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ITT: Local con urban legends / bizarre happenings / notorious con goers / weird things that have happened to you or that you've heard of things happening to others at Cons.

There's a rumor that at Animazment several years ago, a girl went missing for three days from the con and no one knew where she went or who had taken her. She turned up in Florida after she called her parents. Apparently, she had decided to party with some guys in costume, and they roofied her.

There's also a notorious creeper at Momocon who's a middle aged, fat, balding man who wears a fake photographer badge and takes pictures of loli's and only lolis. No word on if he's done anything blatantly illegal yet.

Picture not related.
Animethon 14. At the dance. Having a good time.

Suddenly police burst in (two dozen or more) and group up everyone tell us that anyone underage needs to be escorted back to their hotels/dorms asap. There was a child predator at the dance trying to grab some kids. I was 17 at the time, fucking sucked.
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My sides won't stop bouncing.
i would still be scared even if i wasn't underage
>because i am a little white girl >_<
>a rumor that at Animazment
I've been going to Animazement since 2006 and this is my first time hearing about this. However I do have some stories to tell about Animazement.

>Urban Legend
Technically not one since it just supposedly happened this past year but it's odd enough to be one. Animazement 2012 the power went out for the hotel block. Over at one of the overflow hotels supposedly there were people leading a group of con-goers down the stairs to leave the building but they took them some sort of odd route that had them in a dead end and there was a guy waiting for them in there with full SWAT gear on and a realistic fake gun, threatening them while the people had led them there were taking photos and video of everyone freaking out.

>Notorious Con-Goer:
If you've ever gone to Animazement, you've probably seen the giant GIR mascot. Avoid it at all costs. The guy inside is a ginger male named Patrick and he's pretty much considered the creeper of the convention who cosplays things like GIR just to have girls all over him. He's a pervert and a peeper and the female population usually avoids him like the plague.
The only truly bad thing that's happened to me was in Seattle at PAX a few years ago. There was a guy cosplaying No Face from Spirited Away who pick pocketed several people. The only reason he got caught was because I instantly felt when my wallet had gone missing, and noticed him shuffling away. I told security, and they busted him and gave all the stuff back.

My friend, on the other hand, witnessed a full on brawl break out between a group of Hetalia cosplayers and a group of Bronies. One girl had to got to the hospital, and a Hetalia cosplayer apparently lost a tooth.

I've been going since 2007, and I actually have heard that rumor, though I can't confirm or deny if it is true.

As for me, I have no stories, but I'll bump for more.
Trying to remember any East Coast convention stories..
I went to Anime USA I believe in 2010, and I recall that one night an ambulance was called. We found out that two fucking idiots had been sword fighting with live steel out on a balcony. One had sliced the other's toe. I can't remember if it was a full amputation, though.

The ironic thing was that they had a sparring arena for that sort of thing in another area, where one used wooden swords.
>There's also a notorious creeper at Momocon who's a middle aged, fat, balding man who wears a fake photographer badge and takes pictures of loli's and only lolis. No word on if he's done anything blatantly illegal yet.

Huh, really? I've never heard anything about him. Pictures?
I was there that year. Shit- I remember an ambulance.
Last year a guy was arrested for getting abusive with the hotel staff. Apparently he was cursing at them, not sure why...
I'm not 100% sure what happened since I was already on my way home from Anime North but apparently there was some sort of accident including drunks at the hotel across the street from Anime North. I think some cosplayers had a bit too much fun but cops or an ambulance ended up going in that direction
Anime USA 2010 or 2011 had some guy fall and break his arm so they called the ambulance and while it was parked out front a very good Michael Jackson cosplayer started dancing in front of it. Definitely one of the weirdest things I've ever seen.
Also Animazement 2011 on Friday a mentally unstable woman who was completely nude was running down the street in the convention/hotel area and police had to go get her.
This reminds me of Otakon 2010's rave. I believe that was the year, anyway. I watched a gentleman break his leg break dancing and had to help keep people back so that no one would trip over the poor fucker.
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OP, is it this guy? I overheard him bragging about taking a picture of a fifteen year old girl wearing a Fakku shirt and he was showing off ass shots he got of her Cammy cosplay.
I saw two ambulances, one each night, in the early hours of the morning at this past Katsucon. The first one on Friday is rumoured to be due to something happening in that lounge area, cause the morning afterwards one of the couches had a tarp over it and they put up the CAUTION tape to keep people out of the are earlier than they did the next night. Not sure what was there.

Saturday night/Sunday morning, I was waiting with some friends outside their room, and a horde of staffers with furry tails burst out of an emergency staircase, and a couple minutes later came past with a woman who looked like she had passed out and vomited, in a wheelchair. Saw the ambulance when we went to meet some friends in their hotel.
Anime USA. I was sitting in the hallway on my phone, chatting with my boyfriend.
A tall black guy stood at the end of the hallway, which led to the elevators..and he stood there and watched me. He was half around the corner but he wouldn't budge. I was on the phone for 10 minutes and...he just stood there.
I thought it was bizarre...

Also, Anime USA there's always a bunch of people I see every year. One guy names Kenny/Keith and these two girls who spend their time up at the Host Club. Also a few host club members.

I don't have anything interesting...sorry.
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I betcha she walked in on them yiffing
AWA's rave always seems to end with an ambulance being called. I believe last year, some ravers OD'd on some drug in the bathroom.
Also, Anime USA there's always a bunch of people I see every year. One guy names Kenny/Keith and these two girls who spend their time up at the Host Club. Also a few host club members.

Given the topic of the thread that's making it sound as if they have negative things tacked to their name. If they're just people you see a lot but there's nothing wrong with them, I probably wouldn't mention them in this thread.
At Anime Expo this year a couple friends and I were stopped as we were walking out by a concerned congoer. She said that a little girl had been taken by some guy. She listed about 10 things about his appearance too, mentioning the clothes he was wearing and that he was clean shaven. Sounded like the real deal.

Turns out to be fake, the girl just ended up going home from the con early without telling her friends and the story took shape from there. AX even cleared things up about it on a post on their site
At ACen this past year some fuck pulled a fire extinguisher from the wall and it caused the fire alarm to go off.

Also apparently somebody printed like a shit ton of fake badges and people were getting caught with them.

I was too drunk to notice.

FUCKING. HELL. I remember this shit. My girlfriend and I were sitting in the lobby and we heard flashing and noise and for awhile thought it was the TARDIS on the otherside of the elevators, but nope turned out to be the god damn fire alarms.

I was glad we were some of the first outta there because it was a clusterfuck after that.
inb4 phantom pooper at Atomic Lollipop
Oh god what?
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I remember at Fanime last year I was staying at the Marriott and a group of teenagers dressed in black hoodies were running up and down the floors knocking and kicking on doors by the staircases, jamming the elevators, and setting off the fire alarm. Shit was annoying everyone on my floor. After the fire alarm rang my roommates and I actually heard them running down the stairs (our room was right next to the stairway), so one of my roommates and I decided to run out and see if we could catch them (or at least get a description we could give to security). Instead we were met with people coming from the upper floors saying that they were told to evacuate the building. We went back inside 10 minutes later, and by then all the ruckus ended. The elevators were closed for the rest of the night by the hotel security until they could find the culprits. I'm not sure if the kids were caught, does anyone else know about the fate of that strange night?
That guy is a creeper, but this guy rarely cosplays and you wouldn't even know he wasn't on staff because he dresses very casual and his fake badges look official. Most people just pass him by thinking he's just some weirdo on staff.

It wasn't until I actual asked security that they told me he wasn't even a designated photographer that I realized he was a creeper. Then word caught on and rumor spread. I didn't see him this past year though. Probably because you had to pay to get in.
>slut kip only did anal with her boyfriends unless it was the ones she cheated on
>slut kip was named after myiu calling her that
>slut kip gets blue on bathrooms and chairs
>slut kip has orgies full of mostly men at cons
pictures of her?
I haven't really been to any good cons, but the few I've gone to were eventful.

First con I went to someone basically tried to steal my friend.

At some small con in Florida they broke the elevators in the hotel four times. There were only two.
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If I remember correctly she ruined a hotel chair by sitting on it. I'll see if I can grab a picture.
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This is quickly becoming just a regular weeaboo/horror story thread.
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There's another picture of the chair with just blue stains on it. The con security tried to get her but she fucked off.
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Smoker please.
she seems like the type that thinks shes being an *EPIC TR0LL* by doing this
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She really just doesn't give a shit that she stains anything she touches. She has stained artist alley table cloths, props, suits, hotel property and acts like nothing happened all the time.

I won't post anything more though, as the previous poster said this more of a horror story than an unfortunate cosplayer, so lemme post one to get back on topic.
I think the accent is hot and my girl would like somone shorter than her. comaaaan. You coming to san japan? When you climax just say aluminum.
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>Not going to a con with a fake badge
>Not getting into cons for free

Been attending Animazement since 2002 and I've never heard the story about a girl disappearing.

I do know it is true about that Gir guy, he was also one of the cousins from Katamari this year as well. His facebook profile is pretty public and some of my friends kept him on their friends list because he's schadenfreude incarnate. He had a status update recently that said "I really really want to touch a breast right now. I hate being alone." and another recently about how much he wants Obama to die.

He's a misogynistic and homophobic lose who blames women for the reason he can't get laid; when in fact it's because he's a creep who posts awful hateful diatribes. Also that guy who always dressed like Balthier that hangs out with him is just as much of a douchebag creep as well. They also both claim they're up and coming stand up comedians...

I remember two of my friends rooming with me that year telling me about witnessing that. She wasn't there for the convention, just some crazy person in downtown Raleigh losing her shit.
Too poor to go that far. Have at PT instead.
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Portcon Maine.
Cat Dancer. Just an extremely eccentric, creepy, old guy who dances to techno(speaker on his belt) in spandex or a full leopard body suit.
Isn't there some guy who dubs himself the Banana King and goes to Metrocon and creeps on girls?
Why hasn't somebody deemed themselves Monkey Man and done this?
>Notorious Con Goer
Not sure if notorious, but at Supercon 2011 there was a guy dressed as Magikarp that followed my friend around all day and randomly dry humped his leg until my friend managed to kick him off.
We saw him again at Mizucon as a Caterpie and avoided him.
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I'm pretty sure the Dakari King of Anime North fits this description. He even has his own ED article.

Here are the shitastic Conventioneers interviewing him:

Oh Lawdy Op. I have heard several stories, though most of them boil down to one of two things:
1) Ghetto ass fight going down between fandoms
2) Weeaboo horror stories

Though there was one time back in 08' where a friend of mine and I witnessed a Jugallo gang initiation happening in the Momocon parking lot.
The thought of no-face stealing everyone's shit is actually really cute.
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I have the picture.
Holy shit I remember this guy. I was sitting down with my friends and I had brought a few cupcakes for my friends, it being my birthday the previous day. He comes up and takes one, eating it infront of us.
Oh my god I was so angry, but i didn't want to start anything. We also had a Twister mat out, and he started playing it by himself saying how hr wished there was a girl playing with him.
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I'd heard rumors about roofies/hallucinogens being put in the water coolers (the kind that open at the top for refills) at the rave of a Texas con last year.
I can't remember if it was Onicon or AKON but I noticed A had completely sealed coolers this year so maybe it actually happened?
Yeah, GIR guy I knew was bad for years but I didn't realize he was that bad. He used to spot me at conventions and wander over trying to be friendly but I've despised him ever since my friend caught him kneeling on the ground behind me as Kakashi and looking up my skirt while I was talking to someone.

Animazement seems to have a problem with random people wandering up and acting crazy. I know this past year on Friday some woman randomly wandered up that morning before the doors opened and was loudly asking people for cigarettes and telling people to get out their cameras and take pictures of her with them. She just acted like she was really drunk and every time she came towards me and my friends we just got up and wandered further away. She ended up making us go all away around the fountain and back just to avoid her.
Wasn't there a crazy homeless lady with two pittbulls at SakuraCon one year? And she wandered up to the One Piece gathering, where the Japanese voice actress for Luffy was, and started splashing around in the fountains?
There's a guy that I've personally seen at ALA and AX this past year.. I'm not sure what other cons he goes to but he's a big black guy and seems to ask every girl for a photo with him. He then proceeds to ask her to write her e-mail down on his notebook... he had so many e-mails. Just wondering if anyone else knows who I'm talking about?
At A-kon this year, someone kept stealing the lightbulbs from the elevators in Central Tower 2. I don't know if any of the other elevator banks had their lights stolen, but at one point my friends and I had to ride down in a completely dark elevator.
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This makes me want to weep bitter tears for humanity.
I don't remember hearing about this.
Last SakuraCon there was a huge police raid of some sort near the con, but I don't think it was related. It's a pretty sane convention compared to the wild wild east, I think.
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Fuyucon, or rather "Firecon" 2009, enough said.
3 fire alarms in one night.

When the fire alarm at Kitacon 2011 went off, a lot of us who had attended Fuyu wanted to choke someone.
I will never take a fire alarm seriously again in my life. Thanks a lot Fuyu.

And here is another from the Park Inn hotel in Northampton, where Fuyucon happened.
Saturday morning, police cars turned up at the hotel. We had no idea why.
Later that day, one of the elevators were put out of order, and proceeded to stay that way until the convention was over.
They say that a furry fell down the elevator shaft, and that you can still silently hear him yiff, in the now haunted elevator shaft, if you listen closely.
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and i thought 2 fire alarms per con was bad
Best bizarre thing to happen from Animazement. When the power went out in the main hotel and the back-up power came on these three storm troopers rushed into the hotel lobby amid the elevator alarms screaming and stood there with their guns before running over to the front desk to see what was going on while everyone in the lobby cheered.
I didn't see this guy at all
I remember at AX 2011 they made everyone evacuate the building for a while. I still don't know what happened.
Some hobo left his belongings in the hall. It was found and reported as a suspicious package, so bomb squad was called in.

Evac was a safety precaution.
He's actually a very nice guy who just likes to dance. I met him Portcon 2008 and he's a cool man. He spends his free time coding and hanging out with friends.
He recently mailed me a book saying it was "perfect for me!" just out of the blue. (Which, the book indeed was.) Great, friendly guy who just likes to dance.
I wouldn't be too put off by him.

Yeah I heard a young girl was kidnapped at AX this year on Sunday night. I was at the Masq and then got a text from my friend saying not to leave the convention center at all because there was a kidnapping.
>I look like a 13 year old girl.
I waited for everything to finish up and then waited around until my boyfriend and the rest of our group (5 other people, 3 male) came over to make sure we all made it back together.
I heard that the girl wasn't actually kidnapped and her friends reported her as missing. I heard she had simply gone to hang out with some people at a hotel and didn't tell anyone... anyone know?

Once at a small convention in Denver the rave was setting up their fog machine and tripped the fire alarms.
At the same convention a few years earlier there was a big drug issue with the rave. I wasn't pleased when the cops came to my hotel room door at 2am. "Oh... sorry. Wrong room."

At Nan Desu Kan one year (2007?) I heard that someone spiked the water so they had to go and replace all of the water stations.
SeishunCon this year

I was working staff and the hotel had triple booked us with five or six baseball teams. Usually routine, they act like assholes, take pictures without permission

And then the second night, a 16 year old Korra cosplayer got assaulted by one of the teams with their coach in the elevator. It kinda killed the con buzz but the hotel wouldnt do shit for it.
>spend hours making a costume to show off to others
>don't want people taking pictures of it

You know the usual shit of people not wanting pictured taken without being asked first.

It was just that they were snapping pictures to make fun of them and trying to be sneaky, which made them look real fucking obvious. I had to tell a few of them to fuck off after they were sneaking pictures of me too.
wait a 16 year old girl got raped by a baseball team + coach? what the fuckkkk
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...stupid question, but where these guys from Penn State?
Assault =/= Rape

This is how rumors start. He said "assaulted," not necessarily sexually.
But I am curious. Could we get details, please?
> elevator
>16 year old girl with revealing clothes
> old man coach + baseball team full of young guys
geez i can't imagine what kind of assault took place
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>> Korra
>> Revealing
Nope, shitty high school Georgia players

Yeah, sorry, that was my bad. Should've specified. From what I heard, she was groped a few times, but nobody was there, she probably told someone right after but she went home crying after
My point was that Assault is not (which is what =/= means) Rape.
They are different things, which makes them not the same.

Get it now?

I got the joke, it just wasn't fucking funny.
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forgot my face
Conventions are getting kind of crazy with the amount of drugs and illegal sexual stuff going on. I'm still cringing at Katsucon's staff having to deal with the bad publicity over that sexual predator that picked up an underaged girl there one year.
The ultimate convention urban legend. The hotel that was double booked for an anime convention and some religious thing and a cosplayer in an elevator gave an elderly nun a heart attack and she died.

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