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needs more touhou.
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u..um..I-I-I c-choose...h-...hanyaan...um.
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I like how this golem guy is too pussy to put up his trip when he makes these threads all the time.
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Yeah fuck that guy. I heard he doesn't even play touhou.
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I heard he bought 50 dicks off ebay and sucked them all.
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Any requests?
more alice please?
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Tao, for the Greater Good!
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I'm having trouble posting, but I'll do my best.

Man, I love their designs, but the Taoists are such douchebags that I just can't like them. I'll see what I've got, though.
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>the Taoists are such douchebags that I just can't like them.

Not familiar with Macchiavelli, are you?

When you're playing for keeps, you'd better be prepared to play dirty and play to win. Use every possible advantage. Restraint is a luxury that few can afford. Do whatever is necessary to satisfy the cold, hard equations.
If the people resent you, if they hate you and despise you, if they refuse to forgive you, and revile your name - that means that they're alive. That means you've won.
If you lose, there won't be anybody left to apologise to.

Welcome to realpolitik.
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Actually he said acting immorally was only acceptable when it was for the state.
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The potato model was my favorite.
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wow he's really cute...
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I'm familiar with The Prince and all that. I just don't particularly care for that kind of methodology. Even though in Touhou everybody's a bitch, the Taoists just strike me as particularly cold-blooded. Plus Miko looks like a Vocaloid, and I just can't get over that.

With extra eyes and sprouted roots for YOUR pleasure.
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I'll get in on the naming convention here.
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Aw, man. Are y'all bitches gonna make me start naming files too? I don't think I'm witty enough.
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I started doing it with character name first to organize my files. I didn't know people would read my deranged babble.
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> I don't think I'm witty enough.
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I'll call it good with this.
it's funny because The Prince was actually meant to bring about the downfall of those who it was written for
Thank you guys for making my standards go higher, now I want a girl that cosplays touhou.
Damnit u guys. /r/ing Youmu cosplays!
> I want a girl that cosplays
There aren't any. All Touhou cosplayers are male.
ty for the alice dump :3
I'd say it's about 50/50.
Thank you for keeping my hopes up on at least finding a girl touhou cosplayer!

Golem, I remember you having another thread of touhou cosplays, I was too stupid to not get the pictures b4 the thread 404'd.
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I"m sure they'll pop up again.
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Minamitsu plz
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Also, I'd love too see Shinki's cosplay. I'd love to see other pc-98's touhou too.
I'm doing Shinki soon, I need inspiration D:
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>now I want a girl that cosplays touhou.
>Thank you for keeping my hopes up on at least finding a girl touhou cosplayer!

Good frickin' luck finding one that's single or interested. It's essentially unpossible.
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Guys I wanna cosplay Ran soon, but I'm unsure of how much creativity is allowed for Touhou costumes. Like, what would still be appreciated even if not in the original art.

I'd like to make Ran's dress more like Yukari's at the skirt. With the tiered ruffles look. Would something like that be ok?
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I'd say go for it. The JPs play around with the designs and touhou is pretty much an open source project.
>open source

Dont use terms if you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
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Don't be so fucking literal.
Wow, this picture is stunning! Anyone have more or the name of the cosplayer?
Creativity? As long as it looks good and is clearly the character in question, we wouldn't mind if you Ran with it.

Yeah, no.

Requesting cosplay of the three fairies.
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do this ran
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if anyone is serious about this I have a link to super high res character sheets
could you post it, please? i'm looking to do a ran costume too!
I feel really happy that I have a cute touhou cosplaying girlfriend.

They are out there guys!
She's not even a dirty secondary, she's 1cc-ed, multiple games.
Post them
one of my dreams is to cosplay one of the touhouvania designs
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Here you go

its only for Komajou Densetsu II
They're too big for me to post straight to 4chan
Thank you anon
It has Yuyuko so I'm happy

I just really like the thought of doing a really detailed cosplay and spending an extended period of time on it
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>that feel when you'll look ugly no matter how well you do your touhou cosplay
>my feels.
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>Implying I'm not waiting for someone to post that stupid chart so people can tell me how ugly I am
>Implying I'm talking about actual looks
>Implying I'm not talking about the fact I can't into being a little girl
>fuck you
you're welcome
when I found it the first time I got way too excited.
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You... aren't really a girl?
Random anon who doesn't keep up with tripfags - I honestly thought you were a girl. And a pretty one.
Get out. You'll get not pity here.
And take that trap with you. He's been reposted enough and well before Golem got told to stop reposting reposts.
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Call the police. I don't give a fuck.

You think that's bad? I managed to meet Yuyuko in a lucid dream and she didn't even bother to stop and talk to me! She just rambled about people being nuggets or something.
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T-thats pretty shitty.

I would post my face, but I don't like it. It's also a Touhou thread.

I posted this to make people laugh. I am really a dude.
Man you guys are sure getting your toehoes rustled.
That's a very convincing trap. GJ
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Well go out and do something manly this weekend and you'll feel better.
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Where you from brosef? Wanna hang out?

No homo
anything is possible if you really want it!
You lucky bastard.
holy damn, I think I can cosplay rule 63 youmu with that! ty anon!

Requesting Youmu cosplays!!!
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Here, have me and another Touhou I bumped into at a con 2 weeks ago.
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And a pretty good photoshoot from the same con.
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Crouching China, Hidden Tiger.
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Here, have a joke shot too.

<3 Orin
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please, post Shinki or other pc-98 touhous ;_;
I haven't seen any (only My firend's Orange) cosplays from touhou 1-5.
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They're both guys, by the way.
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Oh, I can see my waifu ;u;
That moment when guys're better little touhou than you. ;____________;
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Sadly I could not find any Orange. She is forgotten.
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How lewd!
no okuu ;(
i'm dissapointed

>has ofaiown
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thank you so much

>tryhmar nuts
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Okuu you say? Here, have a Koishi too.
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Guy again, by the way.

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