So there seems to be a large number of trans people in the EGL/EGA scene for some reason. What's up with that?I have a few of these people on my tumblr and it gets really confusing. One of them was talking about how he was turned down my a woman once she realized he wasn't born male and subsequently didn't have a functioning penis. The trans guy in question was all up in arms about how CIS people need to get over it and how this woman was transphobic for not wanting to sleep with a man who had remnants of a vagina. (To me that's like saying a gay man should have no arguments sticking his dick in a pussy if the girl's butch enough.)I see this sort of shit in lolita too. There's a couple of local transdudes who seem to have no life outside of campaigning for equality, and instead of talking about fashion/anime/other things people have in common, they just talk about how everything offends them. I'm sure it must suck facing all that discrimination, but being angry about it all the time, including among people who agree with you, just makes you a killjoy.Has anybody else noticed this? It's especially bad on LJ and tumblr.
I can see how disappointed the trans guy is, but still it has nothing to do with CIS PRIVILEDGE TRANSOPHOBIC FDSHISDHGIHD. It's just that this girl wants to have normal sex and probably babies too. The guy most likely knew this can become a problem when he decided to take reassignment surgery and crap. Just out of curiosity, do transmen only date other transmen? Because straight females want a functioning penis, lesbian females want a woman, straight men want a woman and gay men want a functioning penis. I kind of feel sorry for them.
This just sounds whiny. You should have told him to get over himself.
>>6085354On tumblr? Are you crazy? They would've been torn a new one and harassed endlessly for being transphobic CIS scum.
>>6085363I don't think tumblr is the best portrayal of trans people though. You have to take what it says on there with a pinch of salt.
>>6085302I think it's like that, for the most part.Besides that, some trans people that I've met are very insecure about their bodies and their self-loathing is off the chart. I could see how other people could not handle it in a relationship. Honestly, I could never date a transperson. I feel awful for saying it, and not being attracted to them whatsoever, but the ones I've met are just so fucked up.
Broken attracts broken.
I miss the days when teens and young adults pretended to be goth anarcho-communists when they went through their rebellion stage instead of transracial transgendered feminist otherkin.
>>6085422honestly the people you have met were probably not actually transgender.There is a very small percentage of the population which is transgender, and most of them are some of the most awesome, outgoing, and generally self confident people in the whole world, because deciding to be open about it when you actually are transgender really takes a lot.Basically, if someone is being a whiny shit who is obviously confused about their identity, I'm going to see it as a phase, and most of the time it is just a phase. Kids go through puberty, feel uncomfortable in their own body, want to pretend to be someone else... well, transgender works out perfectly for that.It's just a shame that some people go through with the surgery before realizing that they were shitty teenagers who didn't know what they were talking about.I would date a transperson in the blink of an eye, but I would not touch someone pretending to be trans for their own personal teenage delusion with a 10 foot pole.
>>6085535It's reason like those that I don't support the tumblr trans community's ongoing tirade to make reassignment surgery government funded or available to teenagers. It's such a huge deal that I totally understand why a psych consult and fundraising should be a part of it. If it were free and as easy as a tonsillectomy, there'd be so many regrets and no way back. But, to suggest that maybe being trans is more than simply not acting feminine 100% of the time on tumblr is sacrilege. The tirade of "Die cis scum" will attack virtually unprovoked. tumblr is full of idiots. But, I suppose everyone already knew that.
>>6085302I'd date a transguy and I'm a lezzer. Probably loses me lesbian points, but oh well. I think quite a lot of lesbians are open to the idea, because butches and stuff.
I laughed when I read the "do trans-men only date trans-men" thing because it's been true for the ones I know. I don't think I could have a long, full relationship with a trans. We would have to connect on every. single. level. Be soul mates, I guess. And even then, it would have to be so, so special to make me not want marriage, or kids. But superficially, none of the trans I've ever met have ever stirred something in me. :/ No attraction. I guess I just like raw masculinity in my partners.
>>6085599I asked you before, but the thread was deleted. Weren't you making a big deal about "your official last post on cgl" two months ago? And now here you are.
>>6085476I do too. Or when every girl was suddenly bisexual, even that was less annoying.My now girlfriend was in a relationship with a trans-men before. They actually started dating when he was still identifying as woman but she sticked to him because she loved him (and is attracted to male and female). However, she told me it was hard for her since on the one hand she saw the female body, but on the other she was supposed to pretend it's a male when they had sex. And even WITH a lot of imagination and the help of toys you sooner or later get to a point you just can't play pretend anymore, especially when your partner says no to everything that might be only a tiny bit "female" (like getting stuff pushed into your body, and be it your ass).Trans guy has now a relationship with another one...I think if you a) not love someone with every fibre of your body and b) both of you are not able to handle this situation in the best way possible for both parties (in terms of sexual intercourse) it's hard to mantain a relationship between cis and trans. But I also don't get this whole "You like men, so you need to like trans-men" thing going on anyway. If the attraction of a gender (penis for guys, boobs and vaginas for girls) is a big part of your libido it's hard to force yourself to enjoy a man without a penis, no matter how much you like the person behind the body.I shouldn't be forced to like anything sexually, and I bet Trans* people wouldn't like it either if I'd tell them they should like thing XY.I know for Trans* it has to do with "belonging to the group you identify as", and while you feel and think you are a man/woman it's depressing when someone who is into men/women is not interested in you. But for some people it's not enough to know what you are identifying as, at least when we talk about sex.
>>6085724I really can't be arsed to explain to everyone who asked. I don't even know who the fuck you are or why you care. I'll get honorary ottermode to update the spreadsheet.
>>6085736Wow, a little defensive there? I "care" because I was curious as to why you'd make such a big deal about it, and then come back a couple of months later. Why would you do that, voluntarily make an ass of yourself? You can't enjoy looking like an idiot, right?
>>6085763switched to my work pc, but that was me.
>>6085763I am always defensive. You're new, aren't you?
I'm a lesbian, and I notice that a lot of transmen tend to pursue relationships with lesbians, and I always wonder why. Because, for me, personally, well... I like girls. And if they don't see themselves as a girl, and plan to fully transition into a man, then I don't think I'm gonna be interested, and I don't particularly see why many lesbians would be. I mean, it's not like dating a butch girl.
>>6085769lol don't try to play it off.
My dad and I were talking about this and he said it could be because they're drawn to other "fringe" groups; collections of people who also don't fit in with societal norms. Perhaps they feel they'll be more readily accepted by such people. Also, fuck the whole "DIE CIS SCUM" bullshit. Most of the trans* people I know are pretty fucking chill. All they want is for bitches to use the right pronouns and they're happy.
>>6085783How about YOU stop trying to derail an interesting thread? Frantically shoehorning your way into old drama isn't going to get you into some kind of tripfag cool club.>>6085777I guess I'm just cool with it because transmen tend to lack the things that repulse me about cismen. Penises, excessive body hair, excessive muscle, horrendous attitudes to women, etc etc. Obviously, there are exceptions.
>>6085793I guess that does make sense, when you put it that way. If you don't mind me asking, how do you think you would feel if you were dating a transman who planned to actually get a sex change operation?
>>6085798Well, I'd prefer it if he didn't, but I'd have absolutely no right to have a say in the matter. I guess it'd depend how attached I was to him. If you really love someone, genitals shouldn't be a biggie.
I really just think that everyone on tumblr needs to be shot in the face. I also think that it's the younger generation that is bastardizing things such as feminism, racial acceptance and LGBT rights.
>>6085535>>6085535>>6085535This. So much this. They're pushed so much to fight for equality and rights so that they lose all the other parts of their identity. Instead of supporting them into getting over it and learning to be happy with themselves. It's like a really specific form of BDD or something.
Incidentally, since we mentioned butches in this thread: Lesbian anon, how do you feel about butches who are into this sort of thing? found that article all kinds of confusing.
>All they want is for bitches to use the right pronouns and they're happy.>have cousin who fluctuates between identifying as male or female>"sooo, what do you want me to call you?">"eh, just whatever you feel like."fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.
>>6085814Wait, surely that's a good thing if they're not going to throw a shit fit over you using the wrong pronouns?
>>6085810I... found that confusing as well. Also,>boiz and grrlzWhat is this? I've never heard of these things. Are these alternative words for butches and femmes?
>>6085814Genderqueer/Genderfluidity, right? Yup, I know a lot of genderfluid people and they're pretty much the same. "Just go with whatever, I don't mind". One actually just uses "he" as he's biologically male and doesn't see why he should make other people address him differently because he's "weird". His words, not mind.
I know a small handful of people who I knew for a little while before they were reassigned. I have no problem with wanting to have it done, I just have a hard time using the right pronouns afterwards. So many transgender folk still look mainly like their original gender so I'm sorry if I met you for the first time and used "he" and didn't realize you were a "she" because you look like a man with long hair and wearing a babydoll-cut tee. And I'm sorry I called you "she" instead of "he" because you look like a woman with a woman's voice with a buzzcut but still have massive breasts.Only two people I'm vaguely acquainted with have been able to pull off the full transformation. And then I have politically correct friend who I tried to show her some great pics of some guys who made some great disney princess costumes. She gave me this really sour look because I didn't ask them what gender they identified ass so I shouldn't assume they're guys.All my what.
>>6085825They have a whole post on there about 'what is a boi', but I can't seem to find it. As far as I can gather, yeah, it's a butch thing. I don't really like the misogynistic attitudes that come with it, though :/ seems to be a real trend of using women for sex and basically mimicking all the bad things about men. What's wrong with old-school chivalrous butches?
>>6085830Political correctness is probably the biggest problem. I'm all for equality, of everyone, but we need to stop seperating ourselves like that. I am a semi-straight female, I'm in love with a man but why the FUCK does that make me less of a person/homophobic/discriminatory etc. It doesn't, it really just doesn't.
>>6085826It gets annoying from a language perspective. At least s/he's cool with whatever, I hate it when people get in a tizzy over it.There's a mtf who sometimes comes into the fast food place I work at and I'm always afraid I'm going to accidentally call them 'sir.' To be fair, s/he's not a very convincing woman.Though that does remind me of the one time that during a lunch rush, we were super fracking busy, and I accidentally called a woman sir while handing her order out the window. I said "Have a nice day sir." Because we've got to say something nice to finish the transaction with. And then continued taking orders over the headset.So. She calls back like, 3 times. We couldn't answer the phone the first two times because slammed. Finally she gets through and complains to my manager that I called her sir instead of ma'am or miss. My manager thought it was hilarious.
>>6085837Ugh... so basically frat boy culture, lesbian-style. No thank you.
>>6085844Eyup. Fuck that. If I wanted to date sex-obsessed idiots, I'd date men.
>>6085847Yeah, no, don't trust this trolling whore.
>>6085849It's not exactly a secret that I only realised I was a lesbian recently, retard.
I just hate the idea that you are whatever you say you are. If you aren't going to bind, and wear lolita dress with perfect makeup, I'm not going to call you "he" just to soothe your asspain. Likewise, if you don't shave your face and chest when you wear low-cut shirts that look like they came from a 1980's fashion show, I cannot call you "she."
>>6085851I kinda hate it too. I'd never say so on Tumblr, because I'd get my ass shanked, but the idea that you can just claim an identity contrary to your biology without working towards it sort of irks me. Either put in the effort or don't fuck around with identity like that.It's because of this mindset that we see idiots 'denouncing their race', suddenly saying that despite being biologically white, they identify as black, so you have to treat them as such!It just breeds so much bullshit.
>>6085854The whole 'transethnicity' bullshit just makes me think of PT. We should respect her Japanese identity yo, otherwise we're cisethnic scum
>>6085856It all just smacks of a middle school mindset. In middle school, I wanted to be a Japanese boy.But I'm a white chick, and I realize I was being fucking stupid and going through a really weird phase.Being transgender I can understand (especially because I've met so many people passionate about transitioning) but transethnic? Really?
>>6085850Yeah, sure thing. 1st of April '12. You've been advertising your lesbianism and wanting ugly virgins everywhere way before that. Should've at least try to say it was an April Fool's joke.
personally i'm attracted to trans* people but idk that sort of thing doesn't matter to meif you present yourself as female then I will refer to you as female, the same for maleif you do not put any effort into presenting yourself as the gender you so strongly identify with then don't get offended when i 'mis-gender' youit's common fucking sense dick heads
Has anyone here actually had intimate relationships with a post-op transgendered person? I'm kinda curious as to what genitalia look like that that point. You've gotta have a very strong feeling about changing your gender that far to the point you can only have a pseudo vag or penis and lose the full functioning of the original.
It's not just tumblr people who can have a bad attitude, I have a friend irl who's now a girl and he used to get mad at me whenever I adressed her as him. However, when we were with his friends from school we had to say him again. I tried to be nice but it was very annoying having to switch constantly and him getting mad if we did it wrong.It was also not a phase since he's lasered his beard and is taking hormone pills now.
>>6085690>And even then, it would have to be so, so special to make me not want marriage, or kids.Sorry, I know you didn't mean to be offensive or anything but this just really bugs me. You can marry a trans-person and you can have kids with a trans-person. Hell, you can even have biological children with a trans-person, it just won't be conceived through intercourse. It just bugs me that your main thing is "Well they'd have to be pretty damn special to make me forget about marriage and kids." when you can have a normal married life with children if you want them with a trans-person.
When it comes to transethnicism (?) I find it always uncanny how it it mostly white people who want to be Asian, more specifically Japanese.I, for one, am really excited to see if Ginseng Cat will identify as transethnic. I hope she'll pick up this fad, since she feels that being Japanese is hir birthright. PT's is all about being herself in Japan, so she is a tiny step better.
>>6085884That's because one of the main symptoms of weeabooism is wanting to be Japanese.
>>6085810...barely glanced at the article and then exited. That typing was horrible and I didn't expect it to be techniques on giving a blowjob to the clitoris... at least I think that's what it was trying to do. The writing was confusing enough. Eh... I don't think I'd ever do that. However on the other hand I do have a fellow lesbian friend whose girlfriend gives her strap-on a blowjob during sex. She says even though there isn't any physical pleasure from it like a male would get, a lot of times the experience itself and seeing her girlfriend doing that is enough to get her off. To me that sounds way more amazing than trying to awkwardly do what the article says.
>>6085868My current boyfriend is a FTM. He has had a mastectomy and a hysterectomy, but hasn't touched his clit because of obvious reasons.I've been with him for four years now and since the very beginning he has been a he. His given name was unisex, but he is officially a he since two years.We have a 'normal' sex life, we are both into oral sex even before our relationship. He has been taken hormones for years before we met, so I don't know how his original clit looked like. The time we've been together there has been some changes, but nothing really drastic. When we have penetrative sex, we use a strap-on.My boyfriend looks very manly, he's a tad short, 5'8 and my family knows of his transformation and don't have too much an issue with it. They're curious, which we understand, but never impolite. Because my boyfriend looks like a man, we haven't been stigmatized. Some people have no idea of his birth gender.
>>6085284The thing with sites like Tumblr is that they *are* made up of people who have no life outside the internet. They approach their sexuality the way people approach TV show fandoms, and that inevitably makes them annoying as fuck. I do believe that there are legit born-in-the-wrong-body trans people in the world, but most of those TumblTard teenagers are just confused or bored and trying to find a group of people to fit in with. Like when I see some 15 year old girl who's "really a boy" and their blog is all shotacon yaoi and Hetalia, I'm less inclined to buy their story. Esp when they go around bragging about their "sexuality" like it's a badge of honor and looking for challengers so they can whine about how oppressed they are.
>>6085881There is nothing wrong at all with people having traditional values, no one is trying to push them on you personally.>>6085904I'm a fairly-straight female and my boyfriend is a fairly-straight male, and he sucks on my strap on, however it does give me some physical pleasure because I enjoy watching him do it so much.
>>6085793Whatever, you're just pissed I brought it up.
>>6085888I have to disagree. The weeaboos I've encountered have had this idea of being super extra special because they have this Japanese 'soul' (total and utter knowledge based on manga, pocky and the like) but being gaijin. So they have this double super special snowflake thing going on.
>>6085881How? At least in my country reassigning your gender requires castration/sterilisation and hormone treatment stops your ability to reproduce anyway. I know in the US this one transman conceived a baby but how about transwomen? If their testes have been cut off, they can't produce sperm. I love to crossdress (ftm) and act manly especially in cosplay (which offers me a great chance to do so and let some drag king steam out) and I always have ever since childhood, but I'm fine with being a masculine woman. I just can't understand all these insecure teenage girls who get their panties in a bunch when called "the wrong pronoun". If you dress in flannel shirts and cut your hair short and wear hipster glasses it doesn't mean you're a man. You can still be a woman even if you're not a stereotypical fashion fetishist who paints her car pin or even if you're a lesbian. They claim to be feminist but in the end they're just ashamed of their gender and acting like fundamentalist chauvinists who think all women belong between the fist and the stove. This tumblr DIE CIS SCUM movement is just all kinds of stupid.
>>6085911>nothing wrong at all with people having traditional valuesI'm not saying there is...? It's just they said to be with a trans-person it would have to be special enough to make them forget about marriage and kids, as if they couldn't have that with a trans-person. There's no law that prohibits marriage to transsexuals and if their complaint is that they can't have children conceived through intercourse, then that's just stupid because you're basing an entire relationship on whether you can reproduce through sex. Transgenders aren't the only ones that may not be able to reproduce, plenty biological women can't have children and plenty of biological men can't impregnate women and yet they still get married. There are alternative methods to ensure you have children. Bleh, sorry about the rant.
>>6085941Well that's their own views, it's just how they feel, and by traditional values I meant conception through intercourse. I just hate people anyways so both ends of the argument are dumb to me for the most part.
>>6085906That's pretty cool. Success stories lie this make me smile. But just how large does hormone treatment make the clit grow? Is penoplasty possible yet?
>>6085931Usually before any sort of invansive male-genital procedure, including treatment for prostate cancer, it's recommended that the patient have a sample of their sperm frozen and stored.
>>6085931How can you have biological children with a transgender? You can have your sperm or eggs frozen for years until you need them. Biological male and female couples that have trouble conceiving do it all the time. You can also get donations from a biological relative, I've seen that happen with lesbian and gay couples where they've had a sibling or close relative offer to either donate sperm or offer to surrogate the baby. And if all else fails, there are plenty of children that need parents in orphanages both in their country and around the world.
>>6085949> it's just how they feelI know that and while it upsets me that they'd consider a relationship solely on reproductive chances instead of emotional attachment to the other party, I'm not going to harass them for their choice. I just wanted to tell them that there are other options if they want children so badly and that I think it's a shame that they feel that way.
>>6085906Doesn't having a hysterectomy at a young age fuck up your hormone levels and lead to bone density loss, etc.? I'm just wondering how well a body will hold up later in life after having hormone levels and other stuff fucked with so much.
>>6085941>>6085881I'm a product of those alternative methods, though. And I love my parents. They wanted me more than the people responsible for me genetically. They've made me the person I am today, and yeah, that is pretty traditional for all our dysfunction. So I want that, I want the nice little nuclear family. Adoption, surrogacy, donors - they are great. They are. Adoption has always been a favourite idea of mine. But I want the husband. And the resulting baby, that's ours. Obviously if I'm in love and it doesn't work that way, then stiff shit, I'll go with plan b or grow cats or something. But having never known (or having a close relationship with) my birth parents, it's just sort of important to me, at the moment, that I can have a child that has that. So, yeah, that's why they would have to be one suave mother fucker for that to be okay to let go of.
I wish people could just accept others. Then we wouldn't have all these people up in arms about how they're so different/we don't understand them/die cis scum bs. Nor would we have the whole burning in hell, against god, forcing my feels onto you shit. The thing that puzzles me most about these LGBT extremists is, why are they discrimination against people who are heterosexual, when they want to be accepted for who they are, can't they accept that some girls are just girls and whether or not they are a 'product of our close-minded society' they are still just who they are? I don't identify with any sexuality personally, because I am much more attracted to personalities than physical appearance or gender, but I a 'girl' and I am in love with a 'boy' so why the hell is that wrong?
>>6085961You have no right to be upset about something like that. It's things like this that piss me off, it goes both ways. Not everyone can be pansexual and blind to gender/sexuality etc. People have every right to feel whatever they want, and just because it doesn't fit into your personal views doesn't mean it's wrong. Infact I would go so far as to say you are the one who is wrong, since you don't accept how someone may feel.
>>6085968Thank you explaining. At first what you said did come out as harsh and a little upsetting but with your reasoning behind it, I think it was just badly worded the first time around. I hope you find someone and become a great mother because you really sound like you'd be a good one.
>>6085732>But I also don't get this whole "You like men, so you need to like trans-men" thing going on anyway. If the attraction of a gender (penis for guys, boobs and vaginas for girls) is a big part of your libido it's hard to force yourself to enjoy a man without a penis, no matter how much you like the person behind the body.This. So very much.It was very unfair for the transperson in OP's story to be all but demanding cis women to be attracted to transmen. This attitude on tumblr is the thing that enrages me the most.You want me to call you the right pronoun? Okay, whatever you want. I'll call you Thor, God of Thunder if you want, it doesn't affect me. You want me to believe deep down in my heart of hearts that you are EXACTLY like a cis guy, and want me to be attracted to transmen and then be okay having sex with them? I just can't do it. Literally. To me that's like saying something similar to: "so-and so believes in fairies, could you believe in fairies so their feelings won't get hurt?" "Well, sure. I'll say I believe in fairies if it means that much to 'em." "NO! you must actually BELIEVE in fairies! Not just say it!!!" That's a bit more extreme than the situation, but either way, to say that someone HAS to think and feel a certain way or else they're TRANSPHOBIC CIS SCUM is a dick move.
>>6085302>gay men want a functioning peniseh, not always
>>6085984wow calm down you're rustled as fuck
>>6085984Then I'm sorry and I apologize. I didn't consider sexual orientation, I just narrowed it down to the basic point of "Well if they can't physically reproduce with me then I can't be in a relationship with them.". I just believe a relationship should be based on love, not hypothetical children since humans don't come together solely to mate but instead do so to form emotional bonds.However, since the OP of that statement explained why they said that, I realize that I took it personally and I don't feel bad in saying that I apologize for doing so.
>>6085793Fucking cool it scene trash queen.Don't make me run you out of here crying again like last time. You may have changed your name but I fucking remember you.
>>6085988It's okay, I should've read that more thoroughly before I posted and ran, but I'm glad I came back and could explain. And thank you for the sentiment. :) It means a lot.I don't have any pictures of crustaceans for you, but I drew you a shoddy looking deer instead.
>>6086075Aww! It's utterly adorable. Here, have a kitten.
>>6085991this.i am not attracted to trans people, no matter what I am not turned on by a man that doesnt have a penis, or a woman that doesnt have a vagina. i'm just... not. you can't really change what you like, and this behavior that im seeing with some trans people is just ridiculous. to woman to man trans have sex?
>>6086532There is always non penetrative sex you know.
>>6086555Okay. So a woman is now a do they get pleasured? By fondling their non working junk? How do they come? Explain further I'm not going to google this.
>>6086532It's called a strap-on or anal. What are you, 10?>>6086514> I am not turned on by a man that doesnt have a penis, or a woman that doesnt have a vaginaI can understand the FtM part since no matter what they won't have a fully functioning penis but MtF do have vaginas. Do you think they just cut off the male parts and call it a day?
Has OP yet to figure out that being TRANS******** is the new hot trend? Remember to die, cis scum!
>>6086571You really are an idiot, aren't you?
>>6086585How about you stop fingering yourself on your high horse and answer an innocent question. Gat damn.>>6086577Hope you're not the same anon as>>6086555>no penetration sex>anal
>>6085967You have to take hormones your whole life as a FTM, so your hormones are adjusted according the hysterectomy. I haven't noticed much of a difference in my boyfriend's behavior since the operation.>>6085950We have done a lot of research about penoplasty and we feel that we (he) isn't ready to take the plunge with an operation that delicate. He's thinking about getting one eventually, but those we have talked with who have gotten the operation have had mixed results. So we're waiting and keeping very much up to date with medical advancements.
>>6086599Let me put this in terms you can understand, anon. FtM: Enlarged clitoris substitutes for the penis. They can receive anal penetration sex or give it with the help of dildos or strap-ons. MtF: Can receive both vaginal and anal penetration or give it with the help of dildos or strap-ons. Not that hard to understand.
>>6086577Weeeellllll, just to be a technical nitpicker it's not really a vagina. It's a psuedo-vagina. They essentially turn the penis inside out.From a surgical standpoint, MtF is much easier.Sorry, just calling on the ever expanding area of knowledge I wish I didn't have.
As a Transylvanian, I spit upon your cis-priviledge.
>>6086599You can make someone come without touching their genitals if you stimulate the right nerves. Plus there are tons of toys and aides to help make sex more comfortable for both parties. Realize that this issue has been thought of countless times over the years.
>>6086514>>6086638>>6086701I agree. I'm a straight female and as such am attracted to males with a penis. Yes, you can still have penetrative sex with a FtM but that's with the aid of toys and such; I'm physically turned on by the sight of an erect penis and won't be made to feel bad for not being attracted to someone who doesn't have one.
>>6086782No one's saying you should feel bad for liking what you like. It's just that you shouldn't make anyone feel bad for not having what you expect them to. Transmen are men and Transwomen are women. Just because they don't have the exact parts you're expecting or weren't born with the right parts originally doesn't make them any less of man or woman.
>>6086669Whatev I'm just a sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transilvania.
>>6086782Can I just ask something? It's pretty irrelevant.Do you like semen? Like, swallowing it and stuff. Is it something that straight girls generally like?Feel free to ignore me if the question's a bit invasive.
>>6086789If the genitals do not determine gender, what does?
>>6086638Thanks for answering my simple question. Could have been done without acting like a flaming cunt.
>>6086795I'm not the anon who asked but I know a lot of girls who don't like it at all, they just deal with it.Personally, I like it a lot.
>>6086803*you asked
>>6086796I think the person does, obviously. That's why there are transsexuals. They don't feel right as they gender they are so they have that corrected. Anyone can have their gender changed legally, it's that easy to swap genders. Anyone can feel uncomfortable in their body with how it is. You can change the size of your breasts, change the shape of your face, even change the size of your penis. Changing ones genitals to the form that you feel comfortable with is just another step. Just because you have a penis doesn't mean you have to be male. There's a medical condition where people are born with both sets of reproductive organs and they can pick which gender they choose to be.
>>6086795not the person you're talking to, but i personally love semen. i think the main thing about it that turns me on is the thought of the semen pumping out of an erect penis, trying to make its way to the womb (well, oftentimes it ends up in my mouth or the condom, but you get the point). it's just so manly. i personally think that semen is what makes a true man. tasty semen.
>>6086800Wasn't acting like a flaming cunt. You were the one making completely idiotic statements and demanding people answer you while you refused to google. You're lucky anyone answered you at all.
>>6086803>>6086814 Hmm, okay, thanks guys, that's pretty helpful. I always thought it was completely disgusting and I'm just trying to work out if that's normal, or if it was because I had this whole subconscious lesbian thing going on.
>>6086823i blame it on the fact english is not my first language and it didn't come to my mind there's cum without semen. cum with and without semen has the same word in my native language. didn't come to mind english had a different case in the matter
>>6086834lol haha why did you delete that post. oh whatever.
>>6085476Me too, man.
>>6086837I deleted it because I looked up the terms and realized semen and sperm weren't the same thing. It was my error.
>>6086821yeah. if someone ever asked me "why can't you date trans men", i think the answer would simply be "they can't produce semen".my boyfriend actually thinks it's a bit disgusting i am always so willing to swallow. media portrays women hating cum and such.
Egh, trans people should just be sure people are pansexual if they want to date them because; pansexuals don't care what's in people's pants, unlike bi/gay/straight people might. Erghh.
>>6086842ah ok. i'm personally a bit confused with english at times so i don't even know if i'm always using correct terms etc so no worries
>>6086021Not who you were responding to, but love plays into it for me too.I really could not physically love someone who I knew used to be another gender. Even if they have gone through the full surgery, I would not be able to get past that and experience full emotional and physical attraction to them. I realize that this is unfair to transpeople, but this is honestly how I feel. I need to be in a sexual and emotional relationship with a biological man. Like that other anon said, not everyone can be blind to gender. Personally, I find it very, very hard to be.
>>6086848>trans people should only date pansexualsNo. Let me stop you right there. While I think transsexuals sort of have to be honest with any romantic partners about that sort of thing, they shouldn't have to either say it outright "Oh hey by the way, before we date, if we ever have sex in the future this might be a little weird because..." or ask someone "Oh, are you pansexual? Because I should only date pansexuals if I ever want to get laid."
>>6086789Oh, I'd never want to make someone feel bad for not having something. I'm just saying that I couldn't make myself be attracted to an enlarged penis (and I don't like the sight of vaginas full stop, so a MtF vagina would be unattractive to me regardless). I wouldn't say "eww, you're gross for not having a 'real' penis"; and I say 'real' in the most loose of terms as I can't quite find the word I'm looking for that won't cause offense. I mean, I'm not sure what I'd do in a situation where I was physically attracted to a FtM. I would most likely give an intimate, sexual relationship with them a go but I would have to explain to them that it would be a completely new thing for me so I might react strangely to seeing their genitalia for the first time. I've not been put in that situation yet so I really don't know. But as I said, I am physically attracted to male genitalia, but if they turned me on in other ways then I'm sure I could compromise. Hell, if I can give myself an orgasm without penetrating then I'm sure they could too.
>>6086795Anon you were replying to. It completely depends on the taste and consistency. I've had partners that have had very thin, watery semen and it's tasted nice, so I've enjoyed swallowing it. On the other hand, I had a boyfriend that had horribly thick, stinky semen and refused to go anywhere near his penis with my mouth. It's the same with women apparently, my most recent ex boyfriend told me that his ex before me had really bitter, thick discharge so he hated going down on her, but mine is apparently quite sweet and thin so he enjoyed it. Also, slightly offtopic but it's good to hear you've 'come to terms' (again, can't find the right words) with your sexuality. I've had a few friends really battle with themselves over their sexuality and when they finally figured it out/became comfortable with it, they became so much happier. I hope it's the same case with you too.
>>6086858Curious anon here, why couldn't you get past and still love them? I know people in the thread have said why sex might be an issue but why is that preventing you from the emotional half of the relationship? So what if they used to be a female, they've had all the surgeries, therapies, and legal issues to become male.
>>6086859Nah, I know. Lots of people don't even know what pansexuals are. But I'm just saying, people should be more open about that stuff, if they don't want to end up in dissapointment.
>>6086871Okay, thanks for the input!Yeah, I'm a LOT happier since realising, life is goooood.
>>6086872Because sometimes is just about preferences. What you like, and what you don't like. You can't always help liking or not liking something.
>>6086878But that doesn't answer my question...? I already said sexual preference might be a factor but I'm still curious as to why you included the emotional bit. Is it like realizing you've been lied to or something?
>>6086886Not the person you're asking, but again it all comes down to preferences. Some people have arbitrary boundaries like not dating outside a certain age group, or ethnicity, or even hair or eye colour. Are they going around telling other people to have the same boundaries they've got? No, but they're not going after people outside of those parameters either.Personally, I could never pursue a lifemate type relationship with a FtM because having old fashioned penis in vagina sex, ideally complete with ejaculation and all that, is one of the most important bonding experiences in a relationship TO ME.Could I be friends with a FtM/MtF ? Yeah, totally. But I just wouldn't want to date one. It's not something that would ever work out.
>>6086577yeah.... but its fake. sorry to be so picky.
Transman here. What people keep forgetting is not everyone is the same. Not everyone goes through the same shit. And just like everyone else, people have preferences. Trans people arent THAT DIFFERENT.
This reminds me of this:
>>6085826Genderfluid biological female here, and, yeah, I tend to just say, "Whatever comes out of your mouth first." I've never seen a genderfluid person get in a tizzy over pronouns.
>>6086818I didn't google because I assumed there were people close to the situation like that here. I demanded because anon, not sure if you, came off like a flaming cunt over a question. A question. If someone responds coming off high and mighty I will do the same in kind. As everyone on 4chins does.>your lucky anyone respondedDon't act as if you couldn't have ignored it.All I asked was how do ftm get pleasured. Gat jam.Sage for obvious reasons.
I took that screencap;___;it remains alive
I am a transmen myself. When I met my ex-girlfriend over a year ago, I haven`t started with hormones and stuff but I already openly told her about how I identify myself.She was a true lesbian, but fell for me anyway. So we got together and even though she always claimed to be a lesbian, she was pretty excited about me and my changes when I started taking hormones. Finally she even couldn`t await, for me, getting all my surgeries done. She loved me pretty much, so it was okay for her, when I turned into a man phisically more and more.When we decided to split a few weeks ago, she said she wanted a man again as her partner in the future, because she liked being in a relationship with a man.I think this was a pretty positive situation. I don`t know what my future will bring, I know it will get rough, dating a new woman again and have to tell her what is going on. When she really likes me, I think she probably can handle it. When she doesn`t like the idea that I will never have a perfect bio-penis I have to deal with it. Other than that, I had to deal with a lot of shit in my life already (like being born in the wrong fucking body), so I won`t give any fucks about a chick whining about my penis honestly.TL;DR durp I am a transmen, this is my story >insert FFX music<
>>6085599you realise that you're not lesbian if you would date something with a penis right? you understand that is the definition of lesbianism.every time you post your 'something' new. last time it was religion jesus shit. you just want to fit in with people and label yourself whatever you think will help.if you are a christian, you can't be gay. it's not up for debate it's defined in the bible multiple times as wrong.if you are a lesbian, you can't be attracted to things with knobs because that's not being a lesbian.please at least get things right when you throw yourself into some new subculture or group.too mad to even read the rest of the thread now, ty>>6085724you expected her to stick to that? lol. it happens once every season.
>>6089708"Transmen" is plural, dude.
>>6089743>if you are a christian, you can't be gay. it's not up for debate it's defined in the bible multiple times as wrong.The bible also says you need to keep kosher and not wear mixed fabrics. Christians don't give two shits about the bible. I even know a few gay christians. There are also gay republicans and atheists who don't support gay marriage. Seriously, hating on gays isn't a religion thing, it's a "hating the different" thing.
>>6089708If she were a true lesbian, she wouldn't be chasing dick right now, moron.
>>6089743Uh, sage for off topic, but you can definitely be Christian and gay. A lot of what is "defined" as anti-gay is actually up to interpretation. The old testament laws are pretty much dead laws according to the new testament and in the new testament it mentions nothing specifically pertaining to homosexuality being wrong, just that prostitution is wrong. And even if the bible stated that being gay was sinful, gays could still be Christian because everyone, according to the bible, is a sinner.
>>6089906If you walk into a church to attend service and tell them you are gay they will spend the rest of your time there trying to make you "normal" againTell me again how you can be gay and christian
>>6089897You can be a proper christian or you can be gay. You cannot be both.If you're gay, you're not a christian.If you don't give two shits about the bible, you're not a christian.What you are is making up your own religion by just closing your eyes and going "LALALALA THAT DOESN'T APPLY CAUSE I DON'T WANT IT TO".In which case, why even bother? Live your life as you want, stop pretending you're a christian when you're not willing to follow the rules.Hate gays, be gay, it doesn't matter. It matters when you try to twist something to suit your ideals though.>>6089906No, it's not 'up to interpretation'.Shall I show you?>Lev. 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.">Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."I could go on.The only people that say it's up to interpretation are people who want it to be that way. It isn't, it's clearly defined.And yes everyone is a sinner, but not all sins are equal.Do whatever you like, just don't be so ignorant as to claim that you're a christian whilst doing such things and claim it's okay.
>>6089941>nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers,>nor drunkardsDid you know that AA is a Christian thing? But if you die before finishing the first step, no one's going to say you're going to hell. Oh, and here's another fun thing:>2 Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.>3 For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe.>4 They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.That's Jerimiah 10. It says Christmas trees are heathen traditions. And you can't go to heaven if you do these traditions. Oh shit. Christmas is anti Christian. You are clearly an antitheist who doesn't understand just how ambiguous Christianity is. Do you know why their are so many sects? Because the Bible literally contradicts itself left and right. Each sect has a different interpretation. Some Rabbis, who spend their lives devoted to the study of this, are completely chill with people being gay because they realize that the Bible is a confusing mess made to set a tribal society straight in a time when procreation was priority #1. They realize that any attachment to the religions is an attachment to a vague concept and ritual, rather than attachment to a book that few even complete.
>>6089941Aren't all sins the same in God's eyes? Plus, nobody is completely and totally sinless, so by that logic nobody is actually a "proper Christian".If you browse 4chan, you are not a proper Christian.If you use cusswords, you are not a proper Christian. End of story, hypocritical sinner.**Disregard these examples if you're not actually touting yourself as Christian
>>6089941So, you've never worn cotton or polyblend fabrics, gotten a tattoo, eaten ham/sausage, masturbated, or believed that the earth revolves around the sun? Because by those are all pretty clearly disapproved of by God according to Leviticus, and by your own definition, if you have done any of those things you are not a Christian either.Not all Christinas read the Bible literally. They consider it a work inspired by God's words, but translated over centuries by men, and thus susceptible to certain fallacies.I don't even know why I'm arguing with you.
>>6089970No, not all sins are the same. Are you for real?You think the 10 commandments were just the first ones he pulled out of his ass at the time and not the most important?You think murdering someone is on the same level as eating meat during lent, or eating it on fridays if you're a catholic?You must be on some major drugs.>>6089966Christmas trees are heathen traditions to christians that follow the bible, being as it was a pagan tradition.A lot of things you consider christian aren't at all, you should read up on the history of how paganism and christianity merged at the behest of some rulers because it benefited them more.And no, there are so many sects because people want to still believe themselves righteous and religious but they don't want to obey certain rules. So they make a new sect, talk shit about how it's interpreted differently and go on their way.Unless there is something in the bible - and I have read it cover to cover - that says 'being gay is fine, sleep with all the other men you want or all the other women you want' then it's not contradicting itself. It is a clear cut and unambiguous statement.
I really think that people like that who constantly get up in arms about EVERY LITTLE THING are just trying to make others feel as bad about themselves as they do. Don't try and make someone feel bad about themselves for being comfortable in their own skin just because you're not. Isn't the whole point of all this to make others feel BETTER about themselves, not WORSE? It's so stupid. You can't help what you're attracted to. They should know that better than anyone.Straight people are straight. Gay people are gay. They are attracted to a certain thing and there's nothing wrong with that. Find someone pansexual or demisexual or whatever the fuck it's called.
>>6089971>Not all Christinas read the Bible literally. They consider it a work inspired by God's words, but translated over centuries by men, and thus susceptible to certain fallacies.See; >>6090001You're either a christian and believe in the bible and everything it says, or you're not and just want validation.Just because all of those things you listed are normal and acceptable in todays society doesn't mean that it's fine to ignore them because they're 'ambiguous'."I don't think this should apply" isn't a good enough reason.
>>6090001A sin is a sin, no matter what it is. That is why a murder and ask for forgiviness and accept Jesus in their lives and make it into heaven just like the adulterer. There is no such thing as "UR SIN IS WORSE THAN MINE", it's' why you can't go around judging other people for being sinners cause, in God's eyes, you are just as bad as they are.Confirmed for not knowing jack shit about the bible they are trying to throw.
>>6086872The physical and emotional parts of a relationship aren't separate, to me. They're very much tied together. If I can't have normal sex with them, I couldn't do it.Also the idea that they used to be another gender would bother me forever. Like I said, I realize this is unfair to transpeople, but its how I feel.
so now we MUST be attracted to everyone? That's so silly.
>>6090016Sorry but you're wrong. I suggest you read the bible.If you don't understand the concept from my 10 commandments example, then it might just be beyond your understanding.Not all sins are equal, they never have been.
>>6090051Essentially yes.They want you to lie to them and say 'no I don't like you' rather than 'no, and here's the real reason why'.Your rights end where my feelings begin etc. It's all retarded.
>>6090052Yes they are. The 10 Commandments were just the Holy Laws, that did not mean that they were "worse off" than the others.It's one of the reasons why you can't go around judging everybody.
>>6090016>Not knowing the difference between a cardinal sin and mortal sin
can you guys stop arguing about the Bible on the cosplay and EGL board, I got distracted reading the argument and missed a precious Shane sex scene in The L Word and HAD TO REWIND. so selfish.
>>6090089oh man I didn't even realise this argument started with someone bitching at me until I scrolled up, Imma just leave you to it, I don't even care.
>>6090095It's almost like you said you were going to leave this place.
>>6090102I was going to and then stuff changed. Oh no, what a calamity.
>>6090066Read the 10 commandments. Please.Even in and of themselves, I'm pretty sure they're listed in some kind of order of gravity.1 is worse than 10.Not all sins are equal, stop trying to twist the religion to suit what you want it to mean. It is as it is, either accept it or go make your own up. Or better yet, stop pretending to be religious just to feel validated.
>>6090132>some sort of gravityDon't make me fucking laugh.
>>6090132>Ten commandments ranked in order of gravity>1 is worse than 10>Saying "Goddamn" or "Jesus Christ!" is worse than murder.Confirmed for antitheist troll. Go home folks, no one is this stupid.
>>6090147>>6090138It is. Blasphemy is worse than murder.An offence to god specifically is worse than an offence to another human being.Boy this thread is full of faux christians who like to play pretend.Please, come back to me when you find a bishop who agrees with you that worshipping a false god is not worse than coveting your neighbours house.You people are just wrong, accept it and either learn what christianity is and become it, or get out and stop claiming to be one just so you feel like you belong somewhere and want to feel that everything you do is fine.
>>6090175>talking about people who are faux Christians when they are on 4chanA real "Christian" would never be in the company of such sinners. Try again, mo'fo.
>>6090175You know, I can see why you'd rail at me for not being part of the super-godly elite, but what is your problem with the other Christians in this thread? Religion isn't a competition man, calm down. Can't you just be happy that other people love Jesus and want to live by his teaching, even if we're not quite getting it right yet?You talk about the Ten Commandments, but can you really say you're loving your neighbour now? Trying to drive people away from Jesus, REALLY? Is that a loving thing to do? I can't think of a more horrendous way to break that rule.But you know what, I don't hate you for breaking that rule. I don't feel like I have to bully you into not breaking it. Sure, you're being a bit of a dick, but I don't have some kind of authority to tell you what God does and doesn't want you to do. We're all equal when it comes to grace.
>>6090221You yolo all over the place and you expect us to believe that you think you're a pure little bible thumper?You have fallen from grace my friend.
>>6090221I'm not trying to drive anyone away though.You're missing the point, if you're following it half heartedly and ignoring the things that suit you, you might as well not be following at all.You say 'not quite getting it right yet' - but these people are speaking and acting as if they have got it right and aren't in the wrong for completely disregarding whatever suits them.They're not living by his teaching by doing that, nor do they want to. They're living by what suits them and throwing religion over the top of it like a mask.I don't hate these people, if they stopped claiming to be christians until they started following all the rules instead of picking and choosing I'd have no issue with them.
what the FUCK is a csi-person?Im not going to let some tumblrSJWteenage angsty kids label me something that I am not. I dont care what group might be offended that Im a girl that likes men and dicks, Im not gonna be labeled csi-anything. Everyone on tumblr is all about how seshul snowflake they are, yet they come up with a million and one was to label themselves. also, if you make the effort to look like a man, imma call you "him", same for if youre looking like a girl. I dont care what you feel about it, i cant fucking read your minds and if you dont like it, too fucking bad.
>>6090243Yah! Follow all the rules! Stone women, refuse to shave, sacrifice animals to forgive sins! Sounds life the life!
>>6090243You fail to realize that the bible is not to be taken literally but to be interpreted as the pastor, preacher, minister, father, or person sees to fit their life.Unless you take the bible literally then you have no business telling others that they can't be apart of their religion or else they aren't "real".
>>6090236I've never ever said YOLO, that shit is for twats. Go away and stop stirring the shit, this isn't an appropriate topic for it. >>6090243But so many things contradict each other in the Bible, how do you deal? Do you follow every single thing in it, even the crazy stuff in Leviticus?What do you even expect gay people to do? You know what, it'd be great to just go 'Nope, no gay for me today!' and stroll on out of there, but I can't. Nobody can. It's not something you can change or 'fix', and I really think I'm better off having healthy relationships with women than abusing men because I'm trying to squeeze genuine attraction out of a fucked up fetish that involves them. Even if I was celibate, I'd still have gay thoughts, and that's a sin too.
>>6090286YOLO as in your life style of partying, strong dominant lesbianesque woman who makes brash unethical and dangerous decision whilst at the same time thinking you adhere to an outdated religious text meant for numbing the minds of the stupid and ignorant.
>>6090286I don't think that's their point. If you're going to pick and chose you may as well not be a Christian. If you're not going all the way you're not a Christian, in the eyes of your God you're not and you're going to hell for it. So why bother? If you can defy his laws which you know will have you end up in hell, you don't really believe it's going to happen to you. You can stop a child from doing anything if you convince them they're going to be punished for it, the only thing that changes when they grow up is they're less inclined to believe ridiculous things. You can find the sense of community and support anywhere, it doesn't have to be religious. That's what most people really want from it, isn't it? Not to feel alone?
>>6090314No, that isn't what I want from it, and I'm hurt that you think that. You think belief in God is something you choose? Really? If you can choose not to believe, you never really believed in the first place. I am a Christian because of events in my life that felt very much like contact with God, events that made it very hard to turn around and carry on living my life as if it was no big deal. Seriously anon, it's not a choice in the way you describe it. I can't choose to un-believe in God any more than I can choose to un-believe in gravity. He's just there.
>>6090297Smoker, fuck off, seriously, it's not appropriate.
>>6090314It's not picking and choosing though. It's sincerely trying to follow the word of God. This person has been sighting the Old Testament (They did sight Corinthians too, but that verse is seriously contested because of the original Greek. The word homosexual wasn't even in the vocabulary of early peoples), completely disregarding the fact that the New Testament has a totally different message. If you believe that Jesus died for your sins and you believe in god, you're going to heaven no matter what you do, no matter what sin you will commit in the future. It's not just about community. It's much deeper than that. And even if it was limited to that, what's wrong with people seeking religion to have a sense of community? You could say the same thing for Muslims who don't follow the Quran word for word too. If they did they'd all be insane extremists.
>>6090333No, when I said pick and choose I meant which parts from the Bible you follow. I'm sorry but if you don't have the conviction to follow out His instructions for how to live by the letter then you don't really believe in the God the Bible describes. Someone who really, truly believes in a punishment like Hell would do everything in their power to stop it from happening to them. Why do you think torture works so well? You can make a person do anything if you threaten them with something truly horrific. Again: The only reason you would knowingly disobey his law is if you didn't think it was going to happen to you.
>>6090347I completely agree with you but I just gotta say it's cite, not sight. Sorry. Languagefaggotry just turns me into a huge autist with that sort of thing.
>>6090372But, well, I don't believe that I'm going to Hell. Jesus died for my sins, that's... laid out pretty clearly. I believe that I'd go to Hell if I didn't love Jesus and accept him as my saviour, yeah, because I don't see how the sacrifice can be applicable to people who don't even give a shit about Jesus.I really don't think Jesus got up on that cross and went 'hey everyone, don't worry, I'm dying for your sins, unless you're gay, you're pretty much fucked if you're gay'.
>>6090347Sorry to be a pedantic Perry but it's cite, not sight. Anyway, Jesus says in Mark 5:18 that the old testament is to be followed, "To every jot and title" and that he came to fulfil the law, not to abolish it. So, in short if you want to follow Jesus, he quite clearly states that includes everything in the old testament. As for what's wrong with people seeking using religion to feel a sense of community: is it puts evil, disgusting people in positions of power and in places where they can take advantage of the innocent. It gives thousands of opportunities for people to deceive one another and benefit at each other's expense. It spreads lies and corruption, it teaches people to be satisfied with not knowing about the world, not to explore or learn about it and to fear and hate anything different: cultures, beliefs and people. Don't get me wrong, I don't care if a person is religious, but organised religion, (and I mean properly global not like, your church down the road) only gives more options for evil people to get into powerful places. You can find everything you can get from religion elsewhere, and it doesn't come at the cost of hurting other people.
>>6090372Hey, did you actually read the bible all the way through? DId you get to that new testament part? The part where God said "wow you guys cannot follow rules, you suck at it, I'm going to make this easy for you." and then sent Jesus down to die for our sins and that all we had to do was accept him as our savior to go to heaven. Seriously, how are you saying this shit? John 3:16Rom. 8:3-4
>>6085931merh. I still think that at the time of the pregnancy, the "guy" is still technically a woman...just a very masculine (and unfortunate) looking woman, and just happens to identify as a man.
>>6090484Already said it in my last post, but that's not how it went down. Mark 5:18
>>6090501Except I'm a moron and it's Matthew, not Mark. Derp derp I suck cocks.
>>6090508No commandment about not being gay dude. It's specifically speaking about the 10 commandments. If you read on it also says those that do not follow these commandments will be the furthest from God in heaven, implying that you will still be there.
>>6090547"The law" Refers to anything God told anyone to do ever. The Bible is divinely inspired, and thus the word of God, the word of God is "The Law."
Not those of us that are undercover. I posted a thread as male, no one suspected anything.Basically, there are probably more people "going stealth" on 4chan/tumblr than you think.
Oh, and also, it DOES such being trans. Get over it, we all know. We all feel it too.
God damnit. I hate 4chan.
>>6090616Leave if you hate it here so much. No one will miss you.
>>6090583Hate to tell you, bro. But The apostles is nothing but bad fanfiction. And Constantine cut out a ton of bible books when he decided to twist things up. Word of God my ass, you're just reading what some dude wants you to. Unless you've read your pseudographa, you don't know shit.
>heSorry but if you weren't have a penis you can never be a man.If you weren't born with a vagina you can never be a woman.Sex = gender regardless of what some mentally ill people and faggot left wingers demand us to believe.
>>6090583Except man wrote it down and man is prone to making mistakes, especially when it comes to translating ancient texts. Sinning is in our DNA. Which means, according to you, it's actually impossible to go to heaven.
ITT: Everyone is obsessed over labels
This thread. Fucking christ.>>6090003This is true but at the same time, most of these guys that are up in arms are dealing with taking a testosterone shot in the ass every week, their parents telling them they're going to hell or that they're just going through a phase and are constantly being talked down to by family and friends and co-workers, and a constant, everyday struggle with disphoria. Now trans-brolitas (or whatever the fuck they want to be called) have it bad because they want to transition and get surgery and take hormones and all of that but at the same time, they really enjoy dolling up for lolita and its so fucking confusing. I've been there. Yeah, they didn't need to snap and say all of that shit but just have an idea of where they're coming from.>>6090260Cisgender means your gender identity is the same as your sex.>>6085868T-shots enlarge your clitoris, it can grow to almost the length of a pinky. Some transguys enjoy vaginal penetration and/or ass play. As for post op bottom surgery guys, here's the deal:A small penis allows you to pee but it is not able to be used for sex.A larger penis, with the help of a penis pump, allows you to have sex, but you cannot pee through it and you need a tube inserted to use the bathroom.>>6087181This. Transgender is not a sexual prefference, its your gender identity, therefore your sexual prefference can still be anything that a cisgender person's can. If a transguy is attracted to men, that makes them gay. If a transgirl is attracted to men, that makes them straight. Simple as that.I'm tempted to post some transguys years after testosterone and surgery, but its not cosplay related at all.
I wonder if in the future, shit like race reassignment and furry surgery will one day be available and accepted.
>>6085476Meh, I was a gothic anarchist faekin.People need to do this shit, I suppose. I just don't get the "pretending to be trans" thing. I was in love with someone who was pretending to be both trans and asexual.Why do they seem to think the other gender has it easier? Both gender roles have some severely limiting shit attached to it that has a history of fucking people up. I can kind of see why someone wants to identify as genderless, but just being a different gender is exchanging one set of problems for another.
>>6091257> race reassignmentThat's already available. > furry surgeryAlso available in a way. Have you not seen the man that had surgery and body modification done to be a tiger? Or the one who had it done to become more lizard-like? Or the woman who got her entire body done with leopard spots?
This shit just makes me not want to touch anyone trans with a ten foot pole. Before my thinking was that I would date/do an mtf as long as she was post op and didn't look like a guy at all (I'm a lesbian) Now I'm kind of scared. If I end up going home with a preop (because I'm drunk or she's really good at hiding it) and turn her down once I see she has a dick, is she going to rape me because she thinks she's entitled to sex and my saying no is just my being oppressive cis scum?I know they're only like %1 of the population and Tumblr is a hive of delusional extremists, but it's still scary.
>>6086664Really? I've been looking into stuff like this lately and from what I've seen there is a method for turning a penis into a psuedovagina that looks the same as a regular vagina, you can pee and have sex, it has feeling, and the only cons are it not lubricating and needing to be dilated. Then there are several methods for pseudopenises where you need a buttload of tools to help you pee/have sex with it, it might not have feeling, and you can't actually get a natural looking penis out of it.Not trying to be argumentative, just curious, since it seems like transwomen get the better deal when it comes to bottom surgery. I'd love to know more though (also sorry for my english)
>>6091402> is she going to rape me because she thinks she's entitled to sex and my saying no is just my being oppressive cis scum?
>>6091402This shit only happens on the internet. Always ask your dates if they have a tumblr. If they say yes, run away. Problem solved.
You know why I don't wanna date or have sex with a FtM male? Okay, I'll tell you why. In fact I will do better than that. I'll show you why: don't care if I'm labelled a shallow bitch or cruel or not politically correct enough for you THAT IS FUCKING HORRIFIC I AM NOT TOUCHING THAT EVER YOU CANNOT MAKE ME. Do whatever you want, go through whatever surgery you want. It's your business. However, don't fucking get mad at me because I don't want any part of it. I have enough trouble dealing with NATURAL penises as it is.
A transgender will never be the gender they think they are simply because they're too sick in the head to realize that what they think of as a man/woman, isn't what 'cis' people think of those genders.DEBATE ME
>>6091620how would you even have sex with a microdick like that? That looks like it's just for show to me (I'm a real man now!).
>>6091648It's just for show, like every thing trannies do
>>6091620Every time I see a picture of that procedure, it seems like the person is always fat. Is there a reason for that? You'd think they'd go for something that would give them a dick that sticks out further than their belly
>>6091811Fat? If you see the last pictures of the person's overall crotch and hip area, you can see they're not particularly fat at all. The genitals just look like that because their primary function is to enlarge and enhance the function of the clitoris - which you gotta admit they don't have a lot of material to work with there.
People on Tumblr need to realize that they cannot force people to find certain things sexually attractive. Not giving someone a job or being an asshole to anybody for something superficial is not right and it should be argued against. That doesn't mean that I have to also find you sexually attractive.There is a difference between, "I don't like you as a person because of who you are," and, "I am not sexually attracted to you."
>>6091620Not EVERY ftm has bottoms surgery. Its hella more expensive than top surgery. Top surgery is anywhere from $6,000-$9,000 USD. Most of us are content leaving our bottom junk as it is, it really isn't that big of a deal.Seriously, people calm your tits. Here, just to show some of you idiots that we don't look like horrid freaks, these guys are anywhere from 1-8 years on testosterone and 3 months - 6 years post top surgery. Have fun.
>>6094990So... men with a vagina?Between the legs is what determines sex. No penis, not a man.
>>6095000By your logic, girls born with dicks are men. Hmm...
>>6095014You know what I meant, dumbass. Penis = male, vagina = female.
>>6094990Some of these cuntboys are pretty hot but top left and top right had really botched breast removals...
>>6095000This.Gay guys love cock, straight women love cock, very few people will find a man without one desirable.In contrast, plenty of people will find a chick with a dick desirable because they can still perform their function and role within relationships despite still having a dick. FtM people cannot say the same.
>>6095014Biologically, they are.
>>6095000They look like men to me and considering I'm not planning on getting into their pants and I doubt "Hey, I have a vagina." would come up in polite conversation so if it looks like a male, sounds like a male, and I don't see them naked... I'm going to think it's a male.
>>6095014>By your logic, girls born with dicks are men.Sounds pretty reasonable.
>>6095035Actually, biologically they are neither. Girls born with dicks are hermaphrodites and thus have characteristics of both sexes. Jamie Lee Curtis isn't a dude is she?
>>6095029They did say that the time of removal ranged from 3months to years. The one on the right looks to still be healing. Not sure about they one on the right.Second down on the right though. It doesn't matter what's in their pants, I want in them. A vagina just plays into my experience area better.
This thread is disgusting. This society is fucking doomed with all those beta faggots who can't act like real men, if you whores had an alpha male to dominate you I bet none of you would get into this sort of respulsive shit. In this hobby full of beta virgins it looks like things are even worse.
>>6094990Guy on the bottom left with the chest tattoos....daaaaaaaaaaaamn But shit, they all have such freaky nipples. The one who covered his chest with tattoos has the right idea. Hide those creepy nips.
>>6094990This shit is freaky as hell. its so wierd to think that they still have vaginas>inb4 you dont need a dick to be a man cis scum
Have been looking for porn of cuntboys, it's really scarce. Mostly just furry/hentai.Why so difficult?Dickgirls are easy
>>6095020And tits? And ovaries and a uterus and estro- Yeah. No. They're hermaphrodites.>>6095029The ones with the visible scars? Yeah they were only a few months after the surgery, they haven't properly healed yet.>>6095036Thank you for looking at this realistically. Can I just... You're perfect.>>6095063How does one even rationally respond to this?>They don'tOh.
>>6095115Tattoo chest dude looks like gaspard ulliel fine as fuck
>>6095138because dickgirls are attractive. i explained before, a girl with a dick can still fulfil her role in a relationship, she can still take it in the ass and mouth and be girly and submissive.a guy with a cunt can't fulfil his role. having 2 holes and a dick is pretty much just as good as having 3 holes when you want to take on that's not the same the other way around as they just have holes and will never have a fully functioning guys don't want them, straight girls don't wat them, straight guys don't want them. the only people who would possibly want them are a small percentage of lesbians.
>>6095130If you meet them in person, you're not going to know they have a vagina. That's the point. Freak you out even more? Oops.
>>6095143Too bad there's nothing that can be done about the hands.
>>6095036>considering I'm not planning on getting into their pantsthere's your mistake. that's what all interactions with the 'opposite' sex are fundamentally based around.I use the term opposite loosely here obviously.
>>6095151Look up pansexual.The thing with transguys being with lesbians is that most of the time, they were with the girl before they realized they were trans or came out as trans. They were just with their partner for so long that they just didn't care, they loved them and they worked through it. You still have the same sex and everything, strap on dildos, flicking the bean, fingering, eating out. Transguys just get a bigger clit.
>>6085284I haven't observed this in EGL so much thankfully but it seems like anime etc. just attracts FTMs like crazy. My fandoms have been drowning in them since I found out about anime.And out of all of them, I don't think more than a single one of them was a legit trans person, the rest were just lonely virgins who had never had a boyfriend and spent too much time role-playing as kawaii yaoi boisu.
>>6095174No, my point is that lesbians are the only kind of people that the kind of sex they can have isn't disappointing with.Everyone else wants a penis involved. They want fucked properly. Not with a dildo, or a strapon, or some kind of 'enlarged' clit which is still a micropenis.They can do whatever they like to their bodies, but they're idiots if they expect people to treat them as men and date them as they would date ordinary men. If someone finds ordinary men attractive? Part of that attraction is cock, semen, the ability to impregnate them at some point, so on and so forth.
I'm MtF myself, I've been taking hormones for over a year now, and living as female for almost three years. I put a tremendous amount of effort into passing, and even at the start either 99% of people are either too polite to comment or genuinely didn't notice. The first year I was at college, and I had one or two incidents where someone would make a comment like "I swear that was a guy", one time I had someone come up to me and ask "Are you a tranny? so and so said you were". For the last year and a half I've not had a single comment and nobody looks twice at me. Women at work include me in conversations about periods, boyfriends, and are comfortable say, pulling down their shirt to show off their new bra, asking me to check a sore spot or whatever, and I'm actually hit on every now and then by guys so it's fairly safe to assume I've reached a point where I can pass effectively. I spent an entire year preparing for the first time I went out in public, planning how I was going to deal with college, and I used guides and video tutorials on the internet to train my voice to be less masculine, successfuly enough that when I finally got through the system to being on the waiting list for surgery, the specialist assumed I'd had professional speech therapy and was surprised when I asked whether I could have it funded or not. I pass on the telephone even with a cold, people refer to me as miss or ma'am all the time.
>>6095151You can't say 'dickgirls are attractive' more than you can say 'earth people are attractive'.Some are skanky, some are goddesses. I'm sure there must be hot cuntboys out there, and as a bisexual who likes boys and girls (girls with only a vagina), I can't see why you'd despute the possibility of a person being attracted to a cuntboy.Now, where's my porn?
>>6095212Because I put so much effort into it and got results that mean I'm living a relatively comfortable, happy life, people who put no effort whatsoever into passing and then bitch and whine about how people are insulting them, being transphobic, etc piss me the fuck off. If you go outside with stubble, chest hair, a low cut dress, hairy legs and a badly placed wig, people are not going to take you seriously. It also really fucking annoys me when transwomen take hormones, have all sorts of surgeries and end up looking gorgeous, and then put zero effort into voice training, because all the work they put into their appearance is wasted the moment they open their mouths and you hear a deep, male voice.
>>6095219To go back to OP's original point, one of the women I've dated fairly recently came out as FtM, which effectively ended our relationship as I consider myself a lesbian and don't find men attractive. I'm trans myself so nobody can start slinging any CIS privilege bullshit at me, personally I'd find it insulting if someone who self-identifies as finding only one of the sexes attractive wanted to be in a relationship with me if I identified as the other sex. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a straight girl, for example, because I want to be seen and treated as female, and by her own admission as being straight she'd only find males attractive. As far as dating MtF people goes, I have no problem with it as long as they put in the effort required to pass properly. But realistically the ones who pass properly, you'd never know unless they tell you or you get a DNA test anyway. I've mostly dated lesbians for the past two years, since I'm currently pre-op I've always told them as soon as the relationship became serious, since I'm not comfortable having sex until I've had the surgery. So far it's only been a problem for one of five women, who openly told me she thought I was a lovely person but couldn't get her head around it and thought it was best to end things. I was upset but it's understandable.
>>6095209Most transguys still like getting fucked in the front, there are plenty of bi/pan guys out there who would be more than happy to date a transguy because they get both the ass and the pussy on the bottom half while pretty much the top half is all male. I get what you're saying, I do, but you make it sound impossible for any biomale to be in a relationship with a transguy when the majority of transguys I know are in a relationship with biomale.
what's bad about somebody being trans?also, any sort of nerdy community will have a much higher percentage of transgender people than a group at random. a lot of transgender people tend towards being nerdy, probably for some of the same reasons as other nerds
>>6085788>Also, fuck the whole "DIE CIS SCUM" bullshit.hey, you know what's really funny? the person who started all of that (the one with that tattoo) wound up not even being trans. it "gave them too much dysphoria," basically meaning they were probably never trans to begin with. so much for all that anger i'm trans myself and i laughed really hard when i heard about that; i've hated them since i first heard of them
I don't think I would mind dating a ftm at all...I'm attracted to men, but dicks are just gross.
>>6095301>attracted to men, but dicks are just gross.That's what I'm talking about! Alright!I vote for more cuntboys, preferably pretty ones.
>>6095203I have no idea what a legitimate FtM and not a fakeboi would ever want to do with lolita; an insurgence of them doesn't seem too likely. Thankfully most of the anime/manga I like are for neckbeards so they tend not to attract the yaoi fangirl crowd and I haven't seen any of these dumb teen girls in my fandoms.
>>6094990As a chest-girl this makes me a sad panda.It's like the surgery botches their pectorals.Also it's like the surgeons didn't even try to make their areolas the same size OR shape, the poor souls.
>>6085599I'm a lesbian but I wouldn't date a trans*man because I see them as men (because they are), so I've never been attracted to them. I am however, open to trans*women (and last fall I had a huge crush on a girl who happened to be trans*. She was cute as fuck.)
They're simply not attracted to trans persons of the opposite gender, then. This has nothing to do with being "cis." It has nothing to do with being "anti-trans." You have to understand that different people have different conceptions of gender, sex, and sexuality. This has nothing to do with hate.
>>6095240He's saying that transwomen will have a hard time having a relationship with hetero women, not what you're saying
>>6095228>>6095228I just want to say, you sound like a lovely person. I had a boyfriend at one time who came out and told me that he (she now I suppose) actually associated with the opposite gender and wanted to start transitioning over to female. This came completely out of the blue to me and I'm just not attracted to females so told him I thought it best that we break up but that I'd remain supportive and stay friends with him. He flipped out, called me transphobic and never spoke to me again even though we'd known each other for 4 years. To this day I wonder how the transition went and if he (maybe she now?) got surgery or what not.
>>6085847Are you like 16? You know you're going to grow out of it in a few years so stop embarrassing yourself with your OMG LESBIAN PRIDE shit. You're ruining it for everyone.
>>6096434>you're ruining it for everyoneoh shit here come the lesbian policeSeriously, what makes you think I give a shit? Everything I do or say will provoke a 'NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT YOU LYING WHORE' from /cgl/, so really, why should I care?
trans people who are not ok with being rejected because the person they ask out is not into trans are just butt hurt about being turned down. just like when a straight guy accuses a woman who turns him down of being a lesbian. #getoveryourbutthurt
< male breeder anoni want to have a child with an F2M trans person
>>6096438oh fuck off tripfag scum this thread is not about you
>>6094990They look okay, but still the fact that they have vaginas means I still wouldn't want to be in a romantic relationship with them, which would probably get me called a "transphobic" by the FtM in OP's story. I don't even like my own vagina, I think vaginas are gross. And the post-op pictures also don't look that appealing either.Sex would just be an awful awkward event that would just lead to tears. I just don't think I could handle that type of romantic relationship. I'll just stick to cis guys I think.
>>6096438Not the anon, but if you quit saying things like "If men weren't sex obsessed idiots, maybe I would..." or whatever it was you said that I can't be bothered to look through my filter to find, people wouldn't think you're a fake lesbian. If you're a lesbian, men acting any sort of way won't change a thing, because you're a lesbian.Personally, I've blocked you because everything that comes out of your mouth sounds like something a girl with issues with males says, not an actual lesbian. You're free to say whatever you like, obviously, but I think you don't understand how or why you're coming off badly.Only replying because I'm outside the thread and am somehow seeing your posts. Whatever.
>>6096251Thanks, I do hope I come across as nice to peopleWhat a lot of other trans people don't seem to understand is that it can be a huge shock to someone who thought they knew everything about you to suddenly have this whole different side to you pulled seemingly out of nowhere, CIS or otherwise. It's not necessarily a reaction to your being trans, more a reaction to suddenly thinking, wow, this person is really not who I thought they were, this is very sudden. Having experienced both sides of this personally, I can say it's not pleasant for either party, but a little understanding can really make it better. It's easy for the trans person in this situation to get upset and start flinging accusations around, but really it's not any easier for the other person and accusing them of transphobia really doesn't help. From their perspective, you're basically saying you want to completely change as a person, from someone they're in love with/attracted to, to something else. And no, I don't care how much you spout it, you will not be the same person at the end of it that you were when you started. Hormones change you mentally as well as physically, people's reactions to you will change, and you will want people to react differently to you. Your core personality may not change much, but many smaller parts of you will. That can be awfully hard for someone very close to you to get their head around, the fact that you're going to change so completely. Even if they were okay with the mental changes, there's the physical side of it too, a lot of people just cannot find themselves attracted to a certain sex, be them gay, straight, whatever. If you're a straight girl and the thought of being intimate with another girl makes you feel uncomfortable, that's going to have a pretty bad effect on the odds of your relationship succeeding.
>>6096534Dude. Dunno if you'll actually be able to see this or not, but I've been talking shit about men on this board for the last year. It's pretty much what I'm known for because I find it funny and because it winds /r9k/ and /fit/ up. Calm down.I don't even hate men all that much anymore, once it became obvious why shit kept going wrong, I figured I should probably stop blaming them for it.