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ITT: We come up with ideas for a sticky for /cgl/

Cosplay general rules:
>Don't buy anything from Milanoo. That website is a scam site and what you get WILL be horrible
>Always wear a wig. Normal hair cannot stay styled as well as a wig can.
>Satin is not a good material for your costume. It will reflect poorly in photographs.
>If you're just starting out, don't go for something too complicated. Attempting a suit of armour or a gundam or something when you've never made a costume before is a little farfetched.
>There is nothing wrong with buying your costume as long as you don't pretend to have made it. Don't be ashamed.

Lolita general rules:
Can't speak for this, I'm not a lolita.

/cgl/ things:
>We normally have threads for suggestions and help. Please don't clog the board up by making threads dedicated to suggestions for yourself.
>We do have a janitor around here, so reporting does help to get rid of spam/raid threads.
>We don't actually spend all our time talking about sugar daddies and periods.

>Taobao list
>Tutorials and patterns

Taobao FAQ and wig store links are coming up.
>What the heck is taobao and what is this moonspeak
Taobao is basically Chinese ebay. Use a translator like bing or google translate and it suddenly becomes like any other website.

>How do I order?
99% of shops will only ship within China, so you'll need a shopping service to order from there. There are lists on egl (livejournal) and hellolace of shopping services, as well as guides on how to use taobao.

>Who's the best shopping service?
There is no "best" shopping service. It's all subjective. There are reviews online of just about every service under the sun, but ultimately it just comes down to personal preference.

>But I want to know people's personal experiences
Google them.

Yes, those are the real prices. The catch is you'll need to factor in international shipping.

Ignore it. The prices are in Chinese yuan. The end.

>How do I find ________?
I find thatGoogle translate is pretty accurate when it comes to search terms. Another trick I use is I copy listing titles of similar items and things I like, and save common keywords to use to look more similar things up that way.

>I just found these [so and so] on taobao and I really like them. Does anyone know where I can find more?
See above answer.

>Does anyone know how much ____ and ____ and _____ would cost to ship to _____?

Most shopping services have shipping estimators on their sites. If you have similar items on hand, and a scale, you can weigh them to figure out the weight and roughly how much you'd pay. If you don't have a scale, you can also try taking them to the post office and asking them to weigh it for you, which I used to do all the time. SAL and Airmail are the cheap alternatives to EMS. SAL is best if your package is very heavy, airmail if you're only getting one or two things.
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>Is [such and such] shop reputable?
Okay, the rating system for taobao goes like this: Hearts (new store) < Diamonds < Silver Crowns < Gold Crowns (well established and long running store)
Instead of measuring feedback percentages like ebay, the ratings measure the amount of transactions completed, in addition to ratings. You can click on these ratings to be taken to the feedback page, and can seperate positive (red flower) neutral (yellow flower) and negative (black flower) feedback, and translate. This can also be done from individual item pages by scrolling all the way to the bottom for item-specific feedback.

>Where are all the sizes?

They don't use traditional sizes like we do. Instead they list the maximum measurements of the clothes. You'll need to get a tape measure and measure yourself.

>How do I find plus size shoes and clothes?
This: 大码

You can also add xxxl to your search for clothes instead of the chinese character.

>I read this whole FAQ but I still don't know what to do because hurrdurr
Google. Google is your friend. There is an endless resource of reviews and guides out there, all you need to do is do a little research.
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stickies and too many rules in general is stupid.

also it should say, ALL DRAMA ALL THE TIME
No this is good. We have a mod on the board right now so maybe he will sticky this.
maybe if you suck his dick, he will. ^_^
This is a good idea.
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These all sound pretty good to me!


>how does i lolita?

Uhhh, that's all I can think of right now.

Maybe I'm just having a brainfart.
>How do I get con pussy?
You don't.
>stare at this pic
>look at wrists
>bend them
>grab one wrist and pull it down more
Depends on the person. I knew a girl who could bend it all the way down. I guest they're double jointed or something.
Would it be possible to attempt to cultivate a nicer, friendlier /cgl/ and channel the /cgl/ of old? I'd like that.
Too many newfags, summerfags that decided to stay, /fit/fags, /soc/fags etc.
Old /cgl/ was nice? I find that hard to believe.
Old /cgl/ put my foot in the door to start cosplaying.

I asked a question and got so many answers and references.
We could have a mod message of "play nice, girls" or something like that. After a sweep of bans in order to keep out the shitposters, maybe people will start to get the idea.

It was more welcoming of new cosplayers, didn't have the insanely high standards that we have today, anons and trips helped out people looking for reference pics, and drama wasn't just some half-cocked ideas that anons assumed and let spiral out of control. Old drama was actual drama where people were assholes to each other and the hate was completely warranted.
Here's a list of sites run by Milanoo: http://egl.livejournal.com/15911979.html

miccostumes is also a huge scam site with horrible customer service. Stay away from all of those when buying from ebay and whatnot.
Too much of a wall of text to be made into a sticky.
You should add most of that onto a pastebin instead or a different site that can host it, and the sticky can link to it.

A good rule for lolita shopping is if they sell costumes and zentai suits and whatnot on the same website as "lolita" clothing then you should probably steer clear.
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A few more /cgl/ related things

>We are harsh. Don't expect to make a thread for us to "rate your cosplay" with compliments all around. We will criticize but a lot of it will be helpful.
>There are a lot of tripfags here. That's just a thing. Some of us are helpful, some of us are shitposters. As you get used to this board you'll learn which ones to filter out.
>Please don't post a cosplayer you don't like to try to get us to bring them down. If you want the satisfaction of us making fun of someone you don't like, wait for a bad cosplay thread and post them there.
>There are a lot of trolls on /cgl/. Threads like "Why don't you have a boyfriend" or "Jessica Nigri can steal your boyfriend" are trolls trying to get a rise out of you. Report and hide the thread and it will be gone.
>Threads that have most of the text in the subject line and have to do with Pantyhose/cosplaying for older women/favourite dresses are made by Frances. She is crazy and is avoiding her permaban. You should report those. (A good way to tell is if someone posts a cap of her facebook, she will reply, "Please don't post that")

Will do, I'll add more as more is contributed to this thread
Something about looking for suggestion threads.
And the tripsheet somewhere.

Because that gets asked for a lot.
Probably needs some prop and accessories making tips. Wonderflex and whatnot.
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Reporting threads really needs to be stressed. The mod and janitor aren't sitting around refreshing /cgl/ all day looking for threads to delete. You need to report.
don't promote the hate filleed tripsheet, dumbass.
A link to the 4chan catalog would be helpful for people who don't want to sift through pages and pages of crap.
Can I ask who exactly is Frances and why she's crazy? I've asked a couple of times before, but I've gotten no explanation yet.
>taking the tripsheet seriously
Didn't like what someone wrote about your waifu?

And if you pay attention to /cgl/ there's a LOT of times people ask who's who. That sheet's been dropped NUMEROUS times so people would stop asking.
Agreeing with this. The tripsheet was a fun concept, but then it turned into just another "gaze upon this fugly mofo and hate them" thing. /cgl/ needs less angry people.
I'll include it to reduce the amount of people requesting it in a thread and therefore derailing the thread.

Should I include a list of shitposters in the pastebin or do you think that would be controversial?
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42 year old "plus sized" woman.
ALWAYS makes threads for pantyhose and dresses and shit. Now she TRIES to keep it cosplay/lolita related but she really fucked herself.

There's tons of caps from her facebook of her talking shit about lolita's and now she's trying to be one. Plus shit like this.

She says it's okay to cosplay American Dad because it's an adult cartoon, not "childish anime."

Sage for no relations.
>Satin is not a good material for your costume. It will reflect poorly in photographs.

I'm tired of people saying this. Satin CAN work. However, you need to use a good quality satin (look for bridal, casa, and peau de soie satins, not shitty costume satin), and it needs to be used in the right place. Nice dresses, princess gowns, things like that. It's NOT for school uniforms, suits, simple day dresses, etc.
this and people need to sage troll threads if (for whatever reason) they are going to post in them. If it's not relevant to /cgl/ or is dramashit thread then just sage and report.
It was funny when the vendetta part was LITERALLY exaggerated or a joke. Then it just seemed like it was being written by an anon who hated EVERYONE.

As an example, say someone asks who Kamui is. All you have to do is say she makes cool armor or link to one of her tutorial sites. Whipping out the tripsheet is borderline circlejerking since everyone is on there and a lot of the information is either wrong or outdated.
I think singling out people is cyberbullying. :3
Wait until moot has given our mod the OK to sweep through here like a holy plague and hand out mass bans to the shitposters. Whoever is left in the rubble should have a grace period of a week or two. Unless they shitpost during that time (use the archive for research), they should get a clean slate. A new /cgl/ for a new day.
oh also add for people to stop /r/ing that sexy hermoine lady, I swear she gets poste once a week
>taking the tripsheet seriously

This a real thing. People who are new to the board will probably take it with a grain of salt, but it will potentially pave the foundation for their opinions of trips. This might just be me, but I'm a fan of forming my own opinions based on personal interactions or personally witnessing people make asses of themselves firsthand.
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how about tunamelt
Tuna Melt is brought up either by trolls or someone who has a vendetta against her. It was an unfortunate event and she probably should have known better, but you can only milk that drama for so long. It's been what, a few years since it happened?
.....good point.
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This. Someone make a /cgl/ version of the faggotstore.
oh man I love the faggotstore
The tripsheet might be handy so that you know what certain trips look like, but googling their trip will yield the same results as looking at their pic on the sheet. It's useless for anything else and should be done away with. Lazy anons who want others to do the work for them get no sympathy from me.
Here's what I've got for the pastebin: http://pastebin.com/RWhKSwTW

feel free to suggest things for me to add
Literally all I've ever used it for is pictures, personally. Most of the commentary is pretty inaccurate anyway, as well as ridiculous.
that thing should be thrown into the lake of fire. Most trip fags are just shitposters
oh hey it's the anon that's butthurt he doesn't have any friends.
it's probably because of your poor attitude.
Hi God.
I still think you should take down the tripsheet and just put a note saying "if you're curious about what a certain trip looks like, google their name like any sane person" instead.
I think we just need a vendetta that's neutral.
Of course THAT will never happen.
Alternatively, hots a photo album with pictures of the trips instead of vendettas. It can be organized by specialities if they're a master seamstress or by region.

Sorry. :/
>by region.
Not saying I'm a special-case but what about other Military people that are always moving?
I CAN'T be the only person here, that's active duty....
Good point. Active duty military are bumped around a lot and could possibly have their own section.
What about by cons?
Almost like a guest-list but more of a "Expect to run into/be at meet-up" thing?
No, thank you. I fucking hate stickies and having to scroll past them every time I visit boards.
That's getting a little too specific since there are a lot of people who travel to larger cons.

I don't use it very often, but we could have a link to AnimeCons.com. It sorts cons by date and region, so unless there's a specific thread or some sort of group dedicated to a con, I think people will be just fine with cross-referencing. Active duty people are up in the air unless they make a post saying that they're going to a certain con.
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>crossplay tutorials
>general convention survival tips
>convention etiquette
>basic wig care

I worked all day and have to work tomorrow morning into the evening, so you'll have to forgive any double posting, but either way, it needs to be done.
Can we have something like what /tg/ has? I like the message of:


We dress up like cartoon and comic book characters, for moot's sake. Having fun is what it's all about.
Yeah but at the same time there are people who always do certain cons. If you're looking to arrange it by reason this is essentially the same thing.

And I think the lists would be shorter than you expect.
It's not that bad. Taking it with a grain of salt is necessary, but it does what it should. It provides a number of names of tripfags, and compiles their names in alphabetical order into a list. The list starts with the tripfags with no name, and ends with Zomzom, I mean. There are other related lists such as the one of summerfags, and of /cgl/ high. They provide information relevant to their subject, such as the summerfags currently available, and the idea of the tripfags in high school.
To be somewhat helpful, I will provide something that I am too stupid to follow myself

Rotary Cutter tips
>Move your rotary cutter away from your body as you move it
>Always put it into safety mode when you aren't using it
>Always remember your cutting board
>Make sure none of your fingers are touching the blade as you cut. It will peel your skin.
>You can cut with many layers on a rotary cutter. Use that to your advantage, once you get the hang of it.
You just cut yourself, didn't you.
Dude, I can't even get moot to make a damn sticky in the first place.

Oh yeah, a link to upcomingcons or something like that would be awesome. I could get alcohol poisoning if I drank to the number of times someone asked me about conventions in the greater Chicago area.

All of this money to technology and people still can't understand the concept of google.
What gave it away?
It was about when you mentioned that the tripsheet was alphabetized.
Not the end-all-be-all, but we have this thing from awhile ago
That's pretty neat. Where did the locations come from? Did people just add themselves or was there a thread for it?
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People just added themselves.
The tripfag sheet is funny as hell. Tripfags don't like it since it's not all rainbows. Even some of them admit that they are shitposters.
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Thank you for posting that! I was looking all over for it.
>don't like since it's not all rainbows
Yeah no, some of us just don't like some of the bullshit on there.
I honestly don't care about the shit about me, but I feel like the shot at Penny was kind of a dick move. THAT'S the type of statement that people take and assume is true and how rumors get started and why people get trolled over shit they're not involved in.
I think Voldemort is being way too presumptuous here, like who voted her lord of /cgl/?

the maps and giving out personal information is just going too far especially for an anonymous message board.

also the whooole pastebin thing is TL;DR, how self important can you get?
shes just trying to help. cgl needs a sticky for new fags
this is going way too far, and even goes so far as to identify people, where they live and post their pictures. This is an anon message board.
calm your tits, honey.
at least she's trying to do something productive around here
This is also a community.
Deal with it.
Nice, seems like a pretty solid list.
Small suggestions to the ones you have
>Have the link to the Chinese-Englsh Google Translate Page:

Also, another superficial note,
I understand there is no best tools or brands,
because such concept is subjective, but,
maybe having a list of the popular/recommended tools
would help some beginners?
Specifically, what are some of the quality and affordable paint, cutting tools, brushes, fabric, etc.

But yeah, good list man.
go to /soc/ if you want to socialize, that's what it's for.
>where they love
No one's going to give a fuck about what state you live in.
And if other people go so far to post cities, that's on them, isn't it?
Are you going to go the internet police for breaking the ruuruus?
ummm, Go to /soc/ if you want to socialize, that's what it's for.
Maps and the like are almost required based on the social nature of /cgl/. We go to conventions, meet-ups, and sometimes just dick around at sewing parties with each other. The "who to expect at what con" suggestion is a little much since someone can just make a thread for the con in which trips can say they're attending, I'll agree, but the postbin link in the sticky wouldn't be a bad idea since it's useful information concerning the board culture.
what are you even babbling about? the spreedsheet is taken from stalking tripfags, that is voluntary given or true information for the most part.
>voluntarily given
It's like you decided to repeat what I just said.
*that isn't voluntary information or even true information for the most part

Sorry, but I've been reading /q/ threads relating to /cgl/ and most people agree that we need a sticky. I figure this is the first step to us getting a sticky, but sorry if I offended, I wasn't trying to seem like the lord of /cgl/ or anything, just trying to help. Also, I didn't make the map thing, that was from a while back.
voldi is an attention whore given her involvement with multiple drama threads / cyber bullying. this thread is just another one of her "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME" shit.
wasn't voldemort a troll and shitposter once?
Look past the name and see the big picture. /cgl/ needs an overhaul and a sticky, so Voldemort stood up to the plate and is at least attempting to do something about it. You're just shitting up another thread with senseless drama.
A recommended list would be nice, especially if it showed what the stuff looks like, best kinds of projects to use it on, and how to care for it. That may be a bit much, though.
but why make a list of shitposters, if she herself was once a troll and shitposter? it seems hypocritical and phony on her part.
she wasnt a shitposter
A wild idea would be to ask /diy/ if they have any care tutorials for tools and to toss all of them in a photo album that gets updated frequently. Those guys are really nice and love to talk about their projects/tools. There's also their sticky thread with helpful links that we could incorporate into ours.
yes, her and her friend derpqueen were shitposters you newfag. she also made a hobbes thread under anon and found a list of trip passwords and gave to dildoes.
*gave trip passwords to dildoes (also a huge troll and shitposter) that she found
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That's a great idea. I'm sure both boards could use such an album as well, so it would be good for both boards.
I never really shitposted. I came here for cosplay advice and drama, not to troll. And the list was on a pastebin, I just found it and linked it in the cglchat2, they were bound to find it anyways.

Anyways, that's completely unrelated to the thread. THIS IS OUR PROBLEM GUYS.
>omg trip was a shitposter

1. who the fuck cares 2. get over it

looks like said trip is trying to do something positive but you're just shitting up the thread.
um, you also shit posted on the board under a fake trip with a thread about hobbes to impress your Asian troll "friends" on tinychat2, the same "friends" whom you now call out as shitposters on pastebin. you are a phony.
>omg trip was a shitposter

>1. who the fuck cares 2. get over it

EXACLTY, then why the fuck call them out in a fucking STICKY?????
Sorry, but you're wrong. That didn't ever happen. Could you please stop derailing this thread? We're trying to improve the board here.
Dear God just stop posting. Stop. This isn't about you. Stop shitting up another thread, for the love of God. If you hate her so much, either FUCKING TALK TO HER on a site that isn't 4chan or make your own sorry little "I hate Voldie because she wouldn't touch my dick" thread.
it did, you all showed it off in cglchat2, remember? you took a screencap of torrents and tried to troll hobbes by pretending to be some vendetta bitch.
>this thread
This is reason we can't have a janitor or mods.
christ, just stop shitting up this thread. Who cares if you think she was a shit poster? Shes trying to help which is way mroe than you can say
If true, why does it matter? hobbes is a piece of shit.
All right, I'm listening. Someone link to posts with good ideas or make a rough draft for a sticky.
"we eat our own" type of comments in rules are fucking dumb. leave that stupid shit out.
Can we have a list of answers common annoying questions?

>I look like [pic], who should I cosplay?

>Where can I buy a cosplay?

>Does anyone know about x seller?

>Can someone find reference pictures for me?
>I look like [pic], who should I cosplay?

I think there should be a sticky for that.
You could make a FAQ and it would be linked to the sticky.
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Rules 1 and 2 of /tg/ are good ideas.

The pastebin link should go in the sticky, but the article itself should be altered so as to not make us sound like vicious cunts that will eat you up and shit you out as a coord.

Posting the tripsheet should be a bannable offense since all it does is promote circlejerks and if someone really wanted to know what a trip looked like, they could google their trip name and get the same results.

Somehow promoting a friendlier atmosphere in order to cut down on the drama and derailing on-topic threads would be appreciated. We used to be a nice board filled with pleasant people. Please help us get that back, mod-chan. You're our only hope. ;_;
A list of scammy commissioners. Maybe a list of good ones too. That gets asked a lot.
Yeah, I think a /fit/-like sticky that answers general questions and has links to a bunch of resources would be optimal. We can have some questions actually in the sticky like "Looking for a wig shop" or "Don't know who to cosplay" as a way to catch interest, but the bulk of the information should be on the page linked by the sticky.
How cancerous does your mind have to be to actually care about what people say about you on the Internet, doubly so when they're just making fun of everyone? Do you think that people are retarded enough to take that BS as truth? It's obviously exaggerated, I could tell even as a newfag. If it hurts your "e-reputation" so hard, then ask the guy running it to remove your precious trip. He's got no problems with doing anything with it, actually. But hey, you can't do that, because that would still hurt your rep since you'll come off as a "higher than thou" who can't handle someone making fun of them.

How terrible your life must be.
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force anon with IDs, it is the only way...

>tfw not making it to the known shit poster list
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Holy shit you do exist.

This thread makes me happy.
We need something where we could update it when needed, like a quick wiki or some shit.

Also Id like to Pitch the Idea of weekly Progress/Help thread Stickies, and maybe some archive for it. Just something where we can keep some of the more important threads near the front page and the rest of the shit in other places. Just an Idea~
>>tfw not making it to the known shit poster list
Yeah, that has to be fixed. You and your ebony friend, both cancer.

By the way, forced anon will do nothing to cut down on trips like Maguma/50s dropping theirs to whiteknight themselves. As long as sage will remain implemented (and it will) all you have to do is sage for "Heaven" in your ID. All IDs will do is that a lot of whiteknight will suddenly become a lot more "heavenly" and if you call them out on it they can just say they're sagging an off-topic hate filled thread bawww etc.

>Posting the tripsheet should be a bannable offense since all it does is promote circlejerks and if someone really wanted to know what a trip looked like, they could google their trip name and get the same results.
Nope. You don't even know what circlejerk means, don't you?

You're exactly the type of person I was talking about here >>6134789. If you don't like what they say about you, grow a pair of balls and ask to be removed.

Or hey, just stop being a shitposter.
A weekly sticky is more involved. You'd have to pm me on irc for that.
*IDs not forced anon.

Messed those two up.

But anyway, what I said about IDs not stopping tripdroppers stands.

And all I can do is laugh at the idea of forced anon. Do that and /cgl/ will die. Do you actually believe that they come here to *talk* about cosplay? It's about attention. Whether attention to your oh-so-impressive work, or about the attention you get from your e-friends. Which you can't identify if they're all anon.
The contents of the tripsheet don't concern me as much as its existence. It serves no other purpose than to show you what trips look like and outdated or completely false drama associated with them. Googling the trip's name will serve the same purpose and it will hopefully close the gap between anon and tripcode user a little more. The current state of things has anon "being on the outside," which has been stated in multiple threads. If people were to stop glorifying tripcode users by making charts or what have you of them, it might just help. Just sayin'.
Forced IDs could be a good thing. It would cut down on the samefag/tripdropping accusations. Good idea.
How about a link to the 4chan catalog instead? It'll give people access to the threads on /cgl/ without having to sift through piles of "how do i shot cosplay?" threads.

>If people were to stop glorifying tripcode users by making charts or what have you of them, it might just help.
I'd bet my life savings that it's a tripfag who makes those.
Most likely. It's still perpetuating the gap and should be discouraged. People come to /cgl/ to talk about cosplay, lolita, conventions, and anything related, not to watch a bunch of trips circle jerk each other about how awesome they are. My rose-tinted glasses might be a bit thick, but I'd like us to start acting like a community again, not eat each other alive.
I just googled your name and found no pictures. How is that possible?
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/cgl/ culture and helpful links


Now play nice, ladies.
Because I make it a point to keep my personal life off out of places I'd rather it not be. Senseless drama is stupid. Other trips might not feel that way and just not care. :/

Also, I just googled "50s Housewife cosplay cgl" and came up with a pic of me, so your google-fu is weak.
I like this.
I think it should be separates into three clear sections- one link to cosplay tips, one link to lolita tips, one link to taobao tips, then a section which is basically 'how to /cgl/', like telling people not to selfpost and that sort of thing. That way it won't seem like too much of a wall-of-text, but people can easily access the information they're interested in. Board rules should be there too- or at least the ones mods are willing to enforce, which is dubious.

Also, this NEEDS to be in the lolita section, probably the single most important thing for any new lolita to read:
Hey, whats the mods view on fap/tits/ass/legs threads?

Ok or not?
As long as they stay on the topic of cosplay and are still work-safe, it shouldn't be an issue. Posting full-on naked people should be a big no-no and get reported ASAP. Some people browse /cgl/ at work on their down-time and shouldn't have to deal with PT's nudes being up for days on end. :/
Separate pastebins for each category, or just more spaces between the sections?

I like this, just need to fix up some of the editing issues

But I'm also not sure about the 'play nice' rules, because seriously, the reason I started hanging around on /cgl/ is because of the drama
How about "don't be complete assholes to each other" instead?
I think separate pastebins for each category might be a good idea, a lot of cosplayers will turn up uninterested in lolita information and vice versa. It's pretty good as it is, though.

Once the sticky is up, will we be able to update the pastebins with any other useful links we think of, or would that require having a mod come in to mess with the sticky?
File: 1344767144413.jpg-(187 KB, 500x374, Kawaii desu.jpg)
187 KB
/cgl/ culture and helpful links


Above you'll find links to our pastebin with information concerning the board and its unique culture and even more links with information about wigs, ordering, and a plethora of other cosplay/lolita-related things.

No biting, kicking, tearing other lolita's dresses, and keep your arms and legs inside at all times or I will turn this board around.
remove this one, it's embarrassing
Yeah, that might be a good idea. People won't understand that it's used for Taobao orders right off the bat.
Did you get unbanned? Because I could swear that I asked yesterday if you served the whole time and you were banned again.
Taobao dictionary: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ams6Fl3miZSndGZIUnY0eGludFBMYVJpTF8yTWwzTEE

Also how about we have a directory/image host thing of cgl related images? Like the "who should I cosplay?" thing and con checklists etc.

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