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Dear cosplay community;

That is all.
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Truth, blackface was never about the paint / makeup.

This, on the other hand, is blackface as fuck.
Anon is retarded as fuck.
Oh look, it's that fat shit that's tripping no more since he offended the local girls.
You know that the character she's cosplaying isnt even black, riiiight?
Anthy was never black though. She was east indian.
I had a long conversation with a black friend about this subject. Her feeling is that while tanning or using bronzing makeup is not blackface it is treating race like something that can be taken on and off. However, I have a costume coming up that does require me to be kinda tan and I will still use a little bronzer. If she decides we can't be friends because of that then I don't want to be friends with someone who makes everything wo black and white.
the social justice warriors don't care and would bitch all the same, unfortunately.
Your friend is retarded, skin colour /=/ race.
I used to be pretty dark skinned, tan actually, but the older I grew the whiter I got due to being mixed.
These folks are dumb.
She's very know-your-privelege and has some pretty extreme views. Honestly if she wasn't good-looking she wouldnt be so outspoken about it.
I'm just here for the incoming shit storm this thread is going to create.
Shouldn't you be posting this on tumblr?
I can understand that, but that is sort of the essence of costuming, yes? You take things "on and off" that in real life would be impossible - scars, indicators of wealth or poverty, abilities or disabilities, and race (of all kinds, real or otherwise). If that's the issue, then really, no one should cosplay anyone except those characters that are similar to themselves in all controversial aspects (wealth, attractiveness, gender/sex, strength, race, health, etc). Which seems to sort of take the fun out of "being" someone else?
OP, just ignore them. they will only "fight" you from behind their computer screens.
People get upset about it because there is a level of unfairness in it.
A dark skinned person has very little options when it comes making their skin lighter for a cosplay, either it's permanent or expensive.
when you're light skinned, it's like you already have an advantage, it's easy and almost effortless to make yourself darker.

It sucks when you like characters but you know you will never be able to protray them accurately but a light skinned person will always have that advantage.

Shit sucks.
Just because it's unfair shouldn't really stop people from doing it, though. It's not blackface, after all.

Many things in life are unfair. Shouldn't people be allowed to have plastic surgery either?
So you guys are telling me that there are people who complain about cosplayers wearing makeup to look dark skinned?
Americans are really mentally impaired...
Clearly you have never had to wear full coverage body paint to call it easy, inexpensive and effortless.
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>People get upset about it because there is a level of unfairness in it.

All men are not created equal. Some are born swifter of foot, some with greater beauty. Some are born into poverty; others are born sick and feeble. Both in birth and upbringing in shear scoop of ability that, every human is inherently different! Yes, that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition, and the unfaltering march of progress! Inequality is not wrong, equality is! We fight, we compete; evolution is continuous, we move forward; advancing steadily into the future.
We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder, and dominate and in the end the future shall be ours! All Hail Brittania!
We had this thread months ago. This exact same thread.
So what? Why would it be bad to have more than one thread about a subject?
Don't like it? Just ignore it then.
>Blaming all this shit on Americans and not just black people with inferiority complexes
Yes I'll blame americans, in my country this sort of bullshit doesn't happen.
I'm planning a cosplay of Kida from Atlantis, and I'm kind of worried about it. I'm a white girl, but I tan pretty well. I'm going to try to get a light tan for real, and then add some self tanner/bronzer/slightly darker foundation to match the rest of me. I realize some SJ tumblr warriors might have a problem with that, but it's not like Atlantean is even a real race. Does that matter at all? It's not like I'm pretending to be black, or indian, or whatever -- there are no atlantean people with olive skin, white hair, and blue eyes. It's a fantasy race. Does that matter at all?
Your concerns bothers me to a really high degree, screw those people it's not like they pay your bills or anything.
Where are you from?
People get upset about it because there is a level of unfairness in it.
A male person has very little options when it comes making their gender different for a cosplay, either it's permanent or expensive.
when you're female, it's like you already have an advantage, it's easy and almost effortless to make yourself a different gender.

It sucks when you like characters but you know you will never be able to protray them accurately but a female person will always have that advantage.

i once asked if they're bothered by people cosplaying drows or dark elves, because elves aren't even human and have pitch black skin with white hair. apparently it's offensive.
There's Brazilian girls that use Tumblr. It's guaranteed that you have some SJ advocates over there.
LOL you're an idiot. Of course it wouldn't happen there, the majority of your country is hispanic, there aren't other races to get butthurt about.

If you think America is racist go spend 10 minutes in /pol/ and see what the europeans have to say. America is probably one of the least racist places you could go.
You speak with no evidence.

>the majority of your country is hispanic
You sure have a lot of knowledge about our genetic heritage, tell me are you also one of those idiots who think that we speak Spanish?

>If you think America is racist go spend 10 minutes in /pol/ and see what the europeans have to say.

It won't alter the fact that lots of Americans independent of their color are racist.
People are able to do whatever they want
People can do blackface
People can put on makeup to look like a character
People can complain about it on the internet
lol comparing gender to race and skin color
Tell that to the genderqueer.
Listen, there are, on record, people who are upset about this. There are people who aren't. It really depends on who you do or don't respect, and whose advice or thoughts you value more. That's it. There is no one solid viewpoint; those who care are always going to be viewed as whiny, hypersensitive douches, and those who don't are always going to be viewed as callous, insensitive dicks. This issue honestly has no resolution, and it's better to just let people think what they're going to think on a case by case basis. You can think whatever you want of them for their opinions, but this issue is a dead horse. These threads are literally pointless and these complaints belong on your personal ranting blogs.
Thoughts on this article?

>The hardest task is to change attitudes. Many Brazilians simply assume blacks belong at the bottom of the pile. Supporters of affirmative action are right to say that the country turned its back on the problem.
It's kind of a weird and slightly offensive thing to do, in my opinion. I'm not a stupid SJ tumblr warrior, and I wouldn't really care if I saw someone doing it, but I don't really get it.
First off, it's not like light-skinned people don't have a BILLION options of light-skinned characters to cosplay as. Why would you set out and pick a dark-skinned character? Even if you just really like the character, it kind of baffles me. You don't need to spend money on tanning or painting your skin brown to cosplay as a character that would probably suit you much better. Why choose the one that's more costly, can potentially look shitty if you don't go the extra mile, WILL look shitty if your features are too "white" to pull off brown skin, and probably ages/otherwise is bad for your skin?
Second, you really are putting on a racial trait like a costume, at least when you cosplay as dark-skinned characters that aren't from a fantasy race. People will congratulate you on pulling off the brown skin so well once they realize you're actually not really a dark-skinned person, and you won't have to deal with all the little bits of racism and discrimination that comes with being a brown/dark-skinned cosplayer.

Meanwhile, a dark-skinned cosplayer will either need to resort to very, very heavy makeup, skin bleach or other incovenient methods to cosplay as a light-skinned character. If they DON'T do it, someone will go "Why did s/he pick that character? The skin is WAY off. Dark-skinned people should just stay away from cosplaying as lighter characters, they can't pull it off". And if they DO manage to pull it off, chances are someone will go "Snort, look at that self-hating darkie turning themselves white".

It's definitely not blackfacing/brownfacing, and is nowhere NEAR as bad, but it's not perfectly okay to do, either.
Holy fuck, that turned out shitloads longer than I thought it would be.
Tl;dr: In my opinion, it's actually pretty racist, unfair and you just shouldn't do it because you have other options that suit you better
It's a fair article in the most parts, yet, this sort of thing (white people being discriminated for cosplaying black skinned characters ) doesn't happen in my country.

>Brazilians have long argued that blacks are poor only because they are at the bottom of the social pyramid—in other words, that society is stratified by class, not race.
This is what most of us believe, this country is definitely stratified by class. I'm way bellow a middle class citizen, me and all my non-white friends know this to be truth, it doesn't matter to us what some university professor who lives incarcerated in his/her research room thinks.
But Brazil is really multicultural with a mix of all sorts of people.
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The problem with that logic is that you're telling someone, just because that character is not the same race as you, it's off limits. And I don't even want to use the word racist. The appropriate term is the word you actually used which is unfair.

It's unfair that just because a character is a specific race, that someone can't cosplay them out of adoration. This is a hobby of appreciation, not color correction.

>Meanwhile, a dark-skinned cosplayer will either need to resort to very, very heavy makeup, skin bleach or other incovenient methods to cosplay as a light-skinned character. If they DON'T do it, someone will go "Why did s/he pick that character? The skin is WAY off. Dark-skinned people should just stay away from cosplaying as lighter characters, they can't pull it off". And if they DO manage to pull it off, chances are someone will go "Snort, look at that self-hating darkie turning themselves white".

Also NO ONE ever acts like that. And if they do, I sure as hell hope one of their friends smacks them, or that group of people stays far away from others with that attitude, that's pretty vile.

Best thing I've read so far. Thank you.
I would cosplay /a/-tan.
>just because that character is not the same race as you, it's off limits.
No. I'm not saying it's off limits, I'm saying that you shouldn't darken your skin (or have to darken your skin) to cosplay as a character, expecially when there is a large, large amount of characters that you could pull off much better.
It's okay to cosplay a dark-skinned character if you have light skin, I just don't think you should alter your skin to do so. And if you're really that anal about accuracy on everything that you'd much rather do that, you're better off cosplaying a character that does actually suit your skintone.

>NO ONE ever acts like that.
Have you HEARD some of the shit people in cosplay communities say when they're sure no one will jump on and attack them? Some of the opinions on /cgl/ alone cement my point. They won't say it aloud, of course, but sure as hell they're thinking it and/or will wait until they're in a "safe" environment to let it all hang out.
>>Also NO ONE ever acts like that. And if they do, I sure as hell hope one of their friends smacks them, or that group of people stays far away from others with that attitude, that's pretty vile.

Umm, we're on /cgl/ a good portion of the people on here fimly believe that dark skinned people have no place cosplay characters that are lighter than them

We're on the same board that is adamant about how fat people shouldn't cosplay
I agree with the part of people can cosplay whoever they want. I personally do not see a problem as a light skinned person cosplaying Korra or a dark skinned person cosplay as Sailor Moon, etc. It's when people start changing their skin color (light to dark and dark to light) is when things, IN MY OPINION, get tricky. You got lighter, and you'll look weird and will get comments. You go darker, and you'll look weird and will get comments. Its a no-win situation.

Now if you don't give a shit about rustling people's jimmies, do whatever you want. But if you are concerned about rustling people's jimmies, and you just never know when someone will get really offended, stick with your normal skin color. If you wanna go darker, you can always use some bronzer to give you more of a glow.

sage for this shit again
I get your stance, I really do. "Why cosplay something that you have to go extra lengths (in this case darkening your skin) because you wanna cosplay something you like, when you have so many other options to cosplay as". Well unfortunately for you and everyone else, that's not up to you or them to decide what someone else wants to do. I'm sorry that you don't like the fact that people use makeup to cosplay darker skinned characters but you don't have a say in what they do and don't do in a hobby of dressing up as fictional characters, regardless of where they come from background wise. If it offends you, then it offends you. But you should keep it to yourself unless it's offending the masses. Let the nerds celebrate the things they like.

>Some of the opinions on /cgl/ alone
Yeah /cgl/. That's about as far as it will ever get and I'm sure it will never go elsewhere because people say shit here, just to be dicks about it. We take this board with a grain of salt.
Nobody cares about what you think, you dumb whore.
>You dont have a say in how people cosplay! If you dont like something keep it to yourself! brb invading some girls webforum to say snotty things about her cosplays.
Sounds like you actually do.
Now, now Mags, you can't have one thing and not the other. People are allowed to do whatever they want to their skin, but if it offends someone, that person has the right to say something about it. It may not be a popular opinion, but it's an opinion and just as valuable as the next.

Everything is in the eye of the beholder. Cosplayer #1 may not see an issue with it, Cosplayer #2 may see an issue with it. Both opinions are important. Can't have one without the other.
>You don't need to spend money on tanning or painting your skin brown to cosplay as a character that would probably suit you much better.
Who the fuck are you to tell someone this? You sound exactly like a "friend" I had that was telling me I was too dark to cosplay a character I like. Fuck you, your "it's okay, I just don't think..."s and people like you that keep distilling everything in life down to skin color.

>people say shit here, just to be dicks about it. We take this board with a grain of salt.
Exactly this. People say whatever the fuck they want just to get reactions.
It doesn't offend me. Being discriminated or excluded from things or being told I'm lesser because of my race offends me. Those are actual matters, what people do in cosplay is not. Like I said before, I wouldn't really care if I saw it happening, but I don't see why anyone would do that and I think it's weird. End of story.
I agree, let the nerds do what they want, I just don't enjoy or understand them pretending some of the things they do are totally fine and dandy.
>That's about as far as it will ever get and I'm sure it will never go elsewhere
>implying this only happens on /cgl/
Sorry but no
>>6155099 isn't me, by the way. Not sure why you responded to them while quoting me.
that anthy is perfect.
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Japan level black face.
I don't see how changing your skin tone temporarily for a costume is offensive. We aren't talking about black facial paint and red lips, it's just changing a few shades. Should we also get offended at male crossplayers and tell them to "check their privilege" if they pull off a female character because biological sex isn't something you can take off at the end of the day, and thus they are being sexist?
I quoted it because they also had responded to that statement. Sorry for the confusion.

Fair enough. But it'll urk me forever
I would rather see people with blackface at cons than real black people at cons. People at conventions have a right to be there without fear of theft or rape.
You mean irk. It irks me when people don't spell irk correctly. lol.
What...? You seem upset. I'm not telling or ordering anyone to do anything, I'm just stating my stance on the fact.
What I'm saying is: Cosplay whatever you want, I just don't see why you would spend ridiculous amounts of money to alter your skin (which already has more than a few "bad" implications), especially when you have the advantage of being able to cosplay a staggering majority of other characters without having to put in nearly as much work or cash.
>you're distilling everything in life down to skin color
No. Nononononononononono. That's basically the fucking opposite of what I do or think. Noticing when some things have a clear racial tone is NOT "making everything about skin color". Please stop.
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>that's not up to you or them to decide what someone else wants to do.

What if someone wants to wear this costume to a con? Is that okay with you?
I am running on nothing and U is next to I, the sky is purple. Bees drink soda.
read the thread, you'll know exactly why people don't likeit
I understand the "you have so many other options, why cosplay one of the few dark-skinned characters around" argument, I really do. But LoK is one of THE BIGGEST fandoms around right now, and Korra herself is hugely popular for being a unique character in a variety of ways. This is one of the flip sides to characters of color becoming more prominent in the media--white people will want to cosplay them.

Ultimately, though, what is it really doing to harm the status of cosplayers of color? It's not like white cosplayers doing Korra suddenly removes her as an option for darker-skinned cosplayers. Honestly, it's the PoC Korras I see being reblogged to death on tumblr. And beyond that, isn't the fact that people of all races and ethnicities love Korra so much they're willing to spend time, money and effort into dressing up as her a positive thing? Yeah, it's not exactly the mode of expression SJ warriors would like them to have, but that's life--things, even positive things, don't always have the consequences you'd imagine. To me, this just seems like seizing on a tiny nitpicky issue that is, in fact, the unavoidable side effect of larger, positive change.

I don't know. I'm a darker-skinned cosplayer (who has cosplayed Korra) and I'm just not too bothered by white chicks dressing up as her too. I'm really just happy that the show has been such a smash hit--that means there'll be even more characters for me to dress up as in the future!
Yes. Of course. You may not want to wear something like that. She does. If you don't like it, man up and look away.
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That cosplay is made worse by the tan.
She doesn't seem to suit the character at all. Jessie, right? Her face just doesn't have any place in a shoujo manga to me.

Couldn't care less about her ~skin tone~ and this is coming from true darkness. It's too easy to step on people's toes and goddamn it, I just want to look at pretty costumes.
When the point of wearing a costume is to look like someone else, I just can't accept that it is wrong to try and look like someone else. Obviously it would be a bad idea to take it outside, but you would think a convention would be the type of place that would accept costuming for what it is.
You sound like you're from tumblr. Please go back.
I explicitly said I'm not an annoying SJ tumblr fag in my first post. You didn't even read any of this conversation, did you?
You sound like you're from Reddit. Please go back.
Exactly something someone from tumblr would say.

Caught red handed.
I love Morgan Freeman so much more now. The only way to get rid of segregation is to stop segregating ourselves.
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That's almost exactly something someone from Reddit trying to sound 4chan-savvy would say.

I believe I'm not the one caught red-handed in anything here, Anon.
Since this thread originated from the whole White person cosplaying Korra thing..
I just have something to say.

Korra isn't black.. right? Seeing as she grew up near snow, the sun reflects off the snow. Thats how she got tan.
So she really isn't black..
Same with Katara
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Not even the anon you're aguing with, but the whole thing is fucking stupid. It's like a back and forth argument between the two of you screaming "I know you are but what am I?"

Go back to your respective homes (Reddit and Tumblr) and leave /cgl/ alone.
I try to understand the perspective of other PoC, I am Mexican but my skin is very light so people always assumed I was white. Therefore I haven't been treated the same way other darker PoC have been treated. But I just don't understand why a light skinned person can't dress up as a dark skinned, FICTIONAL, character. And vice versa. I mean, I see PoC dress up as light skinned-fictional characters very often (Sailor Moon, Kingdom Hearts, etc.) and I never have had a problem with it. And I can't help but think, what about children? What if a light-skinned girl wants to dress up as Korra for Halloween, but people tell her 'no, you can't because she's dark skinned and you're not'. What is THAT telling her? Isn't it things like that that what cause racism? It's just as bad telling a dark-skinned girl she can't dress up as Princess Peach because she's not light-skinned enough. I think the only thing that bothers me is when light skinned people try to darken their skin, I don't see dark skinned people try to lighten their skin, skin shouldn't be an issue. It's a fucking hobby where you meet with people and share experiences and have fun together. Fuck, I don't know. Maybe I'm an exception because I'm light-skinned and haven't had the same experiences as other PoC but still. Or maybe I'm just ignorant.
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9fag detected
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>mfw yall niggas get mad @ blackface cosplays
If they're going to accuracy, then yes, that's why they'd darken their skin. And it seems to be a lot easier to darken it than it is to lighten it, but I know I've seen plenty of darker girls use makeup to make their faces whiter for certain cosplays. I'm actually half black with the darker skin of a hispanic person, and I honestly don't give a fuck. I'd much rather see someone be as accurate as they can possibly be if that's what makes them happy with their costume.
>It's not like white cosplayers doing Korra suddenly removes her as an option for darker-skinned cosplayers.

Yes, why does no one seem to understand this? It's not like cons/con photoshoots only accept a certain number of Korra cosplayers and a white person cosplaying her takes a spot away from a black/hispanic/asian cosplayer.

If there were a Korra movie and a white girl was cast, that would be whitewashing and depriving a poc of the role, but an independent cosplayer isn't taking that opportunity away from you, unless you're one of those spoilt children that throws a tantrum if someone else wears the same dress to the school dance.

(btw, general 'you', not directed at 6122191)
>implying there are any activist movements besides telling people on tumblr to die or changing your fb profile picture.
Some guy I know on Facebook has been wanting to get a "mostly African American" cosplay group together and wants to do Persona 4 with it. I don't have much of a beef with it besides the fact that when I asked him if I (a little white girl) could join in case he couldn't fill any spots up until the last minute, he outright told me no, and that I should be ashamed for asking. I've got a pretty good Rise cosplay sitting in my closet right now and it's hard as fuck to find P4 groups where I am.

Not trying to stir the pot even more, but I don't think something like this would ever fly if white people were doing it. :/
I hate that double standard. Like "Blackpeoplemeet.com" and believe it or not there is a "Black Expo" that comes to my city every year. What would happen if white people made a just for whiteys dating site or had an expo center convention for all white people culture? (oh god that would be all seinfeld, friends, and frasier)
They would honestly be called racist when really its just equality.
The worst part is that he called me racist for even asking if I could join his group. I didn't have a response to that besides "are you subzerious?" and he blocked me.
They're modeled after Inuit peoples. I don't get it, either.
The Water Benders are modeled after the Inuit people, so she's probably got some natural colour to her skin, but I would say that most of it could be a tan from light reflecting off the snow.
That could also be why Noatak was paler when he was older, and why Tahno could be white as a ghost after only one or two generations.
But yeah, Korra =/= black

I personally think someone Native American would cosplay Korra way better than someone black or Mexican.
Every other dating site is basically whitepeoplemeet.com.
Covert racism is still racism, and it's heavily ingrained into western culture that it's okay to be racist as long as you don't actually admit you're being racist.
maybe they just want to have a cohesive look, it looks fucking awkward when there is an all black cast and then one white person in there.

I'm black and I know some pretty hardcore cosplay groups and they never ask me to be a character unless I look like the character, they prefer to be as accurate as possible because for them cosplay is an art form and things look off if there is one black person in an all white group. Recently they've decided to do LoK and they asked me to be Korra because I look more accurate to the character than all of them.. It's just how it goes. If you want to be a part of a group that doesn't work that way then make your own fucking group and make it open to everyone. But don't pretend like white people don't do the same thing.

Black people specific groups exist because blacks are a minority and many black people do not marry or date outside of their race, many white people do not marry or date outside of their race either. Even when you sign up on match.com they ask you with race you prefer.

Plus there is a white people dating service.
they sure fucking would
but how many Native Americans do you know?
I've never met anyone that said Korra was black
even sj blogs don't call her black
blackface works as a blanket term for everyone brown because black people aren't black anyway
So should white people
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Ah-ah-ah, Voldemort. Already been capped.
>because I look more accurate to the character than all of them..

No, a black Korra is about as inaccurate as a white Korra because she's based on a fucking Inuit. All dark-skinned people do not all rook same.
>mostly African American group

It's like the guy was trying to cover his ass in an attmept to not sound racist, but actually was when it came down to the nitty gritty. I'm guessing he wanted a POC cosplay group. Wait, is this Solomon that's doing the group? If it is, I'm going to laugh so fucking hard at his racist black ass.
So retarded since that would mean that whites shouldn't cosplay anime characters.
She totally puts on a nice girl act but anyone with 2 brain cells can see through it so you're just pointing out the obvious.
Because Sailor Moon doesn't have blond-haired, blue eyes characters and no other anime would ever have characters with Caucasian features.
At least those "colored" people don't pretend to be virgins, eh?
>implying having blond hair and blue eyes definitely makes you white
>implying the very same anime doesn't have blue and green haired characters with red eyes
>implying her name isn't Usagi Tsukino
>implying she isn't a Moon Princess incarnation

ha ha ha
Voldemort is as fake as they come, she has cgl wrapped around her finger and milks her innocentpuredesu~ act whenever she can, it's quite pathetic they buy it.
Biracial here,

I find it difficult to cosplay with my limited amount of selcetion. Especially since I'm too light to cosplay black characters, too dark to cosplay light characters, and I have scars on my face from being a rough kid.

I hate thread like these, because people like you come out of the woodwork. I'm not going to go on a tirade about how Eurocentric beauty standards have been the norm for hundreds of years, or how African/Black features have been treated as being inferior, but it's a little more than an "inferiority complex". This is why people get upset. Because when you're in the position to complain about what upsets other people, you rarely will take a second to see how they have to deal with it daily.
Then stop giving a fuck and cosplay whatever the fuck you want?

The only people who are pissy about skin color accuracy is the fucking retards who take something that is a fun hobby as serious business and those people are few and far between.

I'm biracial too and I could give a fuck less.
Pitch black, yes. That shit IS offensive, and it pretty much is using our skin as black face. I don't mind if you tan a bit, because that's in range to do. But painting yourself black for a drow cosplay is kind of rude.

The way I see it (~*personal opinion time*~), I don't mind if a cosplayer were to tan to get closer to their character's shade, because I lighten my skin (naturally) when I'm playing certain characters. But painting your skin black is completely different...

Anon, in situations like that, just fuck 'em. Get a tan. It's not a big deal tbh.
You're right. Only Asian people should cosplay from Sailor Moon, Beck, Fushigi Yuugi, Baccano!, Blood+, Heroman, Death Note, Moonlight Mile, or a number of other anime.

Yep, just like how blacks don't tip, for example!

lol. What a shithead she is!
I once dated a Brazilian girl who stopped talking to me once I said I was black. Also one of my best friends was Portuguese and I couldn't really be in his house.

Black people aren't purpleish black or pitch black. You fuckers have no reason to get anal about imaginary characters who don't even have the same skin color as you.

>drow not even real
>considered racist

what is wrong with this picture
Nice strawman argument.
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lol everything~

>making claim about a damn skintone

Typical darkie, not willing to work for anything and just expect it to be handed to you!
Naw I like being accurate and I don't look good with blonde hair IMO (even though I was blonde to dirty until I was 3). There really isn't a cosplay there closely relates to me, so I just go for more universal costumes. No offense, but if I saw a black Cloud Strife or black Naruto, I'd laugh.

Sigh, look at some old adds about African/Black people. Tell me what they're colored to be. Then get back to me.

>lol wait nvm that'd be like using more than 2 brain cells
>any year

These monkeys are less intelligent than real humans(see white and asians) and think they deserve to be treated like fucking human beings?

Fucking ridiculous.

Only Africans are truly a rich darker color. I really doubt anyone complaining in here is African, so isn't it "racist" to assume all colors of black instantly are making fun of AfroMurricans?
Wow, voldemort is a racist twat.
its ''black face'' regardless of what race you're pretending to be.

>assuming most printing has been done in color for longer than black & white, even in cave paintings

Why didn't darkies invent more colors then if they didn't like it?
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>she thinks you can compare old joke ads to an imaginary race of people with purplish tones to their skin!

Does thinking hurt for you?

Then shut the fuck up and stop crying cause you can find characters to cosplay in your skin tone. Nobody is going to baby you.
>Old Joke ads

You serious? That shit was 100% cereal.
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>Can't into plurals, capitalizing or basic grammar and tone of the English language in general
>Can't even greentext in a coherent way
>Thinks they're entitled to calling other races "less intelligent than humans"

Stormfags, ladies and gentlemen.
Pic related, white people
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>she still thinks you can compare it to an imaginary character!
>she thinks it's the same thing!

Holy crap, stop it. I think I'm going to pee myself.
>s/he thinks.....!
I've seen you before in that one black doll thread. You're shitting up this board, please leave.
You think I'm shitting up this board when there are people who are comparing black people to elves? I mean, really?

You don't have to get upset when I point out the stupidity.
do you know what "black face" means
The point here isn't you pointing out stupidity, it's you actually being just as stupid.
And you're not the only one calling that anon out on their bullshit.

>assuming poster was white
>assuming all whites don't know proper english
>assuming most people know proper English
>assuming those who don't use English properly/don't know English are subhuman

who's racist now?
>Pic related, white trash
So I'm guessing it's your stupid ass who thinks that painting yourself to look like a drow is the same thing as painting yourself black with comical red or pink lips?

Then tell me what are the similarities. Do you know what black face is?
I'm not even the same person and I'm a guy. I just jumped in because you're teaching your history lesson wrong.

Indeed. I don't think you should be so focused on ads from the past, though. Those hurts can't be changed. You should focus on the obviously racist ads of today instead.
The term is used to describe similar situations. hence the quotations.
That damn hip-hop....

No I'm serious, shit like worldstarhiphop.com is terrible and an inside joke for a lot of black people who aren't hoodrats.
lol pls stop
You're both fucking dumb and should leave this board forever.
But...it's not, meaning you don't know what black face is.
God this thread is stupid. Black face is more than just painting your skin black. A dark elf is not black face. Black face was invented specifically for white actors to portray black people because they were not allowed to be actors. It is characterized by black makeup, huge red lips and shitty wigs. It was an over exaggeration of what stereotypically makes someone black. Jynx and Mr. Popo are "blackface" A white girl using makeup to tan her skin for Anthy or Fran is not blackface. Someone painting themselves an unrealistic skintone (onyx, blue, green, ect) is not blackface.

Get the sticks out of your asses and go back to tumblr.
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>Let me try and change the subject cause I got called out.

It's okay if you realized you fucked up bad, just say so.
>assuming poster was white
>implying poster wasn't white
>assuming all whites don't know proper english
What are you even talking about?
>assuming most people know proper English
It's only kosher on a primarily English board.
>assuming those who don't use English properly/don't know English are subhuman

Still you/that anon.
fine then change it to "brown face" and its still the same shit being done just with a a different race.
But that's not even me and I haven't changed the subject. I already said elf-anon was stupid, but you're also stupid.
You're so insecure and doubtful that people don't like you it's hilarious. Were you dropped on your head as an infant? That would explain your shitty deduction skills and logic.
But it's not. Refer to >>6155583 and shut the fuck up.
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Yeah okay, but you have changed the subject which people do when they know they are wrong. If you aren't that silly anon, and you agree with me, then move on.

Just because a board is in the English language does not mean most of those users will know "proper" English or even follow most of the grammar rules for the language. Most people who speak or write the language do not follow all of those rules 100% of the time.

You were making fun of someone for improper use of English. Most of the world uses English, and if most people who use English do not follow the rules correctly you are also making fun of their grammar and putting them down. Since English spreads across almost all ethnicities (incorrectly labeled "Races"), you are making fun of those ethnicities as well, assuming proper use of English is the only thing denoting intelligence. This makes you an ethnicist.

>but you have changed the subject which people do when they know they are wrong.
Changed what subject? I posted that you were stupid and should leave this board.
You went "YEAH BUT I GOTTA DISAGREE WIT DIS BITCH", and then I said "But you're just as stupid as her. You should both leave." and then you said "Stop changing the subject just because you're wrong!!". Is this making any sense to you?
>move on
Oh, don't worry. I'm just here to spout how annoying I think you are.
"brown face" isn't even a thing. It's a term social butthurt warriors invented. You are missing the most important reason why blackface is offensive and that is not that someone painted their skin to resemble the skin of another race, it is the over exaggeration of stereotypes and characterization of an entire race of people, usually for comic relief. If you seriously can't understand that then you should probably just leave this discussion as it is way over your head.
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>On subject about how comparing black face to painting yourself is retarded
ITT white people are entitled to everything even other peoples race.
ITT Everyone is entitled to everything.
>Most people who speak or write the language do not follow all of those rules 100% of the time.
And a lot of these people tend to be disrespected here. Misspelling a single word, or messing up a phrase on most boards will earn you a reaction image and your mistake greentexted. "doggy dog world", "diamond dozen" and other unfortunate mistakes probably made by people who are not "following the English language rules 100%" are usually called out and made fun of.
I dare you to post a thread with entirely Google Translated English and tell me the majority of the posts aren't people either laughing at you or telling you they don't understand.
>you are also making fun of their grammar and putting them down
Yes, I realize this. This sounds like you're trying to defend that anon. S/he put down an entire ethnicity of people and called them animals, whereas I insulted their grasp of the English language. You understand that, correct?
>you are making fun of those ethnicities as well, assuming proper use of English is the only thing denoting intelligence
No. Making a statement in English that implies your own race is a shining beacon of intelligence while not being able to understand English grammar is silly, because you'd think someone with such high intelligence would be able to pick up a language to an satisfactory level, or, if they're not particularly skilled at that language, make the post in a language they're actually fluent in.
It's not funny when any random person slips and falls in mud, but it IS funny when someone who touts themselves as "higher" than others in a narcissistic tone slips and falls in the mud.
>This makes you an ethnicist.
No, it really doesn't.

>inb4 I make a mistake in this post, it gets pointed out and I'm treated like my entire argument falls apart instead of it actually proven true
These threads are only around to create shitstorms. Can we PLEASE get this deleted?
You seem upset. And yes, you are very stupid even though I agree with you.
Let's say there is a man who dislikes shit-smelling toilets, he (hopefully) shares this trait with you. Let's say this man also is 35 and still in elementary school with failing grades, has extreme rage issues, and believes the government is watching him and wears dirty diapers on his head to avoid being electrocuted by flourescent lights.
You agree with him, so that negates him being retarded and crazy. Right?
And no, I wasn't on that subject. I just came and told you that you were stupid.
This debate only proves one thing:

That people, regardless if they're FOR or AGAINST the issue, cannot see beyond a person's skin colour, positive or negative.
Congratulations SJA-fags, you're helping in segregating coloured and non-coloured people from each others and alienating people based on the tone of their skin.
Fucking racist assholes.
>why spend money on cosplay?
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I'm the one upset yet you're the one rambling off into this he said she said bull?

I'm right, you agree. Anon is retarded. End of story.
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I came here to eradicate this thread.
That's racist.
>he said she said bull
But it's not bull, I recapped our entire conversation and you're trying to tiptoe around the fact that at every turn, you make an ass of yourself.
You're stupid. I agree with you on one point. That doesn't change the fact that you're stupid. End of story.
Hooly fuck his eyes are terrifying.
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But it is bull because it had nothing to do with black face and painting yourself to look like a drow.

You see how retarded you are? You see how you're spewing bull?
But it's not bull because I never even mentioned drows or skin painting.
Are you asking those questions to a mirror?
Instead of going and doing something that could help in the fight against REAL racism y'all are sitting here bitching about a subject that has been discussed to death and it's not going to change ANYONE'S mind.
God lord.
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But it is bull because you had nothing to do with the anon I was talking to.

Do you get it now?

>once again hurling into he said she said

I'm guessing it's a result of being in the dark mines for so long.
>you had nothing to do with the anon I was talking to.
And? I'm allowed to say things to people on 4chan, am I not?

Again, are you talking to a mirror?
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So it's bull.

You're allow to say things to people, and I'm allowed to call it bull when it's unrelated crap.
But it's not bull, you can't challenge that fact and you're throwing around excuses left and right in a sad attempt to defend yourself.
Yes, you are allowed to say that, but it doesn't change the fact that you actually are stupid or negate the fact that I'm allowed to say so and/or contradict you.

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