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Let's see if we can keep this going...

5963819 old thread
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>>5963819 old thread is just a click away
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>small tits
Alright, here we go.
Vernedead posting his wife as anon to make himself feel better, thinking that there's some guy on this board that's envious of having her.
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This is better than /s/. Are these girls common at conventions? Or are they closer to 'booth babes' you would see at major trade shows?
A lot of them are booth babes. It depends on the con though - the bigger the con, the more likely you'll find attractive people. You will probably have to wade through gargoyles and hambeasts regardless though.
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go start your own DFC thread instead of ruining this one

Thats disappointing although not too surprising. God damn though, this is the kind of thing that makes me actually want to go to a convention.

How expensive is it if you don't factor in travel costs and don't plan to cosplay yourself? I know it would vary but there as to be some kind of average.

Is it generally pretty easy to spot a booth babe as opposed to a general convention goer?
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This. There's still a DFC thread floating around on /cgl and if you went beyond Page 0, I'm sure that you'd find it!

If not, start your own damn thread and worship the small tits there.

That being said... time for some more women with beautiful breasts.
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It varies wildly, anywhere from $15-175 depending on how popular the con is, I'm sure there's higher but I'm basing it off of places I've been. You'd have to look up where you're interested in going.

The easiest way to tell a booth babe apart from cosplayers is that she'll be at or close to the booth she's there to advertise. If they're walking around it's a little harder to tell, but you can take pics anyway.
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Oh God. This woman. Who is she?
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Sarah Fong

she's the tripfag Sonic Boom
Whoever airbrushed her skin needs to be SHOT.
If you're going to airbrush skin, then make sure you leave some texture, and at least correct the foundation on her face so it doesn't look so freaking pale compared to the rest of her body ffs.
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Shes the trip Sonic Boom. Nice girl, good cosplay but she admits to being a B cup with lots of boob magic and padding going on. Nothing wrong with that though.
I wanna say I saw this one... Anime Vegas at the Hilton last year?
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She's absolutely stunning and her boobs have a beautiful shape, b cup or not.
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Doubt it, she's from the east coast. I think she wore her Yoko to Otakon 2011?
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For some reason, in my mind I always picture him beating her. Idk why.
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dat photoshop is ridiculous
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>duck lips

ruined it for me :(
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catgirl boobs are nice to
Double ugh
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Straight up breath of fire!
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Jnig and Precious don't count. They both have tiny b-cups that they stuff up to their chins.
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>I mad
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Nope. Not mad. Just pointing out that they don't belong in a boob thread because theirs are 70% padding.
i highly doubt its 70%
probably upwards of 80-90%
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shut the fuck up and post some tits then.
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Who is this and where can I find more?
Gods I love Heidi.
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well, hi thur

Perfect woman/10. Would bang.
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Gotta love her bodytype.
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see attached image

that being said, technically OP said 'boobs' thread not 'big boobs' thread so I don't really see the issue.
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>posts pic of old costume with huge coat. Insists its more conclusive that a more recent pic without coat.

Sure is getting silly in here.
.. it's not that old. what difference does the coat make anyway? clearly she's not binding in the bikini top, or she wouldn't wear an underwire bikini. hurrrrr

everybody knows precious doesn't have big boobs. deal with it? doesn't make her less hot or anything.
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Why can't we have breast growth technology today?
Why has no one mastered it yet? Why?!
Because small boobs are better.
Yaya seems to have mastered it.
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>January 2010 according to her DA
>not that long ago
>Her only small boob cosplay

>implying the underwire wasn't part of the sidebinding

Because people never side bind for costumes. I know you guys have to find stuff wrong with everyone, but why do you care so much?
two years ago is not a long time ago. she is 22. she's far past puberty for that to matter.

um, why the fuck would anyone side bind in an underwire bikini? that's just, retarded. underwire like that pushes the boob up. wearing that kind of bikini and binding would be very silly.

it's far, far more likely she is small and pads well (or sometimes uses prosthetic boobs, but whatever). a lot of her older costumes you can see she's kind of small anyway, brs is just the best example.

she's not flat chested but I would only put her at a 34B or so. again posting those images doesn't prove anything either because you could easily pad in them. /shrug
It's pretty easy to pad a string bikini anon, I've done it myself.

I'd guess since there's a bit of shadow under her boobs and the bikini is floating off her boobs a little, that is what she's done.
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Please show me people doing what you are describing effectively. It sounds like you are grasping at straws.

>I R expert. boob expert has spoken

I still think you are full of shit, and jelly. But what ever floats your boat.
This thread is lol. You've got to be stupid if you think the gross majority of what you posted is truly large breasted. If the costume is even a little bit covering there are so many tricks you can use.

I see Kipi as Yoko, other girls pushing their breasts together. Guess what? I can look that big too if I know what angles and what amount of pressing is right, and I'm a large B. It's not rocket science, but it IS funny that you can't even tell. Precious and JNig are not the only people who fake the fuck out of their chests.
Um, the only way to do that is self post and I'm not doing that! I'm sure there are a 101 girls on here that will tell you it's perfectly possible to pad a string bikini though.

What I did was a foam layer inside I attached to the actual bikini so it'd look smooth when I padded. I also wore a stick on bra underneath (although I had to cut it a bit smaller because it poked out a little).

But yeah. Very possible to do.
how on earth am I jelly? I already said it doesn't change that she's pretty hot, boob size doesn't dictate that.

if she had average to big size boobs she wouldn't use prosthetics so often because she could fake it without. you seem really adamant to prove she has big boobs, why do you care about whiteknighting her so much?

I'm just saying she's bigger than a B cup, and people need to stop trying to start drama where there is none.

>Um, the only way to do that is self post and I'm not doing that!
Cool story
Precious is almost as butterfaced as Jnig.
That must be why they are so much more popular than you anon.
and how do you know anon, have you seen her naked? nope. you just THINK she's bigger than a B.

B isn't even that small anyway. 34B is just a bit on the smaller side of average (which is what I'd guess her at).

the fact you picked a picture of her with her arms folded (very simple trick to make your boobs look way bigger) proves you know zilch about how boobs work.
I saw her at comic con last year wearing that Eva costume. No way that was padding.

Way to get mad anon.
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Killer butt, too.
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I like how half the girls in this thread are padding, but fatty anon picks on Precious and Jnigs. I wonder why...

sage because nothing to contribute to glorious boob thread.
I know that costume was made a while ago, but holy shit does it look bad.
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Shut up. Thank you.
She has even bigger for her titties cosplay. Shut up.
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Ok so I browsed this whole thread, and there isn't a single Vampy pic? Let's change that
I like how people try to shame stuffing for boobage, but say nothing about chubby people corset training to try to look like an hourglass.
Popular? Sure. But not as genetically-gifted. ;)
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Goddamn that's such a delicious, healthy ass.
I concur
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I'm curious did Precious get a boob job? Because a year or two ago she looked almost flat (poison) and now it looks like she is D(eva).

And she really hasn't gained any weight anywhere but her tits.
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Can't find any more of her, but...this.
Uh did she eat her wheaties in between these two pictures?
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Mfw I'm a C but I'm a small C and I will never have good cleavage. Perky boobs are fine but people only care about cleavage :'( I'm so jelly

She is using a pretty interesting breast binding technique in the first pic, to make it look smaller.
MFW I'm an A cup with saggy sad tits that can't get cleavage with a bombshell bra.

I would probably murder for your tits.
IDk apparently Jnig can stuff her Bs to do crazy shit so either theyre saggy or just really flat and her bust measurement isn't very big from the latter.
I would be shamed if I posted in this thread :(

Yeah but I bet you look cute with yours. I get jealous that girls with smaller boobs know how to accessorize and look great while I look dumb in shirts.

I am sure there has been a lot worst posted. But if you insist.
small boobs are cute on small girls....which, is not me. Though I do never struggle fitting into clothes and such, so there is always a bright side.
It's also a weird size, 32 C, because I have such a small frame it's damn near impossible to find any sort of bra

Small and busty? I think I am in love.
bump for interest. I saw precious when she wore her BRS and she literally had nothing. Now she has grapefruits.
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i like boobs

ok Todd, you are not 20,000 ppl stop pretending to be
Todd has nothing to do with this thread. What's your problem?
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I don't know what is going on here, but let's get back on track.
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dat tape
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Good lord, what's wrong with her face
Oh thank God. I thought that was a scar.
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>A cups
Are you talking about Precious' husband? I think that's his name. I asked about her boobs though because I legitimately think she got a boob job. Humans don't just gain weight all in the breast area without gaining any weight elsewhere unless they get a boob job.

Unless someone gives me some evidence to support the A -> D cup transformation on a female without weight gain elsewhere I'm going to assume she had some work done.
The saggier the tit the more push up you can get. How do you have As though that are saggy? Aren't they so small that they can't really sag? When I was an A cup my tits were perky as fuck (and barely there).
Padded Silicone bra! Cosplayers best friend!

I don't have a clue. I used to be extremely overweight and a B cup, maybe the weight loss did something to them? It's all just really unfortunate.
not as nice as you'd think
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>we can have cosplay boob threads
>we can't have cosplay feet threads

Everyone gets there faps but me.
hey girls, having large breasts doesn't offset your obesity.
Naked feet... cosplay?...
Why do I feel like I'm being logic bombed?
Girls with any weight on them always have disgusting boobs, they're not shapely and nice because they're only there because of extra fat, not because of hormones.
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more of dem titties!
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What's her name again?
Don't get me started on her calves...
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Something flogged.
Mostflogged, I think. Kinky.
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I'd still like to know how that boob job rumor got started. I know for a fact this pic is pretty old, and even back then she had a rack.
Pretty sure it's a combo of people just comparing pics of her super skinny against pics of her after gaining weight. Boob size goes up and down with weight gain and loss.

She also stuffed like crazy to make them huge for some costume she did, can't remember which one though.
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Thats nice and all fellas, but post some boobs!
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She is pretty...
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