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So the con scene isn't very genre-ed anymore. Every fandom imaginable is showing up at every con. The people at BBC shoots are outnumbering the people at Naruto shoots, even at cons with "anime" in the name.

Should anime cons change based on this? Otakon's contests turned down a ton of amazing costumes because they weren't from a Japanese source (then they booked a Korean band). Gen cons let anime stuff in. Connecticon has never turned away anime stuff despite the fact that there are plenty of anime cons.

I personally think there's room for whatever makes us nerdy. Sure the main theme can be anime, but if people love anime AND comic books why should we act like they have to pretend they don't for the three days they're at an anime con?

Pic related: One of the Mass Effect cosplayers I came across had sound-activated lighting in her costume. Others were in awesome full armor. I'd rather see that in a contest than closet One Piece cosplay.
>Anime cons turn down entrants for not being from Japanese sources

Holy shit, I knew there was a reason I stopped going to these.
...gimme that Omni Blade...

Seriously I hate the Masq and I don't think letting in new fandoms will change that. They'll just dance like crap in their Mass Effect costumes.
I think their policy is Asian sources/influence only.

I don't think people should push for western games and comics ot be allowed in masquerade though. These are still anime cons and there's several comic/games cons around.

Besides. If an exception is made for western series it'd be like letting an contagious patient out of isolation. Homestuck.


In your masq.

In your panels.

In your burrito.


Don't let that happen.
I'm okay with not being eligible for masq. You can still wear it everywhere else. A lot of people will recognize you because there's a lot of cross-channel line blurring nowadays.
Shit like this only drives away the actual fans.
Dude. Otakon's masquerade prizes suck. It wouldn't be worth the hours of waiting backstage and getting prodded for judging. One year I got best Friday Journeyman and my prize was a plastic trophy, an Otakon shotglass, keychain and two XXXL shirts from previous years.
>Otakon's contests turned down a ton of amazing costumes because they weren't from a Japanese source
Good. Otakon celebrates Asian culture, not western culture. If you want to enter a contest with a western-based costume, go to a general pop culture convention or something.

... I might just be bitter since I hate Homestuck and ponies and I'm tired as shit seeing them being cosplayed at ANIME CONVENTIONS. I actually would rather Naruto and Hetalia over them. I don't mind Dr. Who or like other western stuff since it's not nearly as pervasive yet, but once it is...
I hate western shit at anime conventions, and I was annoyed by the booking of the K-pop band. It's an anime convention, not a nerdy internet faggot convention. Get out. The anime fans don't want you here and neither does Otakon's founding charter.

At least you got a shotglass, now we just get cheap plastic cups.
I agree with you OP.
I'm a vidya cosplayer and I primarily go to anime cons. The volume of cosplay at anime cons makes it worth it to me, even though I'm not a fan of any current anime.

I like seeing cosplayers in general so I think things from all sources should be allowed and encouraged.
I agree. It's not even that I hate western stuff- I go to comic book conventions too. I just don't want it in my anime, just like I don't want my anime in my comics.
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Just what the fuck is your problem? You're going to a god damn anime convention for /co/ material? And whine about them not accepting non-anime cosplay? Jesus christ you're the reason why I feel like an outsider going to anime conventions these days. I don't give a shit about western comics or tumblr favourites (supernatural, dr.who, avengers etc) and when I go to a god damn anime convention I except certain themes such as fucking anime and things related, not god damn homestuck aspies or a thousand ugly ass dark knight Jokers.

I'd understand if you just went there and shut the fuck up and enjoyed the anime programming but you just have to whine and moan about the costume contest not accepting your fabulous $20 pinkie pie cosplay and demand panels based on your western interests all while going "yeah oh I 'm not really into anime anymore, I kinda grew out of it, now this lazy flash cartoon targeted for 8-year old girls/corny live action sci-fi drama for teens THIS IS WHERE IT'S AT". The last convention I went to (Which was strictly anime) had more western cosplay than anime related. as I previously stated I felt like an outsider. At an anime convention. In my anime-related cosplay. As a huge japanese pop culture fan.

If a western sci-fi convention banned anime-related costumes I'm pretty fucking sure nobody would give a shit and just think it's justified

inb4 assburger virgin nitpicking for BUT HOW ABOUT JAPANEESE GAMES THAT'S NOT ANIME HMMM????? you know god damn well what anime-themed means so piss off

yeah I mad
Yeah but, Otakon's supposedly about Asian pop culture in general, so, K-pop is included as are the live action Chinese, Korean, and Indian movies they showed in the live action viewing room. If you were talking about Anime USA, you would have a point though.
>having a nigger moment
Who did you cosplay? Yoruichi?
Right, so if all the attendees are cosplaying other stuff and/or loving the non-eastern cosplays then why exclude them from craftsmanship judging and skits?
I agree with everything you've said. I don't mind having other genres there, but I don't want to hear them bitching to get special treatment either.
How is wanting to have a skit in the masq "special treatment?"
Because it's still at an anime-based con.
You can't block people form coming in, but you can block them from participating in the con's events.
because it's a fucking anime con and giving skit time to a western shitty skit takes time from something anime-related THAT'S FUCKING WHY
A line has to be drawn somewhere to preserve the original purpose of the con. It's not like they're being kicked out of the con altogether. Besides, people remember floor costumes way more than masq costumes.

If you let the range of material in the skits get too broad then masqs will only get more confusing than they already are.
Good god this. I'm sick and tired of feeling like an outsider at anime conventions for liking and supporting anime.
You go to an anime con to see anime and other Eastern things. You go to a western comic/pop culture event to see Western things.

How would you like it if suddenly ComicCon became AnimeCon? Same thing. If we let western things into cosplay contests or masquerades, the con will slowly stop being about Eastern stuff because of the new hot thing on the internet being more popular with all the tumblrfags who attend these things.
I love you, please have my children. Or father them. Either or.
>If a western sci-fi convention banned anime-related costumes I'm pretty fucking sure nobody would give a shit

But they wouldn't and they don't. Western/Gen cons don't discriminate. Whatever makes you nerdy makes you one of us. No one even hassles the anime cosplayers at PAX.
It's only the anime cons that insist on the glory of Japan 24fucking7 that discriminate and get judgey. You're a bunch of Americans saying "If it's not from Japan it's not good enough." That's bullshit. Great stuff comes from wherever the hell it comes from. Wakfu's from friggin' France and it's great.
If Comicon had a rule like no-Eastern material /co/splayers would be way more pissed about an anime cosplayer whining that they should be included because manga are comics. I'd say the attitudes towards western stuff is way more chill at anime cons.
I was going to say "too late" but it's more like EverythingCon instead.
Oh god this.
You are at an anime convention. An ANIME CONVENTION.
I am so sick of seeing non-anime shit at the one place I used to go for ALL ANIME ALL THE TIME.
I am at an anime convention, I am there for the anime shit, I do not want to see your shitty MLP events or homestuck shit.
Keep it out of the masq. Keep it out of panels.
Want MLP/ect shit?
I would not go to a mlp convention in an anime cosplay whining and moaning that I did not get in to the masq or what have you.
Why doesn't someone make some sort of western convention for these people to flock to? If its that popular I'm sure it will be successful. Why ride on the coattails of anime? /a/ and /co/ are separate for a reason. Our cons are becoming like some horrifying /a/ and /co/ hybrid and its just not working out. Not anymore.

Why do you think anime cons were created in the first place? You think the Sci-Fi people wanted us prancing around their cons?
I was say that ComicCon does have anime stuff but the other anon beat me to it. Western-themed cons are way more chill. "Oh cool, Sailor Moon, I loved that show as a kid"
No one said any of that.

In fact the only Western series that get shit at anime cons are Homestuck and MLP because they've INVADED anime cons.

I'm sure /co/splayers are just as pissed that bunch of anime fangirls have decided they're Avengers fans and are making frilly "lolita" versions of Cap. America and Loki.
Was Hetalia ever a problem at, say, SDCC?
I think the big problem is that as far as I know, there are so many more anime cons than western cons. I'm on the east coast and we have AnimeNEXT, Otakon, MangaNEXT, CTcon, etc.
For /co/ related material we have NYCC, and that's about it. Also, a lot of people started with anime and got into other things as time went on, so they kept going to the same conventions but changing what they wore.
>go to anime convention to have a good time with people who like anime
>a bunch of people there for stuff unrelated to anime
>try talking to them
>"oh I watched sailor moon and cowboy bebop, but anime nowadays is shit so I don't watch it anymore"
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this is what happens when anime fans decide they like Avengers
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Well said, I don't follow most western stuff at all and it really bothers me too. When I go to conventions like Otakon, I expect to see shit like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Bleach, and Final Fantasy cosplays, not fucking DC Comics, Marvel, and Adventure Time shit. Don't get me wrong, I love those three, it's just that I'm going to an ANIME convention.


Also, the one thing that pisses me off the most is Homoshit cosplay, I fucking hate seeing thousands of white, pasty ass people with horns every 5 seconds I walk. I don't even understand how there's a huge fanbase for this shit, I gave it a fair chance and it's the most uninteresting piece of fuck I've ever read.
In both kinds of fandoms there are people that hate the other and those that don't give a shit. Everyone stop saying that "Oh everyone at western cons love and tolerate everything" and "Eastern congoers rape /co/splayers with cold broken glass bottles if we want to enter their contest!" and vice versa.

Also, as someone who has done a lot of contests, they aren't worth it. All the bitching and whining of the contestants makes it so good judges and staff never want to go near it again so year after year they have to cycle through staff that don't know what their doing, people complain, the cycle continues. Not to mention cons spend so much money on getting guests that the budget for prizes are near zero.

Also, there's already a huge range of craftsmanship in each school already. Imagine being the judge that has to sit there and decide between a completely accurate Iron Man with the parts that can move remotely and the Seth Nightroad from Trinity Blood with exquisite embroidery, gems, stitching, armor, floaty bits and has a mechanism to make it look like she's floating somehow.

I just thought of the most ridiculous, but doable costumes I could think of.
Nope, take your not-anime/anime related shit away from my goddamn anime con. I cosplay both Eastern and Western stuff, and I'd never wear the Western stuff at an anime con because I'd feel stupid. Plain as.
>oh I watched sailor moon and cowboy bebop, but anime nowadays is shit so I don't watch it anymore

This. So much this. I hate these people.
Connecticon is a general nerdy stuff con. One year a girl in a cirque du soleil costume won something in the Masq. Transformer AMVs have won in the AMV contest.

I feel like nerd culture is just too... expansive for all these this-thing-only cons. Very few people are left who only like anime or only like comics or only like western games. I adore Baccano as much as I love Sherlock and Skyrim. I love seeing them all at the con. I'm sick of labeling each other and expecting everyone to stick to those roles and those roles only.

Plus anime cosplay is getting awful. Everyone's buying their stuff (does anyone make their own FMA cosplays anymore?) and, like OP said, One Piece stuff is pretty much right off the rack. Why should anyone care about a Zoro cosplay? It's a t-shirt and black pants.
The problem is bullshit on multiple levels

1. There are way more anime cons than /co/ cons.

2. Conventions like SDCC and Dragon con do not discriminate against anime cosplayers so why should we do the same? It would be bullshit to just try to ban non anime stuff and then expect /co/ conventions to welcome anime cosplayers with open arms.
If I were running Otakon I'd cater to western fandoms in a heartbeat. They're the majority now and fuck it, cons are businesses. I want these people's money.
>then expect /co/ conventions to welcome anime cosplayers with open arms.
We don't.
>I feel like nerd culture is just too... expansive for all these this-thing-only cons
Seriously, we're not the nerds of the past arguing about Star Trek vs Star Wars anymore. We like a huge variety of things and it's all going massively mainstream.

If I had the credit I would take out a loan and start my own Whatever The Fuck You Like You Nerdy Bastards con.

Don't speak for all of us. Most of us don't give a shit. They're welcome to come, but it doesn't mean they'd get the same amount of attention.

Only fandom a lot of both groups have issue with is Homestuck. Because...homestuck.
Personally I think most conventions like this should expand to be just general Geek/Pop culture cons. It doesn't make sense to limit yourself to media just from one culture when the vast majority of people don't care about that any more.
Plus having it so it's just Anime/Manga/Jap stuff only (Or just western stuff) is really circle jerky and exclusive when Nerd culture should be inviting and inclusive to everyone so that the culture grows and isn't just a marginalized section basement dweller's that thing their cartoons are better that other basement dweller's cartoons.
Seriously, nerd-dom is just too mainstream now for this kind of genre segregation
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>want a convention about anime
>"lol no let's have a 'general convention' focused on whatever is popular on tumblr right now"
I think programming should be mainly genre specific (ex. anime cons have mostly anime programming) but if there is a high demand for it then other programming can be included as well.

For costumes, I think all kinds of costumes should be allowed to enter contests but perhaps have more anime related awards than other genres.

Personally I think cons work well when there are a mix of things, especially when the dealers rooms are more of a mix as well.
When Comicon was going on I saw one of those news reports where they send out some intern in a TMNT shirt and hat to interview cosplays.

Most of the costumes were anime based. Just sayin.'
I would agree that more cons would be better off expanding and becoming multi-genre conventions. Like DragonCon, SDCC, MegaCon, etc. It seems that people are happier in general when things are all-inclusive. Now, if this is just about entering contests, I would say that an anime convention has every right to turn away non-anime stuff. However...if something has aired in Japan and been dubbed in the language (i.e. Avatar) it should be allowed, IMO. I also think that if non-anime characters are part of a majority-anime skit, they should be allowed to be judged along with their skit crew. I've seen a lot of crossover sketches that are quite funny and well done, so that only seems fair.

Most anime fans are into other stuff, right? Maybe the cons should evolve, but then the weeaboo-only people might whine. I don't know. Are there really people who are only into anime as their main nerd fandom? My nerdiness didn't even start with anime!
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let's see now

we have a cake convention here which includes bakers both professional and amateurs showing off their skills, all kinds of cakes from wedding cakes to chocolate cakes and the dealers room is full of cake pans, frosting accessories and all that and there's a contest for the best cake construction and presentation

it's all cakes

then some fuckwat brings her waffles there and demands that her waffles get the same treatment, recognition and respect as the cakes because they're both confectionery and made of flour and you have to bake them even though waffles are not cakes in any way, her waffles are JUST AS GOOD AS YOUR STUPID CAKES WHINE MOAN BAWWW even though there's a waffle convention coming next month

and it doesn't end there, the wafflefag wants to have waffle-related panels and lectures, more waffle bakers come in and get pissed off because they can't enter the cake contest. Then the wafflefag starts accusing the cake people of discrimination and circlejerking and other shit because THEY'RE BOTH BAKED GOODS BAWWW PISS AND MOAN. Waffles are in fact now more popular than cakes! The waffle fanbase is much more mature and MORE POPULAR in tumblr! We should allow waffles to that circlejerking backward cake contest!

That's just the thing that's happening with westernfags demanding anime conventions to give in to the /co/ crowd. Of course the anime folk are fucking pissed off.
>The waffle fanbase is much more mature and MORE POPULAR in tumblr!
my sides
wait so will i be outcast if i dress in lolita or eastern cosplay at Comic Con NY??
Let's clarify what OP was talking about. The craftsmanship contests/masquerades. A lot of anime cons already have panels and such for western franchises and don't kick out /co/splayers, which is what some of you seem to be claiming. Is the same true of non-anime cons? Probably.

Now. Has anyone here actually worn a /co/stume to an anime con and been genuinely hurt that they couldn't enter the costume contest?

Now I've been at some contests and seen people turned away for this reason, but it's not like it wasn't already on the con website.

No matter what genre people are coming from so many people don't take the time to check the rules ahead of time.
>Now. Has anyone here actually worn a /co/stume to an anime con and been genuinely hurt that they couldn't enter the costume contest?

Yes. I've seen shitstorms on many occasions after some con announced that they won't allow cosplay from western sources. "But the costumes are just as impressive as anime costumes boo hoo hooo!!!"
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More strawmen than an understaffed cornfield.

An increase of waffle-content does not imply a decrease of cake-content.

And they both are, in fact, baked goods.
This is more like you have a cake convention here which includes bakers both professional and amateurs showing off their skills, all kinds of cakes from wedding cakes to chocolate cakes, BUT the dealers room is full of cupcakes, muffins, lamingtons, cream buns, and other baked goods. Most people bring a variety of treats to the convention to share and talk about, a lot of people are interested in finding recipes and pans for different types of baking, and the quality of these other baked goods is equal to the cakes. However, there is a small sect of cake worshippers with shitty attitudes that can't accept the fact that everyone else has diverse tastes, and they rail against the inclusion of other relevant goods constantly.
All of which is justified because you're at a cake convention.
A lot of cake people like waffles but they're not interesting enough to base a convention on. Cupcakes at least are constructed the same way as cakes, they're just smaller. Waffles are just deep-friend dough.
That's just a lie spread by the cake-o-philes.

Seriously though what waffles are you eating?


I'd go more along the lines of "conceivable."
No, because NYCC merged with NYAF.
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Holy FUCK. Look at all this weeaboo bullshit.
This is why I hate weeaboos.
I find it hilarious that you guys have daily "LOL LOOK AT THIS DUMB WEEB" threads and yet come in here with the same Wapanese mentality.

Here's why I go to western cons mostly anymore,

Western con - "Everyone is welcome! Everything is awesome! Naruto, can I get a picture of you and Superman?"


I've been hassled every time I've cosplayed from games/western shit, either online or at the con. The first time was 10 years ago when as a 13 year old child I was literally told, to my face "This isn't a fucking Star Trek convention. Get out" by some fat weeaboo slob.

This is why I hate you.

This was my 11th Otakon and it might be my last. I know a lot of people who can't stand to go to anime cons anymore because they're infested with elitist assholes like you guys.
I'll keep having fun at Western cons where everyone is chill and accepting.

You guys keep getting mad that people who like comics sometimes also like mangos.

I lol'd because it's true.

It's why I'm glad some of the bigger cons actually have fan tracks - anime track, western animation track, comic books track, science fiction track, authors track, and so on. Fans can do things in the fandoms they choose, when they choose.

It doesn't become this, "Sorry, we're an anime convention. Nice costume, but gtfo, we're exclusively Asian-influence here."

It's definitely very common for a person's interests to overlap into many different areas. Not too many people can sit there in a 24/7 environment of one thing. It gets boring. Why shouldn't a convention reflect this?

This coming from somebody who no longer attends Otakon because I got too much of that "cool kids club/elitist" treatment. Plus their programming really isn't that diverse, and I'd be sitting around bored half the time.

ohoho, lookit you mr dr phil, playing big boy psychologist. you're going to need a lot more than ONE dipshit who made you insecure to prance in here and start generalizing us, faggot. The first time? should've learned your lesson. The second? should've learned your lesson. Fact is, if you're too much of a sensitive cock to sift through the elitist purists then you just need to quit dressing up or BUCK UP princess pie.
I am actually quite pleased at how accepting of other fandoms Anime North has become. Every year, there seems to be more and more comic and sci-fi costumes, and even some panels.
Just this past AN there were panels on Comics, showings of Young Justice, Avatar and Korra (borderline anime though), Torchwood and Thundercats. There were many Marvel, DC, and sci-fi photoshoots as well. Doctor Who often being one of the bigger draws.
What about AN?
I don't know why these conventions wouldn't want to appeal to more fans, or put more out there for their existing congoers to enjoy. Unless they're at an attendance cap or something...
Yeah, the only con I have ever been to is AN for the past 5 years, and I've been excited by the inclusion of more diverse fandoms. I have never heard or seen any harassment of people who are into other things aside from animus (I only enjoy a very select few myself, I'm there more for the gaems).
Not sure if just polite Canadian thing. :|
I haven't been to AN, so I don't know.
Except there's little to no programming at "western" cons relevant to anime fans. Simple non-premiere anime showings don't interest me, I can do that at home. The panels, however do. And frankly, "western" cons don't invite anime VAs or seiyuus or other industry guests frequently enough, and when they do its only one or two. They'd rather ask other people to come, like a slew of comic book artists I don't really care about as I've never read their work and likely never will.

And before you call me a weeaboo, I go to Star Wars Weekends every year. Know how expensive that shit is? More than every anime con I attend combined, I'll tell you what.

I do not mind western cosplayers at an anime con (except Homosuck, but that's a different story since they also tend to be obnoxious). I do find it amusing you bitch about not being allowed to enter a skit contest when your skit isn't, well, anime. And you certainly get western panels at smaller anime cons, just not Otakon. And don't lie and say you don't, 'cause I know I didn't imagine the pony and Homestuck panels at Anime USA last year.
What the fuck. The most closed-minded people I've encountered have always been western fans who think anime is only for retarded manchilds and everyone who likes it should be shot. In what reality do you live in? Anime fans have always been the bottom of the barrel for the last few years because of all the underage weebs and it's been more of a custom than an exception to make fun of them and ostracize them from the nerd culture. Just let us have our convention to ourselves.

And just why do these people come to anime conventions expecting /co/ spirit? WHY?
>Naruto, can I get a picture of you and Superman?
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>Believe in me who believes in you!

Yeah, no idea where they got capes and heroism mixed up in anime. No idea at all.
>And just why do these people come to anime conventions expecting /co/ spirit? WHY?

Because they are all very similar. Aside from the country of origin, there is very little difference in comics, anime, cartoons and manga. There shouldn't be any reason that conventions have to have such a xenophobic attitude. There is a lot of common ground and people have the capacity to like more than just one thing.
And if you don't know much about one or the other, a con is a great way to expand your horizons and experience new things.
Fuck off to /v/
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I have been through many fandoms and to begin with I was really into western things and western cosplay. Now I am an /a/non and enjoy anime the most. Most people who do western cosplays that I know who go to anime conventions don't know anything about anime or always do the 'only watch cowboy bebop cuz no animes r good lately.'

I for one have begun to find this mentality quite annoying. If you don't like anime why are you there rubbing grey paint on everyone?

This is a good point. Most of the time when I was more into western things the people I hung about with would always complain about 'stupid anime weebs' when the cons were more diverse about fandoms.
>thinks anime conventions being for anime only is xenophobic
>ishygiggy diggy doo
I think I see the problem here.

Anime fans are upset since it seems like the western cosplayers only like one or two anime and are only coming to an anime con because "hurr, DBZ was cool, I don't care about this new stuff".

Comic/western pop media fans are upset because it seems like anime fans are being stuck-up elitist faggots.

We need to come to understand something here- the anime fans would not mind the western cosplayers in their convention if it seemed like they actually liked anime outside of something they watched years ago, just as anime cosplayers in western conventions tend to like lots of western stuff. But from what it seems, it isn't the case. Thus, western cosplayers should prove the anime fans wrong.
>Implying Japan is not extremely xenophobic, it leaks into their portrayals of culture, and weebs pick it up and run with it as the kawaii masterrace
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Western fans are too spoiled. Pretty much every city has at least one comic book store, sometimes many many many more. I want to buy a figure of some fag in tights, I can get one at Target, Toys R Us, or some nasty comic book shop. It's extremely difficult to find figures, dvds, posters, manga, or ANYTHING to do with any non adult swim anime.
This extends to games, too.

So when we get one weekend a year that fans want to talk about anime, buy anime, express their love of moe, they can't because everywhere is fans of homostuck, mlp, and avengers. No one there even cares about anime. God forbid I want to talk to the only other 100 people in the state that share the same interests.
I am not saying Anime Cons should cater to other genres, I am saying there is no reason to exclude cosplayers or be rude to them for having costumes from other genres.
What? How... what?
Are the Avengers and MLP fans actively keeping you from talking to other anime fans? Are they running in to every room showing anime and replacing them with north american cartoons?
How is the mere presence of other fandoms in any way limiting your ability to talk to other anime fans?

Also, every comic book store I have been to in the past decade has had more anime and jrpg figures and wall scrolls than superhero figures.
But the weird thing that I see, as mainly a /co/mrade, is anime fans don't even like new anime. Look at >>6098397

>When I go to conventions like Otakon, I expect to see shit like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Bleach, and Final Fantasy

DB started 28 years ago, FF started 25 years ago, Naruto started 12 years ago, Bleach started 8 years ago. What new things can people name? Lucky Star, started 8 years ago too. K-On and Gurren Lagann are both 5 years old. The only brand new releases that I see getting lots of attention are Ghibli products, and even Arrietty isn't getting that much press, I've only seen one cosplay from it. I wouldn't mind the "oldfags/nostalgiafags get out!!" mentality if it weren't so wildly hypocritical.

And also, why not, instead of complaining about other media being there, you take the time to expose yourself to new things. You might find something new to like in addition to anime. And maybe you could talk to people who don't know much about anime, tell them some of your favorites, and expand your own fanbase.
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Try to talk to 90% of people about anime: All anime is shit now. Dragonballz used to be the shit.

Naruto/Final Fantasy/Dragonball Z/etc has embedded itself into western culture as much as say Transformers. I talk about Joshiraku no one knows what the fuck I'm talking about.
Tiger & Bunny (2011) and Panty & Stocking (2010) are only a couple of years old. It seems the newest popular releases are based off the decidedly Western "cop partners" trope with an anime twist.
So, tell them about it?
I seriously don't see what the problem here is. Is it that no one is a fan of your current obsession? Cause you can then take that chance to tell them about it, and maybe they'll like it. Create your own fanbase. Word of mouth is a great way to expand interests.
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I'm not blind to western pop culture, I know the things I like and don't like, and there are very few elements of /co culture that I like. Also good luck telling someone who believes all anime is weeaboo naruto shit about anime.
>But the weird thing that I see, as mainly a /co/mrade, is anime fans don't even like new anime.
Are you serious? Just because that person posted he wanted to see Naruto it doesn't mean we all share the same opinion.
But then it will become too mainstream, and then I would hate it because of the fans.
Tell me about your recent anime interests, then. Contest my point. Gimme some series that you enjoyed released within the last three years, and possibly a good cosplay or two to reinforce your argument.

Show me the new interests. In the 90s-00s you simply couldn't escape anime, things like Evangelion and Love Hina and FMA were booming. Sailor Moon, DBZ, Pokemon, Digimon, Cardcaptor Sakura et al are barely considered anime because they got so mainstream and beloved by all. It seems like anime fans just want to keep circlejerking in the niche of their past instead of accepting the times are a-changing.
Why don't you check our anime board to see if they're talking about recent or old stuff?


Ore no Imouto
You can't be this retarded.

Do your research before saying bullshit. Naruto, Bleach and the likes may be the only really popular series in the West if you only look at sales or what you see in an average con, but that doesn't mean that recent shows don't have a decent Western fanbase. Anime is a bit of a niche hobby to begin with, so it's obvious that people who aren't really into anime won't knwo about many titles.
If an anime fan can only name DBZ, Naruto, Bleach and the latest Ghibli movies, he's not an anime fan.

Have you ever tried checking an online anime community?
>Tell me about your recent anime interests, then.
Sword Art Online, Tari Tari, Accel World and Binbougami-ga. It's my favorite recent anime.
I am mostly a /co/ fan. Most of my costumes are from comics or western media, but that doesn't mean I am opposed to anime. I only know of a few of them though. I would not object to having someone tell me about other shows at all. So long as they aren't screaming about it in my face.
If I were at a con, and someone wanted to show me an anime they think I would like, or tell me a little bit about it, I would be happy to sit and listen. And, if they were so inclined, I'd tell them about some of my interests as well. Then we'd both expand our horizons, make new friends, and it would be a much happier time for all.

Oh and by the way, telling someone about all the characters you ship and how cute/sexy/kawaii so and so is, is not the same as telling them about the show/game/whatever.
>You can't be this retarded.

How exactly is saying the word "genres" being retarded? I realize anime itself isn't a genre, I was saying that anime cons don't need to include other genres such as comics, cartoons, or sci-fi.
You realize that anime isn't a genre, but you don't realize that comics and cartoons aren't genres either?
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You don't have the same mentality as most. I don't have problems with people who think like you. If you think all anime is shit, why go to a place meant for people who love it to meet up? It doesn't make sense.
I can't believe people in this thread are saying that western conventions and anime conventions might as well be the same thing, especially if you're from the good ole' US of A. Can you idiots really say that western media/popular tumblr shit hasn't enveloped all of today's media? Entertainment Weekly featured a special issue about the Doctor Who phenomenon. Avengers is still a giant craze that squashes out Naruto by far. When was the last time otaku culture was highlighted in the news? Oh wait, only by sensationalist websites that are out to prove how freaky and weird those crazy Japs are with their pantsu vending machines and zettai ryouiki. Us weebs are already scraping the bottom of the barrel as it is, so stop your fucking bitching that we won't let you enter your Iron Man in our masquerades.
>not a fan of what I like means you're not a real fan

"Real Fan"
I hate the use of that term so much. A fan can be anything. My dad used to watch Speed Racer and Astro Boy, and was a fan of those shows. He doesn't watch anime currently, but that doesn't invalidate him being a fan at one time. Just because someone doesn't obsess over something and have it invade every aspect of their life doesn't mean they are not a "real fan". Fans don't have to like only the current things, or the old things, they can like whatever the fuck they want. And if they like it, they are a fan. And no less "real" than any other fan.
Stop being so stuck up. If you want your fandom to be more accepted, start by being more accepting.
I was using genres as an all encompassing term, as I didn't feel like typing out everything that anime cons don't need to include. You seem really intent on starting a fight where there is none to be had.
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Ok, a few things. I'm basing my opinions on the few cons I've been to (ACen, Motaku, Naka). There are options for people who cosplay non-Japanese sources. No, they can't enter the Masquerade and show their stuff on stage, but there are hallway contests or similar that they can enter so if you just want a prize, there you go. Also, you can enter skits in /co/splay if it's a crossover so there's that too.

To those saying anime cons should cater to western media fans, there is a con (I want to say ACen since that's the one I'm most familiar with, but it could be something else) that I've read will lose certain benefits if x amount of the con isn't Japanese or Asian related in some shape or form. So, you get your western media panels, but in return, you don't get a spot on stage.

One last thing, I see people grouping together to start up cons every year. If the issue is not enough /co/ or gen cons, find some people, do your research, and make your own.
I saw a football game 20 years ago, that makes me a football fan
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This thread makes me sick.

I wish there was some anime convention for hardcore fans where all the unrelated crap would be banned.
>Woman protesting about getting fucked in the ass by an octopus
I don't think so, /a/.

2004, 2004, 2008. Not exactly recent but they look very interesting.

2009, 2012, 2009, 2012. Good work and they all look entertaining.

This is probably all it takes for Eastern and Western interests to coexist in the same conspace - both sides bring something to the table and people enjoy whichever they prefer. I'll admit that there are hundreds of Homestucks drowning out the anime at the moment, but that happens with any fad. People were complaining about the hundreds of Naruto characters in the past, and heaps of Simons and Yokos only a few years ago, and we all got over it. /co/ absolutely drowned in Avatar, then Homestuck, Regular Time Adventure Show, Korra, etc. I think we're all saddled with MLP at the moment. Popular things happen but both sides get bent out of shape over it, we could at least rail against Homestuck as a united force rather than tattling on all West/East factors in the "wrong" con.
Don't put words into my mouth. I don't care about what people like, but if they only know about a few shows, they can't call themselves fan of the medium in general.
If someone only likes Naruto, they're a Naruto fan, not an anime fan. I'm not looking down on them or anything like that.

I just dislike when people use words incorrectly, especially when it's something as basic as "genre".
>>Woman protesting about getting fucked in the ass by an octopus
>I don't think so, /a/.
I was the one who recommended Sword Art Online, Tari Tari, Accel World and Binbougami-ga. It's this sort of attitude that makes me think twice before recommending anime to people like you.
No one is saying they are the same thing.
And no one is forcing or even suggesting that anime cons change their programming to be more all encompassing. What is being said is that there is no reason to get pissed off about someone showing up in a costume from something other than anime.
Video games aren't anime, yet you seem to have no problem with Zelda cosplayers. Is that because it is from japan? Well Spider-Man, the X-Men and Iron man have all had japanese versions of their shows. Hell there is a whole mangaverse in marvel.
And if you want to get really technical, most of the original anime style was made to emulate Disney's animation style. And a lot of concepts and ideas are shared equally by both anime and western comics.

Overall, I just find it incredibly ironic that you want to anime culture to expand and grow, but you want to exclude people who might not know much about it from your cons. How can you expect anything to grow if you won't let anyone in to experience it?
Why should anime conventions that are specificlly for anime have to accepting of other things? Do you see a Gem convention or electronics convention doing this just because a similar hobby is shared by everyone? Its an anime convention for a reason to celebrate Japanese entertainment for 3 damn days. There are a lot of great anime coming out every season, tons of manga, tons of new music, tons of drama. Tons of everything. If you can't take the time to check them out and just call them all shit then get the fuck out.
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My bro and I got in the OTAKON Brochure this year for our Bioshock cosplay.

so cheers to us
>OP posts about Mass Effect cosplay
>thread complaining about homostuck and MLP and "Avengers" fangirls

I'd be pissed too if I built something that complicated and the Kingdom Hearts people, who simply have a video game that originated in another country, tell me to GTFO
"People like me", huh. I just don't enjoy sexual content, and especially non-consensual sexual content. And before you say that comics is full of stuff like that, I know. My big current interests are Doctor Who and Motorcity, which are both made for little kids, pretty much devoid of sex and gratuitous violence.

I think I might like slice-of-life and fantasy/adventure anime like Lucky Star and Digimon the most, does that make me a terrible person? Unfit for the label of anime "fan"? Am I not niche or hardcore enough for you? What am I asking rhetorical questions like this for, I already know the answer. /a/ is just as vitriolic about casual scum as /v/ and /co/.
> If you can't take the time to check them out and just call them all shit then get the fuck out.

It's like all the Naruto/Hetalia fans that jumped ship to Homestuck/other shitty fandom and act like this makes them innately more mature. They still pull the same thing with the shipping, bad fanart, etc.
>What anime are you watching /cgl/?
10 replies
>What anime this season are you watching/excited for /cgl/?
10 replies
>What manga are you reading /cgl/?
10 replies

Do you people just like to dress up? Is that all this is. And you like anime, but your not actively participating in it? Lets just give it up and say cons are now Halloween 2.0, and money makers for dealers. That's it.

There is no way cons are going to ban things just to appeal to what is not the niche, anime. They're not giving up that money. So we might as well just give it up.
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We're talking about anime, so you should look at the date the anime started airing, not the date the source material came out.
Picture related, it's all the shows which started airing in July. Most of which are regularly discussed on /a/, by the way.

If you can't stand /a/, look up MyAnimeList.

I believe the problem isn't that you don't want to watch softcore porn, but that you went EEEW, PORN, FUCK THAT BOARD.
So you don't go to /a/ because you don't like seeing erotic pictures? Ok, I won't judge.

>I think I might like slice-of-life and fantasy/adventure anime like Lucky Star and Digimon the most, does that make me a terrible person? Unfit for the label of anime "fan"? Am I not niche or hardcore enough for you?
Do you even know what you're talking about? Anime fans have no problem with people who prefer specific genres, that's normal and expected.
This year we had a rule at otakon. Every Naruto cosplay we would call them Ellen Degenerous, and every Cloud cosplay we called David Bowie (from the labrynth) There actually was one guy dressed as david bowie. which was awesome
I have seen a crap ton of anime cosplayers at Comic Con, and no one gave a shit. They were welcomed in the masquerade and are accepted everywhere.
So, you're welcome in our fandom but we're not welcome in yours?
I think /co/ conventions should keep /co/ related too.
I don't think anime should be at Comic conventions either. You know why they allow it? Money.
Realize that anime fans are now becoming a minority in their own conventions. Comic and Sci-fi fans are still the majority. When the target audience is the minority, then its not really an anime convention anymore. And I think this is causing a lot of /a/ people to just not attend anymore.
Since someone finally brought it up I'll have ot ask the question I'm surprised no one else is.

Are anime/game based costumes allowed into comic convention masquerades and contests? If so, what have you seen?
So, to sum up everything I have read in this thread:

/co/ is love
/a/ is GTFO!!!

And you're still wondering why you're fandom is, and I'm quoting >>6098976 and >>6099198 here, at the "bottom of the barrel"?
Of course they are allowed. Every year there are Sailor Moons and Narutos, and several others that I do not recognize because I am not that into anime and whenever I try to find out more, I get treated like crap.
Oh Jesus, I'm not the anon you were talking to but fuck off with the pretentious technicalities. We're all talking from the POV of the average person. If you want to be really technical, Supernatural has an anime so it's okay right?!?!?!1111
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Now you're getting it.
>Realize that anime fans are now becoming a minority in their own conventions.

Sorry to hear that. Are they're costumes any good? Do they tend to place or not?
>Realize that anime fans are now becoming a minority in their own conventions.
This, what the fuck.
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So I havent used 4chan in years. I'm 25, I started going to Otakon when I was 14. I went until I was 19, skipped a bunch of years, and went back this year.

It took me like 36 painful hours to figure out what the fuck homestuck is -- but I feel like Otakon has been an "Internet Generation" con for a long time, especially following the early 4chan panels and stuff back in the day.

It doesnt bother me that it's losing some of that anime roots, because I think anime fans grow up, and most anime is garbage. They showed 2 Ghibli films this year. I was a little disappointed that not too many people were in Ponyo, but they were both great. I loved seeing "Is this a Zombie!?" and I'll finish that on Hulu, but honestly, at 25... I can't really put up with most anime. Its hard to stomach the formulas.

Adventure Time, Dr. Who, and even you kids with your ponies and your homestuck trolls are more than welcome to enjoy the con in my opinion -- but I will say that the masquerade was pretty bad this year. Have they been doing it in the First Mariner for years now? Ballroom is more than big enough if they dont cut it in half like they had this year.

Anyway -- I loved Otakon this year for how diverse it was. It fit me perfectly as a 20-something who is well beyond the hyper-niche nerd-dom of his teens and interested in seeing lots of interesting shit from across the spectrum.

The real thing we need to sort out is that dance hall. I always marveled at the ravers when I was a kid, but fuck... electronica is hard to get into, and there wasn't anyone handing out molly at the door, which I assume would be the only way to enjoy myself. Plus the bar did last call at 1:20 so I couldnt get myself liquored up as a cheap alternative. Totally bummed out. I miss the rock shows, MUCC was dope.
Who treats like crap for trying to find out more? Who?! All we like to talk about is anime. If someone asked me about more I would ramble on and on.
Game-based costumes are definitely accepted, the biggest obviously being Nintendo properties (Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Katamari) fit right in alongside everyone else's vidya and are well loved. I think the line drawn across anime is becoming increasingly more and more blurred, thanks to Avatar/Korra being an almost perfect melding of East and West, and the amount of asian produce already included under the banner of niche nerd hobbies.
Go watch Fate/Zero and Madoka Magica. Watch Panty and Stocking if you liked early South Park. About 20 new anime series come out every season, so its understandable that it can be difficult to narrow down to the worthwhile ones.
And you seemed to have missed the entire point of what I was saying.
Western and Eastern media have a shared history. There is no reason to exclude something, or make someone feel they aren't welcome just because they are wearing a costume from a different source than yours. Someone wearing a Spider-Man costume does not take away or diminish your interest or your friends interests, so why get so upset over something so trivial?
I've been meaning to download more of the new Lupin series, because Im way into that. And yeah, theres still good stuff out there, but the volume is the problem. There's just too much bad:good ratio for anyone who isn't WAY into the culture to sift through. But I will scope those out.
>Someone wearing a Spider-Man costume does not take away or diminish your interest or your friends interests, so why get so upset over something so trivial?
Maybe because when you go to an anime convention and you have an endless amount of spider men who don't know or care about anime it doesn't feel like you're at an anime convention anymore.
>Realize that anime fans are now becoming a minority in their own conventions

Maybe if they didn't act so stuck up and exclusionary, there would be more fans and you wouldn't be dying out.
Or maybe you should stick to your own conventions.
Yeah, because all of us are butthurt in this thread about one Spider Man. I don't think you get it. It DOES diminish the quality of a convention for us (and the point of a convention is to delve into certain interests, is it not?) when we see more MLP than Eastern stuff, if it didn't, why would we be complaining?
There are elitists and jerks in every fandom, /co/, /a/, or otherwise. If you can't ignore those particular people and find the ones who would happily welcome you in, then you're probably not ready for social interactions.
To be fair, I think both comic and anime cons are fucking sick of mlp
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>"People like me", huh. I just don't enjoy sexual content, and especially non-consensual sexual content
Maybe /a/ should start using "trigger warnings" so you feel more confortable.
>implying anime cons don't pander to the internet subculture
>implying all of these things you are complaining about aren't a direct result of it

Realize now that those same people who are wearing western media stuff are ALSO FANS OF ANIME.

Holy shit! Someone doesn't have to /choose/ one or the other. Who the fuck are you to say just because someone is dressed as Iron Man, or Spidey, or Batman, or Dr. Who or a fucking Homestuck that they're not a fan of anime TOO?

I've got anime costumes, video game costumes and western media costumes. Tons of others do too. Most of those /co/splayers you see at anime cons? They started out as anime fans. They expanded their interests. Who the fuck cares if someone shows up in a fucking My Little Pony COSTUME? It's a freaking costume.

Come bitch to me about being a 'minority' when they've taken over more than one or two panels in the entire con.
So everyone else should suppress their own interests for the sake of your precious feelings? If you want to feel like an anime, then find a group of similar fans and chow on pocky, visit panels, scream together about new figmas or upcoming OVAs. No amount of Spiderman should be able to stop you being enthusiastic about your own Japanese animes, and if it does, then I've got bad news - you're not that great of an anime fan either.
No need. I don't like the content, so I just don't browse there. This is a non-issue.
>So everyone else should suppress their own interests for the sake of your precious feelings?
No, but it's an A N I M E convention, why is it so hard to get? People don't wanna go to anime conventions where they barely see other anime fans!

You talk about how well rounded you are then call all electronic music shit unless you're high?
Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it should be gone.

inb4 someone says electronic music isn't anime related, go look at the releases at comiket and M3, and hell, even the 9 zillion exit trance albums
This whole thread is about anime fans being elitist jerks. Comic cons have no problem sharing the space with anime fans and often have several panels and screenings that cater just to that. Yet non anime cosplayers show up at an anime con and HOLY FUCKING SHIT Stop ruining our fun, you baka gaijin!

>You're only an anime fan if you're wearing an anime costume!

You can't honestly be this stupid.
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Maybe you would find out most of the people there are anime fans if you talked to them instead of bitch.
Tell me I'm not seeing the irony in this thread that the only people being elitist jerks are the anime fans while claiming all the western media fans are the jerks.
Are we at a convention?
Holy fuck /a/ vs. /co/

And after reading a lot of this, I have having a really difficult time feeling sorry for /a/. Fuck you guys are jerks. Is all of /a/ a no-fun zone or something?
Exclusivity is asinine and counter productive. Like I can't even imagine what kind of neckbeard you'd have to be to be mad that someone was in a western costume at an anime con.
Anime still outweighs everything else at anime cons. Let the people who come in vidya anc /co/ costumes have their fun, god damn.
>Hey we wanna take over your convention, but don't get angry, ok?
Everyone saying that it's the same for anime fans being at western conventions, do you have a very very large number of people, almost out numbering the people who are there for /co stuff, saying that they hate it except for the original xmen cartoon and it's all shit.

Don't you get how that can be annoying? You come somewhere because you have a strong passion for something, and it's filled with people who hate it?

It has nothing to do with being elitist, it's the fact that anime gets dismissed as shit even at anime conventions, even people in this thread assume everyone loves pocky, naruto, and are general weeaboos, even though that's not even close to true. It's like assuming all /co fans are neckbeard 40 year olds who live the their parents, playing dnd all day.
Okay, so you guys want more anime panels at your cons?
I have this crazy idea here!
Why not volunteer to run a panel yourself? Instead of bitching that there isn't enough programming, why not help to improve the programming you want? Most cons, at least most of the ones worth going to, are fan run. You are fans. So help run it.

I don't think anyone has flat out said "NO WESTERN" and has been completely serious. It's the fucking attitude, it's the disrespect, that there's a problem with.
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No. I just assumed you sat around at cons bitching about all the non anime cosplays there because it takes away from your glorious anime convention experience.
I fear that what makes people think anime cons are worse is that a good chunk of the attendees are whiny, mid-high school kids who are socially awkward and don't understand the boundaries between internet and reality. They have a tendency to be more obnoxious and rude and make us look worse as a generalized whole that the thread is turning us into.

On behalf of all the /a/nons who genuinely don't care what costume you show up in, as long as you aren't stinking up the place, I apologize for the squeaky weebs in our midst.

If it was an /a/dult that treated you this way, I apologize as well. We have a bit of a charity thing and take in the mentally immature, mostly because they won't go away.

I hope that at least /a/ few of us can still be friends. Oh, and Gotham Knight, I apologize for that as well. And Wolverine the anime while I'm at it.
For all the anime cons I've ever been to, the VAST MAJORITY of cosplay is still anime.

How exactly are they taking over?
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i don't have any numbers or stats, but its seems like the sheer mass of cons/con-goers has been growing over the years. that's got to cause some changes in con culture eventually. will cons continue to keep growing in number or size, or is this the peak?

another interesting thing a few people have touched on - the simple fact that cons are first and foremost a business. sure, they try (or end up) as non-profits and barely covering their costs. people will vote with their dollars, and the cons will live or die based on that financial support. if the customers are not happy, they'll vote differently, or even not participate. there's something almost democratic about that.

in the future, what kind of cons will people vote for with their dollars?

Generalizations, generalizations everywhere.

95% of those "Avengers" bitches, Homestuck cosplayers and Bronies came from an anime background, duderino.

Having one guy be a dickwad to you =/= everyone in a certain costume hates anime.

What attitude? The only ones in this thread throwing a fit are you guys. I've been in /co/ crowds at anime cons for years. Only ONCE have I ever heard anyone talk about hating anime and weebs.

I got more bitchy attitude from anime fans when I wore Jack Sparrow after KH2 came out then I've ever seen of /co/splayers about anime.
No thanks, I'd rather those fuckers just get out of my con
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Bronies aren't even an issue anymore, they've set up their own conventions in multiple states and have the VAs and animators and stuff signed on and doing panels. Homestuck is still a tidal wave of grey-faced candy-horned obnoxiousness, but 90% of it used to be Hetalia, and before that probably Naruto. Those kinds of fans will always exist regardless of the chosen fandom and con venue.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying. Homestuck fans aren't just suddenly deciding to go to anime cons. They're the bandwagon jumpers of every big anime before that. Hetalia, Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, etc.

A good portion of the Avengers cosplayers who only got into it after the movies? They were Hetalia fans. Most of the /co/splayers who go to anime cons are.
>95% of those "Avengers" bitches, Homestuck cosplayers and Bronies came from an anime background, duderino.

You know what? If I'm an elitist I don't care. I don't care when someone has bad cosplay, or if someone does their own original character based off a series. I don't care if a black person cosplays a light skinned character or vice versa. I don't care if someone asks me about my fandom, or wants to know more. I don't mind talking to people. I just want the anime conventions first and foremost reserved for the anime fans at the very least. And if that makes elitist I don't care. At least I'll be happy with other "elitist"
So why not make an effort to improve the anime programming at the con you go to instead of bitching about who shows up?
There is no /co/ programming at a con so I don't see how the quality of the programming has anything to do with the attendees.

Exactly anon. What exactly are you bitching about when all the programming (what makes the con) is still all anime? Because other ANIME FANS show up in something not anime and offend your delicate sensibilities?
I miss reading about cakes and waffles.
So if you're mad about ponies and Homestuck and Adventure Time being at your anime conventions because you just want to meet and hang out with other anime people....why don't you just ignore them and talk to/hang out with other anime people....it's really a very simple concept.
We can't have the anime programming when all those anime fans you claim don't even show up to them. There are some bad panels, but its not because the majority of panels are bad. Because they're not. Its because people just want to show up in costumes, party, and go home.
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The big irony here is that the anime-only people sound like Comic-Book Guy.
And to build on this how are we supposed to get Japanese voice actors and shit over here when people don't show up to the panels? We even have English voice actors and people don't show up to the panels. Why? They're great.

Generalizations again my friend. But let me cool you in on something. Those Homestucks and Avengers you're whining about being at the con and not attending panels? They were doing the same thing in Kingdom Hearts cosplay, or Naruto, or Hetalia.

Western fandoms aren't doing that shit to your con, that's the way it has always been.

I think, by the fifteenth time of hearing Vic Mangina speak, people get tired of it. You can only hear the same stories and jokes so many times before you find it boring.
They were fine when they were in Kingdom Hearts, Naruto, and Hetalia cosplay no matter how annoying they were. Because they were in the right place. An anime convention.
>I just want the anime conventions first and foremost reserved for the anime fans at the very least.
But .. aren't they?
Guests are always anime voice actors, etc. The dealer's hall is always almost entirely anime. The cosplay is mostly anime.

I don't get what the problem is here.
The problem: "People aren't paying attention to me!"
That's the root of any whining and/or trolling.
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Fans of anime, vidya, AND western can't go to an anime convention if the current thing they're into isn't anime? What? They're still also KH and Naruto fans even if they're now wearing and enjoying Homestuck.
I guess I'm going to the wrong (right?) conventions if I haven't seen people actively against western series.
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Here's our winner

"People are taking pictures of things that aren't me, WAAAH"
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Anime fandom in the West is pretty much done because Japan cannot network it's products properly anymore.

Fandoms for Western stuff can thrive alot more easily due to social media that allows fans to more easily chat with creators and distribute original content for fandoms that belong to things more readily available. Twitter allows creators to give updates for things they make AS THEY DO IT. Tumblr and Facebook allow people to make gifs and post screencaps or discuss things live as they happen.

Or for another example, look at /co/ and /tv/. When a new episode of a show is airing, people are talking about in threads AS IT AIRS. When a new movie premieres, everyone is staying up at all hours of the weekend discussing it because everyone saw it.

There's a much stronger sense of togetherness in Western fandoms because nobody really has to wait. Everyone is going to or watching the episode/film premieres at the same time. Everyone is getting the update notification on their smartphone or notebook at the same time. Everyone is participating in an online game together and talking with each other while playing.

Everyone is having fun with everyone else at the same time. Everyone is EXPERIENCING their fandom at the same pace like they were all aboard a cruise liner, as opposed to a bunch of rowboats that happen to be near each other.
It's not like there are only 2,000 badges for Otakon or Anime Boston or Anime Next. The BBC fans who only like a couple anime shows (or even none) aren't taking spots away from the die-hard anime-only fans. All you have to do is go to a panel or something and boom, there are all the anime fans. You can find each other. It's not impossible.

I like what I like and I enjoy being able to see all sorts of things at a con. We're there because we love what we love to a higher degree than other people. THAT is what being a nerd is. It's not about segregation. I flipped out when I saw a Fushigi Yuugi cosplayer at ACen but also laughed my ass off at the Archer group.

It seems anime fans think no one understands them and they're, like, underprivileged so they need every opportunity to express themselves, including western cons, and western fandoms need to leave them alone because they have mainstream movies and their fandom's DVDs at Target
>We're there because we love what we love to a higher degree than other people.
>thinking con goers have high power levels
from elsewhere
"Otakon is run by Otakorp, which is a non-profit company. Their mission statement is specifically to spread of Japaneses and East Asian culture. So, while they do have some domestic stuff they try to focus everything (panels, events, concert etc.) on that. Because it is part of the founding mission statement I wouldn't expect them to change into a more Pop-culture con anytime soon."

Though letting Vic hit on jail bait, hosting hentai dubbing, giving Hetalia fans a stage on which to kiss each other and hosting a rave aren't really highlighting Japanese culture now are they?
I love anime congoers portraying themselves as an underprivileged minority that can only get their anime through cons. Yeah right, and the internet is an elaborate system of tubes that anime just won't fit through.
Bet it's mostly white dudes bitching and moaning about being marginalized at cons too.
Mmm, zero-sum games.
Oh god this fucking mentality right here. Why would you even think shit like this? Why should a place full of society's awkward, pasty rejects start fragmenting itself because certain people feel superior about the shit they like?

I mean, you're discussing jurisdiction over a large building that, for a few days every year, is occupied by a bunch of weirdos in strange outfits. Maybe we should all take a step back and remember that we're all freaks here.
If Otakon ever got audited for this stuff I'm sure they'd fail.
Cons are actually zero sum games.
>all people who go to con are exactly the same
Think before posting, please.
Except the same sort of thing happens on /a/. If you're watching an anime as it airs, you can talk with lots of other fans as it happens. I don't think it's any different from Western stuff.

That's why I don't get when people watch anime only after it's been released in the US. I think it's a lot more fun to watch it while it is airing and discuss it with friends/people on the internet.
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/a/ is extremely elitist, but I like it that way. I'm tired of nerd hobbies being invaded by clueless faggots.
Yeah, fuck anyone who wants to know about stuff I like! it's mine and they can't have it!
I mean, if others start liking it, then it'll end up being all mainstream and I'd have to start hating it!
I enjoy being with like-minded people, sorry about that.
And new people can't be like minded? If you shared your interests and gave suggestions for others then you'd have even MORE like minded people to talk with.
Oh, I'm so glad we're having this thread. I was just wondering about this:
My friend and I will have our Kuroshitsuji cosplay ready by NYCC, which we're both planning to attend. How weird would it be to wear two somewhat obscure (Lizzie Middleford and Drossel Keinz) anime cosplays to a large, mostly Western-oriented con?
On the one hand, NYAF is technically integrated into NYCC, on the other hand, last time I was there, there weren't that many major anime character cosplays let alone minor ones. Thoughts?
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The thing is with western influenced stuff, it's easy to slap on a t-shirt, jeans and/or painting your skin. What there should be in place for western cosplays to enter a masquerade is that they have to inforce rules like "you cannot enter if your costume is an original take on a character" I.E. an EGL Inspired Iron Man will not cut it, but if the guy makes a mark 7 armor, then it can work. Also, they have to enforce stuff to ether get Homestruck cosplayers down by saying that they have to meet a quota of X amount of the same cosplays from the same series can only be entered in the completion. I'm not saying give them special attention, but treat them like they have leprosy. You want to do something from the outside, we'll treat you like the outside.

Yeah, this will most likely piss off alot of people. But this too will light fires in people's asses to start stepping up their game in terms of costumes and skits. Imagine if you will a Mass Effect group literally spanking everyone at AX. You bet most, if not all, of the competitors will step their shit up and go for it next year; maybe add insult to injury to do it in an Anime costume.

>you can talk with lots of other fans as it happens.

No, I;m talking about literally as an episode is airing, everyone can react at the exact same time to something that happens at that precise moment for the fist time it's been on television.
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This thread

the Anime crowd:
>We want our convention to stay on its tracks, not derailing it to a "general internet culture phenomenon" convention
>We don't want to feel like outsiders in our own convention
>Mostly /co/splay is allowed but NOT in masquerades, because they take the space from anime-related costumes that everyone is there to see, hence the name ANIMEcon
>we want the programming to be anime-related, not /co/ unless they can slip anime in there because the slot could be used for more relevant anime programming
>It's an anime convention for fuck's sake there are tens of general comic conventions why can't you save your western lust for them jesus christ

the /co/ crowd:

Seriously if loving anime enough to have a convention for it without derailing makes me an elitist, then fine, I'm an elitist. I wouldn't except a western con to welcome anime cosplay in their masquerades or have programming slots for it, but you know what that's why I don't go to /co/nventions.

This so much. Western comic fans have always had it easier since there is more material for them for one thing. Why can't you let us have our conventions to ourselves? "I like both western and eastern media" is no reason, the convention is there to answer to the needs of a certain crowd, not what you and your tumblr circle likes.
did anyone bring up gay marriage yet?
that's a surefire way to get people behind you on this board.
the western costumes are the gay people and they want to get married (enter the masq) and the anime fans are the conservative religious types who say well you can live together (wear it and walk around) but no marriage for you

sorry, i had to.

If you switch those two sentiments you'd have this thread.

The Anime crowd:


The /co/ crowd:
>How the fuck does what someone wears as a costume matter? Anime fans show up all the time at our cons and no one gives a shit.

PS. There's more Anime cons in the US then /co/ related ones.
Why can't you let anime fans have their conventions to themselves? It's really fucking selfish to demand that a convention targeted for other causes has to have unrelated programming and welcome unrelated crowd like everyone else just because YOU want it to. There are thousands of people who realize that it's an anime convention and it should stay that way and the convention wants to cater to their needs, not succumb into a free-for-all internet meme meet.

inb4 bawwww elitist asshole we just keep repeating this until you give in because being elitist is worse than hitler

That's the funny thing about costumes. Wearing one of a certain type doesn't mean that is your sole and only interest. You can wear Luffy and still like Supernatural and comic books. You can show up as the Doctor and still be a huge fucking dork for the latest animus. Most of those people you're whining about taking over? They've been going to that con for years because they're anime fans.

You're not some beleaguered minority and this sure as hell isn't the oppression olympics. If you're not trolling by this point you're an incredibly autistic individual not to grasp this.
Do you realize we aren't talking about those people? We are talking about the other shit heads that either fandom jump and say "Lol anime sucks", and then the other people that obviously don't like it either. Did you not get the point that you really can't go up to the average /co/ cosplayer and talk about anime? You just can't. Once upon a time you could. And you can't even go up to some anime cosplayers and talk about anime. Fuck the cosplays, and just let us have people that actually like anime.

I go to cons to find other anime fans in real life. That is why I go. Cosplay is just a nice icebreaker. But I think the original purpose is for people to gather with like interest and it just isn't that way anymore.
What the fuck do you want to know? We have a shit ton of suggestion images on what to watch, there are a lot of great lists of anime on other sites. What the hell are you complaining about? Maybe I can help you. Once upon a time /a/ used to answer these questions but it gets tiring when your asked a shit load of times. We really just need a sticky.
>Most of those people you're whining about taking over? They've been going to that con for years because they're anime fans

I know you guys hate the statement that "current anime isn't my thing" but that is legit how I feel. You wanna talk about Rurouni Kenshin, Sailor Moon, older Gundams, DBZ, El Hazard or something? Dude I'm so on board! But right now very few anime are catching my attention and I just discovered comics. I'm dying to do an XMen cosplay. I've been going to Otakon since 2003 and I know a ton of people there. I should not have to give you my anime nerd references and past a licensing test to be allowed into your con.

The people going to anime cons just to sit around and mock our interests are dicks and are not the /co/ and /v/ cosplayers we are talking about. We need to understand we've become one big weirdo family and we don't have to pick one label and stick to it anymore.
So, you seemed to have missed the point entirely. No where in this thread has anyone said or suggested in any way that anime cons need to change their programming to cater to any phantom "non-anime" crowd.
All that is being said is that it is ridiculous to exclude someone for wearing a different kind of costume. And for all you know, that guy in the Batman costume you hate oh so much, might be a total weeb with dozens of anime costumes but for one day he thought, "Well, I like Batman as well..."
This doesn't hurt your programming at all, nor does it mean you can't talk to other anime fans, NOR does it prevent YOU from wearing anime inspired costumes. And if you are so terrified that the programming might suddenly have less anime related things, then why not volunteer and host your own panels? Get a Q&A going about the return of Sailor Moon, organize a Lupin trivia game. Cons for the most part are fan run, so, as a fan, help run it the way you want. Just don't freak out and loose your shit because Iron Man entered the masq.
Because it gives us the wrong image. That is why. It makes us appear like we aren't an anime convention. When you see pictures like op, you do not think its an anime convention. You think its some video game/ dress up geek convention. So then who are you now attracting? And this is exactly what is happening. While you can whole heartily be wondering around in a batman costume and like anime too, your giving the wrong message to people who don't like anime. That is why the number of /co/ cosplay is increasing. Because while it may not be you, a good number of those people are truly /co/ people.

And by the way there are plenty of anime panels. There is no lack of anime panels. But what is a threat is when a non anime panel is chosen over an anime panel. Or when you let one Iron Man enter, all of a sudden you have a whole parade of them you have to let enter.

Where do you draw the line? At what point might you as well just change from an anime convention to just be an animation/comic convention just to please everyone? Why does everyone have to pleased?

Let me give you another example. On one of the big Ball Joint Doll forums, you can only post ball joint dolls. It used to be that there were sub forums for other dolls and for hand made ball joint dolls. But you know what happened? They closed those forums because you had people only joining to participate in those forums. And the mods got to thinking. This is a Ball Joint Doll forum, we all have interest in other dolls too, but this is specifically for this type of doll. So why allow other types when there are other forums. And everything was for the best. And I was one of those people that was active on the forum that was deleted too. Was I upset? Yeah. Did I understand that if something is made for one subject it should stay on that subject? Yeah.

So that is how I feel about this.
/a/nime has always been more interesting to talk about than /co/mics

That's why /co/ tries to invade us. They know their cons are shitty so they go to anime cons.

Seriously, look at the cosplay ratio at an anime con and compare it to some place like Comic Con. And Comic Con is fucking huge. It's way more fun to be at an anime con then some shitty pop culture con.
My thoughts:
I don't care what people want to cosplay at conventions, go ahead and cosplay whatever you want. I think the only cosplays I hate seeing and should be banned are le reddit xDxD meme shit.
I don't see a problem with masquerades and programming being restricted to asian culture related things at anime conventions. I wouldn't have a problem with it being restricted to non-anime stuff at comic conventions.
Honestly though, I do feel that anime conventions have become less anime oriented. When I went to Anime North this year 90% of the people there were dressed Homestuck or MLP. I think there was also like 3 Homestuck panels.

No one here seems to be saying that "oh man only grorius nippon stuff because japanese stuff is da best" they're just worried as to where anime conventions are headed. That doesn't make them weeaboos.
It's so funny how much this parallels the whole white nationalism shit. OMG IMMIGRANTS COMING INTO THE US AND TURNING THIS COUNTRY IN MEXICO.

Otakon: 90% of the people dress up.

ComicCon: 10% of the people dress up

There's a reason why they leave Mexico, it's shit. Once you get too many here, you're turning it into Mexico.
what kind of a comparison is that even

non-anime cosplayers are not some sort of oppressed minority, stop giving yourselves a victim complex.
Even if the percentatage are lower I bet you the cosplay population at comic con are higher than most anime cons
I don't think either of you have ever been to Comic-con, because I see tons and tons cosplay every year.
Also, comic-con is a lot more fun than any anime con I've been to. Must be why all those people go and they sell out every year. If they had it 5 times a year I'd go every time, but alas they don't.
Well, as sad as it is to those with actual talent like in OP's picture, anime cons should only let in japanese material for the masquerade. It is an anime con after all, and while gencons don't turn away anime, that's just it, they're general nerd cons, its a much broader topic. Besides, could you imagine a 1000 homestucks entering that shit and doing nothing but a skit on fucking buckets or something? Or even that closet Fluttershy cosplay?

I know this girl who was bitching the other day about NYCC getting rid of the masquerade and making the anime artists join the professional comic artists in the same room and holding them to the same standards for spots.

I told her that she's lucky there's even a NYAF with NYCC, most other comic cons are just comic cons, they have no shitty anime con attached upstairs. And considering the ratio of comic cons to anime cons, it was reasonable.

Then she shut the fuck up afterwards.

Case in point, anime cons should be anime cons, they should try to have as much eastern and anime stuff as possible. And while I don't agree with the whole "ban every homestuck, mlp and doctor who cosplayer from these anime cons" they should be allowed in, even though homestuck meetups will take up a good chunk of the area, which I resent them for, I know it's gonna fade sometime.

Hell, I already know TF2 is gonna be the next big fandom because I have plenty of friends who have left homestuck and moved onto that. And it doesn't take a genius to play the game. (or in some cases read the wiki and watch one playthrough on livestream)
Wow TF2 is so 2 years ago anyways dude.

I barely saw any TF2 cosplayers at Otakon this year.
no no no please
take your pieces of shit back we dont want any homosuckers in this fandom, we've dealt with enough bullshit drama
>Okay to deny Western influenced costumes in anime cons
>Western themed conventions full of anime costumes
>There would be a shitstorm if that rule ended up going both ways
It seems it had gotten more popular because of Meet the Pyro?
I'm not taking them to my fandom, I don't want them fucking shitting on it.
ugh, right after MTP's release, suddenly ~all of them were TF2 fans.
We need to just ship them all off, where they will leave the other fandoms alone.
Let's send them to Madagascar.
Along with the once ler fans and the new avengers fans
First it was Hetalia, then they moved onto Homestuck, now they've moved onto TF2, what's next?
The Avengers.
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They already infected that.
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Or, just maybe, they are actually fans of TF2 and whatever other shitty fandoms they like. Just because people aren't currently cosplaying something it doesn't mean they don't enjoy it. I'm working on a rainbow dash pyro right now, complete with rainblower and rainbow mohawk gas mask, but that don't mean I just started liking MLP or TF2 the second I wear it to a con. It's a good free game.
Yeah, I was saying what they've moved on from.
I don't see much TF2 fangirl shit nowadays, it's all STONY <333 or LOKI-CHAAAAN.
moved *to
Not from.
I always imagine going to an anime version of comic con and I feel like I'm on cloud nine when I do. Now that would be the convention of all conventions.

Tons of bands playing, a lot of J-drama/show/movie stars will appear. Previews of movies, previews of anime and their development, English and Japanese voice actors, mangaka, manga/anime companies looking for employees, tons of artist alley shit. Its a shame it will never happen.
Here's what I see according to tumblr with homestucks in other fandoms
Hetalia, Avengers, Gravity Falls, Adventure Times, TF2, other shitty cartoons on tv, MLP

And the only reason I say TF2 is from the amount of Heavy/Medic slash bullshit on my dash

So now we wait for the next big thing to come along and spread cancer to cons
>Also, comic-con is a lot more fun than any anime con I've been to

New York Comic Con? I went there last year and it was terrible IMO, but I was mainly interested in the anime stuff, so it makes sense that it catered less to my interests. (Also, there was a really horrible moment in the Madoka panel. The president of Aniplex from Japan was visiting, and some of the fans started a scuffle over a free t-shirt until the organizer called security.)
Go to Japan?
Someday I will anon, someday.
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>rainbow dash pyro

As a VALVe fanboi I fucking cringe at the idea of all you retards fucking over that game, then again, I must admitt valve screwed up royally the game when they added unlimited hat works and finished their own game off with wiht manco.
They made it free because it became shit but damn it still hurts seeing all these retarded wanna be fanbois.
You know its actually quite nice. /co/ and /v/ is getting all the shitty people from /a/. The /a/ crowd at cons are becoming pretty nice to be around again. Its actually quite a joy.
I am an /a/non and what upsets me about this post is that I have to agree with OP that anime cosplay isn't what it used to be. The good cosplayers have moved on to western fandoms and left us with dealer's room costumes and closet cosplay. I don't wanna see non-japanese fandoms in my Masq, but I do wanna see the caliber of cosplay that they bring. I'm not sure how I feel.
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I think it all depends on what you're at the con to enjoy. If you're actually into anime, going to panels, and supporting it, then no harm done. But I don't think any western panels should be allowed; honestly, if a series like Homestuck wants their own panel, why not at a western comics convention?
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Think what you want about post-f2p Team Fortress 2 but it's still TF2, and calling people wanna be fanboys or retards fucking over the game because they cosplay with alternate weapons and hats is some pretty dumb ass logic.
Hah, if only. Even though it's free a lot of them have never touched the game.
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no. I refuse to let the cancer touch my favorite cartoon at the moment.
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Well it's already spreading, and so is the bad cosplay
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Aw.. man... that's not even a sweater... wh...
Western animation is starting to flourish now more than ever. Do you see how many animated movies are coming out now and only one of them is by Disney (and that one Disney one is something new). The rest are by other smaller companies like Sony Pictures. We are now in a time that is allows for cartoons to actually become something more. So hopefully they will get their own con. I mean /co/ cons get the better guest anyway. Because you guys get to actually communicate with the actual creators, original voice actors, directors, actors, and all that good stuff. /a/ conventions don't.
I'm 25 and I have to get braces soon and I'm gonna cosplay the shit out of Mabel when I do
I expect Rise of the Guardians will be the next Lorax

People are already wanting to suck Jack Frost's animated dick
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Would you like some more?
Hey mod while you're on a deleting spree, how about this drama thread?

It's got no point and is only tangently related to cosplay.
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>thread comparing comic con to anime cons
>talk about eastern vs western at cons
>talk about cosplay and conventions

>you call it a drama thread

>Thread bitching about western cosplayers in anime cons and how they're ruining everything and should be banned and how dare they.

>Thread comparing con types

One of these is the true theme of this thread, and it's not the one you listed.
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Cons should be just... cons where everything goes.

At Youmacon this year I plan to cosplay from a Japanese source one day and from... a non-Japanese source the other two days.

And I would hope I wouldn't get judged for this.
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Summer man. Kids don't know what an on topic discussion is vs drama thread. And can you blame them? Look at the board most of the time.
But if "anime" is in the title of the convention I'm pretty sure people aren't confused on what kind of convention it is.
Besides, what do you care what outsiders think? You're afraid it might seem less anime oriented to .. who exactly? Other attendees? People who don't go to cons..? I'm pretty sure the attendees know they're at an anime convention ..

I also don't understand the problem with having people who are "truly /co/ people" at an anime con. They still aren't taking away your animus by being in attendance.
Why do you think we go to anime cons, you fucking retard? We go exactly because anime cons are more fun and have more cosplay. It doesn't mean I hate anime or am somehow trying to take your convention away from you or whatever the fuck.
They are. People come to anime cons meet other people who share what they love. When a good chunk of the con is not populated by these people, it ruins the con. Its different for cons like Comic con where the real value is in the guest, panels, and venders.
I disagree. I don't mind if you show up in Homestuck/Who/Whatever but don't ask to get special treatment.

Hell, Otakon and Comi-Con are starting to look like each other, nowadays.
>They are. People come to anime cons meet other people who share what they love. When a good chunk of the con is not populated by these people, it ruins the con.

This. Because of the increase in western fans, the focus of the con is changing (nevermind the fact that 'anime' is in the name, they come anyways). When 60% of the dealer's room is comics and Avengers t-shirts instead of manga and anime flavour-of-the-month t-shirts, something's not right.
Yeah that's true.
I mean most of the AA seems to be AT, MLP, Avengers, Doctor Who, Sherlock, South Park, and Korra fanart

When you put it like that, maybe western stuff should be banned.
I mean, it's an anime con, I kind of came for the anime.
That and I don't want grey paint on my costume
Are you fucking kidding me? It's on a downward spiral.

Basic cable Cartoon Television shows are surviving entirely on one or two shows (partly the reason that the fandoms for those shows get so fucking crazy), Pixar shows signs of tarnishing their legendary name, for every good thing Dreamworks makes, they make another shitty sequel, Disney just does not give a shit, and while some animation is starting to finally get out of the 'kids/adult gross-out shows' genre some are trying very hard to keep it kid based.
I still think it's hilarious that the creator of Homestuck has asked multiple anime conventions to not put on panels about his creation because he hates the fanbase so much and doesn't want it shitting up conventions. He's the copyright holder, so he can legitimately do that. The fact that his fans are pissed off about no Homestuck at cons is double delicious because of this.
The creator also doesn't want a Homestuck/ MSPA con

I wonder if he'll ask to get Homestuck banned from anime cons too.
bless him if he does
I don't agree at all. Why I don't like a good chunk of cartoons on right now, animation is making a comeback. Cartoon Network has a lot of shows people like. Disney is starting to get some more great cartoons. Nick, well, they were more live action anyway (And they got Korra). New companies are coming forward to make animated movies. Its flourishing right now because people are putting money into it for once.

However the genres that are coming out are a bit staggering, and it seems that shows that don't fall within certain themes are at risk for cancellation.
Dear god I hope so. There is that one mangaka in Japan that doesn't want anyone cosplaying their characters so they don't. But I don't know why he doesn't want a Homestuck con. He would make a shit ton of money. Like that Minecraft convention. Make those bucks while you can. Start up that kickstarter and let the funds roll in.
Who is the mangaka and what does he make? If by chance I ever discover it, I don't want to cosplay it and upset him.

Because his fandom is batshit and he doens't like them. Could you imagine a convention filled with nothing but Hamsteaks?
I don't remember, but I bet someone in the WCS thread knows. That is where I heard it a few years ago since people needed to choose cosplays that wouldn't upset the Japanese.
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I'm only an anime fan, so I'm biased here, but I still feel like I shoudl contribute.
When I go to anime cons and they're filled with anime, I have fun. Of course I'm goign to have fun there, since a lot of people recognize my cosplay, I recognize theirs, and I make some friends that way. Going to an anime convention, I expect to see anime.
However, I don't recognize a lot of comic characters, and, even when I do, I don't care about the character. I don't read comics, so I have no interest. I only see Homestuck cosplayers sticking around Homestuck-related things, and the same goes for MLP cosplayers and /co/splayers. Never around any of the anime panels, and only with their similarly-cosplaying friends.
To add to this, though, my state has only tiny conventions, which is primarily filled with anime stuff, but not anime-liking cosplayers... I dont' see any sense in that. Even all the panels are anime related (Even if it's mostly just Vocaloid and Hetalia panels), so why go to an anime convention if you don't like anime?

Partially related, I went to one of these tiny conventions with a friend and her very non-anime liking friend. She only liked Homestuck, cosplayed a "hipster" version of a character, and literally went around just to meet boys. Boys who like anime. I still don't understand.
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Hot damn
when I voiced this opinion, I got flamed as fuck. You get praised.
Granted I was probably getting responded to by the non-anime related cosplayers.
I agree.
there is a comicon for comics shit, mlp has its own con, Dr. who belongs in scifi cons
>But there are only anime cons around me! I should get to dress up and host the panels that I want to go to!

Then make your own little shitty con. Don't ride on the coattails of anime bullshit if you don't want anime cons banning your crap. Smaller cons have started to pick up momentum lately and are generally more enjoyable than trying to squeeze through a million people in the dealer's hall just so you can get your knock-off alpaca.
This just about sums it up, I agree as well.
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>and literally went around just to meet boys. Boys who like anime.
>that feel when you have an ugly landwhale "friend" who only goes to cons with you to hit on nerds
The fucking horror. Sometimes I feel bad for the guys, some are shy and look visibly uncomfortable when she does her stuff.
She was sort of attractive and actually very skinny, but her attitude and weeaboo tendencies (even without liking anime) were really... prominent. She met a boy and started dating him three hours later though.
She didn't know his name when I asked.
>She didn't know his name when I asked.
I laughed.

This girl I know hits on basically anyone, but she can only manage to get with those creepy older men.
there is comic-con, and that's it. That's all we get. You get 50 cons all up and down the east coast.
Then make your own.
That's because we made them.
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I go on /co/
and I go on /a/
I don't care what kind of cosplay is at a con. I enjoy seeing Misaka Mikoto and then running into Booster Gold. When it comes to programming, yeah, they should probably keep the /co/ shit out of the masquerades and such at anime conventions.
Just like how they should keep the anime shit bar any industry panels outside scheduling at /co/ conventions.
Unless it's a convention that caters to all things pop culture go for it. If it goes against a con's original missive then don't argue it.
Anime conventions are usually for that, anime. It's the same for comic conventions, they're promoting Western media. Sure, we definitely should let the two inter mingle but not to the extent where the con stops being what its name sake implies.
Right now I'm more disappointed in all of you /co/mrades in this thread then the /a/nons. You guys are being whiney little assholes about all of this. Let the anime kids have their anime conventions jesus christ. And stop acting like entitled little fucks. If you want to host a panel catering to the crisis of being 16 and pregnant, Stephanie Brown edition, then go do it at your comic convention.

That's not to say a few more diverse panels at anime conventions shouldn't eventually happen. I've definitely seen anime panels at comic book conventions. But the thing about comic conventions is they're more pop culture conventions dedicated to multiple things so it's easier to integrate anime into the mindset, instead of an anime con which is asian media and culture only.
I would never see a panel about something as specific as idk a Negima Chupacabara Society panel at comic convention nor would I expect to. Maybe something pandering to a specific genre like shounen or whatever. So stop expecting anime conventions to just move over and accept your panels or costume into a masquerade.
And you weaboo faggots should't cry if you go to Comic Con or whatever and you get lots of shit for your Kuroshit costume.
The level of autism in this thread is insane.
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I hope all you /co/ faggots hating on the anime crowd realize that you're on a image board that was originally made for anime, right?
/a/ and /b/ both started out as Anime General and Anime Random. You faggots are lucky to even have /co/.
You're taking advantage of anime boards just like you're taking advantage of anime conventions.
It's like you guys are too lazy to make your own image boards and conventions.
I think I'm on to something here.
/tg/ /co/ and /vg/ grognard confag even if i haven't watched much anime in the past 3 years

If they want to limit masquerades and structure programming/events more towards anime that's completely within their authority to do so. It's your job to talk with your wallet; don't patronize the con if you don't enjoy it, or if you disagree with their policies write them a letter and see how they respond.

I realize this sucks for people who don't have distance transportation, but I don't go to AX or ALA even though they're so much closer to me than Gencon Indy, ECCC, Dragoncon, or SDCC. Because what's there doesn't interest me. And yeah, I'm disappointed in the gradual "bland-ening" of such cons but in this internet age some dilution was inevitable.

What's the point of going if you're not going to enjoy the con for itself? Friends are a valid reason and the sole reason I cut a vacation in Washignton short to go visit San Diego Pop-culture-standing-in-lines-bus-memes-oh-and-some-Comic Con.

If these Anime cons are about promoting East Asian/Japanese culture, then it is in their best interests to either:
1. provide a venue catering to individuals with such interest
2. if they want to tap a larger market, disassociate themselves with said restrictions and stop labeling themselves as "anime conventions".

tl;dr Don't like it, give suggestions and don't fork over money until it's to your liking.
comics in an ANIME convention eh?

ya gotta respect your roots son
Anime/japan can't be on top forever
Shit is getting really boring now
Sincerly, kpop/bbc/mlp/homestuck fan who is never going back.

Deal with it; we nerd now

However I do agree with the contest thing; don't worry they'll get smart and start having western catagories; and more people will show up for those, of course.
Kind of a random/dumb theory, but I guess anime as a fad is fading a little bit, but all the people who are now "over" anime still love the cons and dressing up, and they've latched on to Dr Who, Sherlock, Ponies, and other stuff and it's taking over. There really is more MLP, BBC and Homestuck than ANYTHING anime-related at cons right now in terms of cosplay.

I used to be all in favor of being inclusive and seeing all types of cosplays at cons, but I am getting genuinely sick of seeing certain things...and tumblr is not helping.
So I moved to the US just last year, and AX was my first American convention and I went to Otakon just a few days ago.

I didn't even realise this was such an issue for people. Hell, I just had a load of fun.

Though to be honest I can sort of understand why people would get so bent out of shape about it, at least for contest entry, but anything else I feel is free game. Referring to OP's point, some of the Mass Effect costumes were absolutely fantastic, and I was really glad to have seen some of those, regardless of if it's from the East or West.
I like MLP and Kpop and other non-Japanese things that are big right now. But I can't help being sick and tired of the utter ubiquitousness of some things. Especially things I just don't think are all that fucking great that people treat like the greatest things ever made. Like Dr. Who. Yes I've watched it, no I am not that impressed. It's okay. And I can say that about things I'm a fan of, too. I love My Little Pony, but I still think people could calm their tits about it once in a while.
There is a mass effect Movie/OVA in the works, technically... It is anime
I don't know if I just unconsciously choose to ignore/avoid things I don't care about at conventions or what, because every anime convention I go to still contains just as much anime as it always did.
All of the big western things are there of course, but I just never seem to notice them until I see photos after the con. Maybe it's just worse in America?

Anyway, I think people should cosplay what they want, so long as they respect that they are at an anime or comic convention, and what they're cosplaying is not relevant to the main focus of the con.
If you don't like them, you can look the other way.
>Anime/japan can't be on top forever
Anime is doing fine in Japan and the diehard western fans don't even go to conventions, they're too socially awkward for that.
>the diehard western fans don't even go to conventions, they're too socially awkward for that.
Or maybe they don't like spending time with a bunch of people who barely watch anime.
It's more like the die-hard fans don't want to be associated with the type of people who to go cons if they can avoid it.
I love how you people say "my anime convention" as if it's personally yours. I'm sorry, are YOU the one running the con? No. Is it going to KILL YOU if someone cosplays something you don't like? No. I can understand getting mad at the Homestuck people because they're just obnoxious and invasive, but things like Dr. Who and all that other stuff you can just ignore. People don't have to cosplay certain things because you're a little bit ass sprained. If you see someone at a con who's cosplaying something you don't like, just fucking ignore it and stop acting so entitled.
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>this argument again

pic related for the both of you
>anime gif
boy that sure showed me
For those of you who think anime these days is boring: have you even TRIED to watch anything new? It's not that hard to find gems in the moeshit. Most of the stuff from the noitaminA lineup is great.

Fucking THIS. If I didn't cosplay there would be NO REASON for me to attend, because anime fans are in the serious minority at conventions. People are there to attention whore in costume and be HURDUR THE INTERNET IN REAL LIFE, attempting to chat with anyone about anime is like pulling teeth.
I have a theory about this, forgive me if I come off as WE'RE SO NERDY XD special snowflakey from the wording.

I think part of the problem is that an anime con used to be/is supposed to be like a huge nerd sanctuary. We can share interests that seem strange or immature to a majority but to congoers is cool. So when there are things like Homestuck, AT and MLP and overall more 'mainstream', 'normal' seeming sources of media start popping up the nerdier people feel like what was a special place for them is just becoming another regular part of society.
I think this is why cosplays from video games and comics are generally more accepted at anime cons than western stuff and the like, they still have that same geeky, ~different~ vibe. In a way I guess what I'm saying is: Nerd's special secret clubhouse is being overran by 'casuals' and 'normalfags' and becoming mainstream. What was a big part of them and almost defined them in a way is just becoming regular stuff that everybody does. I think a similar logic (if that what any of this shit I'm saying is) can be applied to the attentionwhore debate, in how some people just don costumes without caring about the source or character, the lack of passion needed for some to want to parade around as a fictional character shows that cosplay isn't as exclusive or strange as it was once viewed, therefore becoming much more popular and less personal.

>tl;dr nerdy stuff is becoming more mainstream so it doesn't feel as 'special'. Some nerds don't like this.
I think I get what you're saying.
Basically, people are upset because anyone can just turn on the tv and watch adventure time casually and then just go to walmart and pick up stuff for their Finn cosplay, and just go to a con after maybe watching 3 episodes.

People think it's cool to be a nerd these days, and the chances are these people who have been nerds when they were younger they were picked on for it. And now they're probably not too happy that those who once bullied them are now "posing" as a nerd for popularity.

Most of them have either watched a lot of anime/ read a lot of comics, and the fact that someone just decided to turn on the hub and watch and episode of MLP and buy a hot topic t shirt of rainbow dash and show up to a con just wearing a rainbow dash hoodie as their cosplay probably doesn't make them all sparkles and sunshine either.
I can see your point, but I don't think that is the problem. Because no one was complaining when our conventions were full of Naruto, Bleach, Kingdom Hearts, and Sailor Moon cosplays. They were anime and mainstream. But who cared, they were anime. And yes people thought those fandoms were cancer, but no one doubted their place at the con. They were still anime fans that you could at least talk to about anime.

Its not really about what level of an anime fan you are or whatever, its just about whether you like watching it or not currently. Because if you don't like anime anymore, then why are you at an anime convention? I don't particularly get it.

This. Let's just all calm down about this situation and not get mad about it. At least, not as mad as we are right now.
From the sounds of it no side will ever be truly satisfied. So lets just mutually let each other do our own thing? No matter what one person says there will still be both cosplays and fandoms. No one is going to convince the other to stop. So lets just be nerds together and enjoy our cons?
>Why would you go to an anime convention and celebrate any interests but anime? It has ANIME in the name dumbasses.
>And I know it's called COMIC Con but really it's become a general pop culture con so that's why they should allow in anime.

You are not making any sense
At least they seem to understand the situation better then your stupid ass.
The situation is that anime fans made Comic Con a general pop culture thing and that's fine, but only media from Japan is allowed (and at times even accepted) at anime cons. It's hypocritical. Stop staying "hurr durr, if anime is in the name than OBVIOUSLY non-anime isn't included" and then say that OBVIOUSLY everything should be welcome at comic con.

If you want us to have separate drinking fountains and bathrooms then don't use ours.
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1.)http://www.conventionscene.com/schedules/comicbookconventions/ try harder
2.) like everyone else said, get one started.
Everyone assumes anime fans are lazy whales, and yet you wont even start a friggin con for your interest and are content to invade others.
I think there are several insects that do that...

As someone who attends both types of cons, I agree heartily with you.
The minute anime cosplayes started showing up at out local sci-fi con, and the friggin japanese festival, which, while i can see, feels a little disrespectful to me for some reason, I was mad.

I got to anime cons for anime
I got to not anime cons for not anime
I do not expect either to cater to the other just because WAAA not relevant to my interests!


...because some of it interests me



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