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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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Still pretty early but I have some of my photos done so enjoy. Also feel free to post anything if you guys have them!
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That Tulio looks like the real deal!
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My god why is The Road to Eldorado being cosplayed?
Any D Gray Man pictures?
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I need to figure out how to get pics off my phone, after that I will dump a few; In lieu have a shameless selfpost of a homosuck cosplay I did, rainbowdrinker Kanaya. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, but I don't like using white Ben Nye; I think I will try Mehron next time.

If anybody got any photos of Feferi, rainbowdrinker Kan, Austrian Succession Austria, or The Thief from Assassin's Creed Brotherhood multiplayer, could you please post them? They might be me. Thanks!

One of my favorite cosplays I saw this con was the Leeloo cosplayers I saw around.
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and I drop my photo, whoops. The wig was last-minute.
why not? it's an awesome movie
Such an old movie I was merely flabbergasted that someone would remember it.
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Hello! And here you go. What didn't you like about the bennye stuff?
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Thanks so much! It was awesome to meet you, man!
Should work on my expressions though lol.

As for the Ben Nye, I'm not sure why it was like this, but compared to the gray I had used the day before for Feferi it seems much more clumpy and streaky, and it was harder to apply, seal, and keep sealed; Even though I had less to cover I found the gray was much smoother going on and the flaking wasn't as obvious.

Admittedly, it does not help that in Kanaya's makeup I ended up crying over stress and a lost badge, but even before that it seemed clumpy.
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Ahh I'm sorry about that :c
Which white were you using? I think if you use the clown makeup if applies better, thicker and whiter. When I did mine I paired it with the white powder rather then the translucent. I thought it made it more even/white.

And it was nice meeting you as well!
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I don't have a photo on hand, but I really liked the Rarity who wasn't fat. Congrats on your fab costume and not being fat.
Hoping to see myself in the backgrounds of one of these pictures
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Is that Megumi?
WTF was up with all the redguards attending the con?
Ok anyone got any photos of Stu Pickles cosplayer making chocolate pudding?

Also photos of EGLers and fashion show pics are greatly appreciated thanks!
Ooh, I wonder where she got her contacts.
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I was surprised to see some Shiki cosplay but she looked really cute!
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I'm having trouble remembering exactly which type it is, it's either just the ben nye creme cake or the Aquacolor cake. I did not know of the clown makeup idea, but it makes sense, that stuff needs to last really well.

I'll pick up white powder for next time too! Thanks for the tip!
I took a bunch of photos, but my friend insisted on posing in every single one of them. Should I still post?
Any pics of that Galaxy Express 999 group?
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Yeah it's a bit more expensive...but I thnk it might go a bit better then just the creme cake. I tried the translucent powder first and it didn't come out well sadly. But good luck <3

You may as well if they're decent!
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Requesting any cosplays of Gosick, 999, Dantalian no Shoka, Inu x Boku, UN-GO, Daily Lives of High School Boys, and/or Kore wa Zombie. I'm very curious if anyone tried any of those over the weekend.
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There was a Maetel, Conductor, and Harlock walking around together on Saturday I think, and some old lady dressed as Emeraldas.
Yo is it taboo to ask for photos of yourself or what

My camera died the second I pulled it out on Friday and the charger was nowhere to be found...
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I don't think so, feel free to ask! I'm just going in order of what I have
You should be subtle and just make another post saying "Anyone got any shots of costumes for [Show/Game]?
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Requesting more Mass Effect
>blue jeans

Homestuck cosplayers reveal new layers of half-assedry every day.
I saw two Freya cosplayers at the same time, they both looked pretty good.
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They're so boring to look at.
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It's a GUY dressed a Sherlock. I'm surprised no lonely tumblr girls kidnapped him
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Okayy!! umm. I was Dead Master all 3 days from BRS.

Cat's out of the bag now, eheh
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It really bothers me how many people at a convention this large think it's a great idea to stop for photos in the middle of crowded, high-traffic areas.
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It's kinda always been like that...I think it was just worse because of the numbers.
That's Otakon's fault for not MOVING SOMEWHERE BIGGER.
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BCC is pretty large, and that's with half of its population always outside in the Inner Harbor area at all times.
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Alright. That's all for now.
Did anyone catch that Ox King + Roshi pair from Saturday night?
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About half way through saturday, the settings on my camera got jacked up and i didn't notice until sunday a couple hours in ; A; So, I'll post the ones that turned out.
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Oh hey, It's me. I didn't take many photos but I'll see what I have once I re-size.
is that some ROCKET POWER?!
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Haha it was awesome seeing your Cruella in person, you did a fantastic job.
Man-Belle! Looking absolutely gorgeous as always.
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Yup. Reggie, Twister, and my crazy friend.
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This guy did not stop running... For hours he kept moving. Even when he was playing a game.
I'm now sobbing at missing all these nostalgia costumes.
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Half of the females at this convention were dressed as Fiona...
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lol this guy rocked.
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Some from the Doctor Who gathering! Dis Capt Jack...hng.
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Thank you!

This Black Jack Cosplayer literally made my day by giving me a medical bill. Happiest I've ever been upon receiving one of those, that's for sure.
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Also unrelated to the gathering but she happened to be in the area
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what seems to be the problem? Even if it was some lazy cosplay they had fun right, did they ruin your fun?
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my liver still hurts from friday night. Saturday didn't help
That feel when you get home from otakon and there is a gaping emptiness inside of you
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Otakon 2012 highlights:
>Hung out with the cool dudes and dudettes from /cgl/
>Had a loli call me "Mary had a little lamb" when I while I was walking around the inner harbor with my stuffed alpaca
>Pulled my knife out on a few drunk Russians who tried to jump me while I was walking to the rave in lolita
>Brought this guy to the ER after he stepped on some broken glass in the harbor
i'll post mine tomorrow. i just got in. i missed my flight back to buffalo
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Lady Mabelton and Sir Dippingsauce

Uh, I never said there was a problem. I was just making an observation.

You're just looking for an argument.
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That main guy from Final Fantasy VII
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Mariko from Bodacious Space Pirates

You mean Cloud? And that's not him. Fail hard.
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I know how this sounds, and slim chances, but does anyone have any good photos from the Homestuck group shots? In particular, I'm looking for the shot with the god tier trolls (ancients? I don't read it) which included Summoner. My friend was in that group but my phone camera crapped out pretty hard when she went up, I was gonna say pic related but apparently the corrupted photo I got is too corrupt for 4chan.
Anyone have anything from either Touhou shoot?

I heard someone mention a Flandre that had light up wings.
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Lady Mabelton with her hookshot
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Lynn Minmay
.....look at his other comments..these are clearly jokes..or at least I hope so.
Check Tumblr.
Specifically the Otastuck tag.
I was at the Sat gathering, is that the one you're looking for?
I posted my slideshow in the other thread.

Here is all my pics in this video. Its pictures + some rave footage.

One of my best Otakon's yet personally, the /cgl/ meet up on saturday was fun and it was great hanging out with you guys.

Yep, that one.

Thank you, I'll look there

AND HAY, look who forgot to link it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXN_5P7_Rqo
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What the fuck is wrong with these people
And what the fuck is wrong with the fat girl wearing the gas mask who doesn't look like the others.
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This one?
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Kasumi and Ayane from Dead or Alive
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That fucking gut.
The gas mask is from that whole "are you my mummy" episode. All the victims of were affected by the nano-bots grew a gas-mask over their heads. Terrifying little monsters if you ask me.
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oh man those guys look so awesome
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Spider Jerusalem
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Their faces are highly... ugh.
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Q from Star Trek
nigga, step off dat Rider.
maybe he should have made sure his stomach was covered
did anyone get some good pictures of the Shadow of the Colossus outfit?
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Dekared and Lynn Minmay
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Crocodile Dundee
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Weapons Dealer from Resident Evil 4
I raved with that guy. He was cool as shit- and in character, too.
more like assassins creed guy
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Black Rock Shooter
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Van Pelt from Jumanji
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Kamen Rider photoshoot
Red Dead Redemption character.
Ouran High School Host Club wizard guy I don't know what his name is
did you make him recite the Major General's song?
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That fat guy who directed Jersey Girl
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German barmaid with nice boobies
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John Candy
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Ahri from League of Legends
looks like Raoul Duke to me
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Yes, I got them all to do this for a stupid pun.
dat darkness
dat blurry picture

Phone camera. It was kind of spur-of-the-moment.
>look at their lab coats
>no side pockets
they gotta step it up
any other S;G pictures?
Did anyone get pictures of Madotsuki cosplay?
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Daft Punk and Deadmau5
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A few. Pictured here is my pal sharing a laugh with J. Michael Tatum.
I just can't put my finger on it.
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Someone cosplaying as Vanilla Ice
Still can't put my finger on it.
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Terry Bogard
HAHAHA! This is my friend George. Sadly he only dressed like that on Friday.
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I don't know what anime they came from, but it must be poplar.

MORE Homestuck cosplay?
That's K-On
anyone have a picture of the really good kakashi, with the bells....? i think he was asian?

>inb4 most vague description ever
why didn't he come Arn Anderson and the gang?
Oh yes I'm digging that spilled drink prop.
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>Q from Star Trek
Hahah funny you should mention that. Him and some of my other friends were discussing the possibility of a Four Horsemen group.
oh man, that would have been great. do you know if he went around going WOOOOOOOOOO?
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Don't mind me, just reminding you that it's all over.
the question now becomes do you do the classic Flair-Arn-Tully-Ole or do you replace Tully/Ole with people like Barry Windham, Sid Vicious, Jeff Jarrett, or even Chris Benoit
Funny how they emptied the fountains both in that main lobby and the outside court yard for obvious reasons because of last year. Bummer cause it's kinda relaxing to sit by the fountain.
gotta go with the original guys although I don't think many people would know ole/tully but then again, you never know
What happened last year?
He most definitely did. Everyone we were with would start doing it too. Its a shame though most people had no clue what the fuck was happening
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there ya go
People falling in the water or just flat out playing in it.
Anyone get the Bastion couples cosplay walking around?
Dohoho, you funny man.
>most people didnt even realize he was Ric Flair
that cuts deeper than you'll ever know
If it makes your feel better the people who did recognize him did so very enthusiasticly. There was even a Spiderman that followed us around for like 10 minutes just reciting quotes.
anyone have a green jacket lupin? my friend cosplayed as him and he didnt send me any pictures yet D:<
holy shit I laughed
>Oh no, niggers. I knew I should've stayed in my basement.

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G-German.. barmaid...
Ahhh more pictures
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Toothless has a fish!
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first ota I've been to in 5 years. Holy shit things have changed. And for the better I'd say. Anyone that complains about the homestuckers forgot about how fucking annoying/numerous narutards used to be.
Hiccup 30 years later.
tell me he did the strut too
Why does every fucking Hiccup have the same fucking cheap looking vest and uggs? And holy fuck man, shave!
There are so many good Astrids, so why is there no decent Hiccup?
Did anyone get any pics of a green suited Once-ler (Greed-ler) with no hat and a big, squishy Lorax plush?
most of the fountains were off because of the water main burst
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Major props to the Kid from Bastion at the /cgl/ meetup. Put a serious smile on me and my friend's faces.

I would have said hi or something to the rest of you but I'm really mostly from /tv/ and /fit/ so I took my spaghetti away before it fell on Cards Against Humanity.

No, they've been replaced by countless MLP cosplayers.

but then again, I won't lie, many of the MLP cosplay chicks were actually quite hot. First time I really started to see the fanbase as something other than bronytards.

Yes, I am surprised that a girl's show meant for girls is actually being cosplayed by girls. 4chan has fucked up our entertainment culture just that much.

I'm incredibly mad about missing Bastion cosplay. Anyone have pics?
Fucking everybody thought I was otakon.
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W-what am I supposed to do now?
any more?
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Hah, thanks man, glad you liked it.

From Colossalcon; didn't have my hammer at Otakon for various reasons.
What show/whatever are these two from?
Fuck, I laughed too hard.
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B-but thats Akibared not Dekared.....
And those are Super Sentai Senshi
Oh shit. I did a fucking terrible job on OOO..........I wonder if I should even bother fixing it.
Also That's Roko in My fourze outfit. Its WAAAAYYY to big for him hahah
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never mind im fucking retarded and didnt get the joke. I need to sleep.
Thats from working
Angela, next time please make the skirt longer or wear underwear. I didn't even have to bend over to get a clear look at your ass.
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Did anyone go to the Silent Hill gathering on Saturday? This is the first Otakon I've missed in three years and I always go to it. Anyone? It's always my favorite part of the con.
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Anyone have pictures from the fate series meetup?
that's from Cavestory tho
What, that's neither Daft Punk nor Deadmau5
It's really like your first time on /cgl/
Is this what post con depression feels like? My life isn't nearly as exciting as Otakon was.
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>mfw post-con depression
I'll get my pics up in a while, have to figure out how to upload from my cam...

In the meanwhile, anyone else try to get autographs after the Aya Hirano concert? Fuckin' hell was that a safety hazard, not to mention they kicked us all out after a certain point. Not even joking.
Hey I saved a few people at that Aya Hirano concert.

When they were kicking out half of the people in line I was telling people not to leave because they were only doing it to discourage people. (So in a way that definitely helped)

She ended up signing everyone's stuff who stayed in line. If you stayed and watched how fast the signings went, it wasn't that hard to get everyone.

Also did anyone get pics of the Daft Punk cosplay at the rave? I would love to see just one. Thanks.
My friend took off with my phone, so I missed chances to get tons of great shots. Does anyone have one of the Qunari from Dragon Age that were walking around Saturday? They were amazing.
So I heard over at the Otakon forums. I am really fucking upset now, since I doubt I'm ever gonna have a chance to meet her again and I fell in love with her (not literally, but you know) due to that concert.

It cannot be helped. Oh well.
It's made worse by the fact that I met some cool people, who I wasn't able to hang out with nearly enough, and I'll likely never see again.

I guess it's entirely my fault for not actually working things like that out while we were hanging out.
Was there ANY decent .Hack?
I saw an AMAZING Blackrose and Sanjuro but I had left my camera in my hotel. ; (
Anyone get anything from the pokemon photoshoot? My camera died out before the day was done....I really want a pic of the nidorino proposing to nidorina in particular.
Agreeing with this. We know you like parading your ass around for all the attention from the pedos that you can pretend are your dad that never loved you. But aren't you like barely 15? I was looking down at you and I could still see half your asscheeks.
... Oh, so she was probably the girl my mom was bitching about... I thought she was just hawking on about things she didn't understand but I guess maybe she was right if people on /cgl/ agree with her.
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I was pleasantly surprised by all the good FF cosplays I saw
Oh God.
I just deleted a picture of Ranmaru from Samurai Warriors in his Pokemon Conquest outfit by accident. Did anyone get a picture of him?
anyone see hard gay mario?

This isn't the first time she's been to the U. she was at AX a few years ago, she did a personally appearance in NY a little while back as well. She also doe stuff in Japan all the time.

If you really want the chance to meet her you should have another opportunity..
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This guy?
He's not exactly photogenic but his costume was amazing I have to say.
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Ajadsfkajdfj Thank you.

Yeah, I know, but the chances are slim. Guh...
Anyway, first pic~
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Jesus fucking Christ, newfag, resize your goddamn pictures.
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Brolita I love you
come live with me in the basement
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I'm sorry, I've just never posted camera pics up on /cgl/ before, every other board is fine with big image sizes.

That better?
Can anyone post some photos of the Jet set radio trio that was out and about? They were Jazz, Combo and Yoyo
anyone got pics from the TF2 Photoshoot on friday or saturday? i was one of the demopans that was actually black. i arrived late to the saturday shoot, but i was there for the first friday shoot.

or if you have pics of me from the hall, that'd be cool too.
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sage for selfpost
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>not uploading the best photo

I'm disappointed of you, Grace.

Also I was dressed as Stu making chocolate pudding for the other half of Saturday and Sunday. Does anyone here have a photo of me because people were taking some good pics of it but I still haven't found any.
Nice Ballerina cosplay.
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You're lucky I know you're trolling...
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Didn't see them but i got this beat.
Looking for pics of the SMT shoots.
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Fucking hell man, I need to get a non-iPhone camera. This Yui was really cute but the picture is blurried beyond all fuck.

Man, real life sucks. I can't walk out and see cute cosplayers and watch them blush as I call them that. Oh well...I guess I have to wait till October. ;_;
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Indiana Jones
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i believe this is the one you are talking about?
You're trolling, right?

Good Captain Mal.
Loooool 8/10
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Anybody get any pictures of the Kamen Rider Black? I've only seen one floating around on tumblr and I'd love to see more of him.
Yeah, that one. So cute :3
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You mean Octopimp?
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Did anyone get pictures of Soundwave? This was the only picture I've seen.
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I have one from last year. I'm pretty sure it's the same Soundwave.
I was in a FLCL group with a few friends, anyone get any pics? Greatly appreciated.

Is that the Tremont Plaza? I think I recognize that wallpaper. Place is far away from the con, but a decent sushi place is right behind it.
But I'm above the basement now, why would I go back down there?
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Did anyone get a picture of a Cubone? I only saw her once on Friday and wasn't able to take a picture and I didn't didn't see her again.
wandering if anyone has any juliet starlling/lolipop chainsaw cosplay pictures? thanks
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sunglasses 2hus are always welcome
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Anyone get anymore pics of this Yuna?
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I just bought that same shirt at H&M last weekend.
any pics of the jessica rabbits walking around?
That's an uglyass shirt, dude.
Really! Fuck I have to return it now!
Yes you do.
>That feel when you get home from otakon and there is a gaping emptiness inside of you

where did you eat
Haha, good one!
I ate twice, once at noodles and company and once at mcdonalds. I was there on friday at 10am on friday to 3 pm on sunday too.
This year was especially weird for me.

Thursday - California Tortilla. Got a big-ass 12 dollar burrito for dinner.
Friday - Ramen for dinner. Not that much either.
Saturday - A handful of frosted shredded wheats
Sunday - I stuck my finger in a jar of peanut butter and ate what came out.

After we left around 4, we stopped at a rest stop where there was a taco bell. Me and my girlfriend got one of those 12 packs and ate 6 tacos each and both had an XL cup of MD baja blast.

Today I had the most explosive diarrhea I have ever had.

I usually eat a little less oddly.
All I ate at the convention were those fucking chips. They weren't even that good but fuck if I want to go outside and wait in the heat.
Anyone got pictures of a Yuno or a Rukia? I think my friend cosplayed as those characters and I was hoping to see photos because I couldn't make the trip to Otakon this year to see her. ;_;

I saw that guy on Friday evening during the Fighters Megamix photoshoot. He and a Spider-Man cosplayer were cutting promos on everyone. It was hilarious.
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Anyone get any Evangelion cosplays?
any shots from the nintendo shoot? I completely brainfarted this con and didn't bring my camera.
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Fuck, I hate how the picture I got looks like shit. KUYASHI.

I loved this guy for doing this. Anyone else get a photo the Kaiji cosplayer?
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...Dead Pie?

...Pinkie Pool?
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That's pretty gross
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I felt bad for the dog. I saw it later in the day and it was freaking the fuck out over everything
Speaking of dogs what the fuck was up with the chick walking around INSIDE the convention center with a muzzled doberman?
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Good question, I assumed she was blind and didn't give it a second thought. That wouldn't make much sense now that I think about it.
What type of dog is Ammy anyway? I've been wanting a dog like her.

sage for no contribution
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She told me it was an aid dog cause she has anxiety. WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO AND ASK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON INSTEAD OF SILENTLY JUDGING.

But to be honest i thought the dog was cosplaying bane :3c
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Hi everyone!

Anyone have shots of my Terriermon costume from Friday and Saturday?
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That dude was the coolest
M-Motherfucking kawaii
Steve Perry cosplay.

>> anxiety
yes, decorate your aid dog....so you can bring it in to complement your fetish wear...
you people are so fucking gullible
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I only have 2 pics that I took with my phone
I was told there was a cosplay contest with pets. I hope that wasn't true
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My friend wearing a wig we found in a bag on the floor at the +18 Super Art Fight
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the real question is, who fucking cares?~
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my favorite steins;gate photo from the weekend
Fucking christ why is there so much western garbage at a convention for ANIME.
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Really impressed by the LoL cosplayers. This Irelia's blades are fucking amazing.

I have photos of the people who went to the friday photoshoot (including an Annie who said she was from /cgl/, really cute btw :3) but at the moment they are on a friends camera so I gotta wait till he gives them to me.

Also, did anyone happen to catch the Lulu cosplay? Shes like my favorite champ and I was butthurt as fuck when she didn't show up to the photoshoot...
all the immature fuckwads that attend cons just have a huge hard on for Hamsteak/Ponies/Korra
Don't admit to liking League of Shitty Legends.
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Better than expected! Great Kaiji cosplay!
The jacket is really awesome! I'm proud of you, Kaiji-Buddy!
[spoiler]My patches are old and a little bit crappy... soon I make new and updated patches.[/spoiler]

Dude I don't think you understand you are like my favorite Kaiji cosplayer everrrrr and I will cry myself to sleep knowing I wasn't able to meet you at the connnn
I'm not the only one that calls him Man-Belle! My husband and I see him everywhere! He's totally cool. His name is Alex, but I can't help to try to spot him.
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-hanging with people

-missed my flight
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Of that picture with Fukumoto in the background? Yes, I am.
But I was not of the Otakon... too far away! (I was never of a Otakon and also never in America too). I want to visit some day a big con in America. But no idea when.

Here a proof: I working on my new Kaiji outfits from season 2. Picture very related, the bone-dices are not finished, these needs a correction (darker red, like dried blood and little bit more used-look).

[spoiler]By the way, the chance to meet me is soon the Comiket in Japan.
LOL, I know... the spoiler-function does not work here.[/spoiler]

Best greetings and a big ZAWA-Greeting to my Kaiji-Buddy from the Otakon.
Ok, enough... back to the Otakon topic.
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Anyone get a pic of the Elis cosplayer (Asobi ni Ikuyo)? I didn't take a pic and I regret it, as when I mentioned her to a fellow staffer (who is an Elis fan), he just about had a seizure.
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Two Sakuya's
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I barely took any pictures at Otakon, to be honest. There was lots of cosplayers and lots of decent cosplay but not a whole lot that interested me.

Mokoto here gets my best-dressed award though because HOLY SHIT
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Thank you, I-No, for actually wearing a nude-colored bra. That black bra shit pisses me off more than it should.
Yo, I will spend all of my Perica for that Perica.
I was Impel Down Luffy, did anyone get a picture of me? :(
Technically, Ammy is a wolf. Although I think she looks most like a Japanese Spitz.
Hi! I was that Annie. Turned out you were the only /cgl/er I met at the con. I didn't end up going to the bar meetup and I had assumed correctly- it was all guys!

The bar meet was about half and half at first, but all the lolis and Touhoes were out of there in about half an hour.
New thread?

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