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Alright boys and girls, spam 'em if you got 'em. I know I will.

I'll start us off with a few of them before day two hits us along with soreness, dehydration, and malnutrition.
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good one op, I was waiting for one of these to show up.
she showed up on stream, pretty cool
awesome, I was waiting for someone to show some pics! Thanks OP!
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10/10 would fuck
you kiddin me, bro? look at that knee

oh wow

did you take that, OP?

Were they real? Did they seem real? I MUST KNOW
Oh good point. But that dress man. When she's kneeling in front of me I don't see her knees, so I'll make it a 8.5/10
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She wore the same thing last year actually. Here's her from AX 2011.
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of course im from /fa/ so
So you're fucking gay, and shutup.
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so how do you ask somebody for their photo without looking like a total creeper?

jesus fucking christ

> jawdrop
> exhale
> immediate dissatisfaction with current girlfriend


Great pics though, would like to see others contribute!
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i prefer petite and skinny to old cows.
and liting would ruin my perfect androgony.
I didnt find a single Zeon pilot cosplay I was satisfied with. Although I did like the guy carrying the Principality flag with him.
Any Steins Gate cosplayers on day 1, op?
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I'm glad people are finally getting to see some pictures of what happened at today's expo.

This Mako here was pulling off high flying kicks for the cameras at the Avatar Gathering. The only person who got the Korras more riled up to take pictures was the guy cosplaying as Tahno. So many squeals. So many.
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Sorry buddy, I was cosplaying myself, and being in such bulky wear made me not be able to take much pictures, or notice certain cosplayers. I can say though that I'm pretty sure there wasn't much of them. Was there a couple? Probably, but they probably easily blended in with the crowded South Hall crowd.


I gave that Bolin flowers.

Bolins love flowers.
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Man, what happened between these two guys was some funny shenanigans.

The guy on the right is always fun to watch.
you were that guy? your annoying as fuck. although people like you do make the diversity of everyones laughter greater (usually we can laugh at fat neckbears and uglos but people like you give us the chance to laugh at no lives who attempt humour by reusing old memes to no extent)

on the other hand, brain-age guy was cool.

holy shit. did that really just happen? Hahahahaha. And I was just about to say that I ran into him a bunch.
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You mean the Sudoku guy? Ahaha, yeah, he was great.

Speaking of brain age...

Sorry for the blurry picture. My arms were exhausted from carrying around a heavy bag, and I was rushed, but then again, that's just how it is. If you remember, this guy was also the gameboy color from last year.
Nice bulge, Red.
Im not sure whats funnier- that the final fantasy guy deleted his post in shame, or that he exists in the first place.

bet now he will be looking for the snickers going his way.
Oh well, I hope you'll be back tomorrow to post some day 2 pictures. Weird question but what type camera/lens do you use?
Jesus Chrsit, what the hell is that thing??
Not sure if Scarecrow.
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Wait wait, found one a little less blurry.


Oh, most definitely. Hell, the main reason I take pictures is to show you guys who can't go to the Expo - because if I were in your shoes, I would want to see some pictures too. I'm surprised nobody else bothered yet, but that'll change in a little bit.

It's a Canon PowerShot SD750. A bit old, I know, but it gets the job done.

Oh man. Well if you're still in here Final Fantasy guy, I'll still say whats up if i see ya. hahahahaha
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No need to say mean things bro. I try to bring Final Fantasy joy to the childrens. If you see me at the con come say hi!

Post deleted because I'm stupid and niconico.com =/= crunchyroll. I just wanna watch the black dude dance in the stream footage :(
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I am typically a normalfag so its my duty to be mean to weeaboos.

what was the gist of his deleted post?

dammit, step away to check the auction house for one damn minute and delicious drama transpires in my absence, how cruel

oh nothing big, really. he just stated he was the guy in the final fantasy guy in the background of >>6003103
and then >>6003184 chewed em out for it. Really more funny than drama-ish, i would say.
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It wasn't much. He just said that he's the Final Fantasy box and was hoping somebody had a crunchyroll stream of the event.
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You just ask them. They like the attention. It's flattering to know that someone is interested in your cosplay enough to take a picture of you that they may have forever.

"Hey, could I take a quick picture of you?"

Just be short and sweet. Don't go off about useless shit.

I got some pictures i'll share at the end.

Not OP, but yes, there were a lot of Kurisus. Some cute ones too.
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>posting on /cgl/

Pick one.

Fiddlesticks from League of Legends. He was amazing and he was on those springy stilts.

Unfortunately, I learned that later in the evening he fell very hard and was not moving for awhile. He got up, but we aren't sure if he will continue with his cosplay. He might continue without the stilts.

Hope he's ok. He was jumping around and really getting the crowd riled up
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Plus... you know... having people take their picture is pretty much almost the entire reason why they're cosplaying in the first place. Most people don't even ask. They just pile on with the others and go nuts. Just do it.


Alright guys, I have to figure out what gatherings I'm going to tomorrow, and fix up my costume tonight, so I'm out of time. See you guys there tomorrow, and I'll be making damn sure I take at least twice as much pictures as I did yesterday.

She's going to be Officer Caitlyn from League of Legends tomorrow.

You should see her Female Arthas from Blizzcon last year. Look it up. Would do.

His slits seemed so secure when I first saw him in the early morning, but I was petrified to see him running around the way he was. Awesome? Oh fucking yeah, but I was worried that would happen.
did they have an Okabe or anyone from S;G with them?
You know, I'm just going to throw this out there, but I think she has been knocked up.
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Like a boss.
>buy a zentai
>buy predator's feet.
>buy cheap ass leaves.
>buy brown duct tape.
>buy two ping pong green balls.
>steal a bit of shitty brown fur and potatoes sacks from a farm.
now you have a cheap, lazy ass cosplay, congrats.
There was a group of 4 skullgirls doing Painwheel, Valentine, and Cerebella. anyone have all three of them taken?
Full retard. Y'know what I mean

Oh hey that's my friend.
That thing is freaking HEAVY! If you see him sign the 3DS
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This one was my favorite from today
Did anyone get any Tales of Photos or Sandplay Vocaloids?
>yfw your cosplay will never be posted
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HHHNNNNNNGGGGGG. Though, picture is kinda ruined due to fat-kun arm.
dat fucking guy with his shitty camera getting caught in the picture, just looking at that makes me rage
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Just selfpost like everyone else jeez
I was at the back of the crowd. Hopefully someone did better.
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obligatory homestuck
No thank you.
Would bang.
Watching the stream yesterday and today, I was pleasantly surprised by the small amount of Homosucks I saw.

Now I'm mad.
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not your fault, I just rage when people bring those shitty cameras. If you're gonna take pictures of these people you want it with a nice camera/lens. Not those shitty powershot ones and definitely not those cell phone cameras that I see a ton of people using. in b4
I was the guy holding the "/a/" and "/tg/" and "/sp/" sign during that niconico stream and had my friends fix the line order so they could talk about nyanners and "toe-whoe"

What should I pull off tomorrow.
Some people don't have the money. While it's nice if everybody has an SLR, that is not possible. Oh, what's the best P&S while we're at it?
I was the dude with the sign. You know the one. Encore presentation tomorrow if we have a /cgl/ meet, tomorrow.
depends if you're on a budget or not, despite what I said earlier it would probably be one of those coolpix or powershot ones.
Well, maybe the OTHER guy with the sign.
Oh ok then fuck you.
I was holding the sign during the niconico stream
Guess we're thinking of different signs.

I wonder what % sealed their makeup
Which one?
/a/ ?

And some other stuff.
yeah, fuck you.
I'm sure you would like to man. I would too.
hay look at me i'm mentioning a super sekkrit club outside. am i cool yet? yeah nah you're a cunt. you just don't do stuff like that
Ok man you sure showed me the error of my ways.
I promise I'll change just for you.
Not really /cgl/ related, but has anybody gotten a picture of the KS devs? I'm ki ni narimasu what they look like.
Why the fuck not? It's just /a/. If I could, I'd go on and be like "sup /a/? You mad?"
Fine I'll do /cgl/ just for you.
Look out for it tomorrow.
He posted a thread on /a/ and got chewed out for it. Nobody likes this guy.
You guys sure did love it at the time it happened.
Does anyone have a picture of the tiny doc scratch that was going around with the default rose cosplayer?
nobody liked it all, did you even read the comments?
holy shit! this guy was at AX? WHO IS HE?
I saw him at the anahiem comic-con a few months ago. laughed my ass off when i saw him walking around.
Yes, I did.
They were on the screen and you guys raved.
Even said goodbye when we left.
pfffffft, better get those eyes checked, son.
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this delusional nigger
Heh, what ever man.
why so defensive, faggot?
That black kid held up the sign and you faggots wanted him to be interviewed.
He was the one that talked about nyanners and voice acting and such.
/a/ and /cgl/ for the most part, hate Nyanners. Please go to /v/ where you'll be accepted.
Stay mad.
Meanwhile I'll be having fun.
It isn't really attention whoring when you are cosplaying. Especially if it covers your face
k have fun being a faggot.
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>he thinks i'm not having fun calling him out as the faggot he is
I will enjoy being a faggot with my girlfriend.
Ok so we can both have fun at the same time then.
See ya at anime expo tomorrow then.
Or not.
You do what ever.
welcome to 4chan
Wearing sadfrog sign again tomorrow. Be sure to stop and say hi!
Please don't. Just don't do it.

Will you call me Onii-chan?
I'll call you onii-chan if you call me aniki.

Why not a sad panda exhentai?
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OP's back for another round, and with twice the pictures this time.
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Dude, I'm mad jelly you got to see some awesome cosplayers like that..
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aaaaand this thread is saved, did you catch any S;G people today?
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Yeah, El Muchacho was the shit.

Alright, so this picture needs some backstory. Valve gathering. 10 AM at Site 2, which is basically around the area outside of West Hall. Cars would come by during filming, so everybody had to stop posing to move out the way. One vehicle was carrying a cart, and... basically all the TF2 cosplayers chased after it pushing the cart into the bomb site. It was out of nowhere, and it was hilarious.
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So, how many of you caught this fantastic guy posing as the announcer for Guilty Gear. At least that is what some guys in Sol Badguy costumes assumed after they started fighting infront of him

lolwut spoiler tags
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Getting the entire shot of all of the Valve cosplayers sucked because they weren't backed up enough, and too many people weren't crouching down, but this is a good example of how many were at the gathering. Shout outs to Freeman and the other leader - I forgot his name. Fast and easy group shots, and plenty of time for the custom sets like the El Muchacho shot.
yeah bro, just because she's wearing a slutty outfit doesn't make her 10. She's a 6 1/2 tops.
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The guy on the right had a voice filter on. Sounded like he was speaking from a walkie.
Dang, those are good.
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I thought it was a nice touch that the light was on his shoulder as if it were real armor.

There was a man in real looking armor though. Actually, two. Actually, three. One samurai. One chainmail knight who was into Vinland Saga. Then there was a blue knight who disappeared from my sight.
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The man spoke with stereotypical Russian accent, but it worked.
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Dat fitness

Oops, forgot to rotate it and crop it down. Hah, imagine that thing chasing you, huh? WELL IT DID TO US.
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Very impressed by these two.
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I've got more pictures of both of them if you want some after I'm done dumping.
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Alright, let me take a break to fix my costume and see what gatherings there are tomorrow.

What did you dress as, kind anon?
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Canti. Last year, there wasn't any, so I took the challenge.

A few more minutes, and I'll jump start back up the dump.
Whoa that's a lot of padding.
Black Canti bro, is that you?
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Nah, I met him yesterday though. His helmet's made of fiberglass. Mines is just cardboard and paper mache. Can't wait to see his completed.


Yeah, alot of padded cosplayers today, but that big boobie cosplay threads we had spoiled me.

Here's another Canti. Now what you don't see is how the lining in the front grows a dark blue.
Oh. He was hilarious on the stream today. You look totally great though! Awesome job.
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Wait, that isn't me though. That's a girl Canti I stumbled upon a couple of times.

Here's me along with a couple dressed up as Haruko and Naota from yesterday.

If you see me, say hi, and if you got an awesome cosplay, I'll post it up here.
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Did anyone get that Lupin that was on the nico stream?
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I'm pretty selective of the stuff I show the public these days, even when it's cosplay stuff... So I won't be flooding my photostream with random cosplays that suck. So far, last year's was definitely better.

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It's you know who again.
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It's 3 AM, and since I plan to get to the center by at least nine A.M it's obvious that I have to take a nap. I've been dozing on and off for the past couple of hours anyway.
Who ever is the person in the middle wear did you obtain that mask it looks fairly cheap and i can use it
for a undertaking I am attempting.

I have to ask, what is up with this Power Ranger's bulky thigh area?
DAT 01
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Sniper from TF2
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I was sad that I couldn't find the /cgl/ gathering, but that wouldn't ruin my day at all.
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I hope you all had as much fun playing around as I did.
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I didn't even imagine that there would be the most people on Day 2.
any good kurisu cosplays?
Did anyone get a picture of the Queen's Blade cosplay?
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>mfw my camera ran out of battery right when I saw a Freddie Mercury cosplayer

fuck my life
soooo....what's the guy in OP's picture dressed as?
looks like someone from HoN
close, its Fiddlesticks from League of Legends
Did someone from NicoNico say that AX is really moving?
HoN > LoL
You gotta step it up, bro. Charge that shit
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I saw this guy playing DDR last night.
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I would welcome any more Steins;Gate cosplayer pics. I'll be uploading what I've got.
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that fucking ED
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any Touhou cosplayer pictures? Thanks!
I really like that Ed. She's just so fun and in character.
/r/ing more of that Ed
>Too shy to talk to dat Reimu at Fanime
>Couldn't go to AX

M-more please. ;_;
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Fuck yes, you are the man. Are those from just one day or from the 3 days so far?
can you provide a link anon
Oh goodness, she really is very pretty. So jealous.
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Reverse image search it.
should've done that before asking, thanks anon

Those are from yesterday and today.

I have a few more pics to upload, but I'm sitting here hitting f5 and hoping for a better pic of the group of 3.
noooo that red eye
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Would you prefer the shot that failed to flash?
They were great, and I failed!
turn that flash off and wait an extra 5 seconds. what type of camera did you use?

It was the iphone camera. I had enough shit to carry around without lugging my SLR with me too. I'm relying on /cgl/ to provide me good shots.
Shes my friend i was with her all day!
ahh shit, that explains it. I'm surprised there aren't more people uploading pictures
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Guess I'll keep uploading. Still hoping for some more steins though.

Saw lots of Lightning and several Vanille. These were the best though.
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Are the niconico streams archived? I couldn't see the comments as Kenji.

Also, fuck harry potter yo. lol
Here's some Madoka for you all. Lots of Madokas and Homuras running around. Yes, that Homura is a dude. Blurry pic including female Homura coming next.

Lol, I bought that exact same same lightning costume on amazon for 128. Also where is her sword?!
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are you the other ED?
sup Harry Potter

I think her bf was holding her sword. I hassled them for a pic, they weren't prepared.
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Camera phones are disappointing.
I saw that Kyoko straight up hurl in the artist alley, it was pretty hilarious. They looked okay later on though, thankfully.
I had to build my sword from cherry wood so it was super light. That costume is really cheap I had the same one and wore it to Fanime. I think if she would of styled her wig it would if looked great.
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ill only give you one more
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she was adorable and was awesome doing limbo
My friend cosplayed as Domo today. I didn't get a chance to go to AX this year and I know she doesn't come to /cgl/. So I'm wondering if anyone got any pictures so I can show them to her since we're not finding any.
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My first thought was Harry Potter, but then I noticed the Hanako. They were kind enough to stop eating their shaved ice for me.
but it is harry potter
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This happened yesterday. They were all dancing and it was awesome.

My shot sucks, and I know it.

It is, but the dude in Katawa Shoujo was made to look like Harry Potter. Take the lightning bolt off his head and there you go.
lolol Ayabi in a terrible stretch satin costume. Does she ever use anything besides stretch satin?

It is Harry Potter. There is the scar. He can hang out with Hanako at a con. Also, is that Hanako crazy Ayabi?
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The better of the Taigas I saw.
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2 EDS?
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mushi shi
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Saw lots of Deadpools but only one wanted to make me pancakes.
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ok uno mas
are the threads for the past days archived or are they lost forever?
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idk iit doesnt look like this ones getting archived either
didn't mean to quote that comment
those fucking guys, it's like 2003 all over again
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That feel when you see an Ika from behind and run up to get a pic and then...
Anyone have pics of the Maria Ushiromiya from Umineko no Naku Koro ni? I only saw one Maria the whole con so far.
She was on the stream, too.
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did he at least know the character? there was a guy on stream yesterday as Ika and didn't even know the character
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Wonder how much of a hand Shu had in making this one.

Don't know. Didn't have a conversation. Had to spend money.
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Deadman Wonderland
He knew the character.
I'm sure he really had his hands full.
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What kind of cameras do you guys use??
I'm guessing half of you set it to auto.
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Some piece of shit cannon powershot set to auto because I don't care enough.
Does anyone have any P4 pics?
This is the best Korra I've seen.

What a wonderful Cammy!
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If you took the several seconds to adjust for the current environment, makes the difference between good shots and great fucking ones.
I'll be in my Ika tomorrow.
Thanks for the pic! The scar was added as a joke, too many people confused me for HP, so I figured I might as well go full wizard.

Thanks for the pic? Thanks for taking time away from snacks for me dude!
Don't sweat it bro. Hope to see you again soon!
Anybody here actually going on Monday? I can only assume its gonna be a ghost town with only few people.
I'm going as Garfield.

I'm going to try to get by if I can finish work fast enough. Can get some good deals sometimes from shopkeeps on the last day.
I didn't go this year and got an email saying its free to go on Monday after 3:30.
that's not too bad of a shot, it's better than some shit iphone photo
Why do people think using their iphones/ipads/some phones is a acceptable camera??
>walking around taking 9million pictures on your actual camera
>run out of space
>run out of backups
>only phone left
I'll just use this rock on the ground

If guys are your thing I wouldn't recommend it.

So go and carry your gear around, take some better pictures and post them for us. I'll be looking forward to it.
Should've brought enough SD cards for 10 million pictures.
Fuck, my shots of them either have this guy in them or the Reimu is hiding her face.
Because iPhones since the 4, and some Androids have pretty fucking nice cameras. But like point & shoots and DSLRs, it's possible to use them in the wrong way.
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Steins;gate meetup
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This Okuu was pretty rad

OMFG I wish I'd known that was happening.
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The only Mirai Nikki cosplay I saw... I'd have expected to see a Yuno or two...
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Iron man vs. Berserker. Who wins?
Anyone get the sakamichi no apollon cosplayers?
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Is this a zombie?
It's from a show called korean zombie (kore wa zombie something something)
...are you that stupid
"Is this a zombie?" is the English title of the anime. Dumbfuck.
kore wa zombie desu ka, which translates to "is this a zombie?", which was the joke
best kokonoe
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Well excuuuuuuse me, princess.
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>Recording the monitor display
>Korean Zombie

I'd watch the shit out of this if it existed.
Requesting Panty and Stocking panties screencap, can't find in /a/ archive.
Whoever the fuck trips as Homura just got our entire hotel banned. Faggot...
dat fucking Braun
Staying up in the lobby?
Glorious day.
That's the one KSG tripfag.

let's all go shit up KSG as revenge
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More like KSG spammer.
h0mura <3
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Thanks for posting pictures, people.>>6005211
Good pictures so far.
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Red Ranger called me out for a one on one.

Then he proceeded to destroy me and my costume.

It was the best time I had at AX. Bad time to wear shorts though.
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Sorry that the picture came out blurry, fellas, but your outfits being good looking are certainly clear.
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Finally got a FLCL gathering together by pure luck.
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this guys was pretty fuckin cool
anymore of her? something about her i find so attractive

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