse lines?
a lot of people have been asking about how to mark zentai suits
try going on the replica prop forums and use the search function. You'll probably find a lot of useless info but someone somewhere has probably asked this question

if you find an answer, make sure to report back
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Doing a homestuck costume because it's easy and cheap. Still don't know how to get a symbol on to the shirt though. Any tutorials/easiest way to do it?

Pic related, symbol I'm trying to do.
Stencil + fabric paint.

Either draw it freehand or enlarge it to the right size and print it out. Cut out, paint edges first, then fill it in.
Alright. I see a bunch of tutorials that just use iron on transfer paper. would that be easier?
if you can get some iron on transfer paper and a printer that accepts it, sure
Haha that'd be a pretty fun idea actually! After running around all morning, I just picked up a white tank and am going "traditional"
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TL;DR keeping body paint on

I'm sure this has been asked, but I don't want to go through 1000 + posts, so here we go.

I'm going as the Incredible Hulk Disguised as Spiderman (Bought a child-sized spiderman outfit and green "Paradise makeup AQ.".) I'm attending class and don't want to get green everywhere. I was told hairspray before and after applying would work. Is this safe? Does it work?
I was at a party this weekend and someone had a really good ZSS outfit just stitching the glyphs on
i want to be my personal hero


i already have a red fleece jacket which would be perfect, really blue bluejeans,
i can stick a piece of blue paper on the back of my coat to make that T shape
get some aviator sunglasses
make a crown out of craft foam and paint it gold
strap my android tablet to my chest playing a continuous loop of random clips from his youtube channel (so people can get the joke pretty quickly)
run around the party with those terrible animations, randomly falling down and trying to get up like a retard
also carry a skateboard and randomly lie down on my back on it.

Any late-in-the-game costume suggestions for a short, stocky, handsome and bearded gentleman? Perhaps a couples costume for he and his girlfriend? I'd shave if it's an especially awesome idea but I'd rather not; the beard has come in very well.
After you put on the paint, you want to use a bit of setting powder. You can ask for some at a costume shop (Ben Nye Neutral Set is Homestuck fandom's choice), but if you're in a pinch you can also use a veeeeery light coat of baby powder.

Then, yes, you can spray yourself with hairspray.
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Found a regular costume now for myself.
Forgot I had the JERK shirt.
I'm pretty poor after the costume/paint so I think I'll do the babypowder and hairspray.

Ice King and Princess Bubblegum.
Padme and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Anything Wild West from a costume shop.
Dionysus and Ariadne.
Just dress up as vampires.
Thorin Oakenshield and Bilbo Baggins.
Ask lady friends if they have any large, fluffy make-up brushes for loose powder. Squirt the baby powder in a dish, lightly put the brush in the powder, and apply with the brush. If you just dump baby powder on yourself, you'll look like ghost Hulk as Spiderman.
Wear a crown, blind-person glasses, and a shirt that says "mother fucker."

Oedipus Rex.
Will do. Though Ghost Hulk an Spiderman sounds cool too. A bit too out there for me though. thanks!
go as Davide Bowie from Labyrinth?

Just wondering, but after I updated I can't get into mvm. Do you have that issue too?
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cole sprouse made a finn costume that was posted by frederators/adventuretime tumblr.

I guess the kid has long hair now too, which actually looks pretty spot on for finn.
I need to lighten some powder makeup to create a washed out skintone vs completely white. What's best to do that without going out and buying new makeup, I have sensitive skin so I can't go out an buy cheap makeup for this.
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Anybody ever tried using Fixodent to keep fangs in? The right one fits perfectly but the left fang like to wiggle and pop out if I bump it and I don't want to use any more of the mix that came with it since there's already a noticeable difference in their height/position.
pop out the stuff that's in it, chip it away, and re-do it. it's worth it, it's only a minor annoyance to have them wiggling when you're just trying them on but when you're at a party it will nearly ruin your night since you will have to be aware of it all night.
I need an easy-ish costume of a video game character with Black Hair and Glasses. Any ideas?
gordon freeman in his original profession
get a cheap lab coat, grow a beard or get a fake one, get a crowbar
I've tried that but stuff at the very bottom is in there for good. I got a little out from and that helped a bit but it still gets knocked loose if something touches it from the front. I just want to know if Fixodent would keep the one from moving too much since I only plan on wearing them to work for my shift on Halloween and possibly for a few hours that night.
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I'm planning on going as the Phantom of the Opera and I made some prosthetics using liquid latex to go along with it. These will be going on my lips, nose, and cheek. I'm going to be wearing them for most of the day (applying every 3 hours or so if I need to). What would be my best bet in terms of adhesives? I've looked at Pros-aide, but nowhere nearby sells it and it was too pricy online. I've heard some bad things about spirit gum; mostly just how it doesn't hold very well/long, but would you guys say it's still viable? Can I also just apply some more liquid latex onto the prosthetics and stick them on that way? Again, I'm trying to keep them on for most of the day and I'll be wearing a mask over them occasionally. Thanks.
JC Denton
My now former roommate is simply someone of low moral fortitude and a pathological liar.
I caught him within the first week or two having phone sex and masturbating (and by caught I mean that I was watching a movie with headphones on and when I paused it I noticed what he was doing a few feet away)
I also caught him cheating on his girlfriend (he and the girl had their shirts off) and his explanation was that they were sitting on the walk and a delivery bicyclist spilled Chinese food all over them so he was just giving her one of his shirts to wear (they rushed to put clothing back on after I walked in and the shirt fit her perfectly but the guy is like 300 pounds so it clearly wasn't his). When I questioned to him as to why I couldn't smell any Chinese food in the room he said it was because it was only the sauce that spilled on them.
I'd like to run into him again on Halloween; any costume suggestions based on this knowledge that will make him feel incredibly uncomfortable/embarrassed?
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Are you a girl? Because I saw two people at a party last night dressed as Asian hot sauce.
Hi /cgl/! I'm going as Jake for halloween, from Adventure Time! Thing is, I'm going as... human Jake, because making myself look like a dog is hard. I've got a yellow hoodie so far and round black glasses that I've highlighted with white. My question at this point:

What do you guys think I should add? I was considering a hairband with dog ears (I'm a guy though so... might be a stretch) and maybe some kind of moustache? I'm already blonde so a blonde stickong handlebar would make sense I guess but I kinda hate facial hair.

Can you guys think of anything else? My friend suggested face paint but I'm not going that far.
floppy dog ears are a must

make sure you have a yellow shirt
yellow pajamas would look great and should be easy to find
dunno about the moustache
Alright thanks. Yeah I got the yellow hoodie from American Apparel, looks great honestly I'll wear the fuck out of it later.

Guess I'll just stick some floppy yellow dog ears on a hairband and be a little girly looking. Whatevs.
honestly you could just sew some pieces of yellow felt onto the hood, to make them really floppy
not sure where to look
that makes sense, i wish i had time for that left
>3 days left
>suddenly decide I wanna dress up for halloween
>too late for this shit
male short blah blah
no I don't wanna go as finn
gonna need something super simple it might not even look like a costume
I wanna go as a cartoon/comic book character
nevermind I got it
don't want to post the same question seeing as how this guy already did. does anyone have any idea on how to make the mask?
Looking to bloody up a pair of scrubs. How I would I go about this w/o ruining the scrubs?
Hey /CGL/,

I have an arc reactor made out of a LED I got from meijer that's wired down to a 9 volt in my pocket.

I wear it under my shirt. Will spirit gum be strong enough to hold the thing onto my chest all day? How much do you think I'll need?
Any tips on materials or plans for building a deer skull mask?
Any quick way to turn a motorcycle helmet into a daft punk helmet by halloween? I'm thinking guy's would be easiest, also no LED's, just redoing the visor/painting it, but how?
You can add craft foam to change the shape of the protruding visor section. it really wouldn't be that hard if you already have the helmet.
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Sup /cgl/

I'm thinking of going as a member of the Westboro Baptist Church for halloween

Here are my plans:

1. Buy a white shirt at a charity shop
2. Order red and blue spray paint online and make an American flag shirt
3. Make a sign that reads "GOD HATES FAGS (PLEBS/JEWS/MOOT)
4.Pair of blue jeans
5. A bible with little sticky page keepers to make it look like I've bookmarked passages

Think this will work? Any other things I could add to make the costume complete?

Thanks :3
While it's easy to pretend to be social by being obnoxious, it's always one of those things you facepalm about later in life. Go as a doctor or something.
Shit, is it that bad? Why is it obnoxious? I'm not going to act like one of them, just dress.

I have two days to get something together and I don't want to be something that others will be doing. There were loads of doctors last year :(
Also, I'm in the UK so it's not as if I'll be offending religious people or anything.

Does this change things?
Please respond :(

I have to make my mind whether I'm going to order the spray cans by tomorrow morning
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/cgl/ my boyfriend wants to make his pyramid head costume better by Halloween. He put it together in about a day and a half for a last minute costume party and wasn't really concerned with accuracy, but there's a costume contest with a $1000 payout that he wants to enter and we just wanted to spruce it up a bit to give him a better chance of winning. We already went to one contest where a store bought Frankenstein mask and platform shoes basically won one guy thew contest so we think our odds are pretty good.

Anyway, here's a picture~ Please help us improve!
Try using the proper style helmet/blade
Anyone know of a physical shop in the uk that I could get skeleton tights or some classy looking devil horns at? I'm trying to throw something casual together last-minute.
>last minute
>wasn't really concerned with accuracy
>Halloween Costume
That's not really helping man...
I'd maybe make a sword out of those insulation sheets for a better form. Helmet looks pretty good though. Maybe get another prop.
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I wanted to do it but don't have the time right now. Definitely a cool idea, and I don't think its that unknown.
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Celebrated Halloween early this year, /cgl/. Have a good one this year!!
Go back to being banned plz.
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Mad swag this Halloween.
Go for it, don't be discouraged.
do it it's funny
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Hello, /cgl/! My friend and I are going to be a gored up version of mufasa and scar from the lion king.
I need suggestions on how to make mufasa's character more apparent in a costume, and also what kind of clothes would you recommend for a pair of lions.
you can be Adam from Workaholics?
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I'm recycling an outfit I wore for a fancy dress party last week... Few people saw it, and I only wore it for a couple of hours.

Bambi's mother- any improvements?

That is just awful... AWFUL!
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Make sure the sign says GOD HATES EVERYTHING

In the UK you'll be fine, we're not so bent out of shape over religion here.
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Bullshit! It's not bad at all. Better than many of the costumes you will see.
Hey guys, I really need some help coming up with an idea for what to dress up as in two days for a halloween party.

It needs to be something simple, maybe I'll just paint my face or something (so no fancy constume that I'd never been able to make anyway)

Inspiration: I'm a /fit/fag and have a gap between my front teeth...

Thanks in advance!
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Would it be hard to make a paper-mache solaire helmet or should I get the real deal? Cause I only have 3 days and all.
So I'm allowed to wear a costume to work on halloween, but I can't wear any masks or things on my face. Also I work at McDonalds so it needs to be mobile enough. Does anybody have any ideas? Male here.
I think they mean awful as in "aw man, what a fucked up idea for a costume" as opposed to "that costume is badly made."

Personally, I think it's fucking hilarious. And now I feel guilty for laughing.
My boyfriend requested that I dress up as a hamster for halloween. Considering we're just hanging around the house and passing out candy, I didn't want to do anything too complex/slutty. I bought some simple little animal ears from the costume store as a start. What are some other cute things I could do to make it?
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Yeah, taken before I went clubbing.

I got a lot of compliments, but a lot of people were like "Oh look it's Zelda!!" -_-
This is what happens if Zelda were a girl!
Why are the Japanese so much better at Halloween? This is an outrage.

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end result of my Penguin costume
many thanks again to the guy out there who posted that link for the amazing nose
and the suggestion to go for prosaide instead of spirit gum

I have a monocle, but it was too damn hard to keep on
>and the liquid makeup I had put on my face to help try to make the nose match my skin color made it impossible to even try

it's gonna be a bitch Halloween day to set this up before class
>my sisters helped me with straighten my hair and gelled it to keep it back like that
>not to mention I'll be spraying the back of my hair blindly without someone doing it for me
good job
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Modern day vampire, nothing special just makeup and fangs. My first time messing with makeup
Pretty good ,actually, especially for a first time.

Hah, thanks. I was actually debating whether or not to add veins around my eyes, vampire diaries style. Or just keep it simple. I'm gay for vampire stuff.
when I read modern day vampire I was expecting the fangs to be a lil more extreme like 30 days of night or fright night remake

but those look great! they actually look like you could bite something with them
you gonna buy a bunch of those blood pouch drinks they have at like video stores?
or maybe something thick and red like tomato juice to chug on?

Possibly, was thinking about it. I don't want to get some blood that will crust up and look all dry and cracked. Might buy some of the gelatin stuff that stays wet looking. Going to mess around with it more and try to make it better

Also, I do have bigger fangs but I decided I liked the more subtle ones. They are custom fit though, they look great, I got lots of compliments on how real they looked.
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first time posting in /cgl/, so bear with me...
so I'm making a last minute Tim Drake Robin costume, but I'm stumped on how to make the mask. what're some quick ways that I can make his mask? sadly I've got a $15 budget, since I spent everything else for...everything else. sadly I don't have any good ref pics since I'm posting on my phone...
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Sup. I'm looking to go as Rick Grimes from the Walking Dead. It's last minute so i don't expect it to be decent, just passable. I've got the pants and shoes, just need the shirt. Any help?
well it is just a domino mask
unless you wanted it to be 100% perfect, you could just get some black fabric from the craft section of walmart and cut out some eyeholes
if you wanted it to look a lil ... better ... idk man buy a plastic domino mask from a party stor and at lil bit to the top and bottom ends to make it more batshaped

it is just a policeman uniform
perhaps cop costume or an old cop shirt from a thrift store?
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Bought lenses which were advertised as sclera, but turned out to be much smaller and just looks like regular circle lenses. Was planning on being a Supernatural demon but now it just looks dumb. What else can I do with these? Ignore the asymmetrical eye make-up, was experimenting and trying to make my eyes look darker but anything I do just emphasizes the whites more.

Was thinking animal, like creepy rabbit, but can't find a cat-nose prosthetic in time. I'm an experienced cosplayer, have access to a good collection of wigs, am able to hop to the fabric market easily and have big set of grease paints. Don't have access to liquid latex or wound wax.

Will scroll through thread to try and help while waiting for an answer.
That werewolf dude from twilight who's always half-naked. Spray tan, some baby oil and some hair grease. Or cupid, white pants, and some cheap toy wings and bow & arrows with paper hearts glued to the tip.

Go as one of the mascots, like the hamburgler. Or Finn from Adventure Time, easy, a hit with the kids and very mobile. Someone from Scooby Doo, Shaggy or Fred as you like. Or the KFC Colonel (not sure how your boss would like that though).
hey /cgl/,

my boyfriend and I are invited to a Big Lebowski themed halloween party. We chose to dress him up as a zombie walter with a bowling ball stuck to his head. We both have no experience in crafting costumes and now we're trying to figure out the best way to make the headpiece for him. Maybe doing this "papier mâché around a balloon" thing you did in kindergarten, but maybe you guys have better ideas? Maybe styrofoam? And what's the best way to secure it comfortable on his head? A headband or maybe some alligator clips?

So you see, your advice is highly appreciated :)
considering how last minute this looks to be
I'd put money on something fast and easy like paper mache or styrofoam

no idea how to keep it on his head
if it was more on the face region I'd guess spirit gum or some other skin adhesive
Thanks for your help! Unfortunately it is as last minute as you say, I wish I had more time for his costume :(
I guess I will try to put the paper mache on a headband, so he can take it off later at night or during the dinner. He wanted the ball to be all smooth and shiny, but I guess in this amount of time there is no way I can make it work.
>"What are you going to be for Halloween this year Anon?"
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So i finished up my Darth Revan costume from earlier in this thread. Big question, how can i prevent the mask (pictured) from fogging up. I am wearing a balaclava to go with the mask and the fogging up is insane. I heard tricks like using toothpaste on the inside lens or saliva. Would like to get your tips /cgl/ on the best route here.
well you gonna be at least be dressing up for the kids who'll be asking for candy?
I'm looking for a final design for my mask for Halloween. I'm looking for a man in the iron mask meets plague doctor kinda style. Anyone?
There are lots of steampunk reinterpretations of plague doctor masks out there if you google around, not sure if anything would be feasable on such short notice though
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So I tried to bloody up a pair of scrubs and this is how it turned out. Is there anyway to make the blood look red or am I fucked? I used detergent and red food dye for the blood. It came out pretty nice on a pair of underwear I tested it on. Just looks like shit on darker clothes.
Try the store stuff? The only way you might be able to get it looking red is to sponge white fabric paint on top of stains and put it over that but realistically, you're not going to see blood coloring dark clothing like the way you want.
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I need ideas of costume with a black morphsuit guys ... The black morph isnt obligated to be the main thing, but it must be part of the costume

I dont have time to buy stuff unfortunately
try surplus?
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would party city or spirit halloween store white face paint be safe to use? i have sensitive skin but at this point in time i'm not sure where else would have quality white face make up...
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Just though I would share my Rorschach costume. Khaki pants, Dress shoes, Trench coat, Hat, and the mask I made from a white T-shirt and colored it with a sharpie. Any questions or tips?
you could still go for the supernatural demon look, but try some heavy goth make up and dark lipstick. draw demonic rune symbols on your body.
Scarf mate. You must have the scarf. Wrong color on your clothes too. Gloves, And popped collar.
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>>6364771 here
this is what I've got so far, but I've got a question again for you doods.
so I've started the tunic, the cape's almost done, and the pants and boots are already accounted for. I forgot a major part though...the utility belt.
I've got a few ideas, but for those of you who've made them before, what would be the quickest and cheapest way to make one? I'll post more pics if needed as soon as I get off work. please and thank you!
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Hello /cgl/.
Going as a gentleman skeleton, top hat and cane included, anyone have any good faceshots of the makeup? There was one at the start of the thread, but it wasn't good-looking. The best I've found on google is Rick Genest. Also, how should I apply the makeup, should I have a white base/black base? Is there anything special to make sure the lips dont dry out/get ruined? Also don't want to ruin my white shirt, I read that baby powder and hair spray will keep the color on my skin and not my clothes? And in case it still smudges, is it possible to get it clean?
Imagine the pic with a top hat and a cane, swag as fuck.
yeah forgot gloves and scarf i'm an idiot. But I'm not guna go buy a trench coat for matched color, close enough for me
well folks
it's the zero suit poster here, and finally 90% of it is together
i have everything painted except for 2 of the trapezoids on the back glyph, which i gave up on since they're on the back of my ribs
thanks for all of the help, /cgl/, i'll maybe post finished pictures later tomorrow
good luck! hope it turned out great!
>tfw staying up til 3am waiting for paint to dry on my armor

oh halloween, the things i do for you
All right, I've got my tailcoat and mask on, along with at least a pound of maximum-hold gel in my hair. I am good to go. Thanks for all the help, /cgl/.
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So I kind of half assed put together a plague doctor costume to wear to work. I work at a bookstore so I'm not sure if it will fly with my managers since the customers won't be able to see my face, but...

The hat is from an older costume, it's a shitty iparty-esque quality hat, so it ended up getting bent in storage. It's driving me nuts, so should I wear the hat, or go without? I don't feel it will be plague doctory enough without a hat so I wet the bent part and put some weights on it in hopes it will flatten out in the next 4 hours before I go to work.

tl;dr Hat or not hat?
So anybody actually wearing costumes on Halloween day?
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Hey there sexy.
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Thanks to whoever put up the plague doctor mask instructions further up in the thread. The beak they suggest ended up being a bit too long but it got a lot of positive remarks over the weekend.

hat for sure
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I'm >>6368825

Cool mask, I made mine too but I didn't go for a traditional full face long nosed mask since I figure it'd get in the way at work. Did people know what you were? I was a plague doctor a few years ago and had a full face longer nosed mask and no one knew wtf I was. I even had people ask if I was Spy vs Spy.
Most people didn't but they were suitably creeped out. A few people knew it from Assassin's Creed 2 though.

Turned out the hottest girl at the party dressed as zero suit samus was the only one who knew it was an actual historical thing.
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hey guys, just wanted to post some pictures of my costume, let me know what you think. The first two pics were taken while I was rushing to get to a party that weekend (a party that was scheduled for the next day...the person in charge of our group scheduling dropped the ball).
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Proton pack. I used an arduino to get the red portions to light up in a sequence. A future (and more accurate and less cardboard) pack build will have full lights (and possibly sound) with dedicated circuitry.
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Now here is an action shot (a day later) of one of my friends and I at a pub crawl. he surprised me with the stay puft outfit, apparently got it last minute.

I also made some changes to my costume. The heatsink on the pack gun is gone and the hooking mechanism failed to work. I was also able to dye the belt grey. The elbow pads, while they have most of the proper stitching/style as the movies...are fucking IMPOSSIBLE to dye. Hour and a half in that dye bath and NOTHING. I need fabric paint I think.

You might see on the left leg I was able to add a hose connector and yellow leg hose (dyed the hose from a clear one, came out great.)

Some dude at the pub crawl took this picture and put us up on some website. My friends and I got mobbed at nearly every place (and inbetween) for pictures. People loved the Stay Puft more. Chicks dig the marshmallow I guess.
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I thought about going as something simple like an invisible guy but then I remember this picture and now I want to go as him. It's nothing to major but those shoes really grabbed my eye and now I want to shoot this chapter cover irl.

So where can I find those blue shoes similar to the one in the picture?
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Time to scare the kiddies!
For those of us using Aquacolors and sealing it with Final Set, how can we remove it without using the Quick Cleanse?
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didn't get as far i would have liked. ran out of time and money

i'll be wearing a tux with this and handing out business cards which say "medieval insurance practices", with my phone number on them

also i'll be in a full tux, not the brown blazer
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also sabatons, they look stylin as fuck
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Looking good. I love the helm, it looks wonderful.
Hat for sure, it's an important part of the costume.
Hello /cgl/, does anyone know of a blood recipe that won't stain clothes? The items in question are black and teal plaid. Thank you in advance!

For anyone else needing a blood recipe, I usually use 1/2 cup of hot water, 1 tsp cornstarch, 1 tbsp non toxic red paint, a touch of purple, and brown to darken to desired color.
/cgl/ I had a ninja suit but I've lost the armguards that hold the sleeves and cover up the top of the hand. What do?
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Can't get a clear picture worth shit right now, hopefully will have some better ones when I go out tonight.

Mask from >>6368858, cheap-ass black robe, V For Vendetta hat, black balaclava, poking stick made from a whittled dowel, grungy-looking prop shovel, test tubes (wanted to fill them up and do the whole lead and pomegranate thing but I couldn't find corks in time), bird-skull pendant I found in some nutty curios shop, and lots of string. Thanks again for the help the other week /cgl/

Fa/tg/uy here.

Me and four buddies put together a full Payday group, glad to see that someone else had the idea, too.
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I've got a cultural question.
Is it ok to do Day of the Dead makeup on Halloween? I have face paint, and I want to do something with it. I don't want any of that "it's my culture not a costume" or whatever when I go outside.
It's fine, loads of people do it.
If done tastefully, I think it won't really matter. You are celebrating the whole festivities with respect to the culture.
Who else hates Halloween because it just reminds them of their loneliness?
/a/non here to visit, and give thanks to the seagull who helped me with costume advice. I was a successful Tony Stark at work.
Nobody else hates Halloween. You are double-alone.
It's not like it matters. Halloween was canceled in my area, anyway. I don't know if we'll even get kids this year. It's been officially postponed till Friday.
what, how is that a thing
....and then i realized the party i wanted to go to has a door charge of $5
...i blew all my cash on my costume

they could be where Sandy hit, everything was pretty much shut down thanks to the hurricane.
It's like totally a thing.
Yeah, but nothing actually happened here.

Part of me wonders if they just planned for happenings and there was too much bureaucratic nonsense to change their plans after nothing actually did happen.
Popping in real quick. My thermoplastic vampire fangs aren't staying on. Advice?
Just found out I'm not actually working tonight so I get to go out with some friends

I was trying to think of a costume that can use an old dress shirt. I have a plain white one (as well as some others), so i figured that would be good for showing off a blood effect.
Hey guys, I burnt myself earlier using hot glue to make a rushed costume. Now I immediately stuck my hand in cool water, but I have a big painful blister on one of my fingers. Wat do?
Let it heal. Do not pop the blister.

I burned my shin bad enough that a blister couldn't form. Kept the wound clean and left it in air to help form the scabbing. It'll start to 'deflate' back down once the liquid is soaked up again by your body. Till then, keep it there until your new skin is formed.

What this guy says. Don't pop it, it'll just be easier for it to get infected and shiz.
>>6250463 (OP)
Reporting in. Las Vegasfag here. We got like 100-125 trick-or-treaters and they got all my candy.

I'm usually used to having more.

Sometimes I wonder if I tried harder if it would have made the difference.

You see, Halloween is going down the tubes. It's taking a great cosmic bath and we are all but soap suds. The Halloween concept is like a dying rhinoceros...deadly and hard to kill.

I wore my usual, a hearkening to Phyllis Diller while simultaneously not eschewing the latter points of incongruence in our Malt Rickeys and Lemon Slider Maddows. We try, but are often befouled by our own short-sightedness. We are myopic to this. As usual.

In the future, I hope to broaden my horizons by expanding upon the Jason Voorhees/Kawaii punk thing. I think this might be the wave of the future. So keep an eye out.

You just might be surprised.
Wow, you get over a hundred trick-or-treaters? We only got a few dozen this year, I was sad. I think it really depends on where you are.
Denture cream works great
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Hipster Jason...because Jumpsuits are too serial
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Happy Day of the Dead /cgl/!

It's Nov 1st here.
only a dozen ojr so trick or treaters
for a halloween diehard like me, thats depressing
>>6369428 again, ended up being runner-up at my party's costume contest and was in a load of photos with random people downtown. Shit was pretty cash
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i arrived about ten minutes after the costume contest at basically the only decent halloween party in town (damn you Wednesday halloween) and didn't get anything..

fuck it, i'm going full suit or armor for next year, chainmail and belts and tabard and everything. Actual steel gauntlet and sabatons too
same girl?

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