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File: 1343933458095.png-(1.15 MB, 1240x1753, Tomoko Kuroki is an awkward lady wi(...).png)
1.15 MB
Anyone ever done loser girl before?
chico. tomochico.
Only loser boys.
File: 1343934356094.png-(294 KB, 800x600, tomoko kuroki is sketched.png)
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ehh I'm not finding anything on google
I'd cosplay the fuck out of her but I am not kawaii enough and don't want to deface her.
people who basically only have a uniform are hard to cosplay cause theres nothing like a weapon or whatever to differentiate them. Thats probably why nobody has really done her. Plus shes not from a popular manga i think

also this is from something like Its not my fault im not popular. i think.
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Kinda hard to screw up, isn't it?
Pictures please.

>It's not my fault I'm not popular
I really thought it would be quite popular on /cgl/, being about the a socially crippled chick and her fucked up adventures.
if someone styled their wig appropriately, had a good uniform, bright green contacts and a bit of theatrical makeup for the under eye circles, it could stand out quite a bit.
Oh man, I totally have the right hair for this. Try searching for Spaghetti-tan.
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y-your not googling hard enough, obviously
File: 1343939771264.png-(208 KB, 851x1264, tomoko kuroki in her fina(...).png)
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"kuroki tomoko" cosplay
"tomoko kuroki" cosplay

OP was asking if anyone ever cosplayed her, not if anyone ever fucked a loser girl.

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File: 1343940543786.jpg-(194 KB, 1280x1450, 1334475379336.jpg)
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I had my mind on something else.

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