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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

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What's up bitches the South's largest Comic & Sci-fi convention is a little over than 2 weeks away.

No animu, no weeaboos allowed, only greasy neck beards.

Everyone and their dog in Atlanta is going, why aren't you? Got a room there? If so fok ya bitch you better party down.

Got plans? Well, fuck them. We're going to Gladys Knight's Chicken & Waffles east coast style.
/cgl/ meetups at 10pm Fri, Sat, Sunday. Meeting at fountains at the Marriot. Open to suggestions.

FB event page:

dont be a faget
i'm only going to be there saturday with some non cgl friends

i'm crossplaying catwoman and the body wuit i ordered a month ago hasn't come in yet! they said two weeks!

luckily that part is a put on and go thing, i've already modified the parts that need modifying

when will i lear not to accept last minute con invites?
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I'm hyped.. 8 gallons of booze, 8 liters of mixers, 6 nights of insanity with 9 other people in my room + thousands of people in the convention halls.

No stress about unloading (wednesday), no stress about packing up on tuesday... chilling on thursday as we get in line early to pick up badges.

Parties every night. Costumes day and night. Panels? fuck em. Photoshoots for life. Saturday night we just wander around and take pictures while drunk.

Give it a week or two there will be more people talking.
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Is that a party invitation?
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This will be my first Dragon*Con. Fuck, I am so beyond excited.
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Not in the Marriott, we got shut down after 30 minutes last year.. But the party is everywhere these days. Just gotta be in a festive mood.

I don't want to bogart parties, we all want to go out and have fun. Its just tough to keep things sane with so many people, and I don't even want to talk about the guys that peed in our dresser after the last party.

If you want to do a lot of room parties you either have to pay for the commercial ones (Contourage, Convoluted, Cosplay Deviants) or just join a lot of convention groups that go to dragon*con. Wolfpack, 501st, Legion of Heroes, Superhero forums, RPF, Dragon*Con forums, etc,

Hell with 10 people I already got a nice sized party going before I even leave the room.
Funny how its just gonna go downhill once the 70+ doctor who's and homestuck cosplayers show up... not to mention the overabundance of victorian clothing.

At least the parade will be good.
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By time lol...
Oh shit I remember that. Didn't actually go but heard from some peeps about that incident. How about a cgl exclusive party? I really want to host it in my room, got 7 people staying but my girl isn't a huge fan of hosting a party for people she doesn't know. Wanna collab and do a joint effort on this? Gonna aim for above the 50th floor in the Westin.

Fuck paying to get into those other parties. Rather die of alcohol poisoning than pay.

Nah, Dragon*con is too expensive for the Homestucks. Didn't see a one at Dragon*con and yet they were EVERYWHERE just two weeks later at AWA.

The high badge price is a huge deterrent to weebs.

I'm doing homestuck one of the days but honestly knowing most the fandom can't afford to go is a feature not a bug
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Sounds interesting. I'd like to do one of the CGL meetups first but I'd be down for something crazy maybe Saturday night.
How about we all go to Gladys Knights on sat? What you guys think
I know, right? Depending on how drunk I am, I'll definitely be trying to make one of the meet ups.
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ill be there

Nah if my plan works out I'm going to be near enough to the consuite I don't plan on leaving the grounds Saturday night especially not in full makeup. Will meet up and talk though.
reblogged the shit out of that gif
Ah! You've cosplayed Washu, right? Will you be wearing her at the con? We've got a decent sized Tenchi group happening Sunday morning. If you are, it'd be awesome to grab some photos with you.
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Sorry, maybe if you caught me 2 years ago...
My last Dcon, i had a good sized Tenchi group, and i was Ryoko. Had so much fun!!! this year im strictly cosplaying from Sci-fi shows, no anime cosplays this year, desu!

But damn... does it sounds tempting!
I'm up for that.
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ok it came in how do i look(sorry for the shitty camera)
Spend a little more money on having it tailored and you'll be fine.


Drinking contest
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Shut up, Washu.

that'll be an awkard conversation

"hello young man"
hello could you custom fit this catwoman costume for me so i can crossplay?"

i wish i knew how to do it myself
thought you were the washu that is a skinny white dude
It would be awkward but since you're not familiar with sewing, it's your only option unless you know someone who could do it for you.

could it be done before the con?

i think i can find someone

how much do you think it would cost?
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you're on you fucker

betta bring it

Tailors will usually ask when you want the item to be done and will sometimes be able to do the work within a few days if not have it done by the next week. I can't say for sure how much you would expect to pay for the one but I would guess anywhere from 30 to 50 dollars just because of the fabric.

ok i could see how the fabric could be hard to work with. how long do you think a novice would take? give or take
A novice? A few hours, maybe over the course of several days, give or take. Once they get used to the fabric, I don't think it would take long. They'll essentially just be sewing parallel to the existing seams so it would be fairly simple.
sweet i'll try it out and be the best catwoman i can be! (in a little over a week)
Just take it slow and look up what kind of stitches would be the best to use. Best of luck to you, anon!

thanks! if you see a giant ass fucking catwoman it's me lol
I'm glad you guys decided to do one each night. Hopefully I can make one of them this year.

I can't believe it's only 2 weeks away!
I won't be there, sadly. A friend of mine may be there as Harley Quinn, so I'll tell her to keep an eye out for you!

that's great my group is doing batman villains on saturday there's 7 of us so far
I'll pass that along to her as well!
i hope the random people in my room take kindly to my backpack full of rum, tequila, and vodka

for some reason, i dont think they will ;_;
You should vote which day we should do Chicken & Waffles!

So far everyone is edging for Saturday. But want everyone to be able to come.
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Whats up Seagulls? Gonna try to shoot for the Friday night meetup, gonna most likely try to make the Heroes and Villains Saturday night but who knows. I know I'm certainly gonna do some drunk wondering and video/picture taking. Going to fill up a 32 GB Micro SD with 1080p goodness :)
back to pg 1! so who is not gona finish

get on the first page!

theres only a week left! i'm excited
lol nop there's 2 weeks left but god damn i cannot wait to boogie and party down.

the reason why cgl doesn't go to dragon con because they're too lame and feel out of their comfort zone when not at an anime con
Does anyone need a room? I just had 3 of my 8 bail on me and am now stuck with an extra non-refundable room at the airport Hilton. Not the closest, but there are shuttles to the con 3 times a day, it's right near the metro, and we have a car for emergencies. We probably won't be in the rooms a whole lot, and are all over 21. If I can get it up to 8 people again it would be $150 for thurs-sun. I'll cut the price down too if you aren't staying all the days. Send me an email if you are interested.
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Skinny white dude??
Im a short white chick


We will finally meet!
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That we will! Ill try my best to make it to the meet-up(s). I went to the during Katsucon, but didnt stay long because the Hellsing shoot was at the same time. I'll be able to stay long this time. Then after Katsu i took a short break from /cgl/.
10 days!!!

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