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>Three men were found dead in Baltimore late Friday and early Saturday, as a spate of violence left two other men wounded.
>The partially clothed body of a man in his early- to mid- 20s was discovered with "extreme trauma to the upper body" about 5 a.m. Saturday near the Inner Harbor, police said. The cause of his injuries was not immediately apparent, but police said that clothing was found on the roof of a nearby hotel and detectives were investigating whether the man had jumped or fallen.
>The identity of the man who was found near the downtown hotel remains a mystery. Police said he was not carrying any identification.
>The downtown area has been packed with attendees at the annual Otakon convention, one of the largest anime conventions in the country.
>Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said police initially responded to the 300 block of S. Charles St. after a caller reported hearing shots.
>Guglielmi said homicide detectives canvassed the area for evidence of a shooting but found no shell casings. There were abrasions on his arms, often referred to as "road rash," the spokesman said, and police called the accident investigation unit.


Why the hell do we still go to Baltimore?
that's like asking why we go to places like Los Angeles or San Francisco

shit goes down errywhere
AX is held in a way safer part of the city though. Admittedly this was my only year going so maybe the X-games made the police out in force, but I felt absolutely safe walking around the con/hotel radius. Even Otakon felt less dangerous this year, I didn't see a single homeless person around the inner harbor at night.

Of course, Katsucon/Magfest have the absolute god-tier of con locations; it's a sleepy little resort town with absolutely no fucking crime whatsoever.
>Why the hell do we still go to Baltimore?
Because Ray Lewis will kill us if we don't.

Omar's comin, yo.
I actually had to pull my knife out on a few drunk Russians who tried to jump me on the way to the Otakon rave. The fuckers backed off, but I was still pretty fucking scared.
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Aw, shit...
This is why I carried a two inch knife on me at all times. Sure enough, on the way back to our hotel nearly a mile away Saturday night, a friend and I were approached by tons of drunk people, asking for pictures and offering to 'help us get comfortable'.

Shit's even scary to walk through during the day. I don't care how expensive it is: next year my hotel is going to be fucking RIGHT there, and I'll only have to cross maybe one or two intersections to get to it. Fuck. That.
god dam
what is that why are the black people so many
The article doesn't exist.
Hebro dildos and other asian cancer?
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damn 2 inch knife i better back off

I felt relatively safe around the hotel but at the Friday meet when I showed up at the bar the bartender told me, "That's a pretty fancy camera." It's not special or fancy - a Pentax K-r with a monopod and a flash. But people see a DSLR and think "oh shit" and it was then I realized I was walking around Baltimore with a goddamn DSLR.
bit harder to hide that one when you're in a convention
You have to copy the


bit too, 4chan arbitrarily forces stupid linebreaks.
And that is why I bag my camera unless I'm at the convention center

I want to get a waist-bag of some kind for next year. And I need to fabricate my own handle. The monopod is pretty big and excellent for photoshoots or if I want to get my camera up high or a shot, but 95% of the time it's just a handle for my big fat hands to grab onto.

And I'm not wearing a backpack. Fuck that. At Acen and D*C last year my back was soaked with sweat all the time. I went bagless at Otakon and I actually felt comfortable for once walking around.
That picture is pretty stupid.
>Comparing an average, mildly attractive white female to an obese black female EVERYONE of EVERY RACE would find unattractive so you can point out obvious differences while at the same time trying to "prove" black people are ugly/less attractive with this one picture of an unfair comparison
>And people actually fall for it
messenger bag with a foam insert from ebay
or a small holster type bag
You certainly did.
The worst I got was some homeless guy who had a limp wrist ask me for money. Then again we were three men aged 21 walking around, probably a lot easier targets out when we parked in a parking garage 3 blocks away. I also never left the convention center after 10.
We stayed at the Hampton inn. It was like two blocks away. Felt very safe.
>I also never left the convention center after 10.
Wait what.
It's from "The Wire," a television program considered to be one of the best of all time.

I was lucky. I didn't encounter anything dangerous at all, and I was staying at Tremont.
Not exactly dangerous in the physical sense, but it was broad daylight and a water vendor was verbally harassing my sister and I when we walked passed him. Told me to go back to my own country and bunch of other incomprehensible mumbling.

I'm of East-Asian descent, but born in the US for the record.
As in I never stayed after 10.
I stumbled into Otakon drunk as fuck after the soccer game and I must say Otakon was pretty cool.

Baltimore is a shithole and is getting worse.
There is no good reason to go there but during events like last Saturday's Soccer/Otakon/Baseball the police hold down the inner harbor a lot better.

One way to keep the baltimoron niggers off your as is to cosplay, they are scared of cosplayers. True Story.

And only one murder on a weekend in unheard of, shoulda been a few more.

Now will someone direct me to the hot chicks in cosplay thread?

Thanks a bunch.
I only got one picture while i was there.
of the hot little storm trooper chick

more of her would be nice.....
Speaking of the Spurs/Lavorpeel game, why the fuck was it during the day, it was over before I knew it even happened, I don't even know who won
not sure why it was in the middle of the afternoon but it ended in a nil nil draw, i was dissapoint.

went to support spurs but im a united fan
>One way to keep the baltimoron niggers off your as is to cosplay, they are scared of cosplayers. True Story.
I took the "subway" train alone to the convention center on Friday. I felt pretty safe all throughout; although I left mid afternoon because there was nothing left to do. Stories like this make me think twice about taking the train again; but the best you can do is to not stray far from busy areas, not stray far from policed areas, not stay outdoors at night, and bag your gear. Some people always get unlucky, but as long as you follow the basics you won't have much to fear. And obviously if you're from out of town, its best to save up for a room at the Hilton.

>Baltimore is getting worse

Its struggling just as much as any crime ridden city trying to turn over a new leaf. The city is trying to improve, and things are still better from ten years ago. At least its safe enough to walk around the busy parts of the city in the day.
The nigs are scared of cosplayers because they don't understand. They are inherently scared of those who they consider weirdos.

It has always been safe to walk around the inner harbor day or night, Baltimore would lose too much money if it wasn't. And believe me when i say Baltimore is getting worse.

Don't let my negetivity towards that shit stain of a city get you down though.

Otakon has been getting bigger and bigger each year and i for one wouldn't mind if that trend continues.

It is just like any major city, stick to the touristy areas and you'll be fine. Just don't walk from the Hilton over to the titty bars on E. Baltimore St., take a cab.

And again....... Where is the 'Hotties in cosplay from Otakon' thread?
Otakon claims one sacrifice every year.

It's important to lose your virginity before the convention.

The anime gods will only cull a virgin.
I had to walk from the con back to my hotel dressed as Panty on Friday night alone because my roommates weren't answering their phones. It was about 9:30 and I made sure to walk fast, stay on the main streets where there was still traffic going, be talking on my cell phone (called a friend that couldn't attend the con), avoided eye contact but held myself high, and kept a firm hand on my purse.

Attackers are looking for easy targets, look like you're going to fight back and most of the time they'll back off and keep their distance. I got cat called a few times, but no one approached, if they had, I'd have pulled out my rape horn.

>"They are inherently scared of those who they consider weirdos"

lol just no

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