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seems about right
>dat pic of Don
You forgot Logseux btw.
op probably IS logseux
jesus christ could you have more jpeg artifacts?
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OP is butthurt cause none of these girls want to date him, or an ugly girl that no one wants
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Seems like an accurate list besides the whole PG says shes a virgin. Bunch-a AAA sluts. GJOP
Nice jpeg artifacts, OP. Learn to save images you retard. Also they're all used goods, save Powergirl who's a virgin.
I thought this said shittiest, and was about to ask where black /co/mradette is

Leaving before this tripfag circklejerk commences
Sounds he is intimidated by them.
What exactly makes them sluts? I know some of these girls and they don't seem like it
Also thought it said shitty. The shittiest thing is this list. Jpeg artifacts everywhere.
Sup Logseux?
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i dont get to be a slut?
Unless youre dressed as moot no one gives a shit about you.
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oh QQ
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I love you smoky chan
I have Anonymize in 4chan X enabled so I don't even know who any of these hos are.
Which one is most likely to fuck me at a con?
Oh my god, is Smokey-chan catching on?
I'm sorry but Logseux smokes them all. All you have to do is read and look (if you can)
It's probably his fat girlfriend.
I actually think Logseux is really beautiful...
Do you need glasses? She has acne scars like craters
So? Just because you're beautiful doesn't mean you have flaws. Everyone has flaws. I just love her hair and think her facial structure is actually quite pretty.
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Thank you Anon <3
Haha holy crap I had no idea you were even in here!

Anyways, as one girl who's had skin troubles to another, no one would care about yours.
oh hey, thanks for reminding me i need to delete 75% of my facebook friend list
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Have any guys from /cgl/ that you turned down on there? I'd start there first because this reeks of butthurt betaness.
dont you do that all the time anyway?
Every one of these girls has the herpes.
Except PowerGirl. Matt COULD NOT work those sour grapes into her white chocolate.
That's not Logseux's trip and anyone that falls for it is a fucking idiot. Yeah, that means you, person who thinks she's beautiful
An idiot? An idiot for not going on 4chan every day and documenting people's trips? Woohooohoo, sorry Mr/sSmartyPants.
I can't even figure out what you did to fuck up that picture that badly. I'm legitimately impressed at how incompetent you seem to be with an image editor.
Neither am I, I'm just knowledgeable enough to know it's not hers. Especially as she makes a big stink about the fact it's not to the extent she posts about it on her Tumblr

Just fuck off, she ain't gonna slap your tits nor suck your dick no matter how much you stick up for her
Well I sure as hope she comes nowhere near my tits. The thing with me is that I have no problem pointing out an attractive girl. I don't expect anything from it, I was just surprised. I always see her awful photos.
How many men has each girl slept with??
Thats logseuxs trip, check the spreadsheet.
lel drama train. Try harder OP.
So much jelly
No Frankie, you are a beautiful, incredibly cute girl, a talented cosplayer and I also realize what a wonderful human being you are deep down inside. Always friendly to everyone, always with a smile on your delightful lips, always there to cheer us up in times of need. I am saddened that the Drama Queens of /cgl/ made you post the way you do, but I understand that there is much more to you than a "shallow Bieber fan girl" and that you're here to annoy us, but, as subtly as possible, you're here to brighten our day.

Thank you. Thank you for who you truly are, Frankie.
Maryjane and piratetoaster are the only actual sluts on that picture
I said your "girlfriend" is a landwhale, tittyboy.

What are you going to do about it, tittyboy? Cry? Lactate at me?
#7 sure got hit with the ugly stick
Jealous of her tits?
Yoko really is the cosplay of choice for sluts.
Op failed

You guys are smoking some dank ass weed, you niggas high
You forgot Zal
d'awwwwwwwwww look that! Spicky McSpic-Spic has a crush on his pure virgin horsefaced waifu :)))))

I think OP meant to say she's a slut who gets around without even fucking, which is an achievment

>in b4 tears and insults aka hahah, no *sob* *sob* you anon I am alpha *sob* *sob* I am king of the world *sniff*

>I'm anon, if I just say anything eventually people will believe me

Every time I meet you people in person, it's always the most grimiest losers that hint that they actually believe this shit
At the end of the day we're not you so hurray.
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>bumping this thread
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>At the end of the day we're not you so hurray.

No, see. The trick is to just talk about whatever you like in lieu of whatever OP wants, completely ignoring 'em. Mods then delete useless threads. It's pretty simple.

How was your day today? I went cycling. :0
i'm not sure what it is about all of you but this board actually manages to make me more disgusted with people than any of the other boards, even /jp/ and /n/.

threads like this only remind me of this
You dumbfuck, you think mods >>BROWSE<< /cgl/?
>>LOOKING<< for threads to delete? Heroically kept by Masa D. Faggot on the front page?
I mean there is a lot of retards on this board, but you seriously take the cake. Your IQ must be nearing the room temperature.
Do any of them live in london and fuck black guys?

Your I.Q must be ninety-mad

Do you live in London and fuck black guys?
Go to bed, spic.
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made this inspired by some thread I read yesterday, work in progress but here's one filled out for you already bby <3

Something about "summer" definitely needs to be included.

Okay it's a WIP alright
I think that only applies to a select few trips (the select few who are constantly getting into arguments on 4chan)
The ones who don't do it have a clear bingo sheet.
I like this. Hope you can fill it out some more.
> Sluttiest Trips of /cgl/
> Doesn't include Laika

Hahahaha, oh you guys.

That's because I haven't needed to say anything differently, it's typically the same mindless drama mongering commentary. Make sure you add emoticons :V
Oh hay it's jellyanon, still got that bad case of envy I see?
>no Laika
>no Claudie
>no ai-honey
>no Spoony/Cunt Master

I can't take this list seriously.
Spoony had only had one boyfriend. aihoney I have no clue (other than that one guy she supposedly had sex with), but she has no nudes even so she's doing better than most. claudie again, no clue about her.

who the fuck is laika?

in fact aside from MJ who is openly happy to be slutty do we even know shit about any of them?? fuck at least if you were going to go with slutty trips you should use the fucking trips that have dated more than +1 another tripfag.. (I guess Don fits that at least I think).

I don't really know what /cgl's definition of slutty even is.
>I don't really know what /cgl's definition of slutty even is

Any girl that's thinner and/or more attractive than them usually.
cgl's definition of slutty is good looking with a good body.

The only two who really belong there are don and MJ. Don because she's going to be moving on to her 5th trip boyfriend soon and MJ because, well... Self explanatory.
Surprised I'm not on there, you know, for all the rumored cocks I've sucked in convention bathrooms.
Spoony had only one boyfriend but she posted nudes all the goddamn time on /fa/ and here. ai-honey camwhored and her nudes can be found if you take the time to look. Claudie stated that she would cuddle and more for money. Laika stole multiple boyfriends from her 'friends', sometimes more than one from the same friend.
She is dating Mika now and is frenemies with derpyhooves
look at this little whore craving for attention
>implying there is someone on /cgl/ that would whiteknight Mah-shit D. Moron
keep on dreaming
having lots of sex makes someone a slut, that makes spoony a super special snowflake attention whore but not a slut. I call bullshit on ahoney's nudes anyway unless someone posts them, and the 'camwhoring' was incredibly tame and would make anyone with a streaming account a slut.

stuff claudie said sounds like a joke. and will someone post a picture of laika because I still dunno who the fuck that even is.

>>6065361 inclined to agree with this guy..
>smoker has a crush on Powergirl
God, your girlfriend must be really fucking ugly-- wait nvm, you had a crush on fucking Pantsu, already, lolokay.
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do they have noods?
nudes for every girl on /cgl/
No crush, shes as much of a cunt as the next trip, but calling someone who's never had a good dicking a slut, is like calling out a blind man for tripping over a rock.
see >>6064597 for perfectly rational explanation why she's there

nice backhand whiteknighitng though (you know you want your tiny pecker inside her)
In relation to this post:


please express your opinion on the tripsheet. Thank you in advancement
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A have self respect I doubt I would even attempt to date/bang a known slut.
>tfw more than half the votes want to have sex with the creator

/cgl/ - sluts & whores
Sorry for trying to incorporate humor into all the rumors about me.
Why even bring that up? Nobody has even mentioned it for a good month, you could have just let the rumours slip into obscurity
Last time I heard, they were still circling, but, whatever. I posted that to have a laugh, sorry to offend and all :)
oh god my post totally came off as bitchy now i feel bad i'm so sorry ;_ ;
yo dats not my trip but wutevs
you guys sage too much
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>50s Housewife a slut
You must be high as balls. She hasn't even dated more that one trip and hasn't posted any nudes. Hell, she hasn't even really cosplayed all that much, let alone slutty cosplays.
She fucks a black guy though, even some porn stars refuse to fuck a black guy.
I lol'd.
It's her choice to sleep with Maguma. I don't personally support the decision not because he's black, but because he's incredibly childish and from talking to 50 at a few cons, she deserves better than some unemployed Halfrican American Jew who's still going to school and has illusions of grandeur of becoming an animator.
Don't talk about my Magumafu like that.
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Nerds. I haven't worn anything except Pokemon Breeder and Kula, but that's because Maguma made it for me and wanted me to wear it with his K'. I don't consider myself a slut, but you have the right to your opinion and I'll respect that right.
/r/ pics of mary jane
Yes, we know you're not a cosplayer you shitposting whore.
You're right, I'm not a cosplayer. It's mostly out of fear because of asshats that will call whatever I make or wear a piece of shit, regardless of what it really looks like. I make props and armor instead. It's relaxing and I enjoy it. Sorry to disappoint you. :|
You're the new Static of this board.
Aside from slutty, all of these girls are annoying as shit, and that's so much worse to me. Ugh.
now I get it, before you weren't whiteknighting the Spic

you were whiteknighting horseface / yourself

well I'm certainly not OP, so no, there's not just one person on the Internet who thinks you're ugly, Pussygirl
Did anyone ever rape your butterface at SDCC? Or at least beat the hell out of you? I'm glad Maguma cheated on you, you dumb cunt. Now you'll end up all alone because no one will ever touch you again. You should just die already.
Come the fuck on now. That thread saying Maguma fucked another and got her pregnant was made by Maguma himself w. trip dropped. He was drunk and dreaming of a life where he gets to pick what white girl he gets to fuck. Seeing that he's stuck with that frog thing that's posted above, he clearly doesn't.

I mean, sure, white girls dick chocolate, but Maguma is more like a badly done coffee, gyno and inherited his penis size from his mother.

He should consider himself lucky that he white guilted a subservient bitch like 50s Houseshit.
Have you spoken with all of them and been able to form your own opinion about who they are as people? If not, shut your whore mouth and actually form your own opinion rather than let what /cgl/ thinks dictate your thought process concerning certain people.
Maguma doesn't drink. He's straight edge.
hi Powergirl, why are you still posting itt without trip on
Still, it would be deliciously hilarious if he were to cheat on her with another woman and get her pregnant. Baby Mamma would throw in more drama than we'd know what to do with, and it would serve 50s right for being such a stupid slut.
I haven't spoken with them personally, but I've been able to follow many of them (not all, I do take that part back, at least) through social networks, their own posts, and see who they wish to depict themselves as, and I, with my own functioning brain, find those individuals incredibly irritating. And my mouth is practically virginal, thank you.
>implying I'm Powergirl
Nope. Just someone who hates what /cgl/ has become. You're all a bunch of prissy bitches with no lives, so you live vicariously through the drama you create on an image board. If you're not on summer break from high school, you're probably living with your parents or in a shitty little apartment with at least two other people. You don't think about the future outside of what you're doing this weekend. Think about your future two months down the line. You can't. You're so focused on escapism that you can't even fathom planning you life out that far. /cgl/ is a pile of shit. Later, fags.
gb2gaia you underaged piece of shit. Stop trying to taint voldie with your whore mouth
Voldie's pure no longer. :(

She's trying to deny it but I've read it on the tripsheet.
I thought this said 'shittiest trips'
and I was content
but it says 'sluttiest trips'
and that's just silly because your picture of me being slutty is me kissing a bear
that's not slutty at all
bears need love
the bear isn't even naked
nobosys's naked
what are you doing
or maaaaaaaaaaaaaybe someone's just calling me a slut because I don't wanna fuck r9k virgins no more
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe someone's bitter

(that's actually a massive lie, I still love virgins, who doesn#t love virgins)

Lol so mad
Seagulls got fucking TOLD.

Captcha: hatesage 666,
thanks for saying that for me, bro/sis

I really don't get why Pussygirl and her one or two max. anon whiteknight get so butthurt over this
Samefag hard.

Especially after you said you were gone like an Alpha-Alpha, you come to return to make your post look better to us. Well it don't work.
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Why did you write what you had in your captcha? I'd love to see the logic behind that.
>implying the tripfag spreadsheet is accurate.

Nigga your post was just there when I logged into my app. I was just pointing out how mad you were.
Watching some of these try to defend themselves and play it off like it doesn't bother them on their facebooks is hilarious

Edgy 666 fag itt Eva
Except that's bs and it doesn't say anything like that on the tripsheet
I like what my vendetta is on the spreadsheet.
Being a DJ is a vendetta?
Apparently, I guess that's why I liked it.
I'm gonna tell honoraryottermode that you secretly love Miley Cyrus. That's your vendetta.
Mother of god.
You people keep forgetting OVER AND OVER again.

If you can't find something...

...there's multiple tabs.

Trips / Summerfags / /cgl/ high

Yeah, yours is nice because it was made by your friends. And because no one actually cares about you, since you're ugly but not popular (in a creeper way) enough. CG
Hey, at least you're not "herpderp top 10 tripfag" list.
It's a blessing in disguise. I'm glad I'm not popular.
Seems like someone's jealous.

By the way, if you know any heterosexual person with strong gay tendencies, preferably from /fa/, feel free to suggest them to finish the professional appearance ratings. Pikachu will apparently no more return (may he RIP).

Nice trip drop from samefagging your post a while ago
What?? He died??!?!?! Noes!!! Not sure who I would suggest. Only person from /fa/ I know is Todd. Try /fit/.
Why are you so angry at her? Are you secretly Benson or one of the other women Maguma wouldn't date because he was still hung up on his ex? Are you jelly that 50 was able to pull him out of his rut and he chose her instead of your fat ass? Get a life, loser. You lost, she won, and there are plenty of other fish in the sea.
Tripdropping? Really? Now which trip am I, oh wise Anon.
Lolwhat. I don't tripdrop unless I'm in crush threads.
>trying to sound cute

I'm not trying, I'm being completely honest. If you don't believe me, then that's completely on you.
Nope, nice try, though. You were close, at least. Dead has an A and an E in it. I drop trip in shitthreads like these to avoid circle jerk.
What? When did this happen? Who's Benson? Someone fill me in on this tasty-sounding dramu.
>posting on Facebook about things that happen on /cgl/

That's a paddlin'.

Don't want to circle jerk but circle jerk. Btw you suck at lol
For those who are still too technically incompetent to realize what they're talking about:

It was my first time playing. Don't hate.
How the FUCK can you suck at LoL? Jesus Christ.
I'm interested, what has pirate toaster done to gain slut status beyond picking the sluttiest of costumes she can pick.
Whos a good wittle faggot? YOU ARE!
You're only talking to me because I'm eating. Stay away from my food!
Says the faggot who deleted his DotA thread because I actually talked about it in it.
I thought I was posting in /v/. I lel'd then deleted.
Im lost. Fill me in on this fat joke thats suposed to be funny ms cunt.

read the spreadsheet. If there's just one girl who deserves the title of slut, it's definitely her. Not that Blue didn't deserver it, or anything.
You don't get the joke? It's just as funny as me sucking at LoL.
>Maguma likes girl
>Maguma and girl start dating
>girl goes off to school and can't do LDR
>Maguma cries like a little bitch
>women flock to Mags because they're blinded by his charisma
>Mags turns them all down
>Benson wiggles her way into his heart by being able to do LDR
>Mags still hung up on his ex
>dumps Benson like an emotionally mature person
>Benson gets madbutt
>50 shows up
>slays the ex dragon
>loots the corpse
>gets a sweet new Epic Maguma

That got away from me a bit, but the story goes pretty much like that.
Afaik she is actually a sweet girl she just feels the need to dress like a tramp
Her cosplay plans for the next year or so seem to all be covered iirc so maybe she's learrning/growing up
Bt yeah I defintly don't think she deserves slut status just because of the rumurs of her and blues break up cause which they both said were wrong
Oh look, Maugma circlejerker. How is that white guilt treating you?

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