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File: 1343792138054.png-(140 KB, 250x265, Catherine_Cover_Art.png)
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I was at Otakon as Catherine for Friday and Saturday and was wondering if anybody got any shots of me? Thanks~
There's more than one Otakon thread. Ask there.

No. Just give up. You're probably ugly. Or fat. Or both.
I think a friend of mine snapped you, but she hasn't uploaded photos yet.
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Here you go.
yeah, yeah.
Thank you! That's me alright! ^^
This was my first con so I was rather nervous. ><
So Catherine, I would totally dump Katherine for you
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;D ahahaha, of course you would~
my personal favorite picture. my entire group

you been such a bitch as of late, especially with your "summerfag" shit.
i like how her real hair is showing.
0/10 complete shit
This is fucking beautiful.
Bless all of you. There needs to be more Catherine Cosplayers.
Sorry~ It's my first cosplay and I have long, big, black, curly hair. I tried really hard not to show it.

I thought if I gave it my best, it's the best I could do for my first con. Eh, in the end I wasn't trying to be rated just there for fun
Your head is so small compared to your large rectangular body
Really? I always thought my head was large.
Ah well, I'm not a true anime girl~ And I have gained some weight. It's true, my waist isn't very deep. While this is all true, I still think all bodies are beautiful~
Anyways, the people who matter to me think it's fine~

Again, not shooting to be #1 cosplayer. Was testing the waters for fun~
Oh stop it.
It's a pretty nice looking cosplay.
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1.14 MB
if this is you then yeah
Seriously just ignore them and make a contract with me. Jelly bitches are mad because they can't be magical girls

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