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Hi, I'm >>6010119 .
I forgot to ask one last question for cosplayers, Lolitas, etc.

Is it bad if I don't wear makeup (whether I'm cosplaying or wearing Lolita clothing)? I don't wear makeup because I don't need it and I just don't want that stuff on my face. The most I wear is chapstick. Is that really so bad? If I were wearing Lolita clothing, I would still do my hair and make sure my outfit's coordinated, but makep is a no for me.
OT but that girl's foundation is pretty damn good!
yes its bad
you probably DO need it
even if you have really good skin i'm pretty sure your skin isn't flawless
make up is pretty helpful in this case

you gotta wear make up, it's what makes you kawaii.

No seriously, even if you styled your hair, you're not born to look like a doll, make up achieves that look, go all the way or go home.
OP here.
I don't know that much about good and bad foundation but her makeup looks cute on her.
If your wearing a simple or casual lolita outfit it would be fine but a bare face with a fashion as fancy and ott as lolita looks unfinished.
You don't have to go super over the top with it, but yes you do need to do something.
I know my skin is not flawless but I don't want to cover up the flaws because they are insignificant.

I can't look kawaii without makeup? And I'm supposed to look like a doll? ;_;
Make up is not just about covering flaws it's about highlighting your features and complimenting your outfit.
If you're going to a convention and people are going to be taking your pictures, you probably want to look as best as you can in them.

I wear makeup for cosplay because for some reason, I end up looking bored in pictures if I don't. >.>;
Did you really need to make a new thread to ask another question..?

Yes, wear makeup.
You've got on an elaborate, expensive outfit that coordinates head-to-toe, you've done your hair nice...and then you want to keep a natural face? It just plain doesn't look right. You don't have to go all-out like the picture you posted - a tiny bit of eyeliner, mascara (brown for both is fine for more natural), and a touch of blush is enough, imo, as long as your skin is nice and your brows are kept.

But WHY neglect one area when you painstakingly take care of the rest..?? It's about looking 100% your best, a good lolita never slacks on any one area.
we cant judge you unless you post your face, honestly.
I'm a lolita and I never wear make-up. And no, I'm not some greasy hambeast ita who is delusional about my looks. I have the same thoughts that I don't want to hide my face. It's pretty on it's own. I think it'd be like wearing a wig over nice hair. Fuck that "express yourself" and "bring out your features". I express myself by being plain-faced Jane, and I bring out my features with a nice smile.
Every girl looks better with a bit of mascara regardless what anyone says.
boom your done
lolita isnt somethig you can half ass. either look good or dont
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Thank you for this! I think it's silly to think that girls and women can't look pretty without makeup.
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makeup general thread?

I'm caucasian and I have a natural tan olive complexion, I want to look a little fairer for my cosplay - anyone recommend some good covering foundations that aren't too heavy and won't clog my pores and make me break out? I usually only wear a light mineral powder foundation but I don't think the same thing in a lighter shade would really do the job.

Pic related, I'm somewhere between tan and exotic, would like to achieve light.

sorry, no, you probably look awful and people around you won't tell you.

Hearing that you don't do your make up or hair because it's natural and "I was born that way bb" just isn't Lolita, go do mori, or be a hippie elsewhere, this is not a fashion for "natural" people
Never said I don't do my hair, or is it that you think that I need a wig to look good? Stop projecting your insecurities.

You're right that no one tells me I look bad. Instead I have young men tell me I'm beautiful, I have old men style and say I'm beautiful, I have old ladies compliment my dress, I have young ladies compliment my dress, and I have a boyfriend that hates make-up. I'm pretty happy not wearing make-up.

Stay natural. Keep your skin clean and healthy, and have a smile on your face. Confidence in yourself goes a long way.
I don't know if I just suck at applying mascara, but it's the one makeup piece that I think makes me look WORSE instead of better. I just go false eyelashes.
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MFW I'm considered exotic by that picture
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OP here.
>sorry, no, you probably look awful and people around you won't tell you.
Sorry, no, she probably doesn't look awful. But if it boosts your seemingly low self-esteem, continue to think that way, dearest.

>you don't do your make up or hair because it's natural
She probably doesn't wear makeup because she doesn't need it and because it's not best for one's skin. I'm pretty certain she styles her hair. Not wearing a wig and not styling your hair are two different things.

Now continue the general makeup thread if it'll keep you from having a titty attack.
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> looks like we got us a special snowflake over here

Didn't you start this thread asking advice? Now you're an expert on beauty because one anon out of seven or so said she "looks beautiful"?


Please aphrodite, post your photos for us so we can gaze upon your perfect form
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>looks like me have a total bitch on our hands.
Does it look thick and/or clumpy when you put it on? Do you use a color to dark for your skintone?
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please, the fact that you dont wear makeup doesnt make you any better than anyone else, besides if your so "naturally beautiful" why dont youpost a pic so we can all gaze upon a perfect being like you
Oh so you're one of those wig hating special snowflakes...
Never said I was more beautiful than everyone else. Just said I look good without it and like how I look. I'm sure most girls who wear make-up would look wonderful without it, but they choose make-up.

I can't speak on behalf of Lolita clothing, but in cosplay makeup is required. Even if you're being a character that doesn't have crazy makeup, you should really wear foundation, a little mascara and light lip color if nothing else.
Post a picture then, beautiful. With flash turned on as well.

If you won't do it that just means you're delusional and are too afraid someone is going to say so.
Special snowflake confirmed. Grow the fuck up
I wanted to know if it was considered bad to go without makeup. I did not start this thread for this:
>you probably look awful and people around you won't tell you.
to go on.
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I am a palefag according to this chart.

Anyway OP, how about just adding some brown mascara, powder foundation, and concealer? I mean, it seriously takes less that five minutes to put on and it can really help.

You don't have to go all out; but a little bit of make up can go a long way. For a convention you can look very washed out too with the lighting; so if you plan on conning it up; make up is a MUST for pictures!

Overall, make up just completes a look. If the outfit is very casual then make up MIGHT not be necessary. But for an elaborate outfit, make up is always a must. You look incomplete without it. The amount of make up you need depends on the style though. For more down to earth styles, light make up is fine. But for sweet, especially OTT sweet, heavy make up is almost always mandatory.
Post a picture
You're going to look better with make up trust me
Nice try, but I'm not taking the bait. How about you post a pic to prove how glorious your make-up is? Hm?
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I just have to say not all wigs are equal, and not all lolitas in wigs go for the big poofy GLW suff.
I think people sometimes forgot there are those who like natural looking wigs. I for one only wear natural looking ones with lolita.
Haha of course you won't post a picture, pussy much?
OP picture is proof enough.
Oh I agree. I hate those GLW wigs, but natural ones are fine. Just not for me. I'm have incredibly thick and healthy hair so I'd rather not cover it up. There are some days I would like to have a different length, but I'm still not fond of wearing wigs.
Also OP, if you're kinda makeup retarded like I am, I recommend checking out this youtuber:


He's a makeup guru and I adore him! He has lots of helpful tips and tricks, and product recommendations!
>hey guys I'm beautiful without makeup
Uh probably not but I'll eat my hat if you can prove me wrong
>no, how about YOU post YOUR picture

This is how the conversation is going right now. Do you see something wrong here? Please tell me that you do.
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No, it doesn't. And I have tan skin, so I use a black color. The problem is that I just naturally have really few eyelashes, so when I apply it, they spread really far apart with so few, and I feel like I look like pic related.
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Holy shit I hate nothing more than people who start threads asking for advice (i.e. compliments/confirmation) and then refute everybody's answer except the one person agreeing with them. Take a step back and realize how stupid you're being.

You need makeup when you cosplay or wear lolita, there is rarely an exception. It's not like you need to go all out. Even spending 10 minutes putting on some mascara and foundation will help a lot. The reason everyone is saying this is because it's true and because you WILL look worse without it, in both cases. Please just listen to us, unless you really don't give a shit about looking better and prefer being an au naturel special snowflake forest princess.

Cosplay and lolita are about being fake as fuck (not in a bad way, just in the way that there's absolutely nothing natural about either) and not wearing make up just looks lazy and stupid and will detract from your entire costume/co-ord. Just please for the love of god wear makeup nobody is trying to trick you.
OP again.
>>6010437, I am not >>6010428. >>6010428 seems to be one of the few mature people on this thread, though.

Also, thank you >>6010447 for the nice gesture but I don't really plan on wearing makeup.

OP's post will say something like "OP here," with the exception of >>6010420, a post of mine, and a few earlier posts.
OP again.
No, I didn't ask for advice. I asked for opinions on makeup use and it being a "necessity." I have every right to disagree with the opinions people make the decision to post.
Ahh, my mom has this problem.
Sometimes switching brands/formulas/brushes can help a little bit with volume/seperation.
But if you still can't get dat volume, just stick with falsies. It wouldn't hurt to do a coat of mascara on top of the falsies though to help blend them in a bit
Ahh, thank you. c:
>unless you really don't give a shit about looking better
Is this a contest? Can't some people just aim to look nice and nothing further? Not every girl wants to wear make-up, and not every guy likes a girl in make-up, so who should we try to impress by wearing make-up?
>hey guys do you think I can get away with not wearing makeup with lolita?

Why even make a thread about it lmfao.
I'm going to piggyback on >>6010473.
It doesn't matter much, especially if you look good without it. Unless the character you're complying as wears makeup, you don't need to wear it. Unless there's something about your face that doesn't match the character's face, you don't need makeup.
I have kind of that same problem, but add in them being short and really curly as well. Even with mascara I still barely look like I have any eyelashes. The only thing it does for me is define my eyes a bit more with the black color.

And false lashes are a bitch to get on for me because of how curled back my natural ones go. They get completely in the way and some always get glued in with the lash, and will keep pressing up on the lashes and start popping off sections from being glued.
But you're wrong, silly
oh dear god

this is like that coscom thread with axelai

normally I dont say stuff like this but
>implying lolitas wear makeup to impress men
inb4 tunblr social justice brigade anti slut shaming feminist. Im a proud slut shamer
Oh, what I would do to have curled lashes. Mine are long, but really straight.

>not every guy likes a girl in make-up
Most guys don't even notice when a girl's wearing makeup, unless it's unnatural colours or something. I wear at least foundation or BB cream, concealer, mascara and eyeliner on nearly a daily basis, and I've had guys go "No way, you wear makeup?!"
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there's a huge difference between what you think is natural, and what guys think is natural make up.

Natural =! No Make up.

No visible eye make up aside from pinks and light browns, no lipstick but some gloss, a small bit of blush. the point of this look is to look like you're not wearing make up, find me a man who says he likes girls who are natural, and I will show you a man who likes girls with natural make up on.

Okay. I have to go. So goodnight, all.
Try having your lashes naturally long but go downwards, so much so that when you curl them one always curls inwards somehow and pokes you in the eye all day.

I've taken to actually tweezing those offending lashes out now.
If I'm not trying to impress women than who should I wear make-up for? I'm just talking about me here. Everyone else can do what they want, and I think they look very nice, but it's not for me.

Except part of the reason he hates it is because it could rub off. Before I get the "here's make-ups that don't rub off", I don't want to wear make-up. I'm happy with how I look. I don't know why people push make-up so hard.
No kidding what the fuck you dumbass. You basically just revealed that the only reason you don't wear makeup is because you have a sandy vagina over the idea that women only wear makeup to impress men. I can't stand people like you.
lolita is a giant circle jerk, you dress your best to impress other lolitas its as simple as that
So you don't wear makeup because a man doesn't like it.
Way to go.
I'd like any of the people saying they "don't need makeup" to post a picture. If you're so confident then you should know we won't disagree with you. Too bad you're wrong and won't do it.
Very true. Most times when a guys he likes no makeup he's basing it off girls that wear natural makeup who they think is wearing none. Unless a girl has striking and very contrasting features, majority of women look very plain jane without makeup on. And I bet if you polled men on which they prefer (show them pictures of girls actually not wearing makeup), most would prefer a girl that wore a little something.
I'm beginning to think that the reason they don't wear it is because they don't know how to apply it so that it accentuates their features. Honestly, it's not that hard to spend a few minutes on google looking up what sort of makeup would look good on you.
well I for one wear makeup so I can get a boyfriend, and in lolita so I can look good and become internet famous
Nobody is trying to "push make-up" for everyday wear. OP asked if it's "bad" to not wear it with cosplay or lolita, and it is. It looks horrible.
I'm going to let you in on a huge secret.
No one cares if you wear makeup.
If you want to know if you should wear it for lolita or cosplay, yes. And yes we will be able to tell if you aren't wearing any. And yes it would be twice as obvious in photographs.

But again. If you don't want to, then don't. That's your prerogative.
>Not every girl wants to wear make-up
Selective read much? If I just left it at "I don't want to wear make-up", I would hear about how guys love make-up.
No you wouldn't, you brought that up yourself. Stop backpeddling and just admit you're wrong. Or post a picture to prove that you aren't.
OP here.
>inb4 tunblr social justice brigade anti slut shaming feminist.
Haha, this is funny because not too long ago, I made a comment against slut shaming saying that some troll shouldn't call me a slut for wearing a short skirt. The skirt wasn't slutty at all, lol. Anyway, I have to go. Bye!
I would LOVE straight. Then at least I could get false lashes on without fighting with my natural lashes and having to check all night for sections coming off. And I could put on mascara without getting it all over my eyelid because they curl to much. Super surly lashes are a pain in the ass. They don't even look good.
Mine grown slanting downward, but not that badly. My best advice is to get an eyelash perm, if there's a place around you that does them. No more lash curlers for me!
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Whatever guys. I'm off to bed.

When I was a kid, it made me sad to see my mom wear make-up to impress men who treated her like shit (yes, she said she wore make-up for them), in middle-school a close friend wore it to attract boys, a couple years ago I tried it and liked it, until I looked and felt sad about how I didn't look like myself. I don't wear make-up because I don't want to, I don't compare myself to other girls, I still get called pretty, and I don't have a problem attracting men. Rip this apart how you'd like, I'm anon so it doesn't matter.
oh christ its YOU that explains why the OP posts looked like they were written by a whiny brat
Eyelash perms exist?
Crazy shit but good god I'm gonna look into it, thanks.
Best answer:
>Oh lordy you've shown me the way! I was wrong and now I'll go slather on some make-up to impress some anon.
That was me, actually. And I didn't call you a slut for wearing a short skirt, I told you that lolita was the wrong fashion for you if you wanted to wear short skirts, and THEN I called you a slut. At least get your story straight. You're the same girl? Makes sense, you've shown yourself to be pretty dumb in this thread too. Why don't you get a tripcode so I can filter your posts from now on, you basic-ass bitch?

Also you've been "leaving" for like 3 posts. Why don't you just leave for good? No one wants you here, go whine on tumblr about slut-shaming and how you're so perfect compared to OTHER GIRLS-TAN.
See that's where you're going wrong.
You need to blend~
>two people I know wore makeup to feel more attractive
QQ more

No one cares if you choose not to wear it in daily life because of your ~*TRAUMATIC CHILDHOOD*~ (tm) but you look like a retard if you don't wear at least the basics in cosplay and lolita. Seriously, if you just wanted to argue about how you're right and everyone else in the entire lolita and cosplay community is wrong, why didn't you just head on over to tumblr?
Op seems to be hyper-sensitive about being perceived as unnatural.
I wonder why.
You seem to have a really low opinion of your friends and family. There are a myriad of reasons why girls wear makeup. It isn't always solely to get dick.
Stop being so judgemental.
Why do you girls try to validate your existence by trying to tell others that make-up is the only way to be beautiful? Get some confidence and stop trying to buy it at the MAC store.
Something's happening IRL so I leave and come back--big deal.

Also, I can still wear Lolita clothing regardless of my liking of short skirts. Stop me, motherfucker.

It's safe to assume you have no life. You keep washing up on my threads. You're also heavy on the insults. Oh, you called me a bitch, I'm gonna cry! Were you abused as a child? I wouldn't be surprised if you were.
Its time to stop posting, op
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you almost got me there
Hey OP, I thought you were going to bed? I have plenty of confidence in and out of makeup actually, I wear it because I like to change the way I look from day to day and because it is ESSENTIAL, as in NOT OPTIONAL, for looking good in clothes as fancy as lolita and costumes as outlandish as cosplay.
Lol, were you? Did makeup beat you up and kill your parents or something? Go to fucking bed, little girl.
Not wearing makeup with lolita is like wearing tennis shoes with cosplay.
why stop short?
It makes you look lazy.
I don't understand. What makes you think that? Pretty much all I said was:
I only wear chapstick.
I don't think it's necessary to wear makeup unless A or B.
Makeup isn't good for your skin.
I don't need makeup.
That's all I said, bro. If you don't agree with it, that's cool. I'm pretty much done with arguing like this. I know I can't change your opinion and you can't change mine. "Hypersensitive" is an exaggeration.
And yes, I suppose that happening upon two threads of yours posted around the same time on the same board means that I have no life. I'm definitely not the one who keeps making threads like "WHATS WRONG WITH PUNK AND ERO LOLITA I LIKE THEM WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT" and "WHATS WRONG WITH NO MAKEUP IN LOLITA I HATE IT WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT".
>I'm pretty much done arguing like this
If your previous posts are any indication, no you aren't.
so let me get this straight, you make a thread asking if makeup is neccicary in lolita (which it is btw) and than turn around going "nope! I dont wear makeup because of x and y"
grow up OP your acting like a kid That didnt get what they wanted
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Hey OP I found a picture of you
OP here.
Looks like you need a nap, dearest. Also, read the second sentence of my OP and you'll know why I posted two threads.

I'm not >>6010591.
Hold on guys, I think I have the solution.

;) I got you girl

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Why the fuck does it matter? Oh /cgl/, I want your opinion but then I'm going to argue with you about it.

If you don't look like a total fucking horse face without makeup, don't wear it. In my opinion, makeup adds a nice touch to an outfit. Like varnish on a painting.

Reblog if u agree xxx
OP again.
I make a post asking if you guys think it's wrong to go without makeup. It started off with people saying that they do, in fact, wear makeup and explaining why. I responded by saying why I do not wear makeup. I don't see what's the problem. This is a discussion. You say why you wear it, I say why I don't. I didn't hope for people to be rude, including myself, but hey, this is 4chan--/cgl/.
I dub thee


If anyone's got something catchier I'm open to suggestions
have you even looked in some of our ita threads? some of the outfits are fine but the reason they got posted is because they would look better with a touch of makeup

>because not wearing makeup makes you a better person then people who don't.
>hi /cgl/ is it bad if I don't do x because I don't want to
>yes it is bad, we suggest you do x so you look your best
>but I don't want to
>then don't, whatever. But we recommend that you do
>but I don't need x I'm beautiful without it
>then why did you ask us
>because reasons

This is your legacy, op
So let me get this straight...OP asked a board full of women who love their fakery (not an insult, I'm one too) for their opinions on not wearing makeup JUST to tell them all they're not wrong before "leaving" 3 times...

OP you are the worst kind of snowflake. You are not a suffragette, you don't need to burn your bra or stop shaving to prove that 'you don't need no man'. Stop insulting your mum - chances are the men she brought home were actually nice and you're just one of those pain in the arse kids who would rather their mum was alone and miserable because "OMG IF MUM GETS A BOYFRIEND SHE WON'T LOVE MEEEEEE~~~".
Your friend was acting like a typical teenage girl. Near enough all (except you apparently) high school girls get crushes in high school and want to impress them - I'm sure we all went to school with the badly applied lipstick, push up bra and awkward flirting at some point!

Noone is forcing you to wear makeup but we ARE allowed to tell you you'll look plain and frumpy in photos and will likely end up in ita threads.

If you are so *~*au naturalé*~*, do you not wear deodorant as your natural scent is so much better than us dumb bitches who wear it to attract a mate?
Cause if you're going to push how fucking kawaii you are being natural, you better not be a hypocrite and faking it up elsewhere!
>hi /cgl/ I want to wear short skirts with lolita is that ok to do
>No not really, it kind of detracts from the whole point of lolita and will make you ita in most people's eyes
>ok but I like short skirts tho

>hi /cgl/ is it weird to carry around a stuffed animal while wearing lolita? or just in general while in public?
>Yes that is kind of weird
>well I don't care because I am brimming with confidence which is why I keep asking /cgl/ to validate my opinion

and let's not forget this gem:
>I'm going to bed now goodbye
>Ok now I'm really going to bed
>I'm not gonna argue with you anymore goodnight
>Alright THIS TIME I'm going to bed

Let us know when you stop being 14, OP
Basically, I wanted to know if not wearing makeup was bad. I didn't want you to say why you wear makeup, I didn't want advice, I didn't want you to try to change my opinion. But I got all of those things. In return, I stated why I do not wear makeup. After that, things escalated. This isn't hard to figure out, guys. All I needed was "yes, it's bad because X." I didn't need:
>your skin isn't flawless
>post your face
>Every girl looks better with a bit of mascara
>random list of types of makeup and how I either look good or I don't
>you probably look awful and people around you won't tell you
>Etc, etc, etc.
I can't take you seriously if you can't spell mom ffs
This is one of those times where I agree with the idea of OP (you don't NEED makeup) but I disagree with the sentiment. I mean holy fucking shit. You and that girl pushing the idea that people wear make up to get a man are both stupid. This thread is fully retarded.

The reason everyone seems to be against you is not because you're pushing a novel idea. It's because you're coming off as an ass. As someone else pointed out:
>Is it bad if I don't _____
>Yes, you just need to do _____
>Yeah, that's a bad idea because of ______ and ______
>I agree, if you do ______ you will look awkward in photos
And you did ask for advice. Read your own post.

And of course, you never responded to them. In fact, thanks to grease monkey, it's fairly clear that you ignored every single goddamn post that had a legitimate point and focused on the people name calling you. You clearly just came for yes-men and ass-pats, grow the fuck up. This thread is retarded.
is this nigger serious

tell me you're not american, i'll feel ashamed if you are.
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asking if x is ok IS asking for advice you dumb piece of plain-arsed shit.
Seriously: how old are you?

Good god. Someone take his one out behind the barn and put her out of her misery.
OP here.
I don't know if you read the entire thread, but I didn't post anything about my mom or any of that. Essentially, all I said was why I do not wear makeup and that I only wear chapstick. You're confusing me with other people who also don't wear makeup, bro. I'm not necessarily any more amazing than you, I just don't wear makeup. That. Is. All. I've. Said.

Bro, you've misinterpreted pretty much all of my threads you're trying to refer to. That's okay. I forgive you.
Couldn't sleep so I checked the thread again.

This is me:
I'm not OP.

>chances are the men she brought home were actually nice
I'm sure that's why he broke her nose, stole from her, and made her cry constantly, and why the man after him only used her for sex. I know this isn't all women, but things that happen to your own mom are sort of impactful.
>I didn't post anything about my mom
>Whatever guys. I'm off to bed.
>When I was a kid, it made me sad to see my mom wear make-up to impress men who treated her like shit (yes, she said she wore make-up for them)
Are you literally insane? You cannot be this stupid.
Why did you make a thread for this.
You are not smart. This is obvious.
You made an ENTIRE thread to ask if not wearing makeup is bad. That is 100% asking for advice. What else would you call that? And when that turned into a discussion (because you made a fucking thread about this instead of leaving it as a post in the general) you started pushing the "I'm fine the way I am" thing. This is what YOU did.

Consider this. You have more than one person in the thread describing what you are doing. The vast majority of them are describing the EXACT same thing. Take a break, go to work, go to sleep, whatever, and then come back to this thread. Because right now you are blinded all the trees in this forest, so to speak.
Please don't start this shit again, because you were the one making this shit thread worse.

Women do not all wear make up to get a man. Sorry you're mom got her ass beat, but two people in your life dolling themselves up for shitty men does not equal the rest of the world.

Go back to bed, seriously.
And I'm sure it wouldn't have happened if your mom embraced her natural beauty, right?
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OP, you look like the pic on left. You are not beautiful so gtfo
Yes but...that really has nothing to do with her wearing makeup. She was abused because they were abusers.
I am from Black Forest CO, what's it to you? And I find the N word offensive so please don't use it.
You know what I like? Shiny black ladies. They look like polished onyx.
There are so many errors in these posts. I'm going to take the time to fix all of them:
>You and that girl pushing the idea that people wear make up to get a man are both stupid.
I never said that. Again, you're confusing me with another poster.
Lol, what? You guys are trying to make it seem like I was legitimately angry at you. All I said was "I don't wear makeup because X. I only wear chapstick." You can continue to persist at your accusation, but essentially, that's all I said.
>you ignored every single goddamn post that had a legitimate point and focused on the people name calling you. You clearly just came for yes-men and ass-pats
You're right. I ignored them. Sorry about that. Thanks if you just gave your opinion--it's appreciated. I came here for your opinion. I didn't come for advice. If came for advice, I would have asked you if I should wear makeup or what kinds of makeup I should start wearing. I simply asked if you thought what I am doing is bad. That's different. Also, I didn't come for "ass-pats."

No, it is not. If I asked you a question regarding how I should act (ie. Should I wear makeup?), that is asking for advice. Asking if what I am doing is bad is not asking for advice. I just want to know if I'm following certain guidelines. That doesn't mean I'm going to change based on what you said.
I'm assuming more people responded. I may continue this if others have responded.
Concealer didn't do that, walking out the kitchen caused that.
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janitor pls
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you didn't just say you didn't want to wear makeup though. People would have been ok with that.
It's the fact you have mentioned on more than one occasion how beautiful you are without makeup.
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Pic related, it's OP
I was going to respond to each of you individually to make you feel special but this is all I can do for now:

All of you need to understand something crucial to this post. I have a question. Have you ever taken a survey? On a survey, there may be questions like "What did you eat for breakfast? Is this dress appealing to you? Do you like the color green? Should *insert criminal's name here* have been sentenced to prison?" Those are questions that are NOT asking for advice. They are simply questions that ask of opinions to gather data--results. My question is one of those questions. It is NOT asking for advice.
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4chan: surveys, definitely not forums for discussions
No seriously OP are you this girl
>brb, having an identity crisis
>>This is a survey

Um...you might wanna check your previous post
>>this is a discussion
So what would you have gained from people replying with "yes" or "no"?
You said yourself that you don't want to wear makeup and that no one's opinions will change your mind. And you don't want advice. And you're totally confident doing whatever you want and you don't care if people think you're weird or sloppy.
So again, why make a thread?
Notice how none of those say "I"?

How stupid are you? Let me get this straight- THIS is what you expected out of this thread:
>Hey guys, is it bad if I do this?
>I don't think so

The end. That's what you wanted? Your analogy doesn't apply because in a survey you answer yes or no. It would work if you had left your question in the original thread, but when you create an ENTIRE THREAD DEVOTED TO THE QUESTION the expectation is that you want to talk about it. Not a bunch of yes men. Do you just not interact with the real world?
Are you fucking serious? Stop trying to tell people how they're allowed to react to your post. You wanted opinions and you got them. Or were you trying to post a rhetorical question on cgl?
I think op is confusing 4chan for her tumblr again
Last I checked there wasn't a poll question option on tumblr. Which is what she seems to want.
You might notice there isn't one on 4chan, either.
>Everyone in this thread states the way you worded your question implies asking advice
>lol, no it doesn't, it has to be worded specifically like this for it to mean that
>I don't understand the English language
You were asking advice. Period, end of story. Maybe that wasn't what you intended, but that's what you did.

Also, no one, save three people are confusing you with anyone else. They are responding to you and your "OP here's". Stop trying to brush it off.
It may have been confusing for you guys to distinguish me from the other posters (because I didn't put "OP" on every post)
This is me, I'm the OP:
>>6010481 "complying" should have been "cosplaying"
>>6010593 This is when I got really rude. I shouldn't let the same girl troll me every time, haha.

I did not say "how beautiful I am without makeup." I said "I don't need makeup."
Yes OP, you should wear makeup. No one cares why you don't want to wear it, but if you don't, don't complain if people pick on you for no makeup.
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I hope when OP is driving home from work (or walking as its more natural), a van tips over beside her and she's crushed under a tonne of MAC
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>mfw I just watched that episode last night

I miss Drawn Together

Is this a tumblr phrase? I only see this here in /cgl/.
Watch how she will not respond to you, much like every post that has a legit point.
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Me too
Makeup imrpoves your appearance.
Saying you don't need it is saying you can't be improved upon.

I don't want to wear makeup /= I don't need makeup
I've never seen it on tumblr, just /cgl/. But then I don't frequent the shit parts of tumblr, where memes propagate, so I can't be sure.
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But OP, even if we say yes, you do need makeup because it gives you a more finished look and adds a nice touch to your outfit, you're just going to say you don't need it. Just stop. You don't want advice, you don't want opinions, so why the fuck are you here?

Don't wear any fucking makeup. Just don't bitch if you're going to end up in an ita thread with your short loli skirt and your teddy bears.
it's been on LJ for years
You need to browse more. A lot of boards use it.
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>Stop me, motherfucker.
Here's a poll for everyone;
Answer a simple yes or no if you think OP is samefagging a LOT in this thread; all the posts agreeing with her have similar time and writing style
OP again.
I know this isn't a survey. I just said my question was a survey-like question. Sure, post why you wear make-up, but the arguing wasn't cool, bro. This mayhem wouldn't have happened if all I got was "It's bad. Also, I wear makeup because X" (even if that last part isn't what I asked for).
I'm not necessarily trying to gain much from this thread. I honestly didn't know it is unacceptable to go bare. I know that now. Great. If everyone said "it's fine to not wear makeup," I would continue to not wear makeup. Most said "it's bad to not wear makeup." I'm going to continue to not wear makeup unless my face doesn't match the character's (in terms of cosplay).
Stop saying bro
Link please?
> I'm going to continue to not wear makeup unless my face doesn't match the character's (in terms of cosplay).
>everyone's face when OP has never cosplayed or worn lolita in her life
Hey, you know you can put "op" in the name field, right?
And then I said, "stop telling people how they should react to your post. Dont post on cgl if you don't want a candid and sometimes volatile discussion. That's what happens here, get used to it or leave"
It's long since deleted but in summary
>OP posts a picture of an ita in "punk" and two whores in "ero" (aka a bodyline-esque plaid nightmare and two maid outfits from leg avenue)
>Asks whats wrong with punk and ero, says she likes them
>people tell her exactly what's wrong with them, in particular the examples she used
>she insists that they are legitimate lolita clothes and there's nothing wrong with them
>someone mentions the skirts being too short
>OP says she likes short skirts
>several people tell her short skirts are inappropriate for lolita
>one person also calls her a slut
>OP flips the fuck out about slut-shaming or some shit
>thread dies
I made this thread because I wanted to know if I was breaking any Lolita rules. I don't want to go on thinking it's okay to go bare, if that's truly not the case (according to Lolitas and cosplayers). That doesn't mean I'm going to change my habits. I just wanted to know.

Op is troll of the year.

She got all of us, whether it was purposeful or not. I mean, constant "it's not me, its someone else," and "your point isn't valid because you must have been replying to people that weren't me," multiple uses of the term 'bro' when it's unnecessary and only antagonizing, not responding to the people who explain things clearly, implying that other people mean something else than what they said, this is just amazing. And, icing on the cake, apparently this thread had absolutely no purpose, at all. It was just meant to float through the void.

10/10 OP. Good job.
[X] yes
[ ] no
Ok, so tell me, what did you gain from this thread? You could have found the answer to your question just by lurking a bit, which is probably why people thought you wanted advice.

Go put on some make u ugly bitch
...Did you click the wrong post or...?
>I just want to know if there are rules so I can continue to do whatever I want while intentionally disregarding them

You're gonna fit right in
Btw "ita" is slang for kawaii
OP are you, in fact, that person who started the "what's wrong with ero/punk lolita? Let me know so I can disregard your opinion" thread?

If you are, could you start using a trip, so I can block you?
You sound like a middle school gossiper.
>OP posts a picture of an ita in punk and two girls in erololi
>Asks whats wrong with punk and ero, says I like the style, not the girls
>people tell me exactly what's wrong with them, in particular the examples i used
>someone says that the skirt is so short that the girl's butt is showing
>I say that i like short skirts but not the kinds that are too revealing
>several people tell her short skirts are "slutty"
>one person also calls her a slut
>i say that calling me a slut for liking moderately short skirts is slut shaming
>thread dies

Get your facts straight, >>6010761.

Also, I've cosplayed before. And I got my answer after the first few responses but people like >>6010761 didn't stop.
Again, sluts deserve to be shamed. They are sluts. Being slutty is not something to be proud of. Just like wearing no makeup doesn't make you better than other girls.
Wherever it says "her," it should say "me."
No one is forcing you to keep replying.
I understand, but I'm not a slut for liking moderately short skirts. I was told that I am but I disagree.
troll or sad, sad person detected.
I'm sorry, what exactly is trollish or sad about saying that sluts are bad? Gb2tumblr
>Just like wearing no makeup doesn't make you better than other girls
Not OP, and I wear makeup on a daily basis, but there is a point where I do start to judge girls on how much makeup they wear. Usually it starts at the 'wearing falsies to university' stage.
It is bad not to wear makeup for lolita or cosplay or even in a professional work setting
The end

Here is my reasoning (separate from the survey portion): In lolita, you are wearing a fashionable outfit that takes a lot of effort, even when you wear it casually you need makeup to finish the outfit. Makeup causes light to reflect differently in photos, and enhances certain features, which is very important in pictures. In a professional setting, the effort you put into yourself and your personal appearance (FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN) reflects, to other people, the amount of effort you will put into other things like work and relationships. Your appearance is your first impression to others, so wearing make up implies that extra effort can endear you to another person.

Now here are some misconceptions we need to clear up with you and makeup:
>Makeup is not worn JUST to attract men. It can be used to change your look, your style, the shape of your face etc... It can also be used to impress employers or complete an outfit and even USED AS EXTRA SKIN CARE!
>>Which leads to the next misconception some may have: MAKEUP IS BAD FOR YOUR SKIN. It really depends on the type of makeup. Using a moisturizing foundation with 30spf or higher can do wonders for your skin. There are also many BB creams designed to be foundations that improve the look of your natural skin, evening out tone, eliminating redness, helping acne and scarring etc...Wearing it everyday can actually be very beneficial to your skin health.

Please note that I am not telling you to wear makeup BUT if you choose not to, please take extra care in your skin and invest in some seriously good products. I suggest YSL toner, burts bees moisturizer (you would be surprised how many skin models use this) and a light tinted sun-screen for the day (I say tinted because most cosmetic sun-screens won't make you break out, like others, but noutragena moisturizing spf for the face or skinfood broccoli sunscreen is just as good and not tinted)
Making an ass of yourself and then trying to pass it off as trolling? Bravo, good one
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Sluts have given themselves a purpose in life, and they commit to it till the end. They should be praised. Someone needs to check their non-slut privilege.
>implying I'm OP

Yeah, pointing out all of OPs retarded actions and then saying "whether you purposefully did it or not" makes it clear that I'm OP.
"Slut" is just a propaganda word that fascists and religious fucks use to keep people ashamed of their own sexuality.
I don't really like wearing makeup since I like to be able to touch my face (bad habit). But I realize that if I'm going to go all out with an outfit, especially if I plan on taking photos, that makeup is pretty necessary or else you look like a zombie. On casual days I just go with some blush and lip gloss since mascara annoys me.
Hey, OP, I'm a no make up wearing person myself~
I think that make up should be treated like an accessory: it's not needed, but when used correctly it can bring out your outfit and a lot of your features really well. If you're really against make up, at least be sure to bring a tiny cloth to keep your face clean. Trim your eyebrows, put on chap stick to make sure your lips don't look dry, and put on your best smile!
I like to think of putting on make up as a treat to your audience. They normally get to see you all pretty and natural, and then they get to see you in fancy mode. It's like Cinderella changing from her regular clothes into her fancy princess ball gown. A little make up isn't bad for you. In fact, it can be fun! People appreciate it when it's used sparingly, so go ahead, try it! Put on your "jewels" and get ready for the ball!

Jesus, I feel like some sort of beginners' advice website... Someone show me some ita pictures, now. I need to rage.
Foreigner here, I can't help but read all the posts as male.
I am enjoying this thread.
Makeup is %100 needed for lolita and cosplay.

to put it simply, you are wearing something that is meant to look perfect. Your skin will never be perfect on its own. Just learn how to wear makeup, simple makeup isn't that hard. FUCK, there are hundreds, if not thousands of youtube videos for beginners. You don't even need a lot of makeup, or practice, to look great!

it is so fucking easy to learn, it is like learning how to ride a bike, or how to drive, or how to fill out a local supermarket discount form, so damn easy. Just do it a few times and you are set!
Have you guys tried heating the eyelash curler up before curling? It could possibly help keep it in place/curl it better.

Best way is just with a blow dryer on low.
you DO need it
you can't really be good at a style looking like you just washed your face and went out of the house, OP
I think some of you have the completely wrong idea about makeup
It is not you only have to wear it if you are not pretty already, you wear it to look more polished and not like you just got out of bed
I really don't get this entie "I'm not wearing makeup, I don't need to hide my face, I'm not ugly!" mentality.

Makeup has nothing to do with hiding your face it's about taking all of your already beautiful features and making you look even more beautiful.

It's not to make you look like a different person, and it doesn't really take away from your natural skintone or anything like that.

It's simply a tool to make your skin look it's best and you and your outfit look your best. I honestly don't see why there's all the hate for it.

And honestly the people who think oh, I look much better with no makeup or with just lipgloss but no cover, they probably don't know how to apply it correctly.

I know I've got nice skin, personally, I feel like at work or even just going to the store I don't necessarily need much or even any makeup, but I can also see the difference it brings the look of my skin and face over all.

I think every girl and even everyone in general should know hot to do good make up that not only compliments their own features but their outfit. It will make you much more confident in what you are wearing and even yourself.
Show me one good lolita with absolutely no make up on. It just doesn't work. And by "no make up" I don't mean natural looking make up. I mean none at all. It doesn't matter if you have good skin, it is bound to look unbalanced and leave your appearance looking unfinished and unpolished. Am I wrong? Then show me 1 single example and I will admit that I may be wrong after all. OP, if you say you don't need it post a pic and let us see what you mean.
I personally don't like wearing make up, and I don't incorporate make up in my daily wear unless I have an extra bad pimple, then a little concealer goes a long way.

But for cosplay I cake everything on. Not cake like drag queen cake, but I use primer, liquid foundation, concealer, black or brown eyeliner depending on the character, and powder foundation MINIMUM. If I'm cosplaying someone more feminine I might add eyeshadow or fake lashes (mascara doesn't do anything for me, I'm asian) something.

Especially if you're getting photos taken, a little make up can go a long way. If you're going to a con, there's usually harsh lighting and mediocre photographers taking your photos, so the littlest bit of sweat or oil on your face will increase tenfold on camera. Eyeliner brings out your eyes on camera, even if they don't seem to be too dramatic in real life.

I'm sure you're decent looking in real life and I'm happy you're confident in your looks, but the camera will bring out any imperfection you have and you won't look nearly as nice on camera as you would in person. It's ultimately your choice whether you put make up on or not, but it really does help whether you think it does or doesn't.
I pretty much just wear makeup for cosplay and lolita, but also for special occasions. I look really plain without makeup, but I go without most of the time (to work, shopping, etc). But when I dress up, I really enjoy putting it on and wearing it, plus it's a lot of fun to transform yourself into something else. Makeup really helps with that.

I usually go beyond foundation, concealer, mascara and lip gloss because frankly, I still feel unfinished without everything (contouring, bold eyeshadows, filling in eyebrows, some lip color, and a little bit of blush). Even just natural makeup looks really wonky on me, so I really started defining my eyes.

I broke down and invested in a lot of really good makeup, but I just don't feel like wearing it all the time.

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