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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Well-done mascot/fursuit type cosplays.
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Oshi, where you at?
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I actually think these are really neat looking when done right!
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Any suggestions for someone hoping to make one of these? I want to make Tokunaga from Tales of the Abyss, but I have literally no idea where to start.
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Pic dropped.
LOVE this
just, wow.
Look for fursuit construction tutortials. Cosplay sites usually don't offer much helpful advice as far as making mascot costumes goes.
This site has a few useful tutorials.
It would probably also be helpful to look at both well-made and poorly-made fursuits so you get a better sense of what works and what doesn't, etc.
>yfw the person who made this is the girl who was in that stupid foam adventures video
>yfw she also made this >>6210222

it's cool that she grew up and makes cool things now but holy shit still can't believe its the same chick
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Foam adventure-Riley?

Wait seriously? Holy shit.
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At least she's not as bad as Ani.

For all you newfags:

>mfw I watched it for the first time
Christ almighty
damn i think i'm furry now

They have literally everything you need to know.
the autism in this video is high
it was only confirmed when she pulled out the disabled pass

I feel kind of bad for her dorm mates though (is that what those guys were?)

I mean I can stand people in fursuits, but I can't really stand people running around with the whole wolf tale wolf ears thing in an everyday setting

I know a girl like that and she carries a stuffed wolf around calling it her cub
the problem with both of these girls is that they're actually really talented, like >>6210244

It's just a fucking waste that it all had to go to these two autists.
Oh gosh! That's so goddamn cute.
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I consider these pretty impressive.
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Everything Qarrezel/Clockwork Creatures makes is amazing.
>lilleah west
I wish I could make something like this.
Too bad I am just tits.
holeee fuck. I want to hate furries, but the craftsmanship is just killing me on this one. Please tell there's no yiffing or other BS in something that beautiful?
Alot os fursuiters refuse to do suits for "yiffing" in, so I imagine that CCs won't create anything for such a purpose. Especially since they've done a suit or two for some small movies.
>hey guys pay attention to me
Nah man. Fursuit sex is pretty uncommon since they either take a shitton of work to make or cost a shitton of money to commission. No one wants jizz all over that.
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It's my dream to be posted in threads like this one day. Hopefully when I'm done with my current project it might be worthy.
The toothless one is my favourite in this thread so for I think!

Anyway just bumping with stuff I have, not necessarily the best ever
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wait, i thought this was the original foam adventures video? is there another one?
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I wish there were more photos of this.
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Not exactly fur, but close enough?
That's adorable. I enjoyed watching this video
kill yourself.
Why does she get disabled parking? Do People with autism really get it?
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I feel meh when she touches the foam so much before buying it. I hope she didn't really lick it. Other than that and their excessive giggling, I've seen worse so (shrugs).
the scene in the car isn't too bad, but man does that first minute and like, the last three make me want to kill myself
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huh what

are you requesting that I selfpost or something
we got foam
That lady that helps them with their foam... all my feels go to her.
no. no.
The costume itself isn't bad. I just hate how they're posing. It's a "sexy" pose, when Red 13 is a pretty serious/mature character. Also, for me I can appreciate a fursuit costume because it's expensive and difficult to make, but as soon as I make any association to it being used for sex in any way, I get really creeped out.
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bump with the only quad I've seen locally. It was sitting against the wall next to an AA table, so I thought it was a giant plushie
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I think this is the same person, this one a bit better quality though
When they're in the car and yelling WE GOT FOAM GUYS to random people in cars, that's when I let out audible sounds of distress
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I was gonna get some foam this weekend for Halloween shit. Now I'll feel embarrassed.
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I'm liking the Pokemon going on in this thread.
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Only in Japan.
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Not really cosplay but a beautiful costume.

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